gun ownership

  1. Doomer Doug

    DISASTER The Armed Militia Or Why the Marxist Morons Should be Afraid Of Deplorables 12-4-2019

    The context of any type of major disaster, natural or manmade, here in CONUS must be the reality of the armed militia, which as the Founding Fathers put it, was made up of all males 17 years old to 55 years old and all the weapons they owned, under the 2nd Amendment. The thing the Marxist...
  2. O

    GUNS/RLTD Should I Buy Self Defense Insurance? Response from Dave Ramsey

    Dave Ramsey discusses his opinions on Self Defense Insurance. According to the video he carries on a regular basis. His opinions may or may not be yours. Thought it worth a listen and maybe some discussion. Insurance is some thing I'd rather have and not need that need and not have. This...
  3. O

    GUNS/RLTD Call for gun registraion in Pennsylvania - Bill HB0768!

    According to author the bill calls for gun registration in the Common wealth of PA. The actual bill is read. It puts significant restrictions on gun sales and transfers, negates reciprocal CCW, adds tons of intrusive paper work, limits who can have a firearm, permission from the State Police...
  4. Jubilee on Earth

    GUNS/RLTD Where does your state rank in gun ownership?

    Apologies if you’ve all seen this before (I’m sure the numbers have changed slightly... this is based on 2013 data. Not sure if there’s an updated version). Some surprises in this list. I expected California to be much lower in gun ownership than it is... (All the celebrity bodyguards?) And I...
  5. O

    GUNS/RLTD Sen. Reid Beefs up “Base Bill” to Destroy Gun Ownership

    This was sent to me by a friend. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gun Owners of America Sen. Reid Beefs up “Base Bill” to Destroy Gun Ownership "Unholy alliances" could become a concern We now know a lot more about what's going to happen...
  6. Wardogs

    OP-ED Why the Gun IS Civilization

    Watching the unarmed citizens of Britain trying to deal with the mobs burning them out of their homes and businesses I was reminded of this 2007 article from Markos Kloos of the Munchkin Wrangler that I had saved when it was written... why the gun is civilization...