COMMUNISM The Battle For Portland, Oregon

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Faithful Steed
From the Portland in England. These look great !!

View attachment 214635
I like carrots, and I like cake. What's not to like?

HOWEVER, that said - the Socialists will not approve. Too many wasted calories that could be better used to support the poor (and all those rich Warlords who have a yen for someone else's largess.)

One imagines delectables such as this are already in short supply in downtown Portland - they invoke White success, self-indulgence, creativity, and pure pleasure - all of which are, or shortly to be very difficult to find in downtown Portland.

Truthfully, my normal diet of grasses & grains are also too good for the "Woke." Twigs & bugs are more their style - and living in tar paper shacks under blue plastic. Self-flagellation is soon to be the rage - all because of their guilt of "Whiteness." Meanwhile, they sniff tear gas to get their punishment. And alcohol and weed to get their release.

This morning I woke to Michael Barone at the Concert Music station WCRB in Boston. He has a program "Pipe Dreams" which broadcasts between 5 and 6 am locally. The program centers on notable Pipe Organs, pipe organ music and pipe organ composers.

Today's focus was on the 1755 "Ana Amalia" organ which has been restored and is heard playing period music.

Postcards from Berlin and Freiberg (2 hours)

Princess Anna Amalia was a sister to Frederic the Great - and an artist and a collector of music. She herself composed, a large portion of her work is now lost, but may be re-found. But she and some 600 volumes of music found is now considered the "transmission source" of much of what we today consider "classical music." All the big names including Telemann, Vivaldi, Bach(s), others came through her, and because of her. An equivalent find in modern music would be to find the original "studio cuts" of rock pioneers. Anna had the royal means, the time, and the interest to do this. Anna Amalia, Abbess of Quedlinburg - Wikipedia

The organ heard in this segment of the program was built in 1755 for her, rebuilt after WWII to then standards, and rebuilt again to an earlier standard about 2003. It was a technical marvel then (1755) and remains so to this day.

It, it's creation, and its music may even be an acme of White society and a White cultural milestone. When you hear Pachabel Canon in C (very popular today) - you hear this organ.
Her works of curation alone represent a significant contribution to Western culture. - Wikipedia

Anyway, a most interesting segment on Pipe Dreams, and worth the two hours to listen. While I don't cry (my tear ducts are not connected to an emotional response) I was moved, notably so, as did my mane.

Admittedly one has to have a "taste" for organ music. But I marvel at the confluence of musical ingenuity, mechanical ingenuity, manual dexterity, and sheer chance which has allowed these pleasures to be found - and to continue.

And what a shame for humanity if the AntiFa should destroy these too? There is not a lot of difference between this musical "best human effort" and "best human effort" in statuary, or public institution.

A "best human effort." Like carrot cake!

Humanity IS at a crossroad.

PLEASE - keep doing what humans what is RIGHT. Dare I say Maker will help you?



Veteran Member
If these critters can do all this stuff, TOGETHER, and not generate a COVID19 spike that overwhelms the ERs, then we all can:
Open schools
Go back to work
Go to Church
and vote in person.


I give up.


I posted the vid earlier, but here it is again:



:lol: -- You read the Stugis thread, I'm sure:




port beirut 1.PNG

Well, it's supposed to get up around 100 F there today; wonder how many will go marching marching marching around in that?

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