WTF?!? The last time you may see me for quite a while...


The Executor
Just gonna throw this out there and hope I am wrong...
DeWine tested positive.
Trump started out the speech looking normal, by the end he was drenched in sweat which gave his skin that metallic look...
Hopefully, he was just under hot lighting but...
May be a cover to drop out of sight for a bit if he has the virus.
DeWine was screened prior to meeting with Trump. When he tested positive, they refused to allow DeWine to meet with him.


Are you sure about that?
Just gonna throw this out there and hope I am wrong...

DeWine tested positive.

Trump started out the speech looking normal, by the end he was drenched in sweat which gave his skin that metallic look...

Hopefully, he was just under hot lighting but...

May be a cover to drop out of sight for a bit if he has the virus.

The other speakers looked pretty sweaty to me, too. I think it was just hot in there.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Just gonna throw this out there and hope I am wrong...

DeWine tested positive.

Trump started out the speech looking normal, by the end he was drenched in sweat which gave his skin that metallic look...

Hopefully, he was just under hot lighting but...

May be a cover to drop out of sight for a bit if he has the virus.
Did he actually see DeWine, or was he kept away because of the positive test?

Oops. I see someone asked before me.


On and On, South of Heaven
We can see him while he's in quarantine and never know it. What did he really mean?

He means exactly what he said. For whatever reason, we may not see him for a while.

So, war game that out...

Does Pence win the general election?
What does the left do if ( heaven forbid ) Trump is removed from the equation?

This close to an election, you think we have chaos now?

My mind is spinning at the possibilities and none are good.


Country exile in the city

he is OPENLY taking on BIG PHARMA???

He is OPENLY saying "I have a lot of very very rich enemies who are not happy with what I'm doing"?

He is OPENLY saying,"I have a lot of enemies out there; this may be the last time you see me for a while"????!!!???

Last time a President was bold enough to take on an enemy of that size....

he went to Dallas...

and came back in a box....


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I think the reason he looked 'metallic' is that he's tan, the lighting wasn't favorable and that shine is just sweat.

He was wearing a suit which is hot, the place he was speaking at may have been hot and also the big lights above him.

I've see this 'look' before, so I don't think he's sick but I do think that he's going to be staying out of the public eye for his own safety. V


Country exile in the city
He means exactly what he said. For whatever reason, we may not see him for a while.

So, war game that out...

Does Pence win the general election?
What does the left do if ( heaven forbid ) Trump is removed from the equation?

This close to an election, you think we have chaos now?

My mind is spinning at the possibilities and none are good.

Could it be that he knows something BIG is about to break loose in the world due to / following on the heels of what happened in Beirut???

Something that will cause him to have to go out of sight--

like into a bunker?


On and On, South of Heaven
Could it be that he knows something BIG is about to break loose in the world due to / following on the heels of what happened in Beirut???

Something that will cause him to have to go out of sight--

like into a bunker?

Absolutely, a possibility but he could still address the world from a bunker.

Has to be somewhere with no communication or he has to be in a situation where he doesn't WANT to be seen.

Tim Pool is talking about it right now.

He is saying it may be obvious that Trump will win the election so he may drop out of sight for a while just for his own safety...

Link in post 61
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Kris Gandillon

The Other Curmudgeon
I love this guy. May the Good Lord protect him. And the Secret Service too, of course. I don't think God has a mini gun that comes out of the top of a truck. Portland here we come!!!

Run time 1:11


Love that vid! It was originally posted here about 10 years ago. The original links get a 404 so the vid was pulled somewhere along the way.

There is still the identical vid on YouTube that someone posted in 2011. Looks like someone grabbed that one off YouTube and edited in the Q at the beginning and end.


Talk is cheap
Why is his skin metallic-looking?

Iodine sprayed on, I think. And keep in mind, there is more than Lugol's.
Povidone Iodine, possibly?

Someone posted on the (why is this bolded, I tried to modify. oh well...) main coronavirus thread about the dr. writing about putting that that in a nasal spray to combat that virus...with 100% success.

Something I found- just started to research it and how to dilute properly, and you go, and I will post on the other thread, too:

Dental, Throat, Nasal, Head and Neck Mucosal Procedures During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic


Dental, Throat, Nasal, Head and Neck Mucosal Procedures During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic:
Hydrogen Peroxide and Povidone Iodine Utilization Before Procedures May Protect Against Spread of COVID-19

  • Hydrogen Peroxide Oral Gel/Rinse/Gargle/Mouthwash
  • Povidone Iodine Oral Rinse/Gargle/Mouthwash
  • Povidone Iodine Nasal Spray or Swab
For either the practitioner or the patient, there are going to be concerns about protection throughout the continued phases of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Any practitioner who comes in close contact with patients must think about protecting not only the patient, but also themselves and then the subsequent patients they will see. Viral particles that one patient sheds may easily be transmitted to the next patient if proper precautions are not taken.

To decrease the risk of viral transmission, the American Dental Association (ADA) recommends rinsing the mouth with 1.5% hydrogen peroxide prior to conducting procedures in a dental office (ADA COVIF-19 Center).
Practitioners at Risk

Practitioners who work more closely with areas of potential mucosal or aerosol contact are clearly at a greater risk and have thought about how to reduce transmission. In addition to dentists, several types of practitioners who perform procedures on the respiratory tract and the upper part of the digestive tract have reached out for information.
  • Intubations
  • Nasal and oral procedures
  • Endoscopies
  • Bronchoscopies

They are all being touted for their ability to disrupt Coronaviruses on mucosal surfaces and therefore, potentially limit transmission.

Hydrogen Peroxide & Povidone Iodine Against Coronavirus

Hydrogen peroxide mouth rinse and povidone iodine mouth rinse have been shown to break the layer of fat on the virus that protects the viral RNA, which is important for replication of the virus once it gets in the cells. The assumption is that these types of mouth rinses kill the virus. Dr Marcelo Araujo, DDS, MS, PhD explains in the video by the American Dental Association how the virus is a layer of fat with RNA inside.

Some patients have a milder form of the disease, some differ in the frequency of flare ups, and others have a more severe level of disease.

VIDEO: American Dental Association (ADA)
Should Dentists Have Patients Use Hydrogen Peroxide or Povidone Mouthrinses Before Procedures?

Dr. Dave Preble, Dr. Marcelo Araujo and Dr. Mia Geisinger discuss why some dentists have considered using commonly used preprocedural mouthrinses such as 1.5% hydrogen peroxide or 0.2% povidone. They note that, because SARS-CoV-2 lives in the lungs, the effectiveness of these mouthrinses against the virus would be minimal at best.


Povidone Iodine Nasal Spray or Swab and Mouthwash
Utilizing povidone iodine nasal spray and mouthwash during the COVID-19 pandemic may reduce cross infection and protect healthcare workers. The goal is to reduce the viral load in the saliva and nasal secretions in order to reduce transmission of the disease as well as cross contamination back and forth between patients to health care workers. It is not intended to be a cure.

A 0.5% Povidone Iodine solution can be considered for routine use in all patients and healthcare workers for procedures dealing with the respiratory tract and the upper part of the digestive tract . Some examples may be:
  • Intubation
  • Nasal and oral procedures
  • Endoscopy
  • Bronchoscopy
*It is recommended for all patients during the COVID-19 Pandemic since there are high rates of asymptomatic cases.
Povidone Iodine Oral Rinse

Povidone Iodine 0.23% oral rinse showed virucidal activity vitro and may provide protection for those with a high risk of exposure to oral and respiratory pathogens. Source:

Professional Applications

A preoperational antimicrobial mouthrinse is generally believed to reduce the number of oral microbes. However, chlorhexidine may not be effective to kill 2019-nCoV. Since SARS-CoV-2 may be vulnerable to oxidation, use preprocedural mouthrinse containing oxidative agents such as 1.5% hydrogen peroxide (commercially available in the US) or 0.2% povidone, for purpose of reducing the salivary load of oral microbes, including potential 2019-nCoV carriage. A preprocedural rinse would be most useful in cases when rubber dams cannot be used.
“Since SARS-CoV-2 may be vulnerable to oxidation, use 1.5% hydrogen peroxide (commercially available in the US) or 0.2% povidone as a preprocedural mouthrinse.” Source: American Dental Association
Other goals of using hydrogen peroxide are to protect the patient and the team; to reduce the risk of oral viral transmission and treat gingival inflammation without producing aerosols. The SARS CoV-2 virus first targets the salivary glands.
Having the Perio Tray deliver
deep below the gum will give benefit while the patients are waiting for your care. It can reduce the burden on the immune system.


The Use of Povidone Iodine Nasal Spray and Mouthwash During the Current COVID-19 Pandemic May Reduce Cross Infection and Protect Healthcare Workers.
Topical preparations to reduce SARS-CoV-2 aerosolization in head and neck mucosal surgery.

How to Get Hydrogen Peroxide & Povidone Iodine
Town & Country Compounding can compound various strengths needed for specific patients with a prescription:
  • Hydrogen Peroxide oral rinse at 1-1.5% concentration
  • Povidone Iodine oral rinse/gargle/mouthwash 0.2%
  • Nasal Povidone Iodine formulations – can be compounded in a variety of strengths for health care worker protection, and for nasal/head/neck/mucosal procedures, most commonly ranging from 0.23%-.5%
Complete article here:



Talk is cheap
Stated in Ohio at the Whirlpool factory

At the 57:25 mark... He was talking about Big Pharma. It is where he mentioned very rich and very powerful people who are very unhappy. Nothing about not seeing him for a while. I am still listenening to the rest of the speech and will post if I find that line.


Yeah, it is in there. He said it fast, I heard it. And he continued with the speech.


TB Fanatic
Absolutely, a possibility but He could still address the world from a bunker.

Has to be somewhere with no communication or he has to be in a situation where he doesn't WANT to be seen.

Tim Pool is talking about it right now.

He is saying it may be obvious that Trump will win the election so he may drop out of sight for a while just for his own safety...

Link in post 61

On a HOPEFULLY unrelated note-just went through a number of gyrations trying to get my wife home from work. She works at a DC area base close to us; the base is on FPCON Bravo due to the China virus.
She stopped at the shopette and tanked up her car; went inside for something at Burger King and she left her lights on. Anyway when she came out her car battery was dead (it was 3 1/2 years old and time to replace anyway). Anyway, I get in the Suzuki jumper cables in hand and head to the post.

I couldn't get in. I have an ID card, it's not a CAC card however. (It looks like the .mil ID cards issued in the 80's before they went to the barcode hologram ones.) It is a completely valid card but the guards at the gate refused to honor it. Was told due to security concerns only CAC card holders are being allowed on post UFN (until further notice). IE those people who have been vetted through govt. security investigations, background checks etc. Wife has a CAC card, I don't.) Weird with a capitol W. The base IS a bug out site for the high and mighty, by the way.

Called our roadside assistance people (though our insurance provider) and got them going. I get a call 30 minutes later saying they had to cancel the assistance call, THEY couldn't get on post. Huh? So, I called 3 other local tow companies (all it was for was a jump, for God's sake!) and was told they couldn't access the base either. Finally found one that could get on (because the tow truck driver had a CAC card and is in the reserves I was told) and paid the princely sum of $ 95.00 for jumping my wife's car.

And now Pres Trump saying might be the last time we see him in a while............................I'm putting 2 and 2 together and getting 5, folks.

Just what the hell is going on?


Flower Whisperer
"The rebate that I'm doing reduces costs ( of prescription drugs ) and cuts out the middle men and the money goes back to the people purchasing the drugs. So, I have a lot of enemies out there, this may be the last time you'll see me for a while. A lot of very, very rich enemies but they are not happy with what I'm doing. But, I figure we have one chance to do it and no other president is going to do what I do. No other president would do a favored nations, a rebate, a buy from other nations and there are a lot of unhappy people and they are very rich and very unhappy..."
Thank you!