Story After the End


Canadian Loonie
we'll be still here......waiting.......patiently.......hope you are healthy soon. a big thank you for all the writing when you weren't well.


Thank you, Wayne. I am doing some better, the kidneys turned out better than expected and the Blood Sugar issue seems to be under better control. Right now the problem is the pain from neuropathy. I do appreciate your kind words and prayers.


Thank you, Wayne. I am doing some better, the kidneys turned out better than expected and the Blood Sugar issue seems to be under better control. Right now the problem is the pain from neuropathy. I do appreciate your kind words and prayers.

fastback08 I am glad to hear that your kidneys and sugar is doing better. My hart goes out to you, I have been dealing with neuropathy for over 6 years now, after spending 2 years and countless thousands of dollars on doctors and tests at hospitals all over the north east. The only answer that the doctors could give me was you are an anomaly we have no idea what is causing it, I was tested for diabetes by every doctor that I saw because they just new that the others had missed it. Fortunately, I don't have it, what I have is the pain and the debilitating effects that come with neuropathy. I thank God for every day that I have and do what I can, it is very frustrating not to able to do some of the simple things like button a shirt with out great effort or know where your fingers are on the keyboard or what you are stepping on, besides the shooting pain that can cause you to not be able do any thing except suffer. I will continue to pray for Gods healing, strength and his peace, so that you can live every day as he would have you.


Contributing Member
This is a good story that has much to make you think. I wanted to say thank You and I hope you and your wife have returned to good health.


Finally not a lurker!
A quick word about Powdered Milk—as the couple was discussing it's taste.

There are three things the human brain seems hardwired to crave in abundance: Sugar, Salt and Fat.

Make a gallon of Milk from powder. Use about 20% to 30% more powder than the recipe calls for. Stir in about one-third cup of sugar and about one quarter teaspoon of Salt.

Finally, put in a tablespoon or two of cooking oil.

Whip with an egg-beater awhile and try to let it sit a few hours and if possible, drink it colder than you'd ordinarily drink Milk.

No, it doesn't taste quite like real Milk.

It will taste better to most folks than regular Powdered Milk.

Yes, most of the oil will rise to the top—but I'm persuaded that some of it goes into suspension.

No real Milk does not have Sucrose or Salt in any appreciable amounts and no Vegetable Oil—though it has more Milk Fats than your little jigger of Wesson Oil will replace.

Try it. It makes Powdered Milk more palatable if you feel constrained to drinking it for some reason.

My mother taught me that trick many years ago.

Good story so far.

.....RVM45 :cool::sht::cool:
I've used powdered vanilla pudding which worked very well.