DISASTER China's Three Gorge Dam in Danger


Disaster Cat
Will someone please create a new headline when the dam actually fails. I'll look for it.
I'm pretty sure such a new thread will be started when/if it fails; or the title of this thread will be updated - until then if you are not interested, just don't bother.

I'm sure people will continue to post what they suspect, may have information on or the flooding and other connected issues to the dam as they find things.


Veteran Member
I'm pretty sure such a new thread will be started when/if it fails; or the title of this thread will be updated - until then if you are not interested, just don't bother.

I'm sure people will continue to post what they suspect, may have information on or the flooding and other connected issues to the dam as they find things.
for instance... the lower camera is now facing the park walkway observation point that the English and American kids toured when they were over there a month ago. It is at least up to date... you can only see the river over in the upper right edge of the image.
Anyone have any thoughts on what that gadget is with the wheels and the wall riding on it, with air conditioning? (maybe :) )

And check out the power lines in the background.



Designated Grumpy Old Fart




Has No Life - Lives on TB

Bright Blessings,

Backing it up, moving it forward, slowly, it looks like it's the size of a small corporate jet, on fire, crashing into the water, next to the upstream side of a dam. What dam? Is this real? There isn't enough footage to determine any specifics... Could be from a movie, television show, or just a student project... Notice the long line of bright lights in the background, suddenly come on, as it nears impact, not before...


Blessed Be,

OldArcher, Witch


Veteran Member
Still no new updates from the Underground Silk-Railroad guy. My guess is that he's either dead or in some CCP prison or reeducation camp somewhere. :(


Veteran Member
Update... So, the latest view from the side angle is at least pointing at the dam now... this is from this morning 5.24 local time... it was not updating, still frozen. The backside (spillway angle) showing nothing.