ALERT The Trump Report – An Unprincipled PAC Posted on January 25, 2016 by The Editor

Be Well

may all be well
This from some days ago but gives interesting background on what happened in Iowa and of course says something about what kinds of dirty tactics will be used in the future.

Posted on January 25, 2016 by The Editor

With only a few days left until the Iowa caucuses, a new super PAC has formed with the intention of taking down Donald Trump.

The group, which, rather amusingly and hypocritically, is called “Our Principles PAC”, has been founded by Katie Packer, a veteran Republican strategist who served as deputy campaign manager on Mitt Romney’s 2012 failed presidential campaign and who bears a striking resemblance to another Trump hater, Rosie O’Donnell.

The group has already sent out mailers to Iowa voters attacking Trump. The caucus in Iowa will be held on February 1st.

In a filing with the Federal Election Commission, the group has reported spending nearly $45,000 on mailers.

Establishment Hypocrisy

Packer is just one of the Republican establishment hacks who have been trying to undermine Trump. They have wasted months talking to Republican donors and operatives to gauge financial interest in an anti-Trump campaign.

She refused to say whether she had spoken with Romney about the group, although it is known that he has been privately expressing worry to former aides about Trump’s ongoing lead in the primary. Perhaps he is frightened of vote and a campaign that will put his pathetic effort in 2012 to shame?

Another example of establishment hypocrisy and ingratitude since Trump was a financial supporter of Romney’s failed bid in 2012.

Expect more dirty tricks and behind backs deals from some of these establishment no-goods as the election campaign trail continues.

They are truly an unprincipled PAC!


Be Well

may all be well
I found this somewhere or other...

About The Trump Report

The title of the web site kind of gives it away. This is a blog about Donald Trump and specifically about his campaign to be the next President of the United States of America.

Whether he will make good on this ambition remains to be seen but he’s off to an excellent, if a little controversial start.

This blog will consist of reports on Donald Trump and some of his opponents, both Republican and Democrat.

It is not an “official” Trump report.

It is not vetted by or financially supported by Donald Trump.

It is not vetted by or financially supported by his family.

It is not vetted by or financially supported by his election organization or any of his staff.

It reflects my personal take on things, sometimes complimentary and sometimes critical.

Also I should declare that I am not, never have been, nor do I ever want to be for that matter, a member of the Republican or Democratic Parties.

The Trump Report could be a very short blog, if Donald Trump is not selected as the GOP’s presidential candidate.

On the other hand it could be a much longer one, if he is selected, or runs as a third candidate.

If he goes and gets himself elected President then who knows.

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