WAR Something Wicked This Way Comes: Anarchy Is Being Loosed Upon The Nation

Lurker, there won't be fields of battle with uniformed soldiers under their respective command structures, facing each other. Thus, "when do we 'go'?" will vary by location and whatever the local government is trying to pull. WW2 and Korea were perfect examples of "classic war." But when Viet Nam came along, that paradigm was abandoned (at least by the north). We didn't know how to fight that kind of war. We still don't.

Agreed, I've assumed for a few years now it'll be guerilla style funnery. I've adjusted planning and thinking for that, knowing one must stay as flexible as they can. Most of us won't make it past the first or second engagement anyway.


This too shall pass.
I suspect it's going to look a lot like the Balkans, or like some areas of Africa, where 'soldiers' (belonging to whatever 'army' has power locally) go around to different villages and round up everyone they disagree with or don't like and shoot them all in the back of the head, raping the women and girls, and possibly taking slaves. In Africa right now the victims are likely to be Christians, and we will see that here, too. Going to see a real purging of people who are lukewarm believers. This may be good for the Church as a whole, as people have to examine themselves to see Who they really belong to -- God or Satan.


Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
I suspect what we are going to face is going to be more akin to "the Troubles" in Ireland, but on a much grander scale.
With a healthy dose of the Balkans thrown in, by the time 2024 rolls around I really can't envision a union of 50 states still existing.

Exactly right. Thus I, living in Texas, cannot take action when Baltimore or Minneapolis are in flames. Or when the governor of Ill-annoy mandates that people have to eat outside in the middle of winter. The issues in the US today are like a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle. Your pieces don't "fit" on the other side of the puzzle.
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Veteran Member
Exactly right. Thus I, living in Texas, cannot take action when Baltimore or Minneapolis are in flames. Or then the governor of Ill-annoy mandates that people have to eat outside in the middle of winter. The issues in the US today are like a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle. Your pieces don't "fit" on the other side of the puzzle.


Each one of us will have our own unique situation.
Some situations could be similar but as big as the US is, might as well consider each state its own country; especially texas, cali, and alaska.


Exactly right. Thus I, living in Texas, cannot take action when Baltimore or Minneapolis are in flames. Or then the governor of Ill-annoy mandates that people have to eat outside in the middle of winter. The issues in the US today are like a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle. Your pieces don't "fit" on the other side of the puzzle.
Consequently, we must do like the commies do and all work toward the same goal

Our goal is to get rid of the commies by any means necessary.

There will be blood.

take 1

Veteran Member
Some friends of mine produced this thoroughly researched documentary, which, IMO will likely transpire shortly after Trump has completed his time in office, re-elected or not.


"Belly of the Beast" - Director’s Cut, is a ground-breaking documentary film that presents the hidden history of the United States and its secret origins of the deep state that you’ve never seen or heard before, as well as decoding their present day conspiracies and the future prophecies to come.

Official Trailer

View Movie


Sword At-The-Ready
So what to do?????? Just sit by and suffer the REAPING?
Cry upon our pillows wailing and weeping that all is lost?

Invar where is your inner Conan the Barbarian who said..."
  • Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women.
  • .OR...lament that all is lost and cry like BITCHZ as the great slaughtering begins!

I will be perfectly honest among people I only know via digital avatars, in that running scenarios in my mind about FIGHTING BACK and DOING VIOLENCE in defense of myself and everything I hold dear, is an issue I struggle with daily.

The flesh always wants it's own way - ALWAYS. And, having learned much of what I understand via the flesh - I intrinsically loathe and hate with much virulence, a bully. I learned long ago - that the ONLY way to deal with a bully - is never to run and hide - but kick them in the teeth – to so thoroughly do violence on those who are stupid enough to start trouble with you. To be of the understanding, that even if bullies win the fight - they will never attempt to attack you again, because you made them bleed and it COST THEM to try and hurt you. The nature of a bully once appeased via inaction - triples their efforts to intimidate and harm and it makes it much harder to dissuade them from their behavior in the future.

That fleshy knowledge, conflicts with the command of Yeshua to 'love your enemies'. But then we must consider that if we follow Americanized Churchianity's doctrine of how it applies 'love', bullies and our enemies are appeased by placating them and allowing them to do as they desire without stopping them. And when we do so, how many more people will be harmed or destroyed by bullies?

Satan is the biggest bully in existence. All this evil we watch taking place are his pawns doing what pawns do. The real targets of the Chief Bully are those who hold to the Truth and are not going along to get along.

As such, I recognize and understand all those in the Body have different functions; some to nurture, some to preach and teach - and some to man the walls, keep watch and wield the Sword, even to the point of staining by blood. For if it truly was SIN to wage war and kill bullies who insisted on subjugating their victims, why exactly did YAH bless this nation's war of Independence over the lawful, legal Authority of the Crown?

There IS a time for peace - and there IS a time for war. And I am all for fighting a war against bullies. Once they make that last mistake against me or mine - I have zero fleshy reservations about putting them down like the rabid animals they are. Less bullies to harm others in so doing.

That said, I understand that sometimes the war that comes, is a war of Judgement - and there is no returning to what has been lost. The fight becomes the protection of what is personal, and not the saving of a nation that has been lost. I do believe we are lost. The amount of corruption in all our institutions is so thorough - that there is no saving them.

If this nation was serious about saving ourselves from Judgement - this people would be repenting of the wickedness and evil that are now heralded as moral goodness.. But not even churches will discuss repenting sin. So how can this nation think God is going to bless physical efforts to save it when the spiritual rot is ignored?

The question I continue to ponder when reading books like Lamentations and Jeremiah - is when YAHWEH is giving a nation over to Judgement, is it going against God when He has determined that the cup of iniquity is full and we wage war to save a nation He is giving over to the consequences they as a nation have justly earned? And yes, I do believe what we are witnessing is Judgement, consequences of evil, sin and stupidity that have been sown unhindered that we are now reaping.

I know what I am going to do when the bullies make their last mistake anywhere upon me or mine - but I am not going to go out looking to confront them on their ground or their turf at their time of choosing. Where are the Americans in those areas being destroyed to save themselves from these bullies? Cowering, indifferent or one with the mobs?

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
I intrinsically loathe and hate with much virulence, a bully. I learned long ago - that the ONLY way to deal with a bully - is never to run and hide - but kick them in the teeth – to so thoroughly do violence on those who are stupid enough to start trouble with you.
Here's the deal Invar - You have to 1) KNOW WHO THE REAL BULLY IS, and 2) Be able to physically get to that bully. If one or both of those are NO, there is nothing you can do.


TB Fanatic
The problem is IFF.
Identify Friend or Foe.
It is target acquisition. Who is "the enemy"? Who is "your friend"?

Best example of the difficulty in answering the question is "Wal-Mart".
Turn on your IFF and tell me, Wal-Mart: Friend or Foe?
They are your friend because they have "lower prices" and deliver the goods you need to survive.
They are your foe because they buy from China, they are a huge monopoly that puts small business out of business, they contribute large amounts to socialist organizations.

I stopped shopping at Wal-Mart for years. Did not do a bit of good. Conservatives do not see Wal-Mart as the threat.
The other side has no problem burning down a CVS, looting a Target, demanding 15% in extortion from Trader Joes.
Conservatives won't do shit. They will keep going to Target, keep going to WalMart and Sams and Costco.

LIberals will riot outside the homes of conservative politicians
Conservatives whine.

If you can't identify friend or foe AND you are not willing to place the appropriate target reticle even if you could
then , , , what?

Think about it. This is so bad that Socialist Democrat Organizations like Antifa and Black Lives Matter have no one left to protest against except Socialist Democrat Governors and Mayors . . . and then blame it on Conservatives!!!


TB Fanatic
I will be perfectly honest among people I only know via digital avatars, in that running scenarios in my mind about FIGHTING BACK and DOING VIOLENCE in defense of myself and everything I hold dear, is an issue I struggle with daily.

The flesh always wants it's own way - ALWAYS. And, having learned much of what I understand via the flesh - I intrinsically loathe and hate with much virulence, a bully. I learned long ago - that the ONLY way to deal with a bully - is never to run and hide - but kick them in the teeth – to so thoroughly do violence on those who are stupid enough to start trouble with you. To be of the understanding, that even if bullies win the fight - they will never attempt to attack you again, because you made them bleed and it COST THEM to try and hurt you. The nature of a bully once appeased via inaction - triples their efforts to intimidate and harm and it makes it much harder to dissuade them from their behavior in the future.

That fleshy knowledge, conflicts with the command of Yeshua to 'love your enemies'. But then we must consider that if we follow Americanized Churchianity's doctrine of how it applies 'love', bullies and our enemies are appeased by placating them and allowing them to do as they desire without stopping them. And when we do so, how many more people will be harmed or destroyed by bullies?

Satan is the biggest bully in existence. All this evil we watch taking place are his pawns doing what pawns do. The real targets of the Chief Bully are those who hold to the Truth and are not going along to get along.

As such, I recognize and understand all those in the Body have different functions; some to nurture, some to preach and teach - and some to man the walls, keep watch and wield the Sword, even to the point of staining by blood. For if it truly was SIN to wage war and kill bullies who insisted on subjugating their victims, why exactly did YAH bless this nation's war of Independence over the lawful, legal Authority of the Crown?

There IS a time for peace - and there IS a time for war. And I am all for fighting a war against bullies. Once they make that last mistake against me or mine - I have zero fleshy reservations about putting them down like the rabid animals they are. Less bullies to harm others in so doing.

That said, I understand that sometimes the war that comes, is a war of Judgement - and there is no returning to what has been lost. The fight becomes the protection of what is personal, and not the saving of a nation that has been lost. I do believe we are lost. The amount of corruption in all our institutions is so thorough - that there is no saving them.

If this nation was serious about saving ourselves from Judgement - this people would be repenting of the wickedness and evil that are now heralded as moral goodness.. But not even churches will discuss repenting sin. So how can this nation think God is going to bless physical efforts to save it when the spiritual rot is ignored?

The question I continue to ponder when reading books like Lamentations and Jeremiah - is when YAHWEH is giving a nation over to Judgement, is it going against God when He has determined that the cup of iniquity is full and we wage war to save a nation He is giving over to the consequences they as a nation have justly earned? And yes, I do believe what we are witnessing is Judgement, consequences of evil, sin and stupidity that have been sown unhindered that we are now reaping.

I know what I am going to do when the bullies make their last mistake anywhere upon me or mine - but I am not going to go out looking to confront them on their ground or their turf at their time of choosing. Where are the Americans in those areas being destroyed to save themselves from these bullies? Cowering, indifferent or one with the mobs?

Yes..yes and yes


Sword At-The-Ready
Here's the deal Invar - You have to 1) KNOW WHO THE REAL BULLY IS, and 2) Be able to physically get to that bully. If one or both of those are NO, there is nothing you can do.

We are watching the pawns of the Real Bully do their thing every night. The zeitgeist of the bully has manifested itself in thousands if not millions of indoctrinated morons from our schools and universities.

When the mob acts as it does - it is a bully - of intimidation, threat and harm.

But no one will act against the bully of the mob - because it has been shown that the mob of bullies are agents of the Democrat/Marxist state, and the American people have long ago ceded the responsibility for their self defense to the state.

And yes you are correct - I am nowhere near Philadelphia, Portland, Chicago or New York. I have no desire or responsibility to help save those people from the bully.

Let us see them attempt to save themselves first, then if fruits warrant help - that might be visited for review later on. But a people who refuse to save themselves when they have a modicum of capability, are not a people any of us should try to save.

Hell, they voted for what they are now suffering. They believed lies and now they have made evil their princes.

Capt. Eddie

Veteran Member
Here's the deal Invar - You have to 1) KNOW WHO THE REAL BULLY IS, and 2) Be able to physically get to that bully. If one or both of those are NO, there is nothing you can do.
Exactly this^^^^.
I too find it incredibly frustrating to be unable to act in some way to take control of this mess. The progressives in my AO are of the bleeding heart, pearl clutching variety rather than the fire bombing and looting variety and they are few and far between. I certainly could not justify initiating direct action against them. When there is no declared enemy in the area it's nearly impossible to be proactive. Preparing, watching, and waiting seem to be the rule of the day, rather than anything kinetic.


Sword At-The-Ready
INVAR - you are extremely well written and articulate. you - like Rag - are obviously someone with significant understanding of Christianity and biblically well read - though I wonder if you may be a bit forgetful of the OT principles of "root and branch, scorched earth and salted ground". much of your writing is defeatist. its discouraging. it suggests we do nothing but comply cooperate and continue to passively sit on our ass. COME OUT AND TAKE A SIDE.

I don't care if you think what I write is defeatist. I'm looking at reality through a prism of history, human nature and scripture. I have never advocated anyone to 'sit passively on their ass'. I simply am wont to opine that certain faiths in institutions and civil means are misplaced. You cannot defeat lawlessness via civil means. I have said this many times.

If you think the power of positive thinking and raw force of arms is going to fix and solve where we have arrived, you do not understand how we even got to this point to begin with.

That said - the truth of what would be required to 'fight back' and 'save' us from where this nation has arrived - would be to discard every Alphabet agency and government office in the land and criminalize more than half the population, forcing re-education of Socialist ideals and secular humanistic hedonism back towards a biblical and American cultural construct. Not going to happen.

What shall we fight for then? Amongst ourselves we cannot agree on the definition of liberty or morality - and the two of those things are intrinsically tied together - as you cannot have liberty without morality. But, no one wants to hear about that and due doctrinal arguments - scripture itself is not welcome in most discourse anymore.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
When the mob acts as it does - it is a bully - of intimidation, threat and harm.
When in "mob riot" mode, the organizers (the ones who hang back so you can't get to them) order women, often with children, to the front of the mob, shielding the firebomb-throwers. Thus, if you open-up on "the mob", you'll be killing women and children.

"Shine mister? Shine?" BOOM!


Membership Revoked
When in "mob riot" mode, the organizers (the ones who hang back so you can't get to them) order women, often with children, to the front of the mob, shielding the firebomb-throwers. Thus, if you open-up on "the mob", you'll be killing women and children.

"Shine mister? Shine?" BOOM!
If your firing point is elevated enough, you can shoot way back in the mob and leave the W & C alone. :dvl1:


Res ipsa loquitur
Exactly right. Thus I, living in Texas, cannot take action when Baltimore or Minneapolis are in flames. Or when the governor of Ill-annoy mandates that people have to eat outside in the middle of winter. The issues in the US today are like a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle. Your pieces don't "fit" on the other side of the puzzle.

INDEED and EXACTLY . . . BUT . . . YOU ("we" - speaking collectively here)
  • CAN accept the reality of what IS
  • CAN accept that conflict IS COMING (yes! even to you!) - here and yes - in YOUR lifetime
  • CAN pick a side and not be a fence sitter
  • CAN recognize you and yours WILL BE affected and involved - like it or not
  • CAN decide that you WILL ACT when it becomes appropriate to do so
  • CAN avoid hiding behind the word
that's all most on this side of the fence are actually stating. nor are they unreasonable or unwarranted observations. pick a side. decide WHAT you will do. WHERE your personal line in the sand is. suggest that be done sooner - as you'll be forced to do so later.

Consequently, we must do like the commies do and all work toward the same goal

Our goal is to get rid of the commies by any means necessary.

There will be blood.

P U R G E is the operative term . . .
root and branch
scorched earth
salted ground

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
INDEED and EXACTLY . . . BUT . . . YOU ("we" - speaking collectively here)
  • CAN accept the reality of what IS
  • CAN accept that conflict IS COMING (yes! even to you!) - here and yes - in YOUR lifetime
  • CAN pick a side and not be a fence sitter
  • CAN recognize you and yours WILL BE affected and involved - like it or not
  • CAN decide that you WILL ACT when it becomes appropriate to do so
  • CAN avoid hiding behind the word
All of which I do or have already done.


Sword At-The-Ready
When in "mob riot" mode, the organizers (the ones who hang back so you can't get to them) order women, often with children, to the front of the mob, shielding the firebomb-throwers. Thus, if you open-up on "the mob", you'll be killing women and children.

Thankfully I live in a location where I will likely never have to make a decision of whether or not to engage such a mob of bullies.

Where I am at would likely be visited by squads of goons in pickup trucks attempting hit and run raids.

Making a decision to open-up on such squads will be much easier, but also inherently more dangerous because they will likely not be coming with signs, shields and umbrellas, but with force of arms and incendiaries.


Veteran Member
Yes, no kinetics, but a lot of positioning should be happening.

Be in a relatively safe location.
No out-of-state forays.
Add to preps, especially food.
Harden house security.
Cache supplies.
Split more wood.
Top off everything.
Upgrade your EDC protocol.

No need to light the match. Just be ready.

I know we are a community that already does these things. A quiet positional game of chess.


Veteran Member
No one can. Not ever again.

As John Adams wrote prophetically "liberty once lost, is lost forever". You do not get it back, even as many attempts and causes are announced to do so. Something much worse always comes out of those efforts.

A nation whose people are no longer bound by a common foundational morality, language, principles and culture is a people who will ALWAYS end up in a furious bloodbath. There is no historical example exempting this fact of human nature.

The big lie of "Diversity is our strength" will have been our undoing, along with a refusal to INSIST upon an American culture being taught and accepted by all has doomed us to annihilation.

Not including the most important reason - as a people we have abandoned our God and our foundational principles for personal expedience and gratification.
Yes, you hit the major reasons 100%

But Adams said it the best


I've heard it said many times, that the fall of this Constitutional Republic can be tracked by the debauchery of the people. As more of them have turned their back on God, he has allowed them to wallow in their madness and clouded their eyes to truth. Looking back over my life it appears clear that with each move away from what we were, the country has also lost grace and more troubles have been placed upon it.

Only time will tell if this country’s cup of inequity is finally full and God will allow it to fail or if in his grace and mercy, he rises up those who are his and takes back what has been lost.

IMHO this election is a true watershed event who’s results will clearly show if the cup is full or if he is giving us another 4 years to repent and change our ways (or for his to prepare).


Res ipsa loquitur
I don't care if you think what I write is defeatist. I'm looking at reality through a prism of history, human nature and scripture. I have never advocated anyone to 'sit passively on their ass'. I simply am wont to opine that certain faiths in institutions and civil means are misplaced. You cannot defeat lawlessness via civil means. I have said this many times.

If you think the power of positive thinking and raw force of arms is going to fix and solve where we have arrived, you do not understand how we even got to this point to begin with.

That said - the truth of what would be required to 'fight back' and 'save' us from where this nation has arrived - would be to discard every Alphabet agency and government office in the land and criminalize more than half the population, forcing re-education of Socialist ideals and secular humanistic hedonism back towards a biblical and American cultural construct. Not going to happen.

What shall we fight for then? Amongst ourselves we cannot agree on the definition of liberty or morality - and the two of those things are intrinsically tied together - as you cannot have liberty without morality. But, no one wants to hear about that and due doctrinal arguments - scripture itself is not welcome in most discourse anymore.

as you speak you make and emphasize my points . . . but fail to recognize them. there are two choices and ONLY two - to ACT or NOT to act. even a dead fish is MOVING FORWARD as it drifts down stream

"What shall we fight for then?" - TRUTH

"Making a decision to open-up on such squads will be much easier, but also inherently more dangerous because they will likely not be coming with signs, shields and umbrellas, but with force of arms and incendiaries." -as has been said earlier DECIDE NOW and IN ADVANCE . . .

decide NOW how you are going to kill them. "thou shall not kill" should not be misconstrued as "thou shall not defend thy self"
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This too shall pass.
Thankfully I live in a location where I will likely never have to make a decision of whether or not to engage such a mob of bullies.

Where I am at would likely be visited by squads of goons in pickup trucks attempting hit and run raids.

Making a decision to open-up on such squads will be much easier, but also inherently more dangerous because they will likely not be coming with signs, shields and umbrellas, but with force of arms and incendiaries.

Same here, and it's going to be difficult for those of us who live alone (for all practical purposes -- my mentally handicapped daughter can't shoot) to defend against such squads of goons, no matter how well armed we are. But I don't know what it will take to drive us singles to group up with others for self-defense. Have the white farmers in South Africa joined into self-defense groups? And they've had 'troubles' going on there for a long time now. What about the African villages where Christians are being murdered a whole church at a time? I haven't heard anything about any of them fighting back -- don't know if they have any weapons to fight back with. I could go stay with one of my older daughters, but honestly, our location is probably much safer than either of theirs.



Res ipsa loquitur
All of which I do or have already done.

yes YOU have . . . but there are many here who have not. this is directed to THEM. throughout history there has never been a war won by those on different pages - a game won by those not playing for the same team. there are people here who fail to recognize that. some actually believe all will disappear and this RIFT in our country will be fine on 1.22.21

it is THOSE to which my own and the similar comments of others are directed


Res ipsa loquitur
Same here, and it's going to be difficult for those of us who live alone (for all practical purposes -- my mentally handicapped daughter can't shoot) to defend against such squads of goons, no matter how well armed we are. But I don't know what it will take to drive us singles to group up with others for self-defense. Have the white farmers in South Africa joined into self-defense groups? And they've had 'troubles' going on there for a long time now. What about the African villages where Christians are being murdered a whole church at a time? I haven't heard anything about any of them fighting back -- don't know if they have any weapons to fight back with. I could go stay with one of my older daughters, but honestly, our location is probably much safer than either of theirs.


Kath - can you possibly bring them to you?


On and On, South of Heaven
No one can. Not ever again.

As John Adams wrote prophetically "liberty once lost, is lost forever". You do not get it back, even as many attempts and causes are announced to do so. Something much worse always comes out of those efforts.

A nation whose people are no longer bound by a common foundational morality, language, principles and culture is a people who will ALWAYS end up in a furious bloodbath. There is no historical example exempting this fact of human nature.

The big lie of "Diversity is our strength" will have been our undoing, along with a refusal to INSIST upon an American culture being taught and accepted by all has doomed us to annihilation.

Not including the most important reason - as a people we have abandoned our God and our foundational principles for personal expedience and gratification.

Worth repeating.



On and On, South of Heaven
Isaiah 26

20 Come, my people, enter your rooms,
And shut your doors behind you;
Hide yourself, as it were, for a little while,
Until the indignation is past.
21 For behold, the LORD comes out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity;

Just as an aside.

I have no problem if folks quote a scripture on my threads...

Just don't get us moved off main, please and thank you.


On and On, South of Heaven
Rag - you've published several excellent pieces above - EACH - of which offer multiple clearly expressed reasons why the people should PURGE the commies in this country and yet I can clearly recall you being in "never in my lifetime not here" camp concerning CWII. at this point I find myself wondering if you might be off your meds.

I was in the camp saying there will be no internal war in America.

My views have changed...

Still on my meds.



On and On, South of Heaven
Most of this, and the thousand's of other threads across the net like it, is when do we finally say enough's enough?

I look to the example of the Jews during the Hitler ere. Some took to the woods and fought back. Most went willingly ( if not begrudgingly ) onto the trains. The evil was in the Nazi's organizational plans that made the Jews, themselves, in charge of deportations. It was not the Nazi's that rounded up the victims, they merely told the puppet government of the ghettos how many they expected at the loading station in the morning. The Nazi's turned the Jews on themselves.

So, in all honesty, I say we might never say, "Enough is enough".


Sword At-The-Ready
as you speak you make and emphasize my points . . . but fail to recognize them. there are two choices and ONLY two - to ACT or NOT to act. even a dead fish is MOVING FORWARD as it drifts down stream

How I choose to act and when - is my business. I'm even acting write now as I type. You are free to act however is you are led - to go engage the mobs on their turf if that is what you choose to do, march with signs and bullhorns or vote or buy more ammo.

I am however, unwilling to "ACT" as someone else defines and decides how it is I should 'act'.

"What shall we fight for then?" - TRUTH

Whose 'TRUTH'?? The "truth" that BLM chants every night? The "Truth" that the transgenders are whomever it is they pretend they are? "Truth" that is decided by institutions and voters? The 'Truth" of 'Murica'?? And what is that exactly? Seems that amongst even Conservatives they cannot agree on what the "Truth" is.

The "Truth" that I am currently fighting to promote - is the need for personal and national repentance. But a people shamed into silence on biblical matters because society does not like it, are not a people going to push for it. And forget the churches, they have abandoned that responsibility long ago in this country.

I am 'acting' to make those I write to aware of the danger that is going to come regarding their faith and holding onto it with the horrors we are going to be confronted with.

so decide NOW how you are going to kill them. "thou shall not kill" should not be misconstrued as "thou shall not defend thy self"

I am not sure where in what I wrote that you replied to - that you would construe anything I had written as an unwillingness to kill those intent on doing me and mine harm. I don't. I have seen what their ideological compatriots in the globe and in history have done to people they targeted.


Senior Member
Lurker, there won't be fields of battle with uniformed soldiers under their respective command structures, facing each other. Thus, "when do we 'go'?" will vary by location and whatever the local government is trying to pull. WW2 and Korea were perfect examples of "classic war." But when Viet Nam came along, that paradigm was abandoned (at least by the north). We didn't know how to fight that kind of war. We still don't.
I respectfully disagree. The Viet Cong learned guerilla war tactics from us: the successful tactics we used in the revolutionary war against what was then the most powerful army in the world, the British.

Guerilla tactics on familiar territory, fighting for homes and families, carries a relentless motivation that always prevails.


Res ipsa loquitur
How I choose to act and when - is my business. I'm even acting write now as I type. You are free to act however is you are led - to go engage the mobs on their turf if that is what you choose to do, march with signs and bullhorns or vote or buy more ammo.

I am however, unwilling to "ACT" as someone else defines and decides how it is I should 'act'.

I am not sure where in what I wrote that you replied to - that you would construe anything I had written as an unwillingness to kill those intent on doing me and mine harm. I don't. I have seen what their ideological compatriots in the globe and in history have done to people they targeted.

never have I stated that I would "go and engage the mobs on their turf" what HAS been stated is that when their turf is actually YOUR turf its best to have a plan and a decisive pre conceptualized plan at that. you are quite entitled to do as you will - even free to become emotionally responsive to logical querries - as you have just done. I do not disagree with your points. I simply ask that you considered the entity of your statements - which are quite contradictory and confusing.

by way of example . . . (yours) . . . "I'm looking at reality through a prism of history, human nature and scripture."

quite actually the "prism of history" reveals complete and utter destruction and eventual devastation of those forced to exist under the plague of communism . . . and "scripturally" the OT is replete with examples of GOD requiring complete and utter devastation of the enemy.

you may be among those Christians who feel the OT is no longer relevant - I am not. my view is "thou shalt not kill" (actually 'murder') doesn't translate into thou shall not take up arms against those who would remove (already have by you own examples above) our ability to live unshackled to a level of control/oppression that certainly will kill you and yours. a fact CLEARLY demonstrated all through the prisim of history you mentioned. most reasonable individuals will label action taken against that as defensive.

its not now and never has been my intent to be argumentative; rather to encourage decisiveness in all of us here. a look back through my entire history on this subject will bear that out. ALL of us experience doubt and frustration from time to time. even me. its not a problem for me when that surfaces. when it appears to linger and potentially infect the rest of the troops, it seeds doubt - something we in America have more than enough of as it is. and that doubt- seeded by our enemies - has been very effective.

BTW this is YOUR quote - the emphasis is mine

"Making a decision to open-up on such squads will be much easier, but also inherently more dangerous because they will likely not be coming with signs, shields and umbrellas, but with force of arms and incendiaries."

as has been said earlier DECIDE NOW and IN ADVANCE . . . ^that^ doesn't appear decisive - not a problem for me. it has zero effect on me and mine. just a point - not an argument - but please - feel free to continue to emote

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
I respectfully disagree. The Viet Cong learned guerilla war tactics from us: the successful tactics we used in the revolutionary war against what was then the most powerful army in the world, the British.

Guerilla tactics on familiar territory, fighting for homes and families, carries a relentless motivation that always prevails.
I stand by my statement. You cite “revolutionary times,” but I posit that that skill was lost once the US achieved the most powerful standing military on Earth. (Just like the British, who at that time in history had the most powerful standing military on Earth.) In Viet Nam, the US military clearly demonstrated that it couldn’t adjust to fighting a “fourth generation” conflict. The same lack of prowess was demonstrated in Iraq and Afghanistan.


TB Fanatic
I stand by my statement. You cite “revolutionary times,” but I posit that that skill was lost once the US achieved the most powerful standing military on Earth. (Just like the British, who at that time in history had the most powerful standing military on Earth.) In Viet Nam, the US military clearly demonstrated that it couldn’t adjust to fighting a “fourth generation” conflict. The same lack of prowess was demonstrated in Iraq and Afghanistan.

You mentioned 4th generation warfare
Here are a few facts about it.


4GW enemy has the following characteristics: lack of hierarchical authority, lack of formal structure, patience and flexibility, ability to keep a low profile when needed, and small size.[6] A 4GW adversary might use the tactics of an insurgent, terrorist, or guerrilla in order to wage war against a nation's infrastructure. Fourth generation warfare takes place on all fronts: economical, political, the media, military, and civilian. Conventional military forces often have to adapt tactics to fight a 4GW enemy.[7Fourth-generation warfare - Wikipedia

Resistance can also be below the physical level of violence. This is via non-violent means, such as Mahatma Gandhi's opposition to the British Empire or the marches led by Martin Luther King Jr. Both desired their factions to deescalate the conflict while the state escalates against them, the objective being to target the opponent on the moral and mental levels rather than the physical level. The state is then seen as a bully and loses support.

Another characteristic of fourth-generation warfare is that unlike in third generation warfare, the VNSA's forces are decentralized. [B,]With fourth generation warfare, there may even be no single organization and that smaller groups organize into impromptu alliances to target a bigger threat (that being the state armed forces or another faction). As a result, these alliances are weak and if the state's military leadership is smart enough they can split their enemy and cause them to fight amongst themselves.[/b]

Fourth-generation warfare goals:[8]

  • Survival.
  • To convince the enemy's political decision makers that their goals are either unachievable or too costly for the perceived benefit.[9]
Yet, another factor is that political centers of gravity have changed. These centers of gravity may revolve around nationalism, religion, or family or clan honor.

Disaggregated forces, such as guerrillas, terrorists, and rioters, which lack a center of gravity, deny to their enemies a focal point at which to deliver a conflict ending blow.[8] As a result, strategy becomes more problematic while combating a VNSA.

It has been theorized that a state vs. state conflict in fourth-generation warfare would involve the use of computer hackers and international law to obtain the weaker side's objectives, the logic being that the civilians of the stronger state would lose the will to fight as a result of seeing their state engage in alleged atrocities and having their own bank accounts harmed.[citation needed]

Three principal attributes of the new-age terrorism were held to be their hybrid structure (as opposed to the traditional microscopic command and control pattern[10]), importance given to systemic disruption vis-a-vis target destruction, and sophisticated use of technological advancements (including social media and mobile communications technology).[11] A terrorist network could be designed to be either acephalous (headless like Al-Qaeda after Bin Laden) or polycephalous (hydra-headed like Kashmiri separatists). Social media networks supporting the terrorists are characterized by positive feedback loops, tight coupling and non-linear response propagation (viz. a small perturbation causing a large disproportionate response).

Please do not derail thread
This info is just a backdrop to enhance the present discussion.
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