POL The Lesser of Two Evils Is...Less Evil


I could force myself to believe that Rand Paul might endorse Mittens as he has proved already [to me at least] that he doesn't fully share his father's values. However, if Ron would endorse Mitt then he has thrown away every thing he has stood for all these years so no, I don't believe for a second that Ron would ever endorse Romney.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
If everyone that said they liked RP, but would not waste a vote on him cause he could not win,
and everyone who said they don't like Romney, but will vote for him, cause he's lessor evil than
Obama, not until the day they all begin voting their conscience can we turn this country around.

I don't see that happening anytime soon, so I'm focused more now on Congressional races, trying
to get some more for-real Constitutionalists elected of Ron Paul & Tea party flavor, like my friend
Art Robinson here www.artforcongress.com.

- Shane


Time Traveler
Anyone that thinks Rombama is a better choice than Obamney is a fool.
I've got to agree with that scientific evaluation.

Where did obama get his blueprint for the final nail in our coffin? romneycare. Which one is pro Second Amendment? Neither. Take our guns, you kill our nation.

This reminds me of the 3 second rule some moron devised to entice people to eat dirt. It goes something like this: If you drop food on the ground/floor, you have 3 seconds to pick it up before it's contaminated, so it's ok to eat. Really?

What if it falls squarely on diarrhea fecal matter? Is it still uncontaminated? You gonna pop that baby in your salivating mouth? Didn't think so.

What we have here are 2 fecally contaminated chunks of humanity who will both destroy anything they touch. romney will work just as fast as obama at destroying this nation, because he will do whatever his globalist handlers tell him to do, just as obama has.

Your vote hasn't counted in the last several elections, if even then. The POTUS will be who they tell us it will be, regardless of votes. Stalin said it.

Since my vote won't be counted anyway, and there is no difference other than skin color of the two communists officially running, I'm voting for neither. Why would I want to tell anyone I voted for the communist hell bent on destroying our freedoms and eradicating the earth of 90% of it's people? A vote for either scumbag is approval of their actions. I will not be a part to that. Ever.


Time Traveler
Truvia, never silence yourself if you have something important to say. Never will everyone agree with you (I didn't) but that doesn't mean your opinions or voice should not be expressed. You are articulate and have interesting reasons for why you believe as you do, variety is the spice of life. You started an excellent, thought provoking thread my friend.

Bagpiper (are you really? My first bf was just such as you) you also had some interesting, thought provoking comments, most of which I agreed with, with the exception of Sarah Palin of course (my jury is still out on her).

And Foothiller, you hit the nail squarely on the head. Well said.

In a perfect world, we would all go against the propagandized swill offerings of the PTB, and do an organized write in candidate of which all participants would stand up and be numbered. That would prove vote tallys are correct, instead of the "anonymous" electronic voting machines with no hard copy backup of internal workings.

We are at the end of the Church Age, evil is running rampant. Evil men will prosper at this time, as we are seeing, and truth will be at a premium and rare as diamonds. Bottom line is, we're the Titanic and global icebergs are being set strong and impenetrable to rip us asunder. We all know how this ship goes down, and we are as prepared as we can be. The election is nothing more than a smokescreen, a ruse to keep us all occupied while the real movers and shakers are doing business as usual, setting up their global estates. Truth be told.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I believe that Roberts was threatened or coerced in some fashion. Nothing else explains what happened. (That he was originally going to vote it down, but changed his mind, even writing the majority opinion personally.)

Personally, that's my gut feeling also. Too bad he couldn't just vote "present" like Zero did.

My gut is also feeling that if Romney wins the nomination, Paul will just remain silent rather than endorse anyone.

Clean house, people!!!


Senior Member
Tuvia you have given me a lot to think about, but to be honest, I will be writing in Ron Paul this time around. The last election, I really wanted to write in Ron Paul as my vote, but I bought in to the hype of holding your nose and vote for McCain, because we have to keep Obama out of office. I have regretted that vote for all these years. I am embarrassed that I was able to be persuaded to change my vote. Believe me, I am ashamed to even admit it here.

Now this time around, the same frenzy is happening. Everyone is saying I should hold my nose and vote for Romney. As far as I am concerned, he is the same as Obama. This would have been the perfect opportunity for the Republicans to have given us someone who could help us out of the mess we're in. They should have hit this election out of the park. I don't even think they want to try to give the illusion that they want to win. Look at the choices they were giving us.

Ron Paul may not have a chance to win. One thing I know for certain, is that I will not spend the next 4 years being ashamed of who I voted for.