FOOD What Are The Most Horrifying Food Products You Have Eaten, Seen, or Encountered?

Red Baron

I am by no means a food snob by any measure. My parents lived in Germany and the Balkans during WWII and encountered all manner of deprivation both during, and for a long time, after the war.

Given that parentage, it should be easy to derive that being a "picky eater" was simply not an option for me growing up. I am not implying that I was fed sub-standard food. Not at all. Mom expertly made a wholesome variety of meals.

The rules were simple at home. Mom cooked three times a day and you ate it, period, end of story. Snacks and treats were an unknown concept outside of my three daily meals. At best, I would use my very meager allowance to secure a rare bottle of Yoohoo chocolate drink or a treasured Goo Goo Cluster candy bar.

Anyway, I have a high tolerance for anything that doesn't crawl off the plate, move too fast, or shoot back.

Regardless, I'm sure all of us have encountered a food product that is just plain shoddy and makes one wonder, what the hell the producers were thinking when they conceived of that product.

What are the most notorious food products you have encountered?


Neither here nor there.

How bad could it be?

Well our dog wouldn't eat my mom's meatloaf... that should tell you something right there... as for the strangest thing I've ever eaten, whale blubber, seal meat, and seal eyeballs from a fresh kill, they were still warm. And I also accidentally ate my dad's stink bait, mind you I was 13 and hungry and it did smell good.
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TB Fanatic
Being Irish our diet consists of a lot of offal, I used love to Tripe, but you don't see it much anymore,
Kidneys and liver are great, the fresher the better.

But I do draw the line at Crubeens , Pig Trotters , :kk2:
And Brawn or headcheese as y'all call it , gross

Red Baron

My first candidate, Prairie Belt Sausage.

Maybe, as a young lad, I watched too many GI war movies with soldiers happily cracking open K-Ration tins. I still love any meat product in a can. I love the notion of a mysterious meat product that is actually deemed suitable for human consumption.

That is until I bought this Holy Testament to Processed Pink Slime.

This nefarious product makes canned Vienna Sausages seem like a Michelin 5-Star meal.

Open the can, and one is immediately assaulted by a "chicken stock" broth that smells like rotting gym shoes. The sausages themselves are devoid of any texture and have a rather bitter note, no doubt inherited from the inclusion of the dreaded pork spleens in the meat slurry.

On a dare, gather your drinking buddies and crack open a six pack of this industrial waste.



Barry Natchitoches

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Anything my mother would cook.

I love my mother (God rest her soul), but there are some people who should not be allowed to touch a stove. My mother was one of them. She could burn water, I swear. My mom burnt so many pot roasts, pork chops, and other meats that for years I would not eat just about anything without a heaping helping of ketchup piled onto each and every bite. Friends swore that I topped my ice cream with Heinz...

It took several years of my wonderful wife's cooking before I finally relinquished my firm grip on the ketchup bottle....


Veteran Member
There are many foods I won't try..........just too icky looking, but I have downed a couple of raw oysters..........GAG


I give up.
Dude................ nasty subject. What's wrong with you?


Things I have seen over the years but will not eat:

Tripe (bar food, had a friend who loved it)
Pigs feet (bar food, no thanks)

Brains (friend's ex from Germany's mother used to make it with scrambled eggs)
Head cheese (my own father liked it, came from a German specialty shop)

Oysters, clams, lobster............. nah.

Vienna sausages
Tinned little fish
Organ meats

Bumble bees in chocolate, ants in chocolate, grasshoppers in chocolate (store downtown years ago)

*meh* I can't go on..........


Red Baron

Blood pudding should not exist.

I love Blutwurst (blood sausage) or blood pudding to you folks in the UK.

Sliced on some lightly buttered rye bread with a smear of mustard, Blutwurst is divine!

The nutritional powerhouse from old-world Germany. Schaller & Weber Blutwurst is still made to the specifications of Ferdinand Schaller’s recipe. It’s a simple blend of pork, with a touch of beef and black pepper for seasoning. This traditional blood sausage has long been a Bavarian favorite for sandwiches, and is ready for any modern table.

The deep color of the smooth grind contrasts with whole meat chunks, creating an amazing sliced appearance that looks great on a meat plate, while the savory flavor makes it just as pleasing to eat.

Available in a 7-ounce chub.


Fake Shemp

Banned for resurrecting the mayonnaise thread
I love Blutwurst (blood sausage) or blood pudding to you folks in the UK.

Sliced on some lightly buttered rye bread with a smear of mustard, Blutwurst is divine!

The nutritional powerhouse from old-world Germany. Schaller & Weber Blutwurst is still made to the specifications of Ferdinand Schaller’s recipe. It’s a simple blend of pork, with a touch of beef and black pepper for seasoning. This traditional blood sausage has long been a Bavarian favorite for sandwiches, and is ready for any modern table.

The deep color of the smooth grind contrasts with whole meat chunks, creating an amazing sliced appearance that looks great on a meat plate, while the savory flavor makes it just as pleasing to eat.

Available in a 7-ounce chub.

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This Explains a few things RB. :eye:


This too shall pass.
I think the nastiest thing I ever tried to eat was whale blubber -- smelled like rotting fish. I also turned down moose brains on a hunting trip in Alaska one time -- my grandfather liked them, but he couldn't get any of us kids to try them.

I like tongue. I like head cheese. I can eat kidney, though it isn't my favorite. I can eat menudo, which I think is the same thing as tripe only packaged for the Mexican market, but it's not my favorite, either. I've eaten porcupine, and it was good.

Oh, and then there are Red Delicious apples, unless they are freshly picked. They may be red, but they certainly aren't delicious. Taste more like wet sawdust.
