
  1. H

    VIDEO Defending the Philippines

    Defending the Philippines Run time (26:30) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StKbLprUxFI 320 Comments An interesting piece of info in the video was that there was a German armored branch colonel "observing" with the Japanese armor on Luzon...
  2. Melodi

    SCI Prehistoric cave art suggests ancient use of complex astronomy

    Prehistoric cave art suggests ancient use of complex astronomy Date: November 27, 2018 Source: University of Edinburgh Summary: As far back as 40,000 years ago, humans kept track of time using relatively sophisticated knowledge of the stars, new research shows. Y Some of the world's oldest...
  3. F

    EDUC help info on heirloom

    Hi all, Wife has Japanese or Chinese vase that came from her Grandma, pot is coil pot textured slip. The Dragon goes all the way around the pot it has 3 claws. Came from a family friend that was a missionary in Japan (Yokoahama) til about 1889. So I presume it dates from then or later. I did...
  4. H

    POL The John Batchelor Show: Is this the last century of the American Empire? Michael Vlahos @JHUWorld Crisis

    A continuation of the discussion between Batchelor and Vlahos regarding the struggle between elites and the rest of the population in the United States....HC The John Batchelor Show Is this the last century of the American Empire? 1 of 2: Michael Vlahos @JHUWorld Crisis Mar 30 11:12 PM Run...
  5. H

    POL The John Batchelor Show: American civil wars end with one side losing and vanishing. Michael Vlahos.

    The John Batchelor Show American civil wars end with one side losing and vanishing. Michael Vlahos. @JHUWorldCrisis Feb 16 10:35 PM Run time (19:49) https://audioboom.com/posts/6679890-american-civil-wars-end-with-one-side-losing-and-vanishing-michael-vlahos-jhuworldcrisis US is made up of...
  6. Melodi

    SCI Most scientists now reject the idea that the first Americans came by land

    I don't drink often but if we had booze in this apartment I'd have one, I'll setle for tea instead; I only regret my major professor didn't live long enough to see this; he's probably having a drink somewhere in the Otherworld, possibly with some of the first ancestors to reach the...
  7. H

    OP-ED The Progressive War Against the Dead - Victor Davis Hanson

    For links see article source..... Posted for fair use..... https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2017/08/24/the_progressive_war_against_the_dead_134819.html The Progressive War Against the Dead By Victor Davis Hanson August 24, 2017 Much of the country has demanded the elimination of...
  8. H

    OP-ED Op-Ed/Gov/Mil - It’s Getting Harder to Draw Lessons from Today’s Wars

    For links see article source..... Posted for fair use..... http://www.defenseone.com/technology/2017/06/its-getting-harder-draw-lessons-todays-wars/138687/?oref=d-skybox It’s Getting Harder to Draw Lessons from Today’s Wars By Adin Dobkin The Atlantic Read bio June 14, 2017 The...
  9. Melodi

    SCI Ancient Roman Coins found in Japanese Excavation

    I think it is hilarious that the first reports of this were thought to be a hoax; I mean it is well known at this point that there was trade between China and the Ancient Roman Empire, and China traded with Japan- makes perfect sense; I mean after all two Chinese skeletons were buried in Roman...
  10. Melodi

    FARM Viking Cat genetics revealed (and links to very-ancient barn cats in early agriculture)

    I keep saying, where you have gardens and farming; and you have small cats around that can self-domesticate they will. I am hoping this genetic study will get more funding as there are mysteries such as the likely link between Main Coons and Norwegian Forest Cats (modern name for the Viking Cat...
  11. H

    Pol: Why Americans Want a Military General in the White House - Time Magazine

    Is this coming from the same bunch that ran Petraeus up the flag pole to be shot full of holes or is it something else considering where this is being published?... For links see article source..... Posted for fair use...
  12. H

    OT/MISC Video: Back to the source - Historical European Martial Arts documentary

    Back to the source - Historical European Martial Arts documentary Cédric Hauteville | Photographer, film maker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DBmNVHTmNs&feature=iv&src_vid=mmTi-NGQNh8&annotation_id=annotation_1550587333 I came across this last night and I thought it would be of some...
  13. H

    OP-ED Victor Davis Hanson: Tomorrow's Wars

    For links see article source..... Posted for fair use..... http://www.city-journal.org/2010/20_1_decisive-battles.html Victor Davis Hanson Tomorrow’s Wars Enormous, massively destructive engagements may again be on the horizon. Winter 2010 Have we not seen, then, in our lifetime the end of...
  14. Doomer Doug


    :eleph: Here is the link to a story indicating even now on Planet Earth we can still "lose" a city for nearly 1,000 years. Hopefully, it will be correctly studied before the cows are turned lose on it...
  15. Melodi

    EDUC Attn: Homeschoolers & History lovers -12/25 tons of free Kindle History books and classics

    I am posting this because - today Nov 25 -there are tons of free history stuff on the Kindle site for free. Mods feel free to move after-while but because the extent of these offerings is so amazing and may only be for 24 hours or less I wanted people to know about this. These include both...
  16. F

    EDUC Why is Texas [Board of Education] Afraid of Thomas Jefferson?

    By Matthew Crow 3-17-10 Who’s afraid of Thomas Jefferson? Lots and lots of people, apparently. Jefferson argued that unless there was a just distribution of goods and institutional structures for every citizen to actively participate in public decision making, the country would be headed...
  17. F

    POL Cheney is the Decider (on how many official records will be saved)

    Ruling on Records Delivers a Win to Cheney By R. Jeffrey Smith Washington Post Staff Writer January 20, 2009 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/01/19/AR2009011903042.html?hpid=topnews A federal judge yesterday rejected the claim by a coalition of historians and...