Story After the End


Chapter 51​

There was precious little information on the HAM bands, especially locally. Frank did learn that most of Europe and Eastern Asia had collapsed financially when the dollar was devalued. There was no news at all from China. Frustrated with the lack of information, Frank turned the radio off and he and Terry put together a small road bag for the trip into town in the morning.

The house was filled with breakfast smells when Frank awoke, remembering his planned trip. He scurried to the kitchen, swiping a piece of bacon off the full tray. He fixed himself a plate and he and Terry got down to the business of starting the day. The rest of the family felt somewhat excluded as the talk was centered around the trip.

Saying their goodbyes the two men got in Terry's old land rover and started for town. The twenty mile trip seemed to take forever. When they got their they were shocked. There were no open stores and a few had been burned out.

“Let's go to the sheriff's office and see if we can find out anything,” Frank suggested.

There was a note on the door advising the Sheriff's Office was closed. “That doesn't seem right,” said Terry.

“It's not right,” Frank agreed. “Let's go over to the sheriff's house and see what's going on.”

They drove over to the sheriff's house and were met by a locked gate and a warning sign. KEEP OUT!, was the stern warning, Terry honked the horn a couple of times and Frank saw a gun barrel emerge from a window.

“It's me, Frank and Terry, we just drove into town to see what was going on,” Frank yelled at the house.

“Keep your hands where I can see them and Don't try anything funny. I will be out to the gate in a minute.” came the reply.

The sheriff's face looked haggard and drawn as if he hadn't slept in some time. “Good to see you Frank, but you guys took a big chance coming into town.”

“What happened here,” asked Frank? “Where is everyone and why are all the stores closed?”

“I couldn't afford to pay any of my deputies and they all went home to try and protect their own families. Frank, there have been a number of changes since you were last in town. Why don't the two of you come on in and let;s get caught up. I'll get the gate for you.”

“Frank,” the sheriff began, “since you were last here, there was a run on the bank that pretty ugly, most of the merchants sold what they could and left with what they could carry, my own men were looting. I didn't know what else to do, I called the state and they told me that we were on our own. The state government has shut down. The federal government has shut down, and no one knows who is in charge.”

“Why are you still here,” Frank asked the harried man?

“I don't have anywhere else to go. My wife and I have managed to put back some food over the years and I haven't forgot how to farm. I was raised on a farm.”

“Who is in charge,” asked Terry?

“In charge of what,” the Sheriff asked right back, “In case you didn't notice, there is nothing left. There are precious few people and there are no open stores, there is no law, and there is no money. There is nothing to be in charge of. Frank,” the sheriff continued, “I know you are doing well out where you are, I don't how and I don't want to know, but, people talk and sooner or later you are going to start getting hit by organized groups. I am going to deputize you and Terry and your your Dad, John. It may or may not give you a legal standing once things return to normal, but it will give you the authority to protect what you have. Raise your right hands.”

The sheriff deputized both of them and gave them badges and also the authority to deputize John. The sheriff seemed to run out of energy and told them he was going to lie down for a while and they were in charge of their end of the county.

“Sheriff, if you need anything, call us on the radio and we will come to you. Don't go hungry, we can help. We have some medical supplies but not enough for the whole town,” said Frank.

“We are damn near the whole town,” replied the sheriff.

The lights took that exact moment to blink twice and then the electricity was no more. “Well, I have been expecting that,” said the sheriff.

“We will bring you a solar cell and help you set up a charging station for your radios and maybe a little light. It won't be a lot, but it will be something,” and with that , Frank and Terry were on their way back to the farm.

Frank and Terry, relayed to everyone else what had gone on in town, the younger kids were all over at the new house cleaning and moving in, everyone was excited to be getting their own space and it was decided that Patty would be the absolute authority over the other kids. Terry set up a console in the basement shelter and was able to view all the cameras, just as Frank could from his console.


fastback08 Thanks for the chapter always happy when I find a new post, Great story thanks for sharing with us.


Chapter 52​

Patty and the group came over first thing in the morning for breakfast. The assembled group had decided to have as many of their meals together as they could, but there was food in both houses just in case. They discussed putting a tunnel between the two properties but it was tabled for the immediate term. Patty asked if Tom could be relieved from clearing the new property long enough to help them get a garden started. It was decided they would just extend the current garden as it would be quicker and they were only a few hundred yards away.
Over the next few months, the small group continued to thrive, there was the occasional visitor and they were invited to stay for a meal as long as they exchanged a little labor for it. Most of them were glad for the opportunity to fill their stomachs and word soon got around that if anyone was hungry, there was a meal to be had. Not free, but worth every bit of effort it took.
With all the fuel tanks topped off and the pantry over flowing, Janet and Frank discussed the possibility of adding a few more people to their group. There was a couple that had become pretty regular at showing up to work and eat. Frank had noticed that both of the them regularly saved some of their meal and took it with them. Janet said it looks like they may be feeding someone else, maybe children. Frank thought it would be a good idea to approach them and try to find out more about them. Janet agreed.

“John was overseeing the drying of all the boards he and Tom had cut with the portable sawmill. “I think we could sell some of this, it is ready to use, the only problem is nobody has any money to buy it.' he said.

Tom was quick to agree, “We might as well be cutting firewood and preparing lumber, there is no market for it and the firewood would be less work.”

“I don't know Tom,” said John, “Something tells me we need to make as much building ready lumber as we can. We can always cut firewood, but there is a nagging voice in my head that says cut lumber.”

“Well, I haven't heard anything, but I will bow to your intuition and we will make lumber,” said Tom.

Back at the house, there was potential trouble at the gate. There were no less than a dozen people demanding to be let in and except for the young couple they want to talk to, Frank didn't recognize any of them.

“Get on the radio and let Terry know what's going on and then let Dad and Tom know. This could get nasty,” Frank warned.

Frank walked out to the gate and called the couple to the front, “Do you two know any of these people,” asked Frank?

“We have never seen them before,” the young man answered, clearly nervous. “They started following us just outside of town and we were sure we would be robbed.”

“Well, I got a bad feeling about them. I am going to let you two in. You go straight to the house and Janet will let you in the house. I am going to delay this group a little, we have some help on the way.”

Frank radioed Janet and told her the couple were on the way up, and to let them in. Janet told Frank that Terry was going to approach the crowd from behind and Tom and his Dad were flanking them.

“I am going to try and stall them for a minute if I can. It may be nothing, but we need to know for sure,” Frank said.

“If everyone will get in a line, we will be going to the fields in just a minute. Now I haven't seen any of you before, so I need to get a little information from each of you.”

Frank was scouring the area behind the crowd and was relieved when he saw Terry and Patty, taking up shooting positions. He knew Janet and June would be shooting form the hous and Tom and his Dad should be in position by now.

“This is the way it works,” Frank began, “We will work from now until around noon, and then there will be a break for about forty five minutes while we eat and take care of any personal issues you need to take care of. No one is allowed into the house or barn, unless you area accompanied by a resident. No offense, but I don't know any of you and if that offends you, you can leave now. Snacks will be handed out on the way to the gardens, but there will be no other feeding until the noon break.”

“We're hungry now,” a voice from the crowd called out, “Why can't we eat first.”

“Because that is not how it works,” Frank shouted back, “We have a system here that works and if you are not willing to work within our boundaries, you might need to hit the road.”

“How about we just come and take what we want, we have you outnumbered,” said another voice.

“I think that would be a foolish move on your part,” Frank re countered, “Now if anyone is interested in working for a meal, according to the rules I laid out, come to the front, if you are not interested, move along.”

An elderly man and a young boy walked to the from of the crowd. The old man was stooped and frail looking. “Me and my grandson would like to work for a meal,” said the old man, “I might not look like much, but I can give you a good day's labor.”

“Come on in,” Frank said, “go up to the main house and wait for me there. Anyone else?”

“We ain't leaving without a meal,” said the loudmouth from earlier. “Now you go and fetch us some food or we will take everything.”

There were several nods of agreement and Frank thought this had gone on long enough. He keyed the mic on his radio and told everyone to show themselves. John and Tom stood up and had their rifles directed at the assembled mob. Patty and Terry did likewise and Janet and June let themselves be seen at the house.

“Move along,” Frank said rather forcefully, and don't come back or you will be shot.

“Oh, we'll be back,” said the loudmouth, “and when we do, we will be armed.”

“Then maybe we should just shoot you now,” said Frank.

The assembled mob broke and ran with more than a few curses and threats thrown back over their fleeing shoulders.

“You know,” said Terry, “They will be back.”


Chapter 53​

Everyone was on high alert for the next few days, then things settled back into the normal routine. The threats made by the mob at the gate, were on everyone's mind, but there was so much to do, it wasn't foremost. The couple they interviewed, Max and Ann, were going to work out OK. As suspected, they were carrying food to someone else. They had two very small children they were feeding. The men began work on a house for them using the lumber they had cut on the property. They planned a trip into town to try to find some plumbing and electrical supplies. They planned to add the new house to the wind and solar system.

Tom was bringing a load of lumber on the Toolcat, when a shot rang out and Tom fell over to the side , obviously unconscious. John witnessed the shooting and as fast as he could, he called on the radio for help and warned of an active shooter. He got to the Toolcat and pulled Tom from the operator's seat and helped him to the ground. The entire side of Tom's head was covered in blood. Frank arrived and helped John pull Tom's body back to the house. Terry had gone to the woods to try and find the shooter. Suddenly the radio crackled to life.

“We have about twenty or so men out here and they are all armed,” said Terry. “It looks like Tom was a target of opportunity. They are no doubt planning to charge us as soon as they can get organized. There seems to some dispute over who is leading them.”

“Everyone take defensive positions,” Frank shouted, “We are going to be attacked at any moment. Dad, you take the Barrett and go to the barn. You will be able to create some havoc from there. Patty, you take the full auto and get behind the berm. We are not taking any prisoners. Everyone there is to be terminated.”

Janet and June, took the small kids to the basement and secured themselves inside. Janet argued, but to no avail. Frank was adamant. Max and Ann offered their help, Max being ex military. Frank accepted and armed them both and assigned them to their fighting positions. Terry again activated his radio.

“Their coming,” was all he said.

Shots started pinging off the hose and fire started returning from the family. The Barrett spoke loudly from the hardened position in the hayloft and the attackers began falling as they crossed the large expanse of bare ground.

“Surely they see they can't possibly win,” said Frank, 'They will all be slaughtered.”

“Desperate people will do desperate things,” said Max. “Those people are hungry and they are too lazy to work for it. They have been on the government teat so long, they don't know how to work anymore.”

“If they continue to come across that empty field like they are doing now, their problems will soon be over,” said Frank.

“Some of them are hesitating and wanting to turn back,” said John, “Do we let them go?”

“Do you want to have to fight them again,” asked Frank? “Take them out.”

The boom from the Barrett could be heard over all else as the fleeing mob fell one by one until there was no one left standing.

“Get Janet and Mom up from the Shelter,” said Frank, “What is the status on Tom?”


fastback08 Thanks for the chapter for this great story, it is always a good day when I find a new chapter from you.


Don't keep us hanging, worrying about Tom! I particularly like this piece of wisdom; "Do you want to have to fight them again". No, you sure don't. Thank you for the new chapter.


Chapter 54​

Tom never stood a chance, the slug from the high powered rifle had taken most of the side of his head off. There was little doubt that Tom had died before he was dragged of the machinery. The sadness was palpable. Patty stood beside his body in complete shock. Only Janet noticed that Patty slowly moved her hand over her stomach as she silently mourned. The first fatality of the group was a bitter pill to swallow, with everyone blaming themselves for letting their guard down. Frank spoke tersely and quickly, “I will prepare a burial spot, there will be a meeting after we bury Tom.”

John took his backhoe and he and Frank quickly dug a grave for Tom. “That hole seems awfully deep”, said Frank.

“I was told you bury your friends deep”, said John, “I worked very closely with that young man and I thought of him as more than a friend. If you will hold up on putting him in the ground for a few hours, I will build a coffin for him. He deserved that.”

“Of course, Dad”, said Frank, “I just thought the sooner we got this behind us, the sooner we can try to regain some normalcy.”

Janet pulled Patty to the side and asked her point blank the question she had on her mind. “Are you pregnant,” she asked?

“How did you know,” said Patty, “Tom and I were going to tell everyone, but we were waiting for the right time.”

“Patty, I am happy for you and sad at the same time,” said Janet. “Raising a child by yourself is going to be hard, but at least you will have a part of Tom with you. The group will do all we can to help, if you will let us.”

Patty hugged Janet and said, “I have never been more afraid, What if I am not ready for this”?

“Dear, babies don't care if you are ready or not. When they decide to come, they will come and you will find that are ready,” explained Janet.

Tom's body was placed in the coffin that John had hastily prepared and the body was lain to rest. Looking at the faces of the mourners, it was evident, that while they were grieving mightily, they were were also very angry. John said some words over the body and the group prayed for Tom's safe journey to heaven.

“We will meet back at the main house in fifteen minutes,” said Frank, “There are going to be some changes.”


fastback08 I hope this post finds you and yours well I just want to let you know that there are many readers looking for more of this great story hopefully you will be able to post soon, and if you can't I and I am sure many more will checking for when you can.


I am working on a chapter to post today. My DW, member Myrle, got some unsettling news from a mammogram and we area waiting on more results. Prayers would be appreciated.


Veteran Member
Just checking in, fastback. Great story, by the way!!

Sorry to hear about your wife. Will add you and her to my ever-lengthening prayer list......... (sigh) It seems like lots of people are being hit with stuff.

Tell your wife what one of my nurses told me when I had something come up in my mammogram and needed to have surgery to remove the "thing." She told me "don't have yourself dead and buried before you're dead and buried." She said that a good many more mammogram findings turn out to be nothing or benign than turn out to be cancer.


Chapter 55
It was decided that from this point forward, all group members would be armed at all time. It was further decided that anyone working more than 100 feet from the main house was to have at least one person with them. This led them to realize they needed more people. Not just warm bodies, but people that cold be depended on. People that were like minded and took their freedom and survival seriously.

“But where do we start looking,” asked Janet, “it's not like there are a lot of people left.”

“We start right here'” said John, “I am sure everyone here knows someone that we could try and find and offer them a place. It would have to be an unanimous decision, of course.”

“There were a couple of guys I worked with that seemed to be like minded,” said Frank. “They don't live too far from here, I suppose it would be worth a try.”

“Max, do you or Ann know of anyone that would be a good fit,” asked Frank.

“Ann has a sister that is married. They are good people, but we haven't been to contact them. They would be a good fit, I will vouch for them,” said Max.

“How do you propose we find them,” asked Terry?

“Last we heard, they were in Alabama,” said Ann. “My family has some property there. We were headed there when we found you guys, and we are pretty road weary.”

“Do you think that you two and Terry could take a truck and extra fuel and check it out. It should only take two or three days. We can provision you and supply the truck and fuel, but I must warn you, if they don't work out, they will be asked to leave.”

“Absolutely we can do it, and if they don't measure up, I will tell them myself they have to leave,” said Max.

“Terry, do you know of anyone you could bring in,” asked John?

“Well, there was this lady I was kind of sweet on, I might be able to contact here on the Ham radio. It would be nice to have someone else my age here,” said Terry. “I will try and contact her tonight or at least put out some inquires and maybe we can get here on the same trip.”

You all know my story,” said Patty. “There are no relatives, but I did have some friends, I am just not sure if they are still alive or not. Do you think we could look?”

“Of course we can, sweetie,” said Terry, “let us get through with the Alabama trip and then you and I can hit the road.”

Things went relatively well for the next three days and the travelers were ready to hit the road. They had provisions enough for the three of them plus six more and extra fuel canisters were secreted inside the bed of the four door pickup. They even brought a fresh battery in case they needed to get another vehicle running.

“You guys be careful,” said Frank, “remember, we are trying to add people not lose them. Check in every night on the frequency we decided on. If you miss two check ins, we are coming to look for you.”

With that, Terry pointed the truck out the drive and set off in search of friends and family.


Chapter 56

The farm moved into a slower routine with the lack of man power and even simple jobs took two people due to everyone having an escort. The hours were long. The night security shift was lengthened to six hours due to a shortage of warm bodies and they all knew they had made the right decision to try and add more people. Patty and Frank seemed to bond more closely with Tom gone and Patty was needing a male figure to address the absence she felt.

“You know, everything happens for a reason,” said Frank, “God will never put more on us than we can bear. It may seem that all is lost right now, but you will see, things will get better.”

“How can Tom getting killed, possibly turn out for the better?”

“We are not to question why tings happen as they do, we are to accept God's decision and make the best of it,” Frank counseled, “I know right now it seems that Tom's life was senseless and for no reason, but there is a devine plan for every one of us.”

“Frank,” Patty began, “will you and Janet be here to help me with the baby?”

“Of course we will,” said Frank, “I can assure you that the both of you will be family to us.”

Terry was driving the four door pickup along a two land road in South Alabama, when a shot rang out. Nothing apperaed to be hit, so Terry reasoned someone wanted their attention. “Cover me,” he said to Max, as he unbuckled his seat belt and exited the driver's seat with both hands in the air. He walked to the back of the truck and placed both hands against the truck and spread his legs.

“Don't move,” came a voice from behind cover, “We are going to come out.” If anyone in the truck moves, we will open fire.”

“We don't want any trouble,” said Terry, “We are here looking for relatives and friends.”

A sightly built young man with a very large rifle appeared behind Terry.

“OK, you can turn around slowly now,” said the man.

Terry turned and was amazed to see a boy not more than sixteen years old, with an ancient German Mauser. The rifle was clearly too heavy for the slightly emanciated boy.

“How long since you had a good meal,” asked Terry?

“I don't remember,” said the young boy, “It has been a while I reckon.”

“Max, you and Ann, climb out slowly, we are going to have a little luunch, and mind your manners, we have a guest.”

The young boy was clearly nervous about being outnumbered, but knew he would only get off one shot, before he himself would be killed.

“Son,” said Terry, “that rifle looks awfully heavy, why don't you set it down and rest your arms. Come and eat lunch with us and then we can find out all about each other.”

Max, Ann, and Terry, were amazed at the speed the young booy ate and had to slow him down, afraid he would make himself sick if he continued at the pace he had set.

“Son, there is plenty, you need to slow down before you make yourself sick.”

The boy looked sheepishly at Terry, “name is Don,” he said.

“Don, My name is Terry and this is Max and Ann Anderson, and we are looking for their family,” explained Terry.