BRKG Supreme Court rules Texas has no Standing


Veteran Member
Proverbs Chapter 1 verses 24 through 32 applies to us collectively as a people in America, right now.

Invar, I appreciate many of your thought provoking posts. I know a few people who God talks to, I'm not one of them. But I really don't think that anyone truly knows the mind of God. It says that in the good book.

I have increased my prayer life substantially here these last months, due to our precarious political situation. Every rosary I pray, the second Hail Mary is for an increase in hope. Well I guess that is working for me as I still have hope, even though the news of the day is so bleak.


Sword At-The-Ready
Fair enough, and no disagreement with His words and your assessment in the collective sense.

I used the word 'collectively' specifically because I also believe that there are individuals still to accomplish a work before the final curtain does come down on us and individual guidance and assistance is what will be required to accomplish His Will in a society given over to abject evil.

Just hold onto Romans 8:28 and recognize that despite the horrors and want and privation we are all about to go through - this verse is always fulfilled when you know how everything ends.


Veteran Member
I used the word 'collectively' specifically because I also believe that there are individuals still to accomplish a work before the final curtain does come down on us and individual guidance and assistance is what will be required to accomplish His Will in a society given over to abject evil.

Just hold onto Romans 8:28 and recognize that despite the horrors and want and privation we are all about to go through - this verse is always fulfilled when you know how everything ends.
Yes, awesome verse to hold onto and one to always remember.


Sword At-The-Ready
I know a few people who God talks to, I'm not one of them.
God has already spoken directly to you. It's in His Word, and combined with His Word and in prayer and in walk with Him - you will know His Mind, His Heart and yes - HIS WILL for you.

Sometimes it is not pleasant - but necessary - as replacing the way we think and feel with the way He thinks and feels - means we must be remade.

Simply ask Him to SHOW YOU and SEEK HIM in His Word and in prayer. Those are prayers He always answers in His time.

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
Well I've been quoting Proverbs 1 24 to 32 for quite some time now. The Spirit has told me several different things about "judgment," first, it is passive, at least in the sense God allows things to happen, versus he does things.

2nd, INVAR there really is an individual cut out, or else Doomer Doug would have been beaten dead MONTHS AGO by all the antifa and blm scum overwhelming downtown Portland this year. Trust me on that one. I have had so much blm/antifa stuff happen near to me, in terms of space and time, that absolutely I am protected.

In one of the first Batman movies I saw, the one with Liam Neeson and Christan Bale, where Neeson was sliding off a roof and Bale saved him from falling over the edge into the ravine, a principle was stated I have never forgotten.

Some time later, when they were doing the ending scene, where Neeson was using a train to destroy Chicago, Bale tells Neesom that he won't save him this time. Batman/Bale didn't "kill" the bad guy Nessom, although at the beginning he had saved his life.

HE LET THE LOGICAL CONSEQUENCES OF HIS ACTIONS HAPPEN, DID NOT INTERVENE AND ALLOWED THE RESULT. God will let America reap what it has sown. I got to tell you INVAR, that is going to be much, much harder on "them" than it will be on us, or me personally.

Batman/Bale jumps off the train and Liam Nessom's character crashes with the train wreck and dies. I call it "allowed judgement" versus, "active judgment."

Well, that is what the spirit is telling me. God has saved my ass so many times this year 2020 in Portland that I have literally no fear at this point. Is God mad at the USA, you betcha, is he ENRAGED AT PORTLAND, and is the wrath of God covering Portland like a layer of fog? You betcha it is, layered like a jello parfait thing.

so here is moi, and God ain't mad at me. If/when it goes down in Portland's Marxist cesspool, those Proverbs chapters ain't gonna fry my ass at all. I am protected because I am doing what God wants me to do and that is it.

Well, guess this will earn a religious rebuke, but you know given what SCOTUS did today, I don't see how you can't talk about the wrath of God. And INVAR, we will/are being handed over to our enemies, although Harris and Biden are going to find out the USA is now effectively ungovernable. As for China, Xi the merciless has brought down on his own head, his nation and the system so much wrath of God, the mandate of heaven is nowhere to be found.

I will watch what happens the next 40 days. I have no idea of what will happen after that. I will see you all on the other side, no matter what happens, or when it happens. And I no longer care what "they" think. I am nearly 67 and they hold no terror for me. And if I ain't on every list they got I will be really, really pissed. :lol:

They are all scum. And I no longer fear scum. I say Good Morning to Jesus every morning when I get up, picked that up on the Internet somewhere. And I remember that Jesus rose from the dead. Why should anything down here bother me?
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Sword At-The-Ready
And INVAR, we will/are being handed over to our enemies

Yes. When you look what happened to Ancient Israel - that is exactly what happened to BOTH the Northern 10 tribes and later to the tribes of Benjamin and Judah in the South. They were utterly destroyed and their people handed over to their enemies.

I have said that our fate will likely be the same given our ties to a biblical foundation that established us long ago.

But, most hate that idea and consider it impossible because of the Prosperity Gospel all of us have been steeped in for so long.

, although Harris and Biden are going to find out the USA is now effectively ungovernable.

Yes. If that was good enough for the Democrats and Leftists to advertise in 2016:


Let us adopt the admonition for ourselves. Those in government have disqualified themselves from leading a free people.

Do not comply. Refuse. Resist.


Sword At-The-Ready
You missed the really important one for those that are his- verse 33

Nope, didn't miss it. It is why I used the word 'collectively'. He can and will protect those fulfilling His will and purposes - but I would remind you that when you look at nearly ALL the prophets sent to warn His Nation about what was going to happen as a result of their disobedience - all of them were either killed by those they were trying to save, or YAHWEH sent them into captivity and destruction along with the nation He judged. Jeremiah comes to mind.


Komplainy Kat

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
I admit I wondered what he had to say about all this.
I think Trump is pondering why all/most of his choices for any type of position have ALL turned out to be skanks, lying frauds and trash that could match anything in a dipsty dumpster.

INVAR, my "gut feeling" is if/when Trump doesn't pull this off, and we end up with the two stooges in charge, especially Harris as POTUS, "it" will happen quickly, rapidly and in the "disaster falls on them unexpected, and they are crushed without warning mode." Personally, by the summer of 2021 a lot of consequences will be happening, especially in the economic sphere. Biden and Harris will face the MOTHER of all economic chaos issues certainly within their first 100 days. God will not, indeed can't bless the USA once those two monsters get into office, assuming they don't have 300 investigations underway at the time.

Somehow, the system going down in six months doesn't bother me at all.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Would not be surprised given how thoroughly the jig is up - that he might be looking at where he and his family could go to avoid spending the rest of his life before courts or in a gulag or ending up like Czar Nicholas II.
Actually, I was thinking something more along the lines of Trump making final preps for launching The Insurrection Act and initiating the provisions of the 2018 Foreign Election Interference EO.


Sword At-The-Ready
I am reminded of this speech Jackson made in Gods and Generals 2.31 mins run time

I would not say our current situation has been 'thrust upon us' as it was our forbears in Jackson's day or Washington's day.

Our current situation is being shoved into our faces by an abject evil and their puppets on a scale that our forbears did not face. Sherman's march was as close as it got to the kinds of horrors history teaches the minds of those having conducted this coup are gleefully willing to do to us.

Think Khmer Rouge. Think Rwanda. Think Hutus. Recognize what Portland is a training ground for in alliance with jihadists and overt communists from China and every other hellhole on earth, and recognize you are next on the menu for "direct action" sometime in the very near future.


Veteran Member


Sword At-The-Ready
Actually, I was thinking something more along the lines of Trump making final preps for launching The Insurrection Act and initiating the provisions of the 2018 Foreign Election Interference EO.

No one in any capacity of authority will follow any such orders he signs and gives.


In fact, they have already told him so when he first floated invoking that Act to bring ANTIFA to heel in the cities.

When the entirety of civil government has willfully failed and sided with the enemy on every occasion they had to defend liberty, the Constitution and our natural rights - there is no help coming from anyone to save us or Trump.

Doomer Doug

TB Fanatic
and so it begins. Good thing I went grocery shopping the last two days due to the rumors I heard here on timebomb. The local target here looks like a Romanian grocery store under Caucoseu?

SCOTUS has no idea how enraged people are over this, but they will soon find out. It is not only what SCOTUS said, but how they said it. and if any city in the USA deserves chaos it is Atlanta, evil lair of Stacy the super skank.