Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Arizona Tunnel Rats
Chapter 11 B
They both noted that there had been many sorties toward the ranch and the raiders were only a few feet from the walls of the outlaying buildings. Someone on the ranch had been a naughty boy or girl. Croft and Daniel glanced at each other and grinned. That was the sound of a 50-cal machine gun. Most likely one of the only things that was keeping the attackers at bay as much as they were. It wasn’t going full bore and they weren’t into wasting the ammunition that they had, just spurts when up to five invaders tried to rush in. At one time there were far more of the scum and not just the ones attacking from the perimeter at this time. Bodies could be seen laying around the outside of the ranch. You would have thought with the number of fellow raiders that they had lost that they would have just given up and slunk away to one of their holes.
Croft, Daniel and the Chief’s nephew Carl Arrow Johnson had decided they would come in behind and in turn hit the four sides of the marauders. Mountain Mike would lead the fourth group. They had wondered if the ranch could be radioed to notify them that help was on the way but thought the raiders might also have radios and find the right channel and be warned, so that was out. Nate joined Mike’s and Marge joined Croft’s crew as the rescuers slowly but surely made their way closer to the battle. They didn’t want any type of noise to tip off the opposing side.
The signal was given in the way of two clicks and the crews started the counter attack. The rescuers in in shooting and almost all were doing back shots. The bad guys were going down but not for long. That’s when Croft and the others figured out the raiders had bullet proof vest on. All was going according to plan as our crews got closer to the so called mortally wounded men and women. That was until the raiders started to get back up. Then a lot of the fighting became hand to hand.
Croft thought to himself, “Another lesson learned.”
He felt the burning as he was sliced across the thigh as his knife went into the chest of the man he was fighting with. The slice didn’t come from this guy but a woman who had quickly side stepped and did it. He turned and took her out but as he went down with the loss of blood, he felt a bullet enter his side just before he passed out.
He missed the ranch folks coming out and helping take out the attackers and how happy they were after it was all done with. He even missed out on how many of our people had gotten wounded as he never really came to on the way home.
Croft slowly came awake even more. I sat and waited beside his bed. The more he woke up the better and then the more he would remember me talking to him. I kept it light talk wise and just told him Kate and were okay and everyone here at home was fine also. How very glad I was to have him come home to us. Then he slid back into sleep and I departed the room to look in on the other wounded. Yeah, I know it sounds cut and dried but the emotions were running high for all of us and I was doing my best to stay calm. It wouldn’t do any good for me or anyone else for me to be running around like my hair was on fire or going woe is me. Croft volunteered to go and I needed to be supportive of him and all the rest that went with him. This is what we had decided to do to help those around us and we know we may have to pay the price in lives and wounds.
My days went mostly like this as the days went on. Take care of Kate, do my chores, help in the cook cabin, and look in and talk to Croft along with the other wounded. Everyone else seemed to be getting along good in healing, but not Croft. He ended up with a fever and slowly his body started to shut down. I ended up spending more time with him while he was awake. As the days wore on he was awake less.
Doc Carter was beside himself with grief in not being able to pull Croft out the downward spiral. We just didn’t have the kind of modern medical equipment or medicines that were needed for this kind of problem. It was an infection in his liver and doc hadn’t know it soon enough. It wasn’t healing itself but dying. Clark came by daily, as well as many of the folks here. Chief Owen spent as much time as he was able. He would go by me and just pat me on the should as he left. He told me, “I will be back shortly young one, we need to do a ceremony.”
I guess he could call me young one as he was my senior by a few decades. True to his word and I don’t know how he accomplished what he did but in 20 minutes he was back. He wasn’t alone either. It looked like half the tribe and many of our side of the shelter were with him. I found out later he had gone straight to the radio room and put out an all points call. It brought more tears to my eyes to find out what the Chief was ready to do. I had been in the hallway for a bit when they came. He and I walked arm in arm into Crofts room. The doc and his wife were surprised not only with us but to see Chief Owen in full regalia. Right behind us was Tye Flying Fox the tribe medicine woman, she was also one of the EMT’s. She was around fifty years old but looked at least thirty-five at the most. Her white wings of hair were swept back with the rest of her hair and were stark against her black hair.
Doc started to tell the rest of the people to not come in but the Chief signaled everyone in that could fit in the room. The door was left open so many others could hear what was going to take place and then relay what was said to others who were on guard duty. This was also being done over our intercom system.
Clark and Gin were soon beside me on the left of me, having worked their way through the crowd. Everyone had let them pass in quiet tones. The Chiefs closest family members were behind him.
Croft’s eyes came open and he seemed to be a little clearer in his thinking. I knew what this meant for him and I. I had been told been told by others many years ago. That before a lot of people pass on that they seem to have more clarity. I couldn’t stop the tears from running down my face and if I had turned around, I would have seen the same for everyone else.
Owen and Tye began the ceremony to adopt Croft and I into the tribe. I knew it was shortened one before of what was happening with Croft and later Owen told me that he knew this had to be down quickly. Everyone in the whole camp was included in the next part of the ceremony. A pin was used on Croft’s thumb, mine and the Chief in the next part and we mingled blood with Chief Owen. We had been adopted by him and were now part of his immediate family.
Yes, this was unusual and not the normal way things were done in the tribe. But because of conditions Owen had decided this one time to do things different because of time and it wouldn’t hurt anything. He later told me that sometimes one has to be flexible.
Croft had a small smile and I leaned down and kissed him on his lips. He whispered, “This is good, I knew the Chief had planned this for another time but it is good to it now. Now we can get on with another part of our lives. Maybe we can have a bigger ceremony when I’m up and around. Give Kate a kiss for me darling.”
I smiled at Croft and agreed. Everyone slowly filed back out but in the same quiet way they had entered. I stayed and held his hand and as the next hour wore on, he slowly went back to sleep.
I looked up at doc and with a sad continence shook his head in the negative. In the many moments that passed Croft’s breathing slowed and became shallow and then stopped. He never opened his eyes again. My sweetheart had joined our son in the hereafter. All I could do is stand there beside his bed holding his hand and cry.
I don’t know how long I stood there, but when hands reached up onto my shoulders and turned me around, I did notice Croft had been covered with his sheet. Only his arm on the hand I was holding was bare. I also noticed how cold his hand had become.
I know there was a funeral for my beloved but it seemed to be mostly a blur for me. Kate still took up most of my time and helping with chores, others as well as mine. I had less laundry to so and I missed Croft so much that at times it was hard to breathe. But Kate and the whole place needed me. I know they kept me busy and yes, it did help.
I miss him so much it’s hard to sleep at night. My heart feels like a big chunk of it is missing. I roll over to cuddle up to him in my sleep and wake when I can’t find him beside me. My sleeping mind just can’t seem to remember he is gone from us.
I will have to remember to show Kate pictures of her daddy as she grows up. Most are on a thumb drive with the few real pictures we have in an album from years ago before digital and thumb drives. We make enough electricity with our solar for now to charge it and to view the pictures on it and if I somehow lose the ones on the laptop. Backup on my thumb drive is always good. Those are down in my shelter room to keep absolutely safe.
End cha 11 B
the love was for the story elements, not the demise of the character