RACE Why your swipes (choices) on Hinge and OKCupid dating apps might be racist


Veteran Member
She's 53, what does she expect from a dating site or men?

more than she is going to get..

well, yah....kinda. she needs to be realistic, honestly. if something were to happen to fezzik and i would be out in the dating world again, i know i would be at a disadvantage. the age i am and the fact that i have kids, those would be the first things most men would look at. i get it. i would also be looking at the age of the guy and if he had kids and how many times he had been married. nothing wrong with using those "filters" as they say.

but she is 53. some men would actually be good with this as they are more settled and not so flighty as some can be in their youth. some men are not really wanting that. ok. fine.

i think she is really looking at this kinda backwards.

instead of being so upset at all of this, perhaps she needs to reevaluate her own criteria, look honestly at the entire situation, refine her selection process and pool from which she draws, etc.

she is upset because she thinks men are "fetishizing" her because she is black. so why doesn't she capitalize on it?

if you know that this seems to be something that is happening, then why not refine your selection process and be HAPPY that there are those that like black women. maybe go about the whole thing differently. seriously, use what ya got, ya know? she could really find someone that is a decent guy, and just really likes black women. so it is a bad thing for her if the guy is into the most obvious feature she has? i get what she is saying, but come on.

i am very curious what HER profile says and how she words it. what is she looking for? what does she expect? what things does she "filter"?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
They found that race-related “preference” filters on digital dating platforms help foster racist attitudes — especially toward black women.

Well........I wonder why?

Okay enough has been said about the attitude of many of them..........but have you considered the health risk?

Black women have the highest rates of STDs of any females out there.........60% of them have some form of STD of which many are now strains that are incurable...................and nobody talks about that because its well........ it racist to point that out!!!! LOL

Ever notice ads about HIV medications always seem to have Blacks on it?............and its not because of PC advertising.........they know who their target market it when it comes to stuff like that.

You'd have to have your head examined if you are a White guy that women find attractive and end up with a case of jungle fever.......


Veteran Member
this is just stupid. why stop at black and white? what about male and female? are people screening out the opposite sex? are they screening out blondes? brunettes? red heads?

what about eye color? what if the person only really likes blue eyes?

hmmmm....height? so short people need not apply?

what about the wedding tackle? does there need to be measurements for that? cup sizes?

this is just so stupid and insulting. so if someone does not find another attractive, then they are bad and they MUST be forced to like it? everyone in the world has preferences, including the people in the article. there is nothing wrong with having preferences. some are hard and fast and some are bendable. i may like one type of hair color, but that is not a hill i would die on. there are all sorts of things that i like to varying degrees, as well as all sorts of things i do not like.

i know not everyone is the same way as far as their thinking, but it has happened to me way more than once that i think a man is attractive....and then they open their mouth. they then become extremely ugly, no matter how aesthetically attractive they were. it very much depends on the crap they spew and their character. that does not mean that i don't find certain things attractive, though. i most certainly do.

there is a line between just being an a-hole, and liking what you like. i understand i may not be what everyone is looking for physically. that's ok! i am ok with that! there really is someone for everyone. in fact, there are many someones for everyone in regards looks. i have seen what i thought was the goofiest looking people, but they have plenty of suitors.

so all of that said, there is a whole other part of this crap. part of it is snowflake and part of it is cultural.

i really, really hate to say it......but there is a cultural stereotype about black women. there is. just like von koeler said:

"Many years ago, I was talking to a Negro co-worker and asked him why Negro men chased after White women instead of a perusing Negro women?

His reply surprised me.

Partly it was due to getting status points from other Negro men for scoring a White woman.

But the primary reason was that Negro women were very abusive, controlling and he summed it all up with a word which rhymes with "witches."

of course not every black woman is this way. but enough are that it is seen as a problem. a problem that is not wanted to be dealt with. this isn't a skin color thing. this is a cultural thing. if those women would not want a man to be this way, then why would they think a man would want their woman to be like that?

the snowflake part? that would be the biggest part of the article. it isn't about the women being black and being fetishized for it. that does, of course, happen. but that is not really the issue. they don't like being thought of as a sexual object.

well, sweet cheeks, i don't like it either. that doesn't stop it from happening. there is a section of the male population that just does it. you can't help it. you can't stop it. they best things to do is avoid it when possible, and to toughen up when it is not possible to avoid. clearly, there is a line a behavior that is unacceptable. i think we all know what that is.

but upset because you are viewed as a sexual object.....let's not look at our own behavior though...right?

so if he had done it to anyone, regardless of skin color, she would ok with that. yah...i don't think so. if she was not ok with him being so sexually aggressive, and making a point of telling her how much he like black women, then why did she continue to date him and then finally agree to consensual sex? she had her own part in this, just as much as he did. she didn't want to be seen as a sexual object, but agrees to be a sexual object. everybody knows internet dating sites are populated with hook up minded people. that isn't everyone, but a good size portion of users are. some people are just douches. get a better screening process, and USE IT.

and the fetish thing? i have very big boobs and i am a red head and i am white. you want to talk about fetishes? i feel ya!

how often does she get told to her face, by some man she doesn't even know, what he would like to do to her. specifically to her boobs. or to ask her certain questions about her hair....we'll leave that one at that. how many times in one month has she had men put hands on in the grocery store or at the gas station, or physically pick her up? or tell her how he wants to lick her oh so very white skin?

none of that is ok, but it is a regular occurrence for me. that and much, much more. it is not right, it is not ok. it is life. i should not have to deal with it, but i do have to deal with it. some people are just pigs. she is going to need to get a thicker skin.
are you married?