CORONA UPDATE – So, You Did Not Take the COVID-19 Shot, Why Not?

John Deere Girl

Veteran Member
I didn't get the vax because I have severe reactions to vaccines, as do several of my kids.

Because once upon a time I worked in the pharmaceutical industry and question how fast this was pushed out., and I did quite a bit of research about it.

Because I had a family member who is a Dr sit in our home and tell us NOT to get it, that as a Corona virus it would constantly mutate, therefore no vaccine could ever work for COVID. Once Trump was out of office this Dr pushed everyone to get it. That spoke volumes.

Because the phrase, "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help." does not inspire confidence in me.

Because all the nurses I know personally refused the vax and felt so strongly about it that they would have given up their career to avoid the vax.


Veteran Member
I got my first and only flu shot 20 something years ago. The next day I could not get out of bed. At the time I was extremely healthy and a prime physical specimen. It took months to feel better and it has caused me to need a wheelchair to this day. I didn't want to be a guinea pig for a shot with even less research behind it than flu shots.

Ironically, I have still never had the flu in my entire life. Pretty rare I know. I seldom get colds either.


Senior Member
I've received a ton of vaccinations in boot camp... Not even sure what they were, and since I had no other option but to get them, I submitted to their demands (late 1980s).

Enter the 21st century and things are very different. I got wiser and more informed. I refused the Covid vax simply because I don't trust the government anymore. That includes almost every vaccine, including the one for shingles, the flu, and whatever else is being marketed depending on the season. Not sure if I'll consider getting another tetanus shot, since the last one I received was in 2013.

If it involves any type of vax, be it intravenous or in pill form, I'm staying far away.


Milkweed Host

Veteran Member
I didn't take it because of how hard your government was pushing this drug???

Every since the VA clinic told me I was receiving a shingles shot, but instead
switch it out for a flu shot, I now trust them less.

I've also noticed that the people who have taken the jab, seem off, psychologically.
Their reasoning ability has been diminished.

I'd say that our current medical system is in a mess, it's like a minefield.


Voice on the Prairie / FJB!
I, too, was skeptical about the lack of testing of the vaccines to the point I was putting more money aside in case shots became mandatory at my main job. I would've quit.

But I don't judge anyone who took a vaccine in order to stay employed or for other reasons. We all had/have to make our own decisions.

At the end of the day, I really don't have anyone who can pick up the slack long-term. Yes, I have friends who will step up and give me a ride or do a quick errand, but if I got a long-term illness, I'd be screwed. That was the bottom line in not taking the shot. I was pretty sure I'd had Covid (and well as other crap), and I didn't want to take a chance of messing up my immune system with a questionable "vaccine."


Let's Go Brandon!
I have posted about this before.

After I got out of the US Navy in 1976, I took the flu shot,
and got sicker than I had ever been, until this past July,
when I had the diabetic DKA.

That flu shot made me sick, and I swore then, that I would
not ever again, take another vaccination, to prevent an
illness like the flu. I did take a DTAP shot in June 2009,
after I got bit by a copperhead snake.

I am glad and thankful to The Most High God,
that I learned, and learned good, about how deadly many
of the POS ZUSA federal government policies are,
at their mandates, deadly mandates, and perhaps soon,
the tide will turn on them.

Please be safe everyone.

Regards to all.

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Thread Killer :-)
Both my wife and I contracted COVID-19 early on, in July of 2020. Testing confirmed the diagnosis at the time. We both subsequently also tested positive for anti-bodies. For my wife, it was like a moderate flu, lasted about a week, for me even less so - I felt kind of crappy for about 3 days, lost sense of taste for about a week, snapped back from it, had no residual problems. When the VAX first became available, my wife reluctantly had the VAX and the first booster, as it was required for her job. Thank goodness she has had no known side affects from it so far, and hopefully never will.

As time marched on, and I watched the whole fiasco unfold, my lack of trust of all things "government", my personal experience with having had COVID-19, along with my common sense understanding of natural immunity that I had learned as a youth, caused me to come to the conclusion that the VAX was likely unnecessary, and to this day I have not had any of the shots, nor do I intend to. At this point I don't see me changing my mind.


Goodness before greatness.
His sheep hear his voice and the voice of a stranger they will not follow. I was told to stay away from it and I did. Simple as that and I don’t regret my choice.

Similar calling.

Mine in March 1996. (((Intuitive feeling))) to leave work during my lunch hour, walk into a book store, and start pulling magazines and periodicals off the shelf l o o k I n g for something.

Found a full page ad for a depopulation program targeting the year 2010 in the U.S. A think tank out of Columbia-U. We were 270 million Americans then. The targeted population was to be reduced to 145 million by 2010. Having a 23 years heads up and (((PING))) helped.

My Father in Heaven allows me to witness to truth. All his work. I’m just a 98.6 degree Fahrenheit messenger.
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Time Traveler
The media lied (surprise), the gov lied (surprise) about the first case and how it got here. I do believe it did start in WA state, but 2 months prior to official declaration. Our local superior court judge took his fam to China 'for a vacation' in early Nov. 2019; they all came back with a raging case of a very nasty flu which had all the 'covid19' symptoms-someone I know personally had been hired to do some work for the judge, and they told me about this. They were not long in China, and within a few weeks of returning, several people I know got the same flu in mid-Nov. with various levels of illness. One was my ex-bf and a friend. Ex had nagging cough for months afterwards, as did friend, but friend said her lungs were filling up with water, and she had to bend over to let the water drain out into a bucket. She said it was one of the worst flus she'd ever had. Ex didn't have much trouble with it.

January they make the statement that cv19 broke out in a WA state nursing home with many succumbing (mass hysteria/fear of death push), when people asked how it got there, someone said it was a worker who'd just returned from China. Now remember, China had claimed it broke out there around August 2019, and they couldn't stop it because it had a 2 week incubation period. They were showing video of people falling over dead in the streets here on MSM (more fear/hysteria push), short vid's of trucks going down streets spraying God knows what all over streets/buildings/people with claims it was to kill the flu bug.

Then we see video here of an unnamed wholesale store with people frantically pushing flatbed carts heaped high with toilet paper, racing about at breakneck speed assumedly to get to the nearest cashier. That started the Great Toilet Paper Panic of 2020. CV19 is a lung disease, not an ass disease, that was pure propaganda to strike panic into uninformed Americans.

Mid January cv19 is officially announced. I think it was 3 days after the end of the 2nd impeachment trial of Trump. I can't recall why, but I dug into Gilead Labs, I think because the leftists in dc voted on the $1.9 trillion "covid relief bill", and Gilead might have been given a chunk of it or because remdesivir was mentioned as a treatment for covid, Gilead being the maker. At any rate, I looked it up. Gilead had created Remdesivir as an Ebola drug, but it didn't work, and in fact they shelved it because it killed 53% of the study subjects within the first month. That was 2016.

I looked at Gilead's Board of Directors-at least two of them were on the board of Kite Pharmaceuticals-which was partnered with Fosun Labs.

In Shanghai China.

Gilead had mysteriously begun mass producing Remdesivir the first week of January 2020, and their press release said they would push another mass production run in March of 2020-with no mention of why, or for whom it would be used. I read this on their site in January 2020.

Within a few months Remdesivir is being touted as a drug for use for cv19. Ivermectin was on the schedule but in 2nd place-and hospitals/doctors were getting kickbacks for using the Remdesivir ($3000 a pop I believe it is/was). Also Pelosi put in the covid relief bill, that any positive covid test done in a hospital got a $9000 bonus. If the patient went on a vent, hospital/doc got another $19,000. That gave incentive to use only Remdesivir, and shove folks on vents.
I thought it odd that one little elderly gnome had the power to shut down the entire planet, governments who never got along all of a sudden were enforcing covid lockdowns, lockstep with nearly every nation on earth, also masks and 6 foot distancing, as well as locking down entry/exit points to the nations. That gnome also said on camera that masks didnt stop covid, and only would block a few particles, and that they were "largely symbolic." Symbolic of what? I think we all know.

Interesting tidbits-Moderna had never, ever manufactured a vaccine before covid19.
As far as I know, the covid 19 virus has never been isolated.
There is no virus splice from "covid 19 virus" in the vaccines-and therefore they are not actual vaccines, but inoculations of God knows what.

I saw where labs were saying they planned to put mRNA in ALL flu shots from now on, (Dec. 2021), and that they could put it in the food supply as well, so those reluctant to take the shot would be covertly administered the drug.

When people started getting the shots, if I went out in public (once a month to get groceries) I would come home and within hours start developing bruises and/or a bloody nose-this has been ongoing, Im still getting bruises, not as big or severe as before. I know one other person who got a severe bloody nose in the middle of the night after riding with one of his employees. He asked him next day if he'd taken the shot, and the employee gleefully said yes and all boosters, the last one was the day before.

Someone here on this board, years ago discussed how they worked in the research part of medicine-everyone remember about 10 years ago ferrets were being shipped to eastern Europe from the US, with a stop in Norway (Finland? cant recall), and one of the scientists just happened to grab a ferret and test it for the deadly virus (supposed to have been an inert form) and the ferret tested positive for the deadly live virus? Had that scientist not done that, millions in Europe and possibly world wide would have died, it was God's intervention IMO. The official release from the big pharma co who sent them, said oops, that was an accident. The member here said there was no way it was by accident, there are many checks and balances that these labs must go through before they can send out a shipment. That always stuck in the back of my mind.

Knowing this, would YOU get a shot of this crap? Of anything?

I have other creepy covid stories, maybe another time...

Burt Gummer

Veteran Member
Didn't take when Trump was pres because I've never taken a flu shot before.
Damn sure didn't take when Biden became pres because any government that is open border, pro cartel, no bail, defund police, antifa loving, LGBTQXYZ promoting, pro-abortion freak show is not above killing me with a vaccine.


Goodness before greatness.
On December 24th 2019, I texted my retired friend living east of the Cascades in Washington. His wife sent me a pic of him having soup. I could tell by the pic a level of physical distress as in labored breathing.

I asked her in text if he was ok. She said he was getting over a flu… 11 days later he passed in his sleep on the couch.


Still A Geology Fanatic
Why not?

I'm a software/computer systems engineer.

I learned a long time ago to never, ever touch the first release of any new technology
. . . especially if it was business critical.

And I have seen the effectiveness rating for mumps and flu vaccines.

Figured I would wait until release version 10.3 of the vax.
And we are not even close to that yet.

However, there is nothing wrong with making money on people who will implement the first version of anything, so study up and figure out what services you can provide to those willing to take the risk.
Opportunities abound - gonna be some good money made off this one.
Yes--I too learned long ago--I have a DH engineer that taught me to be patient and wait until the beta version had done its damage.
I still miss my XP--it ran like a hose.


Rich Fleetwood - Founder - author/coder/podcaster
Something seemed off from the get-go with this virus. Everything mentioned above set off all the buzzers in my head.

For years, I didn’t get any vaxxes. Then, during the last ten years, I had two deep scratches that became bad infections. That was highly unusual. Updated my tetanus shots, and had to take strong antibiotics to deal with them.

The last five years, I got pneumonia, flu, and shingles vaxxes. I had no intention getting C19 clot shots when they came to market. The entire realm of everything Covid related gave off the worst vibes I’d ever felt regarding the entire medical industry.

As the nation began the “theater of the shot”, I did wear cloth masks when grocery shopping. Wyoming counties and infection numbers led every newscast, like nothing I’d ever seen before. The .gov pressure ramped up…the forced mask usage was overwrought everywhere. Dearest Annie stayed home for months at a time. I did all errands, wearing my leather mechanic gloves, and stayed away from people…everyone I DIDN’T know.

Then, my eldest son got it. His three kids got vaxxed, but I’m not sure about them getting any boosters. Then, DIL got it. She was a lunch lady at the elementary school here, and missed two months of work. Son got very sick, but recovered.

Then, daughter got vaxxed, and both my youngest grandkids. She caught it twice…mild cases both times. Youngest grandson caught it, again a mild case. Tested positive two more times, but didn’t show any symptoms after the first one. Daughter had three boosters…because she’s a city letter carrier. I understand her concerns, but she didn’t want to listen to me.

Tell me how handling thousands of pieces of incoming and outgoing mail, and touching every mailbox DAILY, every gate, literally everything related to the mail system, and interacting with hundreds of strangers daily…couldn’t possibly be a threat of life and death potentialities…and the threat is not JUST Covid. I saw her reasoning and rationale for taking the shots, but I have been concerned about the “shedding…”

She made nearly three times last year, what I get annually from SSD. She’s on target this year to add another SSD year’s income, with all the overtime she’s been getting.

Still, I stayed home, most of the last three years…but still would NEVER get the clot shot…

Youngest son Kenny, the highly successful musician, got the original vax, and several boosters. He’s never shown any symptoms, for which I am greatful. He’s a smart kid, but was a vax shamer. This was very disconcerting to me,..but it is what it is.

Lastly, dearest Annie got a single vax about ten months ago. I’d shared all my concerns, worry, news stories, beliefs, and even the latest stories about youth cardiac events in 17.1% of recently known phizer shots.

No doc attempted to convince me to take the vax. They were shot down upon any opening conversations at doc appointments.

My best friend Mark W. (Aka graywolf1 here on TB2K) has had it a couple of times, as well as his wife. His youngest son Chris caught it, and became deathly ill, and wound up in the hospital. He had a horridly low o2 level, and got intubated, for almost a month.

Mark and wife snuck some ivermectin in and gave him several doses. Within 24 hours, he had turned around, and within a week, he went home. The doctors that worked on the Covid ward, were very surprised to see him rally, and two weeks later, was told by these same doctors, he was the only patient to leave that ward…alive.

Nothing…NOTHING…would sway my mind.

As most here know, one of the skills I’m VERY good at is research. History…science…medical…you name it, I’m able to dig up the most hidden/least talked about info…EVER.

Covid fell to my Google-fu. The video featured in this thread says everything I feel…and up to now, and for as long as I live, I will remain…


I’ve had pneumonia once…the walking variety, 42 years ago. I suffered childhood asthma, but grew out of it by age ten. I’ve had bronchitis dozens of times, lungs weakened by my dad’s three pack a day cig habit, until he had two heart attacks, and switched to cigars, then pipes, and finally quit. Sadly, he developed cancer and died at age 63 of prostate cancer.

I just turned 63 on Thursday, and his early death has been on my mind a LOT in the last six months. I’ve never smoked, drunk alcohol (has a lot to do with getting run over by a drunk driver and almost dying at age 15). No hard drugs, either.

Both my younger brother and sister have smoked like chimneys forever, and I worry about them. Not sure on their vax status, or if they’ve had Covid. I know that there’s been several in both their families that had it, but no one succumbed to it, for which I’m very happy.

I was a city letter for more than a decade, walking up to ten to fifteen miles a day, by getting all the worst parts of other carrier’s routes as a PTF (part time flexible). My first few months were absolutely miserable, but I survived. After a year. I had increased my physical stamina immensely.

That’s a good thing, as heart disease runs in my family, on my dad’s side. Most males of my family died of heart attacks or strokes, and dad was the first I’m aware of to get cancer. My older brother, born in 1957, had blue baby syndrome, caused by congenital heart defects…holes in his heart.

He had three operations to try to correct them, but didn’t survive the last one, dying at just seven months old l. Dr. Denton Cooley, the world renown heart surgeon, performed all three surgeries, and I’ve got the letter he sent to my parents, expressing his condolences regarding my brother not making it.

One of his areas of expertise was repairing aortic aneurysms…something I was diagnosed with only three years ago. Mine is an ascending aortic aneurysm, about 42mm is width, wher 36mm is considered normal for an adult male.

Once diagnosed, and measured by sonogram, it hasn’t grown a bit. I’m very fortunate that this is my generational heart problem…eminently fixable, static in status, and something I’m very aware of.

Back to Covid, I megadosed with a dozen vitamin supplements, and have been tested for Covid multiple times. I have 12 two-packs of Covid test kits, but have not felt the need to test my self. I’ve got a package of HCQ I’ve not taken yet, and quite a few tubes of ivermectin, again of which I’ve not felt sick enough to take.

Bottom line?

I am much more concerned about the scum and villainy that allowed this fraud, and horrible science, to kill millions globally. My return to Wyoming in 2019, just as the genocide was starting, put me again in a place where I can disappear into the landscape instantly if needed.

Why would I do that? Read this entire thread again,..SO MANY obvious evil minions in all walks of life, just waiting for the chance of more power, more money, and more horrible consequences for all of us.

Do what you need to do.

Be what you need to be.

Have a plan to deal with bullshit when it becomes personal…as it eventually will.

Keep your finger on the pulse of communism, because that’s what brought us to this precipice.

Now is when you to get really good at situational awareness, with every waking moment…and eventually every sleeping nightmare.
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Senior Member
Had Covid early, Nov. '19...Haven't taken the flu shots fot 20+years...was on the fence with it, wife decided to take the shot & the paperwork that she brought home said that the shot wouldn't prevent or cure Covid, but it MIGHT help with SOME of the symptoms! Fer Chrissakes ASPIRIN may from then on it was a "NO" for me, and now almost everyone that I know that took the shot got it anyway...and several of those have died from odd circumstances...


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The media lied (surprise), the gov lied (surprise) about the first case and how it got here. I do believe it did start in WA state, but 2 months prior to official declaration. Our local superior court judge took his fam to China 'for a vacation' in early Nov. 2019; they all came back with a raging case of a very nasty flu which had all the 'covid19' symptoms-someone I know personally had been hired to do some work for the judge, and they told me about this. They were not long in China, and within a few weeks of returning, several people I know got the same flu in mid-Nov. with various levels of illness. One was my ex-bf and a friend. Ex had nagging cough for months afterwards, as did friend, but friend said her lungs were filling up with water, and she had to bend over to let the water drain out into a bucket. She said it was one of the worst flus she'd ever had. Ex didn't have much trouble with it.

January they make the statement that cv19 broke out in a WA state nursing home with many succumbing (mass hysteria/fear of death push), when people asked how it got there, someone said it was a worker who'd just returned from China. Now remember, China had claimed it broke out there around August 2019, and they couldn't stop it because it had a 2 week incubation period. They were showing video of people falling over dead in the streets here on MSM (more fear/hysteria push), short vid's of trucks going down streets spraying God knows what all over streets/buildings/people with claims it was to kill the flu bug.

Then we see video here of an unnamed wholesale store with people frantically pushing flatbed carts heaped high with toilet paper, racing about at breakneck speed assumedly to get to the nearest cashier. That started the Great Toilet Paper Panic of 2020. CV19 is a lung disease, not an ass disease, that was pure propaganda to strike panic into uninformed Americans.

Mid January cv19 is officially announced. I think it was 3 days after the end of the 2nd impeachment trial of Trump. I can't recall why, but I dug into Gilead Labs, I think because the leftists in dc voted on the $1.9 trillion "covid relief bill", and Gilead might have been given a chunk of it or because remdesivir was mentioned as a treatment for covid, Gilead being the maker. At any rate, I looked it up. Gilead had created Remdesivir as an Ebola drug, but it didn't work, and in fact they shelved it because it killed 53% of the study subjects within the first month. That was 2016.

I looked at Gilead's Board of Directors-at least two of them were on the board of Kite Pharmaceuticals-which was partnered with Fosun Labs.

In Shanghai China.

Gilead had mysteriously begun mass producing Remdesivir the first week of January 2020, and their press release said they would push another mass production run in March of 2020-with no mention of why, or for whom it would be used. I read this on their site in January 2020.

Within a few months Remdesivir is being touted as a drug for use for cv19. Ivermectin was on the schedule but in 2nd place-and hospitals/doctors were getting kickbacks for using the Remdesivir ($3000 a pop I believe it is/was). Also Pelosi put in the covid relief bill, that any positive covid test done in a hospital got a $9000 bonus. If the patient went on a vent, hospital/doc got another $19,000. That gave incentive to use only Remdesivir, and shove folks on vents.
I thought it odd that one little elderly gnome had the power to shut down the entire planet, governments who never got along all of a sudden were enforcing covid lockdowns, lockstep with nearly every nation on earth, also masks and 6 foot distancing, as well as locking down entry/exit points to the nations. That gnome also said on camera that masks didnt stop covid, and only would block a few particles, and that they were "largely symbolic." Symbolic of what? I think we all know.

Interesting tidbits-Moderna had never, ever manufactured a vaccine before covid19.
As far as I know, the covid 19 virus has never been isolated.
There is no virus splice from "covid 19 virus" in the vaccines-and therefore they are not actual vaccines, but inoculations of God knows what.

I saw where labs were saying they planned to put mRNA in ALL flu shots from now on, (Dec. 2021), and that they could put it in the food supply as well, so those reluctant to take the shot would be covertly administered the drug.

When people started getting the shots, if I went out in public (once a month to get groceries) I would come home and within hours start developing bruises and/or a bloody nose-this has been ongoing, Im still getting bruises, not as big or severe as before. I know one other person who got a severe bloody nose in the middle of the night after riding with one of his employees. He asked him next day if he'd taken the shot, and the employee gleefully said yes and all boosters, the last one was the day before.

Someone here on this board, years ago discussed how they worked in the research part of medicine-everyone remember about 10 years ago ferrets were being shipped to eastern Europe from the US, with a stop in Norway (Finland? cant recall), and one of the scientists just happened to grab a ferret and test it for the deadly virus (supposed to have been an inert form) and the ferret tested positive for the deadly live virus? Had that scientist not done that, millions in Europe and possibly world wide would have died, it was God's intervention IMO. The official release from the big pharma co who sent them, said oops, that was an accident. The member here said there was no way it was by accident, there are many checks and balances that these labs must go through before they can send out a shipment. That always stuck in the back of my mind.

Knowing this, would YOU get a shot of this crap? Of anything?

I have other creepy covid stories, maybe another time...
Bumping your most very important post!!

This is a fascinating, informative breakdown of the entire Covid bioweapon timeline and why it’s so suspicious.
All of it.

I hope everyone here reads this, and reads it again.
I am.


Veteran Member
When they say "the covid 19 shot" they are really talking about the mRNA shot and not the traditional vax like the JnJ shot. They need to be more specific. Remember, the JnJ is the one that was NOT mRNA. Also, the fact that the feds are pushing the Pfizer one so hard, and tell you not to get the JnJ, tells me something right there. Probably JnJ did not give congress enough money to wet their beaks, though.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
When they say "the covid 19 shot" they are really talking about the mRNA shot and not the traditional vax like the JnJ shot. They need to be more specific. Remember, the JnJ is the one that was NOT mRNA. Also, the fact that the feds are pushing the Pfizer one so hard, and tell you not to get the JnJ, tells me something right there. Probably JnJ did not give congress enough money to wet their beaks, though.
Yes, this is also true.
However, they sure pulled the J &J pretty quick due to blood clots and strokes didn’t they?

By the way, one of DH coworkers?

That coworker’s mother’s best friend, was a woman who died after being one of the first to take the J&J vaxx.

That coworker is also rabidly anti vaxx now.

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
The media lied (surprise), the gov lied (surprise) about the first case and how it got here. I do believe it did start in WA state, but 2 months prior to official declaration. Our local superior court judge took his fam to China 'for a vacation' in early Nov. 2019; they all came back with a raging case of a very nasty flu which had all the 'covid19' symptoms-someone I know personally had been hired to do some work for the judge, and they told me about this. They were not long in China, and within a few weeks of returning, several people I know got the same flu in mid-Nov. with various levels of illness. One was my ex-bf and a friend. Ex had nagging cough for months afterwards, as did friend, but friend said her lungs were filling up with water, and she had to bend over to let the water drain out into a bucket. She said it was one of the worst flus she'd ever had. Ex didn't have much trouble with it.

January they make the statement that cv19 broke out in a WA state nursing home with many succumbing (mass hysteria/fear of death push), when people asked how it got there, someone said it was a worker who'd just returned from China. Now remember, China had claimed it broke out there around August 2019, and they couldn't stop it because it had a 2 week incubation period. They were showing video of people falling over dead in the streets here on MSM (more fear/hysteria push), short vid's of trucks going down streets spraying God knows what all over streets/buildings/people with claims it was to kill the flu bug.

Then we see video here of an unnamed wholesale store with people frantically pushing flatbed carts heaped high with toilet paper, racing about at breakneck speed assumedly to get to the nearest cashier. That started the Great Toilet Paper Panic of 2020. CV19 is a lung disease, not an ass disease, that was pure propaganda to strike panic into uninformed Americans.

Mid January cv19 is officially announced. I think it was 3 days after the end of the 2nd impeachment trial of Trump. I can't recall why, but I dug into Gilead Labs, I think because the leftists in dc voted on the $1.9 trillion "covid relief bill", and Gilead might have been given a chunk of it or because remdesivir was mentioned as a treatment for covid, Gilead being the maker. At any rate, I looked it up. Gilead had created Remdesivir as an Ebola drug, but it didn't work, and in fact they shelved it because it killed 53% of the study subjects within the first month. That was 2016.

I looked at Gilead's Board of Directors-at least two of them were on the board of Kite Pharmaceuticals-which was partnered with Fosun Labs.

In Shanghai China.

Gilead had mysteriously begun mass producing Remdesivir the first week of January 2020, and their press release said they would push another mass production run in March of 2020-with no mention of why, or for whom it would be used. I read this on their site in January 2020.

Within a few months Remdesivir is being touted as a drug for use for cv19. Ivermectin was on the schedule but in 2nd place-and hospitals/doctors were getting kickbacks for using the Remdesivir ($3000 a pop I believe it is/was). Also Pelosi put in the covid relief bill, that any positive covid test done in a hospital got a $9000 bonus. If the patient went on a vent, hospital/doc got another $19,000. That gave incentive to use only Remdesivir, and shove folks on vents.
I thought it odd that one little elderly gnome had the power to shut down the entire planet, governments who never got along all of a sudden were enforcing covid lockdowns, lockstep with nearly every nation on earth, also masks and 6 foot distancing, as well as locking down entry/exit points to the nations. That gnome also said on camera that masks didnt stop covid, and only would block a few particles, and that they were "largely symbolic." Symbolic of what? I think we all know.

Interesting tidbits-Moderna had never, ever manufactured a vaccine before covid19.
As far as I know, the covid 19 virus has never been isolated.
There is no virus splice from "covid 19 virus" in the vaccines-and therefore they are not actual vaccines, but inoculations of God knows what.

I saw where labs were saying they planned to put mRNA in ALL flu shots from now on, (Dec. 2021), and that they could put it in the food supply as well, so those reluctant to take the shot would be covertly administered the drug.

When people started getting the shots, if I went out in public (once a month to get groceries) I would come home and within hours start developing bruises and/or a bloody nose-this has been ongoing, Im still getting bruises, not as big or severe as before. I know one other person who got a severe bloody nose in the middle of the night after riding with one of his employees. He asked him next day if he'd taken the shot, and the employee gleefully said yes and all boosters, the last one was the day before.

Someone here on this board, years ago discussed how they worked in the research part of medicine-everyone remember about 10 years ago ferrets were being shipped to eastern Europe from the US, with a stop in Norway (Finland? cant recall), and one of the scientists just happened to grab a ferret and test it for the deadly virus (supposed to have been an inert form) and the ferret tested positive for the deadly live virus? Had that scientist not done that, millions in Europe and possibly world wide would have died, it was God's intervention IMO. The official release from the big pharma co who sent them, said oops, that was an accident. The member here said there was no way it was by accident, there are many checks and balances that these labs must go through before they can send out a shipment. That always stuck in the back of my mind.

Knowing this, would YOU get a shot of this crap? Of anything?

I have other creepy covid stories, maybe another time...
Excellent note taking during the SCAMdemic! Thanks so much Flipper! I agree with the others, you should start a thread in the covid section labeled: TIMELINE - COVID or something like that.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
My son
The biologist
Called all us and said simply
The science is dangerous on this
The mrna was rejected years ago for vaccination
It would kill you

Got my attention

That is interesting because TEMIC (The Evil Monsters In Charge) have been pushing mrna technology as salvation for the world.

My best friend Mark W. (Aka graywolf1 here on TB2K) has had it a couple of times, as well as his wife. His youngest son Chris caught it, and became deathly ill, and wound up in the hospital. He had a horridly low o2 level, and got intubated, for almost a month.

Mark and wife snuck some ivermectin in and gave him several doses. Within 24 hours, he had turned around, and within a week, he went home. The doctors that worked on the Covid ward, were very surprised to see him rally, and two weeks later, was told by these same doctors, he was the only patient to leave that ward…alive.
This is very telling….
Ever tell the doctors?
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Because once upon a time I worked in the pharmaceutical industry and question how fast this was pushed out., and I did quite a bit of research about it.

Because I had a family member who is a Dr sit in our home and tell us NOT to get it, that as a Corona virus it would constantly mutate, therefore no vaccine could ever work for COVID. Once Trump was out of office this Dr pushed everyone to get it. That spoke volumes.

Because the phrase, "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help." does not inspire confidence in me.

Because all the nurses I know personally refused the vax and felt so strongly about it that they would have given up their career to avoid the vax.
Another good one….


Contributing Member
I am a reader of a number of money forums and another member had posted he worked for the company that makes the vaccine bottles. In January of 2020 he posted that the government had purchased contracts for a certain size vaccine bottle and that they had purchased every bottle that size available. The contracts and purchases were made in 2019. They knew. It was planned.
I am a reader of a number of money forums and another member had posted he worked for the company that makes the vaccine bottles. In January of 2020 he posted that the government had purchased contracts for a certain size vaccine bottle and that they had purchased every bottle that size available. The contracts and purchases were made in 2019. They knew. It was planned.
We have Fauci and friends on video, planning it.

Lone Eagle Woman

Veteran Member
The reasons of Why I did Not take the Covid vaccine is No One's business. Do get tired of all these people wondering why on this or why on that on what something I do, think, or say. Rebellion to Tyrants ( and snoopy nosey people ) is obediance to God! Think will keep my thoughts to myself on this just in case someone high up is looking at this and such. Live Free or Die!!!!


Veteran Member
The reasons of Why I did Not take the Covid vaccine is No One's business. Do get tired of all these people wondering why on this or why on that on what something I do, think, or say. Rebellion to Tyrants ( and snoopy nosey people ) is obediance to God! Think will keep my thoughts to myself on this just in case someone high up is looking at this and such. Live Free or Die!!!!
My reply was sitting unsent for about an hour for the same reasons on your discretion. I finally hit send and then saw your reply...LMAO.
I was weak.