Buick Electra
Member of the Early Bird Club
It is with ever-growing horrific sadness, deep humiliation, righteous anger, and prayerful petition I begin to post this very long thread. I pray that many's eyes will be opened upon reading, watching, and further investigating this evil. I pray that from your eyes being opened, you will be more cautious in the charities you are giving to. I pray with our eyes opened we will be more alert to the adults that accompany children.
My research for this thread was motivated by many on the 'Coup thread' who were just now being made aware of the Human Trafficking, Sex slavery, Pedophilia and Pagan Human Sacrifices taking place when Wikileaks dumped John Podesta's emails. Many were sickened, (and rightly so), to learn that the Clinton Crew, and many in D.C. were involved in these heinous acts. That was when I decided to put together a thread to show how long and how far back this has been going on.
I've been researching this topic for almost a month to start this thread though I've known about this for quite some time, and I could have gone on investigating for years I'm sure; it runs THAT DEEP. Though having known about these "acts' for quite some time, I was shocked at the monies being spent to perpetrate this evil, and as well, how much this evil netted various "Charities." Interestingly, the documentation and videos I discovered, I just found out today, are (most of them) neatly laid out on this one site, which I will be posting first.
Read and watch as much as you can in one sitting, then step away to immerse yourself in God's Word in order to "arm up again" and then come back, and take in more facts in order to educate yourselves so you are not giving money to the institutions that promote this evil. So you view children on the streets and the adults that are with them with discerning eyes - maybe you can help. So that you may be able to keep your own children and grandchildren safe. And then SHARE!!! Spread these facts and share widely!!! Forewarned is forearmed!!! Help shine the light on this darkness!!! Call evil, "Evil."
I have no idea how many posts it will take me to get this out here, so please be patient.
Fair use.
Who or What is the Whore of Babylon
Drunk from the Blood of Her Victims
An article to fellow Patriots for a call to action to expose:
Corporate spoils of war–assets, slavery, and pedophilia
Warlord banker lobbyists providing politician’s their secret desires
Charities as the richest false flags of all
Imperialism and human trafficking in government agencies
Catholic charities complicit with human trafficking and pedophilia
By the Anonymous Patriots
The Millennium Report Exclusive
Patriots are waking up to a nightmare that is only being revealed by alternative media. We are no longer able to rely on the broadcast, cable, and print media to report the news accurately, much less any mention of the heinous crimes that seem to have been committed by Washington power-brokers, global elites, world-renowned charities, the Vatican—just to name a few. For this reason, Pizzagate, the popular moniker given to the first-ever citizen OPEN SOURCE INVESTIGATION of world-wide pedophilia and human trafficking, is getting huge support from citizen investigators using non-conventional media channels to reach their audiences.
Maybe for the first time since the practice of slavery and sex abuse started in the days of Babylon, humanity has a way to break free from its enslavement by bringing these heinous crimes in the open without media and other powers covering up the truth. We simply cannot move forward in our spiritual development as human beings until we slay this dragon and reveal the Whore of Babylon.
It is shocking to find that human trafficking, sex slavery, pedophilia and pagan human sacrifice rituals still continue to this day and are fostered primarily in the halls of power from the Vatican to the U. S. Congress and even the White House. This explicitly evil industry had been well hidden, but now the great uncovering is happening and citizen journalists and investigators are showing the grotesque connections to Anthony Weiner and his wide ring of associates, including his wife Human Abedin, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, John and Tony Podesta, Jeffrey Epstein and many other people who control the political reigns of powers.
John Podesta, once Bill Clinton’s chief of staff and one of President Obama’s top advisors, is center of this investigation due to his emails being released by Wikileaks. Tony and his brother John Podesta run the most powerful lobby agency in Washington. Now being revealed through their own emails are intimations and proof that bribery, pedophilia, sex slaves, and other twisted forms of evil are used to blackmail politicians with videos of their grotesque deeds. Once co-opted at the initial level of wrong-doing, these individuals fall deeper and deeper into levels of human depravity by being shown (or participating in) pedophilia, torture, and/or ritual murders. The blackmailed become puppets to those who pull their strings and co-conspirators in unfathomable evil.
This abhorrent circle of deadly sins that has infiltrated all aspects of Washington D. C. has become the Whore of Babylon as depicted in Revelations, drunk from the blood of her victims.
Use Our Research to Educate and Inform Your Audience
In this lengthy article, we will try to unwind the Gordian knot of pedophilia around the world, but particularly in the U.S., by showing you a 10,000-foot view of what is happening on a global scale so that all the pieces of the puzzle that have been lying around the world for decades can find their place in this PICTURE OF EVIL.
If you are new to our research articles, hang on. They are lengthy and involved. Our hope is that you are at the “top of the internet information pyramid” and can sort through this piece, finding the intel that your audience needs to know. Then take our research and create your own articles, videos, and posts so that we can explode this information everywhere. Our safety is in our numbers—so do your part in giving cover to other Patriots. We have no time to waste as each day that goes by children are being tortured and murdered.
KEY POINT: For more complete and up-to-date intel, watch the daily posts on State of the Nation and The Millennium Report.
In this article we also address:
The recent history of evidence demonstrating the enormous scope of pedophilia in the Catholic Church, the British government, American government, charities, social services, CIA, FBI, and local law enforcement agencies.
The surprising sources of where the children who are being tortured through child trafficking come from.
How pedophilia has become institutionalized in the U.S. government and how criminals evade prosecution.
East India Companies (Dutch and British) as perfect models for corporate manipulation of war, commerce, trading, slavery, intelligence networks and espionage.
The Roman Catholic order of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) as the blueprint for the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and its web of deceit and power.
The continuing protection of pedophiles by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
The U.S. agencies that are responsible for missing children actually feed child slavery and pedophilia.
The 13,000 strong Knights of Malta (the richest cabal in history) as a blueprint for fake charities that support the Jesuit agenda of making profits from continual war.
A picture of modern corporate Imperialism through the evil industry of human slavery and torture, the by-product of war.
Why destabilizing sovereign nations through bombing (Libya, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, etc.) is good for charities.
The scam of the United Nations refugee program and its agents in America – 180 Christian charities that receive billions for “placing” refugees in the US — 160 of those charities are Roman Catholic.
The fraud of the Vatican that creates wars just to feed their money making charity mills. No one knows exactly how much money the Vatican makes through its thousands of charities.
The scope of the enormous amount of pedophilia and child trafficking through the very organizations we thought were helping children – churches, charities, government social programs, the United Nations, orphanages, foster homes, and many other fraudulent groups.
U.S. Pedophile Documented Rings
To get started, let’s get real, Patriots. Pedophilia and human trafficking exists BIG TIME. If you are naïve to this or a newcomer to the latest revelations, then check out any of the references below of documented pedophile rings in the U.S. We will then show you how humanity got here and what We the People need to do to eliminate this evil.
The Finders
In 1987 the New York Times ran a story about a little known cult called “The Finders.” The first paragraph reads: “Police officials here said today that six disheveled children found in Tallahassee, Fla., might be the offspring of members of a little known cult, but the officials said they had not ruled out the possibility of kidnapping.”
The Washington City Paper once described the Finders as such: “In appearance, the Finders—mostly middle-aged men, always in dark suits—wouldn’t be out of place managing a local funeral home. But the behavior of the handful of adherents has people wondering whether they arrived by flying saucer. Townspeople say the Finders constantly walk the streets, following people home and taking extensive notes and pictures. They often appear at local council meetings, never saying a word but simply observing the scene. At other times, they plunder the visitor’s center of brochures, maps, and local travel guides. And they haunt the courthouse, scouring land deeds to find out who owns the local real estate.”
The Washington City Paper goes on to address the shocking specter of the alleged Satanist practices of the cult, with the startling revelation: “But among all the cryptic inventory, cops found a photo album entitled ‘The Execution of Henrietta and Igor,’ a series of snapshots depicting robed adults and children slaughtering goats in a wintry wood scape.”
One US News and World Report article states: “The more the police learned about the Finders, the more bizarre they seemed: There were suggestions of child abuse, Satanism, dealing in pornography and ritualistic animal slaughter.”
These shocking developments led to a raid on the Finders compound by the U.S. Customs Service. The report produced after the raid is astounding. USCS Report of Investigation Continuation, filed by Special Agent Ramon J. Martinez, includes:
“During the execution of the warrant I was able to observe and access the entire building. I saw large quantities of children’s clothing and toys. Cursory examination of documents revealed detailed instructions for obtaining children for unspecified purposes. The instructions included the impregnation of female members of the community known as the Finders, purchasing children, trading and kidnapping.
One telex specifically ordered the purchase of two children in Hong Kong to be arranged through a contact in the Chinese Embassy there. Another telex expressed interest in ‘bank secrecy’ situations. Other documents identified interests in high-tech transfers to the United Kingdom, numerous properties under control of the Finders, a keen interest in terrorism, explosives and evasion of authorities.”
“There was also a set of instructions which appeared to be broadcast via a computer network which advised participants to move ‘the children’ and to keep them moving through different jurisdictions, and instructions on how to avoid police attention.”
“I was able to observe numerous documents which described explicit sexual conduct between members of the community known as Finders. I also saw a large collection of photographs of unidentified persons. Some of the photographs were nudes, believed to be members of Finders. There were numerous photos of nude children.
One album contained a series of photos of adults and children dressed in white sheets participating in a ‘blood ritual’. The ritual centered on the execution of at least two goats. The photos portrayed the execution, disembowelment and dismemberment of the goats at the hands of the children.”
“The warehouse contained a large library, two kitchens, a sauna, hot tub, and a ‘video room.’ The video room seemed to be set up as an indoctrination center. It also appeared that the organization had the capability to produce its own videos. There were what appeared to be training areas for the children and what appeared to be an altar set up in a residential area of the warehouse.”
A follow up report revealed the most shocking detail of the entire Finders case: I was advised that all of the passport data had been turned over to the State Department for their investigation. The State Department in turn advised MPD (D.C. Metropolitan Police Department) that all travel and use of passports by the holders of the passports was within the law and no action would be taken. This included travel to Moscow, North Korea, and North Vietnam from the late 1950’s to the early 1970’s.”
“The individual further advised me of circumstances which indicated that the investigation into the Finders had become a CIA internal matter. The MPD report has been classified and is not available for review. I was advised that the FBI had withdrawn from the investigation several weeks prior and that the FBI Foreign Counter Intelligence Division had directed the MPD not to advise the FBI Washington Field Office of anything that had transpired. After the Finders investigation became a ‘CIA internal matter’, no action against the Finders was ever taken, and the case has largely faded from public memory.”
Not everyone was content with the investigation simply ‘ending.’ Florida congressman Tom Lewis was quoted as saying: “Could our own government have something to do with this Finders organization and turned their backs on these children? That’s what all the evidence points to,” says Lewis. “And there’s a lot of evidence. I can tell you this: We’ve got a lot of people scrambling, and that wouldn’t be happening if there was nothing here.”
Digging by the media could only produce one confirmed connection–a firm which operated as a ‘front organization’ for the CIA providing officers with computer training employed several members of the Finders.
The Washington Times reported: “Other Customs Service documents and records from the FBI and Metropolitan Police provide indications that the CIA had links to the Finders or at least to some of the group’s members. A Metropolitan Police document quotes a CIA agent as confirming that his agency was sending its personnel to “Finders Corp., Future Enterprises, for training in computer operations.” And a later Customs Service report says that the CIA “admitted to owning the Finders organization as a front for a domestic computer training operation but that it had gone bad.”
Please note that this article comes from 1987 when there was almost no talk of human trafficking, let alone a CIA or FBI connection to an organization which was obviously trafficking children.
History repeats itself: Just like the Finders case, we see local law enforcement agencies and the FBI being told to stand down on the Anthony Weiner case. In fact, the FBI’s actions sanctioned the atrocities of Weiner, Podesta, Epstein, and the other CIA agents acting as lobbyists by giving them immunity, shorter-than-normal sentences, and simply turning a blind-eye.
Discovery Channel’s Documentary on Pedophilia in U.S. Government
If you would like to see a professionally created documentary on the scope of governmentally sanctioned child trafficking and pedophilia, Conspiracy of Silence is the best one available. ...The Discovery Channel’s Conspiracy of Silence is a powerful, disturbing documentary revealing a child sex abuse ring that leads to the highest levels of United States government. Featuring investigator John DeCamp, a highly decorated Vietnam War veteran and 16-year Nebraska state senator, Conspiracy of Silence reveals how rogue elements at all levels of government have been involved in systematic child sex abuse and pedophilia to feed the base desires of key politicians.
Some very powerful people did not want you to watch this documentary. Yet thanks to a courageous insider who saved a rough, early version of this most important film.
(I found a different video of this documentary about 2 weeks ago, but when I went to it today, to get the link to post here, it had been taken down. If this video gets taken down, you can access it at this site http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=56946 )
Pedophiles in Politics: An Open Source Investigation
The reader and citizen investigator can also review high-profile cases of pedophilia in this January 2015 report found at The Corbett Report. We have summarized the report here:
The first case involves the exposure of five VIP pedophile rings all of which included at least one current or former British Member of Parliament, with a total of twenty-four politicians. Six of those twenty-four are currently serving members of the UK government, including three MPs and three members of the House of Lords. The police are already investigating claims made by an alleged victim of the network that a Conservative MP strangled a boy to death during one of the ring’s sex parties, and that he personally witnessed two other boys murdered by the gang, including one who was run over in broad daylight. It is also believed that two men may have been murdered as part of a cover-up of the network’s activities.
In the U.S. a similarly shocking set of allegations are emerging from a Florida court case surrounding Jeffrey Epstein, the prominent American financier and billionaire who was convicted in 2008 of soliciting an underage girl for prostitution. In the years since his conviction, dozens of women have come forward to accuse him of abuse, and he has made seventeen out-of-court settlements in various civil cases arising from these accusations.
Virginia Roberts was one of Epstein’s underage sex slaves who names both Prince Andrew, Duke of York, and Alan Dershowitz, a well-known lawyer and author, as men with whom she was forced to have sex while underage. Epstein had twenty-one different phone numbers for contacting his friend Bill Clinton, who, court records allege, “frequently flew” on Epstein’s private jet between 2002 and 2005.
Allegations of pedophilia networks amongst the political and entertainment “elite” are of course nothing new. In recent years Britain has been rocked by revelations of repeated, serial sexual abuse of children by popular children’s television entertainers Jimmy Savile and Rolf Harris. These scandals have raised questions about institutional support for these activities at a number of levels, including the BBC, the political classes and even royal participation in the enabling and cover-up of the abuse.
Likewise, in the U.S., allegations of political pedophile rings date back decades, with the most notorious being the Franklin scandal in which Lawrence E. King Jr. was accused of running an elite child prostitution ring for Nebraska Republican Party members and high-ranking U.S. politicians. The story involves accusations that link the ring to CIA drug dealing, murder and cover up, including accusations of ritual abuse in the Bohemian Grove. The investigation was championed by former State Senator John De Camp and eventually brought before a grand jury in Douglas County.
(Here is the video of the above, entitled "The Franklin Coverup Scandal: The Child Sex Ring That Reached Bush/Reagan White House")
In the Epstein case, as well, there are numerous questions surrounding the possibility of high-level cover up. In recent weeks it has emerged that Epstein struck a remarkable secret deal with the U.S. Attorney’s Office that barred more than 500 pages of documents detailing negotiations of the deal and a staggering 13,000 documents from the investigation into Epstein’s activities that were shelved as a result of the bargain. See the Corbett Report.
U.S. Military Contractor Traffics Children
DYNCORP, a U.S. military contractor, was found to have trafficked children, and continued to receive government contracts. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney asked then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld why this corporation continues to receive funding. His answer admitted “abuse happens.” Further information on DYNCORP’s trafficking of children can be found from a whistle-blower, Kathryn Bolkovac – a human rights investigator who saw UN officials, military and state department officials involved in human trafficking in Bosnia. Her story was then turned into a Hollywood movie called “The Whistleblower.”
Is FBI Director Comey Involved in Human Trafficking and Pedophilia?
FBI Director Comey recently boasted about the rescue of 82 sex trafficking victims during the tenth year of Operation Cross Country, a yearly effort by all law enforcement to end human trafficking and pedophilia in America that is part of the FBI’s Innocence Lost National Initiative. The National Center for Missing and Exploited children had 10,000 reported cases this year, yet Comey and the entire U. S. Law Enforcement had the audacity to gloat about rescuing 82 children. This demonstrates a complete lack of concern over the thousands of missing children.
Even with help of the Child Exploitation Task Force, Comey and his law enforcement friends are doing a terrible job of finding the 13,700 children who were reported “missing” last year in America. If you add to this number the 11,800 runaways that the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children reported last year, 74% of whom were in the care of social services or foster care at the time, the 82 rescued children seem quite small and indicates how negligent the authorities are in finding the multitude of children who come up missing each year.
For a drill-down on these statistics, see:
More U.S. Pedophiles in the News
These are just a few articles we found in our research that show how prolific pedophilia is in modern times.
Pedophilia in the White House with Top Officials
June 6, 1989, Washington Times
A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation by federal and District authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides, members of the press, and US and foreign businessmen with close social ties to Washington’s political elite.
FBI agent guilty of sex abuse
February 18, 2004 – Boston Globe/Associated Press
The former chief internal watchdog at the FBI has pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 6-year-old girl and has admitted he had a history of molesting other children before he joined the bureau for what became a two-decade career. John H. Conditt Jr. was sentenced last week to twelve years in prison. Conditt headed the internal affairs unit, which investigates agent wrongdoing, for the Office of Professional Responsibility at FBI headquarters in Washington from 1999 until June 2001. http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2004/02/18/retired_fbi_agent_guilt…
U.S. Sex Slave industry
January 25, 2004 – New York Times
The United States has become a major importer of sex slaves. Between 18,000 and 20,000 people are trafficked annually into the United States. Bales estimates that there are 30,000 to 50,000 sex slaves in captivity in the United States at any given time. The trafficking rings reach back into the girls’ hometowns, and local law enforcement is often complicit in the sex trade. The vast majority of child sex slaves in the US are American kids. International sex trafficking is a $99 billion industry. http://www.nytimes.com/2004/01/25/magazine/the-girls-next-door.html
Massive Pentagon Child Pornography Not Investigated
June 1, 2011 – CNN
The Pentagon porn story began in 2006. An Immigration and Customs Enforcement [ICE] child pornography sting operation called Project Flicker produced payment records of about 5,200 people, many of whom provided Army or fleet zip codes or military email addresses. After about eight months, the entire probe was halted. http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1101/06/acd.02.html
Department of Justice Condones Child Porn
September 9, 2012 – Forbes
There is a national crisis of federal employees engaged in the child porn industry and a related epidemic at the state level. Two states, Vermont and Maine appear to be running state protected child trafficking rings with evidence of cops, judges, lawyers, clergy and government employees covering for each other. Half of all global child porn is produced in America. Estimates of the global profits from child porn range from $3-20 billion. The Department of Justice’s Child Exploitation and Obscenities unit has been, by many accounts, totally disabled under US Attorney General Eric Holder who refused to prosecute his own Assistant United States Attorney caught doing child porn on DOJ computers. Child trafficking and porn are the fastest growing crimes in America. The Department of Justice has demonstrated they have no interest in prosecuting pedophiles.
US Child Abuse Statistics
December 12, 2012 – ABC News/Associated Press
The latest annual report from the Department of Health and Human Services estimates that there were 681,000 cases of child abuse or neglect across the nation in the 2011 fiscal year. The number of abuse-related fatalities was estimated at 1,570.
Sweep snares 255 suspected child predators, rescues 61 children
July 15, 2013 – NBC News
Law enforcement officials announced that a recent sweep snared more than 250 suspected child predators, including nine teachers and three clergymen. 255 child predators were arrested and 61 child victims were rescued in so-called “Operation iGuardian,” which targeted online sexual abusers as well as those who possess, produce or trade child pornography. Of those arrested, 20 people were charged with online sexual enticement of a minor, with the remaining 235 people charged with child pornography production, possession or distribution of child pornography, traveling with the intent to have sex with a minor, or other offenses, including rape. Investigators have arrested 1,674 people in similar investigations this fiscal year. http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/07/15/19486786-sweep-snares-255-suspecte…
400 children rescued and 348 adults arrested in Canadian child pornography ring
November 11, 2013 – NBC News
Nearly 400 children have been rescued and 348 adults arrested following an expansive and “extraordinary” international child pornography investigation. The three-year investigation, named Project Spade, revealed an entire child movie production and distribution company in Toronto. Police seized over 45 terabytes of data from the $4-million business that distributed to over 50 counties. As a result of the investigation thus far, 50 people were arrested in Ontario, 58 in the rest of Canada, 76 in the United States, and 164 internationally. Among those arrested were 40 school teachers, nine doctors and nurses, six law enforcement personnel, nine pastors and priests and three foster parents.
Former cyber security chief convicted in child porn case
August 27, 2014 – CBS News
A former federal cyber security chief was convicted on several charges related to accessing and distributing child pornography. Timothy DeFoggi, 56, was acting director of cyber security at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services when he was detained in May 2013 as part of an investigation targeting three child pornography websites. He is the sixth person convicted in connection with the investigation. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/former-cyber-security-chief-convicted-in-child-po…
Staggering amount of child abuse victims
April 29, 2014 – Fox News
The CDC estimates that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys are sexually abused before the age of 18. Worldwide 550 million children are survivors of child abuse. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children reports that there are currently 617,000 registered sex offenders in the United States, and typically 100,000 of those are unaccounted for. Research has shown that an average victim of child sex abuse has to tell at least seven adults before being believed.
Police sex officers jump from job to job
November 3, 2015 – Chicago Tribune/Associated Press
A yearlong Associated Press investigation into sex abuse by cops, jail guards, deputies and other state law enforcement officials uncovered a broken system for policing bad officers, with significant flaws in how agencies deal with those suspected of sexual misconduct. The AP examination found about 1,000 officers in six years who lost their licenses because of sex crimes that included rape. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/...-misconduct-investigation-20151031-story.html
Judge sentences ‘serial child molester’ Hastert
April 4, 2016 – USA Today
Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, who less than a decade ago stood second in line to the presidency, was sentenced to 15 months in federal prison Wednesday for a bank fraud case linked to allegations he sexually abused teen boys. Hastert must register as a sex offender.
Pennsylvania Attorney General Exposed Pornographic Government Emails
June 21, 2016 – ABC News
Attorney General Kane’s office released close to 400 pages of emails between state government employees, including some high-ranking state officials, exchanged on the state’s email server that were full of racism, sexism and pornography. Thus far, the scandal has resulted in the firing of at least six state employees and the resignation of a state Supreme Court judge. Another justice will go before a judicial ethics board on charges of misconduct. If found guilty, he too could be removed from the bench. At least 60 people working for the attorney general’s office were reprimanded because of sexually explicit content found on their state computers. http://abcnews.go.com/US/pennsylvan...nographic-racist-government/story?id=40030106
Bill Clinton Ditches Secret Service on Multiple “Lolita Express” Trips
May 14, 2016 – The Washington Times
Just what happened on the Lolita Express and Jeffrey Epstein’s private island, referred to as “orgy island,” is being uncovered in real time. What does law enforcement know today that they are not disclosing to the public?
If these aren’t enough cases for you to believe that these heinous crimes exist, then go to State of the Nation and The Millennium Report where daily reports on investigations are being posted. Citizen journalists are asked to submit their original research here so that everyone can be kept apprised of the most up-to-date intel.
It is with ever-growing horrific sadness, deep humiliation, righteous anger, and prayerful petition I begin to post this very long thread. I pray that many's eyes will be opened upon reading, watching, and further investigating this evil. I pray that from your eyes being opened, you will be more cautious in the charities you are giving to. I pray with our eyes opened we will be more alert to the adults that accompany children.
My research for this thread was motivated by many on the 'Coup thread' who were just now being made aware of the Human Trafficking, Sex slavery, Pedophilia and Pagan Human Sacrifices taking place when Wikileaks dumped John Podesta's emails. Many were sickened, (and rightly so), to learn that the Clinton Crew, and many in D.C. were involved in these heinous acts. That was when I decided to put together a thread to show how long and how far back this has been going on.
I've been researching this topic for almost a month to start this thread though I've known about this for quite some time, and I could have gone on investigating for years I'm sure; it runs THAT DEEP. Though having known about these "acts' for quite some time, I was shocked at the monies being spent to perpetrate this evil, and as well, how much this evil netted various "Charities." Interestingly, the documentation and videos I discovered, I just found out today, are (most of them) neatly laid out on this one site, which I will be posting first.
Read and watch as much as you can in one sitting, then step away to immerse yourself in God's Word in order to "arm up again" and then come back, and take in more facts in order to educate yourselves so you are not giving money to the institutions that promote this evil. So you view children on the streets and the adults that are with them with discerning eyes - maybe you can help. So that you may be able to keep your own children and grandchildren safe. And then SHARE!!! Spread these facts and share widely!!! Forewarned is forearmed!!! Help shine the light on this darkness!!! Call evil, "Evil."
I have no idea how many posts it will take me to get this out here, so please be patient.
Fair use.
Who or What is the Whore of Babylon
Drunk from the Blood of Her Victims

An article to fellow Patriots for a call to action to expose:
Corporate spoils of war–assets, slavery, and pedophilia
Warlord banker lobbyists providing politician’s their secret desires
Charities as the richest false flags of all
Imperialism and human trafficking in government agencies
Catholic charities complicit with human trafficking and pedophilia
By the Anonymous Patriots
The Millennium Report Exclusive
Patriots are waking up to a nightmare that is only being revealed by alternative media. We are no longer able to rely on the broadcast, cable, and print media to report the news accurately, much less any mention of the heinous crimes that seem to have been committed by Washington power-brokers, global elites, world-renowned charities, the Vatican—just to name a few. For this reason, Pizzagate, the popular moniker given to the first-ever citizen OPEN SOURCE INVESTIGATION of world-wide pedophilia and human trafficking, is getting huge support from citizen investigators using non-conventional media channels to reach their audiences.
Maybe for the first time since the practice of slavery and sex abuse started in the days of Babylon, humanity has a way to break free from its enslavement by bringing these heinous crimes in the open without media and other powers covering up the truth. We simply cannot move forward in our spiritual development as human beings until we slay this dragon and reveal the Whore of Babylon.
It is shocking to find that human trafficking, sex slavery, pedophilia and pagan human sacrifice rituals still continue to this day and are fostered primarily in the halls of power from the Vatican to the U. S. Congress and even the White House. This explicitly evil industry had been well hidden, but now the great uncovering is happening and citizen journalists and investigators are showing the grotesque connections to Anthony Weiner and his wide ring of associates, including his wife Human Abedin, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, John and Tony Podesta, Jeffrey Epstein and many other people who control the political reigns of powers.
John Podesta, once Bill Clinton’s chief of staff and one of President Obama’s top advisors, is center of this investigation due to his emails being released by Wikileaks. Tony and his brother John Podesta run the most powerful lobby agency in Washington. Now being revealed through their own emails are intimations and proof that bribery, pedophilia, sex slaves, and other twisted forms of evil are used to blackmail politicians with videos of their grotesque deeds. Once co-opted at the initial level of wrong-doing, these individuals fall deeper and deeper into levels of human depravity by being shown (or participating in) pedophilia, torture, and/or ritual murders. The blackmailed become puppets to those who pull their strings and co-conspirators in unfathomable evil.
This abhorrent circle of deadly sins that has infiltrated all aspects of Washington D. C. has become the Whore of Babylon as depicted in Revelations, drunk from the blood of her victims.
Use Our Research to Educate and Inform Your Audience
In this lengthy article, we will try to unwind the Gordian knot of pedophilia around the world, but particularly in the U.S., by showing you a 10,000-foot view of what is happening on a global scale so that all the pieces of the puzzle that have been lying around the world for decades can find their place in this PICTURE OF EVIL.
If you are new to our research articles, hang on. They are lengthy and involved. Our hope is that you are at the “top of the internet information pyramid” and can sort through this piece, finding the intel that your audience needs to know. Then take our research and create your own articles, videos, and posts so that we can explode this information everywhere. Our safety is in our numbers—so do your part in giving cover to other Patriots. We have no time to waste as each day that goes by children are being tortured and murdered.
KEY POINT: For more complete and up-to-date intel, watch the daily posts on State of the Nation and The Millennium Report.
In this article we also address:
The recent history of evidence demonstrating the enormous scope of pedophilia in the Catholic Church, the British government, American government, charities, social services, CIA, FBI, and local law enforcement agencies.
The surprising sources of where the children who are being tortured through child trafficking come from.
How pedophilia has become institutionalized in the U.S. government and how criminals evade prosecution.
East India Companies (Dutch and British) as perfect models for corporate manipulation of war, commerce, trading, slavery, intelligence networks and espionage.
The Roman Catholic order of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) as the blueprint for the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and its web of deceit and power.
The continuing protection of pedophiles by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
The U.S. agencies that are responsible for missing children actually feed child slavery and pedophilia.
The 13,000 strong Knights of Malta (the richest cabal in history) as a blueprint for fake charities that support the Jesuit agenda of making profits from continual war.
A picture of modern corporate Imperialism through the evil industry of human slavery and torture, the by-product of war.
Why destabilizing sovereign nations through bombing (Libya, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, etc.) is good for charities.
The scam of the United Nations refugee program and its agents in America – 180 Christian charities that receive billions for “placing” refugees in the US — 160 of those charities are Roman Catholic.
The fraud of the Vatican that creates wars just to feed their money making charity mills. No one knows exactly how much money the Vatican makes through its thousands of charities.
The scope of the enormous amount of pedophilia and child trafficking through the very organizations we thought were helping children – churches, charities, government social programs, the United Nations, orphanages, foster homes, and many other fraudulent groups.
U.S. Pedophile Documented Rings
To get started, let’s get real, Patriots. Pedophilia and human trafficking exists BIG TIME. If you are naïve to this or a newcomer to the latest revelations, then check out any of the references below of documented pedophile rings in the U.S. We will then show you how humanity got here and what We the People need to do to eliminate this evil.
The Finders
In 1987 the New York Times ran a story about a little known cult called “The Finders.” The first paragraph reads: “Police officials here said today that six disheveled children found in Tallahassee, Fla., might be the offspring of members of a little known cult, but the officials said they had not ruled out the possibility of kidnapping.”
The Washington City Paper once described the Finders as such: “In appearance, the Finders—mostly middle-aged men, always in dark suits—wouldn’t be out of place managing a local funeral home. But the behavior of the handful of adherents has people wondering whether they arrived by flying saucer. Townspeople say the Finders constantly walk the streets, following people home and taking extensive notes and pictures. They often appear at local council meetings, never saying a word but simply observing the scene. At other times, they plunder the visitor’s center of brochures, maps, and local travel guides. And they haunt the courthouse, scouring land deeds to find out who owns the local real estate.”
The Washington City Paper goes on to address the shocking specter of the alleged Satanist practices of the cult, with the startling revelation: “But among all the cryptic inventory, cops found a photo album entitled ‘The Execution of Henrietta and Igor,’ a series of snapshots depicting robed adults and children slaughtering goats in a wintry wood scape.”
One US News and World Report article states: “The more the police learned about the Finders, the more bizarre they seemed: There were suggestions of child abuse, Satanism, dealing in pornography and ritualistic animal slaughter.”
These shocking developments led to a raid on the Finders compound by the U.S. Customs Service. The report produced after the raid is astounding. USCS Report of Investigation Continuation, filed by Special Agent Ramon J. Martinez, includes:
“During the execution of the warrant I was able to observe and access the entire building. I saw large quantities of children’s clothing and toys. Cursory examination of documents revealed detailed instructions for obtaining children for unspecified purposes. The instructions included the impregnation of female members of the community known as the Finders, purchasing children, trading and kidnapping.
One telex specifically ordered the purchase of two children in Hong Kong to be arranged through a contact in the Chinese Embassy there. Another telex expressed interest in ‘bank secrecy’ situations. Other documents identified interests in high-tech transfers to the United Kingdom, numerous properties under control of the Finders, a keen interest in terrorism, explosives and evasion of authorities.”
“There was also a set of instructions which appeared to be broadcast via a computer network which advised participants to move ‘the children’ and to keep them moving through different jurisdictions, and instructions on how to avoid police attention.”
“I was able to observe numerous documents which described explicit sexual conduct between members of the community known as Finders. I also saw a large collection of photographs of unidentified persons. Some of the photographs were nudes, believed to be members of Finders. There were numerous photos of nude children.
One album contained a series of photos of adults and children dressed in white sheets participating in a ‘blood ritual’. The ritual centered on the execution of at least two goats. The photos portrayed the execution, disembowelment and dismemberment of the goats at the hands of the children.”
“The warehouse contained a large library, two kitchens, a sauna, hot tub, and a ‘video room.’ The video room seemed to be set up as an indoctrination center. It also appeared that the organization had the capability to produce its own videos. There were what appeared to be training areas for the children and what appeared to be an altar set up in a residential area of the warehouse.”
A follow up report revealed the most shocking detail of the entire Finders case: I was advised that all of the passport data had been turned over to the State Department for their investigation. The State Department in turn advised MPD (D.C. Metropolitan Police Department) that all travel and use of passports by the holders of the passports was within the law and no action would be taken. This included travel to Moscow, North Korea, and North Vietnam from the late 1950’s to the early 1970’s.”
“The individual further advised me of circumstances which indicated that the investigation into the Finders had become a CIA internal matter. The MPD report has been classified and is not available for review. I was advised that the FBI had withdrawn from the investigation several weeks prior and that the FBI Foreign Counter Intelligence Division had directed the MPD not to advise the FBI Washington Field Office of anything that had transpired. After the Finders investigation became a ‘CIA internal matter’, no action against the Finders was ever taken, and the case has largely faded from public memory.”
Not everyone was content with the investigation simply ‘ending.’ Florida congressman Tom Lewis was quoted as saying: “Could our own government have something to do with this Finders organization and turned their backs on these children? That’s what all the evidence points to,” says Lewis. “And there’s a lot of evidence. I can tell you this: We’ve got a lot of people scrambling, and that wouldn’t be happening if there was nothing here.”
Digging by the media could only produce one confirmed connection–a firm which operated as a ‘front organization’ for the CIA providing officers with computer training employed several members of the Finders.
The Washington Times reported: “Other Customs Service documents and records from the FBI and Metropolitan Police provide indications that the CIA had links to the Finders or at least to some of the group’s members. A Metropolitan Police document quotes a CIA agent as confirming that his agency was sending its personnel to “Finders Corp., Future Enterprises, for training in computer operations.” And a later Customs Service report says that the CIA “admitted to owning the Finders organization as a front for a domestic computer training operation but that it had gone bad.”
Please note that this article comes from 1987 when there was almost no talk of human trafficking, let alone a CIA or FBI connection to an organization which was obviously trafficking children.
History repeats itself: Just like the Finders case, we see local law enforcement agencies and the FBI being told to stand down on the Anthony Weiner case. In fact, the FBI’s actions sanctioned the atrocities of Weiner, Podesta, Epstein, and the other CIA agents acting as lobbyists by giving them immunity, shorter-than-normal sentences, and simply turning a blind-eye.
Discovery Channel’s Documentary on Pedophilia in U.S. Government
If you would like to see a professionally created documentary on the scope of governmentally sanctioned child trafficking and pedophilia, Conspiracy of Silence is the best one available. ...The Discovery Channel’s Conspiracy of Silence is a powerful, disturbing documentary revealing a child sex abuse ring that leads to the highest levels of United States government. Featuring investigator John DeCamp, a highly decorated Vietnam War veteran and 16-year Nebraska state senator, Conspiracy of Silence reveals how rogue elements at all levels of government have been involved in systematic child sex abuse and pedophilia to feed the base desires of key politicians.
Some very powerful people did not want you to watch this documentary. Yet thanks to a courageous insider who saved a rough, early version of this most important film.
(I found a different video of this documentary about 2 weeks ago, but when I went to it today, to get the link to post here, it had been taken down. If this video gets taken down, you can access it at this site http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=56946 )
Pedophiles in Politics: An Open Source Investigation
The reader and citizen investigator can also review high-profile cases of pedophilia in this January 2015 report found at The Corbett Report. We have summarized the report here:
The first case involves the exposure of five VIP pedophile rings all of which included at least one current or former British Member of Parliament, with a total of twenty-four politicians. Six of those twenty-four are currently serving members of the UK government, including three MPs and three members of the House of Lords. The police are already investigating claims made by an alleged victim of the network that a Conservative MP strangled a boy to death during one of the ring’s sex parties, and that he personally witnessed two other boys murdered by the gang, including one who was run over in broad daylight. It is also believed that two men may have been murdered as part of a cover-up of the network’s activities.
In the U.S. a similarly shocking set of allegations are emerging from a Florida court case surrounding Jeffrey Epstein, the prominent American financier and billionaire who was convicted in 2008 of soliciting an underage girl for prostitution. In the years since his conviction, dozens of women have come forward to accuse him of abuse, and he has made seventeen out-of-court settlements in various civil cases arising from these accusations.
Virginia Roberts was one of Epstein’s underage sex slaves who names both Prince Andrew, Duke of York, and Alan Dershowitz, a well-known lawyer and author, as men with whom she was forced to have sex while underage. Epstein had twenty-one different phone numbers for contacting his friend Bill Clinton, who, court records allege, “frequently flew” on Epstein’s private jet between 2002 and 2005.
Allegations of pedophilia networks amongst the political and entertainment “elite” are of course nothing new. In recent years Britain has been rocked by revelations of repeated, serial sexual abuse of children by popular children’s television entertainers Jimmy Savile and Rolf Harris. These scandals have raised questions about institutional support for these activities at a number of levels, including the BBC, the political classes and even royal participation in the enabling and cover-up of the abuse.
Likewise, in the U.S., allegations of political pedophile rings date back decades, with the most notorious being the Franklin scandal in which Lawrence E. King Jr. was accused of running an elite child prostitution ring for Nebraska Republican Party members and high-ranking U.S. politicians. The story involves accusations that link the ring to CIA drug dealing, murder and cover up, including accusations of ritual abuse in the Bohemian Grove. The investigation was championed by former State Senator John De Camp and eventually brought before a grand jury in Douglas County.
(Here is the video of the above, entitled "The Franklin Coverup Scandal: The Child Sex Ring That Reached Bush/Reagan White House")
In the Epstein case, as well, there are numerous questions surrounding the possibility of high-level cover up. In recent weeks it has emerged that Epstein struck a remarkable secret deal with the U.S. Attorney’s Office that barred more than 500 pages of documents detailing negotiations of the deal and a staggering 13,000 documents from the investigation into Epstein’s activities that were shelved as a result of the bargain. See the Corbett Report.
U.S. Military Contractor Traffics Children
DYNCORP, a U.S. military contractor, was found to have trafficked children, and continued to receive government contracts. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney asked then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld why this corporation continues to receive funding. His answer admitted “abuse happens.” Further information on DYNCORP’s trafficking of children can be found from a whistle-blower, Kathryn Bolkovac – a human rights investigator who saw UN officials, military and state department officials involved in human trafficking in Bosnia. Her story was then turned into a Hollywood movie called “The Whistleblower.”
Is FBI Director Comey Involved in Human Trafficking and Pedophilia?
FBI Director Comey recently boasted about the rescue of 82 sex trafficking victims during the tenth year of Operation Cross Country, a yearly effort by all law enforcement to end human trafficking and pedophilia in America that is part of the FBI’s Innocence Lost National Initiative. The National Center for Missing and Exploited children had 10,000 reported cases this year, yet Comey and the entire U. S. Law Enforcement had the audacity to gloat about rescuing 82 children. This demonstrates a complete lack of concern over the thousands of missing children.
Even with help of the Child Exploitation Task Force, Comey and his law enforcement friends are doing a terrible job of finding the 13,700 children who were reported “missing” last year in America. If you add to this number the 11,800 runaways that the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children reported last year, 74% of whom were in the care of social services or foster care at the time, the 82 rescued children seem quite small and indicates how negligent the authorities are in finding the multitude of children who come up missing each year.
For a drill-down on these statistics, see:
More U.S. Pedophiles in the News
These are just a few articles we found in our research that show how prolific pedophilia is in modern times.
Pedophilia in the White House with Top Officials
June 6, 1989, Washington Times
A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation by federal and District authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides, members of the press, and US and foreign businessmen with close social ties to Washington’s political elite.
FBI agent guilty of sex abuse
February 18, 2004 – Boston Globe/Associated Press
The former chief internal watchdog at the FBI has pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 6-year-old girl and has admitted he had a history of molesting other children before he joined the bureau for what became a two-decade career. John H. Conditt Jr. was sentenced last week to twelve years in prison. Conditt headed the internal affairs unit, which investigates agent wrongdoing, for the Office of Professional Responsibility at FBI headquarters in Washington from 1999 until June 2001. http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2004/02/18/retired_fbi_agent_guilt…
U.S. Sex Slave industry
January 25, 2004 – New York Times
The United States has become a major importer of sex slaves. Between 18,000 and 20,000 people are trafficked annually into the United States. Bales estimates that there are 30,000 to 50,000 sex slaves in captivity in the United States at any given time. The trafficking rings reach back into the girls’ hometowns, and local law enforcement is often complicit in the sex trade. The vast majority of child sex slaves in the US are American kids. International sex trafficking is a $99 billion industry. http://www.nytimes.com/2004/01/25/magazine/the-girls-next-door.html
Massive Pentagon Child Pornography Not Investigated
June 1, 2011 – CNN
The Pentagon porn story began in 2006. An Immigration and Customs Enforcement [ICE] child pornography sting operation called Project Flicker produced payment records of about 5,200 people, many of whom provided Army or fleet zip codes or military email addresses. After about eight months, the entire probe was halted. http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1101/06/acd.02.html
Department of Justice Condones Child Porn
September 9, 2012 – Forbes
There is a national crisis of federal employees engaged in the child porn industry and a related epidemic at the state level. Two states, Vermont and Maine appear to be running state protected child trafficking rings with evidence of cops, judges, lawyers, clergy and government employees covering for each other. Half of all global child porn is produced in America. Estimates of the global profits from child porn range from $3-20 billion. The Department of Justice’s Child Exploitation and Obscenities unit has been, by many accounts, totally disabled under US Attorney General Eric Holder who refused to prosecute his own Assistant United States Attorney caught doing child porn on DOJ computers. Child trafficking and porn are the fastest growing crimes in America. The Department of Justice has demonstrated they have no interest in prosecuting pedophiles.
US Child Abuse Statistics
December 12, 2012 – ABC News/Associated Press
The latest annual report from the Department of Health and Human Services estimates that there were 681,000 cases of child abuse or neglect across the nation in the 2011 fiscal year. The number of abuse-related fatalities was estimated at 1,570.
Sweep snares 255 suspected child predators, rescues 61 children
July 15, 2013 – NBC News
Law enforcement officials announced that a recent sweep snared more than 250 suspected child predators, including nine teachers and three clergymen. 255 child predators were arrested and 61 child victims were rescued in so-called “Operation iGuardian,” which targeted online sexual abusers as well as those who possess, produce or trade child pornography. Of those arrested, 20 people were charged with online sexual enticement of a minor, with the remaining 235 people charged with child pornography production, possession or distribution of child pornography, traveling with the intent to have sex with a minor, or other offenses, including rape. Investigators have arrested 1,674 people in similar investigations this fiscal year. http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/07/15/19486786-sweep-snares-255-suspecte…
400 children rescued and 348 adults arrested in Canadian child pornography ring
November 11, 2013 – NBC News
Nearly 400 children have been rescued and 348 adults arrested following an expansive and “extraordinary” international child pornography investigation. The three-year investigation, named Project Spade, revealed an entire child movie production and distribution company in Toronto. Police seized over 45 terabytes of data from the $4-million business that distributed to over 50 counties. As a result of the investigation thus far, 50 people were arrested in Ontario, 58 in the rest of Canada, 76 in the United States, and 164 internationally. Among those arrested were 40 school teachers, nine doctors and nurses, six law enforcement personnel, nine pastors and priests and three foster parents.
Former cyber security chief convicted in child porn case
August 27, 2014 – CBS News
A former federal cyber security chief was convicted on several charges related to accessing and distributing child pornography. Timothy DeFoggi, 56, was acting director of cyber security at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services when he was detained in May 2013 as part of an investigation targeting three child pornography websites. He is the sixth person convicted in connection with the investigation. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/former-cyber-security-chief-convicted-in-child-po…
Staggering amount of child abuse victims
April 29, 2014 – Fox News
The CDC estimates that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys are sexually abused before the age of 18. Worldwide 550 million children are survivors of child abuse. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children reports that there are currently 617,000 registered sex offenders in the United States, and typically 100,000 of those are unaccounted for. Research has shown that an average victim of child sex abuse has to tell at least seven adults before being believed.
Police sex officers jump from job to job
November 3, 2015 – Chicago Tribune/Associated Press
A yearlong Associated Press investigation into sex abuse by cops, jail guards, deputies and other state law enforcement officials uncovered a broken system for policing bad officers, with significant flaws in how agencies deal with those suspected of sexual misconduct. The AP examination found about 1,000 officers in six years who lost their licenses because of sex crimes that included rape. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/...-misconduct-investigation-20151031-story.html
Judge sentences ‘serial child molester’ Hastert
April 4, 2016 – USA Today
Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, who less than a decade ago stood second in line to the presidency, was sentenced to 15 months in federal prison Wednesday for a bank fraud case linked to allegations he sexually abused teen boys. Hastert must register as a sex offender.
Pennsylvania Attorney General Exposed Pornographic Government Emails
June 21, 2016 – ABC News
Attorney General Kane’s office released close to 400 pages of emails between state government employees, including some high-ranking state officials, exchanged on the state’s email server that were full of racism, sexism and pornography. Thus far, the scandal has resulted in the firing of at least six state employees and the resignation of a state Supreme Court judge. Another justice will go before a judicial ethics board on charges of misconduct. If found guilty, he too could be removed from the bench. At least 60 people working for the attorney general’s office were reprimanded because of sexually explicit content found on their state computers. http://abcnews.go.com/US/pennsylvan...nographic-racist-government/story?id=40030106
Bill Clinton Ditches Secret Service on Multiple “Lolita Express” Trips
May 14, 2016 – The Washington Times
Just what happened on the Lolita Express and Jeffrey Epstein’s private island, referred to as “orgy island,” is being uncovered in real time. What does law enforcement know today that they are not disclosing to the public?
If these aren’t enough cases for you to believe that these heinous crimes exist, then go to State of the Nation and The Millennium Report where daily reports on investigations are being posted. Citizen journalists are asked to submit their original research here so that everyone can be kept apprised of the most up-to-date intel.
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