CORONA UPDATE – So, You Did Not Take the COVID-19 Shot, Why Not?

Kathy in FL

The reasons of Why I did Not take the Covid vaccine is No One's business. Do get tired of all these people wondering why on this or why on that on what something I do, think, or say. Rebellion to Tyrants ( and snoopy nosey people ) is obediance to God! Think will keep my thoughts to myself on this just in case someone high up is looking at this and such. Live Free or Die!!!!

My body, my choice, my business. I do not pay for my medical care with government money. My business is not supplemented with government money. Etc. and whatever. They did not make their case nor prove their point prior to their obnoxious mandates.


Veteran Member
A bio-weapon infecting Chinese soldiers becomes a "bat flu." US and Chinese gov'ts working in unison. Multiple companies miraculously develop "vaccines" in record time. Said companies are granted immunity from prosecution. Gov shills press incredibly for mandatory injections. Anyone questioning the efficacy of the injections is shunned.
Yeah, sure...
No way were we submitting for a mystery vax based on faulty research.
it was not mandated for guv employees,
not good enough for them means not good enough for anyone.
Not exactly true. Military was mandated, and they are "guv employees."


Senior Member
Because I started researching vaccines over 20 years ago and started reading these books, along with watching the documentary "Vaxx'd' ...

1) The Poisoned Needle: Suppressed Facts About Vaccination

- Eleanor McBean, PhD, ND 1957

2) A Century of Vaccination and What It Teaches

- William Scott Tebb, MA, MD, DPH 1898

3) Vaccination: Proved Useless and Dangerous From 45 Years of Registration Statistics

- Alfred R. Wallace, LLD DUBL., DCL OXON., FRS,1885

4) Vaccination: Its Fallacies and Evils

- Robert A. Gunn, MD1882

5) Compulsory Vaccination: The Crime Against the School Child

- Chas. M. (Charles Michael) Higgins 1915

6) The Truth about Vaccination and Immunization

- Lily Loat, Secretary of the National Anti-Vaccination League of London,1951

7) Leicester: Sanitation versus Vaccination Its Vital Statistics Compared with Those of Other Towns, the Army, Navy, Japan, and England and Wales

- By J.T. Biggs, J.P. 1912

8) The Vaccination Question

- Arthur Wollaston Hutton, MA 1895

9) Vaccination a Delusion: Its Penal Enforcement a Crime

- Alfred Russel Wallace, LLD DUBL., DCL OXON., FRS, 1898

10) Vaccination a Curse and Menace to Personal Liberty With Statistics Showing Its Dangers and Criminality

- James Martin Peebles, MD, MA, PhD Tenth Edition, 1913

11) Dr. C.G.G. Nittinger’s Evils of Vaccination

- C. Charles Schieferdecker, MD 1856

12) The Vaccination Question in the Light of Modern Experience An Appeal for Reconsideration

- C. Killick Millard, M.D., D.Sc. 1914

13) Jenner and Vaccination: A Strange Chapter of Medical History

- Charles Creighton, MD 1889

14) The Horrors of Vaccination: Exposed and Illustrated

- Charles M. Higgins 1919

15) Vaccination: The Story of a Great Delusion

- William White, 1885

16) Vital Statistics in the United States, 1940-1960

- Robert D. Grove, Alice M. Hetzel US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare 1968

17) The Mandatory Vaccination Plan

- National Immunization Policy Council 1977

18) The Fraud of Vaccination

- Walter Hadwen, JP., MD, LRCP., MRCS, LSA (From "Truth," January 3, 1923)

19) Vaccination: A Curse

- C.W. Amerige, MD 1895

20) Vaccination: A Medical Fallacy

-Alexander Wilder, MD 1879

21) The Dream & Lie of Louis Pasteur Originally Pasteur: Plagiarist, Imposter

- R.B. Pearson 1942

22) The Vaccination Problem

- Joseph Swan, 1936

23) The Fallacy of Vaccination

- John Pitcairn, President of the Anti-Vaccination League of America 1911

24) The Case Against Vaccination

- Walter Hadwen, JP, MD, LRCP, MRCS, LSA 1896

25) A Catalogue of Anti-Vaccination Literature The London Society for the Abolition of Compulsory Vaccination

- 114 Victoria Street, Westminster 1882, 2018

(26) Never Vaccinate Your Child: Lessons from Parents, Doctors, Scientists, Media, and History

- Trung Nguyen, June 2018
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Veteran Member
A bio-weapon infecting Chinese soldiers becomes a "bat flu." US and Chinese gov'ts working in unison. Multiple companies miraculously develop "vaccines" in record time. Said companies are granted immunity from prosecution. Gov shills press incredibly for mandatory injections. Anyone questioning the efficacy of the injections is shunned.
Yeah, sure...
No way were we submitting for a mystery vax based on faulty research.

Not exactly true. Military was mandated, and they are "guv employees."
i meant members of congress.

Line Doggie

Contributing Member
By the time the injections came out, it was obvious that the whole thing was way off.
The big tipoff for me was the "hydroxychloroquine is dangerous" story. I've taken it every day for months on deployments, so I know better. There is a percentage of people who get knocked off balance mentally by the medication. My wife is one of them, she gets crazy weird dreams if she takes HCL. If the AMA and other authorities had just said that it's ineffective, it wouldn't have registered with me, but dangerous?
My highest medical credential is my expired Combat Lifesaver certification, so if I know the story is a crock, real medical people know it too.
The more time went on, the easier it got to dig in my heels harder and harder, because the ridiculousness of the whole thing was increasingly obvious.

Of course, it's the same medical establishment that's fine with unlimited abortion, with transvestite mutilation of children, with euthanasia, with the psychiatric witch doctors, with endlessly increasing pharmaceutical mischief, and with all manner of other crimes. Look into Haeckels' drawings and recognize the massive fraud involved there, as one example.


Veteran Member
Yes, this is also true.
However, they sure pulled the J &J pretty quick due to blood clots and strokes didn’t they?

By the way, one of DH coworkers?

That coworker’s mother’s best friend, was a woman who died after being one of the first to take the J&J vaxx.

That coworker is also rabidly anti vaxx now.
They didn't exactly pull the J and J. Maybe you remember I was on the year long Great Loop last year (in our own boat). We discovered that the only route that would keep us from having to pass through Canada had a fixed bridge about 6 inches too low for our boat to fit under. Canada had not changed its vax requirements yet as we had been expecting, so the options were to turn around and travel back the 3000 miles we had come, or get vaxxed... or fake it, and I was a bit leary of that, didn't want to go to Canadian Prison. We checked and where we were at the time (Atlantic City, in June 2022) had a drug store a few miles away which still had the J and J vax available. Friends had driven in from Jersey City and offered us a ride (part of the Great Loop adventure is never having a car). So we sucked it up and went and got the J and J, which Canada was still accepting. Hopefully our vax batch was expired! LOL... We had absolutely no side affects... might be because we had been taking quercetin, zinc, C, D, etc. prophylacticly for a couple years... we also figure we had Covid at least once on the loop, some folks we were running with had gotten sick at the same time, but it was basically cold symptoms. A little part of the reason why we didn't get the vax earlier was that we both had Covid at the end of Jan in 2020... a friend in Choir visited Taiwan in early January 2020 and brought it home... came to Choir sick... we didn't know what it was at that point, but it had all the symptoms... We were sick for 3 weeks. Early in that I shook for 24 hours straight with a 103 fever. Half the people in Choir got it. Yeah, on the loop that is the story I used to explain to the self righteous vaxxed folks why I (we) didn't need a vax, we had the antibodies... and we prolly did for a year or more. And of course after we got home from the loop, in early November we picked up Covid... first time we both actually tested positive. Yeah the J and J was worthless on whatever variant we had. Again, I pray we got a week dose anyway! Someone told me there is a J and J booster out, riiiight...
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Rich Fleetwood - Founder - author/coder/podcaster
This is very telling….
Of everything I’ve read, and every thing I know, this singularly very personal, very true, and very close story from a man I’ve known for close to twenty years…is EXACTLY the reason I’ll never trust ANYTHING anyone else says about Covid.

Mark and I at Johnson’s Corner on I-25, north of Denver, when I was in Longmont, CO for my followup “manipulation under sedation”, two months after knee joint replacement on 10/26/16 (pic taken 12/24/16)


Time Traveler
Easy. The Common Cold is a coronavirus. No immunization for that since...ever.
The flu shots were always a crap shoot, 'experts said' they had a 1 in 10 chance of projecting the right strain for the following years' flu season, and even then most who took the shot got the flu from the shot. I think that was as it was supposed to be-to create a flu season, thus enriching the medical establishment. Just how my mind thinks, when big money is involved, any atrocity is possible.
I'm trying to figure out the change of heart... what could have caused that?
$$$$$ is the most logical reason a doctor who warned patients to avoid taking the shot does a 180. Keeping their job and not losing their medical license fits that reason, btw.
Please, start a thread or take over one of these COVID side threads.

I’m convinced you know what you are talking about.
TY for the positive words, I'll copy/paste the post into one of the COVID threads, and continue from there.
If you have sensitive material I’m SURE you could start the thread in more “private quarters”
It's not sensitive, I knew my post was getting long and I didn't want to waste my or the reader's time posting something they would likely skip due to length.
It takes years to develop vaccines and more years to see if it's safe. By the way everyone that I know that took one or multiple shots got covid , some are no longer here.
Yes it does, and as far as I know, all covid19 shots/"boosters" are all still in the experimental stage which means, there are some placebo shots if they are doing the "study" properly.
I love reading what all of you shared here. I wonder how the pandemic story will be told 5 or 10 years from now. Hopefully it will be a true accounting.
It won't be if they are doing it right, they want everyone dead-this is their opening salvo.
Putting plain and simple, I know better than to "trust" the 'medical' establishment.
ANYONE who trusts the medical establishment after the events of the last 3 years are mentally defective.
Remind me about Australia on the thread I end up reposting the covid info on, someone. TY!


Time Traveler
Survival Ring, though you might be interested in this. Dr. Wallach is my go to for almost any health issue, he's a genius. I use to be able to find his videos on YT but they are pretty much all scrubbed this past year, a shame. I found this for you though:

Copper Deficiency causes a ruptured aneurysm in Turkeys!​

Doctor Joel Wallach​

Turkeys stopped dying of this in 1957!​

Aneurysm, stroke, copper defiency

Doctor Wallach and Case #1 - Here's a good one. Dr S.C., 38 years old. Dead of a ruptured aneurysm. Even a turkey wouldn't die of a ruptured aneurysm! It's easy to prevent. We learned this in 1957. The government came out with its "wonder food pellet" for turkeys.Guaranteed to grow them bigger ,fatter, faster, and deader than a door nail. The farmers had to pick them up in bushel baskets, worst year ever for turkeys, they took them to the labs by the truck load, opened them up, and guess what they found? They all died of a ruptured aortic aneurysm, every last one, 50% of the entire nation's flock of turkeys..

So they knew something was missing in the food. They analyzed the liver, blood, and muscles. Copper deficiency! Your arteries' elastic fibers need copper for tensile strength.The next year the copper content in the feed was doubled, and the mortality rate from ruptured aortic aneurysms dropped to 0%!"
I have a theory that the shots are designed to suck specific nutrients out of the body, which causes the clots, aneurysm, heart damage, etc. I suspect the transfer (not shedding, shedding comes from a virus based vaccine-cv19 shots are inoculations to my understanding) from which people get symptom transfer. Almost every single case of transfer I've seen is blood related.


Time Traveler

The people going to Davos…for the WEF Conference do NOT want vaccinated Pilots/Crew. (SHEDDING) Read that twice.
I suspect they don't want their pilots to tip over dead during flights. There was a plane crash in Nepal recently, killed 29. Plane appeared to tip and weave before crashing, was similar to what the skeevy WEF imps of satan roam the planet in.
Survival Ring, though you might be interested in this. Dr. Wallach is my go to for almost any health issue, he's a genius. I use to be able to find his videos on YT but they are pretty much all scrubbed this past year, a shame. I found this for you though:

Copper Deficiency causes a ruptured aneurysm in Turkeys!​

Doctor Joel Wallach​

Turkeys stopped dying of this in 1957!​

Aneurysm, stroke, copper defiency

Doctor Wallach and Case #1 - Here's a good one. Dr S.C., 38 years old. Dead of a ruptured aneurysm. Even a turkey wouldn't die of a ruptured aneurysm! It's easy to prevent. We learned this in 1957. The government came out with its "wonder food pellet" for turkeys.Guaranteed to grow them bigger ,fatter, faster, and deader than a door nail. The farmers had to pick them up in bushel baskets, worst year ever for turkeys, they took them to the labs by the truck load, opened them up, and guess what they found? They all died of a ruptured aortic aneurysm, every last one, 50% of the entire nation's flock of turkeys..

So they knew something was missing in the food. They analyzed the liver, blood, and muscles. Copper deficiency! Your arteries' elastic fibers need copper for tensile strength.The next year the copper content in the feed was doubled, and the mortality rate from ruptured aortic aneurysms dropped to 0%!"
I have a theory that the shots are designed to suck specific nutrients out of the body, which causes the clots, aneurysm, heart damage, etc. I suspect the transfer (not shedding, shedding comes from a virus based vaccine-cv19 shots are inoculations to my understanding) from which people get symptom transfer. Almost every single case of transfer I've seen is blood related.
Turkeys still can’t fly worth a damn!


Goodness before greatness.
Since I've not been into/reading any of the covid related threads, could one of you kind folks give me a link to where you think my long covid post would fit best? Thank you!

Flippper, great post.

Truth be told, wherever it is posted by trusted membership is fine. You are trusted, missed, and respected very much and by many.

We share experiences, truth, perspectives and opinions. We are all pieces to the puzzle. To start having witnessed testimonials by trusted members being shoved into corners as thread drift is unwarranted and suspicious, or super thin skinned.

I learn more here than I give. Everyone’s experience here can save more lives into the future.

Thank you and all for detailed experiences.
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John Deere Girl

Veteran Member
$$$$$ is the most logical reason a doctor who warned patients to avoid taking the shot does a 180. Keeping their job and not losing their medical license fits that reason, btw.
This Dr is a family member and was at our home when the conversation happened. It had nothing to do with money or fear of losing their job or license. It had everything to do with Trump being in office and pushing the vaxxes. This person is liberal.


Time Traveler
This Dr is a family member and was at our home when the conversation happened. It had nothing to do with money or fear of losing their job or license. It had everything to do with Trump being in office and pushing the vaxxes. This person is liberal.
TY for filling in some holes-my condolences on the liberal family member, may they one day see the light.

Trump pushed the vax's after he got out of office and never once said (that I remember) to not get vaccinated-so, I wonder why your liberal family member switched to pro-vax?


Time Traveler
Flippper, great post.

Truth be told, wherever it is posted by trusted membership is fine. You are trusted, missed, and respected very much and by many.

We share experiences, truth, perspectives and opinions. We are all pieces to the puzzle. To start having witnessed testimonials by trusted members being shoved into corners as thread drift is unwarranted and suspicious, or super thin skinned.

I learn more here than I give. Everyone’s experience here can save more lives into the future.

Thank you and all for detailed experiences.
Thank you for the very kind words!
Yes we are one big family, and that size is part of what makes this place a clearing house for information we can't get elsewhere. Personally, I enjoy thread drift, it always comes off the detour and returns to the topic at hand, it's information we wouldn't normally have had everyone stayed the course.
I also learn MUCH more here than I give, and I agree, lives (have been) and will be saved by the valuable information people share here. Love the people here. :)


Goodness before greatness.
Thank you for the very kind words!
Yes we are one big family, and that size is part of what makes this place a clearing house for information we can't get elsewhere. Personally, I enjoy thread drift, it always comes off the detour and returns to the topic at hand, it's information we wouldn't normally have had everyone stayed the course.
I also learn MUCH more here than I give, and I agree, lives (have been) and will be saved by the valuable information people share here. Love the people here. :)

Your welcome.

Yes… We just need to be careful, right after I posted my response above, I hit the lightning bolt icon and found a thread where Dennis ask people not to ask or speculate about vaXX status as being responsible for deaths we don’t know much about, or something along those lines.

I think that thread is on the main. So it can be reviewed. I stay in the private perimeter here 98% of the time. But wherever I came across that new thread, I will abide by the request.

I’ll review it in detail later. Just a lot on my plate tonight.
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Talk is cheap
Similar calling.

Mine in March 1996. (((Intuitive feeling))) to leave work during my lunch hour, walk into a book store, and start pulling magazines and periodicals off the shelf l o o k I n g for something.

Found a full page ad for a depopulation program targeting the year 2010 in the U.S. A think tank out of Columbia-U. We were 270 million Americans then. The targeted population was to be reduced to 145 million by 2010. Having a 23 years heads up and (((PING))) helped.

My Father in Heaven allows me to witness to truth. All his work. I’m just a 98.6 degree Fahrenheit messenger.

Most awesome. Good find back then, the Hand of God, aka Divine Intervention!

Finding these things and related sure leaves a big impression, as it is supposed to!

Looks like this one is from 2009, so they may have had other "hit pieces." They just don't see the clear picture that God has got this for His people and that He allows things to take place because of peoples' idolatry and turning to other things besides Him for "help."


And...surprise, surprise: there is a wealth of info for the taking, a short search yields many things, may they not be able to censor any of the truths! A lot of dirt-coated nuggets. . .that I have been following since about the time of 9/11 when dirty Bush lied about WMD. But it literally goes back further, the dirty cabal needs a lot of help, they are very mentally imbalanced! Here is another of the many examples:

Exposing the Depopulation policy of The United States Government​

National Security Study Memorandum 200: Blueprint for World Depopulation. Article by Brian Clows PhD, “The National Security Council is the highest decision-making body in the United States government. In December 1974, it finalized a top-secret document entitled National Security Study Memorandum 200, or NSSM-200, subtitled “Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests.”1

This document was written because the NSC saw rapid population growth in the less-developed countries (LDCs) as a major threat to our national security.2”

Pro-life workers all over the world should have a working knowledge of NSSM-200 because it exposes the unethical motivations and methods of the population control movement. As we read through NSSM-200, we see that the United States — and the other developed nations — are still following it as a blueprint for population control.

The Purpose of NSSM-200

“Population controllers believe that a high population density leads to poverty. So they think that they can improve the standard of living of the people in less-developed countries by reducing their population growth rates. But NSSM-200 shows that the true motivation behind population control activities is the preservation of our high standard of living by maintaining access to the mineral resources of LDCs.”

NSSM-200 says:

“The U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries.…Wherever a lessening of population pressures through reduced birth rates can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resource supplies and to the economic interests of the United States.3”

Mr. Henry Kissinger secretary of state under President Nixon, signed. “depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World.”

All mentioned by Minister Farrakhan is his 2012 Saviors Day Address, and the time and what must be done part 36.

We know their plan; we must plan accordingly.

NNV Writer Hasan Ali



Talk is cheap
A bio-weapon infecting Chinese soldiers becomes a "bat flu." US and Chinese gov'ts working in unison. Multiple companies miraculously develop "vaccines" in record time. Said companies are granted immunity from prosecution. Gov shills press incredibly for mandatory injections. Anyone questioning the efficacy of the injections is shunned.
Yeah, sure...
No way were we submitting for a mystery vax based on faulty research.

Not exactly true. Military was mandated, and they are "guv employees."

And it had escaped "level 4 biosafety lab in Wuhan" but a mask or two over your O2/carbon monoxide portholes will guard against it! :lol:


Goodness before greatness.
Most awesome. Good find back then, the Hand of God, aka Divine Intervention!

Finding these things and related sure leaves a big impression, as it is supposed to!

Looks like this one is from 2009, so they may have had other "hit pieces." They just don't see the clear picture that God has got this for His people and that He allows things to take place because of peoples' idolatry and turning to other things besides Him for "help."

View attachment 391423

And...surprise, surprise: there is a wealth of info for the taking, a short search yields many things, may they not be able to censor any of the truths! A lot of dirt-coated nuggets. . .that I have been following since about the time of 9/11 when dirty Bush lied about WMD. But it literally goes back further, the dirty cabal needs a lot of help, they are very mentally imbalanced! Here is another of the many examples:

Exposing the Depopulation policy of The United States Government​

National Security Study Memorandum 200: Blueprint for World Depopulation. Article by Brian Clows PhD, “The National Security Council is the highest decision-making body in the United States government. In December 1974, it finalized a top-secret document entitled National Security Study Memorandum 200, or NSSM-200, subtitled “Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests.”1

This document was written because the NSC saw rapid population growth in the less-developed countries (LDCs) as a major threat to our national security.2”

Pro-life workers all over the world should have a working knowledge of NSSM-200 because it exposes the unethical motivations and methods of the population control movement. As we read through NSSM-200, we see that the United States — and the other developed nations — are still following it as a blueprint for population control.

The Purpose of NSSM-200

“Population controllers believe that a high population density leads to poverty. So they think that they can improve the standard of living of the people in less-developed countries by reducing their population growth rates. But NSSM-200 shows that the true motivation behind population control activities is the preservation of our high standard of living by maintaining access to the mineral resources of LDCs.”

NSSM-200 says:

“The U.S. economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries.…Wherever a lessening of population pressures through reduced birth rates can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resource supplies and to the economic interests of the United States.3”

Mr. Henry Kissinger secretary of state under President Nixon, signed. “depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World.”

All mentioned by Minister Farrakhan is his 2012 Saviors Day Address, and the time and what must be done part 36.

We know their plan; we must plan accordingly.

NNV Writer Hasan Ali


WOW! Great parallel back-up find to validate my find 25 years ago. Yes. As far back as 1996 they (Columbia-U) were polling their own, and setting our future table to task.

Even though I saw that agenda in 96 as it promoted a U.S. culling by 2010. the floated meme by the female Chinese W.H.O. doctor in 2009 on national news pretty much sealed the deal on the concept of internationally forced vaccines as that mechanism.

By December 2020, we were a full year into the controversy and speculation, with many testimonials dovetailing for those with eyes to see.

So on December 23rd 2020 when a vessel came into Los Angeles Harbor with about two dozen 40’ Reefer containers full of vaXX from voyage between 4-Ports of call in China, and L.A Harbor, it was my obligation to post that information here @ TB2K over my Christmas Eve / Christmas Day off, 12/24 12/25/2020.

I know my obligation to witness. One of my co-workers that night on 12/23/2020 had lied to me about the vessel itinerary. I (((sensed))) his lack of veracity, and did a web-search on the Port’s of Call dates on the loop the vessel was on. All China hubs.

We cannot bear false witness even to truth. There will be an accounting here and / or on the other side of this existence.

We cannot deceive others for our comfort, fear, pride, or 30 pieces of silver without paying a much bigger price.

This animated contest is beyond our political foundations, it is the essence of our dance in this one life, and our place in eternity. For that reason, I go to great lengths to bring like hearts to a place where they can stand and witness. Let the evil run wide arcs around you. We are not alone when two or more are gathered in his name.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I already am very cautious about vaccines. My son is allergic to ingredients in every vaccine. And I watched as the CDC played games with the thimerosal information about 15 years ago. Probably almost 20 years now.

I was willing to consider vaccines after thorough testing. Until they rushed it out, short cutted testing, and tried to force it on everyone. I don't care if it was Trump or Biden. The information coming out now, reluctantly, for sources reinforces that we will not be getting it.

If we were going to get it, it wouldn't have been during that time period because we were both dealing with health issues. If you've ever actually read the vaccine information sheets that come with the vaccines, you will see that you're not supposed to take them while you are ill.

In a way we were/are lucky. I was working online and gig jobs. While they didn't pay a lot, between them and my savings, we got through and kept all the bills paid. It helped a lot that I keep our expenses low and live within our means.

My son and I were able to isolate thanks to friends and site to store orders. We actually are still somewhat isolated. My son has severe autism and it will take time for him to adjust to being back in public. I have been in public more but I'm still cautious about people. More because we've managed to go 3 years without severe colds/flu. I like that so I'll take precautions to keep our lives that way.

Kris Gandillon

The Other Curmudgeon
I worked in healthcare from 2008-2014.

I have multiple family members in healthcare, some for 30 years.

Due to some unpleasant personal experiences and side affects related to the treatment of a condition I had that made the treatment worse than the condition in the 2008-2010 timeframe, plus ObamaCare coming into play, and my primary care phycian calling it quits, I basically dropped out of the healthcare system, do not have a PCP and have not set foot in a doctor’s office for any reason beyond my 15 minute one year follow up with my hip replacement surgeon 10 years ago and my visit to the Urgent Care last summer when I fell and gashed my head open. I have personally had ZERO medical expenses, of any kind except for OTC stuff like Tylenol or Advil, since that time. We still do have medical insurance thru my employer but that is mainly for my wife, or if I keel over someday and she calls 911 over my protests to the contrary.

I have totally trusted in God for my health and my healthcare for the last 13 years. The hip replacement was already on the schedule and was my last intentional encounter with the healthcare industry or profession, if you prefer, until my fall last summer to fix my head gash.

All of the above was included in my letter/request for religious waiver from the company vax mandate and my request was almost immediately granted, no additional questions asked. They could not argue with any of the above.


Dot Collector
“You have no right not to be vaccinated, you have no right not to wear a mask, and if you refuse to be vaccinated, the state should have the power to take you to a doctors office and plunge a needle into your arm.” - Alan Dershowitz
RT 25secs

They have broken every rule of the Nuremberg code.
RT 1min

Walrus Whisperer

Hope in chains...
Are we really doing their oppositional research for em all out in the open and free and all dat?

I of course, followed every recomendation my wise and caring dot guvs made for my health care needs. They alone, far better than even I, or my docs, knew what was best for me. : )

I do what I always do. Good lord and I set down, he talks, I try to listen, then strive to obey. :: shrug :: is there a better way?
Mine is opposite, sometimes I even yell at Him.

The Cub

Behold, I am coming soon.
The real purpose of mass mRNA injections was not to "save lives", but to normalize a new Pharma market of mRNA gene modifications because the patents of "normal" medicines are all expiring & Pharma profits nosediving.
RT 2min
The so-called COVID vax has a number of is to impair/destroy the immune systems of recipients to make them vulnerable to the forthcoming next bio-weapon kill shot.


Kris Gandillon

The Other Curmudgeon
“You have no right not to be vaccinated, you have no right not to wear a mask, and if you refuse to be vaccinated, the state should have the power to take you to a doctors office and plunge a needle into your arm.” - Alan Dershowitz
RT 25secs

They have broken every rule of the Nuremberg code.
RT 1min
The Nuremberg Code is NOT enforceable anywhere in the world as it is NOT codified into law anywhere in the world.

It is just a “code”, a “declaration” with no enforceability. There is no LAW being broken. Thus no way to arrest anyone or take them to court for breaking the “code”.