WTF?!? The last time you may see me for quite a while...


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Trumpus Maximus has gotten inside their OODA loop so many times, so deeply, that the enemy is quivering with rage and fright. Maybe he's just gonna let them stew in their own juices... Would serve them right, trying to box with The Shadow... "Who knows what EVIL lurks in the hearts of men? Only The Shadow knows..."

Bright Blessings

OldArcher, GNIW


Veteran Member
The fact that he said this in Ohio reminded me of this.



Veteran Member
Last week he used Executive Orders to cut billions upon billions of $$$'s from the Big Drug Dealers and they were not shy about hiding how pissed they are, here's a sample of what he did....

Trump unveils ‘revolutionary’ executive orders to cut drug prices
By Steven Nelson

3-4 minutes

President Trump on Friday unveiled what he called four “sweeping” and “revolutionary” executive orders to dramatically lower prescription costs.

Trump said he was “unrigging the system that is many decades old” and that “some very rich people are not gonna like me very much today.”

The president’s orders seek to lower the cost of insulin and epipens, allow states and pharmacies to buy drugs overseas, slash pay to medical middlemen and make sure other countries don’t pay less for American drugs.

Trump said banning the government from paying more for drugs than other countries was “the granddaddy of them all,” but won’t take effect until Aug. 24. Pharmaceutical executives will visit the White House on Tuesday and Trump said they must agree to slash drug prices substantially or the order will take effect.

“We incredibly and foolishly bear the full cost of all research and development,” Trump said. “You think the world looks at us and says, ‘Where the hell did these people come from?'”

“We may not need to implement the fourth executive order, which is a very tough order for [pharmaceutical companies],” Trump said. “We’ll see what they have to say on Tuesday, maybe they have an idea that’s good but it’s got to be very substantial.”

Details will be pored over by health experts. Trump already has taken action as president to lower insulin prices to $35 a month for Medicare enrollees and to open the door to buying drugs from Canada. Trump said the new orders would reduce the cost of insulin to “pennies a month” and that importation will now be allowed from “Canada and other countries.”

Trump’s orders could buoy his reelection chances. Recent polls show senior citizens prefer Democratic candidate Joe Biden.
“The fourth order we’re going to hold that until August 24, hoping that the pharmaceutical companies will come up with something that will substantially reduce drug prices, and the clock starts right now,” Trump said.

Trump said that the pending order would use the immense buying power of the federal government to lower drug prices. He noted that Congress banned the federal government from negotiating drug prices, but did not say how the order would lawfully bypass the restriction.

Trump said of the hypothetical order: “Medicare will be required to purchase drugs at the same price as other countries pay. So we would pay four or five times more for a drug. We now pay if somebody else pays $1 and we pay $5, we’re paying $1. Now what’s going to happen is their number will go up, our number will come very substantially down, and we’ll all agree at two and a half or two.”

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar noted, “$30 billion a year of concealed kickbacks to middlemen are going to now flow to Medicare patients.”

“You have taken on the drug companies, you’re taking all the middlemen, you’re taking on the European socialists, all for the forgotten men and women of America who show up at a pharmacy counter,”
said Azar, a former
pharmaceutical executive.

A few billion here and a few billion there soon adds up to some big numbers and the Big Drug Dealers are very pissed about losing a sacred cash cow.
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Fly Girl

Veteran Member
The fact that he said this in Ohio reminded me of this.

I just saw the video again and noticed....he is in front of a big box that says “washer”. Maybe it’s laundry day in the USA and Trump is bringing the Whirlpool!


Faithful Steed
Trump may not survive all this. Heck, given all the Democratic vote chicanery he may not even survive November.

BUT - Trump is but one human. YOU have yourselves to thank for Trump, and you'll have yourselves to go on if he doesn't - or can't.

Trump said it best at the 2020 SOTU Address...

This is our glorious and magnificent inheritance. We are Americans. We are pioneers. We are the pathfinders. We settled the New World. We built the modern world. And we changed history forever by embracing the eternal truth that everyone is made equal by the hand of almighty God. [Applause].
America is the place where anything can happen. America is the place where anyone can rise. And here on this land, on this soil, on this continent, the most incredible dreams come true. This nation is our canvas, and this country is our masterpiece. We look at tomorrow and see unlimited frontiers, just waiting to be explored. Our brightest discoveries are not yet known. Our most thrilling stories are not yet told. Our grandest journeys are not yet made.
The American age, the American epic, the American adventure has only just begun. Our spirit is still young. The sun is still rising. God’s grace is still shining. And my fellow Americans, the best is yet to come. [Cheers and applause].
Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America. Thank you very much.

You are AMAZING - and don't let the Marxists tell you otherwise. Just do what humans do.

You'll know when it's time.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
8/6/20: Tonight on Ground Zero, Clyde Lewis talks about HELDORE'S TRIGGER.
Trump may not survive all this. Heck, given all the Democratic vote chicanery he may not even survive November.

BUT - Trump is but one human. YOU have yourselves to thank for Trump, and you'll have yourselves to go on if he doesn't - or can't.

Trump said it best at the 2020 SOTU Address...

You are AMAZING - and don't let the Marxists tell you otherwise. Just do what humans do.

You'll know when it's time.


Horse Sense- gotta love it. Thank you, Dobbin.


Taking an envelope from Zero at the Inauguration, taking an envelope at the State of the Union Address... The photos, videos of Pence with Democrats, accepting envelopes, close, face-to-face talking, are legion. He's always been a politically twisted sister... Corrupt before, as a governor, he hasn't changed... If you trust Pence, do a quick, in-depth check of your moral compass...

Blessed Be


You are not the first person I have heard this from.


Veteran Member
On a HOPEFULLY unrelated note-just went through a number of gyrations trying to get my wife home from work. She works at a DC area base close to us; the base is on FPCON Bravo due to the China virus.
She stopped at the shopette and tanked up her car; went inside for something at Burger King and she left her lights on. Anyway when she came out her car battery was dead (it was 3 1/2 years old and time to replace anyway). Anyway, I get in the Suzuki jumper cables in hand and head to the post.

I couldn't get in. I have an ID card, it's not a CAC card however. (It looks like the .mil ID cards issued in the 80's before they went to the barcode hologram ones.) It is a completely valid card but the guards at the gate refused to honor it. Was told due to security concerns only CAC card holders are being allowed on post UFN (until further notice). IE those people who have been vetted through govt. security investigations, background checks etc. Wife has a CAC card, I don't.) Weird with a capitol W. The base IS a bug out site for the high and mighty, by the way.

Called our roadside assistance people (though our insurance provider) and got them going. I get a call 30 minutes later saying they had to cancel the assistance call, THEY couldn't get on post. Huh? So, I called 3 other local tow companies (all it was for was a jump, for God's sake!) and was told they couldn't access the base either. Finally found one that could get on (because the tow truck driver had a CAC card and is in the reserves I was told) and paid the princely sum of $ 95.00 for jumping my wife's car.

And now Pres Trump saying might be the last time we see him in a while............................I'm putting 2 and 2 together and getting 5, folks.

Just what the hell is going on?
Thanks AlfaMan, I was hoping you would post. Please keep us posted on what you're observing.


Dot Collector


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Veteran Member
Did Melania and Barron go with him to Ohio yesterday? The rest of the family? Has anyone seen him this morning or his daily schedule?


Veteran Member
He could be going in for a medical procedure. That could also explain why the staff is outside to see him off and give him their best wishes.

Part of me feels like if he was really in danger, he would not have said anything on TV to tip them off that he is aware of any nefarious plans. He'd just do what was necessary without saying anything publicly.
Re: the envelopes being passed out at Daddy Bush's funeral, I had read, at the time, that Trump was the one passing them out, and when he handed the one to Bush, Jr., baby Bus looked absolutely stunned.

Re: Pence.....I have read that being a Globalist, he is for open borders. I've read much more about his character, as well.

How can Trump not know, unless he had no choice in selecting his VP, which is possible.