ALERT What to expect in the first days of the Biden Democracy


Isa:54:16: Behold, I have created the smith
In the first days the Biden machine (Harris administration) will act to suppress free speech as never before seen. "Unqualified" sources will be prompltly eliminated including primarily internet based sources. We will all hear how the purge is for the benefit of the democracy, and that the deleted systems were spreading fake news, and intentional misinformation. This will not affect Google, Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.
This will affect US.

Get ready. Print what you need or buy hardcover references. Download to USB or SD media.
Because one morning you'll wake up, go to your favorite website and this is what you'll see:



Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
A good and timely warning, Mr. Smith. I've collected hard copies of tomes like Animal Farm, 1984, and the like, as well as Bibles and older civics text books, with copies of the constitution in them.


Res ipsa loquitur
the joe and HO show will roll out an EPIC FF involving full auto evil black rifles and white supremacists in short order likely by memorial day.


Dot Collector

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
Right now Trump is the only restraing force on these deplorables the Marxist demoncrats hate so much. If Trump is booted, then the natural forces of entropy will no longer be restrained. States will start to, like Mississipi has simply done to ignore biden et al. Harris et al are COASTAL ELITE powers only. The military will also collapse into ideological chunks. Who will believe faux or cbs at that point? I remember that Y2K sig 20 years ago. : "The violence needed to create a civilization is nothing compared to the violence released when one collapses." The USA, such as it is will go tactical around 1-20-2021 if Biden Harris is sworn in. Biden certainly won't be walking down Pennsylvania Ave like Carter did.


Saved, to glorify God.
Well, the Democrats CANNOT have BOTH. NO POLICE and still demand the public be disarmed! THAT would make our politicians servants of, only benefitting, only defending and protecting, the criminals, thugs, rapists, and murderers, serving up the law abiding to them for defenseless victims!
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Veteran Member
Plantation Politics have been brought to the middle class by the Democrats in an effort to complete the enslavement the people of America. Through the use of excessive taxation and regulation which is made everyone dependent upon the federal government.

Covid restrictions will destroy what's left of the small businesses owned by capitalists, this will leave only the large Mega Corporations in charge of production and services, and that will complete, the Socialist takeover. All news will be controlled at this level.
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Kathy in FL

Hubby is convinced regardless of who is president, the civil war will arrive within four years. I don't disagree that the probability is fairly high. We are preparing either way. It is just another form of insurance. But we are also preparing for the crap to just keep rolling along.

They really don't have a lot to gain by starting a war. There will be a ton die on their side just like ours. A war of attrition or siege is more their style anyway. They haven't got the guts to start a civil war. Some of their followers are stupid enough to do such a thing, but I don't see them having the stomach for a real war, just a lot of keyboard commandos and a few idiots in the street breaking up stuff. If they are getting shot at, they'll reveal themselves to be the cowards they are and beg for the military to come in and protect them.

The real issue, or one of them, is which side will the military fall on or will they get split.


Veteran Member
Well, the Democrats CANNOT have BOTH. NO POLICE and still demand the public be disarmed! THAT would make our politicians servants of, and only defending and protecting, the criminals, thugs, rapists, and murderers, serving up the law abiding to them for defenseless victims!
Isn't that what they're doing now? BLM/antifa comes readily to mind.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Right now Trump is the only restraing force on these deplorables the Marxist demoncrats hate so much. If Trump is booted, then the natural forces of entropy will no longer be restrained. States will start to, like Mississipi has simply done to ignore biden et al. Harris et al are COASTAL ELITE powers only. The military will also collapse into ideological chunks. Who will believe faux or cbs at that point? I remember that Y2K sig 20 years ago. : "The violence needed to create a civilization is nothing compared to the violence released when one collapses." The USA, such as it is will go tactical around 1-20-2021 if Biden Harris is sworn in. Biden certainly won't be walking down Pennsylvania Ave like Carter did.
While I appreciate the reference to Mississippi, (thank you) I still have to disagree with "Trump being the only restraining force". There is a much higher, and powerful force at work here. IF, IF our cup of transgression is full, not ever the overwhelming power of Mississippi will be able to stop it.

Just saying, from my POV, not getting into a religious debate here.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
While I appreciate the reference to Mississippi, (thank you) I still have to disagree with "Trump being the only restraining force". There is a much higher, and powerful force at work here. IF, IF our cup of transgression is full, not ever the overwhelming power of Mississippi will be able to stop it.

Just saying, from my POV, not getting into a religious debate here.

Thank you, Mississippi for holding the Line. Said by a daughter of Georgian and Alabaman ancestors who decided to GTT.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Thank you, Mississippi for holding the Line. Said by a daughter of Georgian and Alabaman ancestors who decided to GTT.
Sure, just trying to do our part.

Never fear about the GTT either, GG Uncle was a POW at Camp Douglas outside of Chicago, then was released in a soldier swap at Vicksburg, re-entered the Confederacy, fought to wars end. Came home couldn't make a living under Reconstruction, and........hung the sign. GTT. Moved to a small place outside of Dallas, can't think of the town right now, off of I20. Had another one that hung the sign and went to .....I think it is Bell county, where Temple, TX sort of, is at.


Country exile in the city
Well, the Democrats CANNOT have BOTH. NO POLICE and still demand the public be disarmed! THAT would make our politicians servants of, and only defending and protecting, the criminals, thugs, rapists, and murderers, serving up the law abiding to them for defenseless victims!


The demagogues always have THEIR OWN, elite, protective force.

For the Caesars, it was the Praetorian Guards.

For the Communists, it was the KGB.

For the demoncrats?.............


Country exile in the city
You are thinking small. Trust the plan, CM.

What "plan"?
If you're talking "Q" I believe that was just an "opiate of the people" probably INVENTED by the Demoncrats, to lull naive conservatives into sitting back on their....whatever...and doing NOTHING---during a time when what was NEEDED was ACTION!!!

The "Q" people are still going to be saying, "Just Wait! Just Wait! There's a PLAN" as they're being marched into the camps and put in lines for the guillotines......


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Hubby is convinced regardless of who is president, the civil war will arrive within four years. I don't disagree that the probability is fairly high. We are preparing either way. It is just another form of insurance. But we are also preparing for the crap to just keep rolling along.

They really don't have a lot to gain by starting a war. There will be a ton die on their side just like ours. A war of attrition or siege is more their style anyway. They haven't got the guts to start a civil war. Some of their followers are stupid enough to do such a thing, but I don't see them having the stomach for a real war, just a lot of keyboard commandos and a few idiots in the street breaking up stuff. If they are getting shot at, they'll reveal themselves to be the cowards they are and beg for the military to come in and protect them.

The real issue, or one of them, is which side will the military fall on or will they get split.
I believe the military will be split. Yet to be seen how many ways, and what ramifications that will bring. Things will get very ugly before this is over !!

:ld: :mad:


Neither here nor there.
If joe and the ho are sworn in I look for the disappearings to begin in earnest. Some here need to read up on the histories of Uraguay, Paraguay, and Argentina, and Brazil to a lesser extent. With very little news coming out of Venezuela it's hard to know if they are disappearing people there or not.


Veteran Member
If joe and the ho are sworn in I look for the disappearings to begin in earnest. Some here need to read up on the histories of Uraguay, Paraguay, and Argentina, and Brazil to a lesser extent. With very little news coming out of Venezuela it's hard to know if they are disappearing people there or not.
Here we call it the "Patriot" Act.


Veteran Member
IMO, whatever is going to happen is going to happen regardless who the president is.

The plan is in place and there are many distractions. Some of which are just age old divide and conquer tactics.


Dot Collector
Greg Gutfeld on the media's fawning coverage of Biden's Cabinet:

“Hear a gurgling noise like something sucking on a pacifier?

That’s the media on hearing Joe’s Cabinet choices...”
RT 2min

'SLEEPY, CREEPY, BEIJING BIDEN': "Not on your nelly, not happening,"
@SebGorka slams Joe Biden calling for unity. [with Newsmax TV's
@SeanSpicer and @LyndsayMKeith]
RT 1min


On TB every waking moment


REVEALED: Biden UN, State Dept Picks Are Documented Chinese Communist Party Consultants

ASG has a robust China focus, declaring it “the firm’s largest single country practice” on the company website. Among the firm’s ranks are several Chinese Communist Party apparatchiks, including Jin Ligang, a Chinese Communist Party member and “former senior Chinese government official.”

“The practice includes trade and policy experts, former high-level U.S. and Chinese government officials and diplomats, executives with significant work experience in China, and dedicated analysts in the field of U.S.-China relations.”

In addition to collaborating with the Chinese Communist Party, ASG has also helped to facilitate the outsourcing of U.S. jobs to China.

The Department of State Transition Review Team contains 30 individuals, three of which hail from Albright Stonebridge Group (ASG). What’s more, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, a Senior Vice President at the firm, is the team’s leader.

Thomas-Greenfield is also Biden’s pick for the U.S.’s Ambassador to the United Nation.

Thomas-Greenfield “leads the firm’s Africa practice” – a continent currently being colonized by the Chinese Communist Party.

Another transition team member, Sumona Guha, serves as Vice President at the firm “where she draws on twenty years of experience in Europe and South Asia to advise clients on market entry and expansion, including political and regulatory strategies.”



Another transition team member, Roberta S. Jacobson, “is a Senior Advisor at ASG, where she draws on more than thirty years of distinguished diplomatic experience to advise clients of the firm’s Americas practice.” Jacobson is currently on leave.

Another ASG associate, Elizabeth L. Littlefield who “leads the firm’s Sustainability practice” is the leader of the transition review team for International Development. This ” includes the Millennium Challenge Corporation, the Peace Corps, the United States Agency for International Development, and the United States International Development Finance Corporation.”



On the “Market Assessment and Entry Strategies,” tab of the ASG website, the group boasts of helping “a solar energy company’s consideration of various Chinese provinces as a location for a significant new facility.”

ASG also helps American companies comply with the Chinese Communist Party’s business diktats, and they detail how they assist companies enter the Chinese market with only one caveat: strictly adhering to the Chinese Communist Party’s rules.

Specifically, ASG touts how it helped a U.S. corporate “align” with Chinese “government goals”:

“We then arranged meetings for company executives with key stakeholders in the resort sector to deliver messages demonstrating our client’s commitment to China, and its alignment with government tourism goals.”

In one instance, the firm even bragged of “leveraging” a U.S. Cabinet Secretary visiting China to help advance a business deal:

“We first identified and engaged key Chinese officials and other stakeholders who might be willing to support approval for the acquisition. We then maintained close contact with officials and agencies involved in the government approval process to monitor progress and immediately address challenges as they arose. Our client also leveraged U.S. government advocacy in support of the investment, and the strategy culminated in a visit by a U.S. Cabinet Secretary.”

ASG’s China practice, therefore, necessitates extensive collaboration with Chinese Communist Party officials.

The chairman of ASG China, Jin Ligang, is a Chinese Communist Party member and “former senior Chinese government official” with experience at China’s Ministry of Commerce as Deputy Director General, China’s Washington Embassy as Commercial Counselor, and Lead Commercial Officer at the Chinese Consulate in New York.

ASG Senior Advisor Dai Yunlou’s “distinguished career” entailing “a variety of senior governmental positions within China” is also touted on ASG’s website.
His bio continues:

“From 2000 to 2010, Mr. Dai served as the Minister Counselor for Economic and Commercial Affairs at the Chinese Embassy to the United States. Previously, he served as Deputy Director General of the Department of American and Oceanian Affairs at the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and as the First Secretary of the Economic and Commercial Affairs Office at the Embassy. […] He spent over a decade working at various branches of the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), including the Department of European Affairs and Third Department of Regional Affairs. He also served as the Division Chief for U.S. Affairs while at MOFCOM. Mr. Dai began his public sector career at the Commercial Office of the Chinese Embassy in Jamaica.”

Another Senior Advisor, Jia Mingru, has “held a number of senior positions in the Chinese government” such as Assistant Minister of Culture and Director General at the State Council Legislative Affairs Office and leader of the Office of the Intellectual Property under the State Council.

Senior Advisor Mu Lan served as Chief Representative in China for the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, Senior Director Wang Peishu worked as Commercial Counsel at the Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles, and Vice President George Zhao has worked at Chinese Communist Party-run media outlet CCTV.

And a Director of ASG’s China practice, Harry Hu, is another Chinese Communist Party member who spent nearly a decade working at a “high-profile research institute and think tank affiliated with the Chinese Ministry of Commerce” and served as “Third Secretary at the Chinese Embassy in the Kingdom of Denmark.”

Analyst James Oswald describes himself as having worked “under the Communist Party of China Central Committee,” helping to translate “central government documents and Marxist and Party literature” including “key articles on China’s politics, economy, society, culture, and environment from the CPC’s journal Qiushi, as well as government reports and Xi Jinping’s speeches.”


On TB every waking moment


EXCLUSIVE: Biden ‘Transition Leader’ Suggested Ex-VP Should ‘Sell Out’ For ‘Millions’ From Corporations

Mackler – a former Deputy Counsel to then-Vice President Biden – now assists with Biden’s “transition” effort to review the Department of Justice.

Emails from July 13th, 2016, however, reveal Mackler strategizing how Biden, who was still serving as Vice President at the time, could “sell out” and join corporate boards to grift.

Noting the idea had “been talked about already,” Mackler reasons that if former Senator Evan Bayh could make $1 million from corporate board positions, “JRB” could do “quite well” adopting the same strategy.


“JRB” is an oft-used reference to Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden, whose full name is “Joseph Robinette Biden.”

In full, the email, which was sent to Biden transition leader and former Senator Ted Kaufman, the newly-selected Counselor to President Biden Steve Richetti, Hunter Biden, Eric Schwerin, and Ambassador Mark Gitenstein, reads:

I know this has been talked about already…

If Evan Bayh can sell out for $1m/year in corporate boards, have to believe JRB can do quite well with just non-oil, non-Goldman boards that are consistent with his career (Bloomberg, GM, cancer hospitals, etc.).

-Bayh made nearly $! million from serving on corporate boards last year. Bayh earned $939,319 from sitting on corporate boards in 2015, according to SEC records. He sits on the boards of Fifth Third Bancorp, Marathon Petroleum, RLJ Lodging Trust and Berry Plastics Group. RLJ paid him $177,573 in 2015. Marathon paid him $300,000, Fifth Third paid him $243,564 and Berry Plastics Group paid him $218,182.

The latest revelation from the “hard drive from hell” is certain to rile left-wing activists who preferred a candidate like Senator Bernie Sanders.

Senator Sanders indeed attacked Biden during the Democratic primaries for his fealty towards corporate America.

Left-wing media reports revealed the securities and investment industry donated $74.4 million to Biden’s campaign, and just $18.1 million to President Trump.


On TB every waking moment
EXC: Hunter’s Hard Drive Reveals Biden Transition Team Called Netanyahu ‘Asshole,’ ‘Villain’

The January 27th, 2015 email – obtained exclusively by the National Pulse via the hard-drive of the former veep’s son – reveals Hunter Biden’s business partner Eric Schwerin forwarding a Politico article about then-Speaker of the House John Boehner inviting Netanyahu to speak to a joint meeting of Congress.

Schwerin attacks Boehner’s logic as “incorrect,” to which Mackler responds by calling the parties involved – including Boehner and Netanyahu – “assholes”:
“They can have a big giant asshole party.”



Kaufman, who is “head” of Biden’s transition effort, also labeled Netanyahu as a “villain” and “great disappointment in so many ways,” writing the following on March 3rd, 2015 on an email thread with Hunter Biden, Alexander Mackler, Beau Biden, and Eric Schwerin:

“Bibi had been a great disappointment in so many ways. The other villain is Boehner – who has buried ” partisanship ends at the water’s edge”

Hours later, Mackler responds “I now understand how you liberal Catholics have been made to feel by past popes. This whole thing makes my blood boil.”


Yet another email on Hunter Biden’s hard drive, dated November 3rd 2014, reveals Mackler’s distaste for the Israeli leader and the pro-Israel ‘AIPAC’ group. He insists Netanyahu “goes into his cave” and lives in an “AIPAC/Fox News cocoon.”

“Bibi lives in an AIPAC/Fox News cocoon. The further he goes into his cave, the more support he hears and the worse he makes things for Israel.”

AIPAC is an acronym for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.


Mackler now serves on Biden’s Department of Justice transition review team, helping oversee the Federal Election Commission, the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, the Commission on Civil Rights, the National Council on Disability, the United States Access Board, AbilityOne, the State Justice Institute, and the Legal Services Corporation. From 2014 to 2016, he served as Deputy Counsel to Joe Biden.

Kaufman, who is spearheading the transition effort, also serves as Board Chair of the Biden Foundation, served 19 years as Joe Biden’s Senate Chief of Staff, and similarly chaired Biden’s 2008 transition effort.


On TB every waking moment

WATCH: Former Acting ICE Director Says Mexican Cartels Are Celebrating Prospect of Biden Presidency

By Cassandra Fairbanks
Published November 25, 2020 at 12:00pm


Former acting ICE director Tom Homan said on Wednesday that Mexican cartels are celebrating the prospect of a Joe Biden presidency, because they know it will be easier to cross the border.

Homan issued the warning about Biden’s immigration plans during an appearance on Fox News. He explained that there is already a surge of border crossings because they think Biden will be president.
“The cartels are celebrating what is happening in this country right now because they are back in business. The border numbers are already going up because they think Joe Biden is going to be the president and they are open for business and the flow has already started,” Homan said. “It’s a Biden effect. It’s already happening.”
Homan served as the acting ICE director under President Trump.

“President Trump, whether you like him or love him, he has been more successful on this border than any president I worked for, starting with Ronald Reagan,” Homan said

4:44 min


On TB every waking moment

Watch–Joe Biden: Amnesty for Over 11 Million Illegal Aliens Going to Senate in My First 100 Days

JOHN BINDER24 Nov 202020,100

5:15 min

Democrat Joe Biden says he will send an amnesty deal for “over 11 million” illegal aliens to the United States Senate in his first 100 days in office.

During an interview with NBC News’s Lester Holt, Biden reiterated his plan to give amnesty to the roughly 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the U.S. Biden said of his agenda:
Some of it’s going to depend on the kind of cooperation I can or cannot get from the United States Congress. But I am going, I made a commitment, in the first 100 days, I will send an immigration bill to the United States Senate with a pathway to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented people in America.
Already, a number of Senate Republicans have suggested that they are interested in working with Biden on some sort of immigration deal. Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC), John Cornyn (R-TX), and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) have all hinted at striking a Democrat-GOP deal on immigration that would almost certainly include an amnesty.

Currently, about 24.5 million Americans are either jobless or underemployed, but all want full-time jobs. Those unemployed are forced to compete in the labor market by an endless stream of foreign workers who secure visas and green cards that rack up to more than 2.5 million admissions every year.

These legal immigration admissions are in addition to the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who successfully cross U.S. borders and overstay their visas every year.

Exit polling after the election reveals that voters across party and racial lines overwhelmingly want less overall immigration to the U.S. More than 3-in-4 voters, for instance, said it is important to reduce immigration with continued high unemployment, and more than 62 percent said, even after unemployment has leveled off, immigration should remain lower than its current levels.


Sword At-The-Ready
And Republicans will never hold national elective office ever again, even if the Communist Party under Biden was forced to abandon election by fraud and decree.

The full replacement of White Patriotic Americans will begin in earnest.


On TB every waking moment

Biden's Homeland Security pick flagged by whistleblowers for preferential treatment with visas

Inspector general concluded in 2015 that Alejandro Mayorkas' interventions in Democrat-connected cases violated department policies after 15 whistleblowers complained.

By John Solomon
  • Updated: November 25, 2020 - 8:08am
Alejandro Mayorkas, Joe Biden's choice for Homeland Security chief if he becomes president, was flagged in 2015 by the agency's internal watchdog for improperly intervening to help Democrat-connected foreign investors involved in the EB-5 work visa program, records show.

Then-Homeland Security Inspector General John Roth wrote that the Mayorkas interventions as President Obama's deputy homeland secretary proved exceedingly rare because as many as 15 "courageous" whistleblowers inside the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service came forward to report his behavior and nearly all wanted to keep their identities secret to avoid retaliation.

"Each conveyed the same factual scenario: certain applicants and stakeholders received preferential access to DHS leadership and preferential treatment in either the handling of their application or petition or regarding the merits of the application or petition," Roth wrote at the time.

He added: "Being a whistleblower is seen to be hazardous in the Federal Government, and a typical investigation would have one or perhaps two. That so many individuals were willing to step forward and tell us what happened is evidence of deep resentment about Mr. Mayorkas' actions related to the EB-5 program."

You can read the report here.

The IG report sharply rebuked Mayorkas for creating the "appearance of favoritism and special access" by intervening in three EB-5 visa matters involving companies that "were prominent or politically connected" to Democrats.

"Mr. Mayorkas was in contact, outside of the normal adjudication process, either directly or through senior DHS leadership, with a number of applicants and other stakeholders having business before USCIS," the report said. "This method of communication violated established USCIS policy for handling inquiries into the program."

In the three cases cited by the IG, the report alleged that Mayorkas:
  • "[P]ressured staff" to expedite the review of a Las Vegas casino investment at the urging of the then-top Democrat in the Senate Harry Reid.
  • Engaged in an "unprecedented" intervention to help a company chaired by former Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe
  • Instructed USCIS to reverse a decision to deny EB-5 funding for Sony movie projects in Los Angeles after hearing from Pennsylvania's former Democratic Gov. Ed Rendell.
The interventions, the report added, "lowered morale of those involved" inside the agency, and the decisions in each of the cases would have been different if Majorkas had not gotten involved.

"Staff witnessed Mr. Mayorkas inserting himself in unprecedented ways into an adjudicative process governed by statute, regulation, and USCIS policy," the report added. "As a result of his deviation from the normal process, applicants and stakeholders with whom he had just been in contact received a specific benefit.

"Many employees concluded, not unreasonably, that the pressure exerted on them was because the individuals involved were politically connected," it added.
In an interview, Mayorkas insisted his interventions in the cases were not for political reasons but to improve policy and that any criticism of his work was "unfounded."

"At USCIS I found that a lack of clear and consistent policies contributed to inconsistent and at times incorrect adjudications," he wrote in a response to the IG.

The IG rejected his explanations in its final report.

"Regardless of Mr. Mayorkas' motives, his intervention in these matters created significant resentment in USCIS. This resentment was not isolated to career staff adjudicating within the EB-5 program, but extended to senior managers and attorneys responsible for the broader USCIS mission and programs," the IG wrote.

"The juxtaposition of Mr. Mayorkas' communication with external stakeholders on specific matters outside the normal procedures, coupled with favorable action that deviated from the regulatory scheme designed to ensure fairness and evenhandedness in adjudicating benefits, created an appearance of favoritism and special access," it concluded.


On TB every waking moment

Biden Announces He Will Immediately Move To Give Citizenship To Millions Of Illegal Aliens

By Ryan Saavedra
Nov 24, 2020

US President-elect Joe Biden speaks during a cabinet announcement event in Wilmington, Delaware, on November 24, 2020. - US President-elect Joe Biden introduced November 24, 2020 a seasoned national security team he said was prepared to resume US leadership of the world after the departure of President Donald Trump. It's a team that will keep our country and our people safe and secure, Biden said, introducing his picks for secretary of state, national security advisor, intelligence chief, and other key cabinet jobsIt's a team that reflects the fact that America is back. Ready to lead the world, not retreat from it, Biden said.


Joe Biden announced during an NBC News interview that aired on Tuesday evening that he will immediately move to give citizenship to millions of illegal aliens once he gets into office in two months.

“I’m going to make a commitment in the first 100 days, I will send an immigration bill to the United States Senate with a pathway to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented people in America,” Biden said. “I will also be moving to do away with some of the I think very damaging executive orders that have significantly impacted on making the climate worse and making us less healthy.”

Biden has already pledged to dramatically increase the number of refugees that he admits into the U.S. from 15,000 under President Donald Trump to 125,000.

Biden has also pledged to end the Trump administration’s travel ban on nations that are considered to be hot beds of terrorism.

Whether Biden is able to grant citizenship to millions of people who are unlawfully in the U.S. depends on who controls the Senate, which could be decided in January as Georgia has two runoff elections. If Republicans win just one of the two races they will keep control of the Senate when Biden takes office. Democrats would need to win both races just to have a 50-50 tie with Republicans and would need all 50 of their Senators to vote together so that incoming-Vice President Kamala Harris could be the tie breaker.

However, even if Democrats manage to win both races, they are likely to face some opposition from within their own party to some of the extreme proposals that have been floated on the political Left.

Democrat Senator Joe Manchin (WV) pledged during a Fox News interview earlier this month that he would block proposed power grabs by his own party.
The Daily Wire reported:
Manchin made the remarks during an interview with Fox News anchor Bret Baier, who asked Manchin about a recent comment from Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer. Schumer said late last week that the Democrats will “change America” if they win two run-off Senate races in Georgia.
“Well, there’s a lot of people that are concerned. There’s a lot of fear tactics that are being used right now,” Manchin said. “If both of the Georgia senators were elected from the Democratic Party, then that would be 50/50, if both Dan Sullivan and Thom Tillis win; 50/50 means there’s a tie. But if one senator does not vote on the Democratic side, there is no tie and there is no bill.”

“So, I commit to you tonight and I commit to all of your viewers and everyone else that’s watching, I want to lay those fears, I want to rest those fears for you right now, because, when they talk about whether it be packing the courts or ending the filibuster, I will not vote to do that,” Manchin continued. “I will not vote to pack the courts. I think — and I will not vote to end the filibuster. Bret, this system, the Senate, this so unique body in the world, it was made to work together in a bipartisan way. And once you start breaking down those barriers, then you lose every reason that we are the institution that we are, the most deliberative body.”

“So, I want to lay those fears to rest, that that won’t happen, because I will not be the 50th Democrat voting to end that filibuster or to basically stack the court,” he added. “And then all the other things you’re hearing about, Bret, also, is — defund the police. I don’t know of any of the Democrats in the caucus that are for defunding the police. We are not for that whatsoever. And when they talk about basically Medicare for All, we can’t even pay for Medicare for some. It doesn’t make any sense at all. We have got to fix the Affordable Care Act we have. And I think our Republican — moderate Republicans will work with us to now repair what needs to be repaired.”

This article has been updated to include additional information.