EBOLA What's your personal line in the sand re: Ebola?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
This ebola thing cuts across so many other issues. It hits on: medical, health, political, economical, international relations, financial. If it continues its mathematical growth rate, it is more likely to experience mutation. If it mutates into an airborne form, we will see millions of people getting wiped out like tall grass in a drought.
you'll find out about the imposed martial law long before you ever get the correct info about a US pandemic .... look for the hints and rumors .... national guard being activated, Homeland Security at the hospitals, FEMA moving supplies, internet and media disruptions, VIPs changing schedules & canceling event appearances, ect ect

I.e. what TPTB DO, not what they SAY...


Veteran Member
The problem is this:


And THAT kiddies, is the $64,000 question....

I don't know if the MSM will just bow down, partly because this is something that they can't stop from coming to their own neighborhoods. Plenty of MSMs love living in high density places like NYC, DC, etc. where it could spread very easily. I read an article where one of the biggest fans of Big Gov, especially liberal/progressive government, Chris Mathews, was going off on some Obama lackey. Even if the MSM doesn't report, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etc. will provide plenty of information to the masses about what is really happening.


Contributing Member
Pressure washing the Ebola Guy's vomit off the walk at the apartments in Dallas And not collecting the sheets/towels and such till today was close to my line...... Anyone with any faith in the government to "take care of you" after this debacle is nuts....


TB Fanatic
When it comes to my city.

Oh wait,!!! I live in Dallas and work 3 blocks from the Presbyterian Hospital and across the street from EMT station 37!

Everyone was at work Wednesday morning. I had to be there or else. I took a day of vacation today, have to go in tomorrow. No one was wearing masks or gloves.

So, when it hits you may have to change your mind or go broke. It sounds great, but the reality is you do as you are told or lose your job, house, car and future. Jobs don't come easy.

So, good luck with that. Tell me how it works for you.

What a coincidence, that is exactly what Thomas Eric Duncan said.


I hate being somewhat at the mercy of mainstream media. But here is my paranoid criteria. I’m currently at Blue.

Confirmed in USA - level Blue (general risk)
Confirmed in another state - level yellow (significant risk)
My state - level orange (high risk)
Neighboring county - level red (severe risk)
My town - shelter in place (prepped, locked and loaded)


Veteran Member
I was curious, and asked on facebook what people's thoughts about Ebola were... and one person's response was "Don't borrow trouble". :rolleyes: Seriously.

Can we say "head in the sand"....
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Has No Life - Lives on TB
The problem with waiting until it hits your town is that you have been in contact with unknown people over the previous 2-3 weeks who could have infected you. You need more proactive means to figure on removing yourself from public.

All of us should be at the minimal contact stage right now. This means you consider all object touched by another human within the past few days as potentially dangerous. Think about how many people and things you contact. It is really scary. I violated that rule numerous times in one business meeting.

The problem will be that if this threat takes off- whether by mistake or malicious intent, it will already be in circulation before we know. Once we have actionable warning, we are already late.


Veteran Member
went out today to fill in some holes. Kids were with me...if one of us gets it we'll all have it. We put some new rules in place though. Hands must be in your pockets or arms crossed, beefed up hand sanitizer used when back at truck before entering. NO public restrooms, either hold it till we get home or there's always an empty water bottle in the truck. Homemade clorox wipes are being made now to clean anything we do have to touch. Once it hits Charlotte though we won't be leaving the homefront. We rarely get sick other than some allergy issues when fall comes. We eat simply but good so I"m praying our immune systems are strong enough to fight it off if we come in contact.


Veteran Member
I'm not going to be overly concerned until we start having ebola victims who have never been to Africa.


Veteran Member
So glad to see such proactive measures, ginnie6........your kids won't be collatoral damage...........IMO....all parents must take active cautionary steps while it still counts..........once the virus is loosed.......how can it be called back??

Some of my folks are DGI'S.............hope this changes................


Veteran Member
heck of an idea.

alaska, here we come!

Alaska does not have a deep medical and hospital foundation. A lot of places here, you have to fly out of wherever home is and go to one of very few big centers- two hospitals in Anchorage. For many things, you have to fly to Seattle. Additionally, there is not a lot of food stock here, since much is barged up once or twice a month. How do you plan to get up the AlCan highway in winter with a semi loaded with food, and another with your stuff? Doesn't sound like fun to me!


I'm keeping a close watch on what's happening in Dallas, but also some of the other 'suspected' cases too. My area see a LOT of Texas tourism, quite a few properties owned by Texans that are used for their seasonal recreational needs, but would also serve as their bug outs. IF I see them lighting up/filling up with their owners like they could be becoming their permanent bug out get away, that's it, gate is closed. Since so many Texans come and go here it is going to be difficult to decide the when part, and if there appears to be a broader area involved with quarantines, etc in Texas, I might make that choice sooner than later. Also, if the other serious disease problems like the respiratory stuff starts hitting in my area, that too could be a game changer.


Mama Ten Bears

Veteran Member
I was curious, and asked on facebook what people's thoughts about Ebola were... and one person's response was "Don't borrow trouble". :rolleyes: Seriously.

Can we say "head in the sand"....

That has been the reaction here in DFW. People are toeing the CDC line and truly believe that they are not at risk yet. :screw:

I see no masks or gloves even.

My personal stance at the moment is work and school only. Well, my daughter swims, but she's basically bathing in a chlorine bath. No restaurants. No grocery stores. Nothing. The night the news was announced, I made a final prep run.

She and I have started not touching anything outside of the home unless we have doused our hands with hand sanitizer first and it is still liquid.


At what point will you self-quarantine against the Ebola virus? When "x" # of patients become infected in the United States, "x" # become infected in your state, or "x" # in your town?

Just curious what others are thinking...

100 miles. Orlando, Tampa, Fort Myers (actually 50 from me) and I'm shutting it down. The boss can kiss my ass because there is no job worth my life....

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
what is interesting to me is that Nigeria seems to have put a lid on ebola getting out of control since Patrick Sawyer arrived and died of it there in Lagos in July. that suggests that it is possible that they MIGHT get this instance controlled also. however,

if they don't shut down the airlines from Africa AND Europe NOW, this will just keep happening, and eventually, it WILL get out of control, most likely in the poorer sections of cities, but from their, via drugs and prostitutes, it will spread far and wide.

the next few weeks will have all of us glued to the latest news, but it really will be 3 weeks from about now before we have any idea whether Duncan's contacts have been truly infected. after that, if the news gets out that they were, then there remains the possibility that the CDC hasn't found all of his contacts and then the national paranoia will really amp up.

so in a nutshell, we have about 3 weeks to prep before general chaos might break out...


TB Fanatic
what is interesting to me is that Nigeria seems to have put a lid on ebola getting out of control since Patrick Sawyer arrived and died of it there in Lagos in July. that suggests that it is possible that they MIGHT get this instance controlled also. however,

if they don't shut down the airlines from Africa AND Europe NOW, this will just keep happening, and eventually, it WILL get out of control, most likely in the poorer sections of cities, but from their, via drugs and prostitutes, it will spread far and wide.

the next few weeks will have all of us glued to the latest news, but it really will be 3 weeks from about now before we have any idea whether Duncan's contacts have been truly infected. after that, if the news gets out that they were, then there remains the possibility that the CDC hasn't found all of his contacts and then the national paranoia will really amp up.

so in a nutshell, we have about 3 weeks to prep before general chaos might break out...

Patient zero handled his landlords pregnant daughter to and from hospital on the 15th. Patient zero started showing symptoms on the 24th. That is 9 days.
Nine days from the 24th is Oct 3. tomorrow. Sunday is Oct 5. 11days from the 24th.
I expect to see additional confirmed sources this weekend. Maybe we should start a lottery


Veteran Member
This is the real issue. I get the feeling a lot of people think it will be a one-time crisis that sweeps over the country and then goes away. I really don't think it's going to be that easy. I think we're going to be looking at scattered outbreaks that pop up in various places for years. If it goes into the animal population, it will never really go away.

Common sense precautions of avoiding crowds, sick people, etc. (like the flu) are good, but if this gets widespread I see two outcomes: 1) An effective vaccine/treatment is developed, or 2) anyone without a natural resistance to it dies off over the next decade.

The Spanish Flu of 1918 hit in three waves. The first wave (March 1918) was not very fatal. At Fort Riley, KS, 1127 soldiers became ill and only 46 died.

The second wave (late August 1918 - October 1918) is the one that made the news. Five percent of the earth's population died.

The third wave, several weeks later, was not as lethal as the second, but much worse than the first.

And then it was over.

For those who intend to "quarantine in place," you might have quite a wait. :/

Wise Owl

We have been in a light contact with outer world for some time now with the exception of my stroke last fall screwing things up a bit. But both of us are back to minimal outside stuff again. Most of our bills can be paid electronically at this point. SS is electronic to the bank. If we shut off the movies from Netflix in the mail, I don't need to even do the PO.
If it gets bad people will go out and shoot a moose or deer.

I use wipes before entering the grocery store and again when I leave taking that wipe to the car with me. I wipe down stuff at home that was bagged. Wash surfaces and items down after unbagging.
If you are careful, this can be done until full quarantine time. Luckily we are retired. And already bugged out. Tucked back in the woods and the keep out signs will go up when it's time. Just need to figure out when that time is.


Contributing Member
My DH works in a hospital, although he is not a healthcare worker. Nothing has been said at work about wearing PPE when working in patients rooms or in the ER. He thinks I'm totally paranoid. My youngest daughter is homeschooled, but she starts competition training next week, which is 15 hrs a week close contact with other kids. My older daughter lives at home and goes to a local college, my younger son is in college 600 miles away and my oldest is headed back to China in three months for a year long job as a kindergarten teacher. I don't know how to accomplish SIP with the obstacles in front of me. I can pull my little one out of competition but my three oldest will be hard to convince to stay home. My DH will go to work because he will be fired if he doesn't.


Veteran Member
The problem is this:


Maybe keeping tabs on absentees in local schools would give you an idea about the situation worsening. Best way for that is to have a friend in education. Second best is having a friend who has a child in school. Elementary age kids would probably the first indicator as most of them rely upon parents to get them to and from school. If their parents are sick, more than likely they will miss. If the kids are sick, there will be more than normal absenteeism.


Since 2001
I'll be concerned when healthy people get ebola.

Healthy = strong immune systems; never get colds or 'flu's'. People who KNOW how to be healthy, practice immune system building and have a track record of being sickness free as a result. That takes 99 out of 100 away. If not more.

Ebola = tested and verified with a legitimate test (not the garbage protocol they're using now). That takes 90% - 95% of the 'ebola' cases away.

That leaves healthy people ACTUALLY getting ebola. Then, I'll get concerned. And not until.

Fred's Horseradish

Membership Revoked
Somehow, I am unconvinced it's paranoia. If you want to see real paranoia, I suggest surfing over to GLP or ATS. Those sites can provide you with something to compare against...

This thing happened in the low class of Africa, Obama isn't doing it to us. I realize it may wipe out a lot of people.


Geezer (ret.)
I already practice a "soft" quarantine of sorts. Other than work and the once a week grocery run, I am always at home out in the boonies away from the city. Should confirmed cases start popping up around Austin, I will be going to a more restrictive level of quarantine. I will wait and see what happens next and act accordingly. Worst case, I go into TOTAL LOCK-DOWN mode and sweat it out like everyone else. :eek:

Kris Gandillon

The Other Curmudgeon
I'm not going to be overly concerned until we start having ebola victims who have never been to Africa.

You will likely see that within 1 to 2 weeks in Dallas...but you may not know it for 3-4 weeks because the local hospitals will ask them if they have ever been to Africa and they will say no and get sent home with some antibiotics until they get so bad they have to call the ambulance and get delivered back to the hospital where they will finally recognize they have Ebola.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
In the summer I have a lot of contact with people through sales at the farmer's market, and the fruitstand and u-pick. But that's outside, and the sunlight kills Ebola. The problem is that my summer job is coming to a close to be replaced by my winter job - substitute teaching. This exposes me to every plague in every school, but it pays the bills until strawberries and plant sales start in the spring.

Luckily, I jettisoned the more ethnic district that I subbed for last year and replaced it with a less ethnic and closer district. Yes, that sounds racist. But it's not about the children, it's about the politically correct garbage and racism against white English speaking people that I gave up fighting. I personally think this will work in my favor as far as Ebola goes, at least it should give me a couple extra days notice. Farm kids in a rural district will simple have less Ebola than what I would have been dealing with in the other district.

I wish that some money would magically fall into my lap and I could finalize my preps and draw in the drawbridge.


Veteran Member
The problem is that my summer job is coming to a close to be replaced by my winter job - substitute teaching. This exposes me to every plague in every school, but it pays the bills until strawberries and plant sales start in the spring.

Luckily, I jettisoned the more ethnic district that I subbed for last year and replaced it with a less ethnic and closer district. Yes, that sounds racist. But it's not about the children, it's about the politically correct garbage and racism against white English speaking people that I gave up fighting. I personally think this will work in my favor as far as Ebola goes, at least it should give me a couple extra days notice. Farm kids in a rural district will simple have less Ebola than what I would have been dealing with in the other district.

I wish that some money would magically fall into my lap and I could finalize my preps and draw in the drawbridge.

I'm a teacher in public school. I keep thieves oil in a glass spray bottle in my desk, and spray throughout the day. In my subject area, I teach approximately 750 students per week. So far, the thieves oil spray is working.
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Veteran Member
You will likely see that within 1 to 2 weeks in Dallas...but you may not know it for 3-4 weeks because the local hospitals will ask them if they have ever been to Africa and they will say no and get sent home with some antibiotics until they get so bad they have to call the ambulance and get delivered back to the hospital where they will finally recognize they have Ebola.

Since I live in Dallas I guess I'll find out soon enough. I guess I can be kinda thankful that I'm unemployed at the moment and don't get out much.

Ben Sunday

I'm taking this on a day by day basis like a few other folks here. Learned my lesson that high anxiety (red line?) is destructive to health and well being. My views and plans incorporate a little restraint because of that.

I would probably settle in if one or more verified cases in New Haven and-or Waterbury appear. However, life is always subject to change and that might apply to any decision making in this case.

Preps are on stand-by, as always.


Goodness before greatness.
My personal line in the sand:

Tonight I brought up the subject matter of Ebola before the wife, and her niece. Her son a few months off his 21st birthday is as elusive as can be if the subject matter doesn't include me filling his gas tank for his three day sleep-over at his girlfriends house. Everyone wants to avert not only the subject matter, but eye contact in conversation.

So tonight I pegged the niece who had that silly giddy look staring into the I-Phone engaged in what appeared to be a thumb wrestling match on the glowing screen. Sitting in the bar stool area, she was cornered for conversation:

Q: 'So, did you read any of the links I sent you from the CDC regarding the E-virus?'

A: "No"

Q: 'Why not?'

As her eyes shift to the side breaking contact with mine she awaits her matriarchal raised Auntie to save her from further probing. It doesn't work for me and I ask her to quit being defensive, look me in the eye and continue our conversation regarding her plans to fly round trip late December from LAX out of country round trip.

Before I can get a straight answer she darts her eyes like she attempting to avoid me in total seeking out the matriarchal life preserver from auntie who is now jumping my frame over the one direct question I put to niece'ie in over 18 months living under our roof.

Five hours later I return home from a late afternoon of chores and figure I will offer up web-links, raw data, and lastly CDC warnings from early August thus year; as you see double-talk can be vetted as things progress.

Girl's just wanna be lied to:

Instead of reading the CDC's valid early on info when we had ZERO-Cases of Ebola in CONUS in August; they prefer to grasp any piece of re-spun or inconclusive information tossed out by BIG-BROADCAST on the Flat Screen by today's latest talking head.

Hey, the commitment of the matriarchal raised loved one has a bit of a problem with the cool hand on the helm type of persona who attempts to inspire others around him to reason through the bu//$#!+ being served up luke warm on the flat screen.

Based on my experience in the last 24 hours attempting to have a normal conversation with adult aged people... My line in the sand becomes the inability of others to contemplate, let alone cope with the potential problem of protocols vs. vector. Outside of a spray bleach bottle, a pair of gloves in the house, and wipe your feet, that's as far as they are wired to go.


Molon Labe!
I have no line.....wait-I'm on the front line I guess.

Everyone's coming in sick, coughing in my face, they wont wear masks when asked to etc, etc, etc.

I'll just have to trust in the Lord.



Veteran Member
I have no line.....wait-I'm on the front line I guess.

Everyone's coming in sick, coughing in my face, they wont wear masks when asked to etc, etc, etc.

I'll just have to trust in the Lord.


Yeah, I know you are on the front lines BFC. So do you intend to stick it out?


Goodness before greatness.
I have no line.....wait-I'm on the front line I guess.

Everyone's coming in sick, coughing in my face, they wont wear masks when asked to etc, etc, etc.

I'll just have to trust in the Lord.


It's easier to walk off a job than away from three stubborn lemmings who need you. The Rose colored nonsense under my roof will be allowed a time line. That line is out there though.

Deep Blue Dragon

Senior Member
It's getting kind of close for me... we are ~300 miles from Dallas. The BOL is pretty well stocked with human food/meds, but this weekend I am going to load up with several months worth of dog/cat/chicken/goat feed. If we end up "socially isolating" out there (20 miles from town) most of the livestock can at least partially live off the land to stretch out the feed (i.e., rabbits, goats and poultry), and we can live off them. A few years ago I began to focus preps less on storing food and more on producing it.

One goat is in milk now and I plan to re-breed the other does soon. Four broilers are mature and 10 more are 3 weeks old. There are about 2 dozen laying hens plus a few roosters, and about 10 laying ducks plus a few drakes. Also about 10 turkeys (that will mature at Thanksgiving). I recently added some new incubators/brooders as we would step up the breeding for the flocks (and herd as well). There are also several established garden plots with the Fall gardens well underway. Hundreds of gallons of stored water and a pond.

The hard part will be deciding when to get out of Dodge (i.e., walk away from the job [college teaching]). For now, the 2-minute warning will be Dallas cases who have not traveled to Africa, but the final straw will be a case in our county.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
L.A.B. - I know what you are talking about. The female mind (at least most I have experienced) just does NOT want to hear about this stuff. It has to get critical and in their faces threatening before they listen. I have been working on it for years and I get the old hand wave routine... and then "we have to live our lives" blow off. I usually say- fine, but when this or that happens... here is what I will do and not do for you and here is how YOU will suffer for it. I make it clear that when they go off on their own, it is outside my realm of protection and assistance. And if they bring home some horrible disease, they will not be in my house.

Which reminds me... we have a "tree house" structure that can serve as a crude shelter for quarantined people. Could easily handle 6. Need to get some windows in it.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
It's very hard to understand why restrictions have not been placed on persons trying to travel out of the hot zone. IMO it's criminal not to do so, and if this disease grains a serious foothold in North America, then heads should seriously roll.

I suspect that eventually the pol's that allowed this to happen will be hunted down like the French hunted down collaborators.