Chapter 42
Tom was proving to be an apt pupil, both with Terry and with Patty in the garden. His hands were beginning to show the callouses that would soon be a permanent fixture. He was quick to pick up new things and rarely made the same mistake twice. His skill with the rifle, and to a lesser degree with a pistol, was admirable. One day as Terry was busy throwing Tom to the ground with a perfect hip toss, Frank approached the two and asked if he could have a minute alone with Tom.
“What's up, Boss,” asked Terry with a smile?
“Tom, could you come up to the house with me for a minute, we need to talk to you as a family and everyone is waiting,” said Frank.
“Sure, Mr. Frank,” said Tom, “Can I have a minute to wash up, I imagine I smell pretty bad.”
“This won't take but a few minutes, I would really like to get this out of the way,” Frank answered.
When they got to the house, the entire family was waiting on the back porch. Tom was certain they were going to ask him to leave and he steeled himself for the inevitable.”
“Tom,” Janet began, “We have discussed this at length and we are unanimous in our decision. We would like for you to stay and become a full member of our group. You have shown yourself to be hard working, and we think you are trustworthy. Starting tonight, you and Terry will be bunking together in Terry's quarters. If that is not acceptable, we will work something out. If you want to stay and be a member of this group, all you have to do is say so.”
“Yes, of course,” Said Tom jubilantly, “I promise all of you I will not let you down. I will work as hard as I can and I will give my own life to protect the people here.”
“Well, let's hope it don't come to that,” said John.
“Here, put this own and keep it handy at all times,” said Frank, tossing Tom a 1911 .45 pistol and a holster and belt. Get with Terry and tell him to assign you a rifle and check out some ammo.”
“Thanks, everybody,” Tom began, but was cut short by Frank.
“Aren't you supposed to be training right now.” asked Frank?
“Yes sir, Yes sir I am.” replied Tom.
“Patty,” said Janet, “You keep that boys mind on gardening for a spell, he is quite taken with you and I am afraid if you give him an opening, he will forget all about farming. I am not saying forever, but let's get to know him real well. He is coming off of a bad deal and a rebound romance is not the best.”
Patty blushed and then said, “Yes, Ms. Janet. I suspect you right.”
That night Tom was hell bent to walk guard duty by himself, so Terry got him outfitted with a chest rig and a good light and told him to take the first watch. He was to wake Terry at two am and Terry would take the rest of the night.
This isn't so bad, thought Tom, the hardest part will be staying awake. Not an hour after he started his watch, he thought he heard whispering coming from behind the barn. As stealthily as he could, Tom eased closer to the barn and heard the unmistakably sound of two voices communicating in the dark.