
  1. MinnesotaSmith

    POL Why everything is crumbling and why you're broke - 2 news items

    These articles ultimately show IMO some hidden costs of how the U.S. absolutely just cannot afford diversities/3rd Worlders on its soil, at all, not and keep things like paved roads and electricity. No matter how long they've been here or how pitiful their story, they have to not be living...
  2. H

    OP-ED Why U.S. Infrastructure Costs So Much

    Hummm......... For links see article source..... Posted for fair use..... Transportation Why U.S. Infrastructure Costs So Much April 8, 2016 11:35 AM EST By Justin Fox The U.S. ought to be spending more on...
  3. Border Collie

    COMM FBI Admits 11 Attacks Against Internet, Power Grid Lines In California This Year

    Original (with video): The FBI is investigating string of attacks against the Internet backbone in California, including one early Tuesday morning. Trevor Hughes/USA TODAY The FBI is investigating at least 11...