ALERT Trump winning over Latino Republicans, poll says

Be Well

may all be well

Marisa Schultz January 31, 2016 | 10:31am

WASHINGTON — Despite his controversial comments about Mexican immigrants, GOP frontrunner Donald Trump is the favorite among Latino Republicans, according to new polling results revealed to The Post.

Thirty eight percent favor Trump, followed by Cuban American Ted Cruz (15 percent), Jeb Bush (14 percent) and Cuban American Marco Rubio (8 percent), according to the national poll conducted by the Beck Research for the American Federation for Children.

“If you’re trying to stop Trump – this poll should trouble you,” said pollster Deborah Beck.

From Day 1 of his presidential campaign, Trump got into hot water with Hispanic organizations for asserting many Mexican immigrants are rapists, criminals and drug dealers. His campaign has since gained steam for his tough talk on building a border wall and making Mexico pay for it and implementing a temporary ban on all Muslims from entering the United States.

“This poll finds that he’s building a committed base of voters. Trump is proving to be Teflon, and despite his statements about Hispanic voters, 38 percent of Hispanic Republicans back him,” said Beck, president of Beck Research LLC.

The poll also found that GOP millennials are most drawn to Trump and Dr. Ben Carson (at 25 percent a piece).

On the Democratic side, Bernie Sanders is crushing it with young voters (64 percent) to Hillary Clinton’s 29 percent support among millennials. But the former Secretary of State is more popular among Hispanic Democrats – 52 percent compared to Sanders’ 38 percent support.

The poll was conducted Jan. 19-24 and surveyed 1,100 likely voters. The survey of general election voters was conducted to survey school choice, and found 70 percent of Americans favor it, with even stronger support for education options among Hispanics and young people.