
TB Fanatic
''Lying Benedict Arnold''.
What does that even mean?
Any American Citizen can speak and have their opinion just like the illustrious Colonel MacGregor.
He is not a traitor to the United States. Impossible
The United States of America is not at a formal state of war with Russia or any other nation.

Colonel MacGregor said it is high time the Biden administration found an off-ramp designed to extricate Washington, D.C., from its proxy Ukrainian war against Russia. It will not be easy.
He speaks the truth.
Biden's off-ramp is leave Ukraine just as he left/withdrew from Afghanistan. The Biden Way
Because Taiwan is waiting to be saved next from China.
Probably thinks he is a lying Benedict Arnold because he is releasing secrets that Ukraine does not want known.
Could be significant to understand that Ukraine is not a US colony. Ukraine isn't even part of NATO or the EU.
The US has no treaty with Ukraine and is not in a declared "war" with Russia.

The assertion that Biden should leave Ukraine is interesting. It is interesting because while Biden claims to stand "with" Ukraine "to the very end", he actually is standing "behind" Ukraine . . . way way behind . . . behind the Polish border.

Putin on the other hand is standing "with" the ethnic Russian population. And not just shoulder to shoulder. He really stepped up . . . made them part of Russia.

It could be worse. The outcome of this is not very different from Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia.


passin' thru
Faytuks News Δ

Serbia's president Vucic says that "some kind of agreement" has been reached on normalizing ties between Serbia and Kosovo - Reuters

UPDATE: EU foreign policy chief borrell: Kosovo and Serbia have agreed to implement all their respective obligations in good faith - Reuters

5:03 PM · Mar 18, 2023

"I didn't sign anything. The Associaction has to be created as it is with 2013/15 agreements" - Vucic #Kosovo #Serbia

Replying to

Along w/shrugging and saying he can't control where Serbian arms exports end up (Ukraine, to fight Russians) & insisting all Ukrainian territory including Crimea belongs to Ukraine... normalizing relations with Kosovo would really complete Vucic's face turn. Let's hope it's real

Roger Thornhill

Some irascible old curmudgeon
Lying Benedict Arnold

You seem to have a visceral, blinding hatred for Col. MacGregor. You lampoon him because he was passed over a general's star; which was because he spoke the hard truth, instead of political fluff desired by the administration.

He was acknowledged to have led the most successful tank battles in recent history, and is a scholar of military campaigns stretching back centuries. He wishes fervently for an end to the killing and destruction, and calls for a diplomatic solution to this conflict.

Yet you, a traveling musician and self-proclaimed Lothario, profess to have a more complete understanding of this war than any mere career military officer. You offer to provide photos and videos which somehow never seem to materialize, and make sweeping pronouncements with almost no verifiable confirmation. You are a fanatic, in the classic sense of the word, and refuse to be swayed by mere facts.

I'll waste no more time reading your drivel.



passin' thru

Update: CNN: Foreign Ministry spokesperson: Russia is open to "serious proposals" for diplomacy from the West and Ukraine.


The Russian Foreign Ministry stated today that they are prepared to discuss “Really Serious Propositions” with the Ukrainian Government and other Western Nations to assist with Ending the War in Ukraine.


Right from the start
Probably thinks he is a lying Benedict Arnold because he is releasing secrets that Ukraine does not want known.
Could be significant to understand that Ukraine is not a US colony. Ukraine isn't even part of NATO or the EU.
The US has no treaty with Ukraine and is not in a declared "war" with Russia.

The assertion that Biden should leave Ukraine is interesting. It is interesting because while Biden claims to stand "with" Ukraine "to the very end", he actually is standing "behind" Ukraine . . . way way behind . . . behind the Polish border.

Putin on the other hand is standing "with" the ethnic Russian population. And not just shoulder to shoulder. He really stepped up . . . made them part of Russia.

It could be worse. The outcome of this is not very different from Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia.
"made them part of Russia."
Yeah except all those millions who fled to Europe people I have met and spoken to and know personally

None of those people want to be ruled by Moscow even if they are " Russian speakers'

This is all pure b******* the entire purpose of the invasion is so some gangster quilque. in Moscow can control the riches of a Don bass.

they don't give one goddamn about the alleged Russian speakers in the Don bass . all they want are the riches that are there in their pockets and their cafes in Moscow and St Petersburg


Right from the start
You seem to have a visceral, blinding hatred for Col. MacGregor. You lampoon him because he was passed over a general's star; which was because he spoke the hard truth, instead of political fluff desired by the administration.

He was acknowledged to have led the most successful tank battles in recent history, and is a scholar of military campaigns stretching back centuries. He wishes fervently for an end to the killing and destruction, and calls for a diplomatic solution to this conflict.

Yet you, a traveling musician and self-proclaimed Lothario, profess to have a more complete understanding of this war than any mere career military officer. You offer to provide photos and videos which somehow never seem to materialize, and make sweeping pronouncements with almost no verifiable confirmation. You are a fanatic, in the classic sense of the word, and refuse to be swayed by mere facts.

I'll waste no more time reading your drivel.

P pictures and videos are on this thread go back and look at them


TB Fanatic
Same reason the US implemented the coup.
Its funny that the Ukrainians thought the US was doing them a favor - hahaha.
Should have looked at all the "unfinished" business we left around the world before they signed up.



Right from the start
You seem to have a visceral, blinding hatred for Col. MacGregor. You lampoon him because he was passed over a general's star; which was because he spoke the hard truth, instead of political fluff desired by the administration.

He was acknowledged to have led the most successful tank battles in recent history, and is a scholar of military campaigns stretching back centuries. He wishes fervently for an end to the killing and destruction, and calls for a diplomatic solution to this conflict.

Yet you, a traveling musician and self-proclaimed Lothario, profess to have a more complete understanding of this war than any mere career military officer. You offer to provide photos and videos which somehow never seem to materialize, and make sweeping pronouncements with almost no verifiable confirmation. You are a fanatic, in the classic sense of the word, and refuse to be swayed by mere facts.

I'll waste no more time reading your drivel.

Why do I hate Benedict McGregor so much? Because of articles he posted early in the war that were completely full of lies and distortions of facts here in Ukraine that completely contradicted my personal experience and the only logical reason for that the only conjecture that you can possibly make is the guy is working for


Contributing Member
You seem to have a visceral, blinding hatred for Col. MacGregor. You lampoon him because he was passed over a general's star; which was because he spoke the hard truth, instead of political fluff desired by the administration.

He was acknowledged to have led the most successful tank battles in recent history, and is a scholar of military campaigns stretching back centuries. He wishes fervently for an end to the killing and destruction, and calls for a diplomatic solution to this conflict.

Yet you, a traveling musician and self-proclaimed Lothario, profess to have a more complete understanding of this war than any mere career military officer. You offer to provide photos and videos which somehow never seem to materialize, and make sweeping pronouncements with almost no verifiable confirmation. You are a fanatic, in the classic sense of the word, and refuse to be swayed by mere facts.

I'll waste no more time reading your drivel.

Thank you


TB Fanatic
Why do I hate Benedict McGregor so much? Because of articles he posted early in the war that were completely full of lies and distortions of facts here in Ukraine that completely contradicted my personal experience and the only logical reason for that the only conjecture that you can possibly make is the guy is working for
If they are lies, then he isn't trading on secrets - and not a Benedict Arnold.
And if they are lies, then why would you care? Other than it runs counter to your narrative.

It would seem that instead of calling him names you would provide content that supports a different point of view - aside from the usual commentary from our own lamestream media. We can see that all day long.

Your "boots on the ground" should be something unique rather than regurgitating the same old same old.

My opinion of course.


TB Fanatic
You seem to have a visceral, blinding hatred for Col. MacGregor. You lampoon him because he was passed over a general's star; which was because he spoke the hard truth, instead of political fluff desired by the administration.

He was acknowledged to have led the most successful tank battles in recent history, and is a scholar of military campaigns stretching back centuries. He wishes fervently for an end to the killing and destruction, and calls for a diplomatic solution to this conflict.

Yet you, a traveling musician and self-proclaimed Lothario, profess to have a more complete understanding of this war than any mere career military officer. You offer to provide photos and videos which somehow never seem to materialize, and make sweeping pronouncements with almost no verifiable confirmation. You are a fanatic, in the classic sense of the word, and refuse to be swayed by mere facts.

I'll waste no more time reading your drivel.

Lothario - priceless!


Right from the start
If they are lies, then he isn't trading on secrets - and not a Benedict Arnold.
And if they are lies, then why would you care? Other than it runs counter to your narrative.

It would seem that instead of calling him names you would provide content that supports a different point of view - aside from the usual commentary from our own lamestream media. We can see that all day long.

Your "boots on the ground" should be something unique rather than regurgitating the same old same old.

My opinion of course.
What do you want movies interviews commentary while I sit in a cafe man in the street woman in the street conversations give me some clue here I'm not going to show my face that's for sure


Right from the start
If they are lies, then he isn't trading on secrets - and not a Benedict Arnold.
And if they are lies, then why would you care? Other than it runs counter to your narrative.

It would seem that instead of calling him names you would provide content that supports a different point of view - aside from the usual commentary from our own lamestream media. We can see that all day long.

Your "boots on the ground" should be something unique rather than regurgitating the same old same old.

My opinion of course.
When an asinine statement if their lies why should I care I care because they're lies about a place where I live about friends that I love and work with and that I care about the truth in general


Veteran Member

Please note the country which most refuges from Ukraine are going to. Russia.
Almost 2 times the number going to Poland.


Estimated number of refugees from Ukraine recorded in Europe and Asia since February 2022 as of February 15, 2023, by selected country

CountryAs of dateNumber of refugees
United Kingdom2/7/23161,400
Showing entries 1 to 13 (43 entries in total)
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Has No Life - Lives on TB
Dude you wish you had 15 beautiful women begging you to be with her but you're probably old and too worn out to deal with them anyway
The only condition being you have to be at ground Zero for world war III
Wow, you really, oh really proved what you are. The guy who doesn't know east from west has 2 conversations for evidence. One woman was so distraught she couldn't talk.... so that really leaves one personal experience with someone. You are in Lviv- WESTERN and NORTHERN Ukraine. You didn't even know that until I told you!! You are not in Donbas, Kherson, Mariupol, or Odessa. You did not even make it to Kharkiv or Zaporhizia. Your testimony does not stand up anywhere close to that of Macgregor.

And quite frankly, the destruction of my country's finances & military, leading ultimately to the destruction of most of our cities in a nuclear war, is not worth preserving the child-trafficking center called Ukraine. You and your 15 women are not worth the 15 million women here.


Right from the start
Oh, that is rich. Very, very rich. :lol:

Ever heard of the term, "projection"?
I have to lie about my age to everyone I know because to avoid envy
Every once in awhile just to make sure that I'm not completely bonkers I do tell someone and invariably their jaw drops and they are astonished
But it's all God's plan so I just go with the flow


Has No Life - Lives on TB
CLIMATE CHANGE.... this made me just realize the meaning of a phrase in 2020... 3 weeks to flatten the curve, then 3 months to flatten the curve.... now we have 3 years to flatten the curve. What curve? It ain't what you think.

This curve:



Right from the start
Wow, you really, oh really proved what you are. The guy who doesn't know east from west has 2 conversations for evidence. One woman was so distraught she couldn't talk.... so that really leaves one personal experience with someone. You are in Lviv- WESTERN and NORTHERN Ukraine. You didn't even know that until I told you!! You are not in Donbas, Kherson, Mariupol, or Odessa. You did not even make it to Kharkiv or Zaporhizia. Your testimony does not stand up anywhere close to that of Macgregor.

And quite frankly, the destruction of my country's finances & military, leading ultimately to the destruction of most of our cities in a nuclear war, is not worth preserving the child-trafficking center called Ukraine. You and your 15 women are not worth the 15 million women here.
So Benedict McGregor was in any of those places in the last 2 years?

I've been to the Lvlv, ternopil, Kiev, Nicholiav, a small City in the middle of the country that I'm not going to name for personal reasons and a couple of small towns in between them all

And and about the girls yes I have 15 plus girls pursuing me
who are all beautiful but I'm waiting for one special one and she's not ready yet

And no rational person wants nuclear war so get on your message board and tell Putin and his gangster cronies to go home to go the f*** home


TB Fanatic
Please don't get into personal attacks again. We don't need it and it doesn't advance the thread.
I dint call anyone any names.
Don’t be infracting me for this one.
Why don’t they infraction the guy calling names and starting a tussle?.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
So Benedict McGregor was in any of those places in the last 2 years?

I've been to the Lvlv, ternopil, Kiev, Nicholiav, a small City in the middle of the country that I'm not going to name for personal reasons and a couple of small towns in between them all

And and about the girls yes I have 15 plus girls pursuing me
who are all beautiful but I'm waiting for one special one and she's not ready yet

And no rational person wants nuclear war so get on your message board and tell Putin and his gangster cronies to go home to go the f*** home
I know a guy who was a former coworker, and you sound just like him. He lives in southern California. He is willingly ignorant of many things except those which are purely self-serving. He never wanted to bother looking into how things done today would impact next year. His desire to learn new things and grasp reality was non-existent. I really, oh really have to wonder why you are on this forum.

It matters very little what any of us say. The truth and real life events are coming out daily. Life is very short here. This world is very short. You seem to think it will go on forever. Very soon the great sound you hear will be the crashing of reality into your world. Good luck with that.


Right from the start
I dint call anyone any names.
Don’t be infracting me for this one.
Why don’t they infraction the guy calling names and starting a tussle?.
I have not called anyone here any names

. Recently and I won't do it again

and it won't happen again


Right from the start
I know a guy who was a former coworker, and you sound just like him. He lives in southern California. He is willingly ignorant of many things except those which are purely self-serving. He never wanted to bother looking into how things done today would impact next year. His desire to learn new things and grasp reality was non-existent. I really, oh really have to wonder why you are on this forum.

It matters very little what any of us say. The truth and real life events are coming out daily. Life is very short here. This world is very short. You seem to think it will go on forever. Very soon the great sound you hear will be the crashing of reality into your world. Good luck with that.
How big is your library? How many books are you reading at any single time like right now? How many languages can you speak? How many countries have you been in? How many skills do you have? What skill are you working on now?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
So Benedict McGregor was in any of those places in the last 2 years?
Don't you know? Shouldn't you know who and what his sources are if you want to slander his observations?

I've been to the Lvlv, ternopil, Kiev, Nicholiav, a small City in the middle of the country that I'm not going to name for personal reasons and a couple of small towns in between them all
Which means you are totally isolated from what is really happening.
Your news media is controlled and the propaganda infusions are non-stop. How are you not being swept off the street to help out with the body count in the trenches?

And no rational person wants nuclear war so get on your message board and tell Putin and his gangster cronies to go home to go the f*** home
In case you have not bothered to read or listen, Putin is doing the right thing for Russia. I can't find fault with that. Wish we had someone who would do the right thing for Amerika. Unfortunately, the right things seems to be destroy the whole kit and kaboodle. Putin is constantly threatened by liars, thieves, cut-throats and saboteurs.... from the US & associates.

But by your request, I will now address Mr Putin.

Dear Mr. Putin, I am writing this note to express my deep concern for world affairs. I do not want to see the death or mutilation of common soldiers of any army, Russian, American, Ukrainian, Poland, etc. Unfortunately, our nations are controlled by megalomaniacs working in concert to gain total control of the world while cutting the population down by at least 6 billion humans. There are a good number of people like me in America who are outraged by the evil actions of our leaders.

If it were possible, we would like to see a surgical operation for your interests and ours alike. The exigency and extent to which this situation has quickly escalated makes me think that such a thing is a luxury no longer affordable. Russia will play a large part in Bible prophecy with severe consequences for all. As the evil ones push you evermore into the corner, any reasonable person can see that you have no choice but to kill the bastards. I am concerned about the collateral damage so I would request that you aim small and straight.

There are many more things I would like to discuss with you in private but I am sure you are pressed for every minute with more important matters. Here is one silly idea for your army to try. When encircling an area, like Bakhmut or Kharkiv, would you be able to drop leaflets offering a living surrender to those forces? A good many of the conscripts have no business being in war and don't even want it. I know someone who claims fluency in many languages, has no work to speak of, and is quite a ladies' man who could be used to march the white flags between enemy lines to bring those willing to surrender to the safety of your side.

Seriously, really and truly, LightEcho, hoping to reflect some light on the matters that matter. Your folks will know how to contact me and so will our feds.

PS... looking forward to see the start of the closing arguments.


passin' thru
Please don't get into personal attacks again. We don't need it and it doesn't advance the thread.
More importantly, we have ALREADY SEEN POSTERS BANNED FROM the whole site for behavior that just the prior days had been acceptable, and we've ALREADY BEEN WARNED that if we continue to act like spechual cats/kids who cannot or will not follow "the rules" we run the risk of having the whole thread shut down.

So every time we feel it's more important to natter on at one another on off topic nonsense, please keep that in mind.
..remember, there's a whole forum where we can go and talk freely..