PRYR RQST Son needs prayers badly right now


Veteran Member
May the LORD be merciful, full of grace and help in time of trouble for your son..........may your report be a good one!


Contributing Member
Praying that your son is safe and doing well and surrounded by God's love. In Jesus name I pray.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The Good Lord always takes care of us. Have faith, he will take care of your son according to His Plan.


Veteran Member
Thank you everyone for your prayers for my son.

Poor kid married a real beaut 3 years ago and she is going to take him to the cleaners quite badly, I am afraid. She has managed to pull all the tricks on hiding money and going for every dime she can take. 3 years is worth a third of his pension in WI, too, I guess (of course the best 3 of 8 he has had so far). Thank heavens no kids. I keep hoping it will turn out better than it looks by next Thursday. Wednesday was the 1st court hearing on the mess. I keep telling him it could be worse but right now he is looking at a mountain of bills and getting the short end of it all. At least he can set it up so she can't get the money for 30 years - when she turns 65 - and it will sit there not drawing interest or gaining any value from what it is at now. On top of everything else, he was in an accident and has a grade 5 ac tear that was scheduled to be repaired on Wed and she would not let the case be postponed. Lovely woman, let me tell you.

I am still praying for a miracle on Thursday that he doesn't end up as badly off as it looks like right now...


Advocate Discernment
praying the Lord intervene and for a good fair outcome for him. but it sounds like whatever the cost it is worth getting shed of her. always sad and painful tho.. sorry he is going thru this