ALERT We can confirm an explosion outside Kabul airport - UPDATE: AT LEAST THIRTEEN U.S. SERVICE MEMBERS HAVE BEEN KILLED IN ACTION!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
EHA News


| #Taliban has access to $85 billion worth of American military equipment Former #US Navy reservist Jim Banks said that the military equipment left behind includes 75,000 vehicles, 200 airplanes and helicopters, and 600,000 small arms and light weapons.

To put that $85 BIL in perspective, a 100% Service Connected Combat Veteran earns roughly $3100.00 a month. In order to service that $85 BIL, it would take 27,419,354.84 of those $3100.00 checks.

Now, do you understand? Mafs is hard, but treason is an easy trick, apparently.

We let this shit stand and we will be slaves until the end of Time.


Veteran Member
I may have missed it. How many of Biden's Taliban allies were killed in this/these suicide bombings? If that number is zero, that may/might/possibly indicate that Biden's friends knew what, where, when and how our Marines and Navy Corpsman were going to be murdered along with a load of Afghan men, women and children. Not one reporter thought to ask that question. How many Taliban died in this attack?


TB Fanatic
Lara Seligman


Kirby announces that the Pentagon has authorized Marine Corps base Quantico, fort picket and Holloman AFB to provide additional support to evacuate SIVs

AAAAHHHH............That explains it.

They were going to Camp Upshur..................

Folks, at 1219 I was coming back south on the DC beltway from an appointment in Silver Spring, MD. Traffic slowed a bit at exit 9 going southbound; this is the Allentown Road/Andrews AFB exit. A MPD motorbike cop was pushing cars out of the far right lane at the entrance to the Beltway. I was a little ways back, slowed down.
Next thing I see are SIX Academy bus lines busses get onto the Beltway. Loaded to the gills with men and women how shall we say not in Western dress..............
A plane had landed and dumped 6 busloads of Afghan refugees onto the Andrews tarmac folks. 89th MAG has a passport/international flight processing center just off the AF1 ramp; doubt they were processed there however (it's used for heads of state and their staff coming here for official visits generally). The AF tossed them off the plane and put them on the busses.
Anyway, buses were grey with black striping, each sign in front was lit up with "bus 1, bus 2" etc. Traffic opened up, so we started moving again. I went by each bus, honked the horn, and flipped a proper bird at EACH bus in the line-motorcycle cops were at the front and rear of the convoy only. If someone wanted to hurt those folks for real, taking out one of those buses would have been no problem. One cop at the front of the convoy, one at the back. Piss poor security.

And I flipped the bird at each bus for all of us, me, you, family and TB2K family members. Because each Afghan here means one more American still in Afghanistan and unable to get out. It's wrong.

These Afghans were most likely heading to Quantico. More specifically the training area known as Camp Upshur; it's to the north of the main base and where OCS candidates go during the summer to get heat stroke (at least one a day drops from it) and where artillery practice is held.

I figure this because the Afghans going into Dulles are bused to the Dulles Expo center near NRO. Andrews is on the other side of the beltway; it's a straight shot down the beltway to I-95 south to exit 150 for Quantico. That means they've expanded the holding and processing of Afghans in CONUS.

Also, a BS tidbit I'm sending in the clear here because it needs to be. At least one base here in the DC area I know well just raised THREATCON to BRAVO. Within the past 30 minutes, folks. That's right, Friday afternoon and it's at BRAVO. Consider that folks.


Veteran Member
AAAAHHHH............That explains it.

They were going to Camp Upshur..................

Folks, at 1219 I was coming back south on the DC beltway from an appointment in Silver Spring, MD. Traffic slowed a bit at exit 9 going southbound; this is the Allentown Road/Andrews AFB exit. A MPD motorbike cop was pushing cars out of the far right lane at the entrance to the Beltway. I was a little ways back, slowed down.
Next thing I see are SIX Academy bus lines busses get onto the Beltway. Loaded to the gills with men and women how shall we say not in Western dress..............
A plane had landed and dumped 6 busloads of Afghan refugees onto the Andrews tarmac folks. 89th MAG has a passport/international flight processing center just off the AF1 ramp; doubt they were processed there however (it's used for heads of state and their staff coming here for official visits generally). The AF tossed them off the plane and put them on the busses.
Anyway, buses were grey with black striping, each sign in front was lit up with "bus 1, bus 2" etc. Traffic opened up, so we started moving again. I went by each bus, honked the horn, and flipped a proper bird at EACH bus in the line-motorcycle cops were at the front and rear of the convoy only. If someone wanted to hurt those folks for real, taking out one of those buses would have been no problem. One cop at the front of the convoy, one at the back. Piss poor security.

And I flipped the bird at each bus for all of us, me, you, family and TB2K family members. Because each Afghan here means one more American still in Afghanistan and unable to get out. It's wrong.

These Afghans were most likely heading to Quantico. More specifically the training area known as Camp Upshur; it's to the north of the main base and where OCS candidates go during the summer to get heat stroke (at least one a day drops from it) and where artillery practice is held.

I figure this because the Afghans going into Dulles are bused to the Dulles Expo center near NRO. Andrews is on the other side of the beltway; it's a straight shot down the beltway to I-95 south to exit 150 for Quantico. That means they've expanded the holding and processing of Afghans in CONUS.

Also, a BS tidbit I'm sending in the clear here because it needs to be. At least one base here in the DC area I know well just raised THREATCON to BRAVO. Within the past 30 minutes, folks. That's right, Friday afternoon and it's at BRAVO. Consider that folks.

Thank you for information AM. Thank you for flipping the bird to all of them for us.
You also confirmed THREATCON BRAVO, heard it from a friend too.

Walkin' Away

Senior Member
Thanks AlfaMan.


You and Mrs. Alfa, please stay safe. It is getting weirder out there everyday AND raising the threat level is affirmation that we are in deep kimchee. We all know it, we can feel it.

Right now, we here at the homestead, are battening down the hatches and counting everyday that we are able to live in peace and safety as a rich blessing.

We know that there is no one to save us....The comfort that we have in all this craziness, is the simple fact that Our Heavenly Father remains in COMPLETE control of all this. We are His and He is Ours.
Simple child-like all that He asks fo

Thank You for your reports and give T-Bear and big hug for us.

May God Bless You and Keep You Safe.

Humbly Submitted,

Walkin' Away


Veteran Member
Our dipshit governor (MN) just announced today that we already have 35 of them now in our state, with another 35 immediately incoming. You can bet they won't be the last.
watch all these muslims converge on one town and start operating with 10 other 'shipments'........


Veteran Member
AAAAHHHH............That explains it.

They were going to Camp Upshur..................

Folks, at 1219 I was coming back south on the DC beltway from an appointment in Silver Spring, MD. Traffic slowed a bit at exit 9 going southbound; this is the Allentown Road/Andrews AFB exit. A MPD motorbike cop was pushing cars out of the far right lane at the entrance to the Beltway. I was a little ways back, slowed down.
Next thing I see are SIX Academy bus lines busses get onto the Beltway. Loaded to the gills with men and women how shall we say not in Western dress..............
A plane had landed and dumped 6 busloads of Afghan refugees onto the Andrews tarmac folks. 89th MAG has a passport/international flight processing center just off the AF1 ramp; doubt they were processed there however (it's used for heads of state and their staff coming here for official visits generally). The AF tossed them off the plane and put them on the busses.
Anyway, buses were grey with black striping, each sign in front was lit up with "bus 1, bus 2" etc. Traffic opened up, so we started moving again. I went by each bus, honked the horn, and flipped a proper bird at EACH bus in the line-motorcycle cops were at the front and rear of the convoy only. If someone wanted to hurt those folks for real, taking out one of those buses would have been no problem. One cop at the front of the convoy, one at the back. Piss poor security.

And I flipped the bird at each bus for all of us, me, you, family and TB2K family members. Because each Afghan here means one more American still in Afghanistan and unable to get out. It's wrong.

These Afghans were most likely heading to Quantico. More specifically the training area known as Camp Upshur; it's to the north of the main base and where OCS candidates go during the summer to get heat stroke (at least one a day drops from it) and where artillery practice is held.

I figure this because the Afghans going into Dulles are bused to the Dulles Expo center near NRO. Andrews is on the other side of the beltway; it's a straight shot down the beltway to I-95 south to exit 150 for Quantico. That means they've expanded the holding and processing of Afghans in CONUS.

Also, a BS tidbit I'm sending in the clear here because it needs to be. At least one base here in the DC area I know well just raised THREATCON to BRAVO. Within the past 30 minutes, folks. That's right, Friday afternoon and it's at BRAVO. Consider that folks.
Thank you for the update and especially the bird!
And as far as Tcan Bravo it's time to hunker down folks.


Veteran Member

  • FPCON BRAVO describes a situation with a somewhat predictable terrorist threat. Security measures taken by agency personnel may affect the activities of local law enforcement and the general public. (Must show military base ID at gates.) Force Protection Level I Antiterrorism Training defines FPCON Bravo as: FPCON Bravo applies when an increased and more predictable terrorist threat activity exists. Specific information suggests probable violence, but nothing indicates that this installation is targeted. Extra precaution is appropriate to deter terrorist planning. Additional measures may affect operational capability and relations with local authorities. You can expect stricter inspections of vehicles, deliveries, and ID checks. You will see a greater presence of guards on your installation.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
  • FPCON BRAVO describes a situation with a somewhat predictable terrorist threat. Security measures taken by agency personnel may affect the activities of local law enforcement and the general public. (Must show military base ID at gates.) Force Protection Level I Antiterrorism Training defines FPCON Bravo as: FPCON Bravo applies when an increased and more predictable terrorist threat activity exists. Specific information suggests probable violence, but nothing indicates that this installation is targeted. Extra precaution is appropriate to deter terrorist planning. Additional measures may affect operational capability and relations with local authorities. You can expect stricter inspections of vehicles, deliveries, and ID checks. You will see a greater presence of guards on your installation.

Thank You!

Abe Froman

Veteran Member
  • FPCON BRAVO describes a situation with a somewhat predictable terrorist threat. Security measures taken by agency personnel may affect the activities of local law enforcement and the general public. (Must show military base ID at gates.) Force Protection Level I Antiterrorism Training defines FPCON Bravo as: FPCON Bravo applies when an increased and more predictable terrorist threat activity exists. Specific information suggests probable violence, but nothing indicates that this installation is targeted. Extra precaution is appropriate to deter terrorist planning. Additional measures may affect operational capability and relations with local authorities. You can expect stricter inspections of vehicles, deliveries, and ID checks. You will see a greater presence of guards on your installation.

It's those darned white supremacists again...

The Snack Artist

Membership Revoked
Imagine the shtank in those buses. They are settling in the U.S.? Why? Did they help us during the "war"? If so, ok. But if not, not ok. We have enough stinky, dirty nightshirt wearing terrorists here.

So in the future, make sure you are downwind from these folks. It will smell like a goat farm and you'll know they're near.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I may have missed it. How many of Biden's Taliban allies were killed in this/these suicide bombings? If that number is zero, that may/might/possibly indicate that Biden's friends knew what, where, when and how our Marines and Navy Corpsman were going to be murdered along with a load of Afghan men, women and children. Not one reporter thought to ask that question. How many Taliban died in this attack?

You know, that's a great question. I wonder if they printed it in Al-Jazeera. If no reporter asked the question, it was probably enough of a hot potato they were told to walk wide of it. I will go digging.


TB Fanatic
Imagine the shtank in those buses. They are settling in the U.S.? Why? Did they help us during the "war"? If so, ok. But if not, not ok. We have enough stinky, dirty nightshirt wearing terrorists here.

So in the future, make sure you are downwind from these folks. It will smell like a goat farm and you'll know they're near.

I hope they at least keep these Afghans penned up until they are well and truly vetted. Our govt. is keeping them in the Dulles Expo Center near Dulles airport-literally across route 28 from the National Reconnaisance Office. And the ones at Quantico are on site where the FBI's labs and training take place.

Comrade Joe just keeps piling stupid on top of stupid.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I hope they at least keep these Afghans penned up until they are well and truly vetted. Our govt. is keeping them in the Dulles Expo Center near Dulles airport-literally across route 28 from the National Reconnaisance Office. And the ones at Quantico are on site where the FBI's labs and training take place.

Comrade Joe just keeps piling stupid on top of stupid.

Vetted? Are you serious? With this bunch at the helm? :prfl:
This may be our Camp of the Saints moment.
P.S. Thanks AM for all you do!!!


Dot Collector
ISIS was kept in prison at Bagram airfield

ISIS was let out of prison after Biden and Milley abandoned Bagram airfield

Then ISIS attacked the only other airfield in town

Are you paying attention yet?

The Taliban are not our friends. U.S. officials passed them a list of names, citizens, green card holders, Americans, it was was designed to expedite the evacuation of tens of thousands of people from Afghanistan. What commander does that? Is Joe stupid, a liar or something else?


ISIS was kept in prison at Bagram airfield

ISIS was let out of prison after Biden and Milley abandoned Bagram airfield

Then ISIS attacked the only other airfield in town

Are you paying attention yet?

The Taliban are not our friends. U.S. officials passed them a list of names, citizens, green card holders, Americans, it was was designed to expedite the evacuation of tens of thousands of people from Afghanistan. What commander does that? Is Joe stupid, a liar or something else?
Joe is far more than stupid


passin' thru
Take yer BP pills b4 ya read this thread :fgr:

Kurt Schlichter


The only guy fired so far is the guy pointing out how incompetent the guys who haven’t resigned or been fired are. Welcome to our glorious establishment. This is what you wanted when you voted for Biden and this is what you’ve got. Own it. Own your failure.


Paul McLeary


Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, who posted a viral video demanding accountability from military leaders over Afghanistan, has been relieved of his duties and will leave the Marine Corps, the service confirms.


passin' thru
I was so busy hatin' on the toxic skin sac string pullers that I gave these folks a pass
as as much victims of "our betters" :: spit :: as we are.
...but yer right o' course. If they are not our enemy already, they damn well should
be after the chit show "our betters" have been draggin us all thru.
:: shakes head ::

I hope they at least keep these Afghans penned up until they are well and truly vetted. Our govt. is keeping them in the Dulles Expo Center near Dulles airport-literally across route 28 from the National Reconnaisance Office. And the ones at Quantico are on site where the FBI's labs and training take place.

Comrade Joe just keeps piling stupid on top of stupid.


passin' thru
Family releases statement about Navy corpsman killed trying to help evacuees in Afghanistan
By Sarah Sicard

Aug 27, 05:24 PM

Max Soviak, a Navy corpsman, was killed Thursday in the bomb attack at Hamid Karzai International Airport, in Kabul, Afghanistan.

The family of the Navy corpsman who died in Thursday’s suicide bombing and ISIS-K attack at the Hamid Karzai International Airport, in Kabul, Afghanistan, identified him as their son, 22-year-old Maxton “Max” Soviak of Berlin Heights, Ohio.
U.S. military officials say that 13 troops were killed in that attack, with at least another 18 wounded. Among the dead are 11 Marines, a soldier and Soviak, according to Defense Department. The attack also claimed the lives of an estimated 170 civilians.

“On behalf of the entire Soviak family, we want to thank all those who have extended their support and prayers on the loss of our son, Max,” wrote his family in a statement to Fox 8 News in Ohio. “Max was a wonderful son who loved his family, his community, and was proud to serve in the U.S. Navy.
“He was excited about the opportunities the Navy would offer him and planned to make the Navy a career,” the statement adds. “We are incredibly proud of his service to our country. As we mourn the loss of our son, we also mourn for the loss of the Marines and Soldier who were killed and pray for the speedy recovery of all of those wounded in Afghanistan.

Words cannot express how heartbroken we are with this news and we will miss Max tremendously. As you can imagine, this is a very difficult time for our family and we respectfully request that you honor our privacy.”

Max Soviak was described by school officials in Ohio as well-respected and liked by everyone who knew him. (via Facebook)
Soviak was a 2017 graduate of Edison High School, where he was on the honor roll and played football, according to the Sandusky Register.

Edison Local Schools released a statement Friday on Soviak’s passing, reported.
“Max was a good student who was active in sports and other activities throughout his school career,” the statement read. “He was well respected and liked by everyone who knew him. Max was full of life in everything he did. Our schools and local community are mourning the loss of Max. He and his family are in all of our thoughts and prayers.”
A woman identified as his sister, Marilyn Soviak, also posted a tribute to her brother on Instagram.

President Joe Biden said in the wake of the attack that he he was “outraged and heartbroken” over the deaths of 13 U.S. service members at the Kabul airport on Thursday, and promised retribution for those involved in the bombing.
About Sarah Sicard

Please see source material for instagram data and additional photo streams
posted for fair use
RIP Max:sal:
Last edited:


passin' thru
Bet yer right
Bet all your do-gooder ngo "church" groups are lined up & jockeying for position to get
their share : (

Our dipshit governor (MN) just announced today that we already have 35 of them now in our state, with another 35 immediately incoming. You can bet they won't be the last.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Take yer BP pills b4 ya read this thread :fgr:

Kurt Schlichter


The only guy fired so far is the guy pointing out how incompetent the guys who haven’t resigned or been fired are. Welcome to our glorious establishment. This is what you wanted when you voted for Biden and this is what you’ve got. Own it. Own your failure.


Paul McLeary


Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, who posted a viral video demanding accountability from military leaders over Afghanistan, has been relieved of his duties and will leave the Marine Corps, the service confirms.

One more for our side inbound.


passin' thru


Marine officer Stuart Scheller has been relieved from duty for this video.

Take yer BP pills b4 ya read this thread :fgr:

Kurt Schlichter


The only guy fired so far is the guy pointing out how incompetent the guys who haven’t resigned or been fired are. Welcome to our glorious establishment. This is what you wanted when you voted for Biden and this is what you’ve got. Own it. Own your failure.


Paul McLeary


Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller, who posted a viral video demanding accountability from military leaders over Afghanistan, has been relieved of his duties and will leave the Marine Corps, the service confirms.


passin' thru
Susan Page


Update on Americans in Afghanistan: A senior State Dept official says in the last 24 hours the U.S. has been in "direct contact" with about 600 citizens still trying to leave. They are being given "very targeted, tailored, specific instructions on how to get to the airport." 1/
2/ "But I don't want to sugar-coat it," the official said. "Given the situation at the airport, given the events of the last 24 hours, it's very, very challenging to get people in and to get people out." Another terror attack/attempt remains "highly likely."