CORONA Talking to a Pharmacist the other day.


Stone Cold Crazy
Casually asked "Has Phfizer managed to get the Covid vacc and booster systems into the Flu shots? Make sure everyone gets their proper Vacc's you know."

Answer "Not yet but by next year."

So, if you do the Flu but not the Covid so-called 'Vacc's". Next year you may not have a Choice.


I give up.
I had a weird incident at CVS today while picking up a prescription. An obvious new employee in the pharmacy (being coached by a longer-term employee) is ringing up my stuff. Then she says did you get your flu vaccine yet? I said no. She says do you want to make an appointment to get one now? I said no. They both looked at me. I said I haven't had the flu shot in a few years now because the last one I got I ended up in the hospital for 5 days. They said oh we're so sorry. I said that's OK, have a good day. They never asked me about flu shots before. Just odd.



Let's Go Brandon!
1976 Swine Flu was last I had
Yep, I had just gotten out of the US Navy, and took the flu shot,
which I believe was the first available that year.

I got sicker than I had ever been, and believe it was the flu shot,
that caused me to get sick. That flu shot made some people sick,
and some died from it. The government pulled the shot.

I swore then, that I would never take another flu shot, and thankfully
have never had the flu again. I have been around others who did
take the flu shot, and they got the flu.

Please be safe everyone.

Regards to all.



Veteran Member
I had a weird incident at CVS today while picking up a prescription. An obvious new employee in the pharmacy (being coached by a longer-term employee) is ringing up my stuff. Then she says did you get your flu vaccine yet? I said no. She says do you want to make an appointment to get one now? I said no. They both looked at me. I said I haven't had the flu shot in a few years now because the last one I got I ended up in the hospital for 5 days. They said oh we're so sorry. I said that's OK, have a good day. They never asked me about flu shots before. Just odd.

My reply to questions that aren't the business of the one asking is "why do you ask?" with just the right inflection and tone. It usually shuts them right up. The correct question from them would have been "We have flu shots available if you are interested. Can we make you an appointment?".


I give up.
My reply to questions that aren't the business of the one asking is "why do you ask?" with just the right inflection and tone. It usually shuts them right up. The correct question from them would have been "We have flu shots available if you are interested. Can we make you an appointment?".

Like I said, she was new. I've gone to that CVS for at least 20 years and they all know me, so they wouldn't have asked.


Veteran Member
1976 Swine Flu was last I had
I almost got that one. I was in college and living at home. My father rounded me and both my younger sisters up to go get it. When it was my turn they asked if I had had an injection in the last week and I had gotten a tetanus shot because of a pretty bad cat scratch so they refused to give me one. My father wasn't happy because he was a bit of a mother hen. I was honestly relieved.

With all the weird reactions I have, I always considered that divine intervention because a few days after that, they stopped giving them and all the issues were all over the news.


Veteran Member
My reply to questions that aren't the business of the one asking is "why do you ask?" with just the right inflection and tone. It usually shuts them right up. The correct question from them would have been "We have flu shots available if you are interested. Can we make you an appointment?".

That is exactly my response.


TB Fanatic

mRNA Vaccines To Replace All Other Vaccines - Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi​


Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi (Virologist, Professor of Virology) mRNA Vaccines To Replace All Other Vaccines - The WHO / CDC / FDA and all those f#cked up authorities are now pushing for (mRNA) gene-based vaccines to replace all other vaccines which are currently in circulation in the world ( measles, mumps, rubella, Flu - you name it ...)
My Tidbit: To me, This is a ploy ... it seems attention is being drawn away from the dangerous Rona Jab ... Dr. Bhakdi says all gene-based vaccines will kill you.

View attachment 380323


TB Fanatic
We used to get flu shots. The last one was in 2019, I believe.
I caught the worst stomach flu I’ve ever had about two weeks later. Both ends, fever, projectile….DH threatened to take me to the ER if I didn’t at least try to keep water and crackers down.

My dr said flu vax probably didn’t cover stomach bugs but oh, well.
Then Covid came, and neither of us went for another flu shot after that.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I had a weird incident at CVS today while picking up a prescription. An obvious new employee in the pharmacy (being coached by a longer-term employee) is ringing up my stuff. Then she says did you get your flu vaccine yet? I said no. She says do you want to make an appointment to get one now? I said no. They both looked at me. I said I haven't had the flu shot in a few years now because the last one I got I ended up in the hospital for 5 days. They said oh we're so sorry. I said that's OK, have a good day. They never asked me about flu shots before. Just odd.

b4 Covid my dr always pushed the flu shot.

I told him I would never take it and we are done talking about it.

he said "this is not the last time I will ask you about."

when I spoke to him about covid vax he was surprised when I told him

that I would never take that, also


Disaster Cat
In 1976, my university (University of Southern Mississippi) didn't give us a choice and didn't even ask questions about things like egg allergies, they just lined us all up in the sports hall and vaccinated us.

The flu shot probably won't do anything for a stomach virus, while most of us call that "the flu" as well; I learned when Nightwolf went to medical school that medically the flu viruses typically cause respiratory problems, fevers, headaches, but usually not violent nausea (although it can happen). The "Stomach Flu" is usually caused by a number of other viruses like the well-named "Winter Vomiting Bug," and also a number of types of milder food poisoning (milder in that you may wish you were dead but you don't usually die or even end up in the hospital), also medication reactions to things prescribed for flu symptoms or to prevent a bacterial infection (often done for older people or those with other medical conditions).

Antibiotics won't do a thing for the actual flu - or vomiting (often norovirus) but they can help stave off a bacterial lung infection in a person with an elderly or compromised immune system.


Veteran Member
Wildwood mentions Tetanus shots. I have had a few through my life. I’m down in Florida right now gutting our house from storm surge. My wife was quite insistent about me getting a tetanus shot due to the type of work and other dangers laying around everywhere. They were being offered on the island by a pop up medical tent, stopped and spoke with them and learned that tetanus is now combined into a vaccine type injection. Not sure what all it’s mixed with, but a walked away and my wife was not happy with me. I said no way, who knows what’s in it. I just wanted a Tetanus shot not some slick mRNA juice.



Veteran Member
Wildwood mentions Tetanus shots. I have had a few through my life. I’m down in Florida right now gutting our house from storm surge. My wife was quite insistent about me getting a tetanus shot due to the type of work and other dangers laying around everywhere. They were being offered on the island by a pop up medical tent, stopped and spoke with them and learned that tetanus is now combined into a vaccine type injection. Not sure what all it’s mixed with, but a walked away and my wife was not happy with me. I said no way, who knows what’s in it. I just wanted a Tetanus shot not some slick mRNA juice.

Tetnus is now combined with Diptheria and Whooping cough, otherwise known as Tdap. Diptheria and pertussis are two vaccines that adults don’t think they need. Adults don’t get sick but it can be deadly to small children. If you are ever around kids, its not a bad idea to get it when you get your tetnus every decade.


Panic Sex Lady
I hurt myself about four years ago, pre-covid. They said the tetanus shot had one other vaccine in it for whooping cough, I think. They said whooping cough was coming back. They didn't have a tetanus-only shot.


Veteran Member
Since 80’s I have always gotten the flu shot and never was sick.
When Covid hit my doctor asked if I was getting the flu shot and I told her no because I don’t trust that I’m only getting flu shot. She understood and doesn’t ask anymore


TB Fanatic
Imagine all this is mostly sales business. THIS YEAR. But I still managed to get a medical exemption this year. That record could be handy next year. We shall see.

The reason I say this year is the one that was chosen for our facility this year was the usual quadvalent one. I went through the insert with a fine toothed comb and nothing odd in there. Still I trust these vaccines as far as I can throw Dobbin across the field.

You lose trust and it’s exceedingly difficult to regain. And a lot of people have lost trust after that fiasco w the jabs. People I would never have guessed would be that way have lost trust. Pretty amazing.


Veteran Member
Just for reference, "Stomach flu" is pretty far from "Flu".

"Stomach Flu" is almost certainly a brief food poisoning experience, and is a LONG DISTANCE CALL from "Influenza", or "FLU".

Gotta have some accuracy in terms here gang.
People use "the flu" very loosely I've noticed. Just heard someone at the car dealership say this morning "I had a touch of the flu Monday but I'm much better and back at work today" no, sorry you didn't. If you had "the flu" on Monday you wouldn't feel better in 2 days. I had THE FLU years ago and I wasn't going anywhere for a week. At least.

night driver

ESFP adrift in INTJ sea
Insofar as the potential for the RR situation to go "CASCADE" I would be considering seeing my PCP (Doc) and asking for the "usual Travellers Inoculations" due to the hygiene type "stuff" that comes from lack of clean water and proper sanitation.


Veteran Member
My vaxxed/boosted bandmate reported he had the flu earlier this week. I did not ask if he got the flu shot.


Since 1999
I don't get flu shots...never have. I did get a tetanus shot when I was in ER a couple months ago getting 12 stitches put in my thumb. I asked if there was anything else in the shot but tetanus and the said no...