Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: October 27 - November 2, 2024


Voice on the Prairie
No, you're not being silly! I'm uneasy as well, but I'm trying to keep busy and spending a little more time in prayer.

Tomorrow is payday, and I'm going to get several items, including more spare parts for my bicycle. They'll keep just fine in the basement.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
No, you're not being silly! I'm uneasy as well, but I'm trying to keep busy and spending a little more time in prayer.

Tomorrow is payday, and I'm going to get several items, including more spare parts for my bicycle. They'll keep just fine in the basement.

Yes. Spending more time in prayer, ourselves. We're as prepared as we can be in the event something major comes out of all of this. Cary gets paid on Nov. 1st, but it's the weekend. We don't shop large crowds on the weekend, so it will be the 4th, before we get to town to get a few extra things.


Voice on the Prairie
My sense: if rioting happens, it'll be the large metro areas, like NYC and maybe some of the larger university areas.

If there's a huge cyber attack late Monday/early Tuesday, it could be all over, and I've planned for that with hard copies of things I need for meetings and a supply of cash. I've also topped off my water stores and will get gasoline tomorrow.

If nothing happens, great! On the other hand, I've got some supplies if I have to stay home / not get a paycheck for awhile, or (worst case for me), I've got work-arounds if work doesn't shut down and I'm expected to do things. And if anywhere in the US is nuked while I'm at work, I'm leaving. I'll make some excuses, but I'm going right home. (My supervisor has a room-temperature IQ -- DEI hire -- and wouldn't grasp the implications of a nuke going off in the US.)
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Has No Life - Lives on TB
My sense: if rioting happens, it'll be the large metro areas, like NYC and maybe some of the larger university areas.

If there's a huge cyber attack late Monday/early Tuesday, it could be all over, and I've planned for that with hard copies of things I need for meetings and a supply of cash. I've also topped off my water stores and will get gasoline tomorrow.

If nothing happens, great! On the other hand, I've got some supplies if I have to stay home / not get a paycheck for awhile, or (worst case for me), I've got work-arounds if work doesn't shut down and I'm expected to do things. And if anywhere in the US is nuked while I'm at work, I'm leaving. I'll make some excuses, but I'm going right home if that event occurs.

Cary and I have already decided if there is a major event we will roll up our driveway and bar the gate to our house. If a certain candidate wins, I know we'll do the same. At least for a while, until things settle down a bit. If they ever do.....We're prepared for the long haul.


Veteran Member
Frustrated trying to find an address for cousin in West Des Moines. I have two and have no idea which is current. I've some pictures to send to her and a quick note. I see her post on Facebook occasionally but avoid reading anything because she's a flaming liberal. Can't understand how/why anyone of her intelligence would even consider Harris a qualified candidate. Update: I found the correct address and Google tells me their apartment is for sale which I assume means they are moving to a higher care level. I don't know how old he is, but she is 90. Her health has been stable but his has not and he has been in the nursing home area several times.

I'd planned to go to town to shop this week but I'm still not feeling up to parr. Maybe by Friday although I hate to shop on Fridays or the weekend. Mondays seem to be restocking days so not a favorite either, Bible studies on Tues. and Thurs. so that leaves Wed. to shop. I plan to go only to Walmart and maybe Dollar Tree for shelf stable milk so it will be a quick trip. I was to Aldi a week ago so any food I think of will be purchased at Walmart to save a stop. I'm so fortunate in that Aldi, Walmart, Dollar Tree, HyVee, Hobby Lobby and Target (where I never go) are within two blocks of one another. I have to drive by Fareway coming into and leaving town and I may stop there as the ad had five items on sale that interested me. I guess the primary reason I'm going is to look for a new washer.

I used the washer last night and again this morning and it worked okay. I no longer trust it. I'm looking at this the same as the furnace I had to replace, the product is available today and who knows if it will be tomorrow. I'm trying to remember the washers I've had -- the first was a used Maytag wringer washer, second Kenmore, third a reconditioned Maytag, a new Kenmore, a new Maytag and the final 2013 Maytag. Sounds like a lot but consider I got married in 1960. The reconditioned Maytag is probably still chugging away somewhere and I stupidly got rid of it to gain a dispenser for bleach and fabric softener. Maytag used to be the Cadillac of washers, but not since they are no longer made in Newton, Iowa.

I'm uneasy about the election and the fallout from it, but not stressed. I think the major problems will be closer to January swearing in. The dangerous issues will likely hit the cities not rural areas. However, the fallout of Martial law, shortages of supplies, lockdown etc. will hit all of us. The most dangerous possibility is declaration of Martial law to prevent the changeover (basically the Democrats doing what they say Trump is going to do -- gaslighting at its worst). Another possibility is a pandemic shutting down everything and preventing/delaying changeover. Either scenario is basically a coup.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
If a certain candidate wins, I'm going charcoal gray. I'll probably quit posting on the internet, except for two of the professional sites (no politics).

Cary and I have had a long hard discussion about doing the same. Absolutely no posting on the internet about anything remotely related to politics. That includes here on the forum. Out in public, we will keep our heads on a swivel and our mouths shut, too.


Veteran Member
I'm anxious too and have been dreading election day for a very long time. Thankfully I live in the last place you would expect civil unrest but that's not to say we are completely immune.

I can't seem to get my last minute list tied up because I keep adding things. DH has one more payday between now and then. He's humored me through all of this...he knows I'm not buying anything we don't use on a regular basis so in the best case scenario, my preps are like money in the bank. He hasn't blinked at my budget for anything and enables me the best he can but I'm pretty conservative. If this is a non-event, we won't have to spend any money on any of the day to day essentials for a while. That is a good thing with Christmas coming.

I'll have no choice but to get out and about no matter what happens. There is a big yearly event at one of the shops I'm in just a few days after the election and I have to make sure my booth is all tricked out. If things get iffy, DH will just have to take off work and go with me.


Voice on the Prairie
- If you have a Smart TV (or even a recent one), put it on a power strip and shut it off when it isn't in use.
- Charge your phones in a back room and keep the door shut.
- If you have any other "smart" technology, shut it off or keep it out of the way when it's not in use. I think gaming consoles are a huge risk. They are a "no" in my house.
- Assume that everything you do in the internet is being tracked by an advertiser, even if you have a VPN.

Also keep in mind that if you use eCoupons, you will be tracked. I've decided not to worry about that when buying regular "weekly groceries." When I'm stocking up, I use cash -- no store cards. That's why I like Aldi and buying from neighbors / farmers market.
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Has No Life - Lives on TB
- If you have a Smart TV (or even a recent one), put it on a power strip and shut it off when it isn't in use.
- Charge your phones in a back room and keep the door shut.
- If you have any other "smart" technology, shut it off or keep it out of the way when it's not in use. I think gaming consoles are a huge risk. They are a "no" in my house.
- Assume that everything you do in the internet is being tracked by an advertiser, even if you have a VPN.

Also keep in mind that if you use eCoupons, you will be tracked. I've decided not to worry about that when buying regular "weekly groceries." When I'm stocking up, I use cash -- no store cards. That's why I like Aldi and buying from neighbors / farmers market.

Yes, we have a smart tv, and that's where I think the "listening in" is coming from. Cary and I can be discussing something, even without the tv being turned on, and the same day, ads will be popping up on our computers for exactly what we've been talking about!!!! That's scary, and it's happened enough times to make us very leery about what we say even here at home. We do a lot of talking outside, LOL.

Milkweed Host

Veteran Member
The washer repairman came this afternoon, and the news is not good. The washer is 13 years old and needs a $400 repair. I decided not to have it repaired and will go to town when I feel better and purchase a new one. The repairman said that the expected lifetime of a washer today is ten years.
I purchased a Staber clothes washer in 2006. It was designed for the home owner to repair,
well kind of? All repairs are made from the front of the washer.
I've replaced four bearings and seals. I've also redesigned the out of balance switch, since
the company screwed that up.
I found another exact Staber model in a thrift store that worked fine. I removed all the parts and recycled the

Anyway, my next clothes washers will be one of those small compact type, like a Danby.
I've used the compact clothes washers in other countries and really like them, simple design
and reliable, plus cheap. Places like Home Depot sells these models online for local pickup.

I really dislike all that computer crap they put on washers as I don't need or want it.
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Veteran Member
I've often wondered how much of smart phone use is logged into a "report" on the user. I have a Tracfone which is seldom turned on. I think the last time was when I added minutes which are due again next week so 90 days ago. I do have a smart TV, but I only watch about 5 shows a week and seldom am in the living room beyond those shows except to read a book. When I have guests, the conversation is seldom about politics. Anyone tracking my conversations would likely go to sleep from boredom.

The more I think about it, the more I believe we should not be silent. We as citizens have the right to be heard and, if we're afraid to use that right, we will lose it sooner rather than later. Being careful where and when we speak is of course wise. No need to make ourselves a target for no reason.

Yikes, I just called around and found Speed Queen washers -- priced $1,229, $1,329, $1,429. I will check out the prices and models at the store in town where I bought the last machine for comparison before I drive to the store that quoted me the prices above. Smaller town equals higher prices. I'm hoping to not spend more than $750 for a new machine but until I shop around, I have no idea of prices.

I e-mailed dd last night to ask about Thanksgiving plans and haven't heard back. Oddly enough Grandson just called to ask about plans and to tell me he has a new recipe he wants to bring. Still uncertain if we can get together on Thanksgiving or will need to do it on Friday or weekend. I imagine dd will have to work Friday. Don't know about other two grandsons but will talk to one next week and my dd will ask her son. At some point I'll tell grandson and dd to figure out the day and let me know as it makes no difference to me.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
That also includes phone conversations. Sometimes, I even think our house is listening to what we say. Too paranoid? Maybe, but we have had incidences that make us think so.
From a family member who would know, more things are listening to you than you realize. And the worst is the one that everyone carries around and "must" have with them. And for most of them, you can no longer disable that by removing the battery.

I have dumb everything. With the exception of my phone and computer. My TV, which I love, is one that my Dad repaired over 10 years ago. It works for us. When I got a fridge, I ended up with a "garage fridge" because I did not want all the extras. I love it. Especially the covered coils. My thermostat, installed by the HVAC company, no longer has a net connection after I discovered a "utility event" happening that changed the settings. And honestly, it isn't like they are going to hear much from me regardless.

As far as the election... I'm concerned about the stupid things people might do if a particular someone doesn't win. So I will be doing things to make sure that we are okay with staying out of the city for a while if necessary. There are two doctor appointments scheduled that week but I won't hesitate to call and move both of them if people are being stupid. Neither is urgent. I am not willing to risk my son for people's stupidity and tantrums. I'm not really willing to risk myself either. There are more important things to protect.

As far as going gray... for the most part I am. I only talk here. I no longer talk to people about things unless I've known them for a long time, know they are solid, and am talking to them in person. In my life, that's super rare.


Voice on the Prairie
Do you have a used appliance store where you are? Habitat Restore is also a possibility. That is where we bought our dryer when the old one wore out. We've bought used washers, dryers, and refrigerators over the years.

YES! And sometimes the appliances are new when there's a huge SNAFU out in contractor land. Or they are a weird color, which is easily fixed with a few cans of appliance paint.


Veteran Member
Went to free clinic in town. Got registered and screened. I think there were 10 of us.
The case worker started right into politics as soon as I sat down. I ignored her.
Got to see Doc. He believes I have pneumonia. Both sides, wants an x ray. Gave me a Z pak.
Also filled the 2 diabetes pills and some prilosec.
They said they no longer give out insulin due to a nation wide shortage?
It was free and other than a lot of first time paperwork, pretty painless. And I can just go in and pick up my meds unless I need to see the Doc.
Poor son. Wisdom tooth. No insurance. He is using clove oil. He can afford the dentist though. He's a good man.
Drove in 3 different directions today. Vet for nextguard, then to get 15 bags coal. Then to town to clinic.
Hopefully this will clear up soon.


Veteran Member
Trip to the surgeon for my 6 month follow up. No problems, but along the drive DH started complaining of eye pain - bad enough I had to take over driving (no biggie) and we ended up taking him to urgent care. I was able to get one that honored our insurance, and he was diagnosed with a corneal abrasion. Picked up medicated ointment on the way home.

Was able to hit a few thrift stores for Ebay items and some camping stuff. Now back home with a fire started in the wood stove and all is well.... for the moment.

I did notice a lot of Harris/Walz signs in the central downtown (but nice homes) of Denver. Trump signs all the way as soon as you leave the metro. The surgeon asked if I had any issues - well, I've got some joint pain in my jaw. "Are you stressed? Maybe grinding your teeth at night?" I responded, "Well, I'll be a lot better when the election is over." He smiled. Don't know his politics (don't really care), but I think everyone is stressing somewhat over it. I voted early; so did DH. Now it's just the waiting.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I was talking to a friend this evening. We haven't been able to have a face to face in a few months and today provided one. She's a yoga teacher with classrooms and students all across the spectrum. She is nervous because she is running into some real nut cases on both sides. And quite a pile of people, on both sides, making assumptions based on her skin color. She doesn't talk politics with any of these people or in any of these places. She doesn't discuss anything at all beyond the content of her classes, and she is getting this nonsense.

She is concerned that we may be beyond the tipping point. And that all that matters about who gets in office is whether it occurs now or gets delayed.

We are both tired of this nonsense.


Veteran Member
We don't have smart anything... stupid appliances .... stupid phones..they only make phone debit cards or cash... don't pay bills on line.. don't mail checks..

DH let the front part of the property go gray over a year is "scary".to
We stay as old school as possible..have solar motion lights... driveway alarm..

We will lock our gates if things get crazy...small list of trusted people who will be admitted...still have our land line..and even have corded phones..

Did a quick Walmart run today and got a couple more needed items...last amazon order came today...L.L.Bean order due later this grocery store run planned before the election...
Have most of November bills will pay before the election..the rest should be here... all only require only a phone call..


Veteran Member
I too am feeling a little edgy thinking how things could be but I’m trying to not spend time thinking or worrying about the things I can’t change. I’m just doing the things on my list of things that need doing anyway, even if there wasn’t anything to be edgy about. I have done as much as I’m both physically and financially able to do this past month, knowing that it’s never going to be enough if things get bad but we’ll be in a better position than before. Prayer is definitely in order.

I’ve taken time off from canning so I can get other things that have been waiting on me for too long! DH and I moved a big bookcase out of the basement living room which meant i had to empty it first. I went through sooo many books mostly making quick decisions on what was staying and what was going. I had planned to donate to our county library but since Covid they haven’t been having the “Friends of the Library“ book sale and they don’t have room to store more. I then called Salvation Army and although they typically accept books they didn’t have room either. Ugh, I guess I’ll go back through and box up the ones that have a better chance at McKays and make a trip to Nashville at some point and store the rest until I can figure something else out. Anyway we moved the furniture down there and it works so much better. I still have boxes of stuff from our move in 2010 down there that I need to go through and I‘m pretty sure it’s all going to S.A. as soon as we can box it, load it and get it gone.There is just too much stuff that needs to go!

We got our 2nd Azure order in last week and I‘m really liking it. This last order had a lot of spices and herbs, 3 more cases of half gallon jars, beans, lentils, oatmeal, quinoa, and some other things I can’t remember now. DH had to go to the town that has a Kroger and did some cherry picking of loss leaders, mostly 2 lb blocks of cheeses, butter for $2.49 a lb, and Hunts pasta sauce for .99 cents a can. Kroger tends to be expensive so we just get the good deals that we use.

I‘ve made a good start on cleaning/organizing the upstairs pantry but still have a long way to go and I don’t even want to think about the basement pantry but I’ll have to get that done soon.

@WanderLore prayers up you to be completely well soon.


Veteran Member
We started the week off with a visit to see MIL in nursing home. Her Bible has gone missing. Taking her a replacement large print. Probably won't take another family one. So aggravating.

Grabbed groceries on way home. Today I took a truck load of donations in. Women's shelter thrift was already full but hospital thrift took it all. Sad part is I have 2 more loads, one of which is linens and blankets. Hospital thrift is out of linens and told me they would take it all too.

Hurriedly moving out last of furniture and belongings. Spending our evenings with one of the Grands since he will be leaving soon. We all stayed up til midnight tonight watching movies after a good home cooked supper.

November 5 is gonna be a crazy day. Grand leaves for school, another Grand in court and photographer and realtor coming to get property listed. And the election. And rain. One tiny Harris sign couple miles away. Everyone else has trump flags and signs on farm gates and driveways.

We are supposed to get rain tomorrow evening. I will do touch up painting and cleaning.

Still in shock over PWs passing. I keep re-reading OC's post like that's going to change it.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I love McKay Books. When I did more traveling, I would pack boxes and hit Knoxville and Chattanooga as the break stops on road trips. Generally I'd just let them keep whatever leftovers there were at the last location because they have a free bin out front.

Many of son's videos and music cds came from those trade-ins. And I may do another run to one as I sort through stuff and clear things out.


Veteran Member
Yes, we have a smart tv, and that's where I think the "listening in" is coming from. Cary and I can be discussing something, even without the tv being turned on, and the same day, ads will be popping up on our computers for exactly what we've been talking about!!!! That's scary, and it's happened enough times to make us very leery about what we say even here at home. We do a lot of talking outside, LOL.
The same thing happens to us and we haven't used our tv in years. The grandkids use it for games when they are here. It has to be our laptops. My cell phone is hardly ever even turned on. I still use a landline since cellphones didn't work here until we were finally able to get wifi a couple years ago.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The same thing happens to us and we haven't used our tv in years. The grandkids use it for games when they are here. It has to be our laptops. My cell phone is hardly ever even turned on. I still use a landline since cellphones didn't work here until we were finally able to get wifi a couple years ago.

Our tv is hardly ever turned on, unless Cary is watching his soccer teams play, or we watch a movie or two at night. Cell phones are always on in case there is an emergency with my mom. We both have laptops that are turned on up in the morning, after we've had our coffee. They stay on all day, unless we leave to go somewhere. Our one year old SUV is probably listening to us, too. Now days, everything is suspect!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Appointment with my eye specialist this afternoon. we'll eat out, before coming back home. The dilation always gives me a severe headache.

Doing more laundry this morning that will catch me up for a few days. I'll make sure everything that's dirty will be washed and dried before election day. House and pantry cleaned and organized, too. I want everything to be set on that day, even though, we have to take Mom to her doctor's appointment that day. Her appointment is early in the morning, so I don't think anything will happen while we're away.


Veteran Member
Appointment with my eye specialist this afternoon. we'll eat out, before coming back home. The dilation always gives me a severe headache.

Doing more laundry this morning that will catch me up for a few days. I'll make sure everything that's dirty will be washed and dried before election day. House and pantry cleaned and organized, too. I want everything to be set on that day, even though, we have to take Mom to her doctor's appointment that day. Her appointment is early in the morning, so I don't think anything will happen while we're away.
Those are my goals too. I got the OTC meds and cleaning supplies part of my pantry done yesterday and added a few things to my last minute list. The pantry is now completely inventoried, cleaned and mostly restocked. There are still a few things left to replace.

I'm even going to venture into my daddy's room and get it ready for unexpected company. I can hardly stand to go in there since he passed and when we sold his house last year, I stored all the family things in that room. I need to do this and we need the room.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Those are my goals too. I got the OTC meds and cleaning supplies part of my pantry done yesterday and added a few things to my last minute list. The pantry is now completely inventoried, cleaned and mostly restocked. There are still a few things left to replace.

I'm even going to venture into my daddy's room and get it ready for unexpected company. I can hardly stand to go in there since he passed and when we sold his house last year, I stored all the family things in that room. I need to do this and we need the room.

I did a major reorganize and cleaning when we had to move part of my pantry into the laundry room, so there isn't much to do there, but I like to check. I'm fully stocked for quite a long time, but I want to get a few fresh items, before election day. I don't know about anyone else, but when I get nervous or anxious I go into cleaning and prepping mode.


TB Fanatic
I have a small grocery list but I may just let it go until after the election, maybe.

My doctors appointment went fine, I think she has finally gotten it about me. She was very nice, but I don't trust her. I'm still coughing but she said my lungs sounded fine They did do blood work and I did tell her about my doing the carnivore diet. She didn't gasp or anything like that.

The nurse told me that all the doctors (women) are on the kameltoe thing, and the one that is the loudest about it is the obgyn that I can't stand. They refuse to look at my medical records in the area so I refuse to do their tests.

I'm still coughing some and I just wish it would go away. But I don't feel bad anymore. Allergies will probably be the death of me.

I'm not really anxious about what will happen, I just wish it would be over so we can get on with whatever we have to deal with.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I don't anticipate any problems in our little rural area, either. Even Tupelo is a deep red city, but there are pockets of GTR who are always trying to cause problems. If it weren't for Cary and I having to go to Tupelo for all of our many doctor visits, I would never go there.

Thank God, Cary's watch has come in at the mall. Got the call this morning. We can pick that up while in town, today, and get that over with. He had to send it off for repairs, and we were so hoping it would come in, before the election. The mall is no place to be. If trouble starts, that's where it will start.


Veteran Member
Feeling better today so spent the morning in the kitchen cooking for future meals. Did bacon and sausage and then spent even longer cleaning up the grease. Shopped my pantry for several items and then had to go back down for frozen celery. Found a package of strawberries so brought that up to thaw. Don't know what I'll do with them yet, but they will be used. Now I realize I need to go down again for chicken broth as recipe calls for 3 cans -- I will use my own from freezer.

It is pouring rain here which is much needed. Supposed to rain through mid-morning tomorrow. I hope/plan to go to town tomorrow after 10:00 Bible study to Walmart to fill a rather long list. I hope I remember to go pick out a new washer! I used it again last night and it went crazy off-balance again but after I adjusted the load it finished fine. Nerve racking to say the least. The !#$^## machine has self-destructed due to not shutting off when off balance. Bad design.

Had phone call from nursing home that d-i-l had fallen and questions about appointments. Later I had a phone call from the other nursing home for an interview on d-i-l's stay there. I don't think she liked what I had to say but I let her know in detail the issue about no baths. I wasn't rude but I was firm. Then three calls from a friend who I've been helping with an on-going problem with her sisters. Another call from a telemarketer. I'm surprised I accomplished as much as I did with all those calls.

I think my "feel better today" has exhausted itself and I'm going to take a nap.