
  1. marymonde

    HEALTH They Denied A Lab Leak At Wuhan. They Are Wrong About Other Things.

    They Denied A Lab Leak At Wuhan. They Are Wrong About Other Things. By Mary Beth Pfeiffer After months of denial, the U.S. government has acknowledged that the COVID-19 catastrophe may indeed have originated in a leak from a laboratoryin Wuhan, China. We are now allowed to talk about what...
  2. ShadowMan

    CRISIS 21 Million Fewer Cellphone Users in China May Suggest a High CCP Virus Death Toll

    21 Million Fewer Cellphone Users in China May Suggest a High CCP Virus Death Toll Well this is more than chilling if true. I have no doubt that China is under reporting their numbers, but if this is true, OMG....they got hammered and this doesn't bode well for the rest of the world.
  3. ShadowMan

    CRISIS What about the "Little People?"

    All this talk about corporate losses, stocks and bond markets, cruise lines, Airlines, etc., etc., but seriously, what about the "Little People", not short people or midgets, but what about the hourly wage earners, small businesses, contractors and such that don't have monetary cushions, or...
  4. ShadowMan

    CORONA Call it what it is...WUHAN VIRUS!!

    NO MORE PC BS!! Now China is saying that the US Military brought this corona virus to China!! WHAT THE FLAMMING F!! Ebola....named after the Ebola River Lyme disease.....Lyme Pennsylvania Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.....The Rocky Mountains And so on, and so on, and so on, so this crap...
  5. ShadowMan

    CORONA In perspective, how is Wuhan virus different from SARS and MERS?

    So how is the Wuhan virus different from the SARS and MERS outbreak? Below are the raw numbers I've located of three prior major pandemic outbreaks in the last 100 years. 1918-1920 - Spanish Influenza. Cause of infection - H1N1 Influenza virus. Cause of death: cytokine storm. Possible origin...