Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
This is a REALLY GOOD series!! I wonder if Cash Patel wrote this?


Part 1 - How did we get here?

What is Devolution?
The concept of Devolution is fundamental and part of the government's top-secret continuity of government plans. I will cover the continuity of government plans in detail in a future post. Check out this Newsweek article from 2020. While the report presents Devolution in the context of the pandemic, it still provides enough detail to prove that Devolution exists and was a topic explored by Trump.

The article was published March 18, 2020, and claims, "Standby orders were issued more than three weeks ago to ready these plans…". That means in February of 2020. Trump had ordered the military to review and prepare the continuity of government plans. I think the timeline of this is essential.

Note this article regarding a "fringe theory" being thrown around by Senator Tom Cotton and notice the date. A "theory" stating the virus originated from a biosafety lab pops up around the same time Trump is ordering the military to prepare continuity of government plans.

Today we know that this "theory" is almost certainly true. It's safe to assume military intelligence was all over this at the time, even though Trump didn't publicly state that he had seen evidence that the virus came from the lab until May 1, 2020.

There is so much disinformation still surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic and that is by design. Was it an accident? Was it a bio-weapon? Depending on the platform you use, you may not even be allowed to ask those questions. However the answer to those questions is key to the Devolution theory because it was the launching pad for the theft of the 2020 election and ultimately the pretext for Trump having our military prepare for Devolution.


If you look objectively at Trump's handling of China, his policies were pro-American rather than the pro-China approach of previous administrations. In August of 2017, he directed the Office of the United States Trade Representative to investigate Chinese economic practices. Their subsequent report attacked many aspects of China's monetary policy.

Trump began imposing tariffs on Chinese products referencing "a trade deficit of $500 Billion a year with Intellectual Property Theft of another $300 Billion." (I’ll cover this IP theft in a future post) These tariffs led to a "trade war" that culminated in the Phase One trade deal signing on January 15 of 2020.

Why is that date important? Because the very next day, Trump’s impeachment trial in the senate began.

Think back to August 2019.

The pressure is building on the Biden family for their ties to Ukraine and China. It almost feels like Durham would drop the hammer any day on the Obama administration for Spygate. The "Whistle-blower" comes forward with the quid-pro-quo accusation, and an impeachment inquiry in the House of Representatives is underway. However, with a Republican majority in the Senate and no evidence of a quid-pro-quo, everybody knows the President will be acquitted.

The America-first platform Trump campaigned on was working. The economy was booming. He was winning the “trade war” with China. None of the scandals thrown at him had stuck. He was unscathed through Impeachment. Along with the other two most significant threats to America (Democrats and the media), China was desperate to get Trump out of office. China favored a Biden presidency, and as found on Hunter Biden's Laptop; they would have an equity stake in the Biden administration.

Although the fake polls said otherwise, the Democrats appeared to have little chance in 2020. The momentum was palpable. The only way the democrats would be able to win the election was to steal it.

How convenient that Covid-19 would present them such an opportunity.

Now you can decide for yourself whether the leak was intentional or not, but what did PDJT himself say?


“We went through the worst attack we’ve ever had on our country”.

The Election
Everything about the election of 2020 was controversial. Sitting Presidents don’t gain votes and not get re-elected. Obama had 3 million less votes and was re-elected with a total of almost 66 million votes. Trump gained almost 12 million votes and lost with a total of over 74 million votes. It was evident Covid-19 was a pretext for mass numbers of mail-in voting. A famous politician once said:

"Mail-in ballots are extremely susceptible to fraud" - Jerry "Pampers" Nadler

Local Democrat officials and RINOs unconstitutionally changed election laws in swing states to create more mail-in voting.

Trump saw this coming a mile away.

RNC 2020: Trump warns Republican convention of ‘rigged election’

Trump: 'The only way we're going to lose this election is if the election is rigged'

There are thousands of examples out there just like these and even a few prior to 2020:

So what do you do as President when you know fraudulent activity runs rampant through our federal elections? You take action. Everybody underestimated Trump during the 2016 election. There was still fraud, but he was able to overcome it. They were underprepared because they believed their own fake polls and thought Trump had no chance. He knew just like everybody else, that cheating was their only path to victory so he prepared for it.

On May 11, 2017, he established the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.

In September, he signed an Executive Order Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election.

In November of 2018, he created the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

In December of 2019 Trump created the Space Force.

I will cover his time in office in detail in a future post but these actions signify that Trump was proactively taking steps to deter an election theft.

The Actual Theory
President Trump, with assistance from the United States Military, caught our foreign adversaries aiding the democrats with the theft of an election. This is bigger than just mere corruption and scandal.

This is war.

They let Biden assume office but it doesn’t mean anything. Any damage done can and will be reversed. They are basically playing house. Their time “in office” will only lead to more people wanting Trump back. Biden has no meaningful operational control over the military (I will cover that in a future post) and they won’t let any real harm come to us while the battlefield is prepped for whatever reveal is coming.

If you look at actions Trump took leading up to the election he was prepared for anything the democrats might pull. Our military intelligence (Space Force) monitored and captured the true vote count. I believe the audits will be eye-opening and kick everything off.

“If Trump had the vote count, why didn’t he do anything? Why haven’t we seen any “real” proof of voter fraud”?

Covid changed everything. When Trump said Covid was an attack, he stated that it was "worse than Pearl Harbor." If PDJT had information that the Democrats would steal the election with help from China, that would be considered an act of war. Do you think that is something Trump would allow? Would our military let China install a puppet as President? We prepared for Devolution after gathering information on the lab leak and activated it sometime between November 3rd and January 20th.

“It’s too late, the electoral college voted for Biden”… “there is no legal precedent outlined in the constitution for him to be reinstated”.. Blah Blah Blah.

We are in a completely unprecedented situation.

If the military came out tomorrow and showed you definitive proof that China assisted the democrats in stealing the election, would you say, "oh well, no precedent. Can you show me to my assigned gulag?" or would you say "F&@% that, this can’t be allowed to stand." Trump chose the latter.

We need to step back and review everything that has happened since the release of Covid.
Our enemies conspired to attack the U.S.A. with a bioweapon to steal an election with one of our political parties. That is the actual coup.

We've been thinking too small.

Do you know who hasn't been thinking too small?

President Donald John Trump


Patel Patriot - Spitballers

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Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns


Devolution - Part 2
The Defense Intelligence Agency and the Defector

This is part 2 of my ongoing Devolution series. If you haven’t read Part 1, please do so before continuing any further. If you’d like some daily chatter about devolution and many other topics from folks waiting for Trump to come back, join us here Spitballers

The Defense Intelligence Agency
The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) is the intelligence branch of the United States Military. Their mission is to "Provide intelligence on foreign militaries to prevent & decisively win wars." The director is "a principal adviser to the Secretary of Defense." They typically serve 3-year terms. The current director, Lieutenant General Scott D. Berrier, was appointed by DJT and confirmed by the Senate on July 30th, 2020. The DIA is similar to the CIA, but note this crucial distinction between the two agencies:

The CIA primarily provides intelligence to the president and his cabinet and the DIA provides intelligence for COMBAT RELATED MISSIONS.

Conflicting Reports
Jennifer Van Laar of Redstate published the first of 5 articles about the Chinese Defector on June 4th. I will be discussing information from the first 3.

RedState Story 1

RedState Story 2

RedState Story 3

According to the reporting, Vice Minister Dong Jingwei of the Ministry of State Security (MSS) defected from China to the United States on Feb 10th, of 2021. Dong was previously the chief of counterintelligence for the MSS. If true, Mr. Jingwei would be the highest-level Chinese defector in history. It would be as if General Flynn when he was the Director of the DIA, defected to China with all of our military intelligence secrets.

The CCP has claimed that Dong is still in China. They released a picture of him from a meeting that supposedly took place on June 24th.

Although the free world can undoubtedly trust China (sarcasm), I have my doubts that they're telling the truth in this matter. India has claimed that there was no representation from China at that specific meeting.

Some claim the photo is photoshopped. I believe it is a real picture, just not from the the meeting China claims. Instead, I think we are looking at a photograph taken during a forum in 2020.

The carpeting and chairs appear to be the same, but there is very little information online about this particular forum, and this is the only picture I could find that prove it happened. China's effort to dispel the rumors of Dong's defection have fallen short. China could interview him live on camera and “save face”. Instead, we have a questionable photo and nothing else. Regardless, as this article says:

Shortly after the picture was released by China, the Biden administration came out saying the reports of Dong’s defection were not true.

“We can’t confirm or deny where he is exactly” but the response was “Definitive, a closed issue”… “game, set, match”. In other words “we have no idea where he is but China told us to say we don’t have him”.

The Biden Administration
Some of the information Dong reportedly brought with him was proof that Covid-19 was a bioweapon that was intentionally released. Think about the change in narrative that has occurred on Covid-19. Why isn’t our savior Dr. Fauci being rammed down our throats via the lame-stream media? He’s been virtually blacklisted and his ties to the Wuhan lab exposed. We weren’t allowed to discuss the possibility of a lab leak until recently. The FBI even received intelligence previously from Dr. Li-Meng Yan showing connections to the Wuhan Lab. She was ignored and the possibility of a lab leak decried as a conspiracy theory. Why would they now change their story?

Why on May 27th did Biden order the intelligence community to look into the origin of covid-19? As the article said, the Biden administration “this spring shut down a state department investigation into whether the virus could have leaked from a Wuhan lab, deeming the probe an ineffective use of resources.” Trump started the state department investigation. Biden terminated it. Now he backtracks and has the IC looking into the origin again?

It was as if somebody who knew the facts was pressuring them to correct the story—corroborating reports that the DIA has challenged the FBI and CIA with information received from Dong.

In March, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken met with his Chinese counterparts in Alaska. This meeting took place one month after Dong Jingwei reportedly defected. The talks were hostile. Here is the Transcript of the US-China opening remarks. What everybody has missed about these "hostile" public remarks is the actual cause of them. Publicly China told the United States to stay out of China's "Internal affairs." Privately, The CCP demanded that the US hand over Dong.

“Blinken wasn’t aware that Dong was with the US Government”. The DIA has had Dong since February and nobody outside of the DIA knew about it. That includes “President” Biden, the so-called commander-in-chief of the United States armed forces. How is it possible that the United States President was unaware of the highest level defector in history ? Maybe this is why.

DIA and Devoultion
DIA leadership (Trump appointed Lt. Gen Berrier) believes there are “Chinese spies or sources inside the FBI, CIA, and several other federal agencies.” He has proof. The defector brought “terabytes” of data with him. Included in that data is the “names of Chinese Spies working in the US” and “Names of US Citizens who provide intel to China” as well as Hunter “(and Joe’s) business dealings with Chinese entities.”

The implications here are MASSIVE.
The DIA (the principal source of intelligence for COMBAT RELATED MISSIONS) kept the defector a secret because the President was implicated by the information the defector provided.

Here is another nugget from Dr. Han Lianchao.

Is it possible he has been here since long before February? I believe Trump had a role in this, and the defector provided information that helped prove the election theft. Why would a Chinese defector come to the United States in February with information implicating President Biden, knowing there are CCP spies everywhere? He would be sent back or disappeared. He either came before Biden took office, and the military has kept his presence quiet, OR he came in February as reported, knowing for certain the military would protect him by not telling the Biden administration. Both scenarios point to Devolution.

Final thought

I did a quick google search for how many Chinese students attend US universities.
[Holee Crap!]

That means at minimum, China has 124,000 college aged assets scattered across our country. They have way more than just college aged assets here. China has an army within our borders. They have infiltrated and compromised nearly everything. That is why it is taking so long for Trump to make his reveal. That is why there has been an insane level of military spy aircrafts over the United States (Monkey Werx). Trump and the military are trying to neutralize as much of the threat as possible to minimize the fallout. Our enemy will fight tooth and nail to hold on to their power, but Trump and our military are preparing to deliver a death blow and they have the help of defector Dong Jingwei.

Devolution is Real.

The best is yet to come


Patel Patriot

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
(Post 1 of 2 for part 3)


Devolution - Part 3
Continuity Of Government

If you haven’t read my first two parts of the Devolution series, please do so now here:

Devolution - Part 1 - by Patel Patriot

Devolution - Part 2 - by Patel Patriot

Devolution Part 4 was originally planned for release tomorrow. I will instead be releasing it Friday.

Part 4 will cover my personal theory of exactly how Donald John Trump not only implemented Devolution, but is still, constitutionally, the President of the United States. I even have precedent to back it up. Don’t miss the first read on FRIDAY on RET

I apologize but this article may get confusing at times. I did my best to connect the dots as clearly as I could. If you have any questions or would just like to engage in some Devolution talk, feel free to join my telegram and ask away: Spitballers

Last note before diving in. I originally wanted to cover Mike Pence and William Barr in this article but it turned out to be much longer than I expected so I will cover them in some other future post.

Here We go

Continuity of Operations and Continuity of Government
Continuity of operations (COOP) planning has been utilized by the United States since the Cold War as an effort to preserve the continuity of government (COG) in the event of a Nuclear Attack. Executive order 12656 laid the ground work and defined what a constitutes as a national security emergency.

In July of 2016, Barack Obama signed the still classified Presidential Policy Directive 40 (PPD-40). In accordance with PPD-40, each department was to maintain continuity programs. “Agencies were ordered to have not just a line of succession but also one of "devolution," a duplicate chain of individuals secreted outside Washington available in a catastrophic emergency. Devolution involves "procedures to transfer statutory authority and responsibilities" to this secondary designated staff to sustain essential functions.”

Even though every federal government agency and department has COG and COOP plans, the Devolution that President Trump initiated was done through the Military and the Department of Defense for one primary reason.

Remember, I fully believe that we are at War.

Not the war you picture in your head involving thousands of troops clashing on a battlefield. This war is clandestine in nature. It involves cyber warfare, information warfare, electronic warfare, intelligence warfare, space warfare and I also believe biological warfare (Covid). The only option at Trump’s disposal was to initiate Devolution using our military. I’ll explain why Devolution was the only option in Part 4. For now, we will focus on the Department of Defense.

Department of Defense
As their website says, “The mission of the Department of Defense is to provide the military forces needed to deter war and ensure our nation's security.” The Secretary of Defense oversees the Defense Department and acts as the principal defense policymaker and adviser. Here is a simplified version of the United States National Command Authority.

If Trump is going to pull off Devolution using the military he has to have the right man at the top of the “food chain” as his Secretary of Defense. Just two days after the Associated Press declared Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 presidential election, Donald Trump promoted that man.

Meet Christopher C. Miller. The “former” Acting Secretary of Defense (Sec Def Miller), was promoted by President Donald J. Trump on November 9th, 2020.

One of his last assignments as an Army officer was as Director for Special Operations and Irregular Warfare within the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations/Low-Intensity Conflict (ASD (SO/LIC)). Keep that in mind because it will come up a lot.

The (ASD (SO/LIC)) is responsible for the overall supervision of Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict activities. In other words the (ASD (SO/LIC)) oversees the entire United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM). Here are the USSOCOM core activities:

  • Direct Action
  • Special Reconnaissance
  • Unconventional Warfare
  • Foreign Internal Defense
  • Civil Affairs Operations
  • Counterterrorism
  • Military Information Support Operations
  • Counter-proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
  • Security Force Assistance
  • Counterinsurgency
  • Hostage Rescue and Recovery
  • Foreign Humanitarian Assistance
The one I want to focus on is Foreign Internal Defense: “Activities that support a Host Nation's internal defense and development (IDAD) strategy, designed to protect against subversion, lawlessness, insurgency, terrorism, and other threats to their internal security, and stability, and legitimacy.” Doesn’t that sound relevant?

Sec Def Miller began working for the Trump administration in March of 2018, serving various roles within the National Counterterrorism Center. He became Director of the NCC in August of 2020, a position he held until his promotion to Acting Secretary of Defense. While with the National Counterterrorism Center, he had a brief stint (June 19, 2020-August 7, 2020) where he was “Performing the Duties of (ASD (SO/LIC)) until he was replaced by Ezra Cohen-Watnick.

Lost yet?

Within days his promotion to Sec Def, Christopher Miller and Trump began making moves within the DoD and Pentagon that many considered unusual. On November 10th, Anthony Tata was promoted to Senior Official Performing the duties of the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy. The USD(P) happens to be the primary coordinator for Department of Defense Directive 3020.26 which “establishes DoD continuity policy and assigns responsibilities for its implementation.”

In other words, one of the very first positions filled after Chris Miller became Acting Secretary of Defense, was the position that “Develops DoD policy and provides oversight for Continuity of Operations and Continuity of Government”.

Tata is also an author who writes “Tom Clancy-style military thrillers”. He published a book in November of 2019 entitled “Double Crossfire”. The book has an interesting description - “In the most shocking scenario of our time, former Brigadier General Anthony J. Tata takes you inside a brilliantly conceived, brutally executed plot to overthrow our government -- from within”.

We’ll just call one that a coincidence.

David Norquist already serving as the Deputy Secretary of Defense from July 31 - Feb 8 of 2021. His role was to oversee the day to day operations as well as manage the DoD budget. Prior to that role he was essentially the “CFO” of the DoD. He oversaw the first ever department-wide financial audit of $2.7 Trillion in assets. I mention him for two reasons. First, as somebody who knows the DoD finances inside and out, he is the type of guy you would need if you’re looking to fund Special Operations that you don’t want anybody to know about. Second, you’re going to see a memo shortly that he sent out which to me proves he was involved with Devolution.

November 11th, 2020 involved the promotion of two more Trump allies: Kashyap Patel (my pseudo-namesake), and Ezra Cohen-Watnik. Each deserving of their own chapter in this story.

Kash Patel was promoted to Chief of Staff for Acting Sec Def Miller. He played a major role in uncovering the corruption of the Democrat party during both Spygate and the Ukraine Scandal. He is a lawyer who was a legal liaison to the Joint Special Operations Command. It was even rumored he was being considered to lead the CIA to replace Gina Haspel. As Chief of Staff for Sec Def Miller, Patel would have been intimately involved with the operations planning. He was also designated to lead the DoD’s coordination with Biden’s transition team. (More on that shortly).

Ezra Cohen-Watnick was promoted to fill the role of the Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence (UDI), the top Pentagon civilian overseeing intelligence. While in this role, he also continued to serve as the Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict (ASD (SO/LIC)). He was working as both the UDI and the ASD (SO/LIC) from November 11th - January 20th.

Guess who the directly reports to the UDI? The director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). If you’re not sure why that is relevant go back and read Part 2 of my Devolution series.

Ezra was first brought into the NSC by General Michael T. Flynn. He has experience with the DIA, CIA, Defense Clandestine Service, and the NSC.

He was also appointed by Trump to chair the Public Interest Declassification Board in December of 2020, a position that would prove useful if you wanted to timely release previously classified information to the public.

I know this is confusing but I promise I’m going somewhere with this.

Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict
On November 18th 2020, Sec Def Miller signed this memorandum designating the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict (ASD (SO/LIC)) as a “principle staff assistant” which would report directly to The Secretary of Defense and Deputy Secretary of Defense.

So Ezra Cohen Watnick would be reporting directly to Sec Def Miller.

Even more interesting was the memo released shortly thereafter by Deputy Sec Def Norquist titled “Development of an Implementation Plan for a Direct Reporting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict”.

Why is this significant? Because this is the who is running Devolution right now!

Check out this screenshot from DJT’s Federal Mission Resilience (FMR) Strategy he released on December 30th (I’m going to go into the FMR shortly). It describes how our Spec ops are operating a Devolution of government right now.

Special Operations and Low intensity units perform small-scale covert, and clandestine operations. At the time of this memo, the Acting (ASD (SO/LIC)) is Ezra Cohen-Watnick. Ezra is also the UDI.

He is the top civilian official overseeing our Military Intelligence AND top civilian official overseeing our Special Operations forces.

He has just been designated to directly report to Sec Def Miller, the most recent (ASD (SO/LIC)).

Remember earlier I told you Miller’s last role with the army was as Director for Special Operations and Irregular Warfare within the Office of the (ASD (SO/LIC)). Sec Def Miller knows the ins and outs of the Special Operations Command. He has personally led some of the Units. He trusts them because he is one of them.

Sec Def Miller was asked to implement something that had never been done before. The fate of the United States of America is hanging in the balance based on the success of this one operation. He literally had the weight of the world on his shoulders.

So he turned to the people he knew he could trust to get the job done. These units specialize in “protecting against subversion, lawlessness, insurgency, terrorism, and other threats to their internal security, and stability, and legitimacy.” This is exactly the group you want to run a Devolution operation.

I believe the implementation plan meetings beginning in the week of Nov 30th was the implementation of Devolution. It’s no wonder Sec Def Miller made these off-script comments to VP Mike Pence at the 1st anniversary of Space Force:

“We’ve been through some stuff, we’ve gone through some of the most complex military operations this country has ever conducted and your steady hand and your leadership during those was a great source of strength for me”. [Does this mean Pence was TOLD to Authorize the 2020 election? If so, would this mean Pence is really a good guy?]

He had only been in his position for a little over a month. If it wasn’t Devolution, what could he be referring to as the “most complex military operations this country has ever seen”?

Transition Team
Look at this article from late December of 2020.

‘Really quite shocking’: Inside the ugly transition at the Pentagon - POLITICO

Remember, Kash Patel was designated to lead the transition on behalf of the DoD. He along with Sec Def Miller and the rest of Trump’s allies “refused to provide information about current operations, particularly in the special operations realm”. That would be the same “realm” from the memo above. This is unprecedented in terms of Presidential Transitions.

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
(Post 2 of 2 for part 3)

So to recap:

  • Trump prepares for election theft
  • China colludes with Democrats to steal election
  • Trump “caught them all” and prepares his countermove
  • Massive personnel moves at DoD and pentagon to place Trump allies in key roles
  • Implementation of what appears to be a Devolution plan for our Spec Ops
  • Refusing to tell incoming Dems about said Spec Ops
  • Checkmate
On December 7th, 2020, President Trump signed Executive order 13961: Governance and Integration of Federal Mission Resilience and on December 30th he released the Federal Mission Resilience Strategy 2020. When you have the time, I urge you to read both.

I can discuss the EO and Strategy in Detail in a future post if people would like that but for now, I’m only going to show the intro from Donald Trump and then the very last “Summary” section of the FMR document.

Notice the timing here. As this was released, Trump had already started putting Devolution into motion. Keep that in mind as you read it. It’s almost like he is telling you he is about to do something big.

“In accomplishing these goals together, we can ensure the resilience of our constitutional form of government and American way of life”.

This is exactly what is at stake here. Donald Trump and the rest of the Devolution Patriots are fighting for the very soul of our country. Remember, this election theft is so much more than fraud.

This is war.

China wants to be the world’s dominant power but they knew they would never beat us in a war involving actual ground forces. Their only path to victory over of the U.S.A. would be through infiltrating all of our institutions and destroying us from within. As you can see by what has happened since Biden was “Elected”, they have never been closer to achieving their goal. At least that is what they think.

The more research I do, the more peace it brings me. I have never been more confident that Devolution is real.

President Donald John Trump is a fighter. He saw this coming. He prepared for everything. He possesses a courage few could dream of. He was built for this moment. President Donald John Trump loves this country too much to let us be destroyed when there was something he could do to prevent that. So he acted. Devolution is real. Enjoy the show!

The Best Is Yet To Come

Patel Patriot

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns


Devolution Part 4
A Wartime President

How can this be real?
When January 20th came and Trump boarded AF1 leaving Biden as the president, I was devastated. Everybody knew the election was fraudulent. There was no possible way Trump was just going to walk away from a stolen election.

Then he did.

I honestly couldn’t comprehend what had happened. Like many of you, I could feel it in my bones that this couldn’t be how the story ends. I started searching for answers. The devolution theory was one of the only plausible scenarios I could see playing out but I always ran into the same question.

Devolution isn’t meant to be permanent and certainly wouldn’t be able to last for 4 years. How does President Trump come back before 2024?

The reality is, I don’t think he ever “left”.

Throughout his presidency, Trump has often spoken of our nations founding. Here are parts his September 17th, 2020 remarks from the White House Conference on American History *I removed some paragraphs*.

“Our mission is to defend the legacy of America’s founding, the virtue of America’s heroes, and the nobility of the American character. We must clear away the twisted web of lies in our schools and classrooms, and teach our children the magnificent truth about our country. We want our sons and daughters to know that they are the citizens of the most exceptional nation in the history of the world.

To grow up in America is to live in a land where anything is possible, where anyone can rise, and where any dream can come true — all because of the immortal principles our nation’s founders inscribed nearly two and a half centuries ago.

That’s why we have come to the National Archives, the sacred home of our national memory. In this great chamber, we preserve our glorious inheritance: the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights.

On this very day in 1787, our Founding Fathers signed the Constitution at Independence Hall in Philadelphia. It was the fulfillment of a thousand years of Western civilization. Our Constitution was the product of centuries of tradition, wisdom, and experience. No political document has done more to advance the human condition or propel the engine of progress.

We are here today to declare that we will never submit to tyranny. We will reclaim our history and our country for citizens of every race, color, religion, and creed.

America’s founding set in motion the unstoppable chain of events that abolished slavery, secured civil rights, defeated communism and fascism, and built the most fair, equal, and prosperous nation in human history.

The narratives about America being pushed by the far-left and being chanted in the streets bear a striking resemblance to the anti-American propaganda of our adversaries — because both groups want to see America weakened, derided, and totally diminished.

The only path to national unity is through our shared identity as Americans. That is why it is so urgent that we finally restore patriotic education to our schools.

From Washington to Lincoln, from Jefferson to King, America has been home to some of the most incredible people who have ever lived. With the help of everyone here today, the legacy of 1776 will never be erased. Our heroes will never be forgotten. Our youth will be taught to love America with all of their heart and all of their soul.

We will save this cherished inheritance for our children, for their children, and for every generation to come.”

This speech is just one of many examples, but you can clearly see that President Trump cherishes our nations founding, honors its founders and revere’s its legacy. This is relevant to my theory for two reasons. First, a man that feels like this about his country would do anything and everything he could to defend it and protect it from those who seek to destroy it. Second, he would do so in a way that would be justified by the very legacy he is trying to defend.

The constitution has no method for rectifying a stolen election once the electoral college certifies its votes and a new president is inaugurated, yet everybody seems to be hung up by the thought that we need to decertify each state as the audits come out. The audits have their role, but I don’t think it will be to decertify anything.

We need to be thinking bigger.

What I haven’t seen anybody discussing yet is what if President Trump rectified the stolen election BEFORE the electoral college certified their votes. President Trump wouldn’t leave the fate of our nation to something he couldn’t control. He is courageous but he isn’t stupid. Once he is no longer President, the viable options available to him become greatly diminished. We have already seen governors, judges, and election officials obstruct the audit process. There is no saying what else could go wrong.

Leaving everything to hinge on post election actions of others involves far too much risk considering what is at stake. Donald Trump is too calculated for that. I firmly believe he initiated Devolution prior to leaving office so it only makes sense to me that he also cemented his “return” prior to leaving office. The two go hand-in-hand.

My Theory

Sometime between December 7th (When Trump issued executive order 13961: Governance and Integration of Federal Mission Resilience) and January 6th, 2021, President Donald Trump used a Presidential Executive Action Document (PEAD) to suspend the counting of the electoral college votes. [WHAT????]

I have considered that he may have actually suspended the constitution altogether. We don’t know what that would look like but I believe it would involve a form of martial law, something I don’t see currently. Congress is also still passing legislation which wouldn’t happen under a suspended constitution. Anybody who was fraudulently placed into congress will be removed but I think that happens after President Trump makes his reveal. That it why I think he solely suspended the counting of the electoral college votes. He is still President, and we’re in a state of devolution at the moment.

Don’t worry I brought...

This document from the University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform has some great information on Presidential Executive Action Documents (PEADs). It also discusses continuity of government (COG) and how PEADs play a role within COG planning. If you remember my Devolution part 3, you’ll know why COG planning is important. Here is a good explanation of PEADs:

One of the most interesting things I found in this document is an exchange between two members of congress, and Col. Oliver North that took place during the 1987 Iran-Contra hearings.

Here is the Miami Herald article from 1987 which was referenced above and a screenshot below.

So in 1982, nearly 40 years ago, a PEAD was written for President Reagan to suspend the constitution. PEADs have certainly developed over the years as we have adapted our continuity of government planning but I can assure you if there was a PEAD for suspension of the constitution in 1982, then there was one for suspending it in 2020 and there could just as easily be one for suspending solely the electoral college vote (which would be a less drastic measure than suspending the constitution completely). You cannot convince me that Trump didn’t have a PEAD prepared for this stolen election.

Sure they held a “vote” and an “inauguration” and right now Biden is in office. However none of it was real or constitutional. It was a charade. Just as Joe’s entire “presidency” has been. Look at this 48 second video from Trump’s CPAC speech. [Go to link to see video - can't bring over]

Notice how he stresses and even points to the “w” and the “h” in white house and states that they are small letters. This is significant.

Trump is giving us an English language lesson by telling us that Joe Biden is not the president using capitalization. He explicitly draws attention to it. I can’t come to any other conclusion than Trump is still the President by issuing a suspension of the electoral college vote.

Let me dive into this even further.

Remember what I have been saying the entire Devolution series. We are at war. President Trump has told us that himself.

He said the attack was “the worst attack we’ve ever had”. “Worse than pearl harbor, this is worse than the World Trade Center”. That is a powerful statement but so important for my theory. Both the attacks on Pearl Harbor and the World Trade Center we’re responded to by congress declaring war, and a President at war is a President with a multitude of war powers.

Campbell v. Clinton

Campbell v. Clinton, 203 F.3d 19 (D.C. Cir. 2000) was a case holding that members of Congress could not sue President Bill Clinton for alleged violations of the War Powers Resolution in his handling of the war in Yugoslavia. It’s certainly an interesting case but what I found most intriguing was this concurring opinion by D.C. Circuit Judge Laurence H. Silberman:

If our election was attacked and our presidency about to be hijacked, President Trump was bound by his oath of office to meet the crisis with whatever degree of force the crisis demanded.

Why didn’t he say anything prior to leaving office. I think there are a multitude of reasons. If you haven’t noticed, we seem to be approaching a political boiling point. Think of all the different situations that appear to be coming to a head.

  • Results from the Arizona forensic audit (and other Audits getting started)
  • Durham Report
  • Big tech lawsuit
  • The defector
  • The failed policies of the Biden administration (Economy)
Trump has clearly started ramping up his public statements and he’s not mincing his words. Trump left office and let Biden play pretend because we the American people needed to wake up and take a stand to the corruption that has become the status quo. We needed to see for ourselves the infestation that has taken hold of our government. Not just us MAGA republicans, but nation as a whole. I personally think when the AZ audit is revealed, the dam breaks and Trump announces what he did.


There is a brilliant article written by James M. McPherson entitled Any Measure Which May Best Subdue The Enemy. It covers how during the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln assumed numerous presidential powers now specified in the U.S. Constitution. It’s worth a full read but here are the highlights. I know it’s quite a few screen shots but it’s too powerful and relevant not to include.

(Continuing to next post or else I'll exceed the 10 attachment limit)


Pride comes before the fall.....Pride month ended.
I often think.....who writes this stuff? Every day another full blown run down, in depth, with lots of stuff....who has time?
Why do they have time? Hope and pray such things are real, really...really. But then I stop and think, who writes this stuff?


Senior Member
Articles like this seem plausible and well put together ....until the theorist "devolves" into one of his major points turns on the use of capital letters. Good grief Charlie Brown......
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Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
I just got notified PART 6 came out tonight and I didn't even know PART 5 had come out!

I'll be posting part 5 now, which is going to take more than one post and part 6 tomorrow because I have to get to bed!

Devolution - Part 5
The Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency & Dominion Voting Systems

This article is a long one but the bombshell at the end will blow your mind.

Critical Infrastructure
President Harry Truman created the National Security Council (NSC) in 1947. Since its founding, every president has issued some form of national security directives. National security directives are usually directed only to the NSC and senior executive branch officials and lay out foreign and military policy-making guidance. Bill Clinton’s Presidential directive PDD-63 of May 1998 started including extensive critical infrastructure protection (CIP). PDD-63 mandated the formation of a national strategy for CIP.

In the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks, numerous changes took place regarding how we define and operate our CIP. The Patriot Act was signed into law on October 26th, 2001 and gave the following definition for critical infrastructure:

The following year (November 25, 2002), the Homeland Security Act was signed into law creating the United States Department of Homeland Security. In 2003, President George W. Bush signed the Homeland Security Presidential Directive 7 (HSPD-7) which replaced PDD-63 and established the U.S. National Policy for identification of and prioritization of critical infrastructure. HSPD-7 called for The National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) which aims to unify Critical Infrastructure and Key Resource (CI/KR) protection efforts across the country. The NIPP's goals are to protect critical infrastructure and key resources and ensure resiliency. It was not an actual plan to be carried out in an emergency, but it was useful as a mechanism for developing coordination between government and the private sector.

The NIPP is structured to create partnerships between Government Coordinating Councils (GCC) from the public sector and Sector Coordinating Councils (SCC) from the private sector. I want to again emphasize that the SCCs are from the private sector.

The NIPP also discussed implementing “Advisory Councils” shown below. These councils have been used as a method to involve the private sector in matters of national security relating to critical infrastructure.

Remember that highlighted part. Read it twice if you have to. The formation of this Critical Infrastructure Partnership Advisory Council (CIPAC) as FACA-exempt is crucial and I’ll explain why later. One more thing regarding membership of CIPAC:

Again, I want to emphasize that “membership of the CIPAC will consist of: the Critical Infrastructure/Key Resource (CI/KR) owners and operators that are members of their respective sector’s recognized SCC.”

What does any of this have to do with the 2020 election?

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
On January 6th, 2017, Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson (Obama’s SHS) released a statement designating “Election Infrastructure” as a “critical infrastructure subsector” within the existing critical infrastructure sector titled: “Government Facilities”. This allowed Election Infrastructure Security to fall under the umbrella of the DHS.

On November 16, 2018, President Trump signed into law the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act of 2018 which established the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). According to their own website, “The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is the Nation’s risk advisor, working with partners to defend against today’s threats and collaborating to build more secure and resilient infrastructure for the future.” The CISA website lists all 16 of the critical infrastructure sectors but I want to focus on the Government Facilities Sector because that is where you can find the Election Infrastructure Subsector. The election infrastructure subsector landing page looks like this:

Here is the 2020 Charter Election Infrastructure Subsector Government Coordinating Council Charter-2-9-2020 as shown above. Keep in mind that Sector Coordinating Councils(SCC) are from the private sector and are members of Critical Infrastructure Partnership Advisory Council (CIPAC).

[...] Essentially, the EISCC is a council made up of members from the private sector that advises and assists our government with the “physical security, cyber security, and emergency preparedness of the nations election infrastructure”. They do this through “voluntary actions of the infrastructure owners and operators REPRESENTED in the council”.

This means that the members of the EISCC are the actual election infrastructure owners and operators, and they handle the physical security along with the cybersecurity through their own “voluntary actions”.

They “coordinate with the DHS to develop, recommend, and review sector-wide plans, procedures, and effective practices in support of infrastructure protection, including training, education, and implementation”. They also “make recommendations to appropriate authorities to mitigate impediments to effective critical infrastructure security”.

Section 5 of the charter is critical. Focus on the first paragraph below. “The EISCC operates under the critical infrastructure partnership advisory council (CIPAC) framework established by the Secretary of Homeland Security pursuant to section 871 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. §451)”

What exactly is “section 871 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. §451)” I’m going to break this down the best I can.

So the EISCC which we know operates under the CIPAC framework is exempt from Public Law 92-463 (screenshot below) and that law establishes “a system governing the creation and OPERATION of advisory committees.”

So just to make sure this is clear:
  • DHS has submitted a notice in the federal registry in 2006 (renewed every two years) that CIPAC is exempt from oversight over its creation and operation of advisory committees
  • The EISCC is operating under the framework of CIPAC.
  • Therefore, the EISCC is exempt from oversight over its creation and operation.
Now Back to Section 871 (just read the highlighted part):

Here is the section 202 of title 18, USC (most important parts highlighted):

So because the EISCC operates under the framework of CIPAC and is exempt from Public Law 92-463, they are classified as “Special Government Employees”.

Back to Section 871 (just read the highlighted part):

Subsection b(3) of section 208 of Title 18, United States code reads as follows:

So because the EISCC operates under the framework of CIPAC and is exempt from Public Law 92-463 (exempt from oversight), they are classified as “Special Government Employees” and they have been certified that their “services outweighs the potential for a conflict of interest created by the financial interest involved.”

This means our government knows there is a “potential for a conflict of interest created by the financial interest involved” for members of the EISCC because the “official responsible for the employee’s appointment” has to certify it. They know there is a conflict of interest for members of the EISCC yet they allow it to operate without oversight.

Why is this so important? Scroll down and check out the member affiliations of the Election Infrastructure Subsector Coordinating Council’s 2020 Charter. Try not to shit your pants.

(Cont'd due to character limitations)
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Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
(Part 5 Cont'd)

Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic were two of the members of the EISCC which “advises and assists” our government with election security by “coordinating with the DHS to develop, recommend, and review sector-wide plans, procedures, and effective practices in support of infrastructure protection, including training, education, and implementation”. They were also making “recommendations to appropriate authorities to mitigate impediments to effective critical infrastructure security”. Read again the EISCC Mission and Purpose.

Our Government knew there was a conflict of interest because they had to sign a waiver certifying they knew.
Yet, the members of the EISCC who were the very companies used for basically every aspect of the 2020 election (machines, ballot printing, etc.) were also in charge of the “physical security, cyber security, and emergency preparedness of the nation’s election infrastructure” and they HAD NO OVERSIGHT.

I’m sure other companies here could be flagged, but Dominion and Smartmatic are my focus because they have been in the spotlight of the 2020 election fraud. If you haven’t yet, read this article from the Epoch Times showing A History of Foreign Ties Behind Voting Machines Used in US.

This revelation sheds new light on this statement from CISA which was released on November 12, 2020. Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic, the very companies accused of committing fraud in this election, we’re part of the election infrastructure joint statement claiming “the November 3rd election was the most secure in American history.”

On November 30th, 2020, the Department of Homeland Security renewed the charter again for two more years and with that renewal came the straw that broke the election fraud’s back. If you go back to the main Election Infrastructure Subsector: Charters and Membership landing page and click on the link for the 2021 version of the charter which was released in February, you’ll notice something different.

They changed the name from “Election Infrastructure Subsector Coordinating Council” (EISCC) to “Election Infrastructure Subsector Government Coordinating Council” (EIS GCC). It now reads that “EIS GCC membership is composed of government agencies and organizations representing government officials that own, operate, or administer subsector physical or cyber assets, systems, and processes or have responsibility for supporting security and resilience of those assets, systems, and processes.”

No mention of Dominion or Smartmatic. No mention of the private sector companies from 2020 at all.

Can you say cover-up? Where is congress asking questions about this?


Everything about the 2020 election points to fraudulent activity. The Arizona Senate has subpoenaed the routers from the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors but the MCBS has not been cooperating. Why haven’t they turned over the routers? The AZ forensic auditors need to see internet traffic on those routers to see if anything nefarious took place and to finalize their audit.

Refer back to the previously mentioned Epoch Times article and check out this screen shot below from that article:

There is also this article claiming a Swiss bank majority-owned by communist China paid Dominion parent company $400 million. Finally, this reporting from Catherine Herridge stating DNI John Ratcliffe Confirmed There Was Foreign Interference in November Elections: Report (

Let’s put two and two together here.
  • Dominion Voting Systems was part of the United States Government sanctioned advisory council that was responsible for election infrastructure security, the DHS knew they had a conflict of interest yet let them operate without oversight.
  • Multiple reports of financial ties between the CCP and Dominion.
  • As the Epoch Times stated “Dominion’s voting technology is currently used in 28 U.S. states and Puerto Rico, according to the firm’s official website. More than 40 percent of American voters cast their ballots through the Dominion system in general elections, including 65 of Michigan’s 83 counties, all 159 counties in Georgia, and 2.2 million voters in Maricopa, Arizona’s largest county, among others.”
The logical conclusion I come to is that China was able to bypass security measures that Dominion Voting Systems was responsible for implementing, in order to access Dominion Voting Systems own machines resulting in the fraudulent outcome of this election.

That is clearly an act of War, and our own Department of Homeland Security sanctioned it and then covered it up.
Our only saving grace in all of this is the Space Force. Our Military could access those Maricopa county routers without subpoena. They have all the information they need and they have likely had it since November 3rd when they we’re monitoring it live. Trump didn’t leave the security of our election up to CISA and CISA alone. The military was watching.

If Devolution is not real
, the only way to rectify this election will be through states decertifying their electors, something that has never been done and something I firmly believe will not work. The Biden administration completely disregarded the will of the American people by colluding with China to steal our election, they will obviously do anything they have to in order to stay in power. They will not cooperate with the decertification process and will not give up their grasp on power even if every state decertifies.

Devolution has to be real because there is no other way we will ever rid ourselves of the corruption in our government.



Senior Member
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(2)(J), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns

Devolution - Part 6
Antifa & the Capitol Riot

More To The Story
It’s been incredible to see the different ways people from all ends of the political spectrum have reacted to the events that transpired during the January 6th “Save America” rally. The media, the democrats, the RINOs and Big tech want us to believe that Trump was trying to get his supporters to overthrow the government. There are even Trump supporters who blame Trump for what happened while not going so far as to say this was his attempt at a coup.

Then there is the rest of us.

We know Trump is always thinking 10 steps ahead. We know he doesn’t do anything without having thought of every possible outcome first. He doesn’t ask a question he doesn’t already know the answer to. Trump was selling this as the rally to “Save America” from the stolen election. There was going to be a million MAGA patriots in attendance. Antifa had been infiltrating events all summer. It was so obvious that they would do it again at this rally. “What was Trump thinking”? There has to be more to the story!

One of the themes throughout this Devolution series has been “We need to think bigger”. If we step back and look at everything in context, I believe we can come to an alternative conclusion that shows there is indeed much more to the story.

What is Antifa?
The term Antifa is a combination of the words “Anti-Fascist”. Robert Stilson from the Capital Research Center has a great series trying to explain exactly who Antifa is. Here are the links and a screenshot below of his definition of Antifa:
Antifa FAQs: What Is Antifa?
Antifa FAQs: Where Did Antifa Come From?
Antifa FAQs: What Does Antifa Want?
Antifa FAQs: Who Supports Antifa?

That point is important. Even our own FBI director Chris Wray testified that Antifa is an ideology, not an organization. Just keep that in mind as we continue.

Antifa has been operating in the United States since the 1980s but were relatively under the radar. That was until 2017 when the first notable violent display took place at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville.

“Our goal should be in 20 years those who voted for trump are too uncomfortable to share that fact in public.” That quote is quite terrifying but it is exactly how Antifa and the Democrats view anybody who supports Trump. They want us silenced. Antifa, along with some of the radical BLM groups have turned into the militant arm of the liberal left.

As we all know, 2020 brought about an unprecedented wave of violence. This stemmed from the media driven narrative of racism and police brutality in our country. Antifa would use the Black Lives Matter movement as a springboard for their rioting and anarchy. “Defund the police” quickly became the BLM rallying cry and the riots that ensued could be described as a war between BLM/Antifa and Law & Order.

The democrats and their media lackeys spent all summer claiming the protests were “Mostly Peaceful” and used the narrative to attack Trump. The democrats refused to condemn Antifa. Ben Shapiro said it best:

Everything that happened in 2020 was about the election. That is all the Democrats and media cared about. They were desperate to get Trump out of office. They used Covid as a pretext to not only take away as much of our freedom as possible, but also to institute illegal voting mechanisms to steal the election. That wasn’t enough. Trump was still massively popular so they pulled out their “go to” move from their playbook.


They wanted to frame Trump and his supporters as white supremacists who have caused all this racism in our country. They needed a race war to blame on us. They used Antifa to fuel the flames and the Democrat governors did nothing to stop the madness, calling Trump a tyrant for even thinking about interfering with federal troops or the military. They wanted to cause chaos to make Trump look bad. Antifa was clearly organized. They would fly all over the country to different protests. They would consistently get bailed out of jail and left off the hook by leftist AG’s and Judges. This was not merely an idea.

This was terrorism.

Law & Order
What I’m going to focus on now is some of the interesting things that happened behind the scenes & how this all ties in with with January 6th and Devolution. Here is the timeline of events following the death of George Floyd.

* Important to note that the President, followed by the DOD, followed by the Secretary of the Army is in charge of the District of Columbia National Guard:

June 4th - AG Barr announces DOJ has evidence of Antifa involvement

[Due to 'Attachment' limitations, Part 6 is continued below]

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
(PART 6 Cont'd)

So based on the timeline above, we know that surveillance was taking place at these protests. We know there was a task force created to handle extremist groups. We also know that Trump wanted Antifa to be classified as a terrorist organization, something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. It is important to understand what that would mean.

The National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC)

Key part there is the NCTC doesn’t have “broad authority and responsibility” when it comes to “purely domestic terrorism and domestic terrorist organizations”. That falls strictly under the purview of the FBI (who gets assistance from DHS and other agencies). However, once there is a foreign or international aspect, the NCTC pulls rank and takes the lead.

Many people say the Posse Comitatus Act (PCA) from 1878 restricts the use of military in domestic matters and I will cover this in detail in a future piece but there are exceptions to PCA. Specifically when it comes to terrorism, congress has given the President the freedom to do whatever he has to do. Here is an excerpt from the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (you only need to read the highlighted parts).

I wrote the word Terrorism over all those sections because that is what they are referring to and I didn’t want to waste your time by showing you each one.

So lets just summarize a few points so we’re on the same page.
  • In order for military to get involved in handling terrorism, there needs to be a “foreign” or “international” aspect to the group(s) committing the terrorism.
  • Trump said the USA will be designating Antifa as a “Terrorist organization”.
  • AG Barr said they were “also seeing foreign actors”.
  • Multiple agencies (including the District of Columbia National Guard) were using multiple forms of surveillance to monitor the protests. DC NG involvement = Department of Defense and the army.
When you add all this up, it tells me they were treating Antifa as a foreign or international terrorist organization and were using all available resources to track and monitor the members on the ground including the military. Who would be in charge of overseeing an investigation into Antifa as a foreign or international terrorist organization?

The Director of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC).
Let's bring back a familiar face, shall we?


Donald Trump nominated Christopher Miller on March 18th, 2020 and he was sworn in as Director of the NCTC on August 10th.

(Warning, here come the confusing acronyms)

Pay attention to the timeline. Prior to this nomination, he was the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Combating Terrorism (DASD (SO/CT)). He was in that role from January 6th, 2020 until August 7th and he would directly report to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special operations and Low-intensity Conflict (ASD (SO/LIC)).

Think back to part 3 in this series. I told you Chris miller was also “Performing the duties of” ASD (SO/LIC) from June 19th, 2020 - August 7th, 2020 so for that period of time, he served as both the ASD (SO/LIC) & DASD (SO/CT). Here is a reminder of what he did in those roles:

So prior to becoming the Director of the NCTC, Miller was actively overseeing employment of special forces in counterterrorism (including special reconnaissance). Knowing that Antifa was being looked at as a foreign or international terrorist organization, Miller would have been directly involved in the surveillance operations and any other related operations. The same guy at the center of Devolution, is at the center of the Antifa investigation.

Take a listen to this 4 minute clip from an interview released October 8th, 2020. Start at 29:51. Watch until the 33:33 mark.


Here are some of the key takeaways: Our [NCTC] remit , FBI has domestic, we support when requested. What we focus on is the links. We do see some connectivity. What we haven’t seen yet is organized, foreign terrorist organizations supporting or directing domestic groups. When the intel backs it up they will get designated... The worst thing these groups can do is have an office on Rhode Island avenue, a post office box and a financial bank account. They have modified their organization structure and how they do things but that’s the key thing we keep our eyes on.”

Now I think we’re ready to go over my main point.

January 6th, 2020
"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol Building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." Those are the words the mainstream media actively buried from the public but if you listened to his speech, those are the words spoken by President Trump. I believe his supporters listened. The Capitol riots was one of the biggest chess moves used by Trump’s enemies.

Remember, they have successfully stolen the election and they were able to deflect, gas light, and spin the narrative all the way to Jan 6th. All they needed to do was have it cemented by the electoral college vote. The only issue was there are legal ways to challenge the vote. Republicans were saying ahead of time they would do so. Lucky for Biden and his friends, the “Capital was breached” and “Trump and his supporters we’re trying to overthrow the government”.

When the dust settled, nobody talked about the challenges to the vote anymore. They swiftly proceeded to “vote” for Biden and here we are. Think about just a few of the things that have happened as a result of that day.
  • The “electoral college vote” went through without challenge.
  • Social media and big tech used it as a pretext to censor Trump and his supporters.
  • They used it to justify a second impeachment even though he had “left” office.
  • They used it to go after and imprison Trump supporters just for being in the Capitol, the large majority of which didn’t do anything nefarious.
  • They use it to target Trump supporters who weren’t at the Capitol.
  • They have used it to start this bogus January 6th commission.
  • They continue to use the narrative of the “insurrection” attempting invalidate the audits.
How Jan 6th played out was far more beneficial to Trump’s enemies than it was for Trump and it was so obvious that something like this would happen. Antifa is known for infiltrating these types of events yet Trump gave them a massive opportunity to do so. What was he thinking?

As always, he was thinking 10 steps ahead.

Trump set them up.

First let’s look at the timeline of the events

Trump was scheduled to speak at 11:00 AM EST. They plastered his starting time of 11:00 AM everywhere. I personally remember watching the speech and waiting for him to start. It seemed like an eternity because I was so excited. I thought for sure this was the speech he was going to make his “reveal” of how he wouldn’t allow the election to be stolen. He instead was an hour late and started around Noon. It wasn’t the “reveal” we were hoping it would be.

The speech lasted 1 hour and 12 minutes, ending at 1:12 PM EST. Lawmakers gathered for their joint session at the Capitol starting at 1:00 PM EST. The speech was located at the Ellipse, more than a mile and a half from the Capitol. The Capitol barricades were breached at 1:05 PM EST

The math doesn’t add up.

I think Trump was late to speak on purpose because he had intel of what Antifa was planning. The best proof I can provide you of this comes in the form of a memo that has gone almost completely unnoticed. Here are some of the key screenshots:

Note the Date:

[Due to 'Attachment' limitations, Part 6 is continued below]

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
(Part 6 Cont'd)

It’s almost as if Trump was telling us exactly what Antifa was about to do; “Antifa has long used otherwise permissible demonstrations to engage in lawless, criminal behavior to further its radical agenda”. “These violent acts undermine the rights of peaceful protestors…”.

So this memo, which came out the day before the Capitol riots, instructed that “The Secretary of State shall, in consultation with the Attorney General and the Secretary of Homeland Security, review information received from the Department of Justice and other authorities to assess whether to classify Antifa as a terrorist organization under section 1182(a)(3)(B)(vi) of title 8, United States Code.”

The timing of this is more than a coincidence. Why was this memorandum issued on January 5th? What changed? As Patrick Gunnels said (Gunnel’s Telegram Link) “Trump wanted this to be the biggest rally of all time. He wanted to make sure Antifa would infiltrate it. He knew they would try a false flag event and he goaded them into it”. Our military had been monitoring and surveilling Antifa since the summer riots. The events from January 6th were “allowed to happen”. Chris Miller even said in an interview that the “Full story hasn’t been told”.

It’s also more than a coincidence that SecDef Miller is so heavily involved here. All summer he was in charge of the special operation units specifically relating to special operations, counterterrorism, and low-intensity conflict. The exact units from our special forces who would be involved figuring out Antifa’s network. I showed you in Devolution Part 3 that he was the man under which Devolution was possible. Remember what I have been saying, we are at war! The military has to be involved somehow and on Jan 6th, Trump delegated to the man in charge of our military the authority to decide when to call in the DC Guard.

This is all connected!

Who planned Antifa’s involvement on Jan 6th? Who in the Democrat party knew it was going to happen? Who paid for it? Why haven’t they released all the video from that day? Are their any ties between Antifa and those responsible for stealing our election?

It’s not a stretch to say that those who stole the election also planned the “insurrection” as the last move to make sure Trump couldn’t interfere with Biden ascending to the “presidency”. When the full story does come out, and if my theory is true, the consequences will be profound.

If Antifa had been surveilled since the summer, their network will be mostly mapped out. This would include anybody in our government and anybody overseas who may be involved. Any problems they cause after Trump’s “reveal” will be dealt with swiftly and Trump has full authority to deal with them as he needs to. Antifa won’t get as long of a leash as they did all of 2020.

Think about this in terms of chess, there are moves and counter moves. In the game of chess, a sacrifice is “giving up one of your chess pieces with the objective of gaining a tactical or positional advantage”. This is what January 6th was to Trump. He wanted the electoral college vote to go through because (my theory is) he suspended the vote so the actual counting of the votes didn’t matter anyway. Things needed to move forward so we could get to where we are today.

The democrats obviously thought the challenges to the electoral votes would be a problem so they made their move to stop it. Trump saw this coming, and as usual was prepared. Instead of making a defensive move, he let them go too far once again, making themselves vulnerable. The actions that took place on January 6th was a trap and everything is falling into place for Trump. Even though it may look like they captured Trump’s queen, he now has all he needs for the checkmate.


Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
There is an element of hopium here. The interesting thing in all the information is the heavy references to USC, Title codes which equates to a deeper forensic analysis of things. The implication here is that the president effectively declared war by responding to such. He also basically issued the insurrection act ahead of all the BLM riots in spring of 2020.

This stuff explains the quirky troop movements if it vets out over time. For now this is quasi or semi woo, but mainly as I like to say it it does not fall under the triad of truth as you need to have three different sources saying the same basic thing in a different way that are not copies of the same thing.

This fills in a lot of gaps.

This also means that all the illegal movement at the border is staging an actual army all over the place.

But here is the problem, china nor Russia will touch us until we are disarmed. Nothing can happen.

What can happen is we attempt to remove communist elements as if stated above we actually have china's head intelligence chief that defected and have identified all the sympathizers, the round up will create one hell of a mess as that is where the shooting war would start. But if done properly and in secret we would literally surprise folks as media lock downs enable snag and grabs all over over time.


Watching…to go Home
Ok ...I read all the parts and I can say it is interesting, but....ummm......not buying it. At least not till I see some action.

What I cant figure out is why he keeps talking about Chris Miller having a major role in this "game"....when he hasn't been in office since Jan 2021. Where does he even work now?

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Ok ...I read all the parts and I can say it is interesting, but....ummm......not buying it. At least not till I see some action.

What I cant figure out is why he keeps talking about Chris Miller having a major role in this "game"....when he hasn't been in office since Jan 2021. Where does he even work now?

as I said sounds interesting but woo until some of the stuff pans out.


The Dude Abides
In a time when Federal Law Enforcement is being weaponized to go against the American people, and the military is currently being cleansed of pro constitution elements, I really don’t see how this makes any sense. I voted for Trump twice, and would gladly vote for him again, but I believe the bad guys won, they have had their coup. It’s all over but the fallout now. Once you leave Washington DC, you are longer in the game. An interesting read, but not holding my breath

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
X22 Report INTERVIEW with Patel, the guy who is putting out this Devolution series.

Patel Patriot-Devolution Was Strategically Planned By Trump & The Military To Take Back The Country

R/T 40:36



Veteran Member
I hold out hope because I just do not think he could be that careless. There had to be a reason to call people to come on 6th. The comment about being back in Aug. is strange. Then, his rally in Arizona and his statement about can't wait until 2024. What is the point of all this? He is not a day dreamer.


The Great Cat
X22 Report INTERVIEW with Patel, the guy who is putting out this Devolution series.

Patel Patriot-Devolution Was Strategically Planned By Trump & The Military To Take Back The Country

R/T 40:36

It would make sense out of all the purge like behavior of our military.



Greetings from near tropical NYC!
This is a REALLY GOOD series!! I wonder if Cash Patel wrote this?

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Part 1 - How did we get here?

What is Devolution?
The concept of Devolution is fundamental and part of the government's top-secret continuity of government plans. I will cover the continuity of government plans in detail in a future post. Check out this Newsweek article from 2020. While the report presents Devolution in the context of the pandemic, it still provides enough detail to prove that Devolution exists and was a topic explored by Trump.

The article was published March 18, 2020, and claims, "Standby orders were issued more than three weeks ago to ready these plans…". That means in February of 2020. Trump had ordered the military to review and prepare the continuity of government plans. I think the timeline of this is essential.

Note this article regarding a "fringe theory" being thrown around by Senator Tom Cotton and notice the date. A "theory" stating the virus originated from a biosafety lab pops up around the same time Trump is ordering the military to prepare continuity of government plans.

Today we know that this "theory" is almost certainly true. It's safe to assume military intelligence was all over this at the time, even though Trump didn't publicly state that he had seen evidence that the virus came from the lab until May 1, 2020.

There is so much disinformation still surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic and that is by design. Was it an accident? Was it a bio-weapon? Depending on the platform you use, you may not even be allowed to ask those questions. However the answer to those questions is key to the Devolution theory because it was the launching pad for the theft of the 2020 election and ultimately the pretext for Trump having our military prepare for Devolution.


If you look objectively at Trump's handling of China, his policies were pro-American rather than the pro-China approach of previous administrations. In August of 2017, he directed the Office of the United States Trade Representative to investigate Chinese economic practices. Their subsequent report attacked many aspects of China's monetary policy.

Trump began imposing tariffs on Chinese products referencing "a trade deficit of $500 Billion a year with Intellectual Property Theft of another $300 Billion." (I’ll cover this IP theft in a future post) These tariffs led to a "trade war" that culminated in the Phase One trade deal signing on January 15 of 2020.

Why is that date important? Because the very next day, Trump’s impeachment trial in the senate began.

Think back to August 2019.

The pressure is building on the Biden family for their ties to Ukraine and China. It almost feels like Durham would drop the hammer any day on the Obama administration for Spygate. The "Whistle-blower" comes forward with the quid-pro-quo accusation, and an impeachment inquiry in the House of Representatives is underway. However, with a Republican majority in the Senate and no evidence of a quid-pro-quo, everybody knows the President will be acquitted.

The America-first platform Trump campaigned on was working. The economy was booming. He was winning the “trade war” with China. None of the scandals thrown at him had stuck. He was unscathed through Impeachment. Along with the other two most significant threats to America (Democrats and the media), China was desperate to get Trump out of office. China favored a Biden presidency, and as found on Hunter Biden's Laptop; they would have an equity stake in the Biden administration.

Although the fake polls said otherwise, the Democrats appeared to have little chance in 2020. The momentum was palpable. The only way the democrats would be able to win the election was to steal it.

How convenient that Covid-19 would present them such an opportunity.

Now you can decide for yourself whether the leak was intentional or not, but what did PDJT himself say?

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“We went through the worst attack we’ve ever had on our country”.

The Election
Everything about the election of 2020 was controversial. Sitting Presidents don’t gain votes and not get re-elected. Obama had 3 million less votes and was re-elected with a total of almost 66 million votes. Trump gained almost 12 million votes and lost with a total of over 74 million votes. It was evident Covid-19 was a pretext for mass numbers of mail-in voting. A famous politician once said:

"Mail-in ballots are extremely susceptible to fraud" - Jerry "Pampers" Nadler

Local Democrat officials and RINOs unconstitutionally changed election laws in swing states to create more mail-in voting.

Trump saw this coming a mile away.

RNC 2020: Trump warns Republican convention of ‘rigged election’

Trump: 'The only way we're going to lose this election is if the election is rigged'

There are thousands of examples out there just like these and even a few prior to 2020:

So what do you do as President when you know fraudulent activity runs rampant through our federal elections? You take action. Everybody underestimated Trump during the 2016 election. There was still fraud, but he was able to overcome it. They were underprepared because they believed their own fake polls and thought Trump had no chance. He knew just like everybody else, that cheating was their only path to victory so he prepared for it.

On May 11, 2017, he established the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.

In September, he signed an Executive Order Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election.

In November of 2018, he created the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

In December of 2019 Trump created the Space Force.

I will cover his time in office in detail in a future post but these actions signify that Trump was proactively taking steps to deter an election theft.

The Actual Theory
President Trump, with assistance from the United States Military, caught our foreign adversaries aiding the democrats with the theft of an election. This is bigger than just mere corruption and scandal.

This is war.

They let Biden assume office but it doesn’t mean anything. Any damage done can and will be reversed. They are basically playing house. Their time “in office” will only lead to more people wanting Trump back. Biden has no meaningful operational control over the military (I will cover that in a future post) and they won’t let any real harm come to us while the battlefield is prepped for whatever reveal is coming.

If you look at actions Trump took leading up to the election he was prepared for anything the democrats might pull. Our military intelligence (Space Force) monitored and captured the true vote count. I believe the audits will be eye-opening and kick everything off.

“If Trump had the vote count, why didn’t he do anything? Why haven’t we seen any “real” proof of voter fraud”?

Covid changed everything. When Trump said Covid was an attack, he stated that it was "worse than Pearl Harbor." If PDJT had information that the Democrats would steal the election with help from China, that would be considered an act of war. Do you think that is something Trump would allow? Would our military let China install a puppet as President? We prepared for Devolution after gathering information on the lab leak and activated it sometime between November 3rd and January 20th.

“It’s too late, the electoral college voted for Biden”… “there is no legal precedent outlined in the constitution for him to be reinstated”.. Blah Blah Blah.

We are in a completely unprecedented situation.

If the military came out tomorrow and showed you definitive proof that China assisted the democrats in stealing the election, would you say, "oh well, no precedent. Can you show me to my assigned gulag?" or would you say "F&@% that, this can’t be allowed to stand." Trump chose the latter.

We need to step back and review everything that has happened since the release of Covid.
Our enemies conspired to attack the U.S.A. with a bioweapon to steal an election with one of our political parties. That is the actual coup.

We've been thinking too small.

Do you know who hasn't been thinking too small?

President Donald John Trump


Patel Patriot - Spitballers

Tip jar: Pay Patel Patriot using PayPal.Me.
Sorry, I don't buy it. And I really wish I were wrong. But the military is the same as what Obama put in. Trump didn't get anything changed! I was even writing letters to him at telling him to look at what FDR did. FDR changed the generals! Eisenhower was a colonel when FDR took office, but he was selected and promoted to the top of the military, and so he was loyal to FDR. Obama fired military that wouldn't shoot at Americans. This is how you get things done in the bureaucracy. Trump talked and talked and had big rallies, and he did some fantastic things, but he never took on his enemies. Maybe he couldn't, maybe he didn't choose to, but in fact he did not.

The military top generals have no loyalty to Trump, Milley threw him under the bus.

The NSA is now unmasking Trump supporters. The top of the NSA has probably been "cleaned" and is now Dem supporters.