CORP/BIZ The Whore of Babylon: From the Vatican to the U. S. Congress and The White House

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
So I was looking up Dr. Sue Arrigo and I came upon this forum where, in the "comments section" one of her sisters, who is also a doctor, made the below comment...

Fair use.

Linda Gail said...

Dear Readers,

I am sorry to say that my sister Sue Ann Arrigo has periodic episodes of paranoid schizophrenia, and this has been over a period of ten years at least. It is amazing how her wild stories have proliferated all over the web.

Myself, Linda Gail Arrigo, I have been involved in human rights reporting in Taiwan in the 1970's and 80's when it was under martial law (you can ask about any older person from Taiwan about Ai Linda); and I think that somehow after that my sister Sue Ann took off on her fantasies.

This is very painful to recognize, but anyone who wants to ask me about Sue Ann Arrigo's background and others can write to me at Or even telephone me in Taiwan at (886-2) 2662-3677. She does have an M.D. and a degree in mathematics.

There are enough real victims of US imperialism, and credibility must be retained for them.

Linda Gail Arrigo, Ph.D. Sociology
8:34 PM

Unfortunately there are no 'dates' on these comments...only the time they were posted. So sometime (days?) after Linda Arrigo posted about her poor, schizo sister, Sue Arrigo (the originator of the 7-post article) comes on and makes the following comment...

Sue Arrigo, MD said...

Having stumbled across this blog, I would like to correct some misinformation.

I am Sue Arrigo and I trained for 2 years at University of California Irvine Medical Center in 1983-1985 as a Nephrologist. I am a kidney specialist by training, not a Neurologist.

My sister Linda Gail Arrigo has done excellent work in Taiwan in helping their Democratic Party and Green Party. I respect her political work and hope that my revelations about the US govt. and CIA have not caused her difficulties there. However, that appears not to be the case. I can understand that she would want to distance herself from me.

As she went to Taiwan with my father who was a US military advisor when I was 9 years old, I have rarely seen her or had contact with her since. Thus, I find it sad that she has spread false information about me without having anyway of knowing the facts. I assume that my father in military intelligence has fed her those lies about me to try to discredit me for the obvious reasons.

As a covert asset of the CIA's I did not talk about my work inside the CIA even to my mother and closer sister Jean, until after my cover was blown. It is to my credit that my sister Linda did not know about my CIA work. I worked inside the CIA for many decades as a remote viewer for DCIs. I also worked in my outer life as a Medical Director for a company in a stable job for over a decade. No one at the CIA or that company ever thought I had a serious mental illness, or I wouldn't have been there the next day. These were the people I was working with everyday and knew me well enough to judge my behavior.

In Aug. 2004, I refused an assignment from Cheney to frame Iran as developing nuclear weapons. Cheney had asked me to go to Iran as a physician to treat children as a "humanitarian gesture". I am not a pediatrician and said so. He said a camera crew would go with me and in would rush an Iranian looking man claiming to know where the Iranian govt. was making nuclear weapons. By saying that I was too busy as a physician in California to stay more than a day in Iran, I got him to admit that the rest of the filming of the underground bunker was scheduled to be made in Hollywood anyway. It was a 'Wag the Dog" type of propaganda piece. After I refused, Cheney threatened the life of my mother.

The story of the Kuwait neonates being pulled from incubators by Saddam’s soldiers in August, 1990 was a fabrication.
“The girl in front of TV cameras told the world under tears that she saw how Saddam Hussein's soldiers take babies out of their incubators and let them die on the cold floor.
In November 1990 Bush told this lie to the poor soldiers.
In truth she hadn't been in Kuwait at the time. The girl was in fact the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador in Washington, USA” (See and ).

The week after I refused, I was kidnapped in Virginia, tortured in an underground CACI facility next to CIA headquarters and injected with CIA designer drugs. After I was released, I was thrown into a mental hospital to try to prove that I was crazy. The CIA uses long acting BZ and amphetamines to discredit people. Russ Tice, the NSA analyst who blew the whistle on US domestic spying, was also thrown into a mental hospital to give him a record. See .

I had no previous psychiatric hospitalizations and had never been prescribed drugs by a therapist. I had, however, seen therapists many times because of the mental problems that the CIA had given me in MKULTRA. Those were Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Dissociative Identity Disorder which used to be called multiple personality disorder. I have seen therapists at several torture treatment centers recently. Certainly, I would have been diagnosed as schizophrenic by one of those many therapists and put on anti-psychotic medications, if I had been. Their opinion on the subject is the relevant one, not my sister Linda’s.

Please read Dr. Colin Ross's book Bluebird: the deliberate creation of multiple personality disorder by [CIA] psychiatrists. He wrote it after receiving 15,000 pages of CIA documents on a Freedom of Information Act Request. He confirms that the CIA's favorite way of disposing of its victims is to lock them in a mental hospital and try to throw away the key. He also proved that most of the board members of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation were CIA mind control researchers. They would have been put in prison for torturing people if their victims were believed.

My symptoms when I was hospitalized against my will in Aug. 2004 were not consistent with schizophrenia. I was suddenly unable to dial a telephone number or to navigate a car using a map, symptoms of a drug induced disequilibrium, not schizophrenia. I was fearful from just having been tortured, but was sane enough to know that talking about my work at the CIA would not help my situation. I was not having voices in my head directing my actions. I did not even have alters speaking in my mind. The medical physician promptly let me out of the hospital as sane but suffering from sleep deprivation. It took many months before the effects of the BZ wore off. Being given CIA drugs to try to get others to believe you are crazy, is not the same as actually being crazy.

In schizophrenia, people are deluded and allege things that never happened. As their allegations are looked into, one does not find others who collaborate them.

There are no CIA documents that confirm the gist of what they say to be true. There are no other victims reporting similar crimes with similar modus operandi, because they have made up the fabric of their nightmares out of chemical imbalances in their minds. The exact opposite is true in Dissociative Identity Disorder. People with that disorder deny what actually happened to them as a defense mechanism. There are many CIA documents and other victims independently giving their testimonies to support what the CIA did. Law professor Scheflin in Ground Lost: The False Memory Debate at addressed the issue of whether memories recovered after trauma are accurate. He says that all memories are recovered and that the science on memory shows that post traumatic memories are as accurate as regular memories; namely details may be wrong but the memories are remarkably accurate for the gist of the events. Thus he concludes that for the purposes of the courts, all memories should be treated the same---as eye-witness testimony.

Mind control victim Paul Bonacci was awarded 1 million dollars in damages by the court in 1999 (see ). Please watch the documentary Pedophile Politicians at . Also, see the book The Franklin Cover-up by Nebraska State Senator John DeCamp who was the lawyer for Bonacci. Note that the book the Franklin Cover-up was written by an ex-CIA officer, DeCamp, under the acknowledged guidance of CIA director Colby, his boss in Operation Phoenix in Vietnam that tortured and assassinated over 20,000 civilians without due process of law. So while his book provided a low level black fall guy to blame the torture of children on, it protected the CIA and the US administration.

It is very sad that the CIA did dreadful tortures to American and Canadian children in MKULTRA. Please listen to my radio broadcast on the American Awaking Program at . You can listen to the Show Archives of both hours of the May 1st broadcast to hear me discuss the history of the CIA. On June 5th on that show I will be discussing CIA Torture. You can judge for your self whether I am crazy. However, your being uninformed about the shadow side of the US govt. does not make me crazy. Most people in the US have a kind of delusional reality, one given to them by over reliance on Corporate Media for their source of information. That is your responsibility to correct. I am glad to see so many people sincerely seeking the truth on the internet and being willing to investigate.

The intelligence world is a strange one and often unbelievable to outsiders. Yet there are many good sources of information to make sense of it. I suggest that you start by reading Al Martin's The Conspirators, Bluebird, and David McGowan’ Pedophocracy .

You can see a few photos of my CIA torture injuries at .

4:26 AM

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
Oops! Just noticed Sue did a second post in the comments section...

Sue Arrigo, MD said...

Because my sister, Linda Gail Arrigo, whom I have rarely seen since I was age 9, was alleging that I was schizophrenic, I emailed her recently to ask her why. She said that it was politically embarrassing to her that I said I had worked for the CIA. Yes, I can see that having a sister who had worked for the CIA could cause her some political problems in Taiwan where she is well known.

She went on to say that she had concluded that both my older sister, Jean Maria Arrigo, and I were crazy. My sister Jean recently blew the whistle on the American Psychological Association's condoning the use of psychologists assisting in torture interrogations. That surprised me that Linda said both of us were delusional.

The reason she gave for coming to that conclusion was because we had both said that our father had been violent towards us as children. My mother also says that she was beaten by him and that was why she left him. And my sister Jean said that she had to repeatedly call Adult Protective Services because he was beating his next wife who was sick and on dialysis. So, 4 out of 5 of us are in agreement that Joseph Arrigo, bless his soul, had a history of violence. Linda was his favorite child and we agree that he did not beat her. I am very grateful that she was spared that. But, for her to claim that she knows what happened to us when she was not there--now that is absurd. She has a right to her denial, but I can not share it.

For her to publicly and insensitively denounce the victims of his violence as crazy, borders on cruelty, given what they have already been through.
7:14 AM

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
I'm just going to post a few other comments in response to Sue's comments as well as her story...

Fair use

Anonymous said...

I'm George LoBuono, a writer and investigative researcher, not anonymous. I've seen strong corroboration of the stories that Dr. Sue Arrigo reports. I've interviewed a child sex slave whose parents also betrayed her into intel. m.c. programs. It was horrendous--she recalls being sold, money literally changing hands (when she was an adult, drugged to be passive on that occasion) as she was sold by a businessman to a mafia figure, for a time. In later years, when her personality integrated, she remembered much of the abuse, in detail.

After menopause, one of her former "owners" showed up at her door with another man, hoping to take advantage of her. They entered her house and the former owner stood saying (seemingly non-sensical) code-words that had previously triggered alter obedience, but this time it didn't work. She was angry and threw them out.

As for Sue's sister, remember--she stayed with the father who must have betrayed Sue into a child mind control program. What her own experience was, we don't know, but did she go through "program," and did she break program, as deprogrammers say? It's only normal for one sibling to defend a father in such circumstances, making what to me, given the lucidity, the detail and the internally consistent integration of Dr. Sue's remarks, seem "wild" remarks that attempt to dicredit Dr. Sue.

The truth is, human history may look back and point to people like Sue Arrigo and Cathy O'Brien as THE most in-depth, damning reports about the crimes against humanity under a sick regime in the US. What I find hard to believe is how some people can even begin to think that the monstrous crimes of royalty, mad kings and sadistic decline-phase atrocities of EVERY OTHER nation that has ever existed, at least at some time in their history, haven't happened here.

To have lived in suburban Nuremburg under Hitler could have seemed ideal, a white paradise to a German woman of the day---until the bombs started falling.

Finally, we don't know what Sue's military intel father thought when he sold her into the program. He may have thought she'd be tough, maybe have those unusual skills that program children sometimes develop. Maybe he didn't know that children were killed in numbers in such programs. Who would have advertised that, up front?

And any complications in early years could always be blamed on the child--it was just a child. See the good, mainstream reports about up to 500,000 native Canadian children killed, some reportedly sodomized to death while other children watched, under the Canadian government's campaign to erase native identity in the 20th century.

Ever suffer abuse by a parent? Probably not. Imagine being battered, terrorized. That's only a minor fraction of what a m.c. child victim felt. It's horrendous.

Speaking of remote viewing, anyone can develop the capacity. It doesn't require secret program conditioning. Although military and defense practitioneers have published much about their experience, everyone has the capacity. Human brain waves from 5 to 11 hertz (brain waves range from 5 to about 30 hertz, or cycles per second) can go through solid objects. So, if you're in a relaxed state, you can begin to tease out telepathic details that are remote from your location.

The more tendentious, more distant or removed in time kind of remote sensing (I call it remote sensing to emphasize that an essentially faded, slighly darkened in your mind awareness of remote details can easily be developed)---a more advanced remote sensing is possible via a kind of negative cycle that underlies basic quantum physics. Various researchers explain it in different ways: scalar energy, negative energy like that seen in electrogravity or what Scientific American (Jan 2000) calls "squeezed state fluctuations in the vacuum of space-time" caused by simply converging and canceling out light waves... there are various explanations but they all explain the same phenomenon.

Call it the "new physics," perhaps, but it's very real. We don't live in the flatland of old 20th century models; we live in a post-quantum era where scalar energy technology is already in black budget production. And guess who's a main manipulator in that? David Rockefeller, ironically, due to his family's and financial roles.

On the one hand, the new physics is literally a liberation, but on the other---there are monsters in the black budget elite who will try to use it to abuse the unsuspecting public, at present. Cathy O'Brien's explanations about "harmonics" used in m.c. conditioning in more recent years probably involve some scalar technology.

Ironically, both Tom Bearden and physicist Mark Comings report that the US government already has a safe, triangulating system of scalar detectors that can be used to monitor, probably prevent misuses of scalar technology (which is a bit tricky). So, the old excuses for not discussing it are long gone. Sec. Defense Cohen announced publicly that there are already international agreement to prevent weapons abuses, hence there's reason to believe that any abuse can be detected, then reverse streamed to fry an abusers electronics.

See other sources.
5:22 PM

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, haven't you noticed that media companies that have tried to do extended stories on child sex slavery have been pressure, almost always compelled to not run them? There are videos on the web, news segments that were canned before broadcast. Even Dan Rather admits that there are major stories that should be run, but corporate won't allow it.

Part of the fear--it's always fear, unless some media porker goes to those Bohemian Grove or other such to actually indulge in such--part of the fear is of black budget operatives, or corrupt finance.

I'm not discouraging Sue from reporting, just the opposite, but while it's on the web it's spreading--I cite her reports often on sites--it can't be censored here. Stories of the sort have a kind of lag time. First they must be put out, then there's a lag time during which the public has to get up to speed and check other sources on the subject. Then there's a period when some people simply forget the hideous details, others may see some minor slop that is contrary.

Then some mainstream begins to report it because mass criminals like David Rockefeller are all mostly dead--he's 93, probably not quite competent, and Bush Sr. is also failing mentally, reports investigative journalist Wayne Madsen. At times like this, and with a potentially honest man like Obama in the White House, mainstream media sometimes begins to be less afraid---younger, smarter and more evolved youth cultures have grown up with the facts, hence they can discuss them, unlike those who remember old apparat inertia.

And when mafia finance is tumbling around, so extreme that even Republicans don't want to bail out an old, bag of bones fart like Rockefeller or DuPont (owners of GM, which built those slaver vans in Doraville GA), people are angry. Time for changes, a better kind of honesty. Evolution.

*me, George again.
5:37 PM said...

I saw the photos of DR. Arrigo's tongue,after torture.It matches the damage inflicted upon my self.These perps write the DSM IV.They tried many of the same ploys against myself.They didn't know my connections from their past(like my friend that has minders on him 24/7,because he refused to further his complicity in Iran Contra.I have a conduit that sold SNUFF FILMS/KIDDIE PORN/BEASTIALITY/.This was circa :1977-1981 >>THEY WERE MADE ON THE TEX MEX BORDER (TOP LEVEL POLITICIANS FROM TEXAS WERE INVOLVED).He did this for the Boston mob.He had been a HELL's ANGELS MC (SALEM MA CHAPTER) PROSPECT & A SELF DESCRIBED SATAN WORSHIPER. I would have forgotten about it,had I not been tortured BY THE BUSH CABAL/CARTEL.After torturing me & then threatening to kill me & my family if I didn't shut up,they approached me on 4 separate occasions.Now they asked me to join them,because I made them pay in ways they didn't expect. GOOGLE:DAVID FULTON TORTURE
5:52 PM


Time Traveler

About the tunnel mentioned above. Here is a discussion of the tunnel.
Wiki is not a reliable resource for such things, as I'm sure you've seen in the past. Here is a much more comprehensive website with citations:

McMartin Preschool Case – What Really Happened and the Coverup

It's good this is being brought up as I've always believed it was tied into the military, it's close proximity to the Presidio, high ranking satanist Michael Aquino's presence there and other 'circumstantial' things loosely tie it into the very topic of this thread.

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
Wiki is not a reliable resource for such things, as I'm sure you've seen in the past.

Correct!! NONE, ZERO, NADA of my college professors would ever let us cite Wikipedia in any of our papers because it is completely UNRELIABLE. Citation of a Wikipedia source was an automatic "F" on your paper. ANYONE can edit a Wiki entry!

Wikileaks said that the election was rigged, and Hillary would win. Four days before the election for goodness sakes


Girls With Guns Member
These are all excellent videos and worth your time...

Hollywood Mind Control - Weird Stuff by Jamie Hanshaw

Published on Mar 22, 2017

Learn how pop culture is a magickal spell leading humanity down the path of social Darwinian stratification and class warfare. See how the military uses the entertainment industry for propaganda and covert operations. Are celebrities victims of mind control? Who is the Scarlet Woman and how many times can she be incarnated at one awards ceremony? Learn about the revelation of the occult method, the Super Bowl-Grammy Ritual Spectacular, and much more!

Pizzagate, The Deep State and SOULutions - Cathy O'Brien

Published on Feb 26, 2017 Cathy O’Brien is a nationally and internationally recognized US Government Whistleblower on the subject of MK Ultra mind control and healing from it.

In 1995 when the US National Security Act was invoked on her testimony for US Congressional Permanent Select Committees on Intelligence Oversight, it was released en masse through her book she wrote with Mark Phillips TRANCE Formation of America.

Pizzagate and The BEAST System - Fritz Springmeier

Published on Nov 27, 2016

Where is the connection between child trafficking and the net of linked computers collectively known as The BEAST System. The Future of Humanity Institute states that we will need to be clever enough to trick Artificial Intelligence into not killing all of us. How long have there been secret programs to interface a human mind? Get your copy of The Illuminati Formula Used to create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave
Learn more

Actor Corey Feldman Exposes Pedophile Hollywood Elite

Published on Feb 3, 2017

Published on Feb 22, 2017

That should give you a good start and start it is.


Girls With Guns Member
This one is also very important and heart breaking as well as a recent story...


Published on Mar 20, 2017

HAMPSTEAD UNCOVERED a SGT Report documentary interview.

To support Ella Draper's ongoing battle to locate and reunite with her children Alisa & Gabriel, visit her and donate HERE:

Free the Hampstead 2 - Indiegogo

Or donate directly to Ella via paypal:

Copyright 2017 *Do not re-upload in whole or in part.* Embedding is always welcome. Thanks!

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
There's a new hash tag (#) you need to be aware of....

Fair use.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017
RCOB Alert: pedophiles are at it again

If anything can produce a RCOB (red curtain of blood - i.e. outraged) reaction in me, it's pedophiles trying to justify their behavior. Robert Stacy McCain warns us that they're at it again.

Tuesday, while I was working on a column for the American Spectator, I checked Twitter and encountered the outrage involving a hashtag, #HeartProgress, that is being used to promote pedophilia. As conservatives have long predicted, the crusade for the normalization of homosexuality (the LGBT “rights” movement) has encouraged pedophiles to make similar arguments for their own sexual “rights,” seeking to add “P” for pedophile to the acronym: LGBTP.

The people promoting #HeartProgress — including Ernst Steiner, Clive Martin and Eric Lewin — are making arguments so offensive that I almost suspect them of being trolls attempting to provoke an angry response. Yet we know that there are indeed such people in the world and I reported on the pro-pedophile activism movement before, so what arguments would we expect these freaks to make, other than the ones that Steiner, et al., are now making on Twitter? That is to say, they are claiming that hostility to pedophiles is a form of prejudice, like “racism” and “homophobia,” which must be eradicated for the sake of equality and progress.

. . .

For many years, I have watched as gay activists have hijacked the rhetoric of the civil rights movement in a way that was clearly dangerous — and, I would add, entirely unnecessary. The claim that gay people were suffering unjust oppression prior to Lawrence v. Texas (2003) was absurd, and as a matter of public policy and constitutional law, I think everything Justice Scalia said in his dissent in that case was correct.

Here we are then, in 2017, and we find #HeartProgress flying the rainbow flag in favor of pedophile “rights.” Do you see now that conservatives were not wrong in warning against the slippery slope? We were not paranoid, or promoting slanderous stereotypes, when we warned that the arguments for the normalization of homosexuality would, as night follows day, be used to justify or excuse child molestation.

Like I keep saying: People need to wake the hell up.

There's more at the link.

I'm a Christian, a retired pastor, and a retired law enforcement professional . . . but despite all those things, I must confess that see red whenever I encounter a pedophile trying to justify or normalize his or her conduct and attitudes. Frankly, if every such person were to suddenly be removed from our midst, permanently, I wouldn't shed a single tear for them. The world would be a much better place for their absence - and a lot safer for our children.

I wish hell on no-one. It's an eternity in darkness, one that I fear I merit myself, thanks to my own sins. Nevertheless, if anyone deserves hell, then right at the head of the line are pedophiles and their supporters. Jesus made that pretty clear.

At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”

Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me.

“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”





Girls With Guns Member
This man was smeared at the end of his life and I think now we can all see why.

Theodore L. Gunderson (November 7, 1928 – July 31, 2011) was an American Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent In Charge and head of the Los Angeles FBI. According to his son, he worked the case of Marilyn Monroe and the John F. Kennedy cases.[2][3] He was the author of the best-selling book How to Locate Anyone Anywhere.

Ted Gunderson was born in Colorado Springs. He graduated from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln in 1950. Gunderson joined the Federal Bureau of Investigation in December 1951 under J. Edgar Hoover. He served in the Mobile, Knoxville, New York City, and Albuquerque offices. He held posts as an Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge in New Haven and Philadelphia. In 1973 he became the head of the Memphis FBI office and then the head of the Dallas FBI office in 1975.[5] Ted Gunderson was appointed the head of the Los Angeles FBI in 1977.[6] In 1979 he was one of a handful interviewed for the job of FBI director, which ultimately went to William H. Webster.[7]

After retiring from the FBI, Gunderson set up a private investigation firm, Ted L. Gunderson and Associates, in Santa Monica. In 1980, he became a defense investigator for Green Beret doctor Jeffrey R. MacDonald, who had been convicted of the 1970 murders of his pregnant wife and two daughters. Gunderson obtained affidavits from Helena Stoeckley confessing to her involvement in the murders.[8]

He also investigated a child molestation trial in Manhattan Beach, California. In a 1995 conference in Dallas, Gunderson warned about the supposed proliferation of secret Satanic groups, and the danger posed by the New World Order, an alleged shadow government that would be controlling the United States government.[9] He also claimed that a "slave auction" in which children were sold to men in turbans had been held in Las Vegas, that four thousand ritual human sacrifices are performed in New York City every year, and that the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was carried out by the US government.[9] Gunderson believed that in the United States there is a secret widespread network of groups who kidnap children and infants, and subject them to Satanic ritual abuse and subsequent human sacrifice.[10][11]

Gunderson had an association with music producer and conspiracy theorist Anthony J. Hilder and was interviewed by him on various occasions. The two men appeared at numerous conferences together.[12] They both said that the 1993 World Trade Center bombing was a result of FBI agent provocateurs.[13]

Gunderson was a member of the Constitution Party.

On July 31, 2011 Gunderson's son reported that his father had died from cancer.

Ted Gunderson: FBI Whistleblower vs. Satanists
January 17, 2015

Ted Gunderson warned about the proliferation of secret Satanic groups… four thousand ritual human sacrifices are performed in New York City every year…

Theodore L. Gunderson (November 7, 1928 – July 31, 2011)

Ted Gunderson was born in Colorado Springs. He graduated from the University of Nebraska in 1950. Gunderson joined the Federal Bureau of Investigation in December 1951 under J. Edgar Hoover. He served in the Mobile, Knoxville, New York City, and Albuquerque offices. He held posts as an Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge in New Haven and Philadelphia. In 1973 he became the head of the Memphis FBI and then the head of the Dallas FBI in 1975. Ted Gunderson was appointed the head of the Los Angeles FBI in 1977. In 1979 he was one of a handful interviewed for the job of FBI director, which ultimately went to William H. Webster.

After retiring from the FBI, Gunderson set up a private investigation firm, Ted L. Gunderson and Associates, in Santa Monica. In 1980, he became a defense investigator for Green Beret Doctor Jeffrey R. MacDonald, who had been convicted of the 1970 murders of his pregnant wife and two daughters. Gunderson obtained affidavits from Helena Stoeckley confessing to her involvement in the murders.

He also investigated a child molestation trial in Manhattan Beach California. In a 1995 conference in Dallas, Gunderson warned about the proliferation of secret Satanic groups, and the danger posed by the New World Order, a shadow government that would be controlling the US government. He also disclosed that a “slave auction” in which children were sold to men in turbans had been held in Las Vegas, that four thousand ritual human sacrifices are performed in New York City every year, and that the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was carried out by the US government. Gunderson believed that in the US there is a secret widespread network of groups who kidnap children and infants, and subject them to Satanic ritual abuse and subsequent human sacrifice.

Gunderson had an association with Anthony J. Hilder. Hilder was interviewed by him on various occasions, and the two men appeared at numerous conferences together. They both said that the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing was a result of FBI agent provocateurs.

Gunderson was a member of the Constitution Party.

There is so much on that link I am going to leave the rest right where it's at. It's mind blowing really so go to the link if you have a iron stomach and a few hours to spend getting sick over what you willfind.

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
Fair use

104 Men Arrested In Child Sex Trafficking Sting in Ontario, Canada
April 21, 2017
By Danielle McGaw

In a child sex trafficking sting operation that has been conducted over a period of four years, 104 men from Canada (mostly in the Ontario region) were arrested. They were charged with purchasing prostituted children.

There were no specific victims in this child sex trafficking investigation because it was based on an undercover operation to find the men who were seeking underage children. Undercover officers worked to find the men through online ads, and the project was dubbed Project Raphael.

Project Raphael has helped to shed light on the demand for child sex trafficking in Canada, specifically in the York Region of Ontario.

Men who responded to ads were informed that they were speaking with children – specifically, children who were between the ages of 13 and 16. CBC News says that when the men were informed that they were communicating with children, “[m]ost of the men stopped communicating right away.”

The men who did not stop communicating and persisted in conversing with the other parties, who they thought were children but were actually undercover officers, were arrested. Det. Sgt. Thai Truong, who is a spokesperson for the York Regional Police, told CBC that this was a preventative measure that stopped 104 children from being purchased from child sex trafficking rings.

The demographics of the men who were arrested in this child sex trafficking sting are varied. The youngest man was 18 and the oldest was 71. There were married and single men, and they worked at a variety of different types of jobs. The majority of the men were first-time offenders and were given sentences of three to seven months. Of these 104 arrests, there are still 64 cases before the courts.

In the York Region of Ontario alone, there have been significant findings regarding child sex trafficking. The Stratford-Beacon Herald found that research in 2012 discovered that 33 percent of sex trafficking victims are children.

In 2013, “They found 31 females working in the sex trade… Nine of those females were under 18” in York Region hotels while they were conducting an investigation to find a specific underage child who they suspected was involved in child sex trafficking.

Child sex trafficking is a difficult world to investigate because even when child victims are discovered, they are very distrustful and it is hard to get them to communicate about their experience. The children who are involved in child sex trafficking are often abused and coerced and threated by those who have prostituted them; they sometimes come from abusive family situations, too. By going after the men who seek out children either for child sex trafficking or to purchase child prostitutes, authorities are able to take the pressure off the children.

Project Raphael, which started in 2014, focuses on rescuing victims of child sex trafficking and finding the ones who are behind the child sex trafficking rings. They also charge the ones who attempt to procure children on social media apps like Facebook and Snapchat and through online ads. Child sex trafficking rings are more and more creative online, and technology makes it easier for them to make children available to the people who want to purchase sex activities with them.

Child sex trafficking is growing and it is our most vulnerable citizens that are at risk – children.

Parents should be reminded to talk to their children about the dangers that exist on the internet, including not speaking to strangers and letting their parents know if anything suspicious happens. Children should also talk to an adult if they think a friend is engaging in dangerous activities online. Talk to your children about social media and ensure that your children’s social media app settings are secured to ensure their privacy.

If you have any knowledge about child sex trafficking or suspected child sex trafficking, please call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS.

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
You can tell when you watch the video how badly this effected Mr. Bernard!

It looks like this came out 6 days ago. Video to follow.

Fair use.

Financial whistleblower Ronald Bernard, whose conscience woke up and refused to allow him to complete his training as a psychopath

Posted on April 21, 2017 by Ann Kreilkamp

INTEGRITY: consistency in thought, word and deed. Remember this simple definition. It is also an instruction.

For if there is only one 39 minute slot free in your precious time today, please take that time to watch this video, an extraordinary story of one smart young man with entrepenurial skills who was enticed to join the world of financiers who manage huge flows of money that circle the world. In order to agree to learn this new and exalted “trade” which would bring him much more personal wealth than his old import/export business, he was told he must put his conscience in the freezer and keep it there, 100%. Being young and foolish, he laughed and agreed. What follows is a riveting tale of how the money matrix world works, connecting the dots that lead from gigantic money flows all the way through to the Luciferian religion and its sacrifices of young children. As he says, he failed at becoming a psychopath. Why? Because the freezer broke down; he simply couldn’t stomach performing the murderous acts through which they would have blackmailed him, thus ensuring his compliance, forever.

His conscience had come back to life. Which meant that he could no longer “do his job” easily. He began to refuse assignments. Had trouble pretending to be who he used to be. Finally, his body broke down from the stress. And when it did, he found himself looking down upon his body from a corner of the Emergency Room. This awareness, of his existence beyond the body, woke him up further to what lay beyond the world of not just money, but matter itself.

Extremely interesting and articulate, even though it’s hard to watch in translation, with subtitles.

With this one biographical story, the entire sleeping world could wake up.


English Subtitles

" He clarifies the distorted way the world works, in which a small group of elites, numbering between 8000 to 8500 people, who rule the entire world and discloses their ‘religious incentives’ for doing so. ‘I’m still here and that is more than many of my former colleagues can say’, says ex-currency trader Ronald Bernard in this outspoken interview. He talks about people who have such a pure hatred for their fellow humans and the very earth itself, which enables them to be capable of destroying and annihilating everything that lives. He knows from experience that human life is considered to be worthless trash by this group. Furthermore, he experienced first-hand, how people like him are made susceptible to blackmail and forced to remain silent, by drugging and mind controlling them into committing abominable acts as he explains in the interview. To Ronald, refusing the request to engage in such acts led to a breaking point where he literally ended up physically crashing. "

Transcript from minute 22:04 to 26:56

INTERVIEWER: Can you tell me the worst thing that has happened that caused the tipping point in your situation?

WHISTLEBLOWER: Well, that was the beginning of the end, you get so deep into these circles and you sign a lifetime contract, not with blood or anything, to never disclose names of companies, organizations or people, I think that is why I am still alive. You have to stick to it. If we are talking about the worst things that I have experienced, I just told you about the things that made the freezer glitch, my conscience started to show itself. Let's put it this way, I was trained to become a psychopath and I failed. I did not complete the training and I didn't become a psychopath. My conscience came back and the most difficult part for me was, because I had such a great status there; I was a success, I was trusted with the people playing at this level. To put it carefully, most of these people followed a not very mainstream religion. So you have Catholics, Protestants, all sort of religions. These people, most of them, were Luciferians. And then, you can say religion is a fairy tale, God doesn't exist, none of that is real. Well, for these people, it is truth and reality and they served something immaterial, what they called Lucifer. And I also was in contact with those circles, only I laughed at it because to me, they were just clients. So I went to places called Churches of Satan.

INTERVIEWER: So now we are talking about Satanism?

WITNESS: Yes. So I visited these churches, just as a visitor, dropped by, and then they were doing their Holy Mass with naked women and liquor and stuff. And it just amused me. I didn't believe any of this stuff and was far from convinced if any of this was real.

INTERVIEWER: It was just a spectacle to you...

WITNESS: Yes. In my opinion, the darkness and evil is within the people themselves. I didn't make the connection, yet. So I was a quest in those circles and it amused me greatly to see those naked women and other things, it was the good life. But then at some point, I was invited, which is why I'm telling you all this, to participate in sacrifices... abroad. (witness chokes up, tears start to fill his eyes and his voice cracks) That was the breaking point. Children.

INTERVIEWER: Ok... You were asked to do that...?

WITNESS: (Still visibly shaken) Yes. And I couldn't do that.

INTERVIEWER: Would you like to stop for a moment, by the way?



WITNESS: And then I started to slowly break down. I lived through quite a lot as a child myself and this really touched me deeply. Everything changed. But this is the world I found myself in. And I started to refuse assignments within my job. (Tear rolling down his cheek) I could no longer do it. Which made me a threat.

INTERVIEWER: For them...of course.

WITNESS: I was no longer capable of functioning optimally, my performance started to shake and I had refused tasks, I had not participated... the purpose of the whole thing, eventually, in that world, is that they have everybody in their pocket. You need to be susceptible to blackmail. And blackmailing me looked to be very hard if I look back on it. They wanted to do that through those children and that broke me.

INTERVIEWER: Is that - you're not telling me anything new- what they do in politics?

WITNESS: If you google this, you'll find enough worldwide witness accounts to know this isn't a Walt Disney fairy tale. Unfortunately, the truth is, that worldwide, they have been doing this for thousands of years.

39 minute full interview.....(TPTB will more than likely take this down soon!)
You can tell when you watch the video how badly this effected Mr. Bernard!

It looks like this came out 6 days ago. Video to follow.

Fair use.

Financial whistleblower Ronald Bernard, whose conscience woke up and refused to allow him to complete his training as a psychopath

Posted on April 21, 2017 by Ann Kreilkamp

INTEGRITY: consistency in thought, word and deed. Remember this simple definition. It is also an instruction.

For if there is only one 39 minute slot free in your precious time today, please take that time to watch this video, an extraordinary story of one smart young man with entrepenurial skills who was enticed to join the world of financiers who manage huge flows of money that circle the world. In order to agree to learn this new and exalted “trade” which would bring him much more personal wealth than his old import/export business, he was told he must put his conscience in the freezer and keep it there, 100%. Being young and foolish, he laughed and agreed. What follows is a riveting tale of how the money matrix world works, connecting the dots that lead from gigantic money flows all the way through to the Luciferian religion and its sacrifices of young children. As he says, he failed at becoming a psychopath. Why? Because the freezer broke down; he simply couldn’t stomach performing the murderous acts through which they would have blackmailed him, thus ensuring his compliance, forever.

His conscience had come back to life. Which meant that he could no longer “do his job” easily. He began to refuse assignments. Had trouble pretending to be who he used to be. Finally, his body broke down from the stress. And when it did, he found himself looking down upon his body from a corner of the Emergency Room. This awareness, of his existence beyond the body, woke him up further to what lay beyond the world of not just money, but matter itself.

Extremely interesting and articulate, even though it’s hard to watch in translation, with subtitles.

With this one biographical story, the entire sleeping world could wake up.


English Subtitles

" He clarifies the distorted way the world works, in which a small group of elites, numbering between 8000 to 8500 people, who rule the entire world and discloses their ‘religious incentives’ for doing so. ‘I’m still here and that is more than many of my former colleagues can say’, says ex-currency trader Ronald Bernard in this outspoken interview. He talks about people who have such a pure hatred for their fellow humans and the very earth itself, which enables them to be capable of destroying and annihilating everything that lives. He knows from experience that human life is considered to be worthless trash by this group. Furthermore, he experienced first-hand, how people like him are made susceptible to blackmail and forced to remain silent, by drugging and mind controlling them into committing abominable acts as he explains in the interview. To Ronald, refusing the request to engage in such acts led to a breaking point where he literally ended up physically crashing. "

Transcript from minute 22:04 to 26:56

INTERVIEWER: Can you tell me the worst thing that has happened that caused the tipping point in your situation?

WHISTLEBLOWER: Well, that was the beginning of the end, you get so deep into these circles and you sign a lifetime contract, not with blood or anything, to never disclose names of companies, organizations or people, I think that is why I am still alive. You have to stick to it. If we are talking about the worst things that I have experienced, I just told you about the things that made the freezer glitch, my conscience started to show itself. Let's put it this way, I was trained to become a psychopath and I failed. I did not complete the training and I didn't become a psychopath. My conscience came back and the most difficult part for me was, because I had such a great status there; I was a success, I was trusted with the people playing at this level. To put it carefully, most of these people followed a not very mainstream religion. So you have Catholics, Protestants, all sort of religions. These people, most of them, were Luciferians. And then, you can say religion is a fairy tale, God doesn't exist, none of that is real. Well, for these people, it is truth and reality and they served something immaterial, what they called Lucifer. And I also was in contact with those circles, only I laughed at it because to me, they were just clients. So I went to places called Churches of Satan.

INTERVIEWER: So now we are talking about Satanism?

WITNESS: Yes. So I visited these churches, just as a visitor, dropped by, and then they were doing their Holy Mass with naked women and liquor and stuff. And it just amused me. I didn't believe any of this stuff and was far from convinced if any of this was real.

INTERVIEWER: It was just a spectacle to you...

WITNESS: Yes. In my opinion, the darkness and evil is within the people themselves. I didn't make the connection, yet. So I was a quest in those circles and it amused me greatly to see those naked women and other things, it was the good life. But then at some point, I was invited, which is why I'm telling you all this, to participate in sacrifices... abroad. (witness chokes up, tears start to fill his eyes and his voice cracks) That was the breaking point. Children.

INTERVIEWER: Ok... You were asked to do that...?

WITNESS: (Still visibly shaken) Yes. And I couldn't do that.

INTERVIEWER: Would you like to stop for a moment, by the way?



WITNESS: And then I started to slowly break down. I lived through quite a lot as a child myself and this really touched me deeply. Everything changed. But this is the world I found myself in. And I started to refuse assignments within my job. (Tear rolling down his cheek) I could no longer do it. Which made me a threat.

INTERVIEWER: For them...of course.

WITNESS: I was no longer capable of functioning optimally, my performance started to shake and I had refused tasks, I had not participated... the purpose of the whole thing, eventually, in that world, is that they have everybody in their pocket. You need to be susceptible to blackmail. And blackmailing me looked to be very hard if I look back on it. They wanted to do that through those children and that broke me.

INTERVIEWER: Is that - you're not telling me anything new- what they do in politics?

WITNESS: If you google this, you'll find enough worldwide witness accounts to know this isn't a Walt Disney fairy tale. Unfortunately, the truth is, that worldwide, they have been doing this for thousands of years.

39 minute full interview.....(TPTB will more than likely take this down soon!)

So, what is being discussed has to do with at least TWO layers of miscreants.

The first layer are folks, like the fellow being interviewed - the doers - the comfortable, if not wealthy (because of their ready-made connections and insiders status/info), consisting of fully/compromised/blackmailed business, legal and political folks, carefully cultivated and groomed to staff-up key positions within our culture, providing insider intel and response systems/capabilities that quietly fly under the radar of the common folk.

These corrupted and compromised players are controllable/herd-able to a greater extent, else they quickly fall, becoming throw-away's to TPTB should they get too far out of line, their lives carelessly discarded as the hidden agenda marches forward. This group membership has hundreds of thousands/tens of million worldwide, many likely not thinking too much about their personal involvement in this ongoing spiritual war, as long as their remuneration remain sufficient to placate they, and theirs, by reinforcing their sense of material accomplishment and aspirational success - money, power, connections, social circles, second and third homes/vacation spots, name-brand college educations, etc.

The second layer, according to this fellow's testimony, are the TRUE rulers/puppeteers, who are evil to the core, hating everything that is good, that is noble, that is right and holy - while hiding it all in plain sight. This group is uniquely dark in their spirit, and importantly, are also limited in their number of members. They are at the very top of everything that occurs - all institutions of power. They represent the ultimate ancient insider's "club," providing a guiding force behind much of what has occurred on this planet for the last hundreds/thousands of years.

Interesting, but nothing new in that information, per se. Judeo-Christian theology/doctrine has always spoken of the issue of a worldly evil, and its seductive methods of infiltration and exercise of its dark powers. The Zohar, a "foundational work in the literature of Jewish mystical thought, and also known as Kabbalah," reaches deep into this territory of spiritual manipulation and powers beyond the physical realm. It is partially the product of knowledge learned while the Jewish people were in Babylonian captivity.

Likely, what we are witnessing is the "tearing off of the mask" of dark spiritual practices that are as ancient as they are entrenched, and which are being forced out into the light for all to see and understand.

Now, what to do about it?

Ask the ruling classes to police themselves and their members?

So far, we can ALL see how THAT is working out.

Last edited:


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Let ME reply with some of my own 'copy and pasting', since that is the route we are taking:

Albert Pike’s 3 World Wars Letter Hoax
Terms like Fascism, Nazism and Zionism were never used in Pike’s lifetime. Zionism as a word was coined in 1890 by Nathan Birnbaum and would not take root for several more years. There is no record of Pike knowing or meeting Birnbaum or having any connection to the Zionist movement. The ideological roots of Fascism were only in their infancy during Pike’s final years, and the term was not used publicly until Mussolini took his position in the 1920s. The term Nazism did not emerge until the 1930s with the rise of Germany’s National Socialist party.

Unless Albert Pike can predict the future or was the hidden hand of God himself, it would seem this “letter” is nothing more than a modern forgery. Well ...e's wording from the previous century........

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
Posting this twice. Once normally, the other bolded and enhanced.

Fair use.

European royals killing naked children for fun at human hunting parties
By: Judy Byington

This is one in a series of articles taken from eyewitness testimony before the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. Five international judges are examining evidence of child rape, torture, murder and kidnapping allegedly done by global elite members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult network. Regular Ninth Circle child sacrifices were said to take place in the catacombs of Catholic Cathedrals, the Vatican, on private estates and groves and government military bases in Belgium, Holland, Spain, Australia, Ireland, France, England and the US. At least 34 child mass grave sites were identified in Ireland, Spain and Canada – and refused excavation by the respective governments, Crown of England and Catholic Church. Named as present in Ninth Circle activities were Pope Francis, former Pope Ratzinger;Anglican, United Church of Canada and Catholic Church officials including Cardinals; members of European royalty including Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip; officials of the Canadian, Australian, UK and US military and governments including the USA’s CIA, plus prominent government ministers, judges, politicians and businessmen from the US, Belgium, Holland, Canada, Australia, France, Ireland and the UK.

Teens were drugged, stripped naked, raped, hunted down in the woods and killed by European royals according to this week’s latest eyewitness to testify before the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. The woman was the fourth eyewitness to give accounts about these human hunting parties of the global elite Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult network. A former member of the Netherlands criminal drug syndicate known as Octopus testified that victims were obtained for these human hunting parties from juvenile detention centers in Belgium and Holland.

“In 2004 I was an involuntary witness to torture, rape and murder sessions of drugged children performed for a group of high ranked people of the Netherlands” stated a woman. “I was taken to a hunting party in Belgium close to Brussels where I saw two boys and a girl ages 14 to 16, hunted and killed by global elites. The human hunting party was heavily guarded by the Netherlands Royal Guards. I was told that King Albert of Belgium was present.”

Four eyewitnesses confirmed that as children and youths they were forced to attend human hunting parties where they and other children were raped, with some killed, and deceased boy’s penises were cut off. Allegedly there was a Dutch countryside palace where boys’ penises were displayed like trophies on a wall. Some hunting parties were hosted on the grounds of Belgium Queen Beatrix’s Palace.

Dutch therapist Toos Nijenhuis claimed that as a four year-old she was forced to witness murders of children that involved former Pope Ratzinger, a Dutch Catholic Cardinal, plus the father of Netherlands Belgium Queen Beatrix and Bilderberger Founder, Dutch Crown Prince Alfrink Bernhard. “I saw the former Pope Joseph Ratzinger murder a little girl″ another witness confirmed. “It was at a French chateau in the fall of 1987. It was ugly, horrible and didn’t happen just once. Ratzinger and Bernhard were some of the more prominent men who took part.”

In Ireland, Spain and Canada 34 child mass grave sites were discovered and appeared linked to Ninth Circle activities. The largest was the Mohawk Indian Residential School in Brantford Ontario where child remains were identified in 2008 before the Catholic Church, Canadian government and English Crown shut down the dig by professional archeologists. The 2013 ICLCJ Court had found Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip guilty for the Oct. 10 1964 disappearance of ten native children from the Catholic residential school in Kamloops British Columbia. In the first two weeks of the 2014 court witnesses identified Dutch and Belgian royal participants in the rape and killing of Mohawk children and newborns. Named were Bernhard and King Hendrick, consort to Queen Wilhelmina of Holland.

Alleged to be present during the human hunting parties were the late Prince Johan Friso and his wife Mabel Wisse Smit, former ministers, the top man of the Dutch army, the under secretary of the Raad Van State in the Netherlands, the Vice-Roy next to Queen Beatrix and other global business and political leaders including some from the US. “Surely the present King Willem Alexander and King Filip and their wives know about this abuse and murder of children” said one eyewitness.”They do nothing about it and likely are the ones to stop investigations and prosecutions.”

In January 2014 the brother of the king of Holland Prince Johan Friso passed away in a coma after these three Dutch-language websites shown here reached the internet. The websites revealed that Friso was at the human hunting and killing parties.”The story came on the internet after years of trying to move the policy and justice department in the Netherlands to act against the criminals,” an eyewitness said. “Nobody did anything to stop these criminals, probably because Queen Beatrix and King Albert likely interfered with the investigations.”

Human hunting parties were said to take place on the grounds of Belgium Queen Beatrix’s Palace in the Netherlands. Two witnesses have named former Pope Joseph Ratzinger and Queen Beatrix’s father the deceased Prince Alfrink Bernhard, as being present at child sacrifices. Both were said to be Nazi sympathizers.

The ICLCJ Court received a collection of Jesuit archival records about a child sacrificial cult known as the Knights of Darkness. In 1933 the Knights were established by the Catholic Jesuits and Nazi Waffen S.S. Division. The records showed Ratzinger was identified as a member of the Knights while working as an S.S. Chaplain’s assistant at the Ravensbruck Concentration Camp in Germany. The records also stated that Ratzinger participated in child sacrificial rites using kidnapped children from the camps or political prisoners.

Another court document called the Magisterial Privilege indicated child sacrifice was a regular occurrence at the Vatican. At the tender age of 12 “Svali” of San Diego County California claimed she was brought to catacombs beneath the Vatican to witness the sacrifice of a three year-old drugged boy. In this video her interviewer said that 24 years prior a “Maria” told him she witnessed another satanic child sacrifice rite in the same Vatican Catacombs.

Last week an Irish police investigator reported to the ICLCJ Court that the close to 800 babies buried in a Catholic Nun’s septic tank were dismembered, decapitated and in bits and pieces – signs that they could have been murdered in Satanic child sacrifice rites. In the last two months the ICLCJ Court has heard these heart-wrenching testimonies about the rape, torture and murder of children as recently as 2010 by Catholic leaders, European royal family members and other global elites. Murder sites of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult were said to be in the catacombs of Catholic Cathedrals including the Vatican and on private estates, military establishments and groves in Belgium, Holland, Spain, Australia, France, England and the US.

The ICLCJ Court has been overwhelmed with newly discovered evidence and a number of new witnesses coming forward to testify about Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult activities. They have uncovered Ninth Circle Satanic Cult member possible involvement in international child sacrifice, kidnapping, exploitation and drug rings. The five international judges and 27 jury members were expected to remain in session for at least a year due to the complexity of the cases.

Amnesty has been offered to citizens or employees of the Vatican, Crown of England, churches or governments willing to give sworn testimony or evidence that leads to the prosecution of these global elites suspected of committing crimes. Rewards up to 10,000 euros or around 13,660 dollars was available through the ICLCJ court.

The ICLCJ Court had over 450 Common Law Peace Officers in 13 countries, with 51 local chartered groups operating. Local organizing funds were available for common law groups that applied through the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State. To contact officers of the court or ITCCS Field Secretary Kevin Annett, email or call:,,,, 250-591-4573 (Canada), or 386-323-5774 (USA)

About the Author

Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, retired, author of “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities” ( is a retired therapist, Public Speaker, Activist and investigative journalist whose articles on international child exploitation rings have been cited on over 3,000 websites. The ex-Supervisor, Alberta Mental Health and Director Provo Family Counseling Center is the CEO of Child Abuse Recovery and Speakers Bureau ( If you have news tips about child abuse issues please email Judy You are invited to sign our petition to Congress for an investigation of the CIA mind control of children by clicking here.


European royals killing naked children for fun at human hunting parties
By: Judy Byington

This is one in a series of articles taken from eyewitness testimony before the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. Five international judges are examining evidence of child rape, torture, murder and kidnapping allegedly done by global elite members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult network. Regular Ninth Circle child sacrifices were said to take place in the catacombs of Catholic Cathedrals, the Vatican, on private estates and groves and government military bases in Belgium, Holland, Spain, Australia, Ireland, France, England and the US. At least 34 child mass grave sites were identified in Ireland, Spain and Canada – and refused excavation by the respective governments, Crown of England and Catholic Church. Named as present in Ninth Circle activities were Pope Francis, former Pope Ratzinger;Anglican, United Church of Canada and Catholic Church officials including Cardinals; members of European royalty including Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip; officials of the Canadian, Australian, UK and US military and governments including the USA’s CIA, plus prominent government ministers, judges, politicians and businessmen from the US, Belgium, Holland, Canada, Australia, France, Ireland and the UK.

Teens were drugged, stripped naked, raped, hunted down in the woods and killed by European royals according to this week’s latest eyewitness to testify before the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. The woman was the fourth eyewitness to give accounts about these human hunting parties of the global elite Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult network. A former member of the Netherlands criminal drug syndicate known as Octopus testified that victims were obtained for these human hunting parties from juvenile detention centers in Belgium and Holland.

“In 2004 I was an involuntary witness to torture, rape and murder sessions of drugged children performed for a group of high ranked people of the Netherlands” stated a woman. “I was taken to a hunting party in Belgium close to Brussels where I saw two boys and a girl ages 14 to 16, hunted and killed by global elites. The human hunting party was heavily guarded by the Netherlands Royal Guards. I was told that King Albert of Belgium was present.”

Four eyewitnesses confirmed that as children and youths they were forced to attend human hunting parties where they and other children were raped, with some killed, and deceased boy’s penises were cut off. Allegedly there was a Dutch countryside palace where boys’ penises were displayed like trophies on a wall. Some hunting parties were hosted on the grounds of Belgium Queen Beatrix’s Palace.

Dutch therapist Toos Nijenhuis claimed that as a four year-old she was forced to witness murders of children that involved former Pope Ratzinger, a Dutch Catholic Cardinal, plus the father of Netherlands Belgium Queen Beatrix and Bilderberger Founder, Dutch Crown Prince Alfrink Bernhard. “I saw the former Pope Joseph Ratzinger murder a little girl″ another witness confirmed. “It was at a French chateau in the fall of 1987. It was ugly, horrible and didn’t happen just once. Ratzinger and Bernhard were some of the more prominent men who took part.”

In Ireland, Spain and Canada 34 child mass grave sites were discovered and appeared linked to Ninth Circle activities. The largest was the Mohawk Indian Residential School in Brantford Ontario where child remains were identified in 2008 before the Catholic Church, Canadian government and English Crown shut down the dig by professional archeologists. The 2013 ICLCJ Court had found Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip guilty for the Oct. 10 1964 disappearance of ten native children from the Catholic residential school in Kamloops British Columbia. In the first two weeks of the 2014 court witnesses identified Dutch and Belgian royal participants in the rape and killing of Mohawk children and newborns. Named were Bernhard and King Hendrick, consort to Queen Wilhelmina of Holland.

Alleged to be present during the human hunting parties were the late Prince Johan Friso and his wife Mabel Wisse Smit, former ministers, the top man of the Dutch army, the under secretary of the Raad Van State in the Netherlands, the Vice-Roy next to Queen Beatrix and other global business and political leaders including some from the US. “Surely the present King Willem Alexander and King Filip and their wives know about this abuse and murder of children” said one eyewitness.”They do nothing about it and likely are the ones to stop investigations and prosecutions.”

In January 2014 the brother of the king of Holland Prince Johan Friso passed away in a coma after these three Dutch-language websites shown here reached the internet. The websites revealed that Friso was at the human hunting and killing parties.”The story came on the internet after years of trying to move the policy and justice department in the Netherlands to act against the criminals,” an eyewitness said. “Nobody did anything to stop these criminals, probably because Queen Beatrix and King Albert likely interfered with the investigations.”

Human hunting parties were said to take place on the grounds of Belgium Queen Beatrix’s Palace in the Netherlands. Two witnesses have named former Pope Joseph Ratzinger and Queen Beatrix’s father the deceased Prince Alfrink Bernhard, as being present at child sacrifices. Both were said to be Nazi sympathizers.

The ICLCJ Court received a collection of Jesuit archival records about a child sacrificial cult known as the Knights of Darkness. In 1933 the Knights were established by the Catholic Jesuits and Nazi Waffen S.S. Division. The records showed Ratzinger was identified as a member of the Knights while working as an S.S. Chaplain’s assistant at the Ravensbruck Concentration Camp in Germany. The records also stated that Ratzinger participated in child sacrificial rites using kidnapped children from the camps or political prisoners.

Another court document called the Magisterial Privilege indicated child sacrifice was a regular occurrence at the Vatican. At the tender age of 12 “Svali” of San Diego County California claimed she was brought to catacombs beneath the Vatican to witness the sacrifice of a three year-old drugged boy. In this video her interviewer said that 24 years prior a “Maria” told him she witnessed another satanic child sacrifice rite in the same Vatican Catacombs.

Last week an Irish police investigator reported to the ICLCJ Court that the close to 800 babies buried in a Catholic Nun’s septic tank were dismembered, decapitated and in bits and pieces – signs that they could have been murdered in Satanic child sacrifice rites. In the last two months the ICLCJ Court has heard these heart-wrenching testimonies about the rape, torture and murder of children as recently as 2010 by Catholic leaders, European royal family members and other global elites. Murder sites of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult were said to be in the catacombs of Catholic Cathedrals including the Vatican and on private estates, military establishments and groves in Belgium, Holland, Spain, Australia, France, England and the US.

The ICLCJ Court has been overwhelmed with newly discovered evidence and a number of new witnesses coming forward to testify about Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult activities. They have uncovered Ninth Circle Satanic Cult member possible involvement in international child sacrifice, kidnapping, exploitation and drug rings. The five international judges and 27 jury members were expected to remain in session for at least a year due to the complexity of the cases.

Amnesty has been offered to citizens or employees of the Vatican, Crown of England, churches or governments willing to give sworn testimony or evidence that leads to the prosecution of these global elites suspected of committing crimes. Rewards up to 10,000 euros or around 13,660 dollars was available through the ICLCJ court.

The ICLCJ Court had over 450 Common Law Peace Officers in 13 countries, with 51 local chartered groups operating. Local organizing funds were available for common law groups that applied through the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State. To contact officers of the court or ITCCS Field Secretary Kevin Annett, email or call:,,,, 250-591-4573 (Canada), or 386-323-5774 (USA)

About the Author

Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, retired, author of “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities” ( is a retired therapist, Public Speaker, Activist and investigative journalist whose articles on international child exploitation rings have been cited on over 3,000 websites. The ex-Supervisor, Alberta Mental Health and Director Provo Family Counseling Center is the CEO of Child Abuse Recovery and Speakers Bureau ( If you have news tips about child abuse issues please email Judy You are invited to sign our petition to Congress for an investigation of the CIA mind control of children by clicking here.

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
This may tie in with the above post.

Fair use.

Murdered woman found on Queen's Sandringham estate IS missing 17-year-old Latvian, say police
By Daily Mail Reporter
Updated: 05:20 EDT, 9 January 2012


A woman found dead on the Queen's Sandringham estate has been named.

The body is that of Latvian Alisa Dmitrijeva, 17, from Wisbech, Cambridgeshire, Norfolk police said today.

Her remains were spotted by a dog walker in woods on farmland near Anmer, about a mile from the main gate to Sandringham House.

Following forensic tests, police identified the victim, who went missing from her home in August.

Alisa's family said they were 'devastated' at the news.

Detective Chief Inspector Jes Fry, senior investigating officer in the case, said: 'Family Liaison Officers have been sent to meet with close family this morning to provide the update.

'I shall now be liaising with officers from Cambridgeshire who have been working on trying to locate Alisa in recent months as a missing person.

'The information they provide will give me and the team an extra focus to the inquiry.

'I should also add we are still trying to establish any activity which took place on or around the site during the timeframe of the end of August to the end of September 2011.

'We would like to identify people who may have worked in that area or were involved in organising or running any specific events that may have taken place'.

In a statement, Alisa's family said: 'We are devastated by the news of Alisa's death. We wish to grieve in private'.

Scientists determined the body was that of Alisa using palm records and DNA from her femur, police said.

The teenager was last seen on August 31 last year in Friars Street, King's Lynn.

She was reported missing by a family member on September 6.

Since then there have been a number of unconfirmed sightings and police have offered a £5,000 reward for information on her whereabouts.

Police, who have spoken to the Sandringham gamekeeper, estate manager and beaters for potential leads, are keen to speak to anyone with information.

The site where her body was found is used regularly for pheasant and partridge shoots, often attended by members of the royal household.

A pheasant shoot is known to have taken place on December 28.

The body was identified following complicated DNA tests.

Scientists determined the body was that of Alisa using palm records and DNA from her femur, police said.
The force has consulted botanists who say seasonal growth patterns suggest that the absence of ivy growing over the body means it was not put there earlier than August.

Mr Fry said: 'We have not been able to establish how the victim died because of decomposition.

'For example, it is possible she was stabbed but the absence of flesh means we cannot identify that at this stage.'


Buick Electra - Thank you so much for posting this thread and keep it up to date. I am starting from Post 1 and going to read/watch the whole body of work in one sitting. It is the best way to understand the magnitude of this horror and connect the dots. I have never been the same since reading Windswept House by Fr. M. Malachi.


WOW B E that is some serious shit you posted and it does not surprise me at all.

This kind of evil has been going on for ever.


Thanks BE for your work here (and your permission to add to this thread).....but the rabbit hole goes even deeper than most could imagine. Sexual torture/reward is just one of the tools that the Illuminati uses.

For those of you that would like to research the "dark side" further, I'd recommend Fritz Springmeier's book - The 13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati (BE says this is a must read for everyone)

Its available online for free....and its also at Amazon

Springmeier's work closely parallels my own personal experience with "the Cults". 'Cept I kept my mouth shut....Springmeier on the other hand was sent to prison for 5 years on trumped up bank robbery charges....after self publishing this work. If you ever met Fritz or watch his video's on YouTube...and if you are a christian you'd know he's genuine and what he reports is true. Springmeier spent months deprogramming a former Illuminati middle manager and many others to arrive at his conclusions and world view.

Personally, I do not believe that the Catholic Church is the whore of babylon....yes the Jesuits have been corrupt for a long time, perhaps centuries but the whore is substantually larger than just one institution.

Now for a real brain twister....

What's the difference between the "Whore of Babylon" and "Mystery Babylon".....? :D

BTW Walid Shoebat has deceived many including some on this forum.
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Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
Thomas Wictor‏ @ThomasWictor Jul 30

(1) I spent ten years in Hollywood as a music journalist.

MagaSallyMcWinning‏ @SallyCovfefe Jul 30
I'm sick to my stomach reading this. What can we do? Boycott the industry? What?

Thomas Wictor‏ @ThomasWictor Jul 30

(1) Well, here's what I do: I don't watch films with children. A few years ago, Hollywood tried to mainstream this stuff.

(2) At least four films DIRECTED BY WOMEN were released around the same time. Each shared the same premise:

(3) Molesting female children turns them into women. All of the movies tanked, so it wasn't tried again.

(4) The remake of War of the Worlds has several astonishing moments. The camera caresses Dakota Fanning from head to toe.

(5) There's a basement scene that's especially egregious. Hollywood's always pushing, trying to get the public to accept this.

(6) There's also a political aspect: If the age of consent is abolished, that's the end of the nuclear family.

(7) Leftists hate the middle class, but they hate the nuclear family even more.

(8) The nuclear family is the final defense against pure totalitarianism. To leftists, everything is political. Even child molestation.


Talk is cheap
Paul Shanley, notorious priest in Catholic sex abuse scandal, to be released this week (*fair use)

Paul Shanley appeared in Suffolk County Superior Court in May 2008.

By Michael Levenson Globe Staff July 25, 2017

Paul R. Shanley , a former “street priest” who became one of the most notorious figures in the Catholic Church’s sexual abuse scandal, is set to be released from prison as early as this week after serving 12 years behind bars for raping a Sunday school student in the early 1980s.

Middlesex prosecutors said they had hoped to keep the 86-year-old defrocked priest behind bars even after his sentence was completed by having him declared a “sexually dangerous person.” But two doctors who examined Shanley found that he did not meet the required criteria, prosecutors said.

“We are awaiting their final reports,” Middlesex District Attorney Marian T. Ryan’s office said in a statement Tuesday. “However, both doctors have informed us that they have concluded that Shanley does not satisfy the legal criteria for a petition to be filed.”

Shanley was accused of abusing roughly two dozen victims over several decades, many of them troubled adolescents who came to him for counseling when he ran a “ministry for alienated youth” in Boston in the 1960s and ’70s.

Prosecutors and prison officials would not say when Shanley will be released from Old Colony Correctional Facility, a medium-security prison in Bridgewater where he is serving his sentence. But victims’ attorneys said they were told it would be this week, most likely on Friday.

Carmen L. Durso, a victims’ attorney, said Shanley is serving the minimum required of his 12 to 15 year sentence because he earned time for good behavior behind bars.

Durso, who represented many of Shanley’s alleged victims in civil claims against the Catholic Church, said he was outraged that the doctors who examined Shanley did not find him to be sexually dangerous.

“If Paul Shanley is not a continuing threat, then nobody is,” Durso said.

After he is released, Shanley will be monitored by the state Probation Department for the next 10 years and has been ordered to have no contact with children under the age of 16, the district attorney’s office said. He will have to register as a sex offender.

Rodney Ford, whose son, Gregory, was allegedly molested by Shanley in the 1990s, said he was disappointed, angry, and upset that Shanley will not be held behind bars under the state’s civil commitment law for sexually dangerous persons.

“People need to know this is a monster who is going to be let out of prison, and age and frailty don’t mean anything,” said Ford, whose son said he was abused by Shanley between the ages of 6 and 11. “It’s about power and control for Paul Shanley.’’

Ford said he plans to speak at a press conference with Shanley’s victims and their attorneys at Durso’s office on Wednesday.

“It’s a sad day for many victims,” said Mitchell Garabedian, who represented Shanley’s victims in civil claims against the church. “Father Shanley has ruined their lives from sexually abusing them, and they feel not only did Father Shanley get away with sexually abusing them, but the supervisors of Father Shanley got away with allowing him to do it.”

Early in his ministry, Father Paul Shanley built a reputation at such churches as St. Francis of Assissi in Braintree for his activism and antiestablishment viewpoints.

The Archdiocese of Boston released a statement Tuesday, saying, “Paul Shanley’s crimes against children were reprehensible. No young person should ever have to experience such violations of their safety and dignity. We continue to assure all victims of abuse of our prayers and our concern.”

Shanley’s rose to prominence in the 1970s as denim-clad, shaggy-haired counterculture figure, well known for criticizing the church’s stance on homosexuality. But his victims said counseling sessions with the former priest often resulted in coerced sex at his apartment in Back Bay.

Shanley was one of the few priests implicated in the church’s pedophile priest scandal to face a criminal trial because he left Massachusetts and moved to California in about 1989, stopping the clock on the statute of limitations for sexual abuse prosecutions.

At Shanley’s trial in 2005, a 27-year-old firefighter testified that he was raped by Shanley while attending Sunday school at St. Jean’s Church in Newton from the time he was 6 until he was 9.

Shanley had been named pastor of that church in 1979, even though in 1974, according to one of Shanley’s victims, Cardinal Humberto Medeiros had been notified of Shanley’s abuse by a victim’s mother.

Shanley was convicted of two counts of rape of a child and two counts of indecent assault and battery on a child. Middlesex prosecutors asked for a life sentence, but Judge Stephen A. Neel sentenced him to 12 to 15 years behind bars.

In a statement read by a prosecutor in court, the firefighter who was raped by Shanley said he hoped the former priest would never be released. “I want him to die in prison, whether it’s of natural causes or otherwise,” his statement said. “However he dies, I hope it’s slow and painful!”

Michael Levenson can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @mlevenson.


Disaster Cat
This is a very interesting thread and I managed to read through most of it (the cut and pastes on side subjects not so much) and I watched some of the videos; my comment is that yes this stuff does go on but a problem in reporting is that it is so vast that of course, researchers tend to concentrate on one or two areas (they pretty much have to) which lead to an over-focus on "one" or "two" groups being "the problem."

Large institutions like the Catholic Church, the Washington "Establishment," other large religious and secular groups (especially charities), State Governments, the foster care system, smaller but fanatical religious communities (of all sorts and all religions including Marxist Atheism) and even certain types of large corporations/businesses can get caught up this web; I don't for a moment think it is all "just" the Catholic Church or "just" Washington DC (or London) or "just" the Foster System but the fact that pedophiles and abusers historically will go where the kids are the most and the oversight the least.

That eventually can lead to "networks" (especially these days with the internet) that allow for groups to gather power and resources; to arrange gatherings or even slave auctions at the flick of a computer mouse; in inverse is it can also leave an easier to follow trail than when kids were just put on "orphan trains" to "clean up the streets back East" and shipped off to whoever wanted them for farm work or as prostitutes (or even real adoption); there was very little follow up in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

I have mixed reactions to the women being quoted a lot (the CIA slave thing)I am opened minded on it; but as a psychic I see a few problems with her constant use of remote viewing - she may have such a gift but it isn't working or being used the way most actual remote views I know operate; and a lot of her claims are well, pretty out there. Which doesn't mean they are not true, I do at least think she totally believes what she is saying but while I'm open minded I think it is something that will have to wait for more confirmation before I totally accept that everything in her story is a reality based issue.

But she's not alone in that, I feel the same way about some of the highly educated and articulate adults that have similar stories of secret programs for kids involving everything from teleportation to time travel - it is interesting; it might be true and it is obvious the speaker believes that it happened to them but until I see more evidence I have to classify it as "woo" in terms of posting a story here for example.

That said, there is no doubt in my mind that child (and adult) slavery; especially in the sex industry is huge and it also won't surprise me if a certain faction of the elites engages in sexual power tripping and even the torture or murder of children in some situations.

I can say that years ago my then best friend worked at "BoHo" (Bohimian Grove) decades before you heard all about it on the "internet" (which barely existed then) and I never heard anything about real people sacrifices - I heard all about the "Cremation of care" including having practically the entire script repeated to me and yes the bad Alex Jones video from years ago is pretty accurate. My friend at the time who WAS a practicing male witch said the only "real" magic he saw there was late at night when the staff who were tired of being treated like barely paid slaves; would sometimes get mad at someone and decide to put a curse on them or perphaps someone wanted money or a sexual relationship with someone important and they might do love magic.

But that was all on the part of the staff, the particpants (including Henry Kissenger who I saw the famous photo of him in drag with coconuts for breasts -I need eye bleach to this day) all seemed to think it was one big boy's Summer Camp with alcohol and nightly theater.

Does that mean nothing really evil went on other than men pissing at trees (another thing I need mind bleach for in some cases) of course it doesn't; my friend may have cleaned the cabins, cooked the food, and even "serviced" some of the members (sex is a big thing there, including a special cabin for the Misstresses just off site for the heterosexuals) but he personally didn't see any black or other sorts of magic going on.

He said if it was going on beyond the level of little boys pretending to be bad, then it was happening late at night in private cabins under the guise of drinking parties and orgies; but most of these still had male staff present because these are the world's highest elite men who for the most part don't make their own drinks or their own beds in the morning (even at Summer Camp).

What DOES go on for certain is vast international decisions, compromises, secret proposals and diplomancy happens there all without the inteferance of "female" politicans or the elites; after a lawsuit women work there during the day but as bussed out at night and NO women are allowed as members and as a private club they are allowed by law to do that.

Anyway, that's just one example of a group that is suspected of this sort of thing and may actually do it; but probably not at the actually rather public and well known gathering that is mentioned here.

I can also say that I have NOT YET heard ANYTHING about the horrific babies in the sewers at the Unwed Mother's home being decapited or otherwise ritually torn apart; in fact most of what we have heard in public is that remains are so horribly disintigrated that they can't even really be counted and that even with DNA it maybe impossible to indentify them after all this time in the septic tank.

I pay attention to this becuase a home suspected of having another such gruesome find is not too far from my house, the Church has been fighting having it examined (and the State doesn't really have the money) but I'm sure eventually public pressure will force it - then I may know more because local people will talk about what is found there.

Again, many of the babies that live may very well have been shipped off for various purposes including the stated ones of expensive private adoptions (for white babies) but the articles make it sound like a known fact, but that isn't the case. On the other hand, horrific child abuse in the baby and care homes; plus the orphanages has been documented and the Irish State is on the hook for millions if not billions in compensation because the Church ran those homes on behalf of the Federal Government.

That's just my two cents; anyone interesting in the Catholic Church issues with this should read the novel "Windswept House" by the late Fr. Martin; it is a novel and I don't agree with all of it but it is obvious he knew about the Church issues and wanted it "out there," he died not long after it was published after an "accidental fall" I heard an interview with a close friend of his on Coast to Coast who said his last words to her were "I was pushed." I can't verify that, but it still sends chills down my spine to remember it...

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
I know I'm going to have nightmares tonight after reading this but either the incompetence of CPS or their aiding and abetting pedophiles needs to be telegraphed far and wide as well as the Catholic and so-called 'Christian' agencies.

*READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!* This is why I can't post in this thread now more than once a week or even longer as I have to take a break from these horrors.

Fair use

Arizona’s Department of Child Safety placed a toddler with a man who ran a “pornographic pedophile ring” out of his home

After Arizona’s Department of Child Safety placed a toddler with a man who ran a “pornographic pedophile ring” out of his home, it moved her to a home where the foster mother burned her with scalding water over 80 percent of her body, the little girl’s guardian claims in court.

Fleming and Curti PLC, court-appointed guardian of Jane Doe, sued Arizona, its Department of Child Safety, other state agencies, the Christian Family Care Agency and a host of other institutions and people, in Pima County Court.

The Department of Child Safety, formerly Child Protective Services, removed Jane Doe from her biological mother’s home in 2013, when she was 2, and placed her with David and Barbara Frodsham, a state-licensed foster home, according to the June 16 lawsuit.

The state allowed Jane to stay with the Frodshams for 18 months, despite her biological mother’s complaints of “Jane Doe’s repeated documented urinary tract infections,” the complaint states.

“Instead of investigating Jane Doe’s biological mother’s concerns of abuse, [DCS] and the defendant caseworkers accused her of making false and exaggerated reports to DCS,” according to the complaint.

The state did not act until David Frodsham, driving drunk, left 3-year-old Jane and another child in his parked car while he was collecting his foster parent check in a state office, while “visibly drunk and acting belligerent.” Police were called and found Frodsham had a .28 blood alcohol concentration. They removed Jane from his care but did not investigate his home, the complaint states.

It continues: “Later, David Frodsham was arrested and accused of sexual misconduct with a minor, procuring minors for sex, and possessing and/or manufacturing child pornography. Law enforcement’s investigation revealed a video made by David Frodsham of a 3- or 4-year-old girl being penetrated by an adult male and screaming for her mommy. [Oh Dear God!] David Frodsham pled guilty rather than face a trial and has been sentenced to 17 years in the Arizona Department of Corrections. David Frodsham was part of a pornography ring involving numerous children in his pornography and the procurement of sex for the ring.” (Citation to sentencing document omitted.)

Four more state and federal cases involving a child placed in Frodsham’s home are pending against him, and more are expected to be filed, according to the complaint.

Unfortunately, things did not improve much when the state moved Jane into the care of Justin and Samantha Osteraas, her guardian says. According to the complaint, “Defendant Samantha Osteraas submerged and held down Jane Doe, a 5-year-old, in a bath of scalding hot water. Jane Doe suffered severe burns over 80 percent of her body. When police arrived, there was blood on the floor and piece of Jane Doe’s skin were falling off her body. There were bruises to her neck and arms along with other signs of trauma.”

Jane had to be placed in a medically induced coma, suffering from organ failure. She lost her toes to amputation “and will undergo lifelong operations to replace 80 percent of the skin on her body and will need incredible amounts of care for the duration of her life as a result of the abuse she suffered in the Osteraases’ home.”

Samantha Osteraas, 28, was arrested in January this year and charged with child abuse. The state then removed her three biological children from her home, according to the Arizona Daily Star. She is awaiting trial.

Jane’s guardian seeks punitive damages for negligence, respondeat superior, breach of duty, intentional infliction of emotional distress, assault and battery, and constitutional violations.

Here are the defendants: State of Arizona; Arizona Department of Child Safety; Arizona Department of Economic Security; Child Protective Services; Division of Children, Youth and Families; Christian Family Care; Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona Inc.; St. Nicholas of Myra; Mark Brnovich; Gregory McKay; Charles Flanagan; Clarence Carter; Jeannette Sheldon; Eva Pena; Katherine Mayer; Cassie Dixon; Monica Reyes; Norel Alviti; Rosette Codner; Jack Roddy; David Frodsham; Barbara Frodsham; Samantha Osteraas; and Justin Osteraas.

17 years is not long enough for this monster AND...HE NEEDS HIS PENIS AMPUTATED!!!

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
Although I didn't think I'd be posting so soon after the above post, I felt it important to share when a bust goes down well.

Fair use

Largest Sex Trafficking Ring in Western US Busted — Children Openly Sold ‘In Plain Sight’
By Jay Syrmopoulos - August 6, 2017

Los Angeles, CA – A report of a missing teenager in Tulare County, California, in late 2016 culminated into the uncovering of one of the largest sex trafficking rings in the Western United States, according to an announcement by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department on Thursday. Thirteen young women and girls, including the missing teen, were freed from captivity as a result of the extensive investigation.

The missing teenager’s disappearance, and subsequent discovery in a West Hollywood apartment in January, led investigators in the LA Sheriff’s Department to discover an extensive human sex trafficking network that extended from Nevada to California. During the course of the investigation, detectives discovered the ring used apartments in dozens of communities, including Burbank, West Hollywood, and Las Vegas, as brothels.

“Years ago, a human trafficking case of this magnitude was not likely,” Los Angeles County Sheriff Jim McDonnell said in a news conference in downtown. “We knew the more we looked, the more we would find.”

According to a report by the Los Angeles Daily News:

The six-month investigation by the Tulare County Sheriff’s Department, Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, Los Angeles Regional Human Trafficking Task Force, and the California Department of Justice, has led to two arrests so far. Quinton Brown, 30, of Highland, and Gerald Turner, 32, of Fresno, were arrested on suspicion of 54 charges relating to sex trafficking, pimping, pandering, grand theft and identity theft.

The complaint, filed Wednesday by the California Attorney General’s office, alleges that Brown lured victims from the Central Valley as far back as in October and trafficked them throughout the state. Investigators also said:

• The 13 victims include eight minors who were sold for commercial sex.

• A 2017 Maserati Ghibli, a 2017 Maserati Levante, and a 2016 Porsche Panamera, all confiscated by investigators, were used in the ring and obtained through fraudulent means.

• Eight people were victims of identity theft.

• 16 sites across California and in Nevada were used as brothels as part of the ring.

Mia McNeil, 32, who police believe rented the apartments/brothels remains at large, according to McDonnell. Additionally, law enforcement believes she also leased high-end luxury vehicles to transport the ring’s sex slaves without raising suspicion.

McDonnell said that detectives uncovered that Brown and Turner “would traffic the victims in plain sight,” using the Internet to advertise the women they were attempting to sell.

“They are as young as 15 years old, bought and sold for commercial sex,” according to McDonnell.

Surprisingly, most of the victims of sex trafficking are born and raised in the U.S. At the news conference, California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said 72 percent of the victims found in California say they are American.

“Human trafficking, which includes sex and labor trafficking, is one of the fasting growing crimes in the world. Its reach is not limited to foreign countries,” Becerra said. “In California, human trafficking is reported here in our state more than in any other.”

Law enforcement said the investigation is ongoing, as they attempt to uncover and arrest the individuals who solicited the young women and teenage sex slaves.

“The predators online that are looking for an 11 year old … these people are not the traditional johns that most people think of,” McDonnell said. “These are predators. These are child molesters that are out there taking advantage of some of the most vulnerable in society.”

The Los Angeles Daily News reports that:

Since the Los Angeles Regional Human Trafficking Task Force was established in 2015, there have been 697 arrests, and of those, about 30 percent were male buyers. In addition, there have been 185 victims rescued, a majority of them youths who were sex trafficked.

Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux said he has since met with one of the victims rescued, and she has received help and is back in school. But he implored parents to watch their children carefully, especially while they are on their mobile phones.

“To the parents, be vigilant,” Boudreaux said during the press conference. “Pay attention to what your children are doing online. Social networking is an environment for predators to prey on and exploit the innocence of our children.”

Of course, when even those tasked with protecting children — such as Raymond Liddy, 53, a California deputy attorney general — are arrested on charges of possessing child pornography; who is left to actually look out for the welfare and safety of the children?

In addition to being a California state prosecutor, Liddy is the son of a prominent Watergate figure—G. Gordon Liddy—who was an operative in President Richard Nixon‘s campaign attempt to burglarize the Democratic National Committee.

Raymond Liddy was arrested at his home and was charged in federal court with possessing images of minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct, according to federal court documents obtained by Heavy. He was subsequently released from custody and placed on home detention with GPS monitoring after posting a $100,000 bond during his arraignment.

Even after taking down “one of the largest human trafficking rings on the West Coast,” there is a virtual certainty that this bust only barely scratches the surface.
When high-level officials, tasked with prosecuting those that break the law, are accused of being the ones preying upon the innocent and weakest in society it makes one seriously question who is actually looking out for the victims.

Please share this story in an effort to raise awareness about the extreme scope of this constant and pervasive societal problem of the sexual trafficking of children!

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
Hat-tip to Seabear who initially found this article.

God Bless Liz Crokin!! I think this is a BIG reason the "elites" hate Trump.

Fair use

Trump Takes Down Over Two Dozen Elite Pedophiles Including Celebrities & Politicians

Liz Crokin - 11 hours ago

In June I reported that President Donald Trump is zeroing in on the elite pedophile rings. There are dozens of politicians, government officials and celebrities – including Harvey Weinstein, Jeff Epstein, Anthony Weiner, Mark Salling and eleven Democratic mayors – who have been arrested or are currently embroiled in major sex or pedophilia scandals since Trump’s election victory. The powerful peers of these sexual predators and pedophiles have vigorously protected them for decades; however, now they’re no longer safe. Trump is fully committed to exposing and stopping the sexual criminality and child sex trafficking that’s run rampant in DC and Hollywood for far too long.

On Feb. 23, during a listening session at the White House on human trafficking Trump said: “Dedicated men and women across the federal government have focused on this for some time — as you know it’s been much more focused over the last four weeks.”

Trump meant what he said and wasted no time going after child sexual predators. During Trump’s first month in office alone, authorities arrested over 1500 individuals for charges related to pedophilia. The mainstream media not only has refused to cover child sex trafficking among the elites, they’ve actively covered up for pedophiles because many in the media are involved. However, I wrote in February that this story would eventually get so big that the mainstream media will be forced to cover this epidemic. We’ve finally reached that boiling point.

On Thursday The New York Times released a bombshell report revealing that movie mogul Harvey Weinstein of the Weinstein Company has paid off at least eight women who claimed he sexually assaulted them. He made sexual advances toward Ashley Judd, told an employee on her first day that he’d boost her career if she accepted his sexual advances and forced another employee to give him a massage, according to the report. Although there are no public reports of Weinstein sexually assaulting children or downloading child pornography, he has aggressively defended Roman Polanski who was convicted of raping a 13-year-old girl. Not only did Weinstein stick up for the pedophile, he campaigned for the courts to commute his sentence by starting a petition and wrote an entire op-ed on his behalf titled Polanski Has Served His Time & Must Be Freed. Meryl Streep gave Roman Polanksi a standing ovation at the Oscars after he was convicted of child rape and Whoopi Goldberg insisted the sexual assault of the child not a real rape. “I know it wasn’t rape-rape,” Goldberg said.

Not only does Weinstein have slew of close A-list friends such as Streep and Jay-Z, he’s also close with both former President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. The disgraced mogul is so tight with these Democratic leaders that he visited the White House 13 times while Obama was in office and held a fundraiser for Clinton at his private Manhattan home last June. Disturbingly, Obama’s daughter, Malia, interned for Weinstein’s company in New York during a break before college.

On Tuesday former Glee star Mark Salling plead guilty to one possession of child pornography stemming from an indictment filed last year. He admitted to downloading over 50,000 images and videos of child pornography. Multiple women have accused Salling of sexual assault.

Former “Sons of Guns” star Will Hayden was sentenced to life in prison in May for raping two children. Hayden was found guilty of repeatedly raping two female victims for years between the age of 11 and 13-years-old. Hayden’s daughter, Stephanie, who also starred on the show, was arrested in 2014 on allegations of child abuse. She allegedly allowed her son to be physically abused by her husband. She said her father preyed on her as a child, and that her father raped one of the alleged victims “almost daily” for a year.

Earlier this week news broke that Clinton close ally and convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein has paid $5.5 million to settle lawsuits filed by three of the more than two dozen teens who sued him. Epstein was accused of recruiting dozens of underage girls as sex slaves and for his wealthy friends. He reportedly trafficked many of the minors on his private island that was visited by Bill Clinton about two dozen times according to flight logs. A source claims Hillary went to the island several times as well.

September 25, a judged sentenced Anthony Weiner, another close ally of the Clintons, to 21 months in jail for sexting with a minor. Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, has worked as Clinton’s top aide while she was Secretary of State and during both of her presidential campaigns.

Not only are most of the elite politicians and celebrities arrested tied to the Clintons, many of them are Democrats.

There’s a staggering 11 liberal mayors accused of child sex-related crimes since 2016.

Also, authorities arrested Mayor Bill de Blasio staffer and CNN guest Jacob Schwartz for child porn in New York on May 25. Schwartz had 3,000 images of child porn including the rape of a 6-month-old baby. Schwartz’s father, Arthur Schwartz, is a labor lawyer and a prominent Democratic insider. Even though Schwartz appeared on CNN, the network has refused to cover this story to this day. I confronted Jake Tapper on video over the summer at Politicon and asked him why CNN has refused to cover the arrest of Schwartz and other elite pedophiles. Tapper was unable to offer me an explanation.

Senator Bob Menendez is accused of sleeping with multiple prostitutes in the Dominican Republic including a minor. The Democratic senator from New Jersey is currently on trial for bribery and corruption charges.

Although most of the elite pedophiles who have been arrested are registered Democrats, there are some big name Republicans involved in pedophilia-related scandals too.

Former Oklahoma State Senator Ralph Shortey
was charged with child sex trafficking, production of child pornography and two counts of transportation of child pornography involving a prepubescent girl and young boys in March. The former Republican senator attempted to solicit sex from a 17-year-old boy. Shortey was elected to the Oklahoma Senate in 2010 and served till he resigned after his arrest earlier this year.

A new accuser filed a lawsuit against Dennis Hastert in May alleging the former Speaker of the House sodomized him decades ago. Hastert was indicted in 2015 for paying hush money to victims he admitted to molesting when they were children as he served as their wrestling coach from 1965 to 1981.

Shockingly, many of the pedophile-related arrests under Trump’s Department of Justice have included law enforcement and judicial elites who are in positions that require them to protect children from pedophiles. For example, former Virginia sex crimes detective Bruce Arlie Harvey pleaded guilty in August to multiple charges of sex crimes against children. Harvey, who also worked as a karate instructor, sexually abused multiple female students who were approximately 13-years-old. The abuse of the children last several years.

Former Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department psychologist Michael Dane Ward
was convicted in August of multiple sexual assaults of two young children. He faces a possible life sentence for the crimes, which involved oral copulation, sodomy and lewd acts on children under the age of 10.

Palm Beach County sheriff’s deputy Adam W. Godbey is facing child pornography charges after more than 30 images and videos were found on a cellphone and laptop at his home. Authorities arrested Godbey after a tip was sent to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children about child porn being uploaded to a website. Godbey was hired by the sheriff’s office in 2013.

Former well-respected Massachusetts cop Richard Woodhead
plead guilty to child pornography charges in April. The 54-year-old was placed on administrative leave and has since retired.

New York Sheriff’s Deputy Peter Farnum[/
was arrested on child porn charges in July. The Saratoga County officer is accused of using a home computer to download and store more than 14,000 files of child pornography.

Former DC police officer Chukwuemeka Ekwonna was indicted in August on charges of sex trafficking of minors and enticement of minors to engage in prostitution. Prosecutors say that in June of 2012 Ekwonna exchanged messages with minors – including a 14 and 15-year-old girl – offering to pay them to engage in sex acts with him. Ekwonna met up with the 15-year-old in January and allegedly pointed a handgun at the victim in the back seat of his car and demanded she give him back the money he had just paid her.

Former Secret Service agent Lee Robert Moore
was sentenced to 20 years in prison on Thursday for sending sexually explicit messages to minors while on duty at the White House. Moore plead guilty in March to enticement of a minor to engage in sexual activity and attempting to transfer obscene materials to a minor. He was fired after his arrest in 2015.

Authorities charged California’s former deputy attorney general Raymond Joseph Liddy, 53, with possession of child porn in July after they found images of children engaging in sexual conduct on a computer and a thumb drive in his home. Liddy is the son of former FBI agent and lawyer G. Gordon Liddy. G directed the burglary of the Democratic National Committee headquarters in June of 1972 in the Watergate scandal.

These elite pedophile arrests are just the tip of the iceberg. Weinstein was the first big domino to fall in Hollywood. However, you can rest assured that many more elite child sexual predators – particularly big names in DC and in the entertainment business – will be arrested. When the full truth comes out about how rampant child sex trafficking is in this country, particularly among the elites, the public will remember who had the courage to address this horrendous issue and who chose to turn a blind eye to the rape and torture of infants and kids. As Navy Seal and founder of Veterans for Child Rescue Craig Sawyer has stated, Trump is dedicated to stopping this evil that’s plagued our great nation for far too long. “We’ve got a President now who’s not OK with children being raped and tortured to death so thank God,” Sawyer said.

Liz Crokin is an award winning investigative journalist, author of Malice and regular contributor to the Hagmann and Hagmann Report.

If you are able, please support Liz Crokin’s ongoing fight against child trafficking with prayer and by clicking here.

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
FIRST, some Thomas Wictor comments on Corey Feldman...

Thomas Wictor‏ @ThomasWictor

(1) A word about @Corey_Feldman.


1:52 PM - 16 Oct 2017

(2) He explains everything in this interview. [See Below article to follow]

(3) Some of you will latch on to his comments about Michael Jackson. You need to understand something:

(4) Every victim of this sort of assault is entitled to deal with it in his or her own way. You don't HELP people by making demands.

(5) The fact that Feldman is STILL ABOVE GROUND and STILL WORKING shows that he's FAR stronger than most of us.

(6) The way the system works is that the onus is on the VICTIMS to come forward.

(7) "If you don't come forward, YOU'RE to blame for the victimization of others."


(9) We don't know what Feldman has done or said behind the scenes. You can't imagine the burden on this man's shoulders.

(10) He's a hell of an actor. He can do anything.

(11) "The 'Burbs" is my favorite Feldman performance, because he adds a strange warmth and earnestness to the character.

(12) To ME, Feldman is not defined by his experiences. I know that people took issue with me when I said that to another actor.

(13) My point is that Feldman has been working for 41 years. He owes us nothing when it comes to details.

(14) This is a flesh-and-blood man who was dealt one of the worst hands you could imagine, but he triumphed. He said, "I WILL LIVE."

(15) We MAY be seeing the dismantling of the system that universally abuses young men and women in Hollywood.

(16) If that happens, Corey Feldman will continue working, because artists must perform. It's who they are.

(17) That will be the final triumph. The networks are demolished, that predators eradicated, and...

(18) Corey Feldman remains standing and performing. So be proud of Mr. Feldman. He is indeed a man of great courage. However.

(19) Much of the courage manifests itself in a refusal to be DEFINED by his experiences. THAT is even harder than simply living.

(20) Believe me.


Stunningly candid interview below.

Fair use

Corey Feldman on Elijah Wood Hollywood Pedophilia Controversy: "I Would Love to Name Names"

In an in-depth interview with THR, the 'Goonies' and 'Lost Boys' star opens up about his late best friend Corey Haim's rape by a man at age 11, the preteen parties where predators stalked and groomed their marks, and the "dark side" of his close pal Michael Jackson: "The man is gone. Let him rest in peace."
2:17 PM PDT 5/25/2016 by Seth Abramovitch

A recent interview with Elijah Wood has reignited the conversation on pedophilia in the entertainment business. The Lord of the Rings star later clarified, first to The Hollywood Reporter and then on his personal Twitter account, that his comments about "something major ... going on in Hollywood" were based not on his own experiences and observations but rather on news reports and the 2015 documentary film An Open Secret.

But another former child actor — Corey Feldman, star of such iconic 1980s movies as The Goonies, Stand by Me and The Lost Boys — was not so lucky. In past interviews, his A&E reality series The Two Coreys and his 2013 memoir, Coreyography, Feldman has detailed how he was preyed upon by men in the industry. His own experiences were not as nightmarish as what befell his Two Coreys co-star, the late Canadian actor Corey Haim. Haim was just 11 when, Feldman says, a man raped him on a movie set. (Haim died in 2010 at age 38 after years of drug addiction.)

Speaking exclusively to The Hollywood Reporter, Feldman, 44, opens up about missing Haim, addresses the "dark side" of pal Michael Jackson that led to their estrangement, and warns of the "growing, not shrinking" dangers of internet-era child predators in Hollywood, a place "where adults have more direct and inappropriate connection with children than probably anywhere else in the world."

Your time as a child actor was a very damaging period, and those kinds of traumas stick with you for your entire life. What is your state of mind now?

I'm a very balanced, very happy man. I enjoy my life, I'm very grateful for it, and I'm grateful for the elements around my life. I have a great child and I have a great girlfriend, a nice house, a nice car and a good career. But I had to go through a lot of therapy and group therapy and rehabilitation and all sorts of things to be put on this ground that I'm on now.

A lot of this played out on your show, The Two Coreys. We know that Corey Haim obviously had a very tragic end, and it sounds like he had a lot harder time with child predators as he became a star.

He had more direct abuse than I did. With me, there were some molestations, and it did come from several hands, so to speak, but with Corey, his was direct rape, whereas mine was not actual rape. And his also occurred when he was 11. My son is 11 now, and I can't even begin to fathom the idea of something like that happening to him. It would destroy his whole being. As I look at my son, a sweet, innocent, 11-year-old boy and then try to put him in Corey Haim's shoes, I go, "Oh my God — well of course he was erratic and not well-behaved on sets and things like that." What more could we expect of him really? Everybody deals with things differently.

You met going up for the same parts and quickly became best friends. So were the same men preying on both of you?

Let's just say it this way: I know every single person that interfered with his life and he knew every person that interfered with mine.

What level were these people? Were they studio heads, were they low-rent producers?

I'm not able to name names. People are frustrated, people are angry, they want to know how is this happening, and they want answers — and they turn to me and they say, "Why don't you be a man and stand up and name names and stop hiding and being a coward?" I have to deal with that, which is not pleasant, especially given the fact that I would love to name names. I'd love to be the first to do it. But unfortunately California conveniently enough has a statute of limitations that prevents that from happening. Because if I were to go and mention anybody's name I would be the one that would be in legal problems and I'm the one that would be sued. We should be talking to the district attorneys and the lawmakers in California, especially because this is where the entertainment industry is and this is a place where adults have more direct and inappropriate connection with children than probably anywhere else in the world.

A judge ruled today that Bill Cosby will stand trial for sexual assault charges. Many of these women that have come out against him have been past the statute of limitations.

But they're not all past the statute of limitations, because other states don't have the same statutes. So supposed crimes took place in various states over great lengths of time. Some would still fall within the statute, obviously, that's how they are able to start charges against him.

But there are others that are not; they're just telling their truth.

If somebody came forward with a suit against one of these people [who molested me], I would certainly be more than happy to back them up. But that hasn't happened.

Are these people still working in Hollywood?

One of them is. He's still prominently in the business today.

And have you ever confronted him yourself or run into him?

We've run into each other many times but no, I've never confronted him.

Do you think this problem — adult males in the entertainment industry preying on young boys behind closed doors — still persists to the same extent in the current age of Instagram and Twitter, with everything being so much more open?

Oh, absolutely. It's more now than ever because nowadays you can use the internet to create fake profiles and fake accounts. They reach out to little kids on Twitter, they reach out to little kids on Facebook, and they say, "I'm a big producer and I can help you." With social media we have more access than ever to everybody. It's a growing problem, not a shrinking problem.

An Open Secret details the men behind Digital Entertainment Network, who threw huge Hollywood parties where boys were being raped at gunpoint and being forced to do cocaine. Was that your experience — that they hunted in packs, so to speak?

Yes. I believe that Haim's rapist was probably connected to something bigger, and that is probably how he has remained protected for all these years. This person uses intimidation and threats as a way to keep people quiet. And all these men were all friends. Ask anybody in our group of kids at that time: They were passing us back and forth to each other. [Alison Arngrim] from Little House on the Prairie said [in an interview], "Everybody knew that the two Coreys were just being passed around." Like it was something people joked about on studio lots. We're not talking about huge executives and directors that I am aware of that were involved in this. The people that I knew doing it were publicists, they were photographers for teen magazines, things like that.

What did they do?

They would throw these parties where you'd walk in and it would be mostly kids and there would be a handful of adult men. They would also be at the film awards and children's charity functions.

What were the ages of the kids at these parties?

The range was usually 10 to 16. The lure for kids is that they work in adult world. All of their friends become adults and they very rarely get to interact with other kids, especially because they don't go to school. So unless you happen to be on a movie like Goonies, where there are seven kids, for the most part you find yourself being the only kid on the set. You don't get that interaction, which you crave so badly. So when somebody approaches you and says, "Hey, this is a Hollywood party where you get to hang out with the powerful people in Hollywood," well that sounds like a great opportunity.

Was there alcohol at these parties?

I'm sure there was but I didn't drink alcohol so I don't think I was looking for that.

Boys and girls?

Boys and girls, yes.

And they're being molested or raped at these parties?

I didn't say that, but I'm saying that's —

You’re saying they're groomed?

Exactly, that's the networking, and that's when you become pals with them and you get their phone numbers and you get their mom's phone numbers and the next thing you know they talk to the moms and say, "Hey, I want to take Corey out to an event. This would be great for him. Let me pick him up and take him." And they turn that power over right away to the publicist or the photographers.

Elijah Wood said that his mother wouldn't let him go to parties and that's why he avoided these experiences.


But in your case you didn't have that protection.

Part of the time I was living with my mom and she was letting me go to the parties. And then the other part of the time was with my dad and those people were actually coming over to my apartment. There's a picture in my book at my 15th birthday party. My father had the party at his office, which was a management company directly across the street from his apartment. One of the guys, the main guy who molested me, he actually was an employee of my father's. My father hired this man and this man coaxed me into trying every single drug that I ever tried. He says, "Hey I'm going to be your best friend. I'll take you to Disneyland, I'll take you to the Comedy Store." He was my assistant, my driver, my chaperone, and also basically my guardian.

Did you tell your father what was going on?

As a child you don't really do that. My parents were both very abusive and very selfish and were more interested in what was happening with themselves than what was happening with my life. My manager father sued me for $40,000 when I tried to get emancipated, his reasoning being that he was taking time away from his business to be on the set with me.

Let me ask you about Michael Jackson. These kinds of allegations followed him to his death. You guys were very close. Where do you stand on the matter now?

It's in my book. Nothing is going to change on that because there is no new evidence. The man is gone. Let him rest in peace.

For anyone who has not read your book, please restate what you experienced with Michael Jackson?

I would prefer they read my book. But he was a friend and our relationship did not end well. We had a falling out, and that was due to the fact that there was definitely a dark side to him. But that dark side in no way connected itself to pedophilia by my estimation.

He was never inappropriate with you and you don't think he was inappropriate with other boys?

Not to my knowledge.

Do you think about Corey Haim often?

Every day. He was my best friend. I miss the chemistry, I miss having my best friend. He was the only person that could make me laugh unstoppably. He had a charisma about him and a charm and a sense of humor that was unparalleled. If I would set up a joke, he would finish it; if he would set up a joke, I would finish it. That's something that you don't find really twice in a lifetime. Then all the sudden that person is just gone. It's just very, a very hard thing to accept, especially when I know he was doing so well. That's the thing that's so troubling — is that he was finally getting it together. Unfortunately his body just couldn't hold up anymore.

You worked with director Joel Schumacher on The Lost Boys. Did you enjoy it?

Joel was great. I mean, he was a high-tempered man so he did tend to raise his voice a lot, which was a bit startling for me because I was around a lot of violence and anger and things like that as a kid. But he was never violent with us or anything like that. He was a funny guy and a good guy and a great, great filmmaker. So I enjoyed the experience very much.

Do you feel he protected his actors?

I think he would have, yes. If he had known there was something going on I'm sure he would have stepped in and done whatever he could.

Was Goonies producer Steven Spielberg a father figure or mentor to you when you were young?

We were never that close, so I don't know that I would see him as a father figure, but he was certainly a legend and a great man and he was always very kind to me, and we always had a great rapport. Even recently when I've seen him, he is still the same guy. He hasn’t changed. I love Steven, great guy.

What are you working on now?

My new single just came out. It's called "Go 4 It" and it's with Snoop Dogg and people are saying it's the song of the summer and it's the greatest thing they've ever heard. The fans are super excited. The actual album comes out on June 22. It's called Angelic 2 the Core.

Thank you, Corey. I appreciate you talking with me.

And thank you for taking the time and investigating this very important matter.

Corey's book can be found for the best prices (NEW is left column/USED are in right column) here

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
‏ @__0HOUR1_ 2h2 hours ago

Radnor commissioner Phil Ahr charged w child porn. DA says some images involved infants and animals.

The pedophile epidemic in politics.



Veteran Member
Ragnarok, I have great respect for you and I am genuinely glad for you that these unspeakable evils have not touched you, personally. If you had any inkling IRL about the topic of this thread I strongly suspect your reaction would be different.

One would have hoped that you, after all your in-depth research into Islam and Muslims and their policies of lying and preventing the revelation of truth - and after your experience with those who tried to shut down your posts and naysay your threads to keep the truth hidden, you would have considered not doing that to others who’ve been tasked - every bit at you were- with revealing a KEY - if revolting- aspect of the evil death grip that has overtaken much of our society, our government, and the World.

The information on this thread is inextricably related to what just happened in KSA, and what is underway in CONUS. We have people in every facet of America, and around the world, who have used these vile techniques and tactics, in our name, using our money and our CHILDREN, to control EVERYTHING! IT MUST STOP! Keeping this indecent sh*t covered up and quiet is the opposite of stopping it, IMHO.

Understand it - or don’t - but please don’t imply that the hideous reality on this thread diminishes TB2K which we all love and to which we owe a lot for being the amazing source of news and reality that MSM refuses to deliver.

I may have misunderstood your post. If so I apologize in advance. Please remember, I respect you even as I disagree. YMMV.

Now I have to go look for that thread-killer thread to report myself...

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
President Trump is an answer from God to the criminal child-slave/sex trafficking/satanic sacrifice system that has been allowed to run amock!

Here is a list of child sex traffickers who have been arrested and children that have been saved since President Trump took office.

2017 HUMAN TRAFFICKING REPORT --------------------------------

ARRESTS RESCUED 6,355+ 2,056+ --------------------------------
2017/08/04 1035 81 USA
2017/06/28 1012 USA
2017/05/31 1 3 USA, FL
2017/05/31 2 USA, TX
2017/05/31 16 USA, WI
2017/05/30 13 USA, CA
2017/05/30 27 USA, CA
2017/05/30 2 1 USA, NJ
2017/05/30 1 1 CAN
2017/05/25 1 2 USA, TX
2017/05/25 1 1 USA, IA
2017/05/24 7 USA, NJ
2017/05/23 2 USA, FL
2017/05/22 11 USA, TX
2017/05/22 1 USA, DE
2017/05/22 1 USA, FL
2017/05/19 2 USA, MN
2017/05/19 10 USA, TX
2017/05/18 1 1 USA, FL
2017/05/18 2 USA, CT
2017/05/17 4 1 USA, NY
2017/05/16 1 1 USA, FL
2017/05/16 5 USA, UT
2017/05/16 2 2 USA, IA
2017/05/14 2 16 USA, TX
2017/05/12 1 USA, FL
2017/05/12 1 2 CAN
2017/05/11 1 1 CAN
2017/05/11 2 1 USA, NY
2017/05/11 1 USA, CT
2017/05/10 20 USA, WA
2017/05/10 1 1 USA, VA
2017/05/10 3 1 USA, NM
2017/05/10 1 1 USA, OK
2017/05/10 1 2 USA, TX
2017/05/09 1 1 USA, TX
2017/05/09 5 1 CAN
2017/05/09 1 1 USA, MD 2
017/05/06 5 10 USA, MA
2017/05/06 4 USA, CA
2017/05/05 2 USA, IA
2017/05/05 1 1 USA, FL
2017/05/05 3 USA, AR
2017/05/05 900 300 USA/EU
2017/05/02 4 1 USA, PA
2017/05/02 1 3 USA, LA
2017/05/02 1 1 USA, FL
2017/05/02 2 1 USA, MA
2017/05/01 23 8 USA, CA
2017/05/01 2 1 USA, AL
2017/05/01 1 1 USA, LA
2017/05/01 350 55 USA, FL
2017/05/01 13 USA, TX
2017/04/29 3 17 NIGERIA
2017/04/28 4 USA, CA
2017/04/27 1 1 USA, PA
2017/04/27 2 1 USA, NJ
2017/04/27 3 1 UK
2017/04/26 29 USA, MA
2017/04/25 1 10 CAN
2017/04/25 1 1 CAN
2017/04/25 2 1 USA, TN
2017/04/23 23 USA, GA
2017/04/22 1 22 NIGERIA
2017/04/21 104 CAN
2017/04/20 8 UK
2017/04/19 18 USA, NY
2017/04/19 2 USA, OH
2017/04/19 10 USA, CA
2017/04/19 1 1 USA, NC
2017/04/18 1 USA, MD
2017/04/18 6 2 USA, LA
2017/04/18 1 1 USA, NV
2017/04/18 2 1 USA, MD
2017/04/16 1 1 CAN
2017/04/12 17 GHANA
2017/04/12 1 2 USA, CA
2017/04/12 1 1 USA, FL
2017/04/12 2 2 KUWAIT
2017/04/11 78 18 CAN
2017/04/09 1 5 RUSSIA
2017/04/08 348 400 CAN
2017/04/07 12 1 USA, IL
2017/04/07 2 3 USA, CA
2017/04/07 2 USA, OH
2017/04/07 2 1 USA, MA
2017/04/07 1 1 USA, DE
2017/04/07 14 USA, OR
2017/04/06 1 6 UK
2017/04/06 1 3 CAN
2017/04/06 3 3 USA, CA
2017/04/06 8 INDIA
2017/04/06 1 1 USA, OH
2017/04/06 1 2 USA, KY
2017/04/06 2 USA, CT
2017/04/01 10 USA, CA
2017/03/31 4 USA
2017/03/31 2 1 USA, SC
2017/03/31 1 1 USA, OK
2017/03/30 1 1 USA, OK
2017/03/30 2 6 GHANA
2017/03/30 3 1 USA, CT
2017/03/30 3 1 USA, TX
2017/03/29 1 2 VN
2017/03/29 9 INDIA
2017/03/29 2 6 USA, CA
2017/03/28 15 USA, FL
2017/03/28 2 1 CAN
2017/03/28 3 1 PH
2017/03/25 3 1 USA, CA
2017/03/24 13 USA, OH
2017/03/24 16 2 USA, CA
2017/03/23 2 1 CAN
2017/03/23 1 1 USA, MD
2017/03/22 6 THAILAND
2017/03/22 1 1 USA, TX
2017/03/22 3 1 CAN
2017/03/22 1 1 USA, CA
2017/03/22 1 6 USA, TX
2017/03/21 2 1 USA, FL
2017/03/21 104 USA, FL
2017/03/21 1 1 USA, NC
2017/03/21 1 1 USA, TX
2017/03/21 1 1 USA, NE
2017/03/18 5 USA, MD
2017/03/18 7 1 USA, CA
2017/03/18 11 TAIPEI
2017/03/18 1 1 USA, NC
2017/03/17 1 14 USA, MI
2017/03/17 1 CAN
2017/03/17 1 1 USA, TX
2017/03/17 2 13 PH
2017/03/17 2 USA, OH
2017/03/16 1 1 USA, CO
2017/03/16 2 1 USA, CA
2017/03/16 1 5 USA, GA
2017/03/15 2 INDIA
2017/03/15 1 2 CAN
2017/03/15 2 1 USA, MI
2017/03/13 1 1 CAN
2017/03/13 1 USA, WI
2017/03/11 1 1 USA, NE
2017/03/10 9 USA, ND
2017/03/10 1 1 USA, CO
2017/03/09 7 3 USA, FL
2017/03/08 24 10 BD
2017/03/08 1 8 USA, GA
2017/03/08 2 11 USA, AL
2017/03/08 2 UK
2017/03/07 10 BULGARIA
2017/03/07 2 2 USA, TX
2017/03/07 10 2 USA, CA
2017/03/07 1 3 USA, NJ
2017/03/06 1 USA, SC
2017/03/06 7 PH
2017/03/03 35 30 INDIA
2017/03/03 1 8 USA, TX
2017/03/03 2 1 USA, NY
2017/03/02 2 2 CAM
2017/03/01 2 2 USA, TX
2017/03/01 4 10 USA, MA
2017/03/01 2 1 USA, MI
2017/02/28 9 USA, CA
2017/02/28 41 MALI
2017/02/28 1 2 INDIA
2017/02/27 10 USA
2017/02/08 1 1 USA
2017/02/07 4 USA, OK
2017/02/05 5 72 UK
2017/02/05 108 USA, IL
2017/02/05 178 USA, TX
2017/02/05 9 31 HAITI
2017/02/04 2 21 MALAYSIA
2017/02/03 3 3 UK
2017/02/02 1 1 CAN
2017/02/02 2 USA, NY
2017/02/01 1 USA, PA
2017/02/01 0 11 USA, LA
2017/01/30 13 CANADA
2017/01/30 3 10 NIGERIA
2017/01/29 5 USA, PA
2017/01/29 474 55 USA, CA
2017/01/29 3 USA, CA 2
017/01/29 1 1 USA, TX
2017/01/28 1 USA
2017/01/27 42 USA, TN
2017/01/26 14 USA, CA
2017/01/26 1 1 USA, OH
2017/01/26 2 2 USA, MS
2017/01/25 1 PH
2017/01/25 1 1 USA, TX
2017/01/25 2 2 CAN
2017/01/24 1 1 CAN
2017/01/24 1 1 USA, OR
2017/01/23 80 194 EDO
2016/11/23 51 NORWAY

2016 1,952
2015 1,437
2014 1,770
2013 1,877
2012 967
2011 938
2010 300



Rest in Peace...

Timebomb... What have you become?

We are interested in THE TRUTH Here not propaganda...and many here have swallowed that propaganda hook, line and sinker. Walid Shoebat is NOT a Prophet of God....and his adherents refuse to see reality....kinda reminds me of the "Flat Earthers".....


There is a reason John of Patmos called it Mystery so few in the last days will see it for what it is. Its much bigger than Islam, Catholicism, or any other Organized Religion....its bigger than governments and educational institutions or the media....and its head and leader is satan himself.

You see, satan is the author of the coming "Tribulation". Watch and see.

Praise God that Jesus Christ with His Return will be the "Finisher" the end of evil as we know it...PRAISE HIS NAME!!!
Last edited:

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns

Rest in Peace...

Timebomb... What have you become?

Ragnarok, I don't know how you personally find this thread as you have not been explicit in your review.

Is it horrendous? Yes. Is it monstrous? Yes. Is it horrific? Yes. Is it satanic? Yes. Is it distasteful? Absolutely. Yet is it the truth? YES! Have children's lives been sacrificed, snuffed out, ruined due to these monsters? YES.

If you will read through the early stages of the thread and find people's responses, you will see many admit they had "NO IDEA THIS WAS HAPPENING."

Posting these horrific accounts and documentaries gives me no pleasure - quite the opposite, which is why I can only post her infrequently as I'm often, LITERALLY, sick to my stomach over what I've found and read. I need time to recuperate, rejuvenate, and finally feel the Holy Spirit making me well again. Yet, I keep this thread up in the hopes that if it even opens one parent's eyes, and because of that, the parent is more cautious, over-protective, and alert for their child, then this thread will have been worth it.

I'm just saddened you don't see this.


On and On, South of Heaven
Ragnarok, I don't know how you personally find this thread as you have not been explicit in your review.

Is it horrendous? Yes. Is it monstrous? Yes. Is it horrific? Yes. Is it satanic? Yes. Is it distasteful? Absolutely. Yet is it the truth? YES! Have children's lives been sacrificed, snuffed out, ruined due to these monsters? YES.

If you will read through the early stages of the thread and find people's responses, you will see many admit they had "NO IDEA THIS WAS HAPPENING."

Posting these horrific accounts and documentaries gives me no pleasure - quite the opposite, which is why I can only post her infrequently as I'm often, LITERALLY, sick to my stomach over what I've found and read. I need time to recuperate, rejuvenate, and finally feel the Holy Spirit making me well again. Yet, I keep this thread up in the hopes that if it even opens one parent's eyes, and because of that, the parent is more cautious, over-protective, and alert for their child, then this thread will have been worth it.

I'm just saddened you don't see this.

I think I posted that on the wrong thread... It was not meant for this thread.

My mistake and apologies.

We are interested in THE TRUTH Here not propaganda...and many here have swallowed that propaganda hook, line and sinker. Walid Shoebat is NOT a Prophet of God....and his adherents refuse to see reality....kinda reminds me of the "Flat Earthers".....

Not sure what Walid Shoebat has to do with anything? You are sounding like someone else I knew...


On and On, South of Heaven
Ragnarok, I have great respect for you and I am genuinely glad for you that these unspeakable evils have not touched you, personally. If you had any inkling IRL about the topic of this thread I strongly suspect your reaction would be different.

One would have hoped that you, after all your in-depth research into Islam and Muslims and their policies of lying and preventing the revelation of truth - and after your experience with those who tried to shut down your posts and naysay your threads to keep the truth hidden, you would have considered not doing that to others who’ve been tasked - every bit at you were- with revealing a KEY - if revolting- aspect of the evil death grip that has overtaken much of our society, our government, and the World.

The information on this thread is inextricably related to what just happened in KSA, and what is underway in CONUS. We have people in every facet of America, and around the world, who have used these vile techniques and tactics, in our name, using our money and our CHILDREN, to control EVERYTHING! IT MUST STOP! Keeping this indecent sh*t covered up and quiet is the opposite of stopping it, IMHO.

Understand it - or don’t - but please don’t imply that the hideous reality on this thread diminishes TB2K which we all love and to which we owe a lot for being the amazing source of news and reality that MSM refuses to deliver.

I may have misunderstood your post. If so I apologize in advance. Please remember, I respect you even as I disagree. YMMV.

Now I have to go look for that thread-killer thread to report myself...

Again... I don't even remember posting that which makes me believe I meant it for another thread. I'm not going to go into it but I have intimate knowledge of what is being discussed on this thread and it was not my intent to diminish the work being done here or the victims.