Storms going through here today with some very much needed rain, just don't need al that lightening out there
Arizona Tunnel Rats
Cap 9 A
As time does, it marches on and before we knew it another fall was upon us. There hadn’t been any more signs of intruders or in other words raiders. Jets flew over from time to time but no more dog fights in the sky. We did hear all kinds of reports from across the nation from other shortwave operators. It was so disheartening to hear all that the new military was doing in our country. It wasn’t as bad aboard ships in the Navy. A person had to know what they were doing on those, so no whole sale replacement was going on with the navy personnel. We did hear of a few sea battles with other nations that had been passed along as well in updates from other shortwave folks. Nothing real big and nothing we could do a thing about.
Spring also brought new life in our flocks and herds as well in families. We had seven weddings to enjoy and the celebrations helped everyone. The tribe came together with us and they had three weddings. Not all of them were at the same time except for two.
We liked boring and just everyday life of trying our best to not get noticed and just survive the best we could. But as much as we enjoyed this life it was about to change big time.
It wasn’t but a week later when Gus Taylor yells into his hand radio, ‘Qob’ (which means danger), “bombs on their way in, but we have some time.” That got panic yelled into everyone’s radio that had one and the runners after that relayed the news to the people out doing chores.
We had a couple of emergency practice runs and meetings through the months and it looks like that was a good thing. It didn’t go as smooth as we would have liked when the real thing hit but not really bad either. The information was relayed to the tribe and one of their fastest runners came in just before the quick meeting started. Yes, I know we should have all gone down to the shelter area immediately if not sooner, just to be safer.
At the meeting Gus stayed at the shortwave and gave Croft the information as Gus relayed it. We were having all that could go to the covered greenhouse areas to collect all the produce that was even halfway ripe, two-inch beans are still edible and so are green tomatoes. Small squash is better than none. We did have a one acer regular potato field and those were being dug the last few days. There wasn’t much let to dig and those were hardened off. The new dug would be used to cook with right away so they wouldn’t spoil. The corn had already been harvested two weeks prior.
Croft knew everyone would be able to hear what was being said by radio or runner so he just repeated what he was being told when everyone came back from taking what they gathered in the way of food down to the two shelter kitchens or storage rooms
“All right everyone, you’ve all heard what’s going on. “No one panicked so let’s not do so now and go ahead and leave now for your homes. Get anything else you don’t think you can do without if it isn’t already down in the shelter, last minutes checks and let’s get to this. You’re all dismissed, go.”
Gus had already contacted the Chief and his sub chiefs and they were getting all their folks called in from outside and in other areas of the cave system. The only ones we and he were really worried about were the outside further off hunting. Again, we sent folks out to find them and get them back.
Everyone had been inside for an hour when Gus let everyone know the bombs were dropping. Almost every large city was being hit. A few were spared with our countries tech to stop at least half of them. At least that was still working.
Chief Owen Ten Bears and his son Steven were sitting with Croft, Clark and Daniel discussing details on what and how things would go while we were down here. Giger counters and meters had been wired in and down to the shelter by my father and in the next few days we would be figuring out how long we would all be down here. So far it looked like it would be a while, not as long as it could have been at least.
We began to process all the food that had been brought in, whether it was to be canned or dehydrated. If we were down over a year, we also had grow rooms for fresh vegetables. There were enough long-term food supplies that we wouldn’t have to grow anything for years if we didn’t want to. But sometimes you just have to have something fresh. We had special generators but would go easy on them and live as much as possible with just the bare minimum of light and power for getting by.
End chap 9 A