BRKG AUG 11 2021 Dr Cory and the FLCCC Ivermectin Team Recommended Bigger Dose of Ivermectin for Covid19 Delta Variant.


I depend on Summer for my inches.

That is not nearly as rough as it sounds.

Inches... injector tube..
Farm store. Cc per kilogram etc.


Veteran Member
A lot of price gouging on Amazon now for the horse ivermectin. I bought my last 3 pack for about $24 a little over a month ago and now am seeing 3 pack's on Amazon for $89 with free shipping and $56 with $25 shipping although I did find a 5 pack of Duravet brand for $57. People are catching on and others are taking advantage. I checked my local Tractor Supply and they still have tubes for $6.50 a piece.

Pays to be ahead of the crowd as those who were late to the party for their PPE during the run up to Covid. When the herd panics scalpers of all kinds show up to make a huge profit.

I looked for Equimax paste on Amazon earlier.
It was out of stock.

paul bunyan

Frostbite Falls, Minnesota
Sorry should have attached earlier:
Very detailed dosing chart for Ivermectin from Dr Cory and the FLCCC

Drug dose calculations:

1gram/100ml = a 1% drug concentration...... or 1000milligrams (mg)/ 100ml

This veterinary Ivermectin is a 1% (w/v) weight/volume preparation. It has 1,000mg ivermectin /100ml =
or 10mg/ml 10 milligrams per milliliter

** for example, Your dose from the chart maybe 15mg Ivermectin, so you would draw up 1.5ml in a syringe or pull the rubber stopper and pour your dose in a small cup and suck up 1.5ml with any old syringe ( clean. of course) then drink with your favorite mixer. That is one dose.

FLCCC-Alliance-I-MASKplus new aug 8 2021 increased Ivermectin dose-1.jpg
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paul bunyan

Frostbite Falls, Minnesota
I am very sorry for messing up this dosing protocol.. You obviously do not need the Hospital dosing.

I think I repaired the graphics.... willll check one more time grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Fingers are faster than the brain.... sheeeesshhhhh

paul bunyan

Frostbite Falls, Minnesota
New "I Mass" Ivermectin protocol in a flyer form for use in poorer counties and countries.

Not a joke,,, much simplified and easier to understand.

I Mass protocol for FLCCC flyer distribution to poor countries.jpg


Veteran Member
A lot of price gouging on Amazon now for the horse ivermectin. I bought my last 3 pack for about $24 a little over a month ago and now am seeing 3 pack's on Amazon for $89 with free shipping and $56 with $25 shipping although I did find a 5 pack of Duravet brand for $57. People are catching on and others are taking advantage. I checked my local Tractor Supply and they still have tubes for $6.50 a piece.

Pays to be ahead of the crowd as those who were late to the party for their PPE during the run up to Covid. When the herd panics scalpers of all kinds show up to make a huge profit.
3 for $10 at our local Tractor Supply. It’s on sale for 1 week, then $5.99 a tube


A lot of price gouging on Amazon now for the horse ivermectin. I bought my last 3 pack for about $24 a little over a month ago and now am seeing 3 pack's on Amazon for $89 with free shipping and $56 with $25 shipping although I did find a 5 pack of Duravet brand for $57. People are catching on and others are taking advantage. I checked my local Tractor Supply and they still have tubes for $6.50 a piece.

Pays to be ahead of the crowd as those who were late to the party for their PPE during the run up to Covid. When the herd panics scalpers of all kinds show up to make a huge profit.



TB Fanatic
Are there notches on the plunger? On the tubes I've seen, each notch is for 50 lbs.

Measurements in 'inches' will vary depending on the diameter of the tube.

Oh, Yeah! And was the measurement the length the plunger goes in? Or a measure of how long a strip of paste comes out? And so on, and on...

I've heard of some buying the paste which has not just IVM but other chemicals as well, and wondering if it's OK to use anyway. Here's a thought: probably not.

Y'all get my meaning.

Here's my main point: for many, perhaps the first line of defense should be their own Physician, and if that is not workable for some reason, followed by calling FLCCC, or another competent professional who is willing to work with you. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

It seems to me that it probably makes sense to exhaust other avenues of treatment before going to using "I'm totally on my own"-style strategies.

Of course, ya pays yer money and ya takes yer chances, I guess.

Best to everyone.


Country exile in the city
Edit to add the Out patient / Home care dosing Sorry.... my meds are running low.

I hope this isn't a dup... Im not an MD, Not medical advice,

FLCCC = "Frontline Covid Critical Care"

Edited to add correct link:

View attachment 282570View attachment 282573

Pierre Cory, MD, a director of the "Frontline Covid Critical Care" team, has sacrificed 2 jobs at Major Hospitals, to make this information available to the public. The Big Pharmaceutical Companies would like the FLCCC to be destroyed, blocked on all Public websites.

Please pay attention. And bookmark this Thread for the lives of you families.

So someone please tell me--TWO questions:

1. Is HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine ) no longer being reccomended as a preventative or treatment for Covid?

2. Should or should not, Ivermectin and HCQ be taken TOGETHER, either as preventatives for Covid OR in treatment of active Covid?


TB Fanatic
But I’ve only read the actual protocol tonight and saw Listerine mentioned.

There was also an article on the loooong covid thread about a Dr. recommending a saline nose spray with povidone iodine added as a method to attenuate any virus uptake. There was a specific formula posted in that article, I wouldn't just guess at the amount.


Senior Something
New "I Mass" Ivermectin protocol in a flyer form for use in poorer counties and countries.

Not a joke,,, much simplified and easier to understand.

View attachment 282572
Here is some conversion of units of measure:

Paste has 1.87% concentration, meaning 1 gram of it has 18.7 milligrams of IVM in it.
Get a small digital scale from Harbor Freight. and measure 1 gram.
(100 kilograms equals 220 pounds.)
18.7 mg IVM would be good for 220 pounds.

1 gram of paste is good for 220 pounds, which is the same as .2 milligrams per kilogram. ( .2mg = 200 ug)
And that is the first line of the referenced protocol.
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That is the way I do it. 850mg is adequate for me so I just zero out the scale, squeeze out 850mg wipe it off the scale with a finger and put it down the pie hole. Couldn’t be any easier once you know your dosage. And for the vast majority Ivermectin is well tolerated and has a high toxicity threshold so unless your stupid your not likely to negatively effect yourself in the meantime.

paul bunyan

Frostbite Falls, Minnesota
Here is some conversion of units of measure:

Paste has 1.87% concentration, meaning 1 gram of it has 18.7 milligrams of IVM in it.
Get a small digital scale from Harbor Freight. and measure 1 gram.
(100 kilograms equals 220 pounds.)
18.7 mg IVM would be good for 220 pounds.

1 gram of paste is good for 220 pounds, which is the same as .2 milligrams per kilogram. ( .2mg = 200 ug)
And that is the first line of the referenced protocol.

Very Nice work WFK.............. Note prophylaxis is now 2 times a week ie M&Th. And the dose is 2X or doubled**********

******************************** just released Twitter video with Dr Cory and Merit... ***************************

The Delta Variant is a beast, very short incubation period and produces about 1000 one thousand times the virus as the old strain in the same amount of time.

You must try to avoid infection by upping your ivermectin to 0.4mg /kg 'twice a week about every 2-3 days

Vaccinated folks have many break through infections, especially if their vaccine coverage ( antibody levels in the blood) is waning.

*********** GET YOUR IVERMECTIN NOW AND KEEP YOUR HORSE PASTE IN THE FRIDGE so it doesnt melt ********* *************************
Prophylaxis: to avoid the Delta Variant Covid19, keep taking your Vit C, Vit D, Quercitin, Zinc and Melatonin and
bump up your Ivermectin to 2x dose and 2x per week if exposed, at any symptoms, do not delay.

Doctor Cory was reinfected with the Delta variant last weekend even though he was using the 0.2m/kg dosing, BUT he immediately started taking the higher dose IVermectin and he has recovered quick, in days with still nasty congestion.

Begin the mouth wash and nose wash now or at any signs of symptoms,,,, 2 x per day. See the brand new FLCCC protocol for details on Ivermectin dosing and what kind of mouth washes, nose wash are recommended.

Look for Scope, Act, Crest and Listerine with essential oils Mouth washes... For nose 1% povidone Iodine scrub (diluted)

FLCCC Ivermectin Out patient protocol Version 12, August 11, 2021:

FLCCC-Alliance-I-MASKplus new aug 8 2021 increased Ivermectin dose-1.jpg
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paul bunyan

Frostbite Falls, Minnesota

Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care


and Dr.
discussed the updates to our I-MASK+ Protocol during the Aug. 11, 2021 FLCCC Weekly Update. The protocol has been updated to more powerfully fight the Delta variant.


FLCCC WEEKLY UPDATE—8/11/21—Dr. Pierre Kory & Dr. Paul Marik on the...
Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Paul Marik discuss the rise of the Delta variant, updates to the FLCCC to address the challenges presented by the variant, the totality of evidence for ivermectin and viewer...
12:53 PM · Aug 12, 2021·Twitter Web App

paul bunyan

Frostbite Falls, Minnesota
That is the way I do it. 850mg is adequate for me so I just zero out the scale, squeeze out 850mg wipe it off the scale with a finger and put it down the pie hole. Couldn’t be any easier once you know your dosage. And for the vast majority Ivermectin is well tolerated and has a high toxicity threshold so unless your stupid your not likely to negatively effect yourself in the meantime.

sure you can just put your paste on the scale but may a suggest a small square of wax paper put on the scale first.... "tare" the scale or balance to ignore the paper and then proceed... a nice clean scale for everyone to use ;) ( and works great for powders too)


Tempus Fugit
Heh….just me and the dog and she doesn’t mind if the scale isn’t clean although for a multiple person household that is a great idea.

Some of the less robust digital scales can be damaged by pressing on them to hard. Picking up a piece of paper would also avoid that.


TB Fanatic
Since it's pertinent, this video with Dr. Sehult covers the advantages of Vit. D and how it may protect from the worse effects of Covid.

Doctor Explains Form Of PREVENTION & TREATMENT of Viruses | Roger Seheult & Lewis Howes

rt: 1:52:19

One take-away for me was his reference to the Spanish Study which resulted in the Treatment group dropping to only 2% of those hospitalized moving into the ICU, vs. the control group at 50% progressing to the ICU.

It's a long discussion, but would seems to provide info helpful in avoiding the need for the MASK treatment... or perhaps boosting it's effectiveness. Also discusses other methods of boosting immune system.


Senior Something
sure you can just put your paste on the scale but may a suggest a small square of wax paper put on the scale first.... "tare" the scale or balance to ignore the paper and then proceed... a nice clean scale for everyone to use ;) ( and works great for powders too)
The way I do it:
Zero out the scale. Put a nab on it. Read the scale. Add 1 g of IVM. put another nab on top of it.
Eat the double decker! IVM never touches the scale.

paul bunyan

Frostbite Falls, Minnesota
Bumph for y'all, life or death vs baseball

This is real simple gang. The Barbarians have us surrounded but if everyone has a 6 foot spear, then we can keep them back.

Whooooops, the Barbarians just go longer arms and sharper swords. Now everyone must have a 7 foot spear and shield.

More variants are coming. Listen to the Watchmen. Pierre Cory MD and team... (not Fowcheeeeeee the trained monkey )

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I believe taking it weekly *at the original dosages* (ie: 1 mg/110# bodyweight) is very safe, even in folks who might not clear it quite as quickly as optimal, due to liver or kidney issues. However... I WOULD NOT take the higher doses weekly, and I would not take it any more frequently than weekly, *without a cooperating medical professional who will help you watch for blood markers that could indicate a problem*!!!

I had the paranoid thought last night answering someone's questions in these new recommendations, that if the FLCCC keeps up with their, "take 2x! No! 4x... bi weekly, no weekly, no, wait! I can absolutely see news reports coming out about people overdosing on the stuff... and the FDA making it prescription only, which will make it cost prohibitive to most farmers.




Contributing Member
What type of blood markers should one watch for?
I had cbc,chem panel and liver panel a month ago and all were normal.


What type of blood markers should one watch for?
I had cbc,chem panel and liver panel a month ago and all were normal.
Liver enzymes and bilirubin are the biggies. Anyone who is taking anticlotting meds needs to watch their clotting times (prothrombin, etc). That is definitely something you'd want to discuss with your doctor...
