Prep Genrl Weekly Prep Thread: May 23 ~29, 2021


TB Fanatic
We have 2 new litters of kittens. We have an orange stripe and a calico. We've named the orange stripe, Garfield, and the calico, Twinkie, LOL. One set of kittens are about 6 wks old, and the other, about 4 weeks. If we knew of someone who would take them that would give them a good home, we would give all the kittens away. If not, we'll just keep them.
We have 4 right now. That is more than enough for us


TB Fanatic
Our air conditioner died. We paid half down on a new one already, but haven't heard when they will install it. It is supposed to be high 90s here all week. I am NOT happy. Fans don't do much. They are supposed to have a loaner unit, but we are waiting to hear. He has until noon tomorrow before we go tracking him down for info. I might be over at Rural King buying a window unit that will at least put out cold air. I hate the heat, but my better half hates cold and refuses to leave Florida, so I am stuck.

So no cooking, as I am not turning on the stove or the oven. Didn't buy much of anything this week, but did get 2 cans of Folgers at Winn Dixie at $4.99 each. Weekend deal and they had a bunch of them. We have a lot stored up but these were good for another year out, so I dated them and stuck them in the closet. At that price, I wasn't passing them up.

Suggestion: Get a hot plate. That will keep things cool.

We need to have our upstairs AC looked at. They are scheduled for tomorrow. We may be in the same boat. I hope not.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
We have 4 right now. That is more than enough for us

We had 30 at one time, years ago! We didn't have any mice, rats, or snakes, though. They all kept disappearing one by one, until we were only left with one mama cat. She had 2 babies, then she died. Those 2 babies are the mamas to the 2 litters we have now. I won't be surprised if some of them disappear. We have foxes, coyotes, and huge owls. Once the kittens get big enough to follow their mamas over our fence, they start disappearing. Sad, but there's nothing we can't do about it.


TB Fanatic
We had 30 at one time, years ago! We didn't have any mice, rats, or snakes, though. They all kept disappearing one by one, until we were only left with one mama cat. She had 2 babies, then she died. Those 2 babies are the mamas to the 2 litters we have now. I won't be surprised if some of them disappear. We have foxes, coyotes, and huge owls. Once the kittens get big enough to follow their mamas over our fence, they start disappearing. Sad, but there's nothing we can't do about it.
4 is enough for us.

We did lose 2 over the years. One moved down the road to find the women and got killed at some point. The other was a baby 18 months old and an older Tom came by and decided to kill him. I solved that problem real quick.

We also have a lack of snakes, mice, rats, etc. The cats just love hunting each day. We can tell how well they did by how hungry they are for breakfast or dinner.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Well, I had to cut my shopping short, today. My hip and leg started hurting me so bad. I just had to say to heck with it, and come back home. I did manage to stop at a new shoe store. I had heard that they carry smaller sized shoes for women, since there are quite a few Asian women in our area. Their shoes sizes tend to run small, too. I found 3 pair of sandles in the color I needed. Bought those.

Cary dropped me off at Walmart, and went to get his hair cut. I got my eye meds and a clip on pair of sunglasses that's a perfect fit for my glasses. Blocks out 100% of UV and blue light. I looked for a screen blocker, but they didn't have those. I'll have to order one, I guess. I picked up more cans of Bacon Spam, more cans of BBQ pulled pork, more cans of tamales in chili sauce, and more cans of smoked diced ham. I'll pick up more canned chicken and chili the next time I go to Sam's, or I might just order it. I also bought 3 boxes (4 per box) of the soft white LED light bulbs. I'm thinking those kind are kinder on my eyes.

By the time I got through walking all over the shoe store and Walmart, I was in so much pain I had to stop. I'll wait, until after the 1st to go grocery shopping and all the rest.

Now that I'm back home, and able to sit down, the pain isn't so bad. Cary will go get whatever we decide we want for our supper tonight, since we'll be home, at the nice deli shop here in our community. Orders are made fresh. They have a very large variety to pick from on their menus.
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Veteran Member
SB, you need to use those electric carts. I have to use them if they are available. My back injury is very slow to improve, a year now. Anything other than dollar store, is too much.
I got the entire garden weeded today. I have taken to just sitting down in the garden and scooting around. Rather than bending over. It looks great, garden is doing wonderful!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
SB, you need to use those electric carts. I have to use them if they are available. My back injury is very slow to improve, a year now. Anything other than dollar store, is too much.
I got the entire garden weeded today. I have taken to just sitting down in the garden and scooting around. Rather than bending over. It looks great, garden is doing wonderful!

I've thought about it at Walmart. This is the first time I've been inside a Walmart in months. I usually order everything I want, or just run inside to pick up my meds. With the accident just after I had my back surgery, I can't sit or stand for very long periods of time, without my hip and leg hurting. Sometimes, the whole lower part of my back hurts, too. I think I damaged my back again in the accident. I told my surgeon about it, and he told me that if I had reinjured my back, there was nothing else he could do to fix it. I should have gotten a second opinion on that, but didn't. That was years ago, and I'm still in pain from time to time. If I bend or twist a certain way it will flare up on me. It's the main reason I can't do much gardening anymore. Before we stopped having a garden, I would have to take pain pills just so I could get the job done. I don't have the desire to go that route again.


Veteran Member
thats too bad hon. both my legs and feet go numb if i have to stand or walk too far. if i could afford the surgery, they could just go in and sip the piece off. but all i have is medicaid and it offers very little.
I'm trying to teach these kids how to garden, if we get where we can't anymore. I'd hate to give it up but there are work arounds and sometimes ya just gotta do it.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
thats too bad hon. both my legs and feet go numb if i have to stand or walk too far. if i could afford the surgery, they could just go in and sip the piece off. but all i have is medicaid and it offers very little.
I'm trying to teach these kids how to garden, if we get where we can't anymore. I'd hate to give it up but there are work arounds and sometimes ya just gotta do it.

We still have a couple of small raised beds for a few tomatoes and peppers. Growing some in large flower pots, too. I also have a place to plant a few squash and cucumbers. That's about all I can manage. We still have our pecan tree, mulberry tree, muscadines, blackberry patch, peach, apple trees, wild cherry tree, and a huge fig.


Veteran Member
We got the air conditioning/heater unit replaced today (took a little over a week) so things are finally getting back to a normal temperature. I certainly didn't help that this week has been extremely hot, with temps in the mid 90s. But it is all done now and I am certainly never going to take air conditioning for granted again!!!


Veteran Member
I'm out in my cabin, its under a maple. With the 3 windows open, it stays comfortable in the 90s. Right now in MI we are having a cold spell, can't believe it. After very hot temps.
My garden is doing great. Pulled lettuce and spinach to go with dinner. Had the boys do it. They are learning. They told me their potatoes are getting ready.


Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
My house is a disaster. Just completely unacceptable. I'm not one that has to have a spotless house to have company, but mine is embarrassing. Hopefully I'll get it cleaned this weekend.

I can relate! Two things: clean in short bursts rather than hours on end and when you are finished, look at possible ways you can cut down on the cleaning time. For example, when I moved this last time, I downsized my living room to an area rug, lamp, TV, recliner, and a couch. Sometimes I set up the "puzzle table" (portable table for jigsaw puzzles) in a corner. Having only a few things in that room makes it a lot easier to clean. Plus each night before bed, I try to go through the entire house quickly and put things back. That also helps from having to spend hours cleaning on weekends and holidays.

My biggest problem: dishes. Sometimes when I have a lot going on, I switch to paper plates. I know, but not having the dishes stack up keeps my kitchen usable and then I don't get prepared food at the grocery. I've fallen into some deep housekeeping holes before!


TB Fanatic
We are filling the 6th planter this weekend. Bought the bags the other day, now just have to dump them into the planter and she if we need any more. Hopefully not.

Today is fix / recharge the AC day. The system is 16 years old and is just about due for a replacement, but I want to wait another year or two. I would rather put the money on the payoff of the house. So may be 6


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Looks like we'll be getting rain today. At 9:14am temp is 75 with humidity at 78% and dewpoint at 68. Feels damp and muggy outside this morning. It hasn't started raining, yet, though.

I had a hard time getting any meaningful sleep last night, because of my back, hip, and leg issues. I finally got a couple of hours in the wee hours of this morning. So, not feeling too well, today. I'll be doing good just to get the floors swept.

On days like today, and it's not often, I have some boxes of Hamburger Helper on hand. That's our menu for tonight, along with frozen oven baked French fries (I keep a few bags of these in my freezer for quick use). We ate out from the deli last night, so I need to make an effort, tonight.
I made a quick run to the store before the tourists and the weather get here for the weekend. It's supposed to be a wet crappy weekend so hopefully there won't be any fires in the forest started by city folk.

I might hit the yard with the weed wacker in a little bit while it's still nice. We've hardly had any rain/snow but still the grass grows.


TB Fanatic
It may be sad, but is it not true?

I just had my AC checked and topped off. It is 16 years old and is coming up for a replacement. No biggie, just part of owning a house. note: we have two, one upstairs and one down stairs. As 2 is 1.

I asked them how the wait was for a new one.

Answer: You want any old version and we can have it done in two weeks. BUT if you want a new one that is efficient and does a good job, then you are waiting about 6 weeks for us to get one. There is a waiting list.

We are seeing this all over for even the most basic things.


TB Fanatic
We need to remember these days of just going into a store and being able to buy / afford a couple of packages of pudding cups or what ever. They are coming to an end.
Sad, but true. The store shelves were completely packed. No one seemed to be buying a lot, they either shop every few days or have a full pantry.

Last time I went to Kroger I got a nice sandwich and was looking for the same thing, they didn't have what I was looking for but I settled on one that was decent. The man in that department stopped what he was doing and showed me where the sandwiches were. I told him I would find them, but he insisted.

After having been in Barnes and Noble and then Kroger I felt like I was in the twilight zone. The prices in B&N were shockingly high. I imagine it seemed that way to me because I usually by my books used. It was a relief to get out of the store.

God is good all the time



Senior Member
We make Jello pudding on the weekends, still a pretty cheap dessert. If I'm feeling like a homemaker I make it from scratch. My mom's recipe for butterscotch is actually called Homemaker's butterscotch pudding. Now I want some!
Going for more dirt and another container to plant a few more things.
We got in excess of 3 inches from the storms last night. All this rain is taking a toll on my lettuces. But, the humidity is low today and it's cool.
Picked 2 cups of sour cherries, muffins are on the menu tomorrow.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
We like rice pudding. I've got several different recipes for it, and tons of rice. My grandmother's custard recipe is good, too. I haven't made it in years. She loved to make different custard pies, but the basic recipe is the same for plain custard/pudding.


TB Fanatic
I actually have what is needed to make pudding at home. I just wanted a treat for DH that required no effort. I have been short on effort this week.

I like rice pudding too, but of course, my DH does not. And bread pudding too. Although I'm not big on having a dessert very often. Daddy didn't eat sweets, so I didn't grow up having a dessert every day. To fattening anyway.

God is good all the time



Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
Homemade pudding is a Thanksgiving or Christmas treat for me. I make small batches of high fiber cookies on occasion, especially if I'm going to be riding on the bike trails several days in a row. Kids wouldn't like them. They aren't overly sweet. I take those and some apple slices for a quick snack.


Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
I actually have what is needed to make pudding at home. I just wanted a treat for DH that required no effort. I have been short on effort this week.

I don't blame you! I picked up a take and bake flatbread pizza (small) and a mini shepherd's pie casserole at HyVee so that I have some very quick meals for today and tomorrow. I want to work outside, which makes me too tired to cook, but I want to stay away from the long lines at restaurant take-out this weekend.

I can get two lunches from the pizza and two dinners from the casserole. I add a garden salad. That's my "holiday treat," cheaper than restaurant eating but still very fast. On Sunday, I plan to fire up the grill and cook hamburgers and pork chops, some of which will go into the freezer for later reheating.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Oh My Goodness! We absolutely love bread pudding! Cary's mom made the best in the world. I don't have her recipe, though. I wish I had got all her German recipes, before she passed away, but at the time, it wasn't on my "to do" list.

My mom gave me a cheap "knock off" recipe that's called Scalloped Peaches, and it's a type of bread pudding. Mom uses pineapples in hers, but we like peaches better.


TB Fanatic
Oh, I hear ya! Nothing at all wrong with that. Sometimes, when Cary wants to treat me, we'll drive all the way into town for a large chocolate milkshake with whipped cream and a cherry on top! Some may say that is a waste of time and money, but to us, it's worth it.
it could be called a date. We even consider going to the grocery together an outing.

I just ordered two hamburger steak dinners from the local eating place.

God is good all the time



Veteran Member
I’m absolutely wiped out! Yesterday was mostly the Princess and I on our own, tiring but not too bad. Today she was a handful. I think she started the day overtired and maybe overexcited since her brothers are officially out of school and were here today too. We were all grateful when she finally napped. By the time their aunt picked them up this afternoon I was happy to see them go LOL. DH called right after they left and I told him I was going to bed and supper was in the crockpot!!! I’ve been watching episodes of Death in Paradise that’s recorded, trying to rest up.

We’ve been filling in some holes after DH defrosted and did an inventory of a couple of freezers, this week we lucked out on Hillshire smoked sausage on sale at Kroger for $2.49 a pack, he got 10 and Kroger butter for $1.77, I think he got 5.

Don’t take shortcuts, I grabbed the knife I was going to trim any remaining fat off the chicken breasts to open the package instead of using the kitchen scissors like I should have. The knife slipped and I sliced right into my thumb, it probably needed a few stitches but that wasn’t going to happen today. Oldest grandson helped me cover it with a bandage and I finally got the bleeding stopped. I’m debating on if I’m going to re-do the bandage tonight or wait until morning *sigh*.


Veteran Member
DH let me sleep in - I'd worked 4 days in a row and was beat. Still beat!! I did get grocery shopping done today and got some herbs transplanted. I'm so happy to see the wood betony that I thought was dead is doing great! We have campers here tonight - and maybe tomorrow. I'm hoping my energy will be better tomorrow - I am so tired and sore, but I think it's due to my meds that I just stopped. Still need to get the house cleaned and laundry done, but we're supposed to have rain Sunday and Monday, so I'll do it then.


Our air conditioner died. We paid half down on a new one already, but haven't heard when they will install it.

That's a bitch. Here we all rely on them too, at least to feel comfortable. When I moved into my new place I noticed a nice free space on a wall opposite the AC unit so I got a mob to install a second split system. I use one and then the other alternately but I know one day one of them will die and It'll die on the hottest day of the year. Old prepper saying, Two is one and one is none.


I’m absolutely wiped out! Yesterday was mostly the Princess and I on our own, tiring but not too bad. Today she was a handful. I think she started the day overtired and maybe overexcited since her brothers are officially out of school and were here today too. We were all grateful when she finally napped. By the time their aunt picked them up this afternoon I was happy to see them go LOL. DH called right after they left and I told him I was going to bed and supper was in the crockpot!!! I’ve been watching episodes of Death in Paradise that’s recorded, trying to rest up.

We’ve been filling in some holes after DH defrosted and did an inventory of a couple of freezers, this week we lucked out on Hillshire smoked sausage on sale at Kroger for $2.49 a pack, he got 10 and Kroger butter for $1.77, I think he got 5.

Don’t take shortcuts, I grabbed the knife I was going to trim any remaining fat off the chicken breasts to open the package instead of using the kitchen scissors like I should have. The knife slipped and I sliced right into my thumb, it probably needed a few stitches but that wasn’t going to happen today. Oldest grandson helped me cover it with a bandage and I finally got the bleeding stopped. I’m debating on if I’m going to re-do the bandage tonight or wait until morning *sigh*.
We need an "awww' icon! Sorry about the cut... hubby sliced into the tip of his thumb yesterday with a razor knife. No idea how, but it bled like a bugger.

Usually, on one that bleeds real freely, unless it was a truly contaminated wound (presence of feces, or possible foreign bodies... in which case, you really better hope the ER is still open), we consider it "cleaned enouhh" and leave the original bandage on overnight. I'll overwrap it if it got soaked through with blood... if it REALLY got soaked through, I'll remove as much of the outer layers as possible without disturbing the layer with the clot! Then, I rewrap with clean gauze.

The next day we completely unbandage, clean, assess, and rewrap. Usualky by then, the risk of it starting to bleed again is pretty low.

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Veteran Member
We have used regular super glue on cuts. We let it bleed out a bit, clean it and use super glue to close it. DH had one of the dogs bite him when they were fighting (dogs) and it was pretty bad on both sides of hand. Did this for it, had to reapply a little one day later, then it healed with no scars pretty quick.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I've used super glue on Cary, too. He's on blood thinners. Washing the wound and getting the bleeding stopped with Bleed Stop, then use the super glue, and then bandage. Saves on having to get stitches. I also have a stock of butterfly closures for the smaller wounds and cuts.

Since he takes blood thinners, it scares me to death when he uses the ax and chainsaws!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
At 7:30 am this morning, our temp was 59!!! with humidity at 72%. Our high today is only supposed to be 71! That's almost unheard of for this time of year. We may even break a record low tonight with temps possibly dropping into the upper 40's. Geesh! Rain passed through, yesterday, dropping the temps behind it.

I was still feeling so bad all day, yesterday, that absolutely nothing got done. I didn't even feel up to eating any supper, or making it. Instead of the Hamburger Helper and fries I was planning to make. I just pulled out a pack of hot dogs, shredded cheddar cheese, and buns from the freezer, and opened a can of chili from the pantry. Cary had a couple of chili cheese dogs with chips. I store a lot of hot dogs in the freezer for quick meals that even Cary can make for himself. I'll go ahead and do the Hamburger Helper meal tonight, since the ground beef is already mostly thawed in the fridge.

I've got a load of laundry in the washer right now, and those will go into the dryer. I don't feel up to hanging them out on the clothesline. That's about as far as I plan to go today, other than sweeping the floors. I'm still not feeling well. I'm thinking I got a bit too much sun when I went to visit my aunt and uncle over in Alabama the other day, and a Lupus flare is coming on, along with my back/hip problems. One of the first Rheumatologist I saw years ago told me that the sun was my enemy.