ALERT The CDC will vote Thursday to permanently shield Pfizer and Moderna from COVID vaccine injury liability--transfers liability to govt


Has No Life - Lives on TB
What can happen if your refuse the jab, and they refuse to let your kids go to school? Truant officers? Forced jabs?
Actually, except for 3 states, maybe 2, I know 2 for sure (NY and CA) you can sign forms for religious/moral exemption or medical exemption. It's actually pretty easy to do. I'm not sure if MA passed the mandatory vaccine law.
NY/CA will allow medical exemption for 1 year. I won't tell you what they do to the doctors that actual sign that. Suffice to say that if you can find a doctor now that will do it, you might start looking for JC to be returning. This was a ruckus in both states tha faded in the reality of COVID's appearance. And OH was trying hard to pass it. It failed there. The CA senator that was helping everyone with it was supposedly going to help PA next. I haven't heard anything about him in a long while. Wonder if he's still in office?


Res ipsa loquitur
This. Holy shit, what a bluff. CDC doesn't have the authority to issue an immunity, they don't write or enforce laws.
truth . . . but then again WHO WAS IT that put a moratorium on rents and mortgages? never knew that a freaking governmental AGENCY could wield the power of CONgressional authority- make up laws and policy over coffe in the break room with ol whats its name here . . .
truth . . . but then again WHO WAS IT that put a moratorium on rents and mortgages? never knew that a freaking governmental AGENCY could wield the power of CONgressional authority- make up laws and policy over coffe in the break room with ol whats its name here . . .
Remember, we had states with governors, SofS, judges, making election laws that are constitutionally only state legislature biz.


Faithful Steed
Real Anthony Fauci movie trailer (RT 3:09)


Below the trailer is a link to watch the entire movie. So far all I'm seeing is mirror sites that require "registration" or at least giving up your Email (from which you will be hounded endlessly afterward) Or might be used by your adversaries to "identify" your interest for reasons of their own?

Maybe better to read the book?

If anyone can find a Rumble or other site which is "blind?"

EDIT: There is a Rumble site. No registration...



Dot Collector
BREAKING: CDC moves to add Covid vaccine to child immunization schedule for federal programs



Dot Collector
CDC is trying to quietly include a vote to add the mRNA C•19 vaccine to the annual childhood immunization schedule. This vote takes place in 2 days on October 19th. Here’s why this matters:
RT 1min

The CDC complained about our segment on the Covid vaccine being required for kids to attend school. We stand by what we said. Here's our response.
RT 2min


Talk is cheap

This is the billboard that we will be running right outside CDC headquarters in Atlanta​

What do you think?​

Steve Kirsch
3 hr ago

All methods to get the CDC to pay attention to the “death” safety signal have failed.
That’s pretty much expected. After all, it’s their safety signal formula and their data. I’m just holding them accountable to do what they promised to do.
I even left a nice message to Dr. John Su about it that you can watch here. Trust me, if you haven’t seen the video of my call to John already, it’s well worth watching.
No response from John… What a surprise!

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result

So instead of repeating the same methods, it’s time to try something different.
We’re going to see if a billboard might work. We are going to run this billboard for a month right outside CDC headquarters in Atlanta, GA:

Billboard that will run outside of CDC headquarters
It may not get them to notice, but at least everyone else in the world will notice.
What do you think?



Veteran Member
Here in Arkansas about the recommendation by the CDC of the Covid Vax for kids:

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — A CDC advisory committee recommended the COVID vaccine be added to the immunization schedules of children and adults. The 15-person panel did so unanimously Thursday.

The decision to officially add COVID vaccination to the schedule now goes to the CDC. The agency is expected to adopt the recommendation.

FDA authorizes Novavax COVID-19 vaccine for first booster dose
During the annual meeting, doctors on the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) wanted to make sure one thing was clear.

“Moving Covid-19 to the recommended immunization schedule does not impact what vaccines are required for school entrance,” Dr. Nirav Shah, director of the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention said. “Local control matters. And we honor that the decision around school entrance for vaccines rests where it did before, which is with the state level, the county level and at the municipal level, if it exists at all.”

Ebony Butler, a parent in Jacksonville, hopes Arkansas and other states will leave it as a recommendation and not a requirement.

“I don’t agree. I think that the COVID vaccine should be just like the flu vaccine where you get that if you want to,” Butler stated.

Arkansas lawmakers got ahead of this recommendation last in 2021 when the legislature passed Act 977. It prohibits the state from mandating a vaccine or immunization for COVID-19.

Our station reached out to the Arkansas Department of Health for comment on the decision. Dr. Joel Tumlison, Arkansas’ medical director for immunizations said in a statement:

“ACIP adding the mRNA vaccines into the recommended childhood vaccination schedule does NOT make it a mandate. It does not trigger any vaccine requirement from the state, for school kids or otherwise. It simply includes it in the recommended routine vaccines that doctors should give children. The decision on whether to require a vaccine to enter school lies with the state. In Arkansas, that has to be approved by the State Board of Health. As you mentioned, last year an Arkansas law was passed stating that it would be, at a minimum, 3 years from full approval of the vaccine before a requirement could be enacted. And even then, the Board of Health would have to consider it and then make a decision about it.”

Dr. Tumlison also answered a question asking what the Arkansas Health Department does every year with the CDC recommended immunization schedule for children and adults. He said,

“We make sure that the vaccines we are offering to both children and adults at our LHUs (local health units) or at events correspond with the recommended immunization schedule. All our LHUs are VFC (Vaccines For Children) program sites, so all VFC sites would do the same. Some years, a vaccine(s) will be added to the recommended schedule, which we’d start giving. Other years, a vaccine might be removed from the recommended immunization schedule by ACIP. Regarding today’s decision by ACIP to include mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in the children’s immunization schedule, it makes little practical difference as of right now, as these vaccines have already been recommended and are being given in our LHUs. But this move by ACIP is done to prepare for the situation in the future (likely sometime in 2023) when the US government is no longer paying for all COVID vaccines, and they would be rolled into the more normal process. This is a preparatory step for that eventuality.”

Butler said she is uncomfortable with the COVID vaccine being added to what is required for public school children because she feels it is so new.

“A lot of those shots that we get those shots are from decades ago,” Butler said. “I think those shots are enough.”

While some disagree with CDC doctors, others believe the health professionals when they argue these recommendations can prevent serious disease.

ACID committee member Dr. Matthew Daley said, “The reason that things are added to the schedule is that we feel like the benefits strongly outweigh the risks.”

One example of a vaccine making the immunization recommendation list but not being mandated everywhere is the HPV vaccine in 2006. Only a few states require it for public school attendance.

Current vaccines required in Arkansas schools include DTap, HIB, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Measles, Mumps, & Rubella, Meningococcal ACWY, Pneumococcal Conjugate (PCV13), Polio, TD (Tetanus, Diphtheria), Tdap (Tetanus, Diptheria, Pertussis), Varicella (Chickenpox).



Retired, practising Curmudgeon
The OP headline: The CDC will vote Thursday to permanently shield Pfizer and Moderna from COVID vaccine injury liability--transfers liability to govt.
sends a pretty clear message to me. The goal would seem to be to shield the DNV & the incumbent while shifting as much blame/responsibility as possible on to the GOP and DJT.

Or am I being too sceptical/paranoid here?


Adrenaline Junkie
Looks like Tennesseans are safe:

Gov. Lee: Tennessee will not add COVID-19 to list of recommended vaccines for school​

Tennessee will not require students to get the COVID-19 vaccination following Thursday's CDC recommendation.
By Chuck Morris
Published: Oct. 20, 2022 at 10:21 PM EDT|Updated: 6 hours ago

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) - A CDC advisory committee is officially recommending all states to add COVID-19 to the list of recommended vaccines for children going to school, but it doesn’t look like Tennessee is going to follow that advice.
The move would put the COVID-19 shot on the same level as polio, measles, and whooping cough.
However, it isn’t a vaccine mandate. The CDC can’t force states to follow this decision, instead, they’re recommending states add the COVID vaccine to the list of vaccines recommended to attend school.

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee said he won’t be adopting that recommendation for Tennessee.

“I’ve always said mandates are the wrong approach and Tennessee has led in pushing back on federal COVID vaccine requirements,” Lee said in a post on social media. “Thanks to our work with the General Assembly, Tennessee families won’t be impacted by today’s CDC vote. We’ll continue to stand for Tennessee children and for personal freedom.”



Talk is cheap

SHOTS FOR TOTS?!? (THIS WILL BACKFIRE) 4 minutes 36 seconds

It looks like the unelected, zero-authority agency called the CDC is going to add covid vaccines to the recommended list of childhood shots.

This could actually turn out better than expected!

Take a look at my featured video below for my perspective on how this outrageous, ridiculous, ludicrous and absurd move will most likely backfire.

(By the way, be on the lookout for those who object to vaccines for "healthy children." I've been hearing/reading that phrase a lot. What in the world? Are "unhealthy" children better suited for these poisons?! That does not make sense to me at all. How about you?!)​

Looks like Tennesseans are safe:

Gov. Lee: Tennessee will not add COVID-19 to list of recommended vaccines for school​

Tennessee will not require students to get the COVID-19 vaccination following Thursday's CDC recommendation.
By Chuck Morris
Published: Oct. 20, 2022 at 10:21 PM EDT|Updated: 6 hours ago

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) - A CDC advisory committee is officially recommending all states to add COVID-19 to the list of recommended vaccines for children going to school, but it doesn’t look like Tennessee is going to follow that advice.
The move would put the COVID-19 shot on the same level as polio, measles, and whooping cough.
However, it isn’t a vaccine mandate. The CDC can’t force states to follow this decision, instead, they’re recommending states add the COVID vaccine to the list of vaccines recommended to attend school.

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee said he won’t be adopting that recommendation for Tennessee.

“I’ve always said mandates are the wrong approach and Tennessee has led in pushing back on federal COVID vaccine requirements,” Lee said in a post on social media. “Thanks to our work with the General Assembly, Tennessee families won’t be impacted by today’s CDC vote. We’ll continue to stand for Tennessee children and for personal freedom.”

Tennessee has easy assess to IVM, does it not?


TB Fanatic
We've heard forever that the Children are our future, Not anymore. WEF's ultimate goal was to reduce human population to levels easy to control.

By Mandatory eventual euthanization of our children, after young adults mostly voluntarily received it. The remaining older adults will die off from natural causes, well those smart enough to avoid jabs.

Nobody left to repopulate.

China's deaths exceed births.

In Huxley's book Brave New World all births were lab grown embryos.

Is this truly God's will for us?


Adrenaline Junkie
Tennessee has easy assess to IVM, does it not?
There's a law that says we do, but in practice? Not really. The law says doctors can prescribe it for Covid and pharmacists can dispense it after talking to the patient about their symptoms if the pharmacist feels comfortable doing so. In practice, doctors aren't going to go against the AMA and CDC, for the most part, and the companies the pharmacists work for have policies that keep it from happening.

Tennessee law apparently doesn't trump the federal laws and guidelines enough to make a difference.


Veteran Member
Actually, except for 3 states, maybe 2, I know 2 for sure (NY and CA) you can sign forms for religious/moral exemption or medical exemption. It's actually pretty easy to do. I'm not sure if MA passed the mandatory vaccine law.
NY/CA will allow medical exemption for 1 year. I won't tell you what they do to the doctors that actual sign that. Suffice to say that if you can find a doctor now that will do it, you might start looking for JC to be returning. This was a ruckus in both states tha faded in the reality of COVID's appearance. And OH was trying hard to pass it. It failed there. The CA senator that was helping everyone with it was supposedly going to help PA next. I haven't heard anything about him in a long while. Wonder if he's still in office?
When ours kids attended public school we signed religious exemption forms. Never had a problem. My sons do the same with there kids.
There's a law that says we do, but in practice? Not really. The law says doctors can prescribe it for Covid and pharmacists can dispense it after talking to the patient about their symptoms if the pharmacist feels comfortable doing so. In practice, doctors aren't going to go against the AMA and CDC, for the most part, and the companies the pharmacists work for have policies that keep it from happening.

Tennessee law apparently doesn't trump the federal laws and guidelines enough to make a difference.
State law SHOULD override Federal law, in this case. (woulda, shoulda, coulda . . . )

A quick analysis of the players in this push-pull:

Group 1) The employees who are required to receive the jab/vax in order to remain employed, doctors and pharmacists who value their current paychecks and future career while keeping a close eye upon their retirement accounts - all based upon what their employers/CDC/AMA tell/gaslight them to do, versus

Group 2) We, The People® of the Constitutional Republic of America

What is currently happening is that the folks in Group 1 do not fear the folks in Group 2 sufficiently to overcome their own career/professional biases/desires/plans, nor the enormous peer pressure that is brought to bear against them, should they deviate from "the plan" - also add in spouses and their expectations that "the paycheck" will continue without interruption, and ALL present/future professional choices/utterances would continue to reinforce the "jab" narrative, and not bring "shame" onto "family and friends," as viewed/perceived through the eyes of family/friends "community/friend circle." (you're not one of THOSE, are you . . . ?)

Human Psychology 101.

THIS is the level of sophisticated strategy being employed by the communist enemies.

Feel free to clarify/add-to above points.

Last edited:


Dot Collector
Flashback: Fauci (NIH), Walensky, (CDC), and Biden (HELL), told us multiple times that if we got vaccinated we would not get COVID and would not be sick.
RT 1min

JUST IN - "Up to date" vaccinated CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky infected with COVID.

Safe and effective strikes again!

The pandemic of the unvaxxed rages on!