A quick word about Powdered Milk—as the couple was discussing it's taste.
There are three things the human brain seems hardwired to crave in abundance: Sugar, Salt and Fat.
Make a gallon of Milk from powder. Use about 20% to 30% more powder than the recipe calls for. Stir in about one-third cup of sugar and about one quarter teaspoon of Salt.
Finally, put in a tablespoon or two of cooking oil.
Whip with an egg-beater awhile and try to let it sit a few hours and if possible, drink it colder than you'd ordinarily drink Milk.
No, it doesn't taste quite like real Milk.
It will taste better to most folks than regular Powdered Milk.
Yes, most of the oil will rise to the top—but I'm persuaded that some of it goes into suspension.
No real Milk does not have Sucrose or Salt in any appreciable amounts and no Vegetable Oil—though it has more Milk Fats than your little jigger of Wesson Oil will replace.
Try it. It makes Powdered Milk more palatable if you feel constrained to
drinking it for some reason.
My mother taught me that trick many years ago.
Good story so far.