FOOD Sorry, but Potatoes May Soon No Longer Be Considered a Vegetable


Veteran Member


This or that. Maybe this one. No, maybe that one? Brennbee is experiencing an existential crisis in his imagination. An
avocado is a fruit, and a tomato is a fruit, but Brennbee wants a vegetable. Can these fruits change their very substance
to meet with his expectations? One has a hard rind and a large hard seed while the other is soft and pliable, yet weak.
If what you eat is an inner reflection of your base instincts, then why does Brennbee feel the urge to cast this avocado
at the obese stock clerk bending over to tie her rainbow booties? Is this something subliminal which Brennbee cannot
control? This must be resolved soon, because he needs to tinkle and must enter the men's restroom, a narrow haunted
chamber of horror, a dungeon of dung and repressed desires. No, Brennbee can do this. He will surmount his fears and
transform into... Avocado Man! Yes, Brennbee can now withstand smirks and snorts from other males to face the urinal!​

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
This is a response to the fact that they can't fix poor eating habits. They can however fix it so restaurants and fast food joints are forced to offer healthier options.


Veteran Member
Stupid people will believe.....

potatoes are grains
daylight savings time gives us more hours in a day
anyone can be a birthing mother
two daddies can make a baby
children are smarter than parents about what sex they are
Barak Hussein Obama is a great American
Joe Biden can run for office again
Islam is the religion of peace
global warming was the greatest threat to our society, but now climate change is
depopulation is a good thing but will never start with me or affect me
the government knows better than I what is good for me
God is not real, but you should hate Him anyway
we need more government workers to fix the broken government programs
the most important part of child education is teaching how not to commit hate crimes
government and the pharmaceutical and medical industries care about us
safe and effective
to drain the swamp, we need to hire the right swamp people
republicans are haters so I always vote democrat, because they care for the common people
white supremacy is the biggest threat to American society
undocumented migrants are saving our country
[there is space for only 3,956 more lines]
I’m offended
the science is settled
and, wait for it, you’re a racist
Lord we live in insane times…

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Remember when Ronnie Raygun declared ketchup a vegetable? Nutty dems aren’t the only ones that do stupid things.


Veteran Member
Remember when Ronnie Raygun declared ketchup a vegetable? Nutty dems aren’t the only ones that do stupid things.​

"Well, there you go again. For years I thought my son was a fruit, and Nancy said he was the apple of her eye but I was
bananas. As a matter of fact, Ronnie is the reason why Nancy's famous anti-drug message came about. After I pestered
my son for months if he was gay, Nancy told him to Just Say No! And it worked, mostly because she threatened to pour
thousands of tiny Jelly Belly jelly beans down my throat until I gagged to death. But I still think ballet is as gay as heck."​


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Scientifically, they ARE vegetables and contain some vitamins and minerals not found in grains. That is especially true of the old-fashioned varieties, the dark reds, purples, and Myan Golds. They are starchy vegetables, but reclassifying them as starch is nonsense.
cariboo potatoe is outlawed in Canada

one small farm group is preserving it.

heard about this in the 70s

recently, it has resurfaced

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Has No Life - Lives on TB
Now how do we get seeds or starter spuds?
on their page, they have a contact info

I contacted them few weeks ago

when I first saw the article.

they have since, become inundated with requests.

the response I got was

"we will send 2-4 spuds free (for a small donation)"

I have NO prob sending small donation

to keep a spud alive that the TPTB deem 'unacceptable'

these folks are in british columbia canada.

irish potatoe famine comes to mind

when you eliminate diversity, (in agriculture, not people)

you become succeptable to being wiped out with 1 disease

not sure if they can send to USA?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
"He added the Cariboo potato was also sensitive to sunlight, which would make the spuds go green if they were sitting on a supermarket shelf for long."

I have always planted my spuds and then covered the area with straw.

not only does it stop sunlight,

but it saves on watering

and I dont need to 'hill'


Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
on their page, they have a contact info

I contacted them few weeks ago

when I first saw the article.

they have since, become inundated with requests.

the response I got was

"we will send 2-4 spuds free (for a small donation)"

I have NO prob sending small donation

to keep a spud alive that the TPTB deem 'unacceptable'

these folks are in british columbia canada.

irish potatoe famine comes to mind

when you eliminate diversity, (in agriculture, not people)

you become succeptable to being wiped out with 1 disease

not sure if they can send to USA?
Looks like it is a simple customs declaration. Canada grows 20% of the potatoes that we eat. I will lay odds that they have shipped to the US before so they should have an answer.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Potatoes are best kept in dark places, cool and a controlled humidity. Cellars, root cellars, places protected from sunlight and freezing. Regular checking to ensure the potatoes have not gone bad and isolating them as much as possible will preserve their lifetime use.

Here we see a properly stored potato. Except for the camera light, it is normally a dark, isolated place. It is a place where all potatoes look the same and it would be hard to tell which is which when you pull them out of the bin. But even in this ideal storage space we can begin to see the wilting mask of a moldy inside crossing the surface.



Veteran Member

Claim: John Fetterman is an expertly trained chef who knows more than seven hundred
different recipes for potatoes and has earned many accolades for his culinary skills.

Fact Check: False. John Fetterman loves to scoop a huge mound of mashed potatoes on a
plate and then sculpt a towering volcano into which he pours steaming brown gravy to
create magnificent eruptions and lava flows streaming down its sides onto the tabletop,
his lap, and the floor. Sometimes he recreates the mighty blast of Krakatoa in which he
flings globs of mashed potatoes and gravy onto walls and the ceiling. Awesome to behold!