POL The Lesser of Two Evils Is...Less Evil

Tuvia Bielski

Contributing Member
I am writing this because I am deeply concerned about all the liberty minded people I hear claiming that they will not vote, vote third party, or write-in their own candidate. I think such a stance is an emotional reaction, not a rational one.

I, for one will be plugging my nose and voting for Romney. He is the definition of a RINO, but I would submit he is a far better alternative than Obama. I think that a vote for Romney is the only logical choice that one can make at this point. I am writing this because of how gravely important the 2012 presidential election will be.

There are only 5 choices (really 4) that you can make in the 2012 election:
1) Vote for Obama
2) Vote for Romney
3a) Vote for 3rd party on the ticket
3b) Write in the candidate of your choice
4) Don't vote

Let's look at the choices in reverse order.

4) From a logic point of view, not voting is equivalent to voting for the winner. Why is this true? Let's look at a decision/truth table, where we consider the alternate where you had voted.

Voted for winner Voted for loser
--------------- --------------
Winner still wins Vote could have changed outcome

If you had voted and voted for the winner, the outcome is unchanged; your vote was not consequential. Not having voted did not change the outcome. However, if you had voted for the loser, there is the possibility that that vote could have changed the outcome to the loser having won. Close races are common these days.

Of course your vote is very small from a percentage point of view. This is just the nature of democracy. There is, however, a finite probability that you could have changed the outcome. If you AND ALL THE OTHERS WHO DID NOT VOTE had actually voted this could certainly cause the outcome to change.

So, the choice between voting and not voting affects the outcome and it is a tacit vote for whomever the winner ends up being. If Obama wins, your action contributed to his victory, whether that was your understanding or not.

"If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice." -Rush (The band not the talk show host)

You say, “But the voting is rigged!” Again, similarly to the truth table above, if the voting is rigged, choosing to vote did not changed the outcome. If the voting isn’t rigged, you willing just gave up your vote which could have altered the outcome. There is no cost to voting other than your time, but the outcome of not voting may end up harming the country in immeasurable ways.

3a and 3b) are effectively the same choice with a minor difference.

If you write in a candidate, in most states your vote will not be counted. And it certainly won't be reported in the media. Given our electoral system it will have NO effect on the outcome. Its effect on reality is equivalent to not voting (see above). The only people who will be aware of your vote are: you; the people you tell; and possibly a couple of vote counters (and then not even them if it is an electronic system.)

If you vote for a 3rd party who happens to be on the ballet, the effect of your vote will essentially be equivalent to a write-in except that you might see a tally in the media. I cannot see much, if any, value in this. Again, it will not affect the outcome. One might say it helps get the message out about the alternative candidate and his/her platform, but this would be a minimal positive effect. One could also say it might have a marginally negative effect, in that the 3rd party could continue to be drilled into people's minds as "losers".

Alternatively, you say, that it will make you feel good about yourself having done the right thing. I can not argue with your doing something that would make your life happier, but I would contest that a thing can be the right thing if it has a negative effect or no effect. An action (or lack there of) that results in a negative outcome is not a good choice and should not make you feel good.

Whatever statement that you think you are making by voting 3rd party or writing in a candidate is no statement at all. Your vote will be forever lost in the ether.

The only choice you have in reality are 1) Obama and 2) Romney. All the other choices flow into and determine which of these two outcome will actually happen.

I think most of us are very unhappy that Romney is the (presumptive) Republican candidate. Some wanted Ron Paul, others wanted someone else. Unfortunately, this is what we are left with. Romney is on the opposite side of many issues of what is considered to be conservative, and many of us gag over this. He has not stated that he will unconditionally move to repeal Obamacare for one. It appears as though he would want to replace it with something else. I believe, though, that he would most likely repeal Obamacare if that bill crossed his desk. If Republicans keep the house at least, Romney will not even get the opportunity to vote on a replacement bill. If Obama is elected there is zero chance it will be repealed and since it starts going into effect next year and would be operating for his whole term, there is a vanishingly small chance it will ever be eliminated. It must be repealed now or we will be living with it forever.

Romney also has other bad aspects and views, but they pale in comparison to those held by Obama. Romney is clearly a solid RINO. I would submit that we have survived other RINOs before. Of course, we really needed to elect someone who would turn the U.S. around NOW, but this option is gone. What we have left is Obama who is pushing down on the gas pedal as we head for the cliff. Romney would let certain aspects of our country keep moving toward the cliff (socialized medicine), but I think he would do an about face in other areas (business climate). There is a chance that we could recover from Romney's stupidity, but giving Obama another term will be the last nail in the coffin for the U.S. so to speak.

People talk about the choice of voting between Romney and Obama as being the choice between the lesser of two evils. No doubt, Romney will make some bad, if not terrible decisions, but putting these two people in the same camp is frankly, absurd. Have you not been paying attention to everything Obama has: done, said, promised, and hidden? It is more correctly the choice between error and evil.

Many state that Romney is just as bad as Obama. I see no evidence to support this conclusion at all. As I have stated before, I dislike that Romney is a RINO, but I will take that over a MARXIST every single time. By most measures, Romney has lived an upstanding life. Effectively there is no dirt on him at all other than what the MSM is trying to fabricate, mostly surrounding BAIN Capital. I hate to say it, but the thing that Romney is the most hated for is completely legal and frankly completely ethical. In a society where property rights are upheld, the buying and selling of companies (property) is permitted. The people that lost their jobs did not own those jobs, the companies did. Those jobs would have been lost regardless because the companies BAIN capital invested in were failing or inefficient. If anything, those companies were saved, saving at least some of the jobs where all would have been lost. The real reason for jobs being outsourced is due to the onerous regulatory environment created by progressives and environmentalists, and particularly by the likes of Obama. Romney being demonstrably pro-business would be a positive aspect to him being electing him. Contrast that to what Obama has just said:

'If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.'

There is only one reason that I have found that might be valid for not voting for Romney, and it is dubious at best. The story goes that if Obama is elected again things will get so bad that people will wake up and move quickly in the opposite direction. The alternative is a slow grind downwards for the U.S. If people didn’t wake up during the first term of Obama I don’t see how they will ever wake up. There are other variations on strategies for why letting Obama have another term is a good thing, all equally flimsy.

Like a tug-o-war, we have gotten to the point where we are slowly, over decades, by the progressives being deliberate to gain ground every year. In that sense they have been extremely successful. Frankly I think they are smarter than us in that respect. Conservatives have been too willing to capitulate on issues losing ground instead of standing their ground or attempting to gain some ground. They are deathly afraid of being seen as partisan. Libertarians are worse in many respects. Although their goal of returning the country to strict principles of liberty is noble, they have no sense of strategy. If they can’t pull the country back to where it should be in one fell swoop they let go of the rope and want to go home.

If Romney is elected the United States will not be restored in the next 4 years, but we can stop the country from being pulled across the line into whatever god-awful Marxist utopian hell Obama has envisioned. This race will be close and unless we pull together we risk another 4 years of the worst president the U.S. has ever suffered under.

Wise Owl

Romney is NOT what we are left with, "yet". The Republican nomination is not a done deal until after Tampa.

You are giving in to the same old thing once again which people have been forced to do for decades now. The elite give us two candidates that have been screened by them to get the job done that the ELITE want done, not what is good for our country.

If you give in and vote for either of the two the elite give us, they win yet again. I will not play their game anymore. NEVER.

Go ahead and vote for Romney, you will get the same results altho maybe a little slower but it WILL be the same. Count on it.

Romney is also a marxist. He just has better sheep's clothing on.

Tuvia Bielski

Contributing Member
Romney is NOT what we are left with, "yet". The Republican nomination is not a done deal until after Tampa.

You are giving in to the same old thing once again which people have been forced to do for decades now. The elite give us two candidates that have been screened by them to get the job done that the ELITE want done, not what is good for our country.

If you give in and vote for either of the two the elite give us, they win yet again. I will not play their game anymore. NEVER.

Go ahead and vote for Romney, you will get the same results altho maybe a little slower but it WILL be the same. Count on it.

Romney is also a marxist. He just has better sheep's clothing on.

This is true, it is not over until the fat lady sings. Romney may not be the nominee. I would contest though that your claim to this affect contradicts what you later said about the Elite choosing our candidate. If that is instead true then Romney will definitely be the candidate.

Again, if what you say is true about the Elite, they win either way. My voting does not help nor hurt them. You have asserted that it's a "heads they win, tails I lose situation." In that scenario what I do has no effect. However, if you are not correct, and we have gotten the candidates we have because the citizens of the U.S. have made that choice (voted that way in the primaries), then voting very much matters.

With regard to being a slower decline with Romney, even that would be beneficial. It would give everyone a few more years to prep.
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This is true, it is not over until the fat lady sings. Romney may not be the nominee. I would contest though that your claim to this affect contradicts what you later said about the Elite choosing our candidate. If that is instead true then Romney will definitely be the candidate.

Again, if what you say is true about the Elite, they win either way. My voting does not help nor hurt them. You have asserted that it's a "heads they win, tails I lose situation." In that scenario what I do has no effect. However, if you are not correct, and we have gotten the candidates we have because the citizens of the U.S. have made that choice (voted that way in the primaries), then voting very much matters.

With regard to being a slower decline with Romney, even that would be beneficial. It would give everyone a few more years to prep.

Have to agree with your OP however much I wish it were otherwise.


TB Fanatic
Good post TB.
Wise Owl, you call Romney a Marxist? Silly statement.
Yet from your past posts extolling the good things about social security, and other social benefits you claim people have a right to, and the evils of capitalism it would seem that the Marxist description would more apply to you than Romney.

paul d

Veteran Member
In the past we voted for the lesser of two evils because we didn't know better.

Now we vote for the lesser of two evils because we do know better.

There is a subtly there that most people miss, but it is a huge difference.

PS I like your logic Tuvia. I've been trying to state the same thing. If there are PTB running everything, then so be it, our efforts are futile. But I'm going to fight like it matters if only to hedge my bets.

Tuvia Bielski

Contributing Member
In the past we voted for the lesser of two evils because we didn't know better.

Now we vote for the lesser of two evils because we do know better.

There is a subtly there that most people miss, but it is a huge difference.

PS I like your logic Tuvia. I've been trying to state the same thing. If there are PTB running everything, then so be it, our efforts are futile. But I'm going to fight like it matters if only to hedge my bets.


I don't subscribe to the notion that the PTB run *everything*. I believe there are powerful people who try to exert control, and in many respects they succeed, but they are not all-powerful. Look at China for example. They have a huge infrastructure of control, yet they cannot even control a fraction of the goings on in their country. It is well recognized that they cede control in many areas, geographical and otherwise. The PTB are few in number and their only power is to manipulate things like laws and money. And the Internet is making their job all the more difficult. Do you think the big banks wanted to have the Libor scandal exposed? People are waking up, albeit slowly.

We must keep fighting as you say. I am convinced more and more that knowledge is the best weapon. Our country has been indoctrinated for decades, and especially so since the 70s/80s as the education system was taken over by the hard left. This will not change over night. Those already indoctrinated have also incorporated defense mechanisms into their thinking that prevent them from thinking critically about notions of liberty, economics, and the like (i.e. a meme). It will only happen as we talk to our peers one by one. It will be a long road. If we start today it will probably take a generation, just like it took a generation to get in this jam. Maybe we will get lucky and there will be a revival of sorts.

What is conservative today is what was considered centrist/moderated decades ago. What is considered to be moderate and centrist today is what was liberal then. What is liberal today is what was communist/socialist. We need to keep fighting in the tug-of-war until the flag depicting the center moves *way* back towards the non-authoritarian right.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Yes Tuvia- they are limited in their power and reach. What they have consolidated power in, the government system, the news media, education system, money system..... these are strongholds for them. When they channel people like cattle into the two-party system, we operate on their turf. They own the courts to back up any litigation or twist meanings of laws. They own the military forces, including all the alphabet SWAT forces to back up the courts. They have ALL the money in the world and even all the money that cannot possibly exist in the world. They can buy cooperation from anyone or eliminate them. The old Soviet Union is starting to look soft these days.
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I don't see how Valerie Jarrett can possibly allow an election. I would bet every cent I've got it will not happen. They cannot afford to lose. They really can't take the chance. So. Something will occur to indefinitely postpone the electoral process.


Veteran Member
TB, a good, insightful post in my opinion. Our nation didn't get here overnight, there is enough blame to go around in both political parties. But never have I seen the true evil that I have seen in the past 3 plus years, I really do feel that we will not survive 4 MORE years of Sotero. I don't know who Romney has in mind for cabinet appointments (and I do agree with other posters on here, it may be quite an interesting republican convention and maybe Mitt shouldn't be measuring the white house for drapes quite yet)

But assuming he is the choice,his election means no more Hillary, no more Holder, no more Big Sis and so many others. Get a few more good conservative congresscritters in, that would hold mittens feet to the fire to start getting us on the way back. Somebody said once that the longest journey starts with a single step. 2010 was a step, a few victories. Its time to send "team sotero" to the showers, hey they'll feel right at home with Sandusky. NOTHING is going to get done until he's tossed out, that is for sure.

My preference on the Republican side didn't make it. and I live in a blue state, God help me. But Barry gotta go! if it means me voting for Romney as a way to get PURE evil out of my White house, then that's what I'll do.


Heart of Dixie
"If you write in a candidate, in most states your vote will not be counted."

Corruption might not count my vote, but God see's it. At least I know there will be a few good people to hang out with on a cloud.

And if you don't believe that, then fine, don't try and corrupt my cloud.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Anyone that thinks Rombama is a better choice than Obamney is a fool.

Anyone that actively lobbies us to vote for Rombama is a traitor to the country. Anyone that voted for Romney in the primaries is a traitor to the country. And you're going to get EXACTLY what you deserve.


Senior Member
Come on Dennis, really?
So if people have a different opinion of who to vote for, we are traitors? Really?

I am really speechless.

Anyone that thinks Rombama is a better choice than Obamney is a fool.

Anyone that actively lobbies us to vote for Rombama is a traitor to the country. Anyone that voted for Romney in the primaries is a traitor to the country. And you're going to get EXACTLY what you deserve.


TB Fanatic

I don't subscribe to the notion that the PTB run *everything*. I believe there are powerful people who try to exert control, and in many respects they succeed, but they are not all-powerful. Look at China for example. They have a huge infrastructure of control, yet they cannot even control a fraction of the goings on in their country. It is well recognized that they cede control in many areas, geographical and otherwise. The PTB are few in number and their only power is to manipulate things like laws and money. And the Internet is making their job all the more difficult. Do you think the big banks wanted to have the Libor scandal exposed? People are waking up, albeit slowly.

We must keep fighting as you say. I am convinced more and more that knowledge is the best weapon. Our country has been indoctrinated for decades, and especially so since the 70s/80s as the education system was taken over by the hard left. This will not change over night. Those already indoctrinated have also incorporated defense mechanisms into their thinking that prevent them from thinking critically about notions of liberty, economics, and the like (i.e. a meme). It will only happen as we talk to our peers one by one. It will be a long road. If we start today it will probably take a generation, just like it took a generation to get in this jam. Maybe we will get lucky and there will be a revival of sorts.

What is conservative today is what was considered centrist/moderated decades ago. What is considered to be moderate and centrist today is what was liberal then. What is liberal today is what was communist/socialist. We need to keep fighting in the tug-of-war until the flag depicting the center moves *way* back towards the non-authoritarian right.

I agree. It took the left decades and decades to get the country to where it is now. It won't go back the other way in a day.
It really is hard to comprehend the thousands of ideological battles that have been fought and won by the left over the last 70 or so years.


TB Fanatic
"If you write in a candidate, in most states your vote will not be counted."

Corruption might not count my vote, but God see's it. At least I know there will be a few good people to hang out with on a cloud.

And if you don't believe that, then fine, don't try and corrupt my cloud.

So you really think God cares how any individual votes???
Next you are going to say he will reward those who vote one way and punish those who vote another.

Tuvia Bielski

Contributing Member
I failed to address a particular aspect of the decision making process in my piece. I did not specifically cover the evaluation of what someone would do in the event that they really thought that the candidates were equal. For completeness here again are the choices (I am defining A > B to mean that candidate B is a worse choice than candidate A).

1) Obama > Romney
2) Obama == Romney
3) Obama < Romney

I have assumed case 3) in my piece. If you truly believe 1) then I guess you according to what I have already written, you should vote for Obama. So what about 2? Well, mathematically no two measured quantities can ever be truly equal, but it is true that your ability to measure these quantities may make it impossible to tell the difference.

So what if 2 is our situation? In that case your vote truly doesn't matter; who you vote for and whether you vote is inconsequential. What you do or do not do neither helps nor hurts the situation. You will get A or B, and the result is *equal* by definition.

All that being said, I still fail to see how people can believe that Romney is equally as bad as Obama after all we have been through in the last 3+ years. If you enumerate the list of "evil" that Obama has done, ignoring for the moment the sheer gravity of many of those items, that list has to be hundreds of times as long as what can be attributed to Romney.

I will start a list of bad things that Romney has done and still seems to hold to:

1) Supports some form of socialized medicine (albeit less extensive than Obama's versions).
2) Supports some form of gun control (albeit less extensive than what Obama would like).

For lack of space I will provide a link to:

1001 Reasons to Vote Against Barack Obama: Complete Edition

Which was the article referenced in the recent Bill Whittle article.


I failed to address a particular aspect of the decision making process in my piece. I did not specifically cover the evaluation of what someone would do in the event that they really thought that the candidates were equal. For completeness here again are the choices (I am defining A > B to mean that candidate B is a worse choice than candidate A).

1) Obama > Romney
2) Obama == Romney
3) Obama < Romney

I have assumed case 3) in my piece. If you truly believe 1) then I guess you according to what I have already written, you should vote for Obama. So what about 2? Well, mathematically no two measured quantities can ever be truly equal, but it is true that your ability to measure these quantities may make it impossible to tell the difference.

So what if 2 is our situation? In that case your vote truly doesn't matter; who you vote for and whether you vote is inconsequential. What you do or do not do neither helps nor hurts the situation. You will get A or B, and the result is *equal* by definition.

All that being said, I still fail to see how people can believe that Romney is equally as bad as Obama after all we have been through in the last 3+ years. If you enumerate the list of "evil" that Obama has done, ignoring for the moment the sheer gravity of many of those items, that list has to be hundreds of times as long as what can be attributed to Romney.

I will start a list of bad things that Romney has done and still seems to hold to:

1) Supports some form of socialized medicine (albeit less extensive than Obama's versions).
2) Supports some form of gun control (albeit less extensive than what Obama would like).

For lack of space I will provide a link to:

1001 Reasons to Vote Against Barack Obama: Complete Edition

Which was the article referenced in the recent Bill Whittle article.

You DO realize that most of Obama's "evil" doings could not have been done without the actions of his predecessor? The Patriot Acts, bailouts, etc came before Obama. He is simply moving along with what has been handed to him. Second verse, same as the first.

Evil is evil.

Saying that it is best to do a little evil rather than a bigger evil, when you also have the option to do NO evil, is nonsense.


Heart of Dixie
So you really think God cares how any individual votes???
Next you are going to say he will reward those who vote one way and punish those who vote another.

The subject is "Lesser of two evils." So yes I hope God is paying attention.

If a candidate were gay, or supported gay marriage, or abortion, or any other sin, and you support it by voting form them, then absolutely!

What part of that doesn't make sense to you? If you aren't Christian, then no further explanation necessary.


So you really think God cares how any individual votes???
Next you are going to say he will reward those who vote one way and punish those who vote another.

So....what determines what is "evil"?

YOU? Society? Your mother-in-law?

If something is hailed as "evil" in the first place, then it automatically assumes there is "Good" to balance it. And if this is true, then it is right to think that God might care how you vote. If this is fallacy, then there is no "evil" or "lesser evil" in the first place.

Tuvia Bielski

Contributing Member
You DO realize that most of Obama's "evil" doings could not have been done without the actions of his predecessor? The Patriot Acts, bailouts, etc came before Obama. He is simply moving along with what has been handed to him. Second verse, same as the first.

Evil is evil.

Saying that it is best to do a little evil rather than a bigger evil, when you also have the option to do NO evil, is nonsense.

For the record I have always opposed to the Patriot Act.

What you said though about, "most of Obama's "evil" doings could not have been done without the actions of his predecessor" is not accurate. Where there has been no law legitimizing Obama's actions, he has granted himself the authority to do what he wanted repeatedly. If there had been no patriot act he simply would have claimed it out of thin air. Perhaps the most egregious example of this was going to war with Libya based on authority he derived from the U.N. not the U.S. congress. Now, I know some will claim that others before him, (e.g. Bush) went to war without having Congress declare war. It is true that there was not resolution or bill called "Declaration of War", but there was a vote that gave him permission to take those actions by Congress. Bush at least acknowledge that the right to initiate war was the power of Congress and he respected that. The point here is that Obama is a "true" traitor in every sense of the word because he has and continues to cede our sovereignty away from us. Even though Romney is clearly wrong on certain issues he does not want to "fundamentally change America."

And also your philosophy around "a little evil" v "bigger evil" is flawed. It only requires a simple example. Compare a child who cheated once on a test when she was 13 years old to Pol Pot. If that is your yardstick then only God should be elected President.


For the record I have always opposed to the Patriot Act.

What you said though about, "most of Obama's "evil" doings could not have been done without the actions of his predecessor" is not accurate. Where there has been no law legitimizing Obama's actions, he has granted himself the authority to do what he wanted repeatedly. If there had been no patriot act he simply would have claimed it out of thin air. Perhaps the most egregious example of this was going to war with Libya based on authority he derived from the U.N. not the U.S. congress. Now, I know some will claim that others before him, (e.g. Bush) went to war without having Congress declare war. It is true that there was not resolution or bill called "Declaration of War", but there was a vote that gave him permission to take those actions by Congress. Bush at least acknowledge that the right to initiate war was the power of Congress and he respected that. The point here is that Obama is a "true" traitor in every sense of the word because he has and continues to cede our sovereignty away from us. Even though Romney is clearly wrong on certain issues he does not want to "fundamentally change America."

And also your philosophy around "a little evil" v "bigger evil" is flawed. It only requires a simple example. Compare a child who cheated once on a test when she was 13 years old to Pol Pot. If that is your yardstick then only God should be elected President.

There has not been a Constitutionally declared war since WWII. It can only be declared by congress. All presidents since Lincoln have "ceded our sovereignty from us" with the possible exceptions of Harding and JFK. Harding's rep was destroyed and we know what happened to JFK.

Your fallacy on Obama, compared to his predecessors, is the same as your fallacy on a "little evil". You only think Obama is evil because he is a Democrat, while all the Repubs before him have been just as "evil".

Libya was always on the docket as it is another path to surround Iran, just as Syria is.

And as for president- Romney is no different than Obama- he is a neocon to the max as is Obama. Constant war, constant spending, individual rights striped away- and a grand mixture of Marxism and communism. Romney is the father of ObamaCare; Romney believes in taking away 2nd amendment rights; Romney is a big spender- tell me how that is less evil than Obama?

And as for your explanation of a little evil (cheating) with a big evil (Pot Pol, if you think that is OK, then you are right- only God should be president.


On and On, South of Heaven
4) From a logic point of view, not voting is equivalent to voting for the winner. Why is this true? Let's look at a decision/truth table, where we consider the alternate where you had voted.

From a "logical" point of view, it's called sticking with my convictions. They pick the participants so the game will turn out the way they want it to no matter who is in office.

*I* choose not to play and I get to look myself in the mirror at the end of the day...

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Come on Dennis, really?
So if people have a different opinion of who to vote for, we are traitors? Really?

I am really speechless.

"I'm going to vote for 'xxxxxx' because he's got the best ideas for leading the country" = not a traitor

"I'm going to hold my nose and vote for the lesser of two evils" = traitor

Telling others that they should also vote for the lesser of two evils = total traitor to the max, and IMO subversive, equal in every way to the regimes around the world working to destroy us.

And you can be as "speechless" as your phony self-righteousness calls for....

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
What you said though about, "most of Obama's "evil" doings could not have been done without the actions of his predecessor" is not accurate. Where there has been no law legitimizing Obama's actions, he has granted himself the authority to do what he wanted repeatedly.

As did Bush2. As did King William the Impeached. As did Bush1. You really aren't so deliberately obtuse as to not remember those incidents, right? And don't say, "But Obama did it more than them" because that's a copout. Their DOING IT PAVED THE WAY, as did congress' failure to ever stop them.

At least TRY to be intellectually honest in these discussions, else I'll just assume your another empty-headed partisan fool..


Each President in recent history has been more bold than his predecessor watching what the former one was able to get away with without nary a whimper. I remember when Klinton was President watching marveling how he disdained his office and although I didn't trust Bush Jr. that much I thought that shrub would have to be better than Klinton. Then after 911 I watched in amazement how Bush basically gutted the constitution with his 'patriot act', his deciding single handedly to invade Iraq and Afghanistan with only a token go ahead by congress. I didn't think it could get much worse than that until Obama got into office. Obama or Romney this next time around isn't going to matter that much. No matter which one it is he is going to push it to the wall as they both realize how close we are to a full collapse. Much better use of our time [imo] is to get ready for what is coming because time is running out.


Membership Revoked
"I'm going to vote for 'xxxxxx' because he's got the best ideas for leading the country" = not a traitor

"I'm going to hold my nose and vote for the lesser of two evils" = traitor

Telling others that they should also vote for the lesser of two evils = total traitor to the max, and IMO subversive, equal in every way to the regimes around the world working to destroy us.

And you can be as "speechless" as your phony self-righteousness calls for....

paul d

Veteran Member
"I'm going to vote for 'xxxxxx' because he's got the best ideas for leading the country" = not a traitor

"I'm going to hold my nose and vote for the lesser of two evils" = traitor

Telling others that they should also vote for the lesser of two evils = total traitor to the max, and IMO subversive, equal in every way to the regimes around the world working to destroy us.

And you can be as "speechless" as your phony self-righteousness calls for....

I will post again....

In the past we voted for the lesser of two evils because we didn't know better.

Now we vote for the lesser of two evils because we do know better.

There is a subtly there that most people miss, but it is a huge difference.

Tuvia Bielski

Contributing Member
This topic did not come up explicitly, but the topic of "throwing away your vote" was hinted at. As it should be clear from what I have already stated I would suggest that doing one of the following is throwing away your vote (at least in the current environment):

1) not voting
2) voting 3rd party
3) writing in another candidate.

Of course there are others on this posts who would saying doing one of the above three things is NOT throwing away your vote.

We have already covered that doing one of the above three things does not accomplish what people think it accomplishes (affects the outcome).

I would concede that there could be a situation where doing 2 or 3 could accomplish something. If there is a candidate that is favored by a majority of citizens, then voting for that person could actually change the outcome. This could be the case if delegates to a party's national convention are not aligned with what the members at large in that party want or what the citizens of the country want for a candidate.

Let's look at this by way of example. Let's take Ron Paul. He garnered a lot of support during primary season. I don't think he can pull off the nomination at this point, but anything could happen. Let's assume that Romney wins the nomination, but you still want to write him in. So it would be a race between Obama, Romney and Paul (as a write-in).

There are people out there who would definitely like to vote for Paul. Some will. Others will say, "If I vote for Paul, I will be throwing away my vote, because although I want Paul to win I really don't want 'XXXX' to win (e.g. Obama)." That person is in a conundrum of sorts.

I would claim that this person is absolutely throwing away their vote under a particular scenario. I think a fair estimate of how many people favor Paul in the general population is about 15%. If every person decides to votes their conscience and vote for Paul, he would get about 15%. The remaining 85% percent would be divided between Romney and Obama. In the worst case scenario, one of the remaining candidates gets at least 43%. Let's say that person is Obama. He wins. Paul does not win. There was no scenario where Paul could win. Those 15% were equivalent to not voting. They threw away their vote. If a majority of those people who had voted for Paul had a secondary goal of seeing Obama not win, they accomplished neither of their goals. If that majority had instead voted for Romney they could have seen at least one of their goals accomplished.

Now the situation would have changed if instead of there being 15% support for Paul there was 34%. In that case, the Paul supporters could actually pull off their goal of seeing Paul elected. It assumes that everyone bands together and votes for Paul where none chicken out and fear that they are throwing away their vote. It could work. Unfortunately that is not the case we are under. Paul does not have that kind of support.

I would also say, that because he was a write-in under this hypothetical example it is unlikely he would win because of the so called, "Prisoner's Dilemma". I won't go into it, but in short it is a principle under game theory, which states that people will tend to move to the least cost situation and in this scenario it would be to NOT band together.

As an aside, I would suggest that IRV (Instant Run-off Voting) could alleviate the need to even weigh the possibility that you might be throwing off your vote allowing 3rd party candidates whose ideas might be best to rise to the top. Of course it would also allow third party candidate whose ideas a particularly evil to rise to the top as well.

I think that gawarriorqueen and Sully expressed it well when they said:

“Have to agree with your OP however much I wish it were otherwise.”


“Yep, I'm afraid I have to agree too...as much as I hate it.”

I also wish that there was rational choice that allowed us to get a truly good candidate. There is not in this election. We will get Obama or Romney. You can still use your vote to influence which of these outcomes becomes reality.
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< Yes, I do look like that.
I refuse to vote for any of these evils because I seek God's Kingdom first and will not throw my part in with any human-made governance. Soon enough, none of these human governments will even exist.

If you choose to participate in the farce that is the upcoming Presidential election, knowing that you're voting for one pocket or the other on the same pair of pants, you'll get what you vote for.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
You know what Tuvia? You're a fool. And those that think like you are fools. Sheep. Responsible for the situation we're in today. So don't you dare try to suggest what we should do, or what is a throw-away vote. You don't have the moral high ground from which to pontificate. I suggest that you bear that in mind while you spew your worthless status quo drivel...

ETA: you're anverymrecent arrival to the forum. As far as I'm concerned, you're one of the paid shills/agents for the RNC that have been hired to fan out and post propaganda to message boards. I find your political opinions naive, and dangerous to freedom.
Anyone that thinks Rombama is a better choice than Obamney is a fool.

Anyone that actively lobbies us to vote for Rombama is a traitor to the country. Anyone that voted for Romney in the primaries is a traitor to the country. And you're going to get EXACTLY what you deserve.

Dennis, I don't disagree with you. But I would like to ask what you see happening if people either do not vote, or they vote for a third party candidate? I just want to understand your thoughts through to the end. Thanks.


I will post again....

In the past we voted for the lesser of two evils because we didn't know better.

Now we vote for the lesser of two evils because we do know better.

There is a subtly there that most people miss, but it is a huge difference.

Yeah- the difference is: IT IS WORSE.

Voting a certain way because one is ignorant is one thing- deliberately continuing a fraudulent and unconstitutional process is quit another.

Voting for the lesser of 2 evils only continues the evil; it does not break or change that system. Plus the evil gets worse, so that what you would never have consented to vote for 20 years ago, now looks good to you.

Good thing the FF didn't think like you.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
You walk into a room and see a table with some glasses of water and a strange man behind the table. He opens his arms and says" "Welcome! Thank you for coming and doing your duty."

You walk up to the table more out of curiosity since his appearance and presentation caught your attention. He gestures to the glasses before you and says: "Drink up! You may choose one. Congratulations on taking your duty seriously."

You look at them and notice they both have a slight off-color look... and a bit cloudy too. The one on the left has a tag that reads: COURAGE. The one on the right has a tag that reads: PATRIOTISM. "What is in them?" you ask.

"They have been properly tested for content and provide you a good choice. If you don't care for one, you have the other," he calmly responds.

Oh this is so easy, you think. I can just pick one up and drink it and I am doing my duty. Just then you notice a piece of paper on the floor and the unmistakeable word: CYANIDE. Oh, he wouldn't do that, you say to yourself. He seems so regular and accomodating.

He notices your puzzled look. "Oh, this one with the purple tinge has a little cyanide in it. If you don't like cyanide, you have this one here."

So you pick up the other glass and drink it down. You proudly smile to the strange man and declare: "Maybe this one was not good water, since it did taste funny. But as you noticed, I held my nose. I won't drink cyanide, but I can accept the lesser of two evils."

The man smiles back and again thanks you for doing your patriotic duty. As you place the glass back on the table, you set it next to a box and hear an oddly familiar clicking sound. "What is that?" you asked.

"Oh, that is the geiger counter picking up some residual polonium in the glass of patriotism you just drank."


Dennis, I don't disagree with you. But I would like to ask what you see happening if people either do not vote, or they vote for a third party candidate? I just want to understand your thoughts through to the end. Thanks.

It is the principle of: "What if they held a war and nobody came?"

Something would have to change.

Plus people have to stop accepting the 2 party system- demand that their state allows other candidates and get rid of the dem/reps and their control over the vote.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Since you asked gawarriorqueen, here you go:

Rombama was selected by the elites to be the candidate to run against the chocolate messiah, as he was the candidate who A) most closely resembles Obamney in terms of his politics, and B) is incredibly UNlikeable, and C) is the only candidate who can make His Holiness look good by comparison. (Try to tell me that either A, B or C is incorrect n any way.)

All the other candidates were, in some form or fashion, destroyed by the MSM, who takes their orders from those same elites. Ron Paul, being the biggest threat to them, required blatant election manipulation, as early on he was clearly in the lead. Thus a full court MSM press to marginalized him, coupled with the aforementioned election manipulation. The MSM convinced you sheep that RP was a nut, and voting for him was a wasted vote. You sheep bought that lie, and coupled with the manipulat electin process that showed him falling behind, you dropped him as "unelectable."

The goal here is to elect Obama to a second term so he can complete the destruction of the Republic, and the elites have to run a candidate against him with a plausible ability to win, so the the sheep think that Obama won fairly (which if course is not the case.) Were Ron Paul the presumptive nominee right now, he would be destroying Obama with FACTS. The Obama machine cannot allow something like that. Rombama is a very weak debater, and has a very weak campaign team. All this is entirely by design.

TPTB last need to fan the sheep's collective fear of Obama, in order that "the republican base" would freak out and get totally behind the ABO (anyone but Obama) meme. And that Rombama, being presented/packaged as the "only viable candidate," would have the sheep campaigning for him (as this thread CLEARLY demonstrates.)

The bottom line is this: you sheep have been manipulated for decades, and it keeps happening because you are all collectively too dense/blind to see that you're being manipulated. Further, most of you WANT AND NEED to be told what to think. Most of you are incapable of independent thought when it comes to politics. You FEAR. TPTB know this, so each cycle, the fear level is ratcheted up until you sheep fall into line, and do the bidding of the elites.

Quite frankly, I'm completely disgusted with you easy it is for them to play you. I'm amazed that you sheep are evidently pathologically unable to break out of the meme that encases you like the cocoons in the Matrix. You WANT it. You NEED it. And you lash out at those who threaten to give you the red pill. You people are the most serious threat to the nation today. And when you go vote for this liberal scum Rombama, you'll do so with (so you think) your eyes wide open.

But in the end, Obamney will win. Because that's what the elites want. That's what they've planned for, and that's how they've played you. And you sheep WILL play your ABO part, like the good little fools that you are.

And you'll get exactly the government you deserve. And I'm gonna get the hell out of this festering pustule of a country before it becomes complete fascist. Hopefully, I can be out within a couple of years. But you all enjoy the chains you've placed on yourselves in the mold of Jacob Marley in A Christmas Carol. You earned those chains. You've forged them link by link. And "Tis a ponderous chain."

Now you have my thoughts on the elections "all the way to the end." clear enough for you? I dare you to refute any of what I just said without resorting to completely tortured mental masturbation..

Wise Owl

This topic did not come up explicitly, but the topic of "throwing away your vote" was hinted at. As it should be clear from what I have already stated I would suggest that doing one of the following is throwing away your vote (at least in the current environment):

1) not voting
2) voting 3rd party
3) writing in another candidate.

Of course there are others on this posts who would saying doing one of the above three things is NOT throwing away your vote.

We have already covered that doing one of the above three things does not accomplish what people think it accomplishes (affects the outcome).

I would concede that there could be a situation where doing 2 or 3 could accomplish something. If there is a candidate that is favored by a majority of citizens, then voting for that person could actually change the outcome. This could be the case if delegates to a party's national convention are not aligned with what the members at large in that party want or what the citizens of the country want for a candidate.

Let's look at this by way of example. Let's take Ron Paul. He garnered a lot of support during primary season. I don't think he can pull off the nomination at this point, but anything could happen. Let's assume that Romney wins the nomination, but you still want to write him in. So it would be a race between Obama, Romney and Paul (as a write-in).

There are people out there who would definitely like to vote for Paul. Some will. Others will say, "If I vote for Paul, I will be throwing away my vote, because although I want Paul to win I really don't want 'XXXX' to win (e.g. Obama)." That person is in a conundrum of sorts.

I would claim that this person is absolutely throwing away their vote under a particular scenario. I think a fair estimate of how many people favor Paul in the general population is about 15%. If every person decides to votes their conscience and vote for Paul, he would get about 15%. The remaining 85% percent would be divided between Romney and Obama. In the worst case scenario, one of the remaining candidates gets at least 43%. Let's say that person is Obama. He wins. Paul does not win. There was no scenario where Paul could win. Those 15% were equivalent to not voting. They threw away their vote. If a majority of those people who had voted for Paul had a secondary goal of seeing Obama not win, they accomplished neither of their goals. If that majority had instead voted for Romney they could have seen at least one of their goals accomplished.

Now the situation would have changed if instead of there being 15% support for Paul there was 34%. In that case, the Paul supporters could actually pull off their goal of seeing Paul elected. It assumes that everyone bands together and votes for Paul where none chicken out and fear that they are throwing away their vote. It could work. Unfortunately that is not the case we are under. Paul does not have that kind of support.

I would also say, that because he was a write-in under this hypothetical example it is unlikely he would win because of the so called, "Prisoner's Dilemma". I won't go into it, but in short it is a principle under game theory, which states that people will tend to move to the least cost situation and in this scenario it would be to NOT band together.

As an aside, I would suggest that IRV (Instant Run-off Voting) could alleviate the need to even weigh the possibility that you might be throwing off your vote allowing 3rd party candidates whose ideas might be best to rise to the top. Of course it would also allow third party candidate whose ideas a particularly evil to rise to the top as well.

I think that gawarriorqueen and Sully expressed it well when they said:

“Have to agree with your OP however much I wish it were otherwise.”


“Yep, I'm afraid I have to agree too...as much as I hate it.”

I also wish that there was rational choice that allowed us to get a truly good candidate. There is not in this election. We will get Obama or Romney. You can still use your vote to influence which of these outcomes becomes reality.

You sure are slick, I will say that for you but some of us would rather not vote at all then knowingly vote for the two candidates you list. I WILL NOT stand before God on judgement day and tell him, but I was just voting for the lessor of two evil cause it was only a little less evil...
He would look at me and tell me that voting for evil whether large or small is STILL EVIL.

I have a conscience and also a family of children and grand children and I refuse to show weakness to them in this way. And yes, it is a weakness to vote the same old way.
This kind of thinking is what has gotten us to this place in history in the first place.

And believe you me, GOD IS WATCHING us.

I also agree with Dennis that you may be a paid shill to try to corrupt those on this forum who have woken up to what is happening to our country and made a decision to step back from the party lines and vote our conscience for a change.

I haven't voted on party lines in a very long time. I can honestly say the last person that remotely looked like a good candidate and I voted for him was Reagan. And they even got to him in the end.


TB Fanatic
Dennis, just one question. Have you ever been registered as a democrat?
Your arguments sound almost the same ass MSNBC when they want to disparage non Obama people.
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Wise Owl

Since you asked gawarriorqueen, here you go:

Rombama was selected by the elites to be the candidate to run against the chocolate messiah, as he was the candidate who A) most closely resembles Obamney in terms of his politics, and B) is incredibly UNlikeable, and C) is the only candidate who can make His Holiness look good by comparison. (Try to tell me that either A, B or C is incorrect n any way.)

All the other candidates were, in some form or fashion, destroyed by the MSM, who takes their orders from those same elites. Ron Paul, being the biggest threat to them, required blatant election manipulation, as early on he was clearly in the lead. Thus a full court MSM press to marginalized him, coupled with the aforementioned election manipulation. The MSM convinced you sheep that RP was a nut, and voting for him was a wasted vote. You sheep bought that lie, and coupled with the manipulat electin process that showed him falling behind, you dropped him as "unelectable."

The goal here is to elect Obama to a second term so he can complete the destruction of the Republic, and the elites have to run a candidate against him with a plausible ability to win, so the the sheep think that Obama won fairly (which if course is not the case.) Were Ron Paul the presumptive nominee right now, he would be destroying Obama with FACTS. The Obama machine cannot allow something like that. Rombama is a very weak debater, and has a very weak campaign team. All this is entirely by design.

TPTB last need to fan the sheep's collective fear of Obama, in order that "the republican base" would freak out and get totally behind the ABO (anyone but Obama) meme. And that Rombama, being presented/packaged as the "only viable candidate," would have the sheep campaigning for him (as this thread CLEARLY demonstrates.)

The bottom line is this: you sheep have been manipulated for decades, and it keeps happening because you are all collectively too dense/blind to see that you're being manipulated. Further, most of you WANT AND NEED to be told what to think. Most of you are incapable of independent thought when it comes to politics. You FEAR. TPTB know this, so each cycle, the fear level is ratcheted up until you sheep fall into line, and do the bidding of the elites.

Quite frankly, I'm completely disgusted with you easy it is for them to play you. I'm amazed that you sheep are evidently pathologically unable to break out of the meme that encases you like the cocoons in the Matrix. You WANT it. You NEED it. And you lash out at those who threaten to give you the red pill. You people are the most serious threat to the nation today. And when you go vote for this liberal scum Rombama, you'll do so with (so you think) your eyes wide open.

But in the end, Obamney will win. Because that's what the elites want. That's what they've planned for, and that's how they've played you. And you sheep WILL play your ABO part, like the good little fools that you are.

And you'll get exactly the government you deserve. And I'm gonna get the hell out of this festering pustule of a country before it becomes complete fascist. Hopefully, I can be out within a couple of years. But you all enjoy the chains you've placed on yourselves in the mold of Jacob Marley in A Christmas Carol. You earned those chains. You've forged them link by link. And "Tis a ponderous chain."

Now you have my thoughts on the elections "all the way to the end." clear enough for you? I dare you to refute any of what I just said without resorting to completely tortured mental masturbation..

1,000,000 + ^

Thank you Dennis. That is the most astute thing I have read in years. You nailed it perfectly.
