Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: May 9-15, 2021


TB Fanatic
So thankful! Glasses on order, dental cleaning done, got in at the "free" clinic (nothing is free) and got blood pressure checked, sugar checked, hearing checked (not a full test), and an arm mole looked at -- probably not cancer -- but make an appointment at the regular clinic if it gets bigger and/or changes color. I'm going to try eggplant and vinegar on it.

So glad that's behind me! I hate doing that stuff, but staying on topic of potential medical issues is a prep, too.

I don't want to be locked down, again, but if we are, I won't worry about medical issues for awhile.
Good for you for getting things taken care of.

Maybe I'm niave but I don't think they can get us "all" to lock down again.



Saved, to glorify God.
DH does not butcher, at least he hasn't in a long time. He tosses dead chickens across the highway and down the pipeline. I did tell him if he butchered one of the roosters that I'd cook it in the crockpot. We are not big chicken eaters though.

Hiwall: in the past I'd be ordering more too, but I simply have no more room for anything. And I probably have at least 200 cans of vegetables out in the she shed, in addition to the hundreds I have in the house, all over the house.. I check on them and so far they are all fine. I've got stacks of canned foods out in my van from awhile back, no where to put them. I'm no longer stashing food in the living room and I'm determined to keep the sofa area cleaned off.

No more rain, thank goodness, the last of it passed us by, but Sheree you may be getting it now.

God is good all the time

You can't know how much this post encouraged and helped me. Being disabled and unable to carry things from one place to another easily makes it hard to "put away" things like clean dishes, laundry and groceries as well as preps, it takes a LONG time just to unload the car and get everything into the house after shopping.

So the house looks like a cluttered mess. I have heart failure , (no stamina or endurance to KEEP working!) so I sit down to rest between "arm or walker loads" I put away, so sometimes I "rest" too long and the job doesn't get finished in a "reasonable" time.
I am constantly discouraged and reprimanding myself for being "lazy" for allowing things to be disorganized and "all over".

John Deere Girl

Veteran Member
Just placed a
You can't know how much this post encouraged and helped me. Being disabled and unable to carry things from one place to another easily makes it hard to "put away" things like clean dishes, laundry and groceries as well as preps, it takes a LONG time just to unload the car and get everything into the house after shopping.

So the house looks like a cluttered mess. I have heart failure , (no stamina or endurance to KEEP working!) so I sit down to rest between "arm or walker loads" I put away, so sometimes I "rest" too long and the job doesn't get finished in a "reasonable" time.
I am constantly discouraged and reprimanding myself for being "lazy" for allowing things to be disorganized and "all over".
Is there anyone you could hire to help you?


Veteran Member
You can't know how much this post encouraged and helped me. Being disabled and unable to carry things from one place to another easily makes it hard to "put away" things like clean dishes, laundry and groceries as well as preps, it takes a LONG time just to unload the car and get everything into the house after shopping.

So the house looks like a cluttered mess. I have heart failure , (no stamina or endurance to KEEP working!) so I sit down to rest between "arm or walker loads" I put away, so sometimes I "rest" too long and the job doesn't get finished in a "reasonable" time.
I am constantly discouraged and reprimanding myself for being "lazy" for allowing things to be disorganized and "all over".

My Mom had one of those "showplace houses" that you saw in magazines, where everything was absolutely perfect. I wasn't allowed to sit on the furniture except when we had company. I swore that if I ever got my own house that I would live in it, and not worry about stuff being dirty or out of place.
As Erma Bombeck said, "An immaculate house is the sign of a misspent life."
I say "Don't sweat the small stuff." As long as you can move around the house without tripping over things, I wouldn't worry about it.


Saved, to glorify God.
My Mom had one of those "showplace houses" that you saw in magazines, where everything was absolutely perfect. I wasn't allowed to sit on the furniture except when we had company. I swore that if I ever got my own house that I would live in it, and not worry about stuff being dirty or out of place.
As Erma Bombeck said, "An immaculate house is the sign of a misspent life."
I say "Don't sweat the small stuff." As long as you can move around the house without tripping over things, I wouldn't worry about it.
MY BOUNDLESS, GRATEFUL THANKS, I really needed that! It gets you down when you can't do your best any more. Or, rather Your "best" is "not enough" to meet your own standards!


Veteran Member
Our own standards are the most challenging. Right up there with forgiving ourselves.

I struggle with feeling 'lazy', even if I'm exhausted with my 'new normal' shortness of breath. I did manage to get a couple more pieces of carpet down, and cross trained for another department today.
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TB Fanatic
You can't know how much this post encouraged and helped me. Being disabled and unable to carry things from one place to another easily makes it hard to "put away" things like clean dishes, laundry and groceries as well as preps, it takes a LONG time just to unload the car and get everything into the house after shopping.

So the house looks like a cluttered mess. I have heart failure , (no stamina or endurance to KEEP working!) so I sit down to rest between "arm or walker loads" I put away, so sometimes I "rest" too long and the job doesn't get finished in a "reasonable" time.
I am constantly discouraged and reprimanding myself for being "lazy" for allowing things to be disorganized and "all over".
I feel your pain, while I'm not disabled, I just have little energy. If I get it done, I get it done, if not, then oh well. I've slept with clean laundry many times. It kills my back to fold laundry. I go at it a few pieces at a time, than I have to rest.

At least now the sofa and the floor in front of it is cleaned out, it is nice to be able to sit on the sofa.

Just do the best you can and to hell with the rest until you can get to it. If someone comes over get them to help carry things. We rarely get anyone coming around and that suits me just fine. DH would like to entertain, but in the 7 years he's been here he's made little to no effort to make friends, I know a lot of people but there are few that I'd actually like to be friends with, I march to the beat of a different drummer than most people do.

In a way I can see how my mother let her recliner suck the life out of her, so I fight against it. She was disappointed in her life, her expectations were unreasonable. She had a nice home, money in the bank and a husband that waited on her hand and foot, but she didn't get what she wanted so she gave up. I refuse to give in and give up. I'm happy with my lot in life.

ETA My mother also had one of those show place houses and was not happy. At some point with having boys and a slug of a husband (ex) I simply had to lower my standards to keep my sanity. My sons were slobs and now their houses are show places.

I just checked the tracking on my shelf thing that is supposed to be delivered Friday, it has made its way to Texas, so its looking good. At least the second one got a tracking number in two days instead of more than a week.

God is good all the time

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Veteran Member
Work was insane last night; by the time my shift ended I was totally done being around other humans - only thing I stopped for on the way home was to top off the gas tank on the van, and I paid at the pump! I just wanted get home so I could go inside and lock the door :lol: I woke up mid afternoon, and after a cup of coffee had enough energy to get outside and get some stuff done. Refilled a couple of humming bird feeders that needed it, hung a couple of flower baskets up, got the plants on the porch watered, cleaned up the stuff that gathered on the porch since fall, then used the hose to wash it down. I dumped the soil from dead plants in the compost pile, hosed down the empty pots and put them on the porch shelves to dry, then got out our geriatric Mule (Kawasaki type, not hoof type) and cleaned up some other stuff around the yard and hauled it back to the edge of the woods compost pile. After that, I got out the tiller and went over the front garden twice - it worked up very nice! We've got rain showing up on the forecast for Saturday afternoon, so I'd like to try to get at least a few things planted in it before it hits. I only have Friday night left to work this week; and with my neighbor lady being gone on a trip, I've been skipping the pool so that should allow me some time.

I walked back and forth past my raised strawberry bed 3 times before I finally figured out why it didn't look right - something ate the two large dill plants I'd put in there clear down to the ground!! I hope that bunny or squirrel or groundhog or deer or whatever it was has a severe case of indigestion!! I also have two strawberry plants that look like they've been chewed on, so I'm going to have to drag the chicken wire out and get it fastened to the frames - hopefully tomorrow.

Also on my list for tomorrow is hauling a used mountain bike Hubby picked up for the older grandson over to their house - Hubby hitched up the little trailer to the van for me - the tail lights are working again - so I'll haul the bike in to town, then stop on the way home to pick up another load of composted manure to fill the raised beds on the north side of the front garden. If I have any energy left when I get home, I'll see if I can move the compost in to the raised beds by the front garden. I'd like to till the front garden again, but will wait until Hubby gets home; he was kind of cranky that I did it today when I was home by myself.

The sweet potatoes that I'd planted in the raised beds by the garden survived the two frosts we've had this week; the beets are up an inch or so, and there are tiny sprouts in the lettuce area as well. I planted the Irish potatoes kind of deep, so I'm not surprised that they aren't showing any growth yet.

Hubby has an IDPA match on Saturday; if he gets home before the rain hits he said he'd get the tractor out and scoop some of the wood chips from where we had a tree taken down and put them on the north side of the raised beds by the garden so weeds would be less likely to grow there - I'll get a double layer of cardboard put down before he puts the chips in place.

Well, my eyes are getting droopy; guess I'd better get ready to crawl back in to bed. You folks all take care out there; stay safe!


Veteran Member
I am following the lead of others, cleaning winter gear. Putting gear away. Plus spring cleaning in our house, always a challenge with children in the house.

I organized the freezer and found half a bag of frozen blueberries.... Oh how wonderful. Probably
Enough to carry us through into summer.

On my walk, I had close encounter with large moose. We were talking, near the forest. After twenty minutes. Finally, we walked off. When we walked off we turned around and saw a moose near where we were standing.


Veteran Member
On my "to do" list for this week was starting to wash the turn out rugs. Well yesterday it was so wet and nasty, and out and out cold, that the elderly geldings had to wear theirs! I've never rugged a horse in mid May! It was a good thing I hadn't wash them earlier or I would have had to do it again. I do need to clean out the back of the truck so I can spread them out. I scrub them with a push broom and then I have to get dh to help me turn them over to do the other side. I swear they weigh 75 pounds when they're wet and it takes them 2 days to dry.
I re-arranged some more pantry stuff .
I have a huge shopping list and multiple errands for tomorrow. I don't usually shop on Fridays but I had 2 things that had to be done on Friday, and I'm worried about getting gas.


Veteran Member
Our old mower pooped out. We're going to look at a nice one this afternoon at a neighbor's.
We worked in the yard and garden. Got some mowing done and weed eater. Just about wears us out lol.
Still waiting on baby chicks to hatch see what we get.
I'm going over to donate some stuff run an errand or so. It's my one place I get to go alone most times. Open one day a week.
God bless him. DH is good at some things but not at being neat and clean. I end up doing a rough quick clean and save the big jobs for when I get help.
I'm able to sleep in my cabin and that's is so nice. Peaceful and quiet and I can stretch out in my big bed out there.
My solar is working beautiful. I'll have to decide on a better heat system before winter.
Ha! SIL showed me how I can use his battery powered weed eater to blow off the back porch! Game changer.
I tell ya some days I just feel like I'm getting too old to do all this. But we keep at it.
Y'all have a good day now.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
No more rain, thank goodness, the last of it passed us by, but Sheree you may be getting it now.

We got all of our rain yesterday morning. None in the forecast for the next few days, at least. I may actually get to put my tomatoes in the ground in the next day or two. Yay! It's going to be a beautiful, warm weekend, too.

Sam's has a sale starting the 19th. I'm going to take advantage of the sale to stock up on food/items I use on a regular basis. I don't know if I'll order online, or go to the store. Mom has another doctor's appt. next week, and I have to take her, so I'll try to go by Sam's while in town. If not, I'll just place an order. I'll find somewhere to put the added food/items. I'm using the bedroom right now to store more food. If I get that area full, I guess I'll start stacking it in my family room, and cover it with something. We don't have visitors very often, and it's only DS, DDIL, and her mom. There is one other prepper friend that likes to visit with us. They are all preppers, so they know what's going on with us as far as stocking food goes. DS also has a large pantry room that is full, also. They continue to increase their food storage, too, and it's 3 of them to stock for, since they also will provide for DDIL's mom if it becomes necessary.

Cary has been a hunter and fisherman most of his life. He can butcher deer, squirrels, rabbits, wild hogs, and chickens. He also cleans all his fish. Thing is, he won't eat what he butchers! He wasn't raised on a farm the way I was where you eat what you raise/hunt. He keeps telling me that if we're in a survival situation, he will eat whatever.......I'm sure he will, or starve.


TB Fanatic
One shelving unit is supposed to be delivered today.

I broke down and placed a small walmart order for delivery. A case of 12.5 oz chicken, two 6 packs of jiffy corn bread mix and a case of 5oz canned ham. I'm making corn bread a little more often, so I'm basically replacing some of what I've used. I use 1/2 can of the ham with a can of beans. I guess you can never have too much chicken.

God is good all the time



Saved, to glorify God.
Work was insane last night; by the time my shift ended I was totally done being around other humans - only thing I stopped for on the way home was to top off the gas tank on the van, and I paid at the pump! I just wanted get home so I could go inside and lock the door :lol: I woke up mid afternoon, and after a cup of coffee had enough energy to get outside and get some stuff done. Refilled a couple of humming bird feeders that needed it, hung a couple of flower baskets up, got the plants on the porch watered, cleaned up the stuff that gathered on the porch since fall, then used the hose to wash it down. I dumped the soil from dead plants in the compost pile, hosed down the empty pots and put them on the porch shelves to dry, then got out our geriatric Mule (Kawasaki type, not hoof type) and cleaned up some other stuff around the yard and hauled it back to the edge of the woods compost pile. After that, I got out the tiller and went over the front garden twice - it worked up very nice! We've got rain showing up on the forecast for Saturday afternoon, so I'd like to try to get at least a few things planted in it before it hits. I only have Friday night left to work this week; and with my neighbor lady being gone on a trip, I've been skipping the pool so that should allow me some time.

I walked back and forth past my raised strawberry bed 3 times before I finally figured out why it didn't look right - something ate the two large dill plants I'd put in there clear down to the ground!! I hope that bunny or squirrel or groundhog or deer or whatever it was has a severe case of indigestion!! I also have two strawberry plants that look like they've been chewed on, so I'm going to have to drag the chicken wire out and get it fastened to the frames - hopefully tomorrow.

Also on my list for tomorrow is hauling a used mountain bike Hubby picked up for the older grandson over to their house - Hubby hitched up the little trailer to the van for me - the tail lights are working again - so I'll haul the bike in to town, then stop on the way home to pick up another load of composted manure to fill the raised beds on the north side of the front garden. If I have any energy left when I get home, I'll see if I can move the compost in to the raised beds by the front garden. I'd like to till the front garden again, but will wait until Hubby gets home; he was kind of cranky that I did it today when I was home by myself.

The sweet potatoes that I'd planted in the raised beds by the garden survived the two frosts we've had this week; the beets are up an inch or so, and there are tiny sprouts in the lettuce area as well. I planted the Irish potatoes kind of deep, so I'm not surprised that they aren't showing any growth yet.

Hubby has an IDPA match on Saturday; if he gets home before the rain hits he said he'd get the tractor out and scoop some of the wood chips from where we had a tree taken down and put them on the north side of the raised beds by the garden so weeds would be less likely to grow there - I'll get a double layer of cardboard put down before he puts the chips in place.

Well, my eyes are getting droopy; guess I'd better get ready to crawl back in to bed. You folks all take care out there; stay safe!
I'll take 2 double orders of whatever is energizing you. One for now, one for later
l dont care what it costs. You did more after working a full day of work than I get accomplished in a full week without having a job! Are you 23yr old?


Veteran Member
I'll take 2 double orders of whatever is energizing you. One for now, one for later
l dont care what it costs. You did more after working a full day of work than I get accomplished in a full week without having a job! Are you 23yr old?

You just brightened the heck out of my day; Ainitfunny - thank you! My job can get pretty frustrating at times; and I learned a long time ago that I could burn off anger/aggravation/irritation by doing physical work - sometimes it's the only way I can shut off my mind so I can go to sleep. I just wish I still had the strength to lift the Monster Maul and split some wood; nowadays I have to settle for naming the weeds in my garden instead....right before I pull or hoe them out of the ground and throw them out in the sun to wither and die :lol: Today was a catch up on sleep day - I got up at 6am, was back in bed for a nap at 1pm, and just now crawled back out to slurp some coffee to keep me going until bedtime. Coffee and 500 to 1500 mcg of B12 are my energizers - B12 is the night shift nurses' dirty little secret - the legal one lol! (And your guess was only about 40 years shy lol!)

Today was a run errands day - I think I was in the car for 2 solid hours - ugh! I dropped a bicycle off at daughter's, stopped at Dollar Tree to get some craft stuff to donate at work, hit the Evil Empire for some kids undies that had been requested by the local foster kid closet (they had some on clearance, yay!), got Hubby some Ensure at CVS, ran through the bank drive up to drop off some paperwork, and then headed to the sale barn to get another load of composted manure. Got home, carried stuff in, threw in a load of laundry, then went out to move the trailer over to the garden - and couldn't get it unhitched from the van. That's when I decided it was time for a nap... And wouldn't you know - it unhitched just fine when I went out to look at it while my coffee was brewing?! Reckon the Lord was telling me to take a break after my errand running?

As soon as I get to the bottom of this jar of coffee (asparagus jar, 24 oz woo-hoo!), I'm going to hang the laundry out on the line, then run in to town to return my library books, and stop by the small local grocery store and pick up a supper meal - they've got a good menu tonight so I'm going to take advantage of it. Then it'll be time to throw in another load of laundry before I go out and hoe the weeds by the raised beds in the garden so it will be done when Hubby gets home - maybe I can get him to move that mulch tonight instead of Saturday... If not, at least I can get some of the composted manure in to the raised beds.

And if I don't get moving, the library is gonna be closed before I get there! Take care all; have a good rest of the day!


TB Fanatic
Thank you for reminding me about B12. One of the ones I've forgotten to get back to taking.

My one shelving unit did get delivered and I have it partially put together. My back is killing me and I've had to take a couple of breaks or three, I've got on a back brace and took a pain pill and my back is still killing me. No matter how many brakes I have to take I'm getting that sucker put together and get it loaded down. There will be some order to what I'm putting on the shelves but will have to tweek the stuff later. And I'm going to have a good amount of space one each side to get to what's on the shelves. The unit is actually very simple to put together but like anything else I have to do I have to do a little at a time and take breaks. But a little at a time will get things done.

I've got one more unit coming but I may have room for another one, which I can put to good use. This pantry room (I can't remember the deminisons but its a good size room will be like going into a grocery store. Shelves along both walls and shelving down the middle. I can see it in my minds eye clearly.

God is good all the time



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Me nor Cary have got anything done today. Since I made my last post, the prepper friend that I mentioned in it, called, and wanted to come over for a visit. When he gets spooked, he wants to come over, and talk about it. He's spooked. We all sat around, drank 2 pots of coffee, and talked about all the news, and the condition of the country. We had a great time, but didn't get any of the nation's problems solved, LOL. Getting rid of all the Demoncrats and RINO's was the best solution he could come up with. It really does take a lot for this person to get spooked, and he really is scared for what he sees happening in the near future.


Veteran Member
My son and I went through the house and shop very methodically earlier this week making a list of unusual items that we were low on. Going shopping on Saturday to fill as much as of the list (and groceries) as possible. items like additional hacksaw blades, more screws in various sizes, sawzall blades, lantern mantles etc. Want to make absolutely sure we have the items needed to ensure we can stay as self sufficient as we can, Be able to repair items for ourselves and others as a means of barter. Have next week off from work so planning on killing several projects around the place. Stay safe all.


Voice on the Prairie / FJB!
I'm considering buying a vacuum sealer. Are they worth it? If so, which one. I figured you ladies on this thread would know. : )

I think they are. When I do bulk freezing of meat in September, I get a better seal than with freezer paper or regular freezer bags, so less waste. I also like them for my own "boil in the pouch" - type meals. I mainly make these for car camping but when I'm organized, I make a bunch in early July and toss them into a pot of boiling water for supper when it's too hot to cook at the end of July / early August.

The main problem: getting a source for the bags, which can get pricey at some merchants. I do fairly well when they come into Fleet Farm.

I have an older version of this one:

I can't give you a long discussion about machines. My previous one came from a garage sale. I think it was originally from Cabela's. It was just fine, but it didn't get packed for the move to Iowa, so I replaced it with the first thing I found around $50 (they've gotten more expensive!)

If you are doing bulk freezing of meat and money is tight, freezer paper does work! I tend to keep my meat for close to six months, and I've had much better luck using a vac sealer.


Voice on the Prairie / FJB!
Added: you can also use your vac sealer for veggies and some have a plastic hose for vac sealing special canisters, which are good for coffee and nuts. My last machine had that. This one doesn't but I keep whole coffee beans in the basement, which keep fairly well in their original packaging in a baggie with the air removed. I generally rotate coffee out before six months have passed. If I were keeping it longer, I'd get some jars that vac seal.

Illini Warrior

Illini Warrior
I'm considering buying a vacuum sealer. Are they worth it? If so, which one. I figured you ladies on this thread would know. : )

just understand what it's applications are and not some of the imagined fantasies >>> it was invented for the freezer and to cut freezer burn on the NORMAL storage of meats - not years and years buried in the bottom

vac bagging some rice is not a substitute for long term food storage using mylar bags & 02 absorbers >> that vacuum poly film isn't some industry magic - it just heat seals better than a Glad ziplock and your average sandwich bag - short term storage only ...

one of the best usages is to compress and protect - if you want to sqeeze down a few socks for the knapsack or put together a med kit >> great


Veteran Member
We got the mower! Beautiful and great price. SIL drove it home and said ya ain't seen country till ya drove a big mower home 3 miles on a dirt track lol
So the yard looks wonderful. Got more plants in. It was a gorgeous night. Boys and I had a campfire and sat out till late.
Other son picking me up an apple tree today.
Not feeling so overwhelmed anymore.
Few more spots to clean up outside.
All coming together.


Veteran Member
I have a FoodSaver brand vacuum sealer - I like it, and we do use it frequently. The first FoodSaver I bought was the low end model - it failed after a few months (wouldn't pull air out of the bag). I called the company, they had me do a little test over the phone where I tried to seal a spoon in one of the bags. They sent me another of the same model; it did the same thing right out of the box (I'll admit to wondering if I got back the one I sent in :lol: ) so I called, did the test again. The lady said "We'll send you another one." I said "No disrespect intended Ma'am, but I don't think I want to wait, and end up wasting my time again." She said "Oh no, it will be a different model." I ended up with a very nice machine that came with a jar sealer and a ton of bags, and we have used the heck out of it. I did find that when using the jar sealer option, it is good to have the lids warmed up a bit - not so hot that it will melt the plastic on the sealer, but warm enough that the sealing compound does seal.

I get my vacuum sealer bags from They are very reasonably priced - much less than buying Food Saver brand bags at the store, and they work very well - I can't tell you how many of them we've gone through. They will send you a sample of 3 gallon, 3 quart, and 3 pint bags for $3 if you want to try them out first. We use mostly pint bags; those are currently 50/$9.50, 100/$18.50, 200/$36.50, 500/$90.50. 1200/$210.50. I haven't had a failure with their bags yet that hasn't been my own fault.


Veteran Member
We have been working on the wood pile. I think we have all the big logs cut to length. We started splitting them yesterday. Today we will put the split wood in the shed. It is supposed to rain 4 inches or more next week. Our son was here and helped with the wood splitting. Looks like he will be here a lot for a while. He is filling for a divorce. I hate it, but it is past time. He had dated her when they were teenagers and she broke up with him. She is bipolar. When they started dating again she was on her medication and swore she would always take it because she never wanted to go back to how she was. To make a long story short, she has been off her meds over 2 years and it is a constant tantrum. She is jealous of everyone, including us. She thinks he is cheating all the time. But if he was, he certainly would not be sleeping in my hay barn when he gets off work.
He is not sure what his long term plan is, but we will be seeing more of him at least.

Saturday we are going to NW Arkansas for our great neices graduation party. We have not been up there in over a year. And this summer we will be getting the younger great niece for Aunt and Uncle summer camp. She wants to make jelly and can something else too. We will have to find some stuff to keep her attention. We live a very different kind of life.

We got the hay pasture sprayed for weeds. Now we need to fertilize it. We can cut it in 30 days from the weed spraying. I would like to find a 2 wheel tetter. But so far no luck finding a used one. I only have a few bales left from last year in the barn. Hubby also found the leak in the pond bank. Hopefully we can work on that too. I would like to have fish in it. There are a slue of turtles to get rid of first.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Digger, our youngest DS who has MS is going through he same thing. He hasn't filed, yet, but they have been separated, since November of last year. He's still in Texas, and she has moved back to Kentucky. He is moving back home in June. Mom has a huge house, so she wants him to move in with her. Hopefully, he can find a great MS specialist here in our area that can continue to treat his MS the same way his specialist has done out in Texas. She's one of the best in the country. I worry about this. We have Neurologists here, but they don't specialize just in MS like the doctor he is using now.

Last night, we were watching TV. It went to a commercial, and Cary did what he always does, and turns the sound off, until all the commercials are over. While it was quiet, I heard a loud "pop". I knew immediately what it was. Out of all the jars of home canned veggies I have in storage, yep, one had just unsealed! I now have to go through every jar to find it! I have canned tomatoes, pickles, peas, and green beans to go through. It's going to take awhile. This is the first time this has happened in a long time. I'm not looking forward to it. I'll clean and rearrange as I go, so all won't be lost. I need to do some rearranging anyway.

Now that the rain has stopped, Cary will be spraying weed killer all along our fence line, today, and tomorrow, we plan to get those tomatoes in the ground. The soil should be just right to work in. Not squishy mud. Temps in the upper 70's today, and mid 80's for tomorrow and Sunday with clear skies!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
We have 3 vacuum sealers that my wife uses occasionally. I am not impressed by them at all. 2 of them have the ability to vac seal jars but again I was not impressed. I bought a different sealer just for jars. It it is much more powerful and works very well.


Veteran Member
I'm considering buying a vacuum sealer. Are they worth it? If so, which one. I figured you ladies on this thread would know. : )
We’ve had the best luck with one DH bought from Cabelas and that’s where he buys the bags for it. Ours really gets put through it’s paces here and it’s held up well, way better than the Foodsavers we had.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Ok. I found the unsealed jar. It wasn't one of my home canned veggies, but one that had been vacuum sealed. A quart jar of dry egg noodles. So, no loss!!!

Cary surprised me. While I was in my pantry going through all the jars, he came in, and told me that he had just finished planting the tomatoes! YAY! Bless his heart.


TB Fanatic
The saga of my shelving units continues. I got the newest one put together and unfortunately it is not holding as much as I had hoped it wood. I did just about get a 4 foot table that was piled high almost cleaned off. I do have one more unit coming next week.

Even if I never buy another can of something I just don't see how I'm going to get it all organized. But hope springs eternal. Too bad DH is not going to let me put anything "prep" in the cabin he's building. The big bedroom in the cabin is huge. LOL

And please don't suggest I give a lot away, I do share, but not from my main preps.

God is good all the time



Has No Life - Lives on TB
The saga of my shelving units continues. I got the newest one put together and unfortunately it is not holding as much as I had hoped it wood. I did just about get a 4 foot table that was piled high almost cleaned off. I do have one more unit coming next week.

Even if I never buy another can of something I just don't see how I'm going to get it all organized. But hope springs eternal. Too bad DH is not going to let me put anything "prep" in the cabin he's building. The big bedroom in the cabin is huge. LOL

And please don't suggest I give a lot away, I do share, but not from my main preps.

God is good all the time


The only person I share my preps with is Mom, and only rarely. I buy her stuff all the time, though. I'd never think of just giving anything away, and neither should you, unless it's something you really wanted to do. My pantry room is bulging at the seams. I don't have shelf space or floor space to put anything else. Our bedroom is quite large, and Cary doesn't mind all the storage food that I have stacked against one whole wall, and under the bed. Once that space is filled, I'll start stacking it in the family room if I have to, and just dare someone to say something about it!


TB Fanatic
The only person I share my preps with is Mom, and only rarely. I buy her stuff all the time, though. I'd never think of just giving anything away, and neither should you, unless it's something you really wanted to do. My pantry room is bulging at the seams. I don't have shelf space or floor space to put anything else. Our bedroom is quite large, and Cary doesn't mind all the storage food that I have stacked against one whole wall, and under the bed. Once that space is filled, I'll start stacking it in the family room if I have to, and just dare someone to say something about it!
Thank you, there are, however, some on this forum that would suggest paring down. I'm like you I will not do it. I do share commodities every month with my pastor, sometimes the entire haul. But that is it. At 74 I'm figuring that my pantry will out last me, but what ever. I just have to keep organizing.

God is good all the time



Veteran Member
Do any of you remember how much energy 2 yr. olds have? Little granddaughter has tons of it and I don’t! LOL I have an unexpected day off today.

I started an online order of things like eye drops, OTC meds, a few first aid type things last night then this morning I added a couple of pairs of pants (fingers crossed they work well for me since I’ve never tried this brand before) and some much needed night shirts. I need to do a thorough inventory of the bathroom cabinets and see what needs to be bought to bring levels up of personal items and first aid.

How has everyone in the SE states doing with the gas craziness? We weren’t hurting even though we don’t have much in the way of gas storage, thankfully. DH’s truck was full and my car had half a tank, DH had to go Wednesday and get some meds for me and went to the grocery store so topped off my car. It was $2.79 a gallon but we’ve heard it’s went a little higher in that town. In the town closer to us it was $2.99 yesterday afternoon.