POL Why everything is crumbling and why you're broke - 2 news items


Membership Revoked
These articles ultimately show IMO some hidden costs of how the U.S. absolutely just cannot afford diversities/3rd Worlders on its soil, at all, not and keep things like paved roads and electricity. No matter how long they've been here or how pitiful their story, they have to not be living here. (Being sent back is actually the most humane option, but if expulsion doesn't get chosen, there ARE other possibilities historically shown to be likely...)

Many links in originals.



December 19, 2013

Atlanta's MARTA System, with a 74 percent Black Ridership, Spending $1.1 Million to Install "Urine Detection Devices"

"$1.11 million dollars.


That's one tiny example of the cost of black America.

A view inside a typical MARTA train... these are the people who have decide urinating in public is a freedom Rosa Parks fought for...

$1.11 million dollars spent on a urine detection system for Atlanta's mass transit system, MARTA (Moving Africans Rapidly Through Atlanta). At a cost of $10,000 per urine detection device (UDD), all 111 elevators in the MARTA system will soon be outfitted to dissuade the transit riders - 74 percent of whom are black - from using public property as a commode.

$1.11 million dollars spent on a UDD system, because the black population of Atlanta who rides MARTA are incapable of engaging in civilized, first-world behavior. [Urine detection system installed in Atlanta transit station elevator, Atlanta Journal Constitution, 12-19-13]:

The city of Atlanta is looking to clean up the image, and the odor, of its transit system.
Many of its elevators have doubled as restrooms and smell like it. That's about to change with first-of-its-kind technology which catches "offenders" literally -- with their pants down.

"The smell hits you so bad. You hold your breath just to hurry up and get off the elevator," said Alicia Porter, a rider on a Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) train.

MARTA elevators have a smelly reputation. To get to the train, you often have to ride in a urinal first.

"If you've ever been in a Porta Potty, that's what it smelled like before," said MARTA Director of Elevators/Escalators Tom Beebe.

Beebe is working to clean up the image and the odor of MARTA elevators by launching a pilot program in an elevator in one of the Midtown stations. They asked local media to not say which one.

There are 111 elevators in the system. Beebe said they were having problems here every day. But not anymore.

"If somebody was to urinate in here, there's going to be a splash factor. It would splash and it would sense," Beebe said.

It's a urine detection device, called UDD. If a person relieves her or himself , the sensors sound the alarm and the MARTA police will be there in seconds to catch the offender in the act. There is also better lighting and a camera catching all the action. The pilot program has been in place for a month, and that daily problem dropped to one incident, in which an arrest was made. Next month, MARTA will begin installing sensors in other elevators, with the goal to have them in all 111.

It's going to cost MARTA about $10,000 to outfit each elevator with the urine detection device. This week, they also reopened restrooms at four stations, so they hope that will help with the problem.

This is why public transportation in America can't work.

It's that simple.

When money that should be going to improve the technology surrounding the metro system is diverted to install a urination detection system, you should immediately understand you no longer live in a first-world country.

It should be recalled that government jobs, be it MARTA, employment with the City of Atlanta, or Fulton County (where much of MARTA is located) is the primary avenue for blacks to enjoy a middle-class existence. [Suburbs fight 'taxation without representation': Atlanta forecast to become 'Detroit of the South', 3-11-2013]:

MARTA, which is funded via tax revenue collected from Fulton and DeKalb counties, has a worker force of 4,527 employees, with 83 percent being black.
Of 50 employed dispatchers, only one is not black; 96 percent of the 1,227 operators are black; 100 percent of the recruiters are black; 85 percent of the 42 MARTA representatives are black; 94 percent of 295 people employed in services are black; 95 percent of the station agents are black; 84 percent of the superintendents are black; 88 percent of the 171 supervisors are black; and 82 percent of the transit police are black.

Life in a majority-black city, where political life is run by (and for the improvement/betterment of) black people, requires urine detection devices being installed throughout the MARTA to the tune of $1.11 million.

If you want to understand the true legacy of Rosa Parks to the public transportation throughout America, the need for a urine detection system in MARTA is it."


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I have known many a white drunken college student to drain the lizard after a drinking bout in less than appropriate places. I used to be one :-)


Membership Revoked

Nonferal whites (that's most whites), especially those either or both of 1) nonwealthy (but still productive) and/or 2) with children had to LEAVE the inner cities, which would not have been nearly so necessary had the diversities stayed back in Africa, @sscrackistan, Latin America, etc. Want to try bringing up innocent little white children in the kind of place this horrific crime was perpetrated? https://www.amren.com/ar/2007/07/index.html Me neither.

Note how the housing, highways, bridges, electrical transmission wires, water pipes, natural gas pipes, internet backbones, cable lines, etc., that are secondary costs to having scores of millions of worthless diversities/3rd Worlders absolutely cannot be afforded. They have to not be here, or your blood will be living in one-room huts with dirt floors and no utilities.



JANUARY 10, 2017
By Charles Marohn

"Lafayette, Louisiana, has a population of around 125,000. That makes it about the 200th largest city in the country; not really big but not really all that small either. It has a unique culture and geography, but the layout and design of the city are very ordinary American. Get outside of the core downtown and surrounding neighborhoods to visit the strip malls, big box stores and residential subdivisions and Lafayette looks like any other city you'll pass through.

I stress its unremarkable nature not to denigrate it in any way -- I love the city and I have a special fondness for the people of Lafayette -- but to help connect you, the reader, to a shared plight. Except for a small handful of North American cities -- literally five or less -- Lafayette provides an insight into why your city has no money.

Problems have solutions. Predicaments have outcomes. What is happening in Lafayette is not a problem; it's a predicament.

Along with my good friends and colleagues Joe Minicozzi and Josh McCarty of Urban 3, I was invited to work with the city of Lafayette to help them get a handle on why they could not keep up with infrastructure maintenance. Through a strange path, the city had found itself with a lawyer turned newspaper reporter -- a really sharp guy named Kevin Blanchard -- as their public works director. Questions that prior directors had found inconvenient to ask were now front and center.

Like most cities, Lafayette had the written reports detailing an enormously large backlog of infrastructure maintenance. At current spending rates, roads were going bad faster than they could be repaired. With aggressive tax increases, the rate of failure could be slowed, but not reversed. The story underground was even worse. Ironically, this news had historically been the rationale for building even more infrastructure (theory: this is a problem that we'll grow our way out of). That didn't make sense to Kevin or to the city's mayor, a guy named Joey Durel.

Joe, Josh and I interviewed all the city's department heads and key staff. We gathered as much data as we could (they had a lot). We analyzed and then mapped out all of the city's revenue streams by parcel. We then did the same for all of the city's expenses. This was the most comprehensive geographic analysis of a city's finances that I've ever seen completed. When we finished, we had a three dimensional map showing what parts of the city generated more revenue than expense (in business terms, this would be called profit) and what parts of the city generated more expense than revenue (again, in business terms, this is considered a loss).

Here's that map. In accounting terms, green equals profit and red equals loss. The higher the block goes, the larger the amount of profit/loss. If you have a sense of the basic layout of North American cities post World War II, you can figure out pretty easily what is going on here.


A blue/green version now available thanks to the work of a generous contributor (for those that are red/green colorblind).

There are some remarkable things to note right off the top. When we added up the replacement cost of all of the city's infrastructure -- an expense we would anticipate them cumulatively experiencing roughly once a generation -- it came to $32 billion. When we added up the entire tax base of the city, all of the private wealth sustained by that infrastructure, it came to just $16 billion. This is fatal.

It's obvious to me why this is fatal, but for those of you for whom it is less clear, let me elaborate.

The median house in Lafayette costs roughly $150,000. A family living in this house would currently pay about $1,500 per year in taxes to the local government of which 10%, approximately $150, goes to maintenance of infrastructure (more is paid to the schools and regional government). A fraction of that $150 – it varies by year – is spent on actual pavement.

To maintain just the roads and drainage systems that have already been built, the family in that median house would need to have their taxes increase by $3,300 per year. That assumes no new roads are built and existing roadways are not widened or substantively improved. That is $3,300 in additional local taxes just to tread water.

That does not include underground utilities – sewer and water – or major facilities such as treatment plants, water towers and public buildings. Using ratios we’ve experienced from other communities, it is likely that the total infrastructure revenue gap for that median home is closer to $8,000 per year.

The median household income in Lafayette is $41,000. With the wealth that has been created by all this infrastructure investment, a median family living in the median house would need to have their city taxes go from $1,500 per year to $9,200 per year. To just take care of what they now have, one out of every five dollars this family makes would need to go to fixing roads, ditches and pipes. That will never happen.

Thus, Lafayette has a predicament. Infrastructure was supposed to serve them. Now they serve it.

All of the programs and incentives put in place by the federal and state governments to induce higher levels of growth by building more infrastructure has made the city of Lafayette functionally insolvent. Lafayette has collectively made more promises than it can keep and it's not even close. If they operated on accrual accounting -- where you account for your long term liabilities -- instead of a cash basis -- where you don't -- they would have been bankrupt decades ago. This is a pattern we see in every city we've examined. It is a byproduct of the American pattern of development we adopted everywhere after World War II.

There are two questions I'm commonly asked when I tell this story. The first is: how did this happen? The second: what do we do now?

The way this happened is pretty simple. At Strong Towns, we call it the Growth Ponzi Scheme. Through a combination of federal incentives, state programs and private capital, cities were able to rapidly grow by expanding horizontally. This provided the local government with the immediate revenues that come from new growth -- permit fees, utility fees, property tax increases, sales tax -- and, in exchange, the city takes on the long term responsibility of servicing and maintaining all the new infrastructure. The money comes in handy in the present while the future obligation is, well....a long time in the future.

Psychologists call this temporal discounting. Humans are predisposed to highly value pleasure today and to deeply discount future pain, especially the more distant it is. It's easy today to rationalize that future expense, especially when you feel so assured that new growth will make those future people better off. This thinking is how you end up with two dollars of public infrastructure for every one dollar of private investment. This is how you spend yourself into bankruptcy.

This isn't a political, cultural or social failing. As humans, we're wired to act this way. Modernity removed most physical restraints, government removed the financial, and we did the rest.

So what do we do now? Well, we're about to create a huge pot of money at the federal level that we can spread around to try and solve this problem. Only, it's not a problem. It's a predicament; it has no solution, only outcomes.

It's a predicament that nearly every American city, with very few exceptions, finds itself in. Even if there was enough wealth and productivity to fix all of this -- and there isn't anything close to that amount -- we would be fools to spend it so unproductively.

All this infrastructure [for nonproducers] is a bad investment. America needs a different model of growth and development."


On TB every waking moment


r/K Theory - Almost all you ever needed to know about Liberals and Conservatives. EP 59


Published on Feb 24, 2014

Republicans would rather lose while playing by the rules, than to win by cheating.
Republicans are just wired that way. The Left are not.

The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics by Anonymous Conservative
("r" species vs "K" species)

Seriously. If you have not seen this already, DROP EVERYTHING and listen to it.

Bill Whittle, R/T 41:11

I know I have posted this here before, but I doubt everyone has seen it. And you should.


Membership Revoked
Absolutely agreed with the truth and relevance of r/K Theory...

Here is a very good text-based explanation of it.
(Note that part of the brains of liberals doesn't work very well, making the statement "Liberals are brain-damaged!" literally exactly correct.)


r/K Selection Theory

"Biologists have long noted that species will tend to evolve behaviors which best aid them to effectively exploit their environment. Among these behavioral life history traits are reproductive strategies. Reproductive strategies are, as the name implies, the strategies individuals will use to reproduce. Here we will focus upon the two strategies demonstrated in r/K Selection Theory in Evolutionary Biology.

The science behind r/K Selection theory was hashed out decades ago. It emerged as biologists pondered why some species reproduced slowly using monogamy and high-investment parenting, while other species reproduced explosively, using promiscuity and single parenting. At the time this science was developed, the researchers were wholly unaware of its relevance to our modern ideological battles in the world of politics. The terms r and K came from variables in equations which described how populations would change over time. r represented the maximal reproductive rate of an individual, while K represented the carrying capacity of an environment.

r/K selection theory describes two environmental extremes, and the strategies a population will produce to exploit each extreme. As a result of these strategies, each of these two environments will produce a very particular psychology in the individuals exposed to them.

The first environment an organism may face is the presence of freely available resources, which is referred to as an r-selective environment. This most often occurs when a predator keeps a population consistently lower than the carrying capacity of its environment. Just as rabbits do not strip their grassy fields bare due to the predation they endure, the r-strategy is designed to exploit an environment where resources are freely available, everywhere.

In r-selection, those individuals who waste time fighting for food will be out-reproduced by pacifists, who simply focus upon eating, and reproducing. Fighting also entails risks of injury or death – risks which are pointless given the free availability of resources everywhere. Hence this environment will favor a tendency towards conflict avoidance, and tend to cull the aggressive and competitive. It will also evolve tendencies towards mating as early as possible, as often as possible, with as many mates as possible, while investing as little effort as possible rearing offspring. Here, there are unlimited resources just waiting to be utilized, and even the most unfit can acquire them. As a result, it is more advantageous to produce as many offspring as possible, as quickly as possible, regardless of fitness, so as to out-reproduce those who either waste time producing quality offspring or waste time competing with each other.

Since group competition will not arise in the r-selected environment, r-type organisms will not exhibit loyalty to fellow members of their species, or a drive to sacrifice on their behalf. Indeed, the very notion of in-group will be foreign, and the concept of personal sacrifice for other in-group members will be wholly alien. This is why rabbits, mice, antelope, and other r-selected species, although pleasant, will tend to not exhibit any loyalty or emotional attachment to peers. When resources are freely available, group competition is a risk one need not engage in to acquire resources, so this loyalty to in-group and emotional attachment to peers is not favored.

Here in the r-strategy, we see the origins of the Liberal’s tendencies towards conflict avoidance, from oppositions to free-market capitalism, to pacifism, to demands that all citizens disarm so as to avoid any chance of conflict and competition. Even the newer tendencies to support the ”everyone gets a trophy” movement are outgrowths of this competition-averse urge, and desire for free resource availability. Similarly, Liberals are supportive of promiscuity, supportive of efforts to expose children to ever earlier sexual education, and, as the debate over Murphy Brown showed, Liberals are supportive of low-investment, single parenting. Finally, as John Jost has shown, Liberals show diminished loyalty to in-group, similar to how r-selected organisms do not fully understand the reason for even perceiving an in-group in nature.

In the other environment, a population exists at the carrying capacity of its environment. Since there is not enough food to go around, and someone must die from starvation, this will evolve a specific psychology within such a species.

Termed a K-type psychology, or K-Selected Reproductive Strategy, this psychology will embrace competitions between individuals and accept disparities in competitive outcomes as an innate part of the world, that is not to be challenged. Since individuals who do not fight for some portion of the limited resources will starve, this environment will favor an innately competitive, conflict-prone psychology. Study shows, such a psychology will also tend to embrace monogamy, embrace chastity until monogamous adulthood, and favor high-investment, two-parent parenting, with an emphasis upon rearing as successful an offspring as possible. This sexual selectiveness, mate monopolization, and high-investment rearing is all a form of competing to produce fitter offspring than peers. This evolves, because if one’s offspring are fitter than the offspring of peers, they will be likely to acquire resources themselves, and reproduce successfully.

Although total numbers of offspring will be diminished with this high-investment rearing strategy, the offspring’s success in competition is what is most important in a K-selective environment. Here, wasting time producing numerous offspring that are not as fit as possible will doom one to Darwinian failure. As time goes on, and K-selection continues, forming into competitive groups will often emerge as a strategy to acquire resources. This will add add loyalty to in-group to the suite of K-type psychological characteristics. This is why when we look at K-selected species in nature, we see packs of wolves, herds of elephants, prides of lions, and pods of dolphins, and each individual is loyal to their group and its competitive success. Since the only way to survive will be to acquire one’s resources by out-competing peers, this invariably produces tremendously fast rates of evolutionary advancement. For this reason, K-selected organisms are usually more evolutionarily advanced than their r-selected counterparts, and will exhibit more complex adaptations, from increased intelligence and sentience, to increased physical capabilities, to loyalty and prosociality, in species where group competition occurs.

Clearly, this mirrors the Conservative’s embrace of competitions, such as war, capitalism, and even the bearing of arms in self-defense against criminals. It also mirrors the Conservatives tendency to favor family values, such as abstinence until monogamy and two-parent parenting. It even explains why Conservatives feel driven to see their nation succeed as greatly as possible, regardless of the effects this has upon other nations or just members of their out-group.

To my eye, it is inherently clear that this r/K divergence is the origin of our political divide. Indeed, while policy proposals from Conservatives are predicated upon the premise that resources are inherently limited, and individuals should have to work and demonstrate merit to acquire them, Liberals advocate on behalf of policy proposals which seem to be predicated upon an assumption that there are always more than sufficient resources to let everyone live lives of equal leisure. To a Liberal, any scarcity must clearly arise due to some individual’s personal greed and evil altering a natural state of perpetual plenty.

Here, we see how these two deeply imbued psychologies generate grossly different perceptual frameworks within those who are imbued with them. Just as a Liberal will never grasp why a Conservative will look down upon frequent promiscuity and single parenting, the Conservative will never grasp why the Liberal will be so firmly opposed to free market Capitalism, or the right to self defense when threatened. Each sees an inherently different world, and is programmed to desire an inherently different environment.

In nature, since it is the individuals who best exemplify this r-selected psychological standard who will reproduce under conditions of resource abundance, their offspring will carry these traits. As time goes on, the population will gradually develop ever more extreme presentations of these traits. As we show, there is copious evidence that a genetic allele, which diminishes dopamine signaling, is associated with every facet of the r-strategy’s psychology, as well as a predisposition towards political Liberalism.

In addition, the r-strategy may have evolved to be engendered within individuals by environmental stimuli as well, through a desensitization to the neurotransmitter dopamine. This effect arises from its copious release in such an environment down-regulating receptor expression and consequently reducing receptor densities in nervous tissue. We also maintain that a lack of adversity in the environment will fail to develop a drive or ability to confront adversity, through a failure to develop a brain structure called the amygdala. In summary, an organism placed in an environment devoid of adversity, and filled with pleasure, may find itself more demanding of pleasure and less tolerant of adversity, than an organism which is enured to a less hospitable environment.

Within r/K selection theory, all populations will contain some differing degrees of r and K selected psychologies. As an environment shifts to one extreme or the other, a population will adopt a more r or K-selected psychology, but this will only last as long as the environmental conditions which produced the shift continue. Under conditions of reduced mortality, and copious resource availability, both r and K-selected psychologies will be present. This will continue until such time as resources become limited, and a competitive, K-selected pressure takes hold, or predation begins to cull both sides evenly, and the K-selected individuals, being slower reproducers are relatively culled back.

Interestingly, r/K Theory not only explains a means by which our political ideologies are adaptive to a specific environment. Many have noted an increasingly masculine quality to the women in our culture, as well as a corresponding effeminate nature to our men. Rush Limbaugh will often refer to them as the Feminazis, and the Castrati. In nature, a K-selected model of rearing involves a feminine mother, who nurtures offspring and guides them away from danger, combined with a more masculine male who will aggressively confront dangers, so as to protect his family.

However, when a population becomes increasingly r-selected, the nature of the sexual dimorphism and these sex-specific rearing behaviors will change. As you see a more r-strategy emerge, females of the species will need to become increasingly aggressive and masculine, since due to paternal abandonment, they must provision and protect their offspring alone. Since r-selected males are solely concerned with mating (before abandoning their mate), and fleeing from conflict, they become more diminutive, and more cowardly. The end result is the r-strategy has, inherent within it, a model of aggressive, manly females who raise children alone, and diminutive, effete males who are solely concerned with superficial, mate-attracting flash, and conflict avoidance.

Even more interestingly, as we point out in this blog post, as well as this blog post, there is evidence indicating that this phenomenon, accidentally over-expressed, may be responsible for producing males who are so effeminate that they are actually homosexual, and females who are so manly, they cross the boundary into lesbianism. Not only do the rearing behaviors and sexual characteristics change, but the males become attracted to more manly characteristics (which are now exhibited by the most adaptive females), and the females become more attracted to effeminate characteristics (which are now exhibited by the most adaptive males).

Some will ask, why would we have evolved both of these psychologies, within our species, instead of trending totally r or K. This can occur for a number of reasons. Obviously an organism which inhabits an environment where resources surge in availability, and then become scarce can see its r-types surge in number during times of plenty, only to die back once resources become scarce. Indeed, such a population may eventually see its individuals adapt to change their strategy with the availability of resources. Or, as time goes on, the r-types may evolve strategies designed to see a few members persist during times of scarcity, so they may explode again once resources become plentiful.

But in humans, the mechanism was probably a little more complex. When we first evolved, a critical adaptation was our loss of body hair. It allowed us to move about in the heat of an African day, when all other furred prey needed to bed down. To acquire meat, all we needed to do was roust a bedded down antelope, make it run a short distance, and it would rapidly collapse of heat stroke, so we could then acquire its meat. There are tribes in Africa who still hunt using this method.

This allowed us to explode in numbers, but as in all ecosystems, we eventually found there were not enough resources to support the population. It was at this time that our population divided.

At this point, the competition was fierce. One group adopted the K-selected psychology, stayed put, and slugged it out for resources, in free, merit based competition. They formed into groups, battled for territory and resources, and adopted a competitive, K-selected reproductive strategy. They became the K-type cohort of our population, embracing freedom and self-determination, free competition, monogamy, strong family values, loyalty to in-group, and sexual chastity in the youth.

As the battles began to rage, another cohort, more cowardly and weak, fled. Those who fled the fastest and the farthest, found themselves in a new, untapped territory, with free resource availability yet again. Those among them who did the best from Darwin’s perspective, were those who adopted the most r-type strategy of free promiscuity, single parenting, and early age at first intercourse. They had no need for loyalty to in-group, and indeed, would have adopted a more selfish and cowardly psychology, to better disperse their genes, and serve their own self interests. They became our population’s r-type cohort, and even today, the gene which is associated with Liberalism is found in large numbers in migratory populations, even as social psychologists note that Liberals score highly in novelty seeking, such as preferring new and novel environments, or unusual foods.

As time went on, Homo sapiens likely spread across the globe in this manner. r-types fled as the territory behind them became K-selective and competitive. As time went on, this constant selective pressure favoring fleeing gradually made the r-type more prone to flee competitions and adhere to an r-type mating strategy, and less able to even comprehend why K-types would ever seek monogamy or aggression when threatened, or innately perceive an in-group in need of defense.

In between where the r-types fled to, and where the K-types were battling it out, there was likely a sort of geographical spectrum. At one end were the extreme r-types on the frontier, and at the other were the extreme K-types, battling with neighbors. But in the middle, were areas where some r-types were mingling with some K-types. It is likely that there, these two strategies were evolving psychological traits which would allow them to persist in a mixed population. K-types tried to purge the disloyalty, selfishness, and promiscuity of the r-types, while r-types tried to use deception, as well as the rule-breaking and lack of loyalty identified by Jost (himself a Liberal), as an advantage. It would not surprise me if our political animus was evolved.

It is also interesting to note, even today, as r-types gain hold in a civilization, they seek to provide the unproductive and uncompetitive with the free resource availability of the r-selected environment. As in nature, as this goes on, the r-type cohort grows in the population, until the entire financial ecosystem collapses, the government dissolves, and the civilization becomes ruthlessly competitive. As in nature, free resource availability cannot go on forever.

To be clear, individuals are complex. Just as it is difficult to characterize a single individual organism’s exact reproductive strategy in nature, it is difficult to characterize a single human’s political strategy. However, just as the quantum mechanical world yields the chaos of its uncertainty to the order and formality of Newtonian physics when viewed from a distance, as we zoom out from our society we will find two primary ideologies within it. Just as in nature, these two ideologies match exactly the two psychologies of the r and K-type psychology.

Before closing, I would like to note that the primary environmental condition favoring an r-strategy is free resource availability. Too often the r-strategy is portrayed as a defensive adaptation designed solely to overcome the mortality of predation, or other forms of environmental harshness, through increased reproductive rates. The r-strategy however, is just as much an offensive adaptation designed to exploit free resource availability, and the absence of competitive selections for survival and reproduction.

In the book, we describe how this may be seen most clearly in the world of microbiology. There, complex, highly-adapted microbes are often drawn from a harsh, highly selective environment, and transferred to an unselective environment of ideal conditions and free resource availability (such as a petri dish of nutrient media housed in an incubator). There, they initially grow slowly, as each parent cell carefully produces colonies full of highly adapted daughter cells.

Some parent cells however, make mistakes, and produce less complex offspring, who reproduce more rapidly, as they devote less energy to their parent cell’s complex adaptations. As time goes on a highly evolved isolate can quickly shed its adaptations and devolve into a strain of simpler, less complex cells which grow colonies astonishingly quickly on agar. Over time, if given only free resource availability, the cells of the simpler dysgenic strain will numerically dominate any peers which retain their complexity and adaptation. In this environment, due to the absence of competitive selections favoring fitness or complexity, the sole determinate of survival becomes sheer numerical advantage. As a result, it is this standard which the organism will evolve towards, and one will increasingly find a less complex, less evolved organism devoted solely to mating and reproduction. Free resource availability, and an absence of competitive selection pressure, by itself, is all that is necessary to fuel a rapid growth in the r-strategist cohort within a population.

In closing, it is impossible to deny that every aspect of political ideology revolves around the same fundamental issues of behavior that r/K selection theory revolves around. Although our species’ embrace of group competition has further molded these urges, this is the evolutionary foundation of ideology. It is where political ideology began. For that reason, no individual can ever fully understand political ideology or the forces which motivate it, absent a grasp of r/K Selection Theory."


Girls With Guns Member


r/K Theory - Almost all you ever needed to know about Liberals and Conservatives. EP 59


Published on Feb 24, 2014

Republicans would rather lose while playing by the rules, than to win by cheating.
Republicans are just wired that way. The Left are not.

The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics by Anonymous Conservative
("r" species vs "K" species)

Seriously. If you have not seen this already, DROP EVERYTHING and listen to it.

Bill Whittle, R/T 41:11

I know I have posted this here before, but I doubt everyone has seen it. And you should.

I read something over at RMN yesterday that reminds me of this. It's very similar in it's basic form. I'll take some snips out of it and see if it rings true to you.



INDIVIDUALISTS: (Patriots, Conservatives, Republicans) believe that an individual’s life belongs to the person, and that the person has an inalienable right to act according to his own judgment; the individual is sovereign, calls himself a FREEMAN or even an AMERICAN STATE NATIONAL and is the basic unit of moral concern. He is an end in himself, not the means to the ends of others. He is the "I AM"

COLLECTIVISTS: (Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, and Communists) is the "mental attitude" and/or racial drive or hive attitude that life and LIBERTY, and their assets belongs not to the person, but to the group or society of which he/she is only a part. The individual has no rights of her/his own and he/she must sacrifice her/his beliefs and goals for the “greater good” of the group. For collectivists, the group, not the individual, is the basic unit of moral concern.

Collectivists hate Christ and/or God and are always secretly Satanists. I need not supply proof, as you will see it in our schools and in our government.

Mentally they are BORGS ("Star Trek" race of hive mind beings) or just another hive BUG in the collective. He/She is the "WE ARE"

When you hear a Borg talk his BS or narrative on any subject, always remember what he is and you will see the collectivism show itself. Remember all HIVE minds are alike.

The mind of a collectivist is as foreign to us, as is the mind of a SOCIOPATH. To us, each individual life is valuable and sacred, but to a HIVE MIND, it is not. One or more lives are disposable at any time for whatever reason for the greater good of the hive. If you see a bug surrounded by INDIVIDUALISTS, he will suffer an agony in his mind, because their strength is weakened away from his fellow bugs.


When an illegal alien and/or psychopath kills an American "individualist", the hive protects and defends the illegal alien because the OPEN BORDERS AGENDA is for their greater good; in order to increase their numbers to create a GLOBAL HIVE or "New World Order". The Hive protects and defends the psychopath and blames (object) THE GUN for all crimes and yells for more GUN CONTROL!!!

The life of an innocent child and/or woman and/or decapitated person etc., is meaningless to the HIVE MIND, his Bleeding Heart Liberal agenda and duty is to the criminal, illegal alien or psychopath only. The collectivist agenda is his only concern!

It is my belief that God created sub-races in "mental states" within the greater race called HUMAN BEINGS. He created five sub-races - 1. Individualists 2. Psychopaths 3. Sociopaths 4. Homosexuals (of all types) and last are the 5. Collectivists - who have been part of the human race since time began. These sub-races of humankind come in all colors, races, religions, nationalities, and genders. Their minds have been foreign to each other and have been the cause of all man's inhumanity to each other because they are indeed sub-races of the human race.

All the "liberals" or "Progressives" in the Democratic Party and many in the Republican Party (R.I.N.O.s) are Collectivists. Being a common Democrat or homosexual is not the same as being a real Collectivist. These non-collectivists are socialist sympathizers because they knowingly, intentionally agree with the sociopathic socialist slow-kill genocidal depopulation agenda and are against the self-protection rights that we have.


However, you cannot defeat them, unless you know about their HIVE MINDS. To take back control of the world and/or our country, we need to remember who and what we are dealing with. Continue to study and research the Hive Mind and their sociopathic socialist depopulation agenda.

DO NOT FIGHT Against the Jews, Blacks, Common Unsuspecting Democrats, Foreigners, Homosexuals, Muslims, or Mexicans, because they are just innocent pawns in the collectivist game. The fight must be against the COLLECTIVISTS ONLY. They are THE REAL ENEMIES. Expose them, remove them from office and jobs, sue them, and learn how they think and we will be free of their hive mind agenda.
Peace can be brought to the world again, if you learn to expose the true enemy that has been hidden right in front of your eyes.
Few people know that real collectivists - as a group, are not more populous than Gays, Psychopaths and sociopaths; because any one these - greatly outnumber all the collectivists in the world. That is why they need their blacks, Mexicans, radical Muslims and deceived democrats to help get the amount of votes to control the world.

The collectivists are born in MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL vibration within their group, as if all were brothers and feel as they are a family. They instinctively know their brothers when they meet and that is their only strength. Separated they are the weakest emotionally and mentally of all human beings and the most dishonest bugs in the world. "Individualists" are like TIGERS and can survive and thrive alone; the collectivist can't prosper without his "HIVE".

The collectivists accuse every opponent to their New World Order Global Hive as being racist and xenophobic, reckless and dangerous. However, it is a fact that as a sub-race, they are haters of the majority of the world, and it is proven by their sociopathic socialist depopulation agenda.

Hive mind Collectivist Depopulation Agenda Proofs are many such as

GMO food
Artificial, synthetic or chemically produced NUTRIENTS
War on all things Natural

Collectivists are truly the enemies of the Human Race.


Membership Revoked
So, what is to be done?

HBD = Human BioDiversity. Refers to genetically-based differences in abilities and behaviors. Differing median IQs and time preferences between races would be a classic example. So would noting that in the same race, high/low IQ, criminality, etc., tend to run in families.


On Genteels

Posted by spandrell on January 25, 2013

"You know time differences suck when you see an interesting post such as this, but by the time you wake it already has tens of comments. As I’m late to participate in that thread I might just as well write a post of my own. The topic does merit a long one. I’ll try to play Arnold Kling on this one.

If there’s anything to the reactosphere, it is two pillars: HBD and evolutionary psychology. Both argue strongly against multiracial societies. The latter tells you that humans are tribal, and all societies work in the illusion that we are all part of the same tribe. The former that different tribes have become so different that there’s no way they can regard themselves as one tribe.

The realisation is very liberating, as you stop being confused about why different people behave differently. It changes your expectations and makes live so much more understandable. However when thinking on the big picture, HBD and evo-psy are extremely scary things to know. For, what is one to do with the minorities already present? It follows that they can never be integrated. Ever. It’s impossible. As impossible as people growing wings. It can’t happen.

The corollary of this is very scary, and that’s in my opinion the reason (or the overt reason, for I think there’s a covert and more important reason) for the extreme hostility it causes in liberals of all colors. Racism is evil because if it were true, it would be the cause of great evil. Because you would have to undo multiculturalism by separating people again. Nobody wants to do that. It’s messy. It’s nasty. Isn’t separation the official basis of evil for modern liberals? All these New-Age crap they put on movies about how “good is about connection” and “bad is about separation”? You can imagine how that makes me feel as an introvert.

Undoing multiculturalism is such a messy thing that not all reactionaries agree with it. It is an important disagreement. It also shows why there’s no “reactionary movement”, beyond a group of people who have found the pattern in the lies that the establishment is telling. In the end, as you can see at Foseti’s and Thrasymachus’ that, as it couldn’t be otherwise, the disagreement is being framed as class struggle.

If HBD were to go public, there’s three possible scenarios, and all have historical precedents.

1. Removal (Best case: the Greek-Turkish population exchange. Worst case: Yugoslavia, Rwanda.)

2. Separation (Best case: Chinese and Indians in Malaysia. Worst case: South Africa’s Bantustans.

3. Hierarchical integration. This is what Singapore does, and Rhodesia used to do.

As I was saying Removal and Separation are out of the question. They both require either war or a massive restructure of the state and society. It’s beyond messy. It’s pretty much unthinkable, and the mere argument is illegal and prosecutable in much of the developed world. Let’s call them both the nasty solutions.

Which takes us to the 3rd point. That’s the cool solution. Foseti has been arguing for Hierarchical Integration. Jim also has written something similar. I’m not aware of any specific arguments on this topic by Moldbug but I have many reasons to think he would be for it. The idea is that minorities make as much trouble as you allow them to do. Beyond any genetic proclivity to violence and disorder, there are ways of taming any group of people if you have a proper system set to the task. Another way of putting it would be that anyone can be made to work if the incentives are set right. That’s the lesson that Foseti takes from independent Rhodesia. And that’s also pretty much the lesson of Singapore. Lee Kuan Yew is hailed in the reactosphere not so much for his economic governance than for his much publicised argument on “in multicultural societies people vote for their tribe, so that’s why we don’t do democracy over here”. That sentence alone was what made him the hero of the HBD circles.

That sounded like an argument for separation, and the three nations of Singapore (Chinese, Malay and Indian) do tend to keep to themselves and generally live close-by to their own kin. There is little inter-marriage, which the government seriously discourages (think of how messy the statistics could get). Still most people would be surprised at the level of mingling that happens in Singapore. Now I’m no expert in Singapore’s ethnic policy, but I know what I’ve seen. Lots of work units are integrated, and you see the three peoples hanging out together quite often. The elites of each race mostly speak English as a common language, so they have lost their tribal identity. They look very civil and well adjusted. In short, Singapore is playing a complex game of carrot and stick, setting incentives to individuals from all tribes to assimilate not to the majority (Chinese) culture, but to the state (English) culture, through which they can get status and good money.

Foseti must have seen that and feel that hey, why can’t we do the same? Keep the low performing minorities tightly controlled, doing their stuff while sucking up the assimilable ones into our elites. It does produce a fairly pleasant environment without the traumas of removal or total separation. Blacks aren’t the issue, see Rhodesia was able to do the same thing with way more blacks than the US has.

For that he is called a Brahmin, a Cathedral sellout. The point is he’s too married to the system, which is why he argues for a cool solution. Nasty solutions are for people with nothing to lose. Who cares about total upheaval if you hate society? Hell, bring it on. But it’s hard to feel that way when you have kids and a nice job.

Anyway Psychoanalysis is just a sophisticated way of applying ad-hominems, and ideas should be taken at face value. Class struggle is coming back in force, and in the end all humans care about is status, so it’s hard to make friends across class lines. Words are being thrown around, such as Genteel reactionaries. Still, before starting again with false-consciousness and materialistic sociology I think we must look at the issues more closely.

Let me first disclaim than I am not a white nationalist. Not because I don’t think that the world would be better off with more whites and less of the others. I do yearn for the racial ratio of 1900. The thing is nationalism as a sociological phenomenon has some particular dynamics, and white nationalism is just not feasible. Ask hbdchick for details.

There are several arguments against Hierarchical integration. First is, even if different tribes they can be put to work with strong law enforcement and smart incentives, the fact is that in average they will always perform worse than whites. Which means that if you have anything like a free market, different tribal groups will end up doing working in different occupation ladders. Yes the right tips of the Bell Curve might integrate, but those are the sellouts. The mass of the tribe will become servants or doing cheap and unpleasant jobs. You will get a caste system, but without Hinduism to comfort you. That’s not stable.

The fact that Singapore pulls it off is simply because Indians and Malays psyche’s balance their notable inferiority towards the local Chinese with their outstanding superiority towards their tribal cousins in India and Malaysia. Low status sucks but it trumps deprivation. Also Singapore’s Chinese have basically dismantled their cultural heritage. The old overseas Chinese institutions were all destroyed methodically after the Civil War. The result was the creation of the ideal British colony, sans Brits. English is the national language, Mandarin is encouraged as useful for business, but most people are bad at it. It’s hardly a wonder that Singapore produces no culture whatsoever, in contrast to Hong Kong, a way nastier and messier place, but the centre of a huge music and cinema industries.

The Singaporean model of race relations, aka the cool solution is proposed as the adult counterpart to the nasty solutions. But in the end they are both the realization of HBD in the political sphere. And that has to be nasty by definition. HBD short-circuits the status assigning systems of any society. It kills wishful thinking, but it kills a lot more in the process. Genteels are deluded if they think that people can be made to be comfortable in their inferiority, and working-class people are deluded if they think that HBD stops at the race level. The taboo on HBD has as much to do with race as with the slippery slope that continues thereafter. I’ll write about that in a later post."
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Girls With Guns Member
Trump says a rising tide lifts all boats and they hate him for it.

Thanks for the thread MS. The graphic of the cityscape was very interesting.


I was viewing the video Dozdoats posted #6, and the second part included a graph describing the r/K strategy's.

Thought it was worth posting, granted it's not the actual graph, just my attempt to post it.

r Strategy

Aversion to competition
Low investment in single parent
Early sexual maturity and activity
Low loyalty to in-group

K strategy

Embrace of competition
Delayed, monogamous sexuality
High investment in dual parenting
Late sexual maturity and activity
High in-group loyalty​

Somehow I seem to find myself in both categories early in life, but I have to admit that I was definitely more r than K earlier, and now I think I'm considerably more K than r, as I have aged.




Membership Revoked
Related and interesting...


Links in original.

The only path for eugenics
Posted by spandrell on October 12, 2012

"The deep sense of crisis one gets after knowing of HBD [Human Biodiversity] comes in two flavors. Let’s call them macro and micro.

Macro is the danger of race replacement. Millions of migrants from sub-90 IQ populations have been moving massively into areas with super-100 IQ populations, namely the West. You don’t need to have a tribal allegiance to your people to feel very uncomfortable about that. For 20 years we have been hearing about how Eurabia will happen during this century, and there’s nothing we can do about it. Hell you don’t even have to understand HBD to feel very uncomfortable with the prospect.

Still there are indications that immigration is slowing, the migrants already in place have stopped breeding like rabbits, and the native populations are starting to get pissed with this whole thing about being replaced. The wonders of the economic downturn. Miscegenation has also never been very high, so the prospects of the effective disappearance of the white race don’t seem quite as certain. I used to get very worked out about all that, but recently I’ve reached the conclusion that it’s going to be ok. Whites aren’t going the way of the Romans or the Manchus.

But that doesn’t mean that everything is ok. We still have the micro crisis. And that’s not even close to being ok.

The micro demographic crisis is the differential birth rate between high IQ and low IQ, in all races. Remember the prologue of Idiocracy? Well that’s it. Smart people worldwide are having less children than average, and the dumbest and most dysfunctional people are pumping out kids like rodents thanks to generous welfare benefits. The consequences must be, of course, a general dumbing down of the population.

That’s a problem in all populations of all countries. Whites are getting dumber, Chinese are getting dumber, American Blacks are getting dumber, even Arabs are getting dumber. The fact that different peoples all over the world are experiencing the same problem means that it’s not about religion or culture. There’s something deep going on, and nobody knows how to fix it. Well in most places PC forbids people to even notice or care about the issue. But even Singapore is having trouble with it. See this article on how the uber-realist Singapore government is utterly incapable of getting smart people to have kids. And not for lack of trying.

But of course it’s not that hard to understand the reasons behind the differential birthrates. People are just obfuscated. Governments are basing their policies in supplementing couple’s income, when the dirt poor Afghans are having 7 kids per woman. It’s obviously not about money. It’s about hypergamy. Even the UN (!) admits as much. Smart women don’t have more children partly because they’re busy working, but mostly because they don’t want to. Not with a beta.

Giving women an education gives them money, status and independence, so they can follow their instincts more freely. And while not all of them are hell-bent on riding the alpha cock carrousel, it’s quite natural that they don’t want to settle down with an average chump. Let’s face it, most men suck. Even Mencken will tell you that. The average man is a mediocre animal. Of course the average woman isn’t all that cracked up either. But a college educated woman has spent 15 years of her life reading bullshit about how nice, pure, smart, and just plain awesome women are, and how they deserve everything they wish for. It’s not even their only fault, their friends and families pretty much enable them too, setting unrealistic standards for the men they should marry. Hell, I’m the voice of reason, yet I also think my sister’s boyfriend is an undeserving chump and she should try better. Settling with mediocrity is psychologically tasking.

It’s not about bitchy fatties voting themselves freedom to chase alpha tail. That might be the case in the US but the poor leftover Chinese women and Arab spinsters haven’t been riding anything at all. I once met a smart, outgoing, good looking Chinese lady who was a virgin at 31 (don’t ask me how I know). There’s nothing wrong with this people, they just have unrealistic standards about how life is supposed to be. A hundred years of romance novels, soap operas and romantic comedies of course don’t help. The sheer size of the bullshit broadcasting machine that has been running for the last decades makes it amazing that people still bother to marry and have children at all.

So you see, it’s quite obvious that dysgenics isn’t really caused by economics at all. It’s a lifestyle choice, a choice by women. And you can give them all the money you want, yet they won’t change that choice. It’s biologically determined. What you can do, though, is restrict the choices women can make. That works like a charm. In fact is has been working like a charm for millennia. And that’s what China has just started to do.

The New York Times reports how Chinese universities have just started to require higher test scores to women than to men for entrance. Well the report is not about that administrative fact, it’s about how many female students are angry and complaining about it. The article tries to be damning but the sheer reasonableness of the college administrators is just too overwhelming. Girls are encouraged not to go into careers like criminology, engineering or Arabic. Because experience says they won’t end up liking the jobs they would get. The government is encouraging students to think on the long term. The horror!

The second half of the article is a reminder of a fact that is being publicised heavily lately, that women are surpassing men as students and in some sectors of th economy. I won’t comment on the issue itself and its causes, as Roissy and many others have already done so pretty well. Still articles like that show how things that almost everybody agrees are good things, like meritocracy, can and in fact do become destructive when taken out of their proper context. So women get better test scores. Right. So they deserve status and access to the system. But why? What does “deserve” even mean? Why not think on the long term consequences of encouraging women to spend their most fertile years in competing with men?


Academia robbed us of our vaginas (Chink women protesting having to get higher test scores than men for admission to certain colleges and majors by publicly shaving their heads.)

Given that women are hypergamous, and there’s nothing we can do about that, it necessarily follows that the only way of encouraging reproduction is ceteris paribus giving less status to women than to men. Feminists talk often about the old stereotype of housewives chained to their kitchens, made to walk barefoot. Well that’s exactly the point. High IQ females by their own nature are annoying enough, and lack in many qualities that men seek after. Giving them status, therefore narrowing their mating pool, only makes the matters worse. It’s not fair of course, but that’s how life is. I understand life sucks for a smart but plain looking woman, who can tell unworthy men better than anyone else, but whom worthy man ignore because she lacks in what men really want (looks). But the solution is not to give her a high paying job or an academic loudspeaker so she can write feminist books and feel happy about herself. What we have to do is get her married early and get those nice smart genes into the next generation.

And the only way to do that is to restrict women’s access to education. Of course the new regulations in China are a tiny, infinitesimal step towards that goal. I hadn’t heard of the news before, but googling I found a chinese article from July, with the hilarious title: “The different entry scores for some college majors are suspected of being gender discrimination”. Suspected! No dear, they are the very definition of gender discrimination. It is interesting that it is China the first to officially discriminate against women. The Communist revolution also brought wholesale Soviet feminism into China, and women have more privileges and are a bigger part of the workforce than any other Asian country. I guess the unprecedented rise in women’s social status, plus the demographic crisis caused by selective abortion hasn’t gone unnoticed by the government. Chinese culture is obsessed with cognitive power, and IQ is widely (if not universally) understood to be genetic. The Shengnü* epidemic is a threat to the nation, so the government is timidly pushing for eugenics. The best and most effective eugenics policy. Let’s wish them luck."

*Shengnu = slender, mostly attractive young urban Chinese women self-hypergamied into spinsterdom.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
In another thread on banning children in restaurants I mentioned the possible return to civility in this country. FORGET IT!


Disaster Cat
Two points:

1. Having lived in the Deep South for ten years (and still having family there) I know that a major problem with infrastructure is a combination of historically having a feeling that whatever was built up would be torn down (goes back to the civil war) and the stranglehold on local services by a few wealthy families and their almost feudal minions (aka contractors, small businesses etc) - if a project didn't provide gain in some way, it simply would never be approved. This COMBINES with the natural human tendency in the article to do only what you have to today and not worry about tomorrow; mentioned in the article.

2. On the "problem" of women doing better than men in college and some career choices; sorry to be the messenger here but there are some fields like medicine that historical WERE the realm of women from the stone age wife treating her son's burns to the Viking Age Housefru stitching up her husband's wounds after battle (as well as having prepared all the family/farmstead medications as part of her daily tasks which included cooking, herb lore and brewing of alcohol).

While men can (and have) been very good doctors, the word on the street (or hospitals) is that in general; women make better doctors especially in specialties that deal directly with people like General Practitioner, Obstetrician or Geriatrics; both sexes do really well in some other fields and there are a few like surgery and pathology where men still dominate, although women are catching up (but notice that women really shine in the traditional medical roles they always had until about the 18th century that involve hands on care; men often shine in the areas of research or oncology where being able to keep a distance from patients who constantly die on you is critical.

Again this is a general observation (based on what my husband has related to me from his medical school - yell at them, not me please) but it makes perfect sense to me.

Trying to ban women from being doctors in this case would be extreme stupid; and as medical science (and insurance companies) are forcing hospitals and medical schools to stop the "boys club see how tough I can be by staying up for 36 hours on a shift" none sense that 20th century doctors endured during training more and more women are finding that they can become doctors when young; take some time off to have babies (working part time, my GP practice has two younger women doctors who have families and my GP who raised five somehow under the older system).

Those changes by the way did not occur in order for women to enter the work force, they changed because of lawsuits when patients died after young sleep deprived residents made horrific mistakes because biologically the human body is not designed to spend weeks and months doing 36 hour shifts and 100 weeks. Sure both men and women can do it for short periods of time like during war or crises; but done for several years - well lets just say I'd rather not be treated by a doctor on his or her feet for 30 hours without a break and working 14 hour days for the last two weeks.

That's how hospitals USED to treat young residents on both sides of the water for most of the 20th century and when insurance companies and judges first starting saying this had to change older doctors (mostly male) would say "but I survived it, I'm tough and they need to be too." Well maybe for combat medicine and even then they are forced to take leave in all but the most exceptional of circumstances (which eventually end either with relief or potentially heroic death on the part of the physician).

There are also indications that there are other fields that women do better than men (in general) and also fields in general where men may do better than women (in general) this probably a combination of genetics and culture.

My engineer roommate has reported being called to interviews in Ireland only to be told "there really is no job, we just wanted to see what a women engineer looks like." Now she has no interest in marriage or motherhood (but is a keen athlete and marshal artist) so a good career makes sense for her; she could also have been a math teacher but that would have involved a nurturing personality that unlike "many" women she simply doesn't have.

Which all points that people are individuals and not cookie cutters.....

Finally, so just where does my half-Chinese genius nephew fit in the "caste" system....hopefully he's going to develop Warp Drive or something; at the very least he may be a great businessman speaking both English and Chinese in this new century.


Membership Revoked
You couldn't be more wrong here, Melodi...

You said:
"Trying to ban women from being doctors in this case would be extreme[ly] stupid"

1) There are probably at least 3x as many fully-qualified applicants for medical schools in the U.S. as there are slots (although this is indeed declining), so the public good has NO need for women to become doctors at all!

2) Women who become M.D.s commonly will hypergamy themselves out of their realistic marital prospects (unless perhaps they can land another doctor, and not just ANY doctor, but a top-flying one) until their ova are rotting from age, and she holds her nose and "settles" for someone she doesn't feel is what she "deserves". Then, it's spend a quarter million U.S.$ in fertility clinic services to get maybe ONE kid, who will have (due to her ancient ova) a nontrivial chance of being "special needs". (That's PC for retarded/deaf/has Down's/partially physically-handicapped such as has trouble standing or walking for his entire life.)

3) Then, of course, she makes her husband's life a Hell, since she has NO attraction to him, deadbedding him, screwing around on him, then finally frivorcing him (playing the p*ssy card so she can soak him in divorce court, never mind she doesn't NEED his money at all).

4) So, either she has NO children (consigning her high-IQ genes to the same place the trilobites and T-Rexes ended up), or she quits to raise her kid, often NEVER going back to work as a doc, or only (once he's in school) doing so PT or just 8-3 M-F. That is NOT a good use of the million-plus of tax subsidies that went into her training.

5) Conversely, had a MAN taken the med school slot she swiped, not only would he have most likely had a long career (fully paying back the taxes spent on his training), especially in critical fields like surgery and ER doc that the chick docs try to avoid working in. He also would have most likely used his high income to form and support a family (of replacement size, easily, if so inclined).


From http://www.angryharry.com/esIstheTrainingofWomenDoctorsAWaste.htm
(A Brit about women docs screwing up the NHS)

Is the Training of Women Doctors A Waste of Money?

UK GP shortage to worsen as young doctors switch to part-time work.

June 2003 "More than half of all students taking up scarce places at medical school are women - yet, after 10 years, 60 per cent of them have given up, leaving a huge hole in the NHS. The same goes for teaching. Alice Thomson -

September 2012 - Rising numbers of women doctors working part time present a “huge risk” to the NHS, the General Medical Council is warning, with hospitals potentially having to employ many more foreign-trained medics to plug gaps.

January 2014 Although I am a feminist — in the NHS hospital in which I work as a surgeon, some of the best doctors are women — this shift of the gender balance in medicine is a worrying trend. Professor J Thomas

I believe it is creating serious workforce problems, and has profound implications for the way the NHS works.


The continuing deterioration of the National Health Service despite the enormous extra sums of money being put into it by the taxpayer is largely thanks to the training of more and more women to become doctors in the place of men.

the requirement to give women 'equal opportunities' ... is leading to far worse conditions and shortfalls in the NHS

In areas such as medicine, the requirement to give women 'equal opportunities' by demanding that medical schools try to train as many women as they do men to become doctors is leading to far worse conditions and shortfalls in the NHS - a service that is already failing the country abysmally.

The fact that so many of these women doctors will take out years from their profession in order to have children and to look after them (with some never returning) is a major drain on a system that is already unable to cope.

In theory, it sounds great to have as many women doctors working in the NHS as men. In practice, however, the consequence is that EVERYONE has to wait a good deal longer to be dealt with, and the entire service is considerably less efficient.

And with waiting lists already far too long even for urgent surgical operations, the price for this 'equality' is rather high. And it costs some people their health and some people their lives.

Most people have a great deal of sympathy with the view that women should be permitted to become doctors working for the NHS if they have the requisite abilities - even if they do log out of the system to bring up families. But there is a price to be paid. In the case of the NHS, everyone who uses it pays a price - particularly the old, the young, the weak, the vulnerable and the sick.

In fact, the most needy of all pay the price!

And these are mostly women.

many times more women are negatively affected by an impoverished NHS than there are women doctors.

Indeed, many times more women are negatively affected by an impoverished NHS than there are women doctors.

Indeed, all women are affected by this.

Further, of course, all of us will need medical treatment at some stage in our lives, and so all of us will suffer from the adverse effects of an NHS that is greatly diminished by the low long-term career aspirations of a relatively small number of women.

[January 2014 - UK citizens will now be aware that tens of thousands of people are known to have died over the years - with thousands more having received appalling treatment - because of the serious shortcomings that have arisen in the NHS over the past three decades.]

Furthermore, the training of doctors is a very expensive business that stretches well beyond the five years that students spend at medical school. And with 60% of women doctors giving up their careers within ten years, the training of women to become doctors is largely a waste of taxpayers' money.

Moreover, the country loses the potential talents of all those young men who would have embarked upon long-term careers in medicine were it not for the fact that women were taking up the places at medical schools.

And, of course, as with all the major professions, experience is just about everything. And so when women doctors in the NHS give up their careers after a few years of work, the country is denied the services of men doctors who would actually have had the same period of experience.

And who would then have gone on to get even more experience.

In other words, these future highly-experienced doctors are lost forever.

In summary, the training of women to become doctors significantly degrades the health system. It harms the most needy of people the most. It negatively impacts on all of us. It is a waste of taxpayers' money. And it persistently deprives the country of a large number of highly experienced doctors.

But that's feminism for you.

As in so many other areas, it has a huge cost.

And why do we inflict this huge cost upon the nation?

We do this so that a few thousand women can benefit from having a career in medicine

We do this so that a few thousand women can benefit from having a career in medicine, with most of them choosing to abandon it for something more to their liking.

What is the solution? Do we stop women from becoming doctors by giving all the limited number of places at medical schools to men?

Well, the purpose of this article was not to provide a particular solution to this problem, but to point out that this is yet another area where feminism extracts a very large price from just about everyone for the benefit of a few women. This needs to be pointed out rather than swept under the carpet.

Indeed, this ideology puts more importance on the career aspirations of a few thousand women than it does on the health of the entire nation; including the health of our children!

this issue also highlights the impossibility of achieving the 'gender equity'

Furthermore, this issue also highlights the impossibility of achieving the 'gender equity' so often loudly espoused by current-day feminists with rarely a thought to what it might actually mean. The phrase 'gender equity' is virtually meaningless.

For example, how, exactly, does one achieve 'gender equity' with regard to the training of women doctors?

Do we force women doctors to stay at their posts so that the gender balance of highly-experienced doctors remains the same throughout the decades?

Would this achieve 'gender equity'?

No. It would not. And there would be permanent public outrage orchestrated by the feminists on the grounds of sex-discrimination.

Do we train twice as many women doctors as men

Do we train twice as many women doctors as men in medical schools to allow for the fact that half of the women will drop out - on the grounds that unless we do this women will not have access to the same number of experienced women doctors as men have to men doctors?

Would this achieve 'gender equity'?

No. It would not. Such a solution would clearly discriminate very heavily against talented young men who wanted to go to medical school. And it would result in the most enormous waste of taxpayers money and a diversion of scarce educational resources toward the very group of people - women - most likely to squander them, with the negative consequences being worst for the most sick and the most vulnerable people in our society.

So. What 'equitable' solutions to this particular problem of women doctors choosing to quit the medical profession would 'gender equity' feminists actually propose?

And what do we do about the feminist mullahs and their media lackeys who continue stirring up hatred toward men by blaming them for the fact that relatively few women eventually reach high office in the world of medicine despite the case being that it is clearly the women themselves who, statistically speaking, have little interest in achieving high office?

Forty years ago, those who interviewed students who wanted places at medical schools used to grill them very aggressively with questions designed to find out how likely they were to stick with the profession once they had qualified. They did not want to expend their scarce resources training people who were going to end up wasting them.

Nowadays, however, no expense is spared in order to pander to the selfish desires of a few women, no matter how detrimental these desires may be to the lives of everyone else.


UK Crippling Africa's Healthcare Many doctors overseas apply to work in the UK each year The UK is crippling sub-Saharan Africa's healthcare system by poaching its staff, UK doctors have warned.

we actually have to poach doctors from some very impoverished parts of the world

Yep; we actually have to poach doctors from some very impoverished parts of the world because 60% of our own women doctors give up their jobs within ten years, with a further huge percentage only willing to work part time.

Despite the appalling problems that this causes to our health service and, as indicated above, also to those impoverished people who live in countries that cannot afford to lose their doctors to us, we, in the UK, will continue to waste our precious medical resources training annually a few thousand women who wish to play around at being doctors for a short number of years.

And we will continue to do this because nothing, absolutely nothing, must stand in the way of even a small number of women doing whatever they want to do, no matter how much is the cost to everyone else.

The scale of the influx of foreign doctors and nurses into the British health service has been disclosed. It shows that nearly 190,000 doctors and nurses have come to the country from outside the EU in just eight years. ...

Bleeding Africa Dry"
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Membership Revoked

Previously posted.

"A woman can be a neurosurgeon – or a mother (pick one): Age 22-23, she just received a Science B.S. degree, nearly essential for successful admission to medical school. (Most hard-science and engineering degrees take five years, not four.) Add a possible year for getting into medical school; that’s somewhere between ages 22-25 on entrance. Officially it takes four years to pass medical school, but many medical students have to repeat a year; her age would then be between 26-30 years old on graduation. Add in the 7 (yes, seven) years that is standard length for a neurosurgery residency (of over 100-hour work weeks, including at least two 36-hour shifts of continuous work, sometimes nearly 48 hours straight, practically every week), but note that many residents have to repeat a year of their residency; that’s age 33 best case/ age 38 worst case when she truly gets started in her field (out of school, and making more than near minimum wage).

Now, she probably has close to a quarter million dollars of student debt, while she’s been a poster child for deferral of gratification the past 10-15 years. Oh, sure, she’s going to want to work in her field a while before she tries to have a family (else, what was the point to all that work and self-denial for so long, and meanwhile there’s that >$200,000.00 student loan debt hanging over her head), despite the awkward fact that 90-95% of her fertility is already irretrievably behind her before she finishes her residency, having silently slipped away during all those years of arduous study. She very probably has no husband yet, either; when would she have found the time to meet one, or do anything to meet his needs so as to keep one?

This is a classic example of why I note that the typical (if usually completely unintended) result for women of schooling beyond the bachelor’s level (especially before age 30) is “Master’s = not much of a family, and Doctorate = no family”. (I also call this “live like a man does, expect to give birth to as many children as a man does”). Much better planning would be for her to bear all her children during her twenties, and then go back to school in her forties, if she truly wishes to do so. As at that point in her life, she may decide she prefers instead to spend time with her husband and/or grandchildren, her choosing to go back to school may well not ever happen, to be sure.”
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Preferred pronouns: dude/bro
The reason African americans pee everywhere at MARTA is because the geniuses in charge of Marta in Atlanta CLOSED the bathrooms. Last time I checked, even white people have to go to the bathroom. If the bathrooms are closed, where are you supposed to go?


Preferred pronouns: dude/bro
This is an older article, but is relevant to the conversation.


ATLANTA, Ga. - Some East Point business owners say MARTA customers are constantly coming into their stores asking to use their restrooms because the MARTA station bathrooms are closed.

In one case, a woman couldn’t hold it and actually went to the bathroom on the store floor. At least one business owner is now telling MARTA enough is enough.

“It’s a very sad situation because these people come in out of desperation,” said Richard Ramey, who owns the East Point Flower Cottage.

Ramey has been an East Point business owner for more than 25 years, and he says MARTA’s restroom problems are now becoming his problem.

“I don’t have a public restroom, and trying to accommodate them is a burden on my business. It’s hard for me to say no,” said Ramey.

While Ramey says he hasn’t said no, he says it still leads to serious issues.

“We had one lady who went in there and she overdosed on something, so I had call police to come get her out,” said Ramey.

Ramey says another woman couldn’t make to his toilet in the back after running across the street from the East Point Marta Station.

“She was saying she needed a restroom right now, and she didn’t make it. It was right in my showroom floor. It was humiliating for her. I felt really bad for her. I really did,” said Ramey.

Some of business owners say they have seen MARTA customers run from the station over to nearby bushes so that they can go to the bathroom.

Channel 2’s Craig Lucie asked a MARTA rider if he had run into bathroom problems at MARTA stations.

“I have this morning, as a matter fact. I take water pills and use the bathroom frequently sometimes, so going back and forth on the train is very uncomfortable,” said Charles Thompson.

A customer shared a picture on Facebook that shows signs in the MARTA elevators that say they are "armed with a urine detection device."

When Channel 2 Action News contacted MARTA, it sent this statement:

"Unlike most major transit systems, MARTA has a total of 13 restrooms open for our customers at the end-of-line rail stations and major transfer points. A number of remaining restrooms were closed several years ago for staffing and budgetary reasons, including East Point. To enhance comfort and convenience, MARTA is now exploring new technology to make more restrooms available to customers in the near future.”