…… What Alternatives are there to Dog NSAIDs?


Veteran Member
One of my doggies needs pain meds, and takes Galliprant, and sometimes Gabapentin also. Are there any over-the-counter NSAID pain meds that are safe for dogs?
Aspirin? Tylenol? Advil?
The cost of vet meds is incredible- $64 for 30 pills, and that's really pinching me hard.
Any help most appreciated!!!! Thank you

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
I found that many vets charge for opening a sealed bottle and portioning out a smaller amount. I started buying the entire bottle and avoiding that fee, and saved a fortune. You can shop vets for that, since you'd have a prescription. I've found a difference of up to 40% depending on the vet. That being said, here are a couple of alternatives:

Carprofen (Vetprofen)

Ben Sunday

AFAIK, Tylenol is NOT an NSAID. I'm also entirely unsure if it is safe to give to pets.

Advil is Ibuprofen is Motrin. Same med, an NSAID.


Veteran Member
I won't give anything over the counter pain-wise to dogs except aspirin - and that should be the coated stuff and short term.

My little chocolate lab sprained her front wrist about a week ago and was very lame on it for a couple of days. Aspirin worked fine for a short term anti-inflammatory (only about two days - until it became counter-productive, because she OVER-used it instead of resting it). Even then, watch for stomach issues and give with food. For something chronic, like arthritis, I wouldn't advise it.