POL What do you think Trump will do in the first 30 days?


Remember all those "peaceful protests" while DJT was in office? Those protesters have freezers full of water bottles I feel sure.
Sure I remember, those protests were ALLOWED and ENCOURAGED TO HAPPEN. Suppose this time they are disallowed via Nat Guard and discouraged by mass arrests? No skin of my back, and neither any mayhem, strife, or hardship for me or you either.
All those IRS agents and alphabet agency employees that need separated from their paychecks have families. Probably every member here at TB2k has family that needs "right-sized" right out of a government job.
Boo hoo. Who here and everyone in general, has never lost their job for any reason. Shit happens, and besides there's unemployment, severance pay, and most likely would be a phasing out of those wasteful jobs over a period of time, and add in encouraged attrition.

Think of the wailing and gnashing of teeth if busloads of undocumented workers start getting bused SOUTH to the border. The crocodile tears will come in torrents.
Stop the free money express to all of them. The are illegally here, period. Sorry it sucks Poncho but the free money train has come to and end, well accept for this FREE bus ticket to SOTB. For those have actual jobs and have established roots in communities, how about having them prove it and put on a patriotic path to citizenship? So the freeloaders will complain - so what!?

Repealing needless and onerous environmental regulations would be hard. Many otherwise conservative leaning people have been brainwashed into the climate change cult to various degrees.
Nothing a bit of reprogramming can't fix. If they want to glue themselves to highways, then how about a big detour sign for traffic which says here is stupid, stuck on stupid. I'd wait in line to laugh at that one. Other than a handful of nutjobs, the climate isn't going to kill anyone and it's so so easy to explain.

These are all moot points. I don't think it will ever happen.
My point is that we comfortably have existed with our laws, most of them anyways, have had ways to change them more or less if we felt they were wrong, and much as nothing will ever be utopia we have survived, even with an oddball neighbor or two.

What other 'sacrifices' are expected that should be "rightfully and understandably accepted"?
If there are some social disruptions from illegals, from pink haired LGB$%^&*() loonies, etc etc etc, as long as they don't break laws in doing their self-expression thing, so what. They are a minority.
Additional taxes, loss of our natural rights, govt restrictions, doing without this that and the other thing in the name of national sacrifice to make things better - that is all 1000% BS and totally unnecessary. It's propaganda, it's lies.
Evidence of this post may actually be grounds for my arrest in a few years. Given current trends in speech throughout the world, I'm not being dramatic.
I fully understand and agree.
And will any meaningful and necessary improvements be made should conservatives take the next few elections? I do doubt it.
In the event that the military became the controlling force and driver of change, I'm 50/50 of opinion on the results being positive and effective (eeesh, I cringe that I typed that).
I inject in your post above



Retired, practising Curmudgeon
Deportation of the immigrants will take the better part of a decade. Until certain pieces are removed including individuals Trump would have nothing but road blocks in the attempted implementation of his policy points...
Not so sure about that.
  • Cut off the inflow – close the border.
  • Caught in the act? Chip ‘em, brand ‘em IDC what but ID them and Immediate return transportation
  • Where are your documents showing you're legally present? You don’t have any? Door # 2 please

If that doesn't work, stop being a nice guy.


Contributing Member
Decriminalize cannabis, remove all 2A infringements, Nationwide Steak Sunday's, penny-gasoline, two-penny diesel, orderly and effective deportation of all illegals, reexamination of dual citizen status', firing squads for all oath violators and anti-white activists, open and support oil, gas, and coal extraction, fire a lot of people, foreign aide directed to US infrastructure revitalization.
That would be a dream come true.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Decriminalize cannabis, remove all 2A infringements, Nationwide Steak Sunday's, penny-gasoline, two-penny diesel, orderly and effective deportation of all illegals, reexamination of dual citizen status', firing squads for all oath violators and anti-white activists, open and support oil, gas, and coal extraction, fire a lot of people, foreign aide directed to US infrastructure revitalization.
Oh, now you're just dreaming.

The FIRST thing Trump would need to do, should he get close to the office he had, is clean the military leadership out. That needs to be done day 1. On day 2, he needs to declare national emergency martial law and begin military tribunals by arresting about 10,000 treasonous devils while sending out a dozen fully supported assault teams to get the international agents against America.

Kathy in FL

It is a big assumption that he is going to win. Strong possibility even if he wins, that he'll be assassinated by a nut case before taking the Oath. Tragedy that will then throw this country into turmoil like hasn't been seen since CW1.

Assuming he does win, and assuming he takes the Oath, he'll probably get writer's cramp cancelling all the XO's that Biden put into effect with the reasoning that Biden did not have cognizant skills when he did it. He'll already have his cabinet picked, just hope they are vetted better than last time. Last time he tried to work with people, this time don't think it will go the same way. Hopefully he will have learned his lesson of who is trustworthy and who is not ... and have the goods on those that are not if he still needs to use them for some period of time.

Additionally he'll be dealing with the border and all of the illegals in this country.


Veteran Member
Close down the border and start cleaning out the military. Step us back from the Ukraine. I think the OP is wildly optimistic that Trump wins. I don’t see Biden on the ballot. I see Newsome or another younger Socialist. And then I think Trump will struggle


Veteran Member
I love this thread - thanks for this. So many great answers have already been given here that I agree with.

By the time the elections roll around - 7 more months under Biden/Harris - I betcha we're gonna be an even bigger mess than we are today. The majority of people are going to be so fed up with everything that they will cheerfully back Trumps policies even if some are on the fringe. I also anticipate the deep state will try to delay the election - - which will wake up a few more people.

Did anyone mention getting us out of NATO and UN? I hope he does that in the first 30 days.

The majority of people are going to be so fed up with everything that they will cheerfully support Trumps policies even if some are on the fringe.


Neither here nor there.
Shut down, dismantle, redistribute, or greatly reduce the size of many agencies, e.g. Department of Education, FBI, CIA, Pentagon staff, et al. Move agencies out of D.C. to other parts of the country, i.e. Department of Interior, et al. Big changes in DOJ starting at the top.

Oil and industry back to the USA. Put an end to the so-called green bad deal and all the electric everything associated with it. Reduce the Department of Energy to a minor player and put people in charge who will use American resources, American energy, nuclear energy and fire the asshats.

And I hope he will bring some of our far flung military back home and stop the endless BS wars.

Close the border. CLOSE IT and deport the Illegals. Order a census with armed census takers backed by law enforcement to clear out ILLEGALS.

Blanket pardon for J6 detainees. And so much more.

And this is why the left cannot let Trump win... y'all know full well that Haley won't do any of these things.


Heart of Dixie
if Trump does not start executing the communists from day one, they will grow at an exponential rate worse than our national debt. It will be the beginning of sorrows and the 7 year tribulation. Which might actually start before November.

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
if Trump does not start executing the communists from day one, they will grow at an exponential rate worse than our national debt. It will be the beginning of sorrows and the 7 year tribulation. Which might actually start before November.
actually the citizenry would have to be involved in that as well. But at that point it is a civil war if that is even such a thing.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
This question is like asking what would you do if you won the $million lottery.

It’s a waste of precious time/energy to speculate about IF you have not already figured out what you’re going to do if election gets stolen from him/us again or he gets assassinated, etc.

If you have all that already figured out & ready to go, then great, go ahead and enjoy speculating.

Panic Early, Beat the Rush!
- Shane
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Veteran Member
The first 4 year term was recon.

The last 4 years was/is planning, training and build up.

The second 4 year term will be....


Adding clarification... Execution of the plan.

Illini Warrior

Illini Warrior
there's actually a whole lot of his last administration achievements still in place >>> remember all the freaking border & immigration crap that had to hammered out in court and thru Congress - it's still there - Biden & Company is just ignoring it and breaking the law ....

the military can cure itself pretty damn fast with the Pink Generals & Admirals given the boot out the Pentagon front door >>> if need be - start promoting a bunch of the colonels & commanders that are currently being rank stalemated ....

about the same same with most of the ABC agencies - plenty of just plain criminal indictments will clean up those damn FAST

155 arty

Veteran Member
It is pretty clear that he is going to win, and there is no shortage of doom and gloom prediction from those who hate him.
But I want hear from those who like him, or at least those who know that he is not a Russian pawn...
What do you think he will do in the first 30 days?
I personally hopes he goes scorched earth on their farging asses and let the fallout go wherever it goes


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The 2024 Democratic National Convention is a presidential nominating convention in which delegates of the United States Democratic Party will select the party's nominees for president and vice president in the 2024 United States presidential election. It is scheduled to be held August 19 to 22, 2024, at the United Center in Chicago, Illinois.

Here are my guesses. Yeah, Newsome is some old stale hat... and would gladly "service" his globalist masters. But, I don't think he is the "guy".

Hillary would love to be the guy, but they know she is an old rotten corpse with an ego too high to manage.

Obama was groomed by evil entities from the beginning and they paved his way to the top with lightning speed. He is not done yet. He is lawless and cares nothing for the constitution which is supposed to rule this land. 2 terms already? Not a big deal. The top for him is the world, not the US. To get there....

Big Mike will be appointed / coronated the queen like Jezebel, so shehe did not have to go through the campaigning game. Once BigMike is (S)elected, he will appoint Barry as the UN ambassador and He will take over the UN operations entirely. Barry will be answering to the other "Big Guy"... the one with horns.

Bridey Rose

Veteran Member
Obama was groomed by evil entities from the beginning and they paved his way to the top with lightning speed. He is not done yet. He is lawless and cares nothing for the constitution which is supposed to rule this land. 2 terms already? Not a big deal. The top for him is the world, not the US. To get there....
Obama is See - Eye - Aye.


Retired, practising Curmudgeon
I love this thread - thanks for this. So many great answers have already been given here that I agree with.

By the time the elections roll around - 7 more months under Biden/Harris - I betcha we're gonna be an even bigger mess than we are today. The majority of people are going to be so fed up with everything that they will cheerfully back Trumps policies even if some are on the fringe. I also anticipate the deep state will try to delay the election - - which will wake up a few more people.

Did anyone mention getting us out of NATO and UN? I hope he does that in the first 30 days.

The majority of people are going to be so fed up with everything that they will cheerfully support Trumps policies even if some are on the fringe.
NATO I'm not sure about although there is no doubt the membership/participation rules need to be rejigged and honestly, 2% of GDP expended on Military capacity doesn't cut. 5% is much better and I feel a lot better about 7.5%.

The UN should be evicted but as I understand it the UN Compound was gifted to that crap-fest decades ago - participating get most Western countries NADA except the opportunity to pay dues which are expended on programs counter to the desires & needs of such as we.

I classify that as unregulated Foreign Aid and like FA in general, it shouldn't exist


Veteran Member
Speaking of his appointments........ Let's say by some miracle (a miracle straight from God IMO) he wins and lives to take office. Any bets on whether Jared Kushner (the treasonous little bastard) will be right back in the White House?