northern watch

TB Fanatic
Soros Says 'Trump Will Disappear In 2020 Or Sooner' In Ominous Message

by Tyler Durden
Zero Hedge
Sun, 07/26/2020 - 12:45

Billionaire progressive activist George Soros made an ominous comment at this week's World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

After explaining that he considers the Trump administration to be "a danger to the world," Soros then said he sees it as "a purely temporary phenomenon that will disappear in 2020 or even sooner," according to CNBC.

With no impeachment on the horizon, we are only left to speculate as to what he meant by 'even sooner.'
Soros - who reportedly lost around $1 billion trying to short the market after Trump's 2016 victory, also claimed that the US is now on course for nuclear war with North Korea.

"The fact of nuclear war is so horrendous that we are trying to ignore it, but it is real," he said, adding "Indeed, the United States is set on a course towards nuclear war by refusing to accept that [North] Korea has become a nuclear power."

"This creates a strong incentive for North Korea to develop its nuclear capacity with all possible speed, which in turn may induce the United States to use its nuclear superiority pre-emptively, in effect to start a nuclear war to prevent a nuclear war, obviously a self-contradictory strategy."

"Not only the survival of open society but the survival of our entire civilization is at stake," he continued. "The rise of leadership such as Kim Jong Un in North Korea and Donald Trump in the United States have much to do with this."
Soros recommended a "carrot and stick" approach which would incentivize North Korea for "suspending further development of nuclear weapons."

Soros also compared Trump to Russian President Vladimir Putin, claiming without evidence that the US President would like to create a "mafia state" which suppresses individual rights - but that he's prevented "because the Constitution and the institutions and a vibrant society won’t allow it."

According to the billionaire, he's using his foundation to "protect the democratic achievements of the past" (like slavery?), and will be mobilizing his forces to help defeat Trump.

von Koehler

Has No Life - Lives on TB
I tried to do a quick search for where Soros is living right now but got nothing recent.

Hungary, his birthplace, doesn't want him.


An anti-Soros poster on a street in Hungary. Attila Kisbenedek/AFP/Getty Images

Normally, as a Jude, he would have the more or less automatic "Right of Return" to live in Israel BUT Soros has been such a pro-Palestinian supporter he has burnt that bridge.

Israel’s War Against George Soros
By Mairav Zonszein
July 17, 2017

George Soros at the office of Open Society Foundations in New York.

George Soros at the office of Open Society Foundations in New York.Credit...Joshua Bright for The New York Times

JAFFA, Israel — As a Holocaust survivor, a successful financier who embraces free-market capitalism and a philanthropist who champions liberal democracy, George Soros should be a darling of the Israeli establishment. But Mr. Soros has failed the only litmus test that seems to count for Israel’s current leadership: unconditional support for the government, despite its policies of occupation, discrimination, and disregard for civil and human rights.

For years Mr. Soros largely avoided Israel-related philanthropy, but he became involved in 2008 when he contributed to J Street, a moderate pro-Israel, pro-peace lobbying group based in Washington after it was founded. Through his Open Society Foundations, Mr. Soros also contributes to the Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem and the anti-occupation group Breaking the Silence, which has been subjected to a growing delegitimization campaign by the Israeli government.

But Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, raised the stakes in this feud last week when his foreign ministry issued a statement that, in effect, backed a Hungarian government propaganda effort against Mr. Soros and joined its denunciation of him. This contradicted earlier remarks by Israel’s ambassador to Hungary, Yossi Amrani, who had expressed dismay at the $21-million billboard campaign by the ruling party of Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orban, that has targeted Mr. Soros for his support of services for refugees and immigrants. The poster campaign, which has also attracted explicitly anti-Semitic graffiti, “evokes sad memories but also sows hatred and fear,” said the ambassador, referencing the fate of Hungarian Jews in the Holocaust.

The foreign ministry spokesman denied that the Israeli ambassador’s comments “meant to delegitimize criticism of George Soros” by Mr. Orban’s government. Instead, the spokesman went on to attack the billionaire philanthropist for “continuously undermining Israel’s democratically elected governments,” by his funding of organizations “that defame the Jewish state and seek to deny it the right to defend itself.”

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TB Fanatic
Billionaire left-wing activist George Soros made an ominous comment at this week's World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

After explaining that he considers the Trump administration to be "a danger to the world," Soros then said he sees it as "a purely temporary phenomenon that will disappear in 2020 or even sooner," according to CNBC.

We are only left to speculate as to what he meant by 'even sooner.'



On TB every waking moment
After explaining that he considers the Trump administration to be "a danger to the world," Soros then said he sees it as "a purely temporary phenomenon that will disappear in 2020 or even sooner," according to CNBC.

We are only left to speculate as to what he meant by 'even sooner.'

Because Soros said it in Jan 2018 (per the CNBC link in OP .... oops, now OP is found in post#11)

I can't get the original article to C&P for me, but link to original article:
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Mr. Peabody

Veteran Member
DJT has at his disposal all the intel he needs for the DOJ to get probable cause, as well as the forensic ability to investigate the numerous crimes this POS has committed and is committing. If Soros is clean, then he is brilliant beyond all comprehension. I don't buy it. He has had to left evidence of many crimes. I find it hard to believe that the PRISM program hasn't turned up an evidence trail that leads directly back to Soros.
The US regularly blows up ISIS types that are a shit stain compared to this POS. The reason they get vaporized or sliced-n-diced, because they are enemy combatants. Well I figure that all of Soros's statements combined with his known actions to destroy the US would/should put him in the cross hairs of being eliminated. I can't figure out why he is allowed to continue. Unless of course his boss is the boss of the Fed Reserve and the IMF/BIS, in which case he is un-touchable. That is the only logical conclusion I can come up with.


Veteran Member
I watched a movie, or at least watched a few minutes of a movie called Accident Man. A group of assassins, one of which is hired to make things look like an accident. A list of names went through my mind. Life imitates art right?


God has a plan, Trust it!
Sorry, but with all of the resources we have at our disposal, why hasn’t Soros disappeared? Maybe I’ve read too many spy novels. Or...everyone really is against Trump. Dunno, but not pleasant to contemplate.

- A house divided against itself does not stand.
- You don't bite the hand the feeds you

When you are evil men in league with an evil man, why would you go against him? He is one of them. They would never kill Soros because he does their bidding behind the scenes, and they his.

And yes, EVERYONE in lifetime politics IS against him. He is an outsider who dances to the beat of his own drum in the White House. He does not continue the party line, he isnt there to lie, cheat and steal and isnt there to line his own pockets or stroke his own ego. He's been there, done that and got the T-shirt already. He is there to really change things. He may not be polished, but he is making decisions that make business sense for the country, not ones that line the pockets of this lobby group or that one. He could care less.

....and that is what bothers them about him. He is NOT politics as usually in DC. They can't figure him out, because he does things based on gut feelings, business intuition and a sense of right and wrong. They have never functioned that way in DC and they are lost. They cant argue against him, because he usually turns out correct. Career polticians are not there "for the people" they are there for themselves. They make their decisions based on "whats in it for them", not the people. Trump doesnt function that way, and that scares them.


Senior Member
Soros Says 'Trump Will Disappear In 2020 Or Sooner' In Ominous Message

by Tyler Durden
Zero Hedge
Sun, 07/26/2020 - 12:45

Billionaire progressive activist George Soros made an ominous comment at this week's World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

After explaining that he considers the Trump administration to be "a danger to the world," Soros then said he sees it as "a purely temporary phenomenon that will disappear in 2020 or even sooner," according to CNBC.

With no impeachment on the horizon, we are only left to speculate as to what he meant by 'even sooner.'
Soros - who reportedly lost around $1 billion trying to short the market after Trump's 2016 victory, also claimed that the US is now on course for nuclear war with North Korea.
"The fact of nuclear war is so horrendous that we are trying to ignore it, but it is real," he said, adding "Indeed, the United States is set on a course towards nuclear war by refusing to accept that [North] Korea has become a nuclear power."
"This creates a strong incentive for North Korea to develop its nuclear capacity with all possible speed, which in turn may induce the United States to use its nuclear superiority pre-emptively, in effect to start a nuclear war to prevent a nuclear war, obviously a self-contradictory strategy."
"Not only the survival of open society but the survival of our entire civilization is at stake," he continued. "The rise of leadership such as Kim Jong Un in North Korea and Donald Trump in the United States have much to do with this."
Soros recommended a "carrot and stick" approach which would incentivize North Korea for "suspending further development of nuclear weapons."
Soros also compared Trump to Russian President Vladimir Putin, claiming without evidence that the US President would like to create a "mafia state" which suppresses individual rights - but that he's prevented "because the Constitution and the institutions and a vibrant society won’t allow it."
According to the billionaire, he's using his foundation to "protect the democratic achievements of the past" (like slavery?), and will be mobilizing his forces to help defeat Trump.
A reoccurring thought that I have been having about Soros. What if he is just a face being used as a front man and cash funnel by the Deep State? Perhaps DJT is just waiting for the right time and information to identify the players. By saying nothing, he is forcing Soros and the others to become more obvious in their efforts to derail DJT and the country.


Veteran Member
I sure hope that Dana Coverstone's dream about Trump is not prophetic. There was a thread about it on here. Just for interest, one of my favorite Pastors I listen to, has serious "misgivings" about the dreams of Dana Coverstone.

Kris Gandillon

The Other Curmudgeon
It was said 2.5 years ago, not recently as some of the references would lead you to believe.

Masthead says January 25, 2018.

Original TB2K thread back when this was "news":

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TB Fanatic
Gosh it has to be more than 10 years ago now that I saw a "60 Minutes" TV News Magazine show Featuring George Soros.

In this interview (with Mike Wallace?) Soro's was asked about his life in his native country under Nazi control. Soros said to the effect it was a thrilling time for him. At the age of 12 yrs old Soro's stated he helped the NAZI's track down Jews and reported back to the Nazi's. (You figure what happened to them after Nazi's grabbed them.) It's been replayed on "60 Minutes" several times since that original interview, the last repeat I saw was about 4 years(?) ago IIRC.

Soro's makes his billions by shorting markets, profiting when things are bad, uncertain, chaotic and investments decline in value. It doesn't appear he can or wants to make money with stocks rising markets. It's probably far to iffy for him to determine when stocks will go up. So he does the opposite, because he KNOWS how to create havoc.

He is a persona-non-grata in many nations around the Globe because he created situations that crashed their economies and profited greatly. Russia has banned him, his native country has banned him, I understand at one point InterPol was in possession of arrest warrants for him.

Recently(last 2 years?) he has had to split-up his wealth and distribute the funds to various groups he supports because of some Legal ruling. It was in the news.

Most recent news about him is the US Supreme Court decision on June 29th, which ruled against him. It was related to refusing to promote the US Gov policy that promotes strict laws against Child Sex Trafficking and International sex trafficking of people for the Sex Trade, his philosophy is that this should not be illegal. This is consistent with Soro's "Open Borders" philosophy. It's reputed that it is Soros that is financing the movement of Central American migrants to USA, again under the Open Borders desires. His MO, his entire life has been to create chaos and profit from it.


I give up.
You can see why he says Trump will be gone. Look at him funding BLM and Antifa, and wreaking havoc in our cities.

This at the link below is because of Soros, and the mess in Portland and elsewhere. But the sheep are so blind they can't see it.

Now the guns have come out. He wants to railroad Trump out of office on the pretext that he can't control this insurrection.

Soros is the devil. As the Doors said, "There's a killer on the road, his brain is squirming like a toad."




Talk is cheap
Trump will not be assassinated by the deep state. This is an announcement by an evil power-broker, just letting the masses know their intentions. No more "republican" president...the "impeachment" was planned. The election will be rigged, just as before. And I firmly believed that long before Trump "announced his candidacy."

Connecting dots...have been for about, ohhhhhhhh, 16 years, before that. Before 9/11.


Veteran Member
Trump can not be gone sooner then 2020, it is already here. I can not believe that Soros has lived this long. He should have been taken out by Briton long ago. If Trump is killed there will be a lot of dead lawmakers shortly afterwards. It will lead to a civil war. I do not think the population will waste there time taking out a communist neighbor or co worker. I think they will go after the judges, lawyers, and congress first. Let us pray it does not come to this. Or, maybe the population will do nothing but bitch and cry. Then they will be the ones taken out by the lawmakers. I suspect the later is what will happen.