Upside Down Flag Protests Over Election Sparking Controversy

Upside Down Flag Protests Over Election Sparking Controversy

November 8, 2012 8:04 PM

(Photo Credit: KDKA)
John Shumway

DORSEYVILLE (KDKA) — It is becoming a growing form of protest over the outcome of the Presidential Election; people flying the American Flag upside down. But now those protests are sparking a protest of their own.

On rooftops or front porches, our flag is displayed as a symbol of our national pride.

Larry Guerrieri fought beneath the flag in Vietnam, but outside his Dorseyville home Thursday it was flying upside down.

“That’s a sign of distress; this country is in distress right now,” said Guerrieri.

Guerrieri makes no effort to hide his feelings about President Barack Obama.

“This Benghazi incident, he left them four people there to die,” says Guerrieri. “That’s the way I feel about it.”

So, his flag flies protest.

Flag Plaza is where the National Flag Foundation is housed.

“The flag is flown upside down in times of distress,” said Clark Rogers, the acting director of the National Flag Foundation.

Rogers says to fly it in protest risks angering veterans.

“No question about that, veterans are very tender about that flag,” he says. “They fought for that flag; their buddies sacrificed for the flag.”

But Guerrieri and Bill Rodgers, who put his upside down flag back in his yard Thursday in Bellevue, feel strongly that the country is in trouble and the President is only making it worse.

“It will stay there for four years,” says Guerrieri.

“A couple of days, probably till we get to the weekend,” added Rodgers.

Whether you agree with the sentiment or not it is protected as free speech by the Constitution. And apparently, this is nothing new. People have been flying flags upside down after elections for years.


Faithful Steed
Whether you agree with the sentiment or not it is protected as free speech by the Constitution. And apparently, this is nothing new. People have been flying flags upside down after elections for years.

That's it. Minimize it. Marginalize and say it's not even important "because its been happening for years."

Not it hasn't. No like this.



Constitutional Patriot
Been flying mine that way for quite some time, unfortunately only now are people starting to take note as to what it actually means. I'm sure most veterans would agree that it should be up-side-down, I happen to know at least one myself who is flying it that way.

Border guard

There will be another great war. People will not and do not want to work together to resolve their differences - they would rather bludgeon each other to death. This world will die because of it. Most people and especially politicians are stubborn, vindictive, selfish, callous, liars (government in general) and enjoy hurting others, it's always the "other guys" fault when antagonists can't come to agreement. You want to blame someone for the way things are - look in the mirror. This country will collapse and take the rest of the world with it.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Here's my flag I posted on another thread. Below is my new Pledge of Allegiance

I pledge allegiance
To our former flag
Of the United States of America
And to the former Republic
For which it stood
That nation
Who refused to remove God
Though now divisable
Seek return to Liberty and Justice
For all


  • polls_USAUpsideDownFlagANationinDistress_0628_6959_poll_xlarge.jpg
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Veteran Member
There will be another great war. People will not and do not want to work together to resolve their differences - they would rather bludgeon each other to death. This world will die because of it. Most people and especially politicians are stubborn, vindictive, selfish, callous, liars (government in general) and enjoy hurting others, it's always the "other guys" fault when antagonists can't come to agreement. You want to blame someone for the way things are - look in the mirror. This country will collapse and take the rest of the world with it.

If by that you mean 'compromise''re right, I won't do it. I guess I'm stubborn. :p


God has a plan, Trust it!
There will be another great war. People will not and do not want to work together to resolve their differences - they would rather bludgeon each other to death. This world will die because of it. Most people and especially politicians are stubborn, vindictive, selfish, callous, liars (government in general) and enjoy hurting others, it's always the "other guys" fault when antagonists can't come to agreement. You want to blame someone for the way things are - look in the mirror. This country will collapse and take the rest of the world with it.

Life is not fluffy unicorns and rainbows where all who disagree hold hands and sing kumbaya.

There come times in life when conflict is the last resort. There are things in this life that cannot be compromised, and those are God given gifts. When those are threatened, I do not compromise. I fight. The last time these gifts were threatened, tea was floating in the harbor and it ignited a Revolution. I have a feeling it is heading that way again.

We again have taxation without representation, but now it is because those who are elected to represent us are the very ones stealing and pocketing the money, not the King.


Veteran Member
How can this country NOT be in distress when over half, either want socialism or do not care enough to stop it's spread.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
There will be another great war. People will not and do not want to work together to resolve their differences - they would rather bludgeon each other to death. This world will die because of it. Most people and especially politicians are stubborn, vindictive, selfish, callous, liars (government in general) and enjoy hurting others, it's always the "other guys" fault when antagonists can't come to agreement. You want to blame someone for the way things are - look in the mirror. This country will collapse and take the rest of the world with it.

Actually, the right has been "compromising" with the left for decades.thats what has given us what we have today. That time needs to be over. "THIS FAR, AND NO FARTHER!!!" That's the way it MUST be...


Veteran Member
There will be another great war. People will not and do not want to work together to resolve their differences - they would rather bludgeon each other to death. This world will die because of it. Most people and especially politicians are stubborn, vindictive, selfish, callous, liars (government in general) and enjoy hurting others, it's always the "other guys" fault when antagonists can't come to agreement. You want to blame someone for the way things are - look in the mirror. This country will collapse and take the rest of the world with it.
I think I know what your trying to say but to what extent do we comprmise our beliefs for the sake of getting along?

I remember this oath:
I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.
Do we remove all reference to God so we can get along?

Do we obey the orders of the President of the United States and take guns from citizens, as in Katrina, thereby violating the reference to defending the Constitution?

Do we sit idly by as the government continues to take more of our dollars in taxes, so those that wish to sit on their ass at home can eat and have cell phones, or so illegals can get a free education at our expense?

I say I have put up with enough and if they want me to give up more then let the "shite" hit the fan, and let the chips fall where they may.

Border guard

What gets me is the UNWILLINGNESS to work together for a solution to our economic and moral problems. Everybody has core principles both left and right - so everyone suffers when the stubborn won't come down off their high horses long enough to work towards solutions to very serious problems. Or have we just become a nation of takers on BOTH sides? I got mine screw you buddy!!! If that's the case, kiss this country goodbye.

Bad Hand

Veteran Member
We are becoming 2 separate nations on one side the gibsmedats and liberals who want to take our freedom and control us. On the other side are those of who are forced to pay exorbitant taxes to support the Gibsmedats and the liberal agendas. There is no more compromise because everything the conservatives they lose and the "Dirty Liberals" win.


Veteran Member
Actually, the right has been "compromising" with the left for decades.thats what has given us what we have today. That time needs to be over. "THIS FAR, AND NO FARTHER!!!" That's the way it MUST be...


We have compromised too much.

And now we are in real trouble.
What gets me is the UNWILLINGNESS to work together for a solution to our economic and moral problems. Everybody has core principles both left and right - so everyone suffers when the stubborn won't come down off their high horses long enough to work towards solutions to very serious problems. Or have we just become a nation of takers on BOTH sides? I got mine screw you buddy!!! If that's the case, kiss this country goodbye.

Some people just call that "A line in the sand".
(and the offside penalty is a little stronger than the football analogy...)

Polarization is another word for what you are seeing.


What gets me is the UNWILLINGNESS to work together for a solution to our economic and moral problems. Everybody has core principles both left and right - so everyone suffers when the stubborn won't come down off their high horses long enough to work towards solutions to very serious problems. Or have we just become a nation of takers on BOTH sides? I got mine screw you buddy!!! If that's the case, kiss this country goodbye.

Can we stop a second and understand freedom?

1.The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.
2.Absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government.

There is no compromise on freedom. You either -are- or -are not- free.

As for morals, they come from a basic form of survival and common sense. They are neither religious or political in origin.

It's telling to me that we can't call a pregnant woman "with child" or define a fetus as a "baby" or "life." There were people on facebook yesterday thankful for socks, baked goods, and all manner of frivolous things, but not for veterans. People would rather take from their neighbor than earn on their own. Personal responsibility is "old fashioned." Sex has become the end all be all in human pursuits. The list truly goes on.

When is it time to fight back? No one has yet asked you that. When, in your opinion is it "too much." When is it time to fight? When has it reached a point where "reason" and "conversation" are no longer applicable tools? I ask these questions with the utmost respect and truly wish to understand your reasoning.


Country exile in the city
The flag represented a nation that was free, that honored GOD, and the freedom that ONLY comes FROM God.

That nation is dying before our eyes.

I can't bring myself to put up the flag in "distress", because to do so is to call for help---for rescue----and there is none to rescue America.

So I no longer fly the flag at all---to do so, to me, is to mock it, and what it stands for---for "that" America no longer exists, and the powers in power now are doing their utmost to wipe the last vestiges of THAT America from the face of the earth.

It is put away, in honor and love---but I will not fly it, so that her ENEMIES will not point to THAT and say, "SEE! The flag! They DO support us! Everything is ok!"

No, everything is NOT ok.

Deena in GA

I was going to put my flag upside-down after the 2008 election, but couldn't figure out how to do it with the one we had so we just took it down completely. I still love our flag and our country, but can't stand what its turning into.


My flag still flies upright and 24/7 (with light).

It is MY flag. I earned the right to fly it. It does NOT belong to the govt. in any way or form.

One day I may turn it over. But not because some lying Algerian was voted in by the gibmedats in all their form.