Story After the End


Chapter 42​

Tom was proving to be an apt pupil, both with Terry and with Patty in the garden. His hands were beginning to show the callouses that would soon be a permanent fixture. He was quick to pick up new things and rarely made the same mistake twice. His skill with the rifle, and to a lesser degree with a pistol, was admirable. One day as Terry was busy throwing Tom to the ground with a perfect hip toss, Frank approached the two and asked if he could have a minute alone with Tom.

“What's up, Boss,” asked Terry with a smile?

“Tom, could you come up to the house with me for a minute, we need to talk to you as a family and everyone is waiting,” said Frank.

“Sure, Mr. Frank,” said Tom, “Can I have a minute to wash up, I imagine I smell pretty bad.”

“This won't take but a few minutes, I would really like to get this out of the way,” Frank answered.

When they got to the house, the entire family was waiting on the back porch. Tom was certain they were going to ask him to leave and he steeled himself for the inevitable.”

“Tom,” Janet began, “We have discussed this at length and we are unanimous in our decision. We would like for you to stay and become a full member of our group. You have shown yourself to be hard working, and we think you are trustworthy. Starting tonight, you and Terry will be bunking together in Terry's quarters. If that is not acceptable, we will work something out. If you want to stay and be a member of this group, all you have to do is say so.”

“Yes, of course,” Said Tom jubilantly, “I promise all of you I will not let you down. I will work as hard as I can and I will give my own life to protect the people here.”

“Well, let's hope it don't come to that,” said John.

“Here, put this own and keep it handy at all times,” said Frank, tossing Tom a 1911 .45 pistol and a holster and belt. Get with Terry and tell him to assign you a rifle and check out some ammo.”

“Thanks, everybody,” Tom began, but was cut short by Frank.

“Aren't you supposed to be training right now.” asked Frank?

“Yes sir, Yes sir I am.” replied Tom.

“Patty,” said Janet, “You keep that boys mind on gardening for a spell, he is quite taken with you and I am afraid if you give him an opening, he will forget all about farming. I am not saying forever, but let's get to know him real well. He is coming off of a bad deal and a rebound romance is not the best.”

Patty blushed and then said, “Yes, Ms. Janet. I suspect you right.”

That night Tom was hell bent to walk guard duty by himself, so Terry got him outfitted with a chest rig and a good light and told him to take the first watch. He was to wake Terry at two am and Terry would take the rest of the night.

This isn't so bad, thought Tom, the hardest part will be staying awake. Not an hour after he started his watch, he thought he heard whispering coming from behind the barn. As stealthily as he could, Tom eased closer to the barn and heard the unmistakably sound of two voices communicating in the dark.


Great chapter Fastback I see that cliff is also hanging around your story waiting for us :). Thanks for the chapter and the story.


Chapter 43​

Tom nervously clicked the mic button twice on the handie talkie, hoping Terry would hear the squelch break. He then began to close the distance between him and the voices. Tom switched on the night vision rifle scope and in the direction of the sounds. He was startled to find two teenaged chicken thieves. One of the figures was holding the bag while another was trying in vain to catch a chicken.

“That will be enough of that,” said Tom with as much authority in his voice as he could muster, “Put the bag down and your hands up.”

“What are you going to do if we don't,” came a decidedly feminine voice, “shoot us?”
“I really don't want to, but I will if I have too. Now, both of you turn around and place your hands on the barn and lean into them,” said Tom. “Terry, I need you behind the barn, now,” said Tom into the microphone.”

“I am on the way, lad,” came the reply.

Terry started around the barn from the opposite side and in a moment, he had the two would be chicken thieves sandwiched between himself and Tom.

“Y’all aren't going to do anything to us,” said the male of the two, “You might as well let us go and forget this ever happened. You can't shoot someone for trying to steal chickens.”

“Oh son, if that were true, you wouldn't have any worries, but you were stealing a pet chicken, you were stealing livestock, and for that, you can be shot,” said Terry.

By this time, Frank had gotten his clothes on and approached the scene. “Hey, I know you kids,” he proclaimed, “You live just down the street. Why don't we just go and talk to your parents about this.”

The young girl began to sob uncontrollably, “Now look what you've done,” said her brother. “We haven't heard form our parents since the wave hit. They were taking as second honeymoon on Key West when the wave came and we were told that no one survived.”

“What have y’all been eating, who has been taking care of you two,” asked Frank?

“Mom and Dad, left us a good supply of food, they were only supposed to be gone for three days,” said the boy, “I am fourteen and my sister is thirteen, so they thought we would be OK. We ran out of food a few days ago and started checking the empty houses, most of them had already been ransacked. We thought that since you had so many chickens, you wouldn't miss one,” said the boy.

“And after you got hungry again, we wouldn't miss another would we,” asked Frank? “Let's go up to the house and get you two something to eat, and then we will sort this out. Tom you did a good job, now get back on patrol and Terry will relieve you at 0200.”

Frank radioed the house and told Janet the story and she got up and started making sandwiches for the two chicken thieves. The young couple hung their heads in shame at both being caught and knowing they were wrong. Janet didn't say anything but, you kids can eat all you want, there is plenty more. Then tuning to Frank, she said, “Where are they going to sleep?”

Frank was incredulous, “What do you mean,” he asked his wife?

“Just what I said,” said Janet, “Frank, these are kids, they are neighbors of our, we know their family, we can't just turn them out. What if our kids were in this situation?”

“We would have never left our kids alone,” said Frank.

“But their parents did, and we are not going to put them out. End of discussion,” said Janet.

Bright and Early the next morning, John said he had an idea. While the two newcomers were eating breakfast, like it was the last thing they would ever eat, John called Frank out to the porch and said, “the answer is a couple of mobile homes.”

“Where will we put them,” asked Frank, “every spot that isn't growing something is already covered with a building.”

“Let's go talk to the bank,” said John, “The property next to you has been vacant for a couple of years now surely it has either been foreclosed on, or the owners are dead. If the bank is as greedy as most banks are, they will want to sell quickly and hopefully cheaply. It will give us a chance to get rid of some of the paper money. Then we get a couple of mobile homes and set them up. One for Terry, Tom and the new kid, and one for Patty and the new girl. It will give everyone more privacy and the new property will let us almost double our farming.”


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Thank you, yep those kids apparently need to be taught right from wrong and how to ask. In there new world stealing a chicken can get you dead.


Chapter 44​

The town was nearly deserted when Fran and John arrived at the bank. Some of the store fronts were boarded up and some had for sale for rent signs on the door. They walked into the bank and asked the banker what had happened.

“Well, most of the retail stores have gone out of business, because there is no way to restock. The trucks stopped coming in right after the wave hit the East coast. The truck stop shut down after they sold all their fuel and couldn't get restocked. No is buying anything because no has anything to sell. The town is effectively dead,” the banker explained.

“You're still here,” said John, “It must not be completely dead.”

“We are closing at the end of the week,” said the banker, “The home office is going to send us all home. I have worked at this bank since I was twenty years old. It is a shame to see the town's only bank close.”

“What will people do for banking,” asked John? “People still need banking service.”

“Frank, I have know you and your family a long time. Take some friendly advice son. If you have any money here take it and bury it in your yard. It will be a lot safer and at least you will have access to it. I am not supposed to say anything, but I consider you and your family to be friends. The government is gong to pick up all the FRNs and replace them with a new currency. This will happen on the first of the month, so if you are holding any of the old currency, it will be useless after the first. They are going to replace it with the new money at a rate of ten cents on the dollar. They are also going to restructure the wage and price laws,” explained the banker.

“I have some FRNs I need to spend,” said Frank, “Are there any foreclosed properties adjoining mine or close to mine that I can buy from the bank,” asked Frank?

“Frank, the property East of you belongs to the bank, and there is a lot of land behind yours for sale. The lot East of you is a foreclosed property and I can sell it to you, but the property behind you belongs to the U.S. Government. They are selling it in one thousand acre parcels. As you know, it is heavily wooded.

“What is the asking price on the house and lot next to mine,” asked Frank.

“The property is 10 acres with a house and barn and there was an outstanding balance of forty five thousand when we took possession,” said the banker.

“I will offer thirty thousand cash, if we can close the deal today,” offered Frank. “Who do I see about the federal property behind me?”

“I can have the papers ready to sign this afternoon, if you are serious and I guess any licensed realtor could sell the government property. What did you do, win the lottery,” asked the banker?

“My wife got an inheritance,” said Frank, stretching the truth a little, “We were hoping to be able to buy some land and with the prices being depressed like they are, we though it best to strike while the iron was hot. Get the paper work ready and we will be back in after lunch to settle everything.”

John and Frank walked to the real estate office down the street and noticed that the town's only machine shop was for sale. John walked inside and began talking to the owner who was packing the office paperwork up.

“Bob,” John called out, “I can't believe you are closing. What are the folks around here going to do for machine work?”

“They can do without for all I care,” Bob exclaimed, “I have worked on things for just about everybody in this town and now that money gets tight, they want it for free or they put me at the bottom of the list on the bills they are paying. I haven't had a paying customer in four weeks and the ones that owe me for previous work avoid me like I had the plague or something. I'm done.”

“How much you reckon you need for everything,” asked John.

“The building is rented,” said Bob, “there is about one hundred fifty thousand dollars worth of machinery here. If I could get half that I would be a happy man. You would have to negotiate your own rental terms for the building of course.”

“Bob, you have been a good friend and have helped me out of a jam or two, If I could pay you in gold coins, what would it take,” asked John.

“Ten percent under spot, since I wouldn't be reporting the sale and I wouldn't be paying any taxes on the income.”

“Done,” said Frank. “I will be by tomorrow with a trailer and your gold.”

The two men shook hands and John hurried to the real estate office to catch up with Frank.

“But please explain to me why you cannot accept cash money for the property,” came Frank's raised voice from behind the door.

“I am not sure,” said the Realtor, but the government land office said I am not to accept any cash offers.”

John pulled a ten dollar bill from his pocket and showed the Realtor where it said the note was legal tender and could be used for all debts, public and private.

“Come on, Frank, There is still a lawyer in this town and I smell a lawsuit,” said John, heading for the door.

“Wait a minute,” said the Realtor, seeing the big commission gong out the door. “I will take your cash, but I want my commission to be paid separate from the land. I am not sure what the government is up to, but this is the first time they have done this. I will send the US currency to them and keep my commission to myself.”

“I'll make you a deal,” said Frank, “I will pay your commission to you in silver at today's spot price, if you will cut the price of the land to the absolute minimum the government will let you sell it for.”

“But if the price goes down, so does my commission,” whined the Realtor.

“Take it or leave it,” said Frank.


Chapter 45​

Frank couldn't help but feel like a land baron, as he and his Dad headed back home. He now owned the property next door to him, which solved the housing crisis, and he also owned one thousand acres that backed up to his property.

“Don't you feel a little guilty about sticking those folks with that worthless paper money,” asked John?

“Dad, the only people that got stuck, were the bank and the government. It was their practices that made the money worthless anyway. The local people, Ralph at the bank, and Cindy at the realtor's office came out good. Cindy was paid in silver and Ralph wouldn't have gotten a commission anyway,” said Frank. “I just wish there was a way we could spend all of it this week.”

“Let's go over to the house you just bought and see what it needs. Maybe we can spend some more, at the very least we are going to need fencing. Might be a good time to buy some heavy equipment, if we can find some for sale,” said John.

“Let's buy all the fertilizer, feed, and seed while we can. If you can think of anything else we can use, let's get it.” said Frank.

“It's a shame all the stores have shut down or we could lay in some groceries. I think all the LTS food distributors have shut down and there is nothing local,” said John.

They rolled up to the gate and Frank activated the gate opener and let them in the yard. Frank went into the house to tell Janet about the activities and told them they needed to think of a way to spend as much of the paper money as they could before the weekend.

“I can't think of anything we need,” said Janet, “and if I could, I don't know where we would buy it. Every single place I shop is either closed or the shelves are bare.”

“Call the propane company and see if there is anyway we can top off all the tanks. I think most are full, but we may be able to add a little. Dad and I are going over to the house next door and I will check the tank there. While you have them on the phone, ask about getting a larger tank and having it filled. Something in the one thousand gallon range or larger,” Frank suggested.

Terry, John and Frank, along with Patty, went over to examine the house and property next door. They were pleasantly surprised to find the house in pretty good order. There was a musty smell as the house had been closed up for a while, so Patty started opening windows. It was a good sized house with four bedrooms and five bathrooms, a large kitchen with separate dining room and a walk in pantry. There was an attached two car garage with a large storage room and laundry room.

“Patty, do you think that you and the two new comers, James and Sara, could stay here without adult supervision,” asked Frank?

“I think we could do that, but what would be even better, is if Terry and Tom, could stay here as well. It would be very easy to convert the garage into a room for the two of them,” said Patty.

“You don't think Tom would be a problem here with you,” Frank questioned?

“It will only be a problem if I let it become a problem,” said Patty, “and I don't aim to let that happen.”

“We will get them over here and see what they think,” said John, “but I will tell you, I have seen Terry, sleep standing up. He doesn't much care where he sleeps.”

“Hey guys,” said Patty, “Check this out. This house has a basement, and it looks huge.”

John turned on his flashlight and started down the stairs to the dark basement. When he reached the bottom, he realized there was much more than first met the eye.


Sounds to me like they stumbled onto a prepper house. That would be very good, but they still need to unload all that cash and turn it into something useful. They already have farmland and a machine shop. Besides the seeds and fertilizers and propane, I would be looking for fuels in large amounts, parts to keep things running, and ways to make electricity for the long term. Wood stoves, chainsaws, and fuel for them would be high on my list, too.

I have forgotten what they have for a water supply, but they are going to need a lot, especially for livestock.


Chapter 46​

“The footprint of this basement is a lot smaller than the house,” Frank exclaimed.

“That's right,” John said, “It might not mean anything, but I would bet there is a hidden door somewhere. Patty, you and Frank start looking behind cabinets and be sure and look on the floor for scrape marks, where something might have been moved.”

“I think I might have something over here,” said Patty, “but I need help moving it.”

“Let me get over there with the light, there may be a switch or lever or something that will open a panel,” said John.

The shelving looked pretty innocuous, but there were definitely marks on the floor suggesting the cabinet was hinged and would swing out from the wall. Frank started picking up things from the shelf one at a time and replacing them when nothing happened. All of a sudden he picked up an oil can and heard a slight click. Pulling gently on the cabinet, it swung open to reveal what appeared to be a blast door.

“How did you know, Dad,” Frank asked?

“I kind of figured it had a magnetic lock and the metal oil can was the trigger. When I moved it, it released the magnet which unlocked the shelving. Now let's see what is in here,” John said anxiously.

As the three stepped inside the blast door, LED lights began to come on.

“How is that possible, Dad, this house hasn't had electricity for months,” asked Frank?

“I am betting there are some solar cells hidden somewhere here and a battery bank as well. We will do a more thorough search when we go back up,” said John.

They found a room that was obviously food storage, as there were LTS cases stacked floor to ceiling. There was a room that had a complete reloading setup and pounds and pounds of various powders and bullets. A small locked closet in the corner looked suspiciously like a small armory to John. He set to work trying to locate the keys. There were bunks in a separate room and showers and toilet facilities. A large modern kitchen was found as well as a library and a media room with a large screen TV and a book case full of movies.

“Looks like they were set up for the long haul,” Frank said. “I lived next door to these people for years, and I never had a clue. I would sure like to know what happened to them.”

Patty said, “I may know,” as she held up a travel brochure for the Cayman Islands and the date written on the brochure was two days before the Tsunami. They were likely on vacation when the Caymans were washed away.

“Let's get out of here and look around the property. We can come back and get this organized later,” said Frank.

As they were walking back to Frank's house, John said,”I may can help you get rid of some more of that money if we work fast.”

“How is that,” Franks asked?

“I have an acquaintance that owns the bulk plant in town. He may have some oil and gas he has been holding. If I can arrange a deal, I will buy all I can get and tanks to store it in,” said John.

Frank called his friend and arranged to buy ten thousand gallons of diesel and seven thousand gallons of unleaded gasoline. He also bought two five thousand gallon tanks for the diesel and one ten thousand gallon tank for the unleaded gasoline. He arranged for the tanks to be delivered and filled and added several barrels of oil and Pri-G and Pri-D to keep the fuel viable for as long as he could. He paid a premium for it, but the bulk plant owner figured he had more than he use before it went bad.

Next he started looking for a new tractor and parts for maintenance. He bought some heavy equipment and had it all delivered to the farm. He knew they would need a dozer and a track hoe to begin clearing the one thousand acre tract that was just bought.
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Chapter 47​

The farm was buzzing the next morning as John began digging the holes for the fuel tanks, Tom was like a sponge soaking up all he could on how to operate the bucket loader on John's tractor. When John was sure Tom could handle it, he turned it over to him and told him where he wanted the dirt placed.

The horn at the front gate was a truck with a low boy trailer carrying the D-8 Dozer and the Komatsu Track Hoe. It was the largest the dealer had.

“Is it prepped and ready for some work,” Frank asked the driver?

“Sure is,” came the reply, “and the boss will be out later with the filters and oils you ordered.”

“I sure appreciate you getting it out to us so early. Here, take this,” said Frank, handing the driver two hundred dollars, “that's one for you and one for whoever did the prep work.”

“Well then, thats two hundred for me, then. Outside of the owner, I am the only employee left. Theres just not enough people buying heavy equipment. Boss says he's going to shut it down next week.”

“Would you be willing to work for me on an as needed basis. It won't be full time at first, but I have about one thousand acres I need to get ready and I need someone that can operate and maintain heavy equipment,” Frank offered.

“Mister, I don't know what the pay is, but as of next Friday, if you still want me, I will be here,” said the driver.

“My name is Frank, and be here Saturday bright and early and we will talk terms,” Frank said.

“My name is Dalton, Dalton Moore, and I will be here at six am if that's good with you.”

“Make it five thirty and you can have breakfast with us. Do you have any family Dalton,” asked Frank.

“Got a wife and a twelve year old son. We was just barely making it, now AI don't know what we're going to do. I doubt I can make rent this month,” said Dalton.

“Be here Saturday and bring the family if you want to, I like to know a little about the people that work for me.” said Frank.

No sooner than the track hoe been unloaded John had it hard at work digging the holes for the tanks. It was all Tom could do to keep up with the volume of dirt coming out of the hole. Frank got the Dozer cranked and starting pushing the dirt into a large pile. Terry had the dimensions of the tank and was preparing a form that would be the footers the tank rested on. As soon as the holes were completed, he would place the forms in the holes and they could pour. Janet called them all for lunch just as another horn sounded at the gate.

“I've got you lubricants and filters here, said the owner of the heavy equipment dealership. Where do you want me to unload them.” he asked?

“My tractor has a pallet fork on it, I will get them for you,” said John.

“Why don't you come in and have a bite of lunch with us,” offered Janet?

While they were having their lunch, John said, “So, Dalton says you are shutting down. Is that true”?

“I really don't have a choice, I can't afford to stay open. It seems no one has any money and the ones that do aren't buying heavy equipment,” said Don, the owner of the heavy equipment dealership.

“How much inventory do you have left,” asked Frank.

“Not much much in the way of machimery, mostly parts and tools and such,” Don said.

“I might be interested in buying you out, if you can make me a good price and deliver it to me,” Frank said.

“Why don't you follow me back, and we can inventory and I will show you what I have that will work for the equipment you bought.”

“Sounds good to me,” Frank replied, “let's finish eating and hit the road.”


Has No Life - Lives on TB
As grampa would say, Hot Dang. Another deal :). Looks like more folks for the home front to. Thank you for the chapter, was hoping for one.


fastback08 I just got a chance to catch up on your great story thanks for the time and for sharing your gift with us.


Sorry everyone. My wife's Mother died this past weekend and we have been dealing with the process. Tomorrow, I am going to help my daughter with a problem neighbor. I have a chapter ready to put up, but I want to read through it again and fix any errors I can find. Please don't give up on me. I will deliver.


Thanks for taking the time to let us know your situation, we will be hear when you are able to post more. Sorry for your family's loss, I pray that God blesses you and grants you and yours the peace that passes all understanding.


Chapter 48​

Don was correct, there was very little left at the dealership, however, there was a toolcat and a lot of implements for it, more filters, hoses, fluids, and overhaul kits. Frank made him an offer for everything, including the portable office that was on the lot. Both men were well pleased with the deal and Don promised to deliver everything the next morning. Frank and John drove back to the house and told everyone the details and to be ready in the morning to help unload the trucks. Tom was anxious to get on the new equipment so John took him to the new property and told him to start clearing the land behind them but to save all the hardwoods that were over eight inches in diameter and to not go deeper than 100 feet from the property line and to push all the pines and other trees into an orderly pile so they could salvage as much wood as possible. John had a line on a portable sawmill and he hoped to start sawing some of the pine into wood they could use. Terry had finished the forms for the fuel tank footings and was busily pouring concrete with the help of Patty, James, and Sara. The tanks would be there in three days so Terry added Calcium Carbonate to the concrete so it would cure faster. They had done all they could, now they needed the weather to cooperate.

Patty took Sara and James over to the house next door and started cleaning up the bedrooms so they would have somewhere to sleep.

“You know,” Sara said, “our house is full of furniture and all our clothes and linens are there. Why can't we just stay there.”

“There is safety in numbers,” said Patty, “you two will be much safer here and we will be two with two more sets of eyes watching over thing,” she said.

“Do you think Mr. Frank will let us his truck to move our stuff down here,” asked James?

“I don't see why not,” Patty replied, “We can go ask him as soon as we get this place cleaned up some. James, why don't you start by opening all the windows.”

“The windows all have wires on them,” yelled James, “Should I open them anyway?”

“It looks like an alarm system,” said Patty, “let's let Frank look at it first.”

Patty calleld Frank on the two way radio and explained what they had found. Frank told them not to do anything until he and Terry got there, fearing a booby trap.

Terry carefully followed all the wires and found no evidence of a booby trap, but, he told Frank he could wire the alarm into Frank's alarm system to alert them if anyone tried to break into the property.

“Do it,” said Frank, “Then I will feel better about these young folks staying over here. Go ahead and open the all the windows and let's air this place out. Patty, you and Sara, bring all the lines over to the house and let's get started washing everything in here. I will leave the truck so you can use it. James, you help Terry with anything he needs and then you two can go get all your stuff from your old house.”

Frank let walking home and everyone else got busy with their assigned tasks. Janet met him at the door and said the fuel man would be by later that afternoon to drop the tanks. They would have a day to get everything plumbed and then he would be back to fill them. Tom and John were clearing the new property at a feverish pace. Tom was becoming very proficient on the dozer and the track hoe. They were building a huge pile of logs and John was preparing a place to put the portable sawmill he bought when a shot rang out from the woods. Tom and John both bailed off the machines they were on and snapped their rifles in the direction the shot came from.
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Chapter 49​

John snatched the radio from his belt and notified Frank about what was going on. Tom signaled to Frank that he could see the shooter. John indicated to Tom that he should take the shot. Tom thought it might be a good idea to try and talk to the shooter so he aimed for a non lethal target and squeezed the trigger. The screaming could be heard clearly, indicating that Tom had indeed hit his target.

“Don't shoot,” came the cry from the wood line, “Please don't shoot me again.”

“Throw your weapon out and put your hands behind your head, if you move, you will be killed.”

Tom saw the shooter throw his weapon out and he started to get up from his cover.

“Freeze”, said John, “We don't know if he has another weapon or not. Wait for him to show his hands, and then you cover him and I will walk out to him. Move up when I motion you forward, but stay behind me and keep him covered.”

“Yes sir,” replied Tom, feeling foolish for jumping the gun.

John could see the man was trying to crawl toward them and he cautioned the man again to freeze or be shot. The man instantly froze and locked his fingers tightly behind his head. John could see the blood on the man's shoulder and knew he had to be in pain holding his arms above his head. He motioned for Tom to move up and together they reached the wounded man.

“What in hell do you mean by shooting at us,” asked Tom, “I could have killed you.”

“I was trying to scare you away from the machinery so I could get a little gas,” said the shooter, I have stranded on the road for a week.”

“You wouldn't have gotten any gas from here,” said John, this equipment runs on diesel. All you would have done is ruin your car.”

Frank joined the two men and got caught up on the story.

“Are you alone,” asked Frank?

“My wife is waiting at the car with the kids,” explained the shooter, “I wouldn't have shot anyone honest, we are hungry and desperate, but I wouldn't have hurt anyone.”

“Let's get him up to the house and patch him up,” said Frank, “Tom you can take the truck and go get his family, if he will be kind enough to give us directions.”

“You won't hurt them, will you,” the man asked anxiously?

“Not unless they try to hurt us,” Tom said matter of factually.

After being given detailed instructions, Tom set out to find the man's family. Janet and June patched up the shoulder as well as they could. It was mostly a deep grazing wound with no bone contact. They fixed the man something to eat, and he began to tell his story.

“There is no law out there, you know,” he began, “there is nothing but looting and killing and raping, and well you name it. The police in our town just went home. A friend of mine that was an officer said they decided it was time to protect their own families. There has been no word from the federal government either. We all thought that FEMA or DHS would come and help. Word has it that the Government as we knew it no longer exists. No one was getting paid so they just quit working. There is nothing open anymore and if by some wild chance you can find something to buy, you can't afford it. I was offered a loaf of home made bread, stale mind you, for four hundred dollars. There is no compassion for children, just greed and meanness.”

“Well, we don't have much”, said Janet, “but we can feed you and your family and maybe get you back on the road.”

“That arm is going to hurt like blazes for a day or two.” said June, “Maybe we can find a pain pill or two to help you out.”

Tom found the man's wife and child exactly where he said they would be. They were just sitting on the ground beside the car. Tom took the gas can out of the jeep and put a couple of gallons in the car and then he had to jump start them. They had drained the battery using the lights.

“Follow me,” he told the lady, “I will take you to Tom.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Yeah instead of yelling Hello the house and can I work for some gas and food the first thing he does is shoot at them, :(. I say he got off easy. But I would still make them earn it.


fastback thanks for the new chapters glad no one got killed because stupidity, shooting at some one is not the way to ask for help. Great story looking for more soon.


Chapter 50​

Tom brought the family into the house and reunited them with their patriarch. Janet told them to sit down and eat, and they did not have to be asked twice. They ate as if it were their first meal in some time. Tom relayed to Frank how he had found them just sitting by the car as if they had nothing to fear.

“Mister,” Frank began, “do you not have enough regard for the safety of your family to even teach them to hide?”

“I guess I was thinking,” the wounded man replied.

“Not thinking will get you not breathing now a days,” said Frank, “I have thought it over and these are your options as far as I can see. We will fill your tank and give you an extra five gallons of gas and enough food to last you for three days. You will get in your car and leave from here and never return.”

“What are the other options,” the man asked?

“You and your family will be buried in the back pasture. We cannot and will not provide handouts for everyone that comes along. The only reason you are being offered this is because you have kids. You are obviously a liberal, thinking that the government will take care of you. I would suggest that if you have family or friends that will take you in, go there and learn to pull your weight. Please do not take our kindness for weakness. If you come back either by yourself or with a group, you will be killed. Do you understand?”

“You just can't kill people without a reason,” the man protested.

“In case you haven't noticed, things have changed. We can and will kill you. Tom, fill up their car and give them a can full of gas. Our company will be leaving as soon as they finish eating.”

“You can't just send us back out there,” the man's wife said, “You have no idea what it's like. Everything is closed, there is no food, and even if we had any money, there is nowhere to spend it. Please let us stay here.”

“I guess you weren't listening when I gave you your options,” said Frank. m”The only way you stay is in a hole six feet deep.”

“You are a mean and hateful man,” she spat at Frank.

“I am giving you gasoline and food and helping you on your way, all this after your husband shot at us and tried to steal from us without even asking for help. Maybe I am mean and hateful, but you ma'am and your husband are thieves and leeches. I think we have enjoyed enough of your company, you may leave now.”

“You haven't seen the last of us, the woman shouted as they were driving away,” her sharp tongue earning her a backhand from her husband who was trying to drive.

He stopped the car and stepped out and turned toward the family assembled outside, “Thank you, Mister, and you most certainly have seen the last of us. We will not be back.”

“Frank,” asked Janet, “Could it be as bad as they say?”

“I don't know,” said Frank, “I think tonight would be a good time to crank up the HAM radio and see if we can get a little information about the rest of the world. Terry, would you like to ride into town with me, I want to see the sheriff about something?”

“Whenever you're ready boss,” said Terry.


Thanks for the chapter, one can only pray that the mans eye's were opened enough that they might have a chance of surviving.