GUNS/RLTD Virginia Democrats Reportedly Beginning Effort To Confiscate Lawfully Owned Firearms


On TB every waking moment
Some critical background that not all here might have lived through or be aware of- too many photos embeds etc to copy over, so go to the link to see it. Ruby Ridge was not where "it" started, but it is still a significant milestone.
The Guns of Ruby Ridge: America Teeters at the Precipice
by Will Dabbs on November 23, 2019

The very mention of Ruby Ridge still elicits powerful emotions. In 1992 with a Republican in the White House, the full might of the US government was unleashed on an American citizen and his family. I’ll not debate the man’s politics or the righteousness of the investigation. What is indisputable, however, is that a 14-year-old boy, an unarmed mother holding an infant, and a US Marshal died violently in a miserably botched Law Enforcement operation.

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
The Rodney King riots of 1992 in Los Angeles proved the limitations of the American Police State. "They" can deal with between one and three situations at the same time. If they have to deal with any more than that, they lose the ability. It is all theater, Dozdoats, and "they" use psychology and bullying to keep people in line. I assure you, people if 25,000 Patriots, all armed with AR-15's and a combat load of 400 rounds, "they" would be standing over puddles or urine, assuming the Marxist Democrats hadn't fled Virginia in terror.

If "they" can pick us off one by one, then that is how they maintain control, but if they have to deal with a true mass event, they will be helpless, unless they want to drop a nuke of something!
Having seen multiple Antifa thug type attacks, gang Doomer Doug can assure you they are cowards, bullies and resemble a pack of hyennas more than anything.


Knuckle Dragger
Revisit the Dorner incident.

One ex-cop, they attributed super ninja, operator skills to him and cog-locked 1/3 of the LEOs in California.


Veteran Member
The Rodney King riots of 1992 in Los Angeles proved the limitations of the American Police State. "They" can deal with between one and three situations at the same time. If they have to deal with any more than that, they lose the ability. It is all theater, Dozdoats, and "they" use psychology and bullying to keep people in line. I assure you, people if 25,000 Patriots, all armed with AR-15's and a combat load of 400 rounds, "they" would be standing over puddles or urine, assuming the Marxist Democrats hadn't fled Virginia in terror.

If "they" can pick us off one by one, then that is how they maintain control, but if they have to deal with a true mass event, they will be helpless, unless they want to drop a nuke of something!
Having seen multiple Antifa thug type attacks, gang Doomer Doug can assure you they are cowards, bullies and resemble a pack of hyennas more than anything.

The Bundy ranch operation didn't turn out like the Feds thought it would. They came up against serious armed opposition. They folded their tents and left with their tails between their legs. Numbers do, indeed, count. Now if we can get the numbers we need we stand a good chance otherwise............


Has No Life - Lives on TB
HD5574, thank you for these reports and for what you’re doing.

DH and I have lived in Chesterfield County, VA Beach, Campbell County and Bedford County. We are watching and praying.


On TB every waking moment

Never forget - bug spray is an option for the deep state (one of their minions has already threatened nukes) if they get scared enough. And the only threat to counter that is to offer to go black flag on every Fed in every Fed agency everywhere in the country if that option is ever used by our supposed government against We The People.

War means war ...


TB Fanatic
The Bundy ranch operation didn't turn out like the Feds thought it would. They came up against serious armed opposition. They folded their tents and left with their tails between their legs. Numbers do, indeed, count. Now if we can get the numbers we need we stand a good chance otherwise............

Yeah they were out maned, out guned and even out tech the local government and law enforcement and it took a while for the whole fiasco to blow up in there faces and yet no lawyers lost there job and or license or went to jail for what they were trying to do to the Bundy's.
Even the judge came off as trying to cover their a$$.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
This is something to definitely watch going forward.

Meaning it might actually signify what could take place across the country, from sanctuary counties, armed thugs confiscating's weapons, and responses to each.

Might give us a better idea of what is coming down the pipe, or pike (an old fashion term for road.


Knuckle Dragger
Discussions of the boogaloo take me to Bracken, "What I Saw at the Coup".

His projection of things is probably as good as any...and better than most.

When a few of the local , high level, commie operatives are shown the error of their enforcement effectiveness will be neutered.

They will be tasked with protecting these enemies of freedom. At least the ones who don't remember their oath.

Look at the county leaders & sheriffs listening to their constituents and going all constitutional in VA....DooYa think the ones in blue counties aren't feeling the groundswell of pisstivity, just below the surface?

I wouldn't want to be in their world.


"In Omnia Paratus" is more than just a phrase
So what do you think will happen then?

They'll bide their time and wait till Richmond tries to enforce their new law, then it'll be on and there won't an off switch. The County deputies and local police back home have been vocal about where they stand and it's not with Richmond. Look for VSP to try to bring in troopers from other areas of the State like they did during the UMWA strikes in the late 80's, but with far less success than before, as no one will help them with this.

I expect the flashpoints to be College towns like Roanoke, Charlottesville, and Radford as well as larger cities and towns cutoff from the more rural areas or bordering liberal areas like Fredericksburg and Culpeper. Of the five I've just named, however, I would expect something to happen in Charlottesville first, as it has an active antifa terrorist cell and is hostile to the right, despite being surrounded by some very red territory.


Veteran Member
They'll bide their time and wait till Richmond tries to enforce their new law, then it'll be on and there won't an off switch. The County deputies and local police back home have been vocal about where they stand and it's not with Richmond. Look for VSP to try to bring in troopers from other areas of the State like they did during the UMWA strikes in the late 80's, but with far less success than before, as no one will help them with this.

I expect the flashpoints to be College towns like Roanoke, Charlottesville, and Radford as well as larger cities and towns cutoff from the more rural areas or bordering liberal areas like Fredericksburg and Culpeper. Of the five I've just named, however, I would expect something to happen in Charlottesville first, as it has an active antifa terrorist cell and is hostile to the right, despite being surrounded by some very red territory.

Culpeper is with us they voted yesterday. Charlottesville is slowly being surrounded with 2nd amendment counties. Remember the VA State Police like the sheriff departments swear an oath to the Constitution. We do not have local police in the counties.
The liberal cities have police.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
HD, sadly, all I can do is voice my opinion by signing the petition - and support VCDL. I live over the state line now. ;)


Veteran Member
It might be of interest that there a number of petitions last night. The Patriots of my county were signing federal concealed carry and to protect our historical monuments. Our local Republicans were busy getting ways to get information to the people who were there.
Many of the people present last night were decedants of the original Patriots from 1776.


"In Omnia Paratus" is more than just a phrase
Culpeper is with us they voted yesterday. Charlottesville is slowly being surrounded with 2nd amendment counties. Remember the VA State Police like the sheriff departments swear an oath to the Constitution. We do not have local police in the counties.
The liberal cities have police.

Almost every town has local police, so while it's not technically "in the county", they're still there and they're still to be watched.

That's good news about Culpeper, I used to work there when I lived in Orange and I'd hate to see it fall into the other camp. What's the news of Spotsylvania and those areas? Have you got an updated map of what areas are standing behind the 2A?


Veteran Member
Almost every town has local police, so while it's not technically "in the county", they're still there and they're still to be watched.

That's good news about Culpeper, I used to work there when I lived in Orange and I'd hate to see it fall into the other camp. What's the news of Spotsylvania and those areas? Have you got an updated map of what areas are standing behind the 2A?

King George has gone 2nd amendment. Spotsylvania has not yet had there meeting but that area just re-elected Brice Reeves who is a strong 2nd amendment state senator. So there is hope for Spotty. Stafford is pending.


Veteran Member
Have not seen a map of the countries.. but we are ahead of the game as the new will not be in power until the 8th of January.
Also some of the newly elected Dems may find themselves in red 2nd amendment counties. This should be interesting for them. The local towns do have police but they are small departments, and are surrounded by the countries and most in my area are conservative. The red counties are also pushing hard for more voter registration and getting out the vote.

Go to

They update the 2A as they happen.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
City of Roanoke declined? I would have thought they would have taken it.

I'm in northern VA-tell me when there's meetings scheduled up here. Would love to attend.

We have 95 counties and 39 independent cities which count the same as counties.
We have about 72 pending meetings.
Some counties and cities in the liberal areas will decline .. the city of Roanoke did. These are the blue areas.
Most of the pending are red areas. This takes a bit of time as each county or city has different dates for their board meetings.
Hope that helps.

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
NO city anywhere is invulnerable to one weakness: loss of electricity. The vulnerability standing open to the first comers are the transmission transformers. Just saying...


Res ipsa loquitur
Then it's taken to court and when that fails it's time for the people to use force and remove these people from office including the judges and attorneys.

my dear Publius -
in VA the US constitution has been completely and utterly disregarded by a would be dictator imposing the will of a few on the many and you talk about VOTING on it all. your unwavering faith in a totally broken, absolutely corrupt system suggests remarkable naivete.


Veteran Member
Thanks hd5574. Our county (Floyd) will vote on the 10th. The sheriff has said he will uphold the constitution. Pray for us, please.


Contributing Member
"would be dictator" … in other words a tyrant.

The VA state motto is "Sic Semper Tyrannis" which translates to "Thus Always To Tyrants"

The state seal shows the Virtus, the Roman goddess of virtue standing over a vanquished tyrant.

Methinks the Governor should look at the state flag and carefully consider his next steps.

In three weeks we now have 41 Second Amendment Sanctuary counties, towns, and cities in Virginia.

Culpeper County
Town of Exmore
King George
King William
Roanoke County
Rural Retreat
Tazewell County

A whole lot more are on the way.

Bowling Green
Charles City
Colonial Heights
Isle of Wight
James City
New Kent
Newport News
Prince Edward
Prince George
Prince William
Radford City
Roanoke City - declined
Tazewell town
Virginia Beach

Don't see your county? Send an email with each Board of Supervisors' name, email address, and phone number in the body of the message (ie, no screen shots or attachments please) to:

You can also contact your Supervisor and send them this link to VCDL's model Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution:


"In Omnia Paratus" is more than just a phrase
Have not seen a map of the countries.. but we are ahead of the game as the new will not be in power until the 8th of January.
Also some of the newly elected Dems may find themselves in red 2nd amendment counties. This should be interesting for them. The local towns do have police but they are small departments, and are surrounded by the countries and most in my area are conservative. The red counties are also pushing hard for more voter registration and getting out the vote.

Go to

They update the 2A as they happen.

I just looked the lists over and that's great news. Looks like everything West of Roanoke is solid and most everything West of Waynesboro, truth be told. That's a massive relief, as I was actually really worried about some of the larger towns like Bristol.


TB Fanatic
my dear Publius -
in VA the US constitution has been completely and utterly disregarded by a would be dictator imposing the will of a few on the many and you talk about VOTING on it all. your unwavering faith in a totally broken, absolutely corrupt system suggests remarkable naivete.

Not naivete, but the people must first exhaust all the legal means as our forebears did before july 4, 1776 and signing the Declaration for their Independence from Briton.

They held the truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men. deriving their just powers from the consent of the people; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such a form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient causes; and, accordingly, all experience hath shown, that mankind are more deposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long line train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security.

There also the Virginia Bill of Rights signed into law on June 12, 1776 and as far as I know to this day is still in full force and effect and might be a good read for some.


Girls with Guns Member
Where were these people in November.

I've said it before... but it has to do with voter fraud. Can't win in a state where most people are conservatives, but the ballot box is counted by liberals in Northern Virginia (near DC). They used several different things this time to win. It's sickening.


"In Omnia Paratus" is more than just a phrase
Where were these people in November.

Voting, but being swamped by massive numbers of liberals around the cities of DC, Richmond, Newport News, C'Ville, and Roanoke. Geographically the State may be majority red, but the truth is that there's massive numbers of illegals and Yankees in Norva and around RVA that turned out to vote.

They're making a push to get as much of VA into the position of being a sanctuary area as possible, but make no mistake, this isn't a game we can win unless something changes drastically or someone at the Federal level slaps the VA State Government down HARD. Demographics, as they are now, ensure that we can't vote our way out of this now.


Girls with Guns Member
This map is already outdated as far as the counties that have already voted it in, but here ya go, it gives you an idea of how the state stands:


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Knuckle Dragger
This is getting really interesting, maybe precedent setting.

I can't remember another instance of individual counties aligning against a state government.

It's a situation that everybody bitches about, high population cities deciding the direction of a whole state.

No clue as to where this will go, but it has the potential to be a game changer.

Jeff B.

Don’t let the Piss Ants get you down…
Revisit the Dorner incident.

One ex-cop, they attributed super ninja, operator skills to him and cog-locked 1/3 of the LEOs in California.

Yes... Dorner was far from the high speed, low drag character created in the media.

Wan't that the situation where two women delivering papers had their (wrong color) vehicle shot to hell and were wounded, fortunately, not killed?

Jeff B.


"In Omnia Paratus" is more than just a phrase
Yes... Dorner was far from the high speed, low drag character created in the media.

Wan't that the situation where two women delivering papers had their (wrong color) vehicle shot to hell and were wounded, fortunately, not killed?

Jeff B.

That'd be the one. The cops didn't even try to identify the target, they just opened fire. Why there wasn't a gallows built after that one is anyone's guess.


Knuckle Dragger
Yes... Dorner was far from the high speed, low drag character created in the media.

Wan't that the situation where two women delivering papers had their (wrong color) vehicle shot to hell and were wounded, fortunately, not killed?

Jeff B.

AAAAAAYUP, that would be it. They caught him in a rural cabin somewhere (IIRC) and did everything but call an artillery strike on it.

Another bit of wargaming for VA.

I'm guessing the state police are actually regional, those guys live where they work. Not sure how damn skippy they will get on this confiscation deal.

Va. National will be about the same. Those troops are probably a good cross section of the state, probably leaning more to the rural side.

The Guvnah might be feeling very lonely if he pushes the issue.
The Guvnah might be feeling very lonely if he pushes the issue.

The governor is taking his orders from higher up the food chain - count upon it.

Starting with the distinct possibility that it was outright state voter fraud that put the communists into office, this whole affair - from top to bottom - stinks of a bold hijack by well-organized globalist forces and financiers.
