CRIME Asphyxiation not the cause of George Floyd's death: Autopsy


OK, I'm going to climb out on this branch, with chainsaw in hand. I don't know who is driving this bus, but it is a big expensive bus and we are all in it. I feel like we are all being played big time. We're all taking sides gussing this and that about the cop and the black guy. We don't know shit, but this has blown up in every city. We were already being setup by the virus and the stay at home orders. All the real bad guys needed was a big match to light it up. It may be that they thought they could use the virus protests to get things started but those darn patriots with "automatic" weapons never fired. So now they go back to plan B. Get the blacks riled up against the evil white cops.

So lets make up a story. These two guys know each other and maybe didn't like each other. The black guy has some problem physically where he might drop dead and so he decided to take one for the team. Some big guy with lots of money is handing out money and wants to stir things before the virus crisis goes completely away and people become comfortable again with life. Never let a serious crisis go to waste. So this big guy with lots of money says he'll take care of all the black guy's friends and family if he does this and plus as an added bonus lots of people in lots of big cities get to party down, burn things and get new TVs.

Standing back now waiting for the flame throwers.
Sorry. That is a bridge too far for me.



Veteran Member
OK, I'm going to climb out on this branch, with chainsaw in hand. I don't know who is driving this bus, but it is a big expensive bus and we are all in it. I feel like we are all being played big time. We're all taking sides gussing this and that about the cop and the black guy. We don't know shit, but this has blown up in every city. We were already being setup by the virus and the stay at home orders. All the real bad guys needed was a big match to light it up. It may be that they thought they could use the virus protests to get things started but those darn patriots with "automatic" weapons never fired. So now they go back to plan B. Get the blacks riled up against the evil white cops.

So lets make up a story. These two guys know each other and maybe didn't like each other. The black guy has some problem physically where he might drop dead and so he decided to take one for the team. Some big guy with lots of money is handing out money and wants to stir things before the virus crisis goes completely away and people become comfortable again with life. Never let a serious crisis go to waste. So this big guy with lots of money says he'll take care of all the black guy's friends and family if he does this and plus as an added bonus lots of people in lots of big cities get to party down, burn things and get new TVs.

Standing back now waiting for the flame throwers.
If it was orchestrated (and I’m open to the possibility), I don’t think Floyd or his family knew anything about it. However, I think it would be easy enough to pick a target if you have people’s medical records available, and since so many companies have access to people’s medical records now, I think that would be easy for the right people to do.


Veteran Member
There is just so much about this that doesn't pass the smell test. It's not bad to look at different possibilities. Add to that the non local, "protesters" really trying to stir the pot in several different cities.


Veteran Member
Bear with me, as the back of my head wants to get something into the front.

We have established sufficient as fact for me that the Cop and the deceased worked for the El Nuevo Rodeo Club with some overlapping shifts.
We have established the presence in the local area of a LOT of Chinese Funny Money, and it MIGHT have been he was passing one of the notes.
NOW we depart from established facts and head off into the mists. DID the cop spread the funny money around at the club? Cash pure businesses are GREAT for entering funny money into an area.
DID the cop recognize Floyd as one of his cash mules?
Is this why Floyd had to die?

Or was FLOYD the one passing queer around the club??

(*queer=counterfeit money back in another age)
Good point! If the hole goes much deeper and wider than people realize, maybe Chauvin was the one to take one for the team.


another NYC Garner >>> thought from the very beginning that he didn't choke to death - the cop didn't change his kneel stance and the perp was screaming & screaming - you're not choking when screaming ...

NOOOOOO way is it murder ....
What I heard could hardly be called screaming. He had enough breath to say he couldn't breathe, and it would be hard for anyone to breathe with three cops kneeling on him.

Did the coroner establish a cause of death? I didn't read of one.

The guy was handcuffed, did he need to have three guys kneeling on him also?