Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Does this sound familiar?

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2R2Xeo8HX8



DISCLAIMER Videos are posted strictly for educational purposes. We carefully select archived clips that do not contain hateful or harmful speech of any group, especially protected groups, or reference controversial or incendiary issues in any way, rather choosing clips that instead capture the historical context of each figure.

We don't endorse or condone the words or actions of the historical figures that we post. We believe that by bringing history to life in this way, viewers can better understand and more effectively learn from history.

We're passionate about making history accessible to more people, and believe in our mission of moving towards a tomorrow of greater understanding of each other. This video serves solely as an educational tool to provide insight into historical events.

It does not endorse or promote hate speech, violence, or any form of discrimination. The translation of Hitler's speech to English is intended for educational purposes, allowing viewers to better understand the historical context and significance of the speech.

We strongly condemn the ideologies and actions of individuals like Hitler and emphasize the importance of learning from history to prevent such atrocities from happening again.

Viewer discretion is advised."

Extract from Adolf Hitler January 30, 1939 7 Months Before WW2

Quiet Man

Nothing unreal exists
The core of what we were taught in schools about WWII and Hitler is completely wrong; intentionally. We are endlessly manipulated by the system; their system.

ETA: Some may feel either that they cannot have that much power, or that there is no way a single group of people could be so inhumane, and over such a long period of earth history. The facts of true history must need be unearthed and exposed for all to see. Then appropriate action will be called for. This truth will astound the whole of humanity and start a search for who we really are. This will cause great difficulty, as much of what we 'know', from A to Z, will be overturned, but it will be the door to a bright future -- once we survive the tumult.
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Faithful Steed
The core of what we were taught in schools about WWII and Hitler is completely wrong; intentionally. We are endlessly manipulated by the system; their system.
A direct unedited (unsanitized) translation is DANGEROUS. Can't have the average lumpen know exactly what was said or meant - they might take "parallels" to what Hitler said, realize the similarity of their "condition" - and decide to act on it. While Hitler's audience (market) was limited, that market had much in common with any informational market before - or since.

Humans DO have a common set of motivations. How they achieve those motivations can vary - and also how effective they are in that achievement.

A "German" Hitler is easy to over-write. "English" Hitler not so easy.

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Veteran Member
Is this another thread promoting Hitler as a good guy? A hero?
Probably not. Sort of like the old plantation ride at six flags over Georgia where the sheriff is telling you “don’t go in the swamp”!

We have the “map of history” with Adolf Hitler. We know why he did what he did and it’s a warning on how we drive the path of action so we don’t end up in the same outcome. Is it possible? IDK.

Maybe Trump is our ability to vote our way out of the Marxism we were heading into. I am a firm believer that you can bring down another country’s Marxism with your Capitalism but Fascism is how you defeat your own Marxism.

Hopefully our Federal system, handled correctly, will prevent us from going down the path of Germany at the time.


TB Fanatic
My German prof in college had my (very) Jewish boyfriend and me over to the house for
tutoring and tea. She explained how Hitler spoke pretty words that caused all the German populace to go crazy thinking he was going to “save” the country. She said they then found out quite differently. I guess when things reach a certain point, manipulation isn’t as hard as it sounds. Excellent instructor. I will never forget what she shared that rainy Saturday.


Has No Life - Lives on TB

Anyone can click on the link and see the video of Hitler's speech, if you understand German or read the english subtitles, and compare it to the AI version.

A 27 page snippet of the 2 1/2 hour speech by Hitler presented by the German History Documents and Images

Which one can compare to the subtitles and AI and German direct speech.

Another transcript:

A you tube video concerning the speech: RT 10 minutes

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHMDV5HRzz0


Has No Life - Lives on TB
My German prof in college had my (very) Jewish boyfriend and me over to the house for
tutoring and tea. She explained how Hitler spoke pretty words that caused all the German populace to go crazy thinking he was going to “save” the country. She said they then found out quite differently. I guess when things reach a certain point, manipulation isn’t as hard as it sounds. Excellent instructor. I will never forget what she shared that rainy Saturday.
It's not. And so long as you're fed this you won't see it any other way.

It was the same way when I was manipulated into giving my savings away. As soon as the phone went dead I knew I had been had.

My mom was in Berlin at it's fall, and even as she saw the Russian Army in the street below her, she believed the Germans would be victorious.

After the war, she met dad and married, she became an American citizen and came to love the Jewish people.

After the war the supply side of the information went dead and she could see clearly.


Veteran Member
What the Allies did to Imperial Germany after the war and the provisions of the Versailles Treaty would have one quite concerned. German nationals, regardless, lost all of their properties and businesses in Africa, South America, the Pacific Islands, except for Japan and even in the USA! Just for being German.

The Weimar Republic was not run by Germans. The Germans are dead horses and rats in allies, but under the Fascists they ate steak in their dining rooms. Which government would you pick?

If the USA would ever have to pay reparations to other nations for our internationally and diplomatically misconduct, we would be bankrupt for the next two centuries. Mexico, the Philippines, Guam, Samoa, Hawaii, post WW1 Germany, post WW2 Germany, Laos, Cambodia and may more. We have a history of mass murder of civilians, unlawful detention and execution of POW's, seizing private property and destroying economies, seizing industries and excluding the native nationals from their own countries. And some people want to behave as if the other "belligerents" were the evil ones.

155 arty

Veteran Member
What the Allies did to Imperial Germany after the war and the provisions of the Versailles Treaty would have one quite concerned. German nationals, regardless, lost all of their properties and businesses in Africa, South America, the Pacific Islands, except for Japan and even in the USA! Just for being German.

The Weimar Republic was not run by Germans. The Germans are dead horses and rats in allies, but under the Fascists they ate steak in their dining rooms. Which government would you pick?

If the USA would ever have to pay reparations to other nations for our internationally and diplomatically misconduct, we would be bankrupt for the next two centuries. Mexico, the Philippines, Guam, Samoa, Hawaii, post WW1 Germany, post WW2 Germany, Laos, Cambodia and may more. We have a history of mass murder of civilians, unlawful detention and execution of POW's, seizing private property and destroying economies, seizing industries and excluding the native nationals from their own countries. And some people want to behave as if the other "belligerents" were the evil ones.
You're not wrong


Veteran Member
Woman who lived behind my mom
Mrs Wallach
Came to America in 37/38
Just as hitler was gaining power
She thought he was a good person
Didn’t believe the holocaust happened
Had a autographed picture of him on her fireplace mantelpiece next to a picture of Jesus

Go figure


My German prof in college had my (very) Jewish boyfriend and me over to the house for
tutoring and tea. She explained how Hitler spoke pretty words that caused all the German populace to go crazy thinking he was going to “save” the country. She said they then found out quite differently. I guess when things reach a certain point, manipulation isn’t as hard as it sounds. Excellent instructor. I will never forget what she shared that rainy Saturday.
I met a young woman in college, who was from Germany.
I recall her telling us that if you were a native German speaker, listening to Hitler was almost hypnotic.
She said there was almost no way to describe it.


Veteran Member
My mom had a friend from Germany. Lived through it all even to suffer from the rapes of the Soviet soldiers during the Communist occupation of East Germany. She fondly reminisced of life under Hitler before defeat.
And this is one of my problems with the official narrative. No one wants to think about that side of things. The German innocents suffered horrifically, and they lost many millions more than the Jewish people did, but most people behave as though that's no big deal--because they were German, and Hitler, soooo...they must have deserved it.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Anyone can click on the link and see the video of Hitler's speech, if you understand German or read the english subtitles, and compare it to the AI version.

ew: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHMDV5HRzz0

I'd be very interested in hearing comments from anyone who has compared this AI version with the ofiginal, expecially a native German speaker. Year ago my sister (who taught German) said Hitler spoke with a pronounced Austrian accent. This AI voice seems like it would be hard to listen to and hardly mesmerizing.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
When discussing Hitler and German people there are several things one MUST remember:

Hitler's Party held the most seats in Parliament, in the Reichstag and he was appointed Chancellor, in 1933. He did have the backing of the German people because of a couple of things.

1) Hitler's promise of improving the economy and the German Mark. Hyperinflation hit German in the early-mid 1920's and the Reichsmark was destroyed. Partly due to reparations demanded in the Versailles Treaty. That and the world wide depression of '29-32 put millions out of work in Germany.

2) due to Versailles Treaty, parts of Germany were given to other countries. Parts of West Prussia to Poland and Belarus. Parts of East Prussia to Poland to form the "Polish corridor" a passage by land to the North/Baltic sea, which cut East Prussia off and separated it from Germany by land. Hitler's promise of reunification. My mother aunts/uncles and grand parents living in East Prussia supported both moves.

Hitler accomplished the first by opening plants to manufacture military equipment employing millions. Which will work for almost any depressed economy - go to war.

Hitler accomplished the 2nd by invading Poland Sept 1939 6 years after taking office.

What they didn't know in '33 was how all this was to be done. They were campaign promises as goals without the how. Even as that is done now in campaigns all over the world, even in the US. (What waste is Elon going to cut?)

Between '33 and '39 Hitler silenced all opposing voices in Germany. Newspapers and politicians. The Nazi Party formed and took seats in 1930. With that Hitler as leader of the Nazi Party, re-established the SA or Brown Shirts as a police force. Snipped from Britannica:

SA, in the German Nazi Party, a paramilitary organization whose methods of violent intimidation played a key role in Adolf Hitler’s rise to power.

Ernst Röhm
Ernst RöhmErnst Röhm, 1933.
The SA was founded in Munich by Hitler in 1921 out of various roughneck elements that had attached themselves to the fledgling Nazi movement. It drew its early membership largely from the Freikorps (Free Corps), armed freebooter groups, made up largely of ex-soldiers, that battled leftists in the streets in the early days of the Weimar Republic. Outfitted in brown uniforms after the fashion of Benito Mussolini’s Fascist Blackshirts in Italy, the SA men protected party meetings, marched in Nazi rallies, and physically assaulted political opponents. Temporarily in disarray after the failure of Hitler’s Munich Putsch in 1923, the SA was reorganized in 1925 and soon resumed its violent ways, intimidating voters in national and local elections. From January 1931 it was headed by Ernst Röhm, who harboured radical anticapitalist notions and dreamed of building the SA into Germany’s main military force. Under Röhm SA membership, swelled from the ranks of the Great Depression’s unemployed, grew to 400,000 by 1932 and to perhaps 2,000,000—20 times the size of the regular army—by the time that Hitler came to power in 1933.

SA troops
1 of 2
SA troopsSA troops locking hands to prevent Jews from entering the University of Vienna.
newspaper coverage of the Night of the Long Knives
2 of 2
newspaper coverage of the Night of the Long KnivesArticle about the Night of the Long Knives on the front page of the Pennsylvanian newspaper The Bethlehem Globe-Times, July 2, 1934.(more)
During the early days of the Nazi regime, the SA carried out unchecked street violence against Jews and Nazi opponents. But it was eyed with suspicion by the regular army and by the wealthy industrialists, two groups whose support Hitler was trying to secure. Against Hitler’s expressed wishes, Röhm continued to press for a “second Nazi revolution” of a socialist character, and he hoped to merge the regular army with the SA under his own leadership. On June 30, 1934, the Night of the Long Knives (die Nacht der langen Messer), Hitler, using SS forces, carried out a “Blood Purge” of the SA leadership. Röhm and dozens of SA leaders were summarily executed. Thereafter the SA, reduced in strength, continued to exist but ceased to play a major political role in Nazi affairs. From 1939 it was in charge of training all able-bodied men for Home Guard units.

When the voice of the opposition is gone, mostly through lawfare and violence, the single voice that is left, sounds normal. -Hitler.

So when the only voice that is left singles out a group as to blame for all the countries problems it is accepted as truth, and it is acted on.

The normal voice of Hitler and the blame is when Hitler gave his speech Jan 30, 1939 the 6 year anniversary of his .Chancellorship. He revealed the how it was all to be done, and by then it was to late to change it. Get with the program or die.

Everyone on this board should realize that this is true as practiced by our own government over the last 4 years. Blaming straight white men, Conservative Christians, and PTA moms and dads for this countries woes, not accepting Covid 19 vax's, Climate change.

If one were to live in the echo chamber of the progressive liberal left, everything they say sounds normal. Men can have babies, 3 YO can choose their sex, we're all going to die by 2035, etc....

Not so strange is it when a whole country follows a maniac. Half the country in the US already is.
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On the Beach
I recall her telling us that if you were a native German speaker, listening to Hitler was almost hypnotic.
She said there was almost no way to describe it.

I've heard leftists describing the exact same thing of MAGA-folks listening to a Trump speech. There are some people that are "addicted" to them, so much so that they've attended over 100 of his events. I enjoy listen to them as well, don't you?


Considering the route we are on "we the people" should be scared.

If the true history of Nazi Germany were known people would be terrified. The parallels between then and now ARE terrifying.

Hitler was a populist in public, knew how to work a crowd and told people what they wanted to hear. And he did have a lot of success in the early to mid 1930’s in revitalizing industry and the economy. In private however he was a megalomaniac that believed his own press clippings and never took or sought out advice from anybody. The fuhrer principle.


On the Beach
In private however he was a megalomaniac that believed his own press clippings and never took or sought out advice from anybody. The fuhrer principle.

This statement is impossible to disprove, which is why you made it. "Private" conversations Hitler had with his leadership are, in fact, "private" and therefore unknowable as far as the truth is concerned. The "fuhrer principle"? No such animal, except in the minds of historical revisionists.


This statement is impossible to disprove, which is why you made it. "Private" conversations Hitler had with his leadership are, in fact, "private" and therefore unknowable as far as the truth is concerned. The "fuhrer principle"? No such animal, except in the minds of historical revisionists.

You are in error.

Did you ever read his autobiography as dictated to Hess? Did you ever read the books by Albert Speer where he related Hitler’s conduct with verbiage in those conversations among Hitler’s inner circle? How about the book on Hess as written by Ltc Eugene Bird who was Hess’s prison commandant when he was incarcerated at Spandau prison? He developed a close relationship with Hess before he died. Or what about the book the Nuremberg Diary written by the prison psychologist Gilbert who interviewed the prisoners who were later sentenced to death or life in prison?

I have done so and more over the years as I wanted to understand how a modern western society with strong Catholic beliefs in the population could slip into the abyss. Speer spoke several times about the fuhrer principle and he wasn’t a historical revisionist.

I have done the legwork over the years and have read many first hand accounts as this has been an area of interest with me more than 30 years.

Bad Hand

Veteran Member
Hitler would spend hours practicing his speeches including the hand gestures to excite the crowds to his way of thinking. The Jews controlled most of the banks, media and industry so it really easy to blame everything on the Jews. The Jews even helped finance Hitler's raise.


Veteran Member
Hitler would spend hours practicing his speeches including the hand gestures to excite the crowds to his way of thinking. The Jews controlled most of the banks, media and industry so it really easy to blame everything on the Jews. The Jews even helped finance Hitler's raise.
They did, and then, they turned on him when when they discovered they could trade financial aid for the land of Pakistan, which was under Britain's control at the time. Germany had actually been very good to the Jewish people, but they were always thinking first of the benefit of international Jewry, and the newspapers and sources of media--all Jewish-controlled--began printing anti-German propaganda, LONG before Germany visited any aggressive action against them. Judea officially declared war on Germany in 1933? I think it was, and they began boycotting German businesses, which was very destructive because the Jews operated a large number of the main business in Germany. Times were already horrendously difficult for the German people after the debacle of WWI, and millions of German innocents had been purposely starved and cut off from their food supplies by the Allied Powers. Not to mention that Jewish radicals were committing acts of terrorism in the public squares and also behind closed doors via assassination of individuals they found problematic.

America justified the locking up of Japanese American citizens in concentration camps because of WWI, but when Germany does it to protect its own interests, it's evil. The hypocrisy irks me, honestly. If Hitler had truly wanted to exterminate the Jews, he would never have given them the opportunity to self-deport. He would have simply rounded them up and shot them where they were found, no camps necessary. There were many, MANY Jewish labor camp occupants who said that the Germans treated them very well, and conditions went downhill after the Allies bombed the German supply routes and cut them all off from necessities. No one likes to think about the fact that America and the other Allied nations played a MAJOR role in what was left in those camps when they were liberated. I guess the testimonies of those who confirmed the above don't matter as much because it doesn't match the trauma we instill in ourselves via the official narrative--and the horrors of war via our grandparents and great-grandparents. As ugly of a statement as some will find this, for those of us who had grandparents or great-grandparents who saw terrible things during that war that they would never talk about; has it ever occurred to us that some of the terrible things they saw were the things that they themselves did?

As someone who is young enough to be very far from both WWI and WWII, I am attempting to look at this situation objectively--hindsight is 20/20--and have determined, after taking in information from both sides of the conflict, specifically from original documentation, I am finding the evidence for the official narrative severely lacking. What I am finding is that the situation was much more complicated than we were told--and many of the testimonies from the wars that paint a different picture have always been conspicuously absent from any form of MSM.


Hitler would spend hours practicing his speeches including the hand gestures to excite the crowds to his way of thinking. The Jews controlled most of the banks, media and industry so it really easy to blame everything on the Jews. The Jews even helped finance Hitler's raise.

Henry Ford and other industrialists as well as the bankers.


Non Solum Simul Stare
Henry Ford and other industrialists as well as the bankers.
As well as 109 other historical instances of complete Jewish expulsion from nations. I'm sure there was no legitimate reason outside of antisemitism for it though. Man, if only those countries left well documented records as to why they expelled the Jews....