POL ‘Trump does what he says’: Muslims abandon Biden, back president (from Oct 20, 2020)

Jonas Parker


‘Trump does what he says’: Muslims abandon Biden, back president
by Paul Bedard, Washington Secrets Columnist | October 20, 2020 12:17 PM

President Trump, whose Middle East plan is winning support from Arab nations, is gaining strong support from Muslim leaders and their followers who believe that the Democrats haven't delivered on years of promises, according to a new survey of Islamic leaders.

In a shocking turnaround, 61.48% of the 109 Muslim leaders who “represent two million voters” plan to vote for Trump. That is a slight edge over their 2012 vote for Barack Obama.

The survey of the leaders was done by the Washington correspondent for Aksam Gazetesi, a Turkish news site. It suggested that the Muslim leaders' support for former Vice President Joe Biden was 30.27%.


(Image from Aksam Gazetesi)
Those results represent a dramatic flip of the Muslim vote, which for years has sided with the Democrats.
Aksam's Washington correspondent Yavuz Atalay shared his results with Secrets and said, “It’s about the trustworthy. Obama, Clinton said good words, but they did not do what they said. Biden is doing same things. Good words but no action. Trump does what he says.”

For example, the poll asked the leaders for their reaction when Biden used the Arabic phrase for “God willing.” Just 10% thought Biden was sincere.
AKŞAM, 8'i ‘kilit' eyalet olmak üzere 19 eyalette 109 Müslüman Amerikalı kanaat önderine aralarında Türklerin de bulunduğu Müslüman seçmenin siyasal eğilimlerini sordu

Yanıtlar, Biden'in güven vermediğini, ağırlığın Trump'tan yana olduğunu gösteriyor Biden güven vermedi, Müslüman oylar Trump'a yöneldi
— Akşam Gazetesi (@Aksam) October 20, 2020
Atalay wrote, “According to 109 opinion leaders representing approximately 2 million Muslim voters in the states participating in the study, the new candidate Joe Biden could not break the distrust of the Muslim voters who traditionally voted for Democrats, which started with Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, but rather strengthened it. The voting address of the Muslim electorate seems to be in favor of Republican President Donald Trump.”

The informal poll echoes one of several Middle East countries that showed support for Trump’s Middle East plan, including 79% of Saudi Arabia.

The Traveler

Veteran Member
Here is my two cents on the matter. I may be wrong but the muslims are tired of the endless wars as much as we are. PLUS the wars are fought on their land. I think they believe that Trump working towards peace deals in the mid east vs. starting wars in the mid east has them thinking. Well shit, he is trying something different and in the process, our family members arent dying by the hundreds and thousands. For the muslim who wants to feed their families and arent in to the violence, they support someone who is trying to make a difference at home and abroad.


Resident Spook
Well, I don't doubt that the report is true. But it does not give me a warm and fuzzy feeling. Muslims are our enemy. I believe that President Trumps approach is correct, we don't need to be involved in this crap. However, "peace" gives the Muslims more years to build their strength and plan their attacks. They may low for a few weeks until after the election. But the silence from the Muslims during this election cycle has not lessened my concern.


Veteran Member
To be honest, it was kind of hard to explain to my 8 yr old grandson why our soldiers are dying in the middle east.
I tried to explain 9/11 to him.
At least Trump was trying to get us out of there.