FOOD Sorry, but Potatoes May Soon No Longer Be Considered a Vegetable


Molon Labe!
Fair Use-
Story by Jelisa Castrodale • 3h

The National Potato Council isn't happy about this potential change.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service, when Americans eat vegetables, they’re mostly eating potatoes and tomatoes. In 2019, the average American downed almost 50 pounds of potatoes over the course of the year, and ate around 31 pounds of tomatoes — and it’s not totally surprising that French fries and pizza sauce significantly contributed to our annual totals. But in the future, when the USDA starts adding up our yearly veggie totals, tomatoes may take the top spot on a technicality. Because there’s a chance that the agency will reclassify potatoes, moving them from starchy vegetables into the same category as grains, rice, and other carbs.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the U.S. Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee — made up of representatives from the USDA and the Department of Health and Human Services — are putting together their dietary guidelines for 2025, and potatoes may be reshuffled. The dietary guidelines put foods into five familiar categories — dairy, fruit, grains, protein, and vegetables — but the increasing prevalence of different diets and “eating patterns” mean that those categories may be changed. “The panel wants to make sure everyone is getting enough nutrients, whether eating more potatoes, bread, or beans,” the Journal explains.

It should be noted that the trade groups on both sides of the potential new classification neither — the National Potato Council and The Grain Chain — are both opposed to potatoes being defined as anything but a vegetable. Kam Quarles, the CEO of the National Potato Council, testified during a hearing of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, and he basically asked them to leave potatoes where they are.

“While NPC is sensitive to individual needs and cultures, we urge the Committee to recognize [that] a potato is not a grain,” he said. “Potatoes are the most widely produced vegetable in the U.S. Starchy vegetables and grains are two vastly different food groups that play distinctly different roles in contributing nutrients to the diet. Unlike grains, white potatoes are a strong contributor of potassium, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and fiber. Research shows that diets high in vegetable consumption, including potatoes, promote healthy outcomes overall.”

He acknowledged that Americans should consume more vegetables — non-potato vegetables — but he doesn’t think that recategorizing potatoes is the answer. “The suggestion to reclassify potatoes as a non-vegetable is not grounded in any scientific metric,” he continued. “This unsupported notion, if acted upon, will confuse consumers, could result in nutrient gaps and also decreased vegetable consumption. We ask the Committee to avoid this chaotic outcome and continue to acknowledge the fact that potatoes are a vegetable.”

The Grain Chain was equally adamant, telling the committee that putting potatoes in their category “could further exacerbate nutrient shortfalls.” (Both groups agree that potatoes should stay put.)

We’ll see which side wins when the U.S. Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee releases its 2025 guidelines. Until then, keep eating your vegetables. And your potatoes.

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Read the original article on Food & Wine.


Veteran Member

"Alteration of nomenclature is no excuse for senseless slaughter and gluttonous consumption of my defenseless species!
And there you sit, smirking with your mouth filled with mashed potatoes, gravy dripping down the sides of your lips like
happy hogs! You won't be acting so smug when bloodthirsty foreigners launch invasions against this country and engage
in the same senseless slaughter, resulting in mass starvation where desperate souls resort to cannibalism! Bon Appétit!"


Disaster Cat
Scientifically, they ARE vegetables and contain some vitamins and minerals not found in grains. That is especially true of the old-fashioned varieties, the dark reds, purples, and Myan Golds. They are starchy vegetables, but reclassifying them as starch is nonsense.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Stupid people will believe.....

potatoes are grains
daylight savings time gives us more hours in a day
anyone can be a birthing mother
two daddies can make a baby
children are smarter than parents about what sex they are
Barak Hussein Obama is a great American
Joe Biden can run for office again
Islam is the religion of peace
global warming was the greatest threat to our society, but now climate change is
depopulation is a good thing but will never start with me or affect me
the government knows better than I what is good for me
God is not real, but you should hate Him anyway
we need more government workers to fix the broken government programs
the most important part of child education is teaching how not to commit hate crimes
government and the pharmaceutical and medical industries care about us
safe and effective
to drain the swamp, we need to hire the right swamp people
republicans are haters so I always vote democrat, because they care for the common people
white supremacy is the biggest threat to American society
undocumented migrants are saving our country
[there is space for only 3,956 more lines]


Veteran Member

Claim: John Fetterman gift-wraps cooked hot potatoes and hands them out to the homeless
vagrants he meets in poor neighborhoods so that they won't go hungry on Christmas Day.

Fact Check: False. John Fetterman orders supersized French fries at McDonalds, and if he
doesn't get a shiny toy in his Happy Meal, he flings fries and milkshakes at the workers.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
We eat potatoes fixed many different ways for almost every dinner meal. Cary loves his taters. He doesn't care what they're called, he's going to eat them. He doesn't have to worry about gaining weight, too much potassium, or being a diabetic. If he were any of those, he would only get them in low moderation.
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Has No Life - Lives on TB
Fair Use-
Story by Jelisa Castrodale • 3h

The National Potato Council isn't happy about this potential change.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service, when Americans eat vegetables, they’re mostly eating potatoes and tomatoes. In 2019, the average American downed almost 50 pounds of potatoes over the course of the year, and ate around 31 pounds of tomatoes — and it’s not totally surprising that French fries and pizza sauce significantly contributed to our annual totals. But in the future, when the USDA starts adding up our yearly veggie totals, tomatoes may take the top spot on a technicality. Because there’s a chance that the agency will reclassify potatoes, moving them from starchy vegetables into the same category as grains, rice, and other carbs.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the U.S. Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee — made up of representatives from the USDA and the Department of Health and Human Services — are putting together their dietary guidelines for 2025, and potatoes may be reshuffled. The dietary guidelines put foods into five familiar categories — dairy, fruit, grains, protein, and vegetables — but the increasing prevalence of different diets and “eating patterns” mean that those categories may be changed. “The panel wants to make sure everyone is getting enough nutrients, whether eating more potatoes, bread, or beans,” the Journal explains.

It should be noted that the trade groups on both sides of the potential new classification neither — the National Potato Council and The Grain Chain — are both opposed to potatoes being defined as anything but a vegetable. Kam Quarles, the CEO of the National Potato Council, testified during a hearing of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, and he basically asked them to leave potatoes where they are.

“While NPC is sensitive to individual needs and cultures, we urge the Committee to recognize [that] a potato is not a grain,” he said. “Potatoes are the most widely produced vegetable in the U.S. Starchy vegetables and grains are two vastly different food groups that play distinctly different roles in contributing nutrients to the diet. Unlike grains, white potatoes are a strong contributor of potassium, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and fiber. Research shows that diets high in vegetable consumption, including potatoes, promote healthy outcomes overall.”

He acknowledged that Americans should consume more vegetables — non-potato vegetables — but he doesn’t think that recategorizing potatoes is the answer. “The suggestion to reclassify potatoes as a non-vegetable is not grounded in any scientific metric,” he continued. “This unsupported notion, if acted upon, will confuse consumers, could result in nutrient gaps and also decreased vegetable consumption. We ask the Committee to avoid this chaotic outcome and continue to acknowledge the fact that potatoes are a vegetable.”

The Grain Chain was equally adamant, telling the committee that putting potatoes in their category “could further exacerbate nutrient shortfalls.” (Both groups agree that potatoes should stay put.)

We’ll see which side wins when the U.S. Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee releases its 2025 guidelines. Until then, keep eating your vegetables. And your potatoes.

For more Food & Wine news, make sure to sign up for our newsletter!

Read the original article on Food & Wine.
For me, once they turned the food pyramid upside down, I have no use for them.
Just like any other .Gov organization, THEY LIE!


Veteran Member
This is why 400 pound people get a whole row of seats on an airplane.​

Gary was firmly set in his ways as he scooted out farther into the center aisle of the airplane. Like Gandalf
in the Lord of the Rings, he would bravely face his opponent and loudly proclaim: "You shall not pass!" But
this situation was not as perilous, for Gary was only concerned that the airline stewardess would be stingy
with her complimentary snacks and forbid him to grab an extra fistful of those deliciously greasy tater tots.


This is going to be a problem for non-meat eaters. It is a grain and a legume that makes complete protein. Potatoes have some amino acid to form protein but not enough to really combine with another incomplete protein food to do much good.
Apparently, potatoes and whole milk provide all vital nutrients. Irish peasants worked hard on 1 quart of milk and several pounds of potatoes daily.

I'm so glad our country is stable, has sound money,, secure borders, and no social problems! It gives us the resources to concentrate on reclassifying a significant diet staple for many people.



I give up.
You cannot believe the article. I learned. At a young age even argueing with mom. Tomatoes are a fruit! Anyone saying otherwise speaks of not what they should know.

The only person I ever knew who treated tomatoes like a fruit was my father.

He would slice them on a small plate and sprinkle sugar all over them. They're actually pretty good that way.


Red Baron

In 2019, the average American downed almost 50 pounds of potatoes over the course of the year,
Whenever I see statistics being waved around like a stolen handgun, I like to crunch the numbers into something meaningful.

50 pounds per year times 16 ounces per pound = 800 ounces per year.

800 ounces divided by 365 days (one year) = 2.191 ounces per day.

That works out to 1/8 of one pound average potato consumption per day.

Hardly anything to get very worked up about, let alone requiring close scrutiny by government nutritionists.