DISASTER China's Three Gorge Dam in Danger


Contributing Member
Someone posed the question about the Yangtze drainage basin. The first one shows the location of 3GD, about middle right.


I read posts above with source material claiming Trump is "engineering" the dam collapse.
I reject this and INNUMERABLE similar claims, attacks, and baseless accusations as psy-op BS.

Their errors began with the mere concept of an outrageously invasive and poorly designed structure, continued with graft and bungling through every phase of construction, and now conclude with homicidal mismanagement.

The Lord God is Lord of Earth's waters. Finding every reason to allow the reasonable and natural consequences of His children's perfidy and fraud, He will allow the dam to fail. "The Waters Must Flow".

I pray for the myriad innocents who have already been/will be harmed. Their government will receive a Cosmic Level Smackdown--LONG OVERDUE.


Veteran Member
Right but water will move down river in waves and takes time to move. Under normal water levels you would be able to see below these portals. They are working the numbers of what they can let out at a top rate.

Quiet Man

Nothing unreal exists
I read posts above with source material claiming Trump is "engineering" the dam collapse.
I reject this and INNUMERABLE similar claims
I think that we have to consider the possibility. It is undeniable that we're at war with China (certainly they are at war with us), and this is a hell-of-a coincidence, considering Covid (Trump: 'China Virus'), Houston consulate, and myraid other things going on. HAARP is fact.

Added: I find it difficult to believe in coincidence at the macro level.
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Bubble Head

Has No Life - Lives on TB
You do realize should this dam burst that it will be the biggest disaster the world has seen possible since Noah got in the Ark. Half a billion Chinese to start with and then supply problems around the world along with currency, starvation, and disease. This event will be of Biblical Proportions to say the least. We have seen nothing like this throughout history in death count simply because the world has never been so populated nor so economical intertwined. No war has caused this many deaths.
Just thought I would share my doom for the day.


Veteran Member
If this dam goes I'm not sure that "it would make Niagara Falls look like a low water bridge" would be correct.


Country exile in the city
Right but water will move down river in waves and takes time to move. Under normal water levels you would be able to see below these portals. They are working the numbers of what they can let out at a top rate.

If I am understanding you correctly, you are not aware of the EXTENT of this 100-YEAR-FLOOD in China.

THOUSANDS of acres of land---no, THOUSANDS OF SQUARE MILES of land --are UNDER WATER.

And all that water in the area ABOVE the dam--is STILL COMING DOWNSTREAM--toward the dam.

And the DAM has been letting out ALL the water it can POSSIBLY let out--even at risk of destroying the dam (which it now appears to be doing) to try to SAVE the dam, since all that water IS still coming downstream--and is now within only about 10 feet (if that much) of the top of the dam. (China hasn't let ANY pictures out of the area BEHIND the dam for weeks, now).

Letting ALL that EXTRA water go DOWNSTREAM--where it is ALSO raining in a 100-YEAR-FLOOD---is adding to and exacerbating the flooding ALREADY GOING ON in THOSE cities.

Your post indicates you think it's flooding, and going down to normal, and flooding again, and going down to normal---

There haven't been "normal water levels" in ANY Of these areas---for WEEKS.

the water levels in China have ALL BEEN AT FLOOD STAGE for WEEKS now.

I think you need to go back to page one of this thread, and start reading again--to get a better picture of what is happening here.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I will go out on a limb here and postulate that most of the land under this potential rain is Already saturated. If they get another whack it all ends up in a short period in the Yangtze upstream of 3GD.

If that much rain falls in 24 hour period the water would hit the dam not over a week but in a possible 24-36 hour window.

The CCP has already made a decision to flood Chengdu to save Wuhan, this could create the 3 hit flood #3 that swamps (again) Chengdu, then Wuhan then Shanghai, with massive stress on 3GD that is possibly damaged from flood #2.

China better hope this forecast is wrong.

Squid, I think you nailed it. This is one of those times I hope you are wrong but don't think you are.


Veteran Member
I'm not sure anyone is!

I am not saying there is no problems here.

Quite the opposite my comments about the power lines are just a ruler of how close things has all ready been to tumbling that dam down river past Wuhan not counting the back wash behind it. The maestro that is working the dam had to break levies and they weren't the low ones in this basin. If he let the dam relieve say six times the water he is now what would happen? The river could drain to the very bottom before it reaches a point of zero flow. And that's not including what the other dams up stream are doing.

Bubble Head

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Countrymouse you have the right idea but are way underestimating the problems. Major projection for immediately more rain. Flooding is way above 100 year levels. More like 1000 year level right now. To top that off with all the water about to come down they have for some reason closed the gates on the Dam. It appears they stopped releasing water. Speculation is cavitation is causing instability in the dam. I guess they are going to let it top over. Should be interesting what all flows over the top. Doubtful they will be planting anything this year on the land that has been flooded. Toxic chemicals and just plan clean up time will be monumental. If the dam unzips well just stop counting because it is all never before seen territory.


TB Fanatic
With more rain in their forecast the square area it falls on is important the bigger the more water that can be expected to end up in the river.
Now the rate it empty's into the river is in question and will flow down stream, but at some point it reaches a large open space of water the flow seems to slow down and displacement becomes the factor! The water emptying into a large lake the water level medially rises evenly all the down to the dam, this is displacement.

The Mountain

Here since the beginning
I'm not an engineer of any sort, so is there someone here who understands more about dam systems that can explain why they haven't already opened all the gates on the 3GD? I would think that at this point, a controlled release of as much water as possible, so as to preserve the dam, would be preferable even in light of all the existing downstream flooding, because otherwise the dam is going to go and everything downstream is going to get flooded anyway and it'll be much worse. That way, the minute the rain slacks off, they can close the dam off and relieve the downstream areas.

I have to assume that there is some consequence of opening all of the gates on the dam that is somehow more detrimental to the dam and the downstream areas than allowing it to fail completely. That, or it's not more detrimental than the dam failing but the CCP is gambling that the dam won't fail at all, and that by only opening some of the gates they avoid causing any damage to the dam (or at least much less).


Country exile in the city
Countrymouse you have the right idea but are way underestimating the problems. Major projection for immediately more rain. Flooding is way above 100 year levels. More like 1000 year level right now. To top that off with all the water about to come down they have for some reason closed the gates on the Dam. It appears they stopped releasing water. Speculation is cavitation is causing instability in the dam. I guess they are going to let it top over. Should be interesting what all flows over the top. Doubtful they will be planting anything this year on the land that has been flooded. Toxic chemicals and just plan clean up time will be monumental. If the dam unzips well just stop counting because it is all never before seen territory.

Wow. Thanks Bubble Head---and I thought I was being "too" negative, in trying to convey to cowboy how bad it is!

And yes you're right---read back a page or two--a member caught a report that said CHINESE OFFICIALS ADMITTED cavitation and explained that was why they closed some of the gates.

Cowboy--they CAN'T let out any more water. They are letting it out as fast as they can--and now they've had to scale back how much they're letting out, because it was tearing up the dam. (and still is, imo)


Country exile in the city
I'm not an engineer of any sort, so is there someone here who understands more about dam systems that can explain why they haven't already opened all the gates on the 3GD? I would think that at this point, a controlled release of as much water as possible, so as to preserve the dam, would be preferable even in light of all the existing downstream flooding, because otherwise the dam is going to go and everything downstream is going to get flooded anyway and it'll be much worse. That way, the minute the rain slacks off, they can close the dam off and relieve the downstream areas.

I have to assume that there is some consequence of opening all of the gates on the dam that is somehow more detrimental to the dam and the downstream areas than allowing it to fail completely. That, or it's not more detrimental than the dam failing but the CCP is gambling that the dam won't fail at all, and that by only opening some of the gates they avoid causing any damage to the dam (or at least much less).

They DID have them all open.

They just 7 hours ago HAD TO CLOSE SOME OF THEM again due to cavitation---it was literally washing itself out underneath the dam.

A member posted something (check back last 2 pages) that the Chinese Government ADMITTED there's cavitation going on & that's why they closed the gates.

Read back over the last couple pages--my posts and others about how bad the debris being thrown out got, how they shut down some of the gates, etc.

So now the problems are just compounding....


Veteran Member
I don't know the source of this picture, it's just an image I found. Has anyone seen a more detailed cross section through the flood gates?


Rimtas žmogus
I'm not an engineer of any sort, so is there someone here who understands more about dam systems that can explain why they haven't already opened all the gates on the 3GD? I would think that at this point, a controlled release of as much water as possible, so as to preserve the dam, would be preferable even in light of all the existing downstream flooding, because otherwise the dam is going to go and everything downstream is going to get flooded anyway and it'll be much worse. That way, the minute the rain slacks off, they can close the dam off and relieve the downstream areas.

I have to assume that there is some consequence of opening all of the gates on the dam that is somehow more detrimental to the dam and the downstream areas than allowing it to fail completely. That, or it's not more detrimental than the dam failing but the CCP is gambling that the dam won't fail at all, and that by only opening some of the gates they avoid causing any damage to the dam (or at least much less).

Or, as postulated above, some of the gates are damaged and can no longer be opened and/or controlled.


Veteran Member
OK--I just got on--so someone else may have already reported this--


It appears only TWO--maybe three---- of the floodgates are working--

and for the one on the right (as you face it---it would be the gate near the TOP of the picture above---the one that ALL of the pictures have shown pieces flying out of---

the flow is now shooting up HIGH into the air---from UNDER --- repeat UNDER -- the water---IN FRONT OF and AWAY from the DAM!

In other words---it's like it's shooting up from BENEATH the dam, INSTEAD OF OUT OF THE FLOODGATE!

And you can't see anything flowing out from most of the OTHER gates at ALL---just two other gates.


View attachment 210857

I’m using this link:

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Fhddcv7p2QM

and it had today’s (it’s already Monday in China) date and close to correct time there only three roostertails not sure where the rest is going. Under the dam is a likey answer as any


The Mountain

Here since the beginning
They DID have them all open.

They just 7 hours ago HAD TO CLOSE SOME OF THEM again due to cavitation---it was literally washing itself out underneath the dam.

A member posted something (check back last 2 pages) that the Chinese Government ADMITTED there's cavitation going on & that's why they closed the gates.

Read back over the last couple pages--my posts and others about how bad the debris being thrown out got, how they shut down some of the gates, etc.

So now the problems are just compounding....

So that raises the question: why would they not design the dam to be able to have all gates open under an overload of water?


Veteran Member
The question is why can't they. I don't think the dam is letting water out anywhere near what it can, it just don't have anywhere to put it. If they want to stop water from topping the dam it has to be done from above. With the other dams in the same shape they will if they haven't all ready been breaking levies. It's when they run out of levies to break the the Little Dutch boy is running.

The strength of the dams is just a monkey wrench that can cause more problems.

The Mountain

Here since the beginning
I’m using this link:

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Fhddcv7p2QM

and it had today’s (it’s already Monday in China) date and close to correct time there only three roostertails not sure where the rest is going. Under the dam is a likey answer as any


I can see four roostertails. The third is so deep in shadow that it's hard to distinguish, but there is, and the fourth, all the way at the back, is experiencing interesting surges. Every couple of seconds there's a noticeable spurt of extra water that flares up from the top of the outflow.


Veteran Member
I'm not an engineer of any sort, so is there someone here who understands more about dam systems that can explain why they haven't already opened all the gates on the 3GD? I would think that at this point, a controlled release of as much water as possible, so as to preserve the dam, would be preferable even in light of all the existing downstream flooding, because otherwise the dam is going to go and everything downstream is going to get flooded anyway and it'll be much worse. That way, the minute the rain slacks off, they can close the dam off and relieve the downstream areas.

I have to assume that there is some consequence of opening all of the gates on the dam that is somehow more detrimental to the dam and the downstream areas than allowing it to fail completely. That, or it's not more detrimental than the dam failing but the CCP is gambling that the dam won't fail at all, and that by only opening some of the gates they avoid causing any damage to the dam (or at least much less).
I doubt they can control the flood gates the
link I have with current date it looks like only three are ‘working’ to be fully optimistic I say working actual term is probably ‘open and can’t be closed’
View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Fhddcv7p2QM



Fringe Ranger
Every couple of seconds there's a noticeable spurt of extra water that flares up from the top of the outflow.

Oscillations inside the pipe is probably indicating cavitation. This is what was reported in Glen Canyon, as I understand. Ideally, the flow should be completely smooth. I am not an engineer.


Veteran Member
I can see four roostertails. The third is so deep in shadow that it's hard to distinguish, but there is, and the fourth, all the way at the back, is experiencing interesting surges. Every couple of seconds there's a noticeable spurt of extra water that flares up from the top of the outflow.
Mountain, I finally can see the fourth one, wish I hadn’t that looks nasty, the dam is eating itself. Those surges are probably the dam puking out concrete and rebar


Doom is ALWAYS 6 Months Away...
For those of us who are not engineers can you please let us know if the dam is going to collapse or not? I will have to run to Costco (an hour long trip) to get some more OTC meds and Vitamins if so. Thanks :)

Quiet Man

Nothing unreal exists
The more I watch this video stream, the more I am convinced that the camera has firmware bug(s) in the encoding algorithm. Here is a very obvious example (bug flying through foreground). Watch the video to see the full effect.


I think it happens frequently in the water stream, and the errors in various similar shades of grey are leading to the appearance of what we are interpreting to be 'chunks'. There was a point, overnight, where I watched for over 5 minutes where this seemed to be happening several times a minute, and every time the chunks disappeared in a instant well before completing the normal trajectory one would expect.

I wish that I had written the time down.

I do not say this to contradict the seriousness of having so many gates closing in the face of the oncoming storm.


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Disaster Cat
For those of us who are not engineers can you please let us know if the dam is going to collapse or not? I will have to run to Costco (an hour long trip) to get some more OTC meds and Vitamins if so. Thanks :)
I think the only one who knows for sure is The Creator, however you may view them....but my engineering housemate who as she said "is an engineer in the Water Industry," thinks this does not look good.

Now, she also wouldn't say much because the situation is just too unprecedented but she did say that one reason the water would shoot up like that from the bottom would be the if "water is falling at too steep an angle."

She also indicated the mud-brown color might be an issue but it might also not be an issue at all (one of those things that would need more information which we don't have).

Personally, I think you should go get your meds...

Bubble Head

Has No Life - Lives on TB
I am starting to suspect (along with others here) that the gates may no longer be operational and are either closed or open and stuck there.

I also think that if that stuff in the current live-stream is water shooting up from under the dam we really have a "Dead Dam Standing."

I fully agree with you Melodi. If the above tweet is correct already millions of people are missing. Chi-Coms are out of options. It either holds during Top Over or it is over. I think they know it won't hold so those that can are bugging out to whatever is considered safe. Very few will make it. What a mess to return to.