Has No Life - Lives on TB
Arizona Tunnel Rats
All rights reserved.
All Characters are factious. Any resemblance to those living or dead are purely a coincidence.
Main people:
Croft and Orabell Shaffer
Clark and Ginger Shaffer
Daniel Red Wolf Locke
Hubby is still editing this one. But I am putting up the unedited version for now. He has been working hard otherwise on other things. I don't know how I really feel about this one, but it is what it is, and how it turned out. Lol
Arizona Tunnel Rats
Chapter 1 A
First things first, is an introduction to tell those that come after. all of this mess all about us. What we had to become. We are the people called the Tunnel Rats, no one outside of our group gave us our name. It was something we became by what we thought was necessity. Many came to know of us as such in those years during and after the war. They came to know we were for truth, justice, freedom and the sanctity of life. If someone needed some help, we would do everything we could to do so, and if they were within our reach.
During the war years we came to live quite a bit of our time below ground going out to reconnoiter at staggered times. It became much too dangerous for many months to be above ground for very long and not just because of the danger of fallout either. For a long time, we had to keep our cabins and the area looking like no one was here. They looked dilapidated and unlivable as a cover. Places on the rooves painted black to look like holes in the rooves from the passing planes helped with the disguise.
At present, we are again mainly living above the ground of our area of Arizona. It is so nice to be in the open air whenever we like. The big thing is we can scurry down below the surface in no time at all if the need arises. But these days that is few and far between.
Time flies and years go by and I figured I best tell our story before the memories dwindled and faded too badly. In our old age we are pretty safe except for the occasional thieving gang. The ones who used to be the new lawmen or rather lawless criminals who were brought on by the government with no care of what they did who they did it to. But these days they are few and far between, at least where we live. I write not just for my husband and I, but for Croft’s cousin others whom became known as our extended family.
This isn’t where Croft and I used to live by a long shot. In fact, we had never planned on leaving what we thought of as our forever home. But the world turns and life changes. We didn’t ever think our country would change for the worse and this would have us make the choice in leaving our beloved home, but we had to.
After moving down here to the Arizona campground and then later into our cramped quarters below ground, we finally knew what we had to do to help with what was happening. As time passed, we worked to fight against what was going on in our part of the country. That’s when we took on our name. A name our enemies came to dread. We tried to help those that stayed above the ground in the bad times as best we could, and as possible. It wasn’t always the best but we did what was conceivable.
This is how it all began.
The first year after a dictator who still called himself a President of the United States. He went by the name of Carlo Mont Royal, at first, we lived and worked without too much interference from the government. But soon his buddies became government officials and his hired thugs were running the country or rather over ran it bit by bit. Slowly one couldn’t figure out if there was even a division of powers in the government. More and more regulations made our lives miserable. Plus, the loss of our freedoms not even little bit by little bit, but leaps and bounds. We decided we best move down to Arizona where I had inherited land from my parents. There would be others joining us as the days and weeks went by.
After we were settled in is when World War III struck with mother earth joining in. I guess the earth was just disgusted with it all, or maybe just plain resented what was being done. That year was the hardest by far. After the war we kept the short wave open and maned but heard not a word from anywhere, from anyone, until the year was almost up. It took that long for the upper atmosphere to clear. I am getting ahead of myself. The one good thing about being where we are is that t is cooler down here than up above.
But just how did we end up down here in tunnels under the hot state of Arizona surface you ask? I will tell you, but this will take quite a while to set the stage. Here goes.
My name is Ora and I am telling this story of latter part of our lives. Our names are Croft and Ora Shaffer, the name I go by is short for Orabell, my middle name is Nanvell. I don’t know where my parents got my middle from and for some reason, I never bothered to ask. We used to live in the Pacific North West, in the lower part of Washington state where we moved to from the mid-west, many years before that. We came here for a new job that my husband Croft was hired for, it was for his expertise in his field. That job is gone like so many others in many other fields of work and we had been living off of some of our investments and savings while we still had them.
My husband Croft was born back in eastern Indiana. Before we moved down here, he was 47 years old. His ancestors were mostly English and Dutch and most of them have been in the U.S.A since the early 1600’s. Back when the New York area was called the New Netherlands.
In his younger days he had medium brown hair which is now peppered with lots of gray. He has a straight Roman nose on a strong masculine face that his family men are known for and very dark blue eyes. He has always told me he didn’t consider himself a good looker in his young days, let alone now and doesn’t know how I was attracted to the likes of him. Well, I didn’t go by looks alone and I thought his were good enough. I wasn’t looking for an overly pretty boy anyway. I thought he was selling himself short in that department. He is just barely under six foot tall and has some pretty good muscles which make him broad of shoulder and narrow of hip. These days he is pretty much back to his trim weight of youth from splitting wood and working his butt off helping to keep all of us warm, fed, and our home secure. As he got older, he had a few extra pounds on his frame but most of us do when we age and aren’t running around like young things anymore. But that was a few years ago before all this mess started and this is now. I think he is still a pretty darn good-looking man if I do say so myself. His touch can still cause me to have goose bumps.
All rights reserved.
All Characters are factious. Any resemblance to those living or dead are purely a coincidence.
Main people:
Croft and Orabell Shaffer
Clark and Ginger Shaffer
Daniel Red Wolf Locke
Hubby is still editing this one. But I am putting up the unedited version for now. He has been working hard otherwise on other things. I don't know how I really feel about this one, but it is what it is, and how it turned out. Lol
Arizona Tunnel Rats
Chapter 1 A
First things first, is an introduction to tell those that come after. all of this mess all about us. What we had to become. We are the people called the Tunnel Rats, no one outside of our group gave us our name. It was something we became by what we thought was necessity. Many came to know of us as such in those years during and after the war. They came to know we were for truth, justice, freedom and the sanctity of life. If someone needed some help, we would do everything we could to do so, and if they were within our reach.
During the war years we came to live quite a bit of our time below ground going out to reconnoiter at staggered times. It became much too dangerous for many months to be above ground for very long and not just because of the danger of fallout either. For a long time, we had to keep our cabins and the area looking like no one was here. They looked dilapidated and unlivable as a cover. Places on the rooves painted black to look like holes in the rooves from the passing planes helped with the disguise.
At present, we are again mainly living above the ground of our area of Arizona. It is so nice to be in the open air whenever we like. The big thing is we can scurry down below the surface in no time at all if the need arises. But these days that is few and far between.
Time flies and years go by and I figured I best tell our story before the memories dwindled and faded too badly. In our old age we are pretty safe except for the occasional thieving gang. The ones who used to be the new lawmen or rather lawless criminals who were brought on by the government with no care of what they did who they did it to. But these days they are few and far between, at least where we live. I write not just for my husband and I, but for Croft’s cousin others whom became known as our extended family.
This isn’t where Croft and I used to live by a long shot. In fact, we had never planned on leaving what we thought of as our forever home. But the world turns and life changes. We didn’t ever think our country would change for the worse and this would have us make the choice in leaving our beloved home, but we had to.
After moving down here to the Arizona campground and then later into our cramped quarters below ground, we finally knew what we had to do to help with what was happening. As time passed, we worked to fight against what was going on in our part of the country. That’s when we took on our name. A name our enemies came to dread. We tried to help those that stayed above the ground in the bad times as best we could, and as possible. It wasn’t always the best but we did what was conceivable.
This is how it all began.
The first year after a dictator who still called himself a President of the United States. He went by the name of Carlo Mont Royal, at first, we lived and worked without too much interference from the government. But soon his buddies became government officials and his hired thugs were running the country or rather over ran it bit by bit. Slowly one couldn’t figure out if there was even a division of powers in the government. More and more regulations made our lives miserable. Plus, the loss of our freedoms not even little bit by little bit, but leaps and bounds. We decided we best move down to Arizona where I had inherited land from my parents. There would be others joining us as the days and weeks went by.
After we were settled in is when World War III struck with mother earth joining in. I guess the earth was just disgusted with it all, or maybe just plain resented what was being done. That year was the hardest by far. After the war we kept the short wave open and maned but heard not a word from anywhere, from anyone, until the year was almost up. It took that long for the upper atmosphere to clear. I am getting ahead of myself. The one good thing about being where we are is that t is cooler down here than up above.
But just how did we end up down here in tunnels under the hot state of Arizona surface you ask? I will tell you, but this will take quite a while to set the stage. Here goes.
My name is Ora and I am telling this story of latter part of our lives. Our names are Croft and Ora Shaffer, the name I go by is short for Orabell, my middle name is Nanvell. I don’t know where my parents got my middle from and for some reason, I never bothered to ask. We used to live in the Pacific North West, in the lower part of Washington state where we moved to from the mid-west, many years before that. We came here for a new job that my husband Croft was hired for, it was for his expertise in his field. That job is gone like so many others in many other fields of work and we had been living off of some of our investments and savings while we still had them.
My husband Croft was born back in eastern Indiana. Before we moved down here, he was 47 years old. His ancestors were mostly English and Dutch and most of them have been in the U.S.A since the early 1600’s. Back when the New York area was called the New Netherlands.
In his younger days he had medium brown hair which is now peppered with lots of gray. He has a straight Roman nose on a strong masculine face that his family men are known for and very dark blue eyes. He has always told me he didn’t consider himself a good looker in his young days, let alone now and doesn’t know how I was attracted to the likes of him. Well, I didn’t go by looks alone and I thought his were good enough. I wasn’t looking for an overly pretty boy anyway. I thought he was selling himself short in that department. He is just barely under six foot tall and has some pretty good muscles which make him broad of shoulder and narrow of hip. These days he is pretty much back to his trim weight of youth from splitting wood and working his butt off helping to keep all of us warm, fed, and our home secure. As he got older, he had a few extra pounds on his frame but most of us do when we age and aren’t running around like young things anymore. But that was a few years ago before all this mess started and this is now. I think he is still a pretty darn good-looking man if I do say so myself. His touch can still cause me to have goose bumps.